view level2/cmds/mfree.asm @ 3278:ea1afb494127

defs: Add Bt.Sec for atari and corsham
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:52:40 +0100
parents 2ecebda8716b
line wrap: on
line source

* Mfree - Show free memory
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   2      ????/??/??
* Original Tandy/Microware version.
*   3      2017/05/30  Neal Crook
* Original version misbehaved if final block in the map was free.
* That situation never occurs on coco, but it does occur on the mc09
* target. Inferred behaviour and added comments as a side-effect of
* debugging effort.

         nam   Mfree
         ttl   Show free memory

* Disassembled 98/09/11 12:07:32 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   3

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

freeblks rmb   2
mapsiz   rmb   2
* pages per block (ie, MS byte of block size)
ppblk    rmb   1
* 0: print number with leading spaces. 1: print number with leading 0.
leadzero rmb   1
* u0006,7,8 store a 24-bit block begin/end address.
u0006    rmb   1
u0007    rmb   1
u0008    rmb   1
bufstrt  rmb   2
bufcur   rmb   2
linebuf  rmb   80
mapbuf   rmb   1274
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /Mfree/
         fcb   edition

Hdr      fcs   " Blk Begin   End   Blks  Size"
         fcs   " --- ------ ------ ---- ------"
Ftr      fcs   "                   ==== ======"
         fcs   "            Total: "

start    leax  linebuf,u                get line buffer address
         stx   <bufstrt                 and store it away
         stx   <bufcur                  current output position output buffer

         lbsr  wrbuf                    print CR
         leay  <Hdr,pcr
         lbsr  tobuf                    1st line of header to output buffer
         lbsr  wrbuf                    ..print it
         lbsr  tobuf                    2nd line of header to output buffer
         lbsr  wrbuf                    ..print it

         clr   <freeblks                total number of free blocks
         clr   <freeblks+1
         leax  <mapbuf,u
* In:  X = 1024-byte buffer
* Out: D = number of bytes per block
*      Y = system memory block map size
         os9   F$GBlkMp
         sty   <mapsiz                  save map size
         sta   <ppblk                   save MS byte of bytes per block
         ldy   #$0000                   count of how many blocks we have inspected

* Main loop
* look for a free block (an entry of 0 in the block map)
loop     ldu   #$0000                   number of free blocks in this sequence
L00AD    tst   ,x+                      is this block 0?
         beq   L00BA                    yes - found a free block
         leay  $01,y                    total number of blocks we have inspected
         cmpy  <mapsiz                  at the end of the map?
         bne   L00AD                    no, so carry on looking
         bra   alldone                  yes, and the last block was not free, so we're done.

* Block number in Y is the first free block of a sequence (tho maybe a sequence of 1)
L00BA    tfr   y,d
         bsr   buf4hex                  append start block, in hex, to output buffer
         lda   <ppblk
         pshs  y,a
L00C4    addd  $01,s                    multiply start block by block size to get
         dec   ,s                       begin address
         bne   L00C4
         leas  $03,s
         std   <u0006                   2 MS bytes of block begin address
         clr   <u0008                   1 LS byte  of block begin address is 0
         bsr   buf6hex                  append block begin address in hex, to output buffer

* Look for the last free block in this sequence
L00D2    leau  $01,u
         leay  $01,y
         cmpy  <mapsiz
         beq   last

         tst   ,x+
         beq   L00D2                    haven't found it yet..
last     lda   <ppblk
         pshs  y,a
L00E5    addd  $01,s                    multiply end block by block size to get
         dec   ,s                       end address
         bne   L00E5
         leas  $03,s
         subd  #$0001
         std   <u0006                   2 MS bytes of block end address
         lda   #$FF
         sta   <u0008                   1 LS byte  of block end address is $FF
         bsr   buf6hex                  append block end address in hex, to output buffer
         leax  -$01,x
         tfr   u,d                      number of blocks in this sequence u->d
         bsr   buf4hex                  append number of blocks, in hex, to output buffer
         lbsr  L0199                    append size, in decimal, to output buffer

         addd  <freeblks
         std   <freeblks                total number of blocks
         bsr   wrbuf                    print this entry
         cmpy  <mapsiz
         bne   loop                     loop for next entry

* All of the entries have been printed. Print the trailer and totals.
alldone  leay  >Ftr,pcr
         bsr   tobuf                    1st line of footer to output buffer
         bsr   wrbuf                    ..print it
         bsr   tobuf                    2nd line of footer to output buffer
         ldd   <freeblks                get total number of blocks
         bsr   buf4hex                  append total number of blocks, in hex, to output buffer
         bsr   L0199                    append total size, in decimal, to output buffer
         bsr   wrbuf                    ..print it
* Successful exit
         os9   F$Exit

* convert value in D to ASCII hex (4 chars). Append to output buffer, then append "SPACE" to output buffer
buf4hex  pshs  b,a
         clr   <leadzero
         bsr   L0145
         tfr   b,a
         bsr   L0145
         lda   #C$SPAC                  append a space
         bsr   bufchr
         puls  pc,b,a

* convert value in u0006,7,8 to ASCII hex (6 chars). Append to output buffer, then append "SPACE" to output buffer
buf6hex  clr   <leadzero
         lda   <u0006
         bsr   L0145
         lda   <u0007
         bsr   L0145
         lda   <u0008
         bsr   L0145
         lda   #C$SPAC                  append a space
         bra   bufchr

* convert value in A to ASCII hex (2 chars). Append to output buffer.
L0145    pshs  a
         bsr   L014F
         puls  a
L014F    anda  #$0F
         beq   L0156
         sta   <leadzero
L0156    tst   <leadzero
         bne   L015C
         lda   #$F0

* Convert digit to ASCII with leading spaces, add to output buffer
* A is a 0-9 or A-F or $F0.
* Add $30 converts 0-9 to ASCII "0" - "9"), $F0 to ASCII "SPACE"
* leaves A-F >$3A so a further 7 is added so $3A->$41 etc. (ASCII "A" - "F")
L015C    adda  #$30
         cmpa  #$3A
         bcs   bufchr
         adda  #$07

* Store A at next position in output buffer.
bufchr   pshs  x
         ldx   <bufcur
         sta   ,x+
         stx   <bufcur
         puls  pc,x

* Append CR to the output buffer then print the output buffer
wrbuf    pshs  y,x,a
         lda   #C$CR
         bsr   bufchr
         ldx   <bufstrt                address of data to write
         stx   <bufcur                 reset output buffer pointer, ready for next line.
         ldy   #80                     maximum # of bytes - otherwise, stop at CR
         lda   #$01                    to STDOUT
         os9   I$WritLn
         puls  pc,y,x,a

* Append string at Y to output buffer. String is terminated by MSB=1
tobuf    lda   ,y
         anda  #$7F
         bsr   bufchr
         tst   ,y+
         bpl   tobuf

DecTbl   fdb   10000,1000,100,10,1
         fcb   $FF

* value in ?? is a number of blocks. Convert to bytes by multiplying by the page size.
* Convert to ASCII decimal, append to output buffer, append "k" to output buffer
L0199    pshs  y,x,b,a
         lda   <ppblk
         pshs  a
         lda   $01,s
         lsr   ,s
         lsr   ,s
         bra   L01A9

L01A7    lslb
L01A9    lsr   ,s
         bne   L01A7
         leas  1,s
         leax  <DecTbl,pcr
         ldy   #$2F20
L01B6    leay  >256,y
         subd  ,x
         bcc   L01B6
         addd  ,x++
         pshs  b,a
         tfr   y,d
         tst   ,x
         bmi   L01DE
         ldy   #$2F30
         cmpd  #'0*256+C$SPAC
         bne   L01D8
         ldy   #$2F20
         lda   #C$SPAC
L01D8    bsr   bufchr
         puls  b,a
         bra   L01B6

L01DE    bsr   bufchr
         lda   #'k
         bsr   bufchr
         leas  $02,s
         puls  pc,y,x,b,a

eom      equ   *