view level2/modules/kernel/krnp2.asm @ 3146:e84cb928b2ef

Use modified w1-w6 window definitions on CoCo3FPGA They are all 80x24 type 2 on this platform.
author Bill Pierce <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2017 18:33:07 +0100
parents 36061ff9e324
children 205b35ff081e
line wrap: on
line source

* krnp2 - NitrOS-9 Level 2 Kernel Part 2
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 1982 Microware Corporation
* Modified for 6309 Native mode by:
* Bill Nobel, L. Curtis Boyle & Wes Gale - Gale Force Enterprises
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* 17.2   08/02/92 - Active in 6309 Native mode, No apparent bugs (BN)
*                 - Optimized F$Fork (BN)
*                 - Optimized F$Chain (BN)
* 18.4   92/12/15 - Cut initial memory allocation routine - unnecessary
* 18.5   93/01/18 - Fixed bug in F$Sleep (LCB)
*                 - Optimized F$All64 to use tfm (BN)
* NitrOS9 V1.09 - Move & optimized F$CpyMem to OS9P1
* V1.10  93/05/23 - Slight opt to UnLink
* V1.11  93/07/26 - Slight opt in F$Icpt
*                 - Slight opt in F$Wait alarm clearing
*                 - Slight opt to speed up path table full errors
*                 - Changed LBEQ to BEQ in F$Unlink
* V1.16  93/09/03 - Moved F$SUser to OS9P1 (WG)
*        93/09/08 - Moved F$SUser back to OS9P2 for room in OS9P1 (LCB)
*        93/09/10 - F$Find64 (L0A50) - Took out BSR to L0A5C, merged routine
*                   in (only called from here), and took out PSHS/PULS D
*                   Also modified error structure a bit to shorten it
*        93/10/06 - Added conditional assembly to skip Network I/O ptrs since
*                   Coco network never released by Tandy/Microware (in F$Fork)
*                 - @ GotNProc (in F$Fork), saved 1 byte/cycle when inheriting
*                   User # & priority
*                 - Changed routine @ L01FB to use U instead of Y (slightly
*                   smaller & slightly faster), and also used CLRB with STB
*                   instead of CLR for clearing DAT block #'s (F$UnLink)
*        93/12/17 - Moved F$CRCMod code here to give some room in OS9P1
*        94/05/15 - Attempted opts in Unlink: Changed usage of W to D @ L0185
*                   and L0198 and L01B5, also optimized L017C to eliminate a
*                   branch (speeds up module dir search by 3 cycles/module
*                   checked)
*                 - Changed BRA L032F @ L02EC (AllProc error) to RTS
*                 - Changed BRA L0629 @ L05DF to RTS
*                 - Changed L066A & L067B from BRA L06F4 to PULS CC,A,Y,U,PC
*                   (F$Send errors)
*                 - Changed L0A2B from BRA L0A4F to RTS (F$UnLoad error)
*                 - Changed L0C53 & L0C81 BRA L0C93 to CLRB/RTS (F$GCMDir)
* -- Alan DeKok
*        94/10/28 - added boot debug calls
*                 - Changed code at ~L0D47 to allow F$Fork/F$Chain of Obj6309
*        94/10/30 - Added error checking on F$Fork of CC3Go
*                 - Minor mods to F$SSWI call
*                 - Minor mods to F$STime
*                 - Changed F$GModDr to BRA to similar code in F$GBlkMp
*  18r6  Back-ported to OS-9 Level Two from NitrOS-9 Level Two
*  18r7    2004/06/18  Boisy G. Pitre
* Kernel no longer attempts a reboot when failing to open term device, but
* crashes upon error.
*  19      2013/05/29  Boisy G. Pitre
* F$Debug now incorporated, allows for reboot.

         nam    krnp2
         ttl    NitrOS-9 Level 2 Kernel Part 2

** If Network I/O ptrs are disabled, F$Fork runs 72 cycles faster
Network  equ    0             Set to 1 to enable network I/O ptrs

         use    defsfile
         use    cocovtio.d

TC9      set    false       "true" use TC-9 6309 trap vector
Edition  equ    19
Revision equ    0

         mod    eom,MName,Systm,ReEnt+Revision,krnp2,$0100

MName    fcs    /KrnP2/
         fcb    Edition

         IFEQ   TC9-1
* Entry: None
* Exit : Process killed & register dump produced for user
Trap     bitmd  #%01000000  illegal instruction?
         bne    BadIns      yes, go process
         bitmd  #%10000000  division by 0?
         bne    Div0        yes, go process
         jmp    [<D.XSWI]   act as if nothing happened

* Process illegal instruction trap
BadIns   bsr    SetProc     move the register stack here

         ldb    #18         get error code for F$Exit
         bra    TrapDone
* Process division by 0 trap
Div0     bsr    SetProc     move the register stack

         ldb    #45         get error code for F$Exit

* Return to system after the trap
* Entry: B=Error code
*        U=Pointer to register stack
TrapDone stb    R$B,u       save the error code to register stack for F$Exit
         lbra   FExit       enter F$Exit directly

* Set process to system state & copy register stack for trap processing
SetProc  ldd    <D.SysSvc   set system call processor to system side
         std    <D.XSWI2
         ldd    <D.SysIRQ   do the same thing for IRQ's
         std    <D.XIRQ
         ldx    <D.Proc     get current process pointer
         IFNE   H6309
         oim    #SysState,P$State,x   mark process as system state
         ldb    P$State,x
         orb    #SysState
         stb    P$State,x
* copy register stack to process descriptor
         sts    P$SP,x      save stack pointer
         leas   (P$Stack-R$Size),x point S to register stack destination
         andcc  #^IntMasks  force interrupts back on
         leau   ,s          point to destination register stack
         ldb    P$Task,x    get task # of destination
         ldx    P$SP,x      get the user/system stack pointer
         pshs   b           preserve task for a moment
         tfr    x,d         copy it for easier calcs
         bita   #%11100000  offset above block 0?
         beq    done        yes, no calc needed get out
         anda   #%00011111  make it a offset within a block
         tfr    d,x         copy new offset
         lsra               make A an offset into DAT image
done     puls   b           restore task #
         leax   -$6000,x    make it a pointer to where I'll map the block
         tfr    u,y
         pshs   cc,u        preserve IRQ status & dest pointer
         ldu    <D.TskIPt
         lslb               adjust task # to fit table
         ldu    b,u         get the DAT image pointer
         leau   a,u         point to the blocks needed
         lda    1,u         get 1st block
         ldb    3,u         get a second in case of overlap
         orcc   #IntMasks   shut IRQ's down
         std    >DAT.Regs+5 map in the blocks
         IFNE   H6309
         ldw    #R$Size     get size of register stack
         tfm    x+,y+       move 'em to process descriptor
         ldb    #R$Size
Uday     lda    ,x+
         sta    ,y+
         bne    Uday
         ldx    <D.SysDAT   get the system DAT image pointer
         lda    $0B,x       get the original blocks
         ldb    $0D,x
         std    >DAT.Regs+5 map 'em back in
         puls   cc,u,pc     restore IRQ's, register stack pointer & return

krnp2    lda   #'2          into krnp2
         jsr   <D.BtBug

         leay   SvcTab,pc   install system calls
         os9    F$SSvc
     IFEQ  TC9-1
         leax   Trap,pc
         stx    <D.SWI
* Change to default directory
L003A    ldu    <D.Init     get init module pointer
         ldd    SysStr,u    get pointer to system device name (usually '/dd')
         beq    L004F       don't exist, open std device
         leax   d,u         point to name

         lda   #'x          tried chd'ing
         jsr   <D.BtBug

         lda    #(EXEC.+READ.) get file mode
         os9    I$ChgDir    change to it
         bcc    L004F       went ok, go on
         os9    F$Boot      try & load boot file
         bcc    L003A       go try again
L004F    ldu    <D.Init     get pointer to init
         ldd    <StdStr,u   point to default device (usually '/term')
         beq    L0077       don't exist go do OS9P3
         leax   d,u         point to it

         lda   #'o        tried opening output window
         jsr   <D.BtBug

         lda    #UPDAT.     get file mode
         os9    I$Open      open path to it
         bcc    L0066       went ok, save path #
*         os9    F$Boot      try & re-boot
*         bcc    L004F       go try again
         bra    L009B       crash machine
L0066    ldx    <D.Proc     get current process pointer
         sta    <P$Path,x   save stdin path
         os9    I$Dup       dupe it
         sta    <P$Path+1,x save stdout path
         os9    I$Dup       dupe it again
         sta    <P$Path+2,x save stderr path
L0077    leax   <L0096,pc   point to 'OS9P3'
         lda    #Systm      get type
         os9    F$Link      try & link
         bcs    L0083       not there, go on
         jsr    ,y          execute it
* Execute module listed in Init module
L0083    ldu    <D.Init     get init module pointer
         ldd    InitStr,u   get offset to name of first module
         leax   d,u         point to it

         lda   #'C          tried to to CC3Go
         jsr   <D.BtBug

         lda    #Objct      get module type
         clrb               get mem size
         IFNE   H6309
         tfr    0,y         Get parameter size
         ldy    #$0000
         os9    F$Fork      fork it
         bcs    L009B       if error, crash the system
L0093    os9    F$NProc     let it take over

L0096    fcs    /krnp3/

L009B    jmp    <D.Crash

svctab   fcb    F$UnLink
         fdb    FUnLink-*-2
         fcb    F$AllRAM
         fdb    FAllRAM-*-2
         fcb    F$AlHRAM+SysState
         fdb    FAlHRAM-*-2
         fcb    F$Fork
         fdb    FFork-*-2
         fcb    F$Wait
         fdb    FWait-*-2
         fcb    F$Chain
         fdb    FChain-*-2
         fcb    F$Exit
         fdb    FExit-*-2
         fcb    F$Mem
         fdb    FMem-*-2
         fcb    F$Send
         fdb    FSend-*-2
         fcb    F$Icpt
         fdb    FIcpt-*-2
         fcb    F$Sleep
         fdb    FSleep-*-2
         fcb    F$SPrior
         fdb    FSPrior-*-2
         fcb    F$ID
         fdb    FID-*-2
         fcb    F$SSWI
         fdb    FSSWI-*-2
         fcb    F$STime
         fdb    FSTime-*-2
         fcb    F$SchBit
         fdb    FSchBit-*-2
         fcb    F$SchBit+SysState
         fdb    FSSchBit-*-2
         fcb    F$AllBit
         fdb    FAllBit-*-2
         fcb    F$AllBit+SysState
         fdb    FSAllBit-*-2
         fcb    F$DelBit
         fdb    FDelBit-*-2
         fcb    F$DelBit+SysState
         fdb    FSDelBit-*-2
         fcb    F$GPrDsc
         fdb    FGPrDsc-*-2
         fcb    F$GBlkMp
         fdb    FGBlkMp-*-2
         fcb    F$GModDr
         fdb    FGModDr-*-2
         IFEQ   H6309
         fcb    F$CpyMem
         fdb    FCpyMem-*-2
         fcb    F$DelRAM
         fdb    FDelRAM-*-2
         fcb    F$SUser      Added back here for room in OS9p1
         fdb    FSUser-*-2
         fcb    F$UnLoad
         fdb    FUnLoad-*-2
         fcb    F$Find64+$80
         fdb    FFind64-*-2
         fcb    F$All64+$80
         fdb    FAll64-*-2
         fcb    F$Ret64+$80
         fdb    FRet64-*-2
         fcb    F$GProcP+$80
         fdb    FGProcP-*-2
         fcb    F$DelImg+$80
         fdb    FDelImg-*-2
         fcb    F$AllPrc+$80
         fdb    FAllPrc-*-2
         fcb    F$DelPrc+$80
         fdb    FDelPrc-*-2
         fcb    F$MapBlk
         fdb    FMapBlk-*-2
         fcb    F$ClrBlk
         fdb    FClrBlk-*-2
         fcb    F$GCMDir+$80
         fdb    FGCMDir-*-2
         fcb    F$Debug
         fdb    FDebug-*-2
         fcb    F$CRCMod    new system call to change module CRC calcs on/off
         fdb    FCRCMod-*-2
         fcb    $7f
         fdb    GetIOMan-*-2
         fcb    $80

         use    fcrcmod.asm

* Link & execute IOMan
* Entry: None
* Exit : I/O handling installed & ready for use
GetIOMan pshs   d,x,y,u     preserve regs
         bsr    LnkIOMan    link to ioman
         bcc    GotIOMan    no errors, go on
         os9    F$Boot      re-load boot file
         bcs    IOManErr    error loading, return
         bsr    LnkIOMan    link to ioman
         bcs    IOManErr    error, save it & return
GotIOMan jsr    ,y          execute IOMan's init routine
         puls   d,x,y,u     restore registers
         jmp    [IOEntry,y] Execute I/O vector

IOManErr stb    1,s         save error if any
         puls   d,x,y,u,pc  restore & return

* Link to IOMan
* Entry: None
* Exit : U=Pointer to IOMan module header
*        Y=Pointer to IOMan entry point
LnkIOMan leax   <IOMan,pc   point to name
         lda    #(Systm+Objct) get type
         os9    F$Link      link it
         rts                return

IOMan    fcs    /IOMan/

         use    funlink.asm

         use    ffork.asm

         use    fallprc.asm

         use    fchain.asm

         use    fexit.asm

         use    fmem.asm

         use    fsend.asm

         use    ficpt.asm

         use    fsleep.asm

         use    fallram.asm

         use    fsprior.asm

         use    fid.asm

         IFEQ   H6309
         use    fcpymem.asm

         use    fdelram.asm

         use    fsswi.asm

         use    fstime.asm

         use    fallbit.asm

         use    fgprdsc.asm

         use    fgblkmp.asm

         use    fgmoddr.asm

         use    fsuser.asm

         use    funload.asm

         use    ffind64.asm

         use    fgprocp.asm

         use    fdelimg.asm

         use    fmapblk.asm

         use    fclrblk.asm

         use    fgcmdir.asm

         use    fdebug.asm

eom      equ   *