view level2/cmds/mdir.asm @ 2026:eb19d87abbd8

Readme file for Dragon distribution of Nitros, detailing what disk sets are included.
author afra
date Fri, 31 Mar 2006 12:38:18 +0000
parents f8a9b569045a
line wrap: on
line source

* MDir - Show module information
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*  7       ????/??/??
* Original Tandy/Microware version.
*  8       2003/01/14  Boisy Pitre
* Changed option to -e, optimized slightly. Could use greater optimization.
*  9       2003/08/24  Rodney Hamilton
* Corrected leading zero supression, more optimizations.
*  9r1     2005/04/19  Boisy G. Pitre
* Made column computation and use more efficient.

         nam   MDir
         ttl   Show module information

* Disassembled 98/09/11 11:57:27 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  set   9

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

ParamPtr rmb   2
zflag    rmb   1	supress leading zeros flag
bufptr   rmb   2	current position in the line buffer
datebuf  rmb   3
timebuf  rmb   3
narrow   rmb   1
u000C    rmb   1	name field width
u000D    rmb   1	last starting column
linebuf  rmb   80
u005E    rmb   2	ptr to module dir end
u0060    rmb   2	ptr to module dir start
u0062    rmb   4096
u1062    rmb   64	module name buffer
u10A2    rmb   13	module stats ??
         rmb   256	stack area
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /MDir/
         fcb   edition

header   fcs   "   Module Directory at "
header2  fcs   "Block Offset Size Typ Rev Attr  Use Module Name"
header3  fcs   "----- ------ ---- --- --- ---- ---- ------------"
sheader1 fcs   "Blk Ofst Size Ty Rv At Uc  Name"
sheader2 fcs   "___ ____ ____ __ __ __ __ ______"
lock     fcs   "Lock "
slock    fcs   "Lk"

start    pshs  u
         leau  >u1062,u
L00D4    clr   ,-u
         cmpu  ,s
         bhi   L00D4
         puls  u
         clr   <zflag		clear leading zero supression
         clr   <narrow		default to wide
*         ldd   #$0C30		wide column width=12/last start col=48
*         std   <u000C
         stx   <ParamPtr	save args ptr
         leax  linebuf,u
         stx   <bufptr
         lbsr  writeBUF
         ldd   #$01*256+SS.ScSiz	standard output and get screen size
         os9   I$GetStt 	get it!
         bcc   L00FF		branch if ok
*         cmpb  #E$UnkSvc	unknown service?
*         lbne  L0241		exit with error if not
*         bra   L010C		else ignore screen width test

L00FF    tfr   x,d
         cmpb  #40		compare against 51
         bgt   higher		if greater or equal, go on
         inc   <narrow		else set narrow flag
         lda   #10
         fcb   $8C
higher   lda   #12		narrow column width=10/last start col=21
         pshs  a
         subb  ,s+
         std   <u000C
L010C    leay  >header,pcr	point to main header
         lbsr  copySTR
         leax  datebuf,u	date/time buffer
         os9   F$Time		get current date & time
         leax  timebuf,u	only wanted the time
         lbsr  L02B8		print TIME as HH:MM:SS
         lbsr  writeBUF
         leax  <u0062,u		buffer for module directory
         pshs  u
         os9   F$GModDr 	get module directory
         sty   <u005E		save local end ptr
         stu   <u0060		save system start ptr
         puls  u
         leax  -MD$ESize,x
         ldy   <ParamPtr
         ldd   ,y+
         andb  #$DF
         cmpd  #$2D45		-e option?
         bne   L018E
         lbsr  writeBUF
L0149    leay  >header2,pcr
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L014D
         leay  >sheader1,pcr
L014D    lbsr  copySTR
         lbsr  writeBUF
L015D    leay  >header3,pcr
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L0161
         leay  >sheader2,pcr
L0161    lbsr  copySTR
         lbsr  writeBUF
         leax  <u0062,u
         lbra  L023A

* just print the module names, no E flag
L016D    lbsr  L0308
         beq   L018E
         lbsr  L02DE
         lbsr  copySTR
L0178    lbsr  outSP
         ldb   <bufptr+1
         subb  #$0E
         cmpb  <u000D
         bhi   L018B
L0183    subb  <u000C
         bhi   L0183
         bne   L0178
         bra   L018E

L018B    lbsr  writeBUF
L018E    leax  MD$ESize,x
         cmpx  <u005E
         bcs   L016D
         lbsr  writeBUF		final/partial line
         lbra  L0240		exit OK

* print extended info line for each module
L019A    lbsr  L0308
         lbeq  L0238		skip if DAT image ptr==0
         tfr   d,y
         ldd   ,y
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L01B1
         lbsr  outSP
         lbsr  outb2HS		2-digit block number
         bra   L01BE
L01B1    lbsr  out4HS		4-digit block number
         lbsr  outSP
         lbsr  outSP
* module offset
L01BE    ldd   MD$MPtr,x
         bsr   out4HS		4-digit offset
         tst   <narrow
         bne   L01CA
         lbsr  outSP
L01CA    lbsr  L02DE		read module's header info
         leay  >u10A2,u
* module size
         ldd   M$Size,y
         bsr   out4HS		4-digit size
         tst   <narrow
         bne   L01DC
         lbsr  outSP
* type/lang
L01DC    lda   M$Type,y
         bsr   out2HS		2-digit type/lang
         tst   <narrow
         bne   L01E7
         lbsr  outSP
* att/rev
L01E7    lda   M$Revs,y
         anda  #RevsMask
         bsr   out2HS		2-digit revision
         ldb   M$Revs,y		upper half = attributes
         lda   #'r
         bsr   L0291		bit7: ReEnt (reentrant module)
         tst   <narrow
         bne   L0207
         lda   #'w		bit6: ModProt (writeable module)
         bsr   L0291
         lda   #'3		bit5: ModNat (native mode 6309)
         bsr   L0291
         lda   #'?		bit4 undefined
         bsr   L0291
* user count
L0207    bsr   outSP
         ldd   MD$Link,x	D=user count
         cmpd  #$FFFF		if -1,
         bne   L0223
L021B    leay  >lock,pcr	print "Lock"
         tst   <narrow
         bne   L021F
         leay  >slock,pcr
L021F    bsr   copySTR
         bra   L0230

L0223    tst   <narrow
         beq   L022E
         bsr   outSP
         bsr   outb2HS		2-digit user count
         bra   L0230

L022E    bsr   out4HS		4-digit user count
* module name
L0230    leay  >u1062,u		point to name buffer
         bsr   copySTR
         bsr   writeBUF
L0238    leax  MD$ESize,x	next entry
L023A    cmpx  <u005E		more to do?
         lbcs  L019A		yes, continue
L0240    clrb  
L0241    os9   F$Exit   

* print regD as 4 hex digits plus space
out4HS   inc   <zflag		supress leading zeros
         inc   <zflag
         bsr   out2H		print MSB as 2 hex
         dec   <zflag
* print regB as 2 hex digits plus space
outb2HS  tfr   b,a		print LSB as 2 hex

* print regA as 2 hex digits plus space
out2HS   bsr   out2H
         bra   outSP

out2H    inc   <zflag		supress leading zero
         pshs  a
         bsr   L026C		print MSdigit
         puls  a		print LSdigit
         anda  #$0F		is this a zero?
L026C    bne   L027B		no, print it
         tst   <zflag		still supressing zeros?
         bgt   outZSP		yes, count it and print space
L027B    clr   <zflag		nonzero, print all the rest
         adda  #'0
         cmpa  #'9
         bls   outCH
         adda  #$07
         bra   outCH

* process attribute flag bit
L0291    rolb  
         bcs   outCH
         lda   #'.
         bra   outCH

outZSP   dec   <zflag		count down to last digit
outSP    lda   #C$SPAC		append a SPACE to the line buffer

* Append character in regA to the line buffer
outCH    pshs  x
         ldx   <bufptr
         sta   ,x+
         stx   <bufptr
         puls  pc,x

* Copy an FCS string to the line buffer
L0296    bsr   outCH
copySTR  lda   ,y+
         bpl   L0296
         anda  #$7F
         bra   outCH

* Append a CR and send entire line to stdout
writeBUF pshs  y,x,a
         lda   #C$CR
         bsr   outCH
         leax  linebuf,u
         stx   <bufptr
         ldy   #80
         lda   #$01
         os9   I$WritLn 
         puls  pc,y,x,a

* Print TIME as HH:MM:SS
L02B8    bsr   L02C0		print HH
         bsr   L02BC		print :MM
*				print :SS and return
L02BC    lda   #':
         bsr   outCH
L02C0    ldb   ,x+
L02C4    subb  #100
         bcc   L02C4
* code to print 100's digit removed - max timefield value is 59
L02CF    lda   #'9+1
L02D1    deca  
         addb  #10
         bcc   L02D1
         bsr   outCH		tens digit
         tfr   b,a
         adda  #'0
         bra   outCH		units digit

* copy module header & name to local buffers
L02DE    pshs  u,x
         bsr   L0308		D=ptr to mdir entry
         ldx   4,x		X=MD$MPtr
         ldy   #13
         leau  >u10A2,u		buffer for module header data
         os9   F$CpyMem		copy 13 bytes of module header
         pshs  b,a		save DAT image ptr
         ldd   4,u		name offset
         leax  d,x		X=name ptr
         puls  b,a		restore DAT image ptr
         ldu   2,s
         leau  >u1062,u		U=ptr to name buffer
         ldy   #64
         os9   F$CpyMem		copy 64 bytes of name data
         tfr   u,y		Y=ptr to name buf
         puls  pc,u,x

* calculate local buffer address for current mdir entry (DAT image ptr)
L0308    ldd   ,x		D=MD$MPDAT
         beq   L0319		if 0, skip empty slot
         pshs  y
         leay  <u0062,u		Y=local MDIR buffer
         pshs  y
         subd  <u0060		D=offset (MD$MPDAT-mdstart)
         addd  ,s++		D=ptr to local mdir entry
         puls  y
L0319    rts

eom      equ   *