view lib/alib/ @ 3278:ea1afb494127

defs: Add Bt.Sec for atari and corsham
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:52:40 +0100
parents 03f26e88b809
line wrap: on
line source


* Get the "last modified" date of an open file

* NOTE: Even though OS9 does not save seconds in its
*       files this routine stores a zero in this position.
*       This is done to make the routine compatible with
*       DATESTR.


* ENTRY: X=buffer for 6 byte date
*        A=path of open file

* EXIT: CC carry set if error
*       B  error code (if any) from SS.FD

 nam Get Last Modified Date
 ttl Assembler Library Module

 section .text

BUFSIZ equ 8

 pshs x,y
 leas -BUFSIZ,s where to put FD sector info
 tfr s,x pointer for FD sector info
 ldy #BUFSIZ bytes to read from FD sector
 ldb #$0F SS.FD
 os9 I$GetStt
 bcs exit
 ldy BUFSIZ,s get back orig X
 ldx 3,s get 2 bytes
 stx ,y++ move year,month
 ldx 5,s
 stx ,y++ move date,hour
 lda 7,s
 sta ,y+ move minutes
 clr ,y null for seconds

 leas BUFSIZ,s
 puls x,y,pc
