view level2/modules/kernel/fallprc.asm @ 3278:ea1afb494127

defs: Add Bt.Sec for atari and corsham
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:52:40 +0100
parents 039ddb7c8ad7
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$AllPrc
* Function: Allocate process descriptor
* Input:  None
* Output: U = Process descriptor pointer
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FAllPrc  pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
         bsr   AllPrc       try & allocate descriptor
         bcs   L02E8        can't do, return
         ldx   ,s           get register stack pointer
         stu   R$U,x        save pointer to new descriptor
L02E8    puls  u,pc         restore & return
* Allocate a process desciptor
* Entry: None
AllPrc   ldx    <D.PrcDBT   get pointer to process descriptor block table
L02EC    lda    ,x+         get a process block #
         bne    L02EC       used, keep looking
         leax   -1,x        point to it again
         tfr    x,d         move it to D
         subd   <D.PrcDBT   subtract pointer to table (gives actual prc. ID)
         tsta               id valid?
         beq    L02FE       yes, go on
         comb               set carry
         ldb    #E$PrcFul   get error code
         rts                Return with error

L02FE    pshs   b           save process #
         ldd    #P$Size     get size of descriptor
         os9    F$SRqMem    request the memory for it
         puls   a           restore process #
         bcs    L032F       exit if error from mem call
         sta    P$ID,u      save ID to descriptor
         tfr    u,d
         sta    ,x          save ID to process descriptor table

* Clear out process descriptor through till stack
         IFNE   H6309
         leay   <Null3,pc  Point to 0 byte
         leax   1,u
         ldw    #$0100
Null3    equ   *-1
         tfm    y,x+
         leax   P$PID,u
         ldy    #$80
LChinese std    ,x++
         leay   -1,y
         bne   LChinese

* OS-9 L2 Upgrade Enhancement: Stamp current date/time for start of process
*         ldy    <D.Proc                get current process descriptor
*         ldx    <D.SysProc     get system process descriptor
*         stx    <D.Proc                make system process current
*         leax   P$DatBeg,u     new proc desc creation date/time stamp
*         os9    F$Time         ignore any error...
*         sty    <D.Proc                restore current proc desc address

         lda    #SysState   set process to system state
         sta    P$State,u
* Empty out DAT image
         ldb    #DAT.BlCt   # of double byte writes
         ldx    #DAT.Free   Empty block marker
         leay   P$DATImg,u
L0329    stx    ,y++
         decb               done?
         bne    L0329       no, keep going
         clrb               clear carry
L032F    rts                return

* System Call: F$DelPrc
* Function: Deallocate Process Descriptor
* Input:  A = Process ID
* Output: None
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FDelPrc  lda    R$A,u       get process #
         bra    L0386       delete it

* System Call: F$Wait
* Function: Wait for child process to die
* Notes:
* Checks all children to see if any died (done through linked
* child process list through P$CID for 1st one & P$SID for rest)
* Will stick process into Wait Queue until either Waiting process
* receives signal or until child dies. Child dying does NOT send
* signal to parent.
* Input:  None
* Output: A = Deceased child process' process ID
*         B = Child process' exit status code
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FWait    ldx    <D.Proc     get current process
         lda    P$CID,x     any children?
         beq    L0368       no, exit with error
L033A    lbsr   L0B2E       get pointer to child process dsc. into Y
         IFNE   H6309
         tim    #Dead,P$State,y  Is child dead?
         lda    P$State,y
         bita   #Dead
         bne    L036C       Yes, send message to parent
         lda    P$SID,y     No, check for another child (thru sibling list)
         bne    L033A       Yes there is another child, go see if it is dead
         sta    R$A,u       No child has died, clear out process # & status
         sta    R$B,u         code in caller's A&B regs
         pshs   cc          Preserve CC
         orcc   #IntMasks   Shut off interrupts
         lda    <P$Signal,x Any signals pending?
         beq    L035D       No, skip ahead
* No Child died, but received signal
         deca               Yes, is it a wakeup signal?
         bne    L035A       no, wake it up with proper signal
         sta    <P$Signal,x Clear out signal code
L035A    lbra   L071B       go wake it up (no signal will be sent)

* No dead child & no signal...execute next F$Waiting process in line
L035D    ldd    <D.WProcQ   get ptr to head of waiting process line
         std    P$Queue,x   save as next process in line from current one
         stx    <D.WProcQ   save curr. process as new head of waiting process line
         puls   cc          restore interupts
         lbra   L0780       go activate next process in line

L0368    comb               Exit with No Children error
         ldb    #E$NoChld

* Child has died
* Entry: Y=Ptr to child process that died
*        U=Ptr to caller's register stack
L036C    lda   P$ID,y       Get process ID of dead child
         ldb   <P$Signal,y  Get signal code that child received (if any)
         std   R$D,u        Save in caller's D
         leau  ,y           Point U to child process dsc.
         leay  P$CID-P$SID,x    Bump Y up by 1 for 1st loop so P$SID below actually
*                             references P$CID
         bra   L037C        skip ahead

* Update linked list of sibling processes to exclude dead child
L0379    lbsr  L0B2E        get pointer to process
L037C    lda   P$SID,y      Get Sibling ID (or Child ID on 1st run)
         cmpa  P$ID,u       Same as Dying process ID?
         bne   L0379        No, go get ptr to Sibling process & do again
         ldb   P$SID,u      Yes, wrapped to our own, get Sibling ID from child
         stb   P$SID,y      Save as sibling process id # in other sibling

L0386    pshs  d,x,u        preserve regs
         cmpa  WGlobal+G.AlPID     Does dying process have an alarm set up?
         bne   L0393        no, go on
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd               Faster than 2 memory clears
         std   WGlobal+G.AlPID    clear alarm ID & signal

L0393    ldb   ,s           get dying process # back
         ldx   <D.PrcDBT    get ptr to process descriptor block table
         abx                offset into table
         lda   ,x           Get MSB of process dsc. ptr
         beq   L03AC        If gone already, exit
         stb   ,x           Clear out entry in block table
         tfr   d,x          Move process dsc. ptr to X
         os9   F$DelTsk     Remove task # for this process
         leau  ,x           Point U to start of Dead process dsc.
         ldd   #P$Size      Size of a process dsc.
         os9   F$SRtMem     Deallocate process dsc. from system memory pool
L03AC    puls  d,x,u,pc     Restore regs & return