view level2/modules/kernel/fgcmdir.asm @ 3278:ea1afb494127

defs: Add Bt.Sec for atari and corsham
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:52:40 +0100
parents 039ddb7c8ad7
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$GCMDir
* Notes:
* This system call is only used by OS9p1 to get rid of all
* the empty spaces in the module directory to keep it small
* and compact.
* Input:  X = Address of allocation bitmap
*         D = Number of first bit to set
*         Y = Bit count (number of bits to set)
* Output: None
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FGCMDir  ldx   <D.ModDir    get pointer to module directory start
         bra   L0C1D        skip ahead
L0C17    ldu   MD$MPDAT,x   DAT initialized?
         beq   L0C23        no it's empty skip ahead
         leax  MD$ESize,x   move to next entry
L0C1D    cmpx  <D.ModEnd    end of module directory?
         bne   L0C17        no, keep looking
         bra   L0C4B
* Move all entrys up 1 slot in directory
L0C23    tfr   x,y          move empty entry pointer to Y
         bra   L0C2B
L0C27    ldu   MD$MPDAT,y
         bne   L0C34
L0C2B    leay  MD$ESize,y
         cmpy  <D.ModEnd    done complete directory?
         bne   L0C27        no, keep going
         bra   L0C49
* Move entry up 1 slot in directory
L0C34    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #MD$ESize
         tfm   y+,x+
         ldu   ,y++
         stu   ,x++
         ldu   ,y++
         stu   ,x++
         ldu   ,y++
         stu   ,x++
         ldu   ,y++
         stu   ,x++
L0C44    cmpy  <D.ModEnd    done complete directory?
         bne   L0C27        no, keep going

L0C49    stx   <D.ModEnd    save new module directory end pointer
* Shrink DAT table
L0C4B    ldx   <D.ModDir+2  get module directory DAT end pointer
         bra   L0C53

L0C4F    ldu   ,x
         beq   L0C5B
L0C53    leax  -2,x         Bump module ptr down by 2
         cmpx  <D.ModDAT    Hit beginning yet?
         bne   L0C4F        No, keep checking
         clrb               Yes, return without error

L0C5B    ldu   -2,x
         bne   L0C53
         tfr   x,y
         bra   L0C67

L0C63    ldu   ,y
         bne   L0C70
L0C67    leay  -2,y
L0C69    cmpy  <D.ModDAT
         bcc   L0C63
         bra   L0C81
L0C70    leay  2,y
         ldu   ,y
         stu   ,x
L0C76    ldu   ,--y
         stu   ,--x
         beq   L0C87
         cmpy  <D.ModDAT
         bne   L0C76

L0C81    stx   <D.ModDAT
         bsr   L0C95
         clrb               Yes, return without error

L0C87    leay  2,y
         leax  2,x
         bsr   L0C95
         leay  -4,y
         leax  -2,x
         bra   L0C69

* Update Module Dir Image Ptrs
L0C95    pshs  u
         ldu   <D.ModDir
         bra   L0CA4
L0C9B    cmpy  MD$MPDAT,u   same DAT ptrs?
         bne   L0CA2        no, skip
         stx   MD$MPDAT,u   else update ptrs
L0CA2    leau  MD$ESize,u   next entry
L0CA4    cmpu  <D.ModEnd    last entry?
         bne   L0C9B        no
         puls  u,pc         else yes... return