view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/more.asm @ 621:f5faeb8929ff

Added exmode utility
author boisy
date Tue, 03 Dec 2002 16:07:00 +0000
parents 6641a883d6b0
children bdd2f61d5dbc
line wrap: on
line source

* More - Prompts lists a file or files one screen at a time.
*        If no files are specified, STDIN is used.
*        At the --More-- prompt, press:
*                <ENTER> to go advance one line
*                <BREAK> or 'Q' to quit
*                <SPACE> or any other key to advance one screenful
* Usage:  More [-l -w] [file] [...]
*         -l = show the name of the file before viewing
*                 (handy for multiple files)
*         -w = don't allow lines to wrap around.  This option truncates
*                 the line to a length of window's X size - 1.
*        If you are using a terminal other than the OS-9 Level II
*        windowing system, you will need to change the reverse
*        on/off sequence as well as the clear line sequence
*        NOTE: More works great with Shell+'s wildcards!  It also works
*              well with external terminals.  Just change the Reverse
*              on/off and DelLine bytes to match your terminal's codes.
*              If you are running 'more' on a terminal, it assumes an 80x24
*              terminal screen size.
* By: Boisy G. Pitre
*     1204 Love Street
*     Brookhaven, MS  39601
*     Internet:

         use     defsfile

* Terminal specific equates:
XSIZE    equ     80
YSIZE    equ     24
DELNE    equ     $3
REVON    equ     $1f20
REVOFF   equ     $1f21

         mod     Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,Reent+1,Start,Fin
Name     fcs     /M/
Ed       fcb     2

Path     rmb     1
Response rmb     1
XH       rmb     1
XL       rmb     1
YH       rmb     1
YL       rmb     1
Lflag    rmb     1
FilePtr  rmb     2
Buffer   rmb     250
FileBuf  rmb     60
Stack    rmb     200

* I make the Parms buffer large in case the wildcard expansion is long,
* else the system crashes.  You can alternately use the shell's memory
* modifier (i.e. #4k) to insure a big buffer.
Parms    rmb     4096

Fin      equ     .

Message  fdb     REVON                 Reverse Video on
         fcc     /--More--/
         fdb     REVOFF                Reverse Video off
MessLen  equ     *-Message

Header   fdb     $0a0d
         fcc     /****** File: /
HeadLen  equ     *-Header

DelLine  fcb     DELNE                 Delete line char
CR       fcb     $0d                   Carriage Return

PutHead  pshs    x                     Here, we actually print the header
         leax    Header,pcr            for the file we are working on.
         ldy     #HeadLen
         lda     #1
         os9     I$Write
         lbcs    Error
         puls    x
         bsr     SaveFile
         lda     #1
         leax    FileBuf,u
         ldy     #60
         os9     I$WritLn
         lbcs    Error

SaveFile pshs    x
         leay    FileBuf,u
SaveF2   lda     ,x+
         cmpa    #$20
         bne     SaveF3
         lda     #$0d
SaveF3   sta     ,y+
         cmpa    #$0d
         bne     SaveF2
         puls    x

GetSize  pshs    x
         lda     #1                    Using stdout...
         ldb     #$26
         os9     I$GetStt              Find the X and Y size of window
         bcs     ChekErr
         stx     XH                    Save the X value
         sty     YH                    Save the Y value
         clr     XH                    Clear high-order byte of X
         dec     XL                    Decrement the X value
         dec     YL                    Decrement the Y value
         dec     YL                    and dec Y again
         puls    x
         lda     YL                    Do the initial load of the counter
         sta     YH

ChekErr  cmpb    #E$UnkSvc             If this is true, then we are probably
         bne     Error                 dealing with a terminal, not a hardware
         lda     #XSIZE                window.  We'll assume 80x24 as the
         sta     XL                    terminal size.
         lda     #YSIZE
         sta     YL
         clr     XH

Start    pshs    x                     put away X temporarily,
         leax    IntSvc,pc             point to the interrupt service routine
         os9     F$Icpt                and make the system aware of it
         puls    x                     then get X back for processing
         clr     Path                  Clear the path (assume stdin)
         clr     LFlag
         bsr     GetSize

Parse    lda     ,x+                   Parsing of the line is done here
         cmpa    #$20
         beq     Parse
         cmpa    #'-
         beq     GetOpt
         cmpa    #$0d
         bne     TestFlag
         tst     Path
         beq     Cycle
         bra     Done

GetOpt   lda     ,x+
         cmpa    #$20
         beq     Parse
         anda    #$df
         cmpa    #'L
         bne     IsitW
         com     LFlag
         bra     Parse
IsItW    cmpa    #'W
         bne     Done
         lda     XL
         sta     XH
         bra     Parse

TestFlag leax    -1,x                  Here, we test to see if the -l
         tst     LFlag                 flag is set (to display the file
         bne     TestF2                header)  If so, we print it, else
         bsr     OpenFile
         bra     ReadLine
TestF2   pshs    x                     we continue with reading...
         lbsr    PutHead
         puls    x
         bsr     OpenFile
         dec     YH                    Decrement counter twice to take into
         dec     YH                    account the header (two lines)
         lda     YH                    See if the count is less than 1
         cmpa    #1
         blt     ShowMess              if so, time to show prompt
         bra     ReadLine              else read the line

OpenFile lda     #Read.                Prepare for reading
         os9     I$Open                Then open the file
         bcs     Error                 Exit on error
         stx     FilePtr               Save X for later use
         sta     Path                  ...else save the path

Done     clrb
Error    os9     F$Exit

Cycle    lda     YL                    Get the low order byte
         sta     YH                    and use the high as a counter
         bsr     PutCR

ReadLine lda     Path                  Get the path
         ldy     #250                  max chars read = 250
         leax    Buffer,u              point to the buffer
         os9     I$ReadLn              and read the line
         bcs     EOF                   if error, check for EOF
         tst     XH                    Is high order byte set?
         beq     WriteOut              Nope, continue as normal
         pshs    x                     else loop until end of the
         ldb     XH                    string and place a CR at the
Loop     leax    1,x                   end.
         decb                          This is unnecessary if the line
         bne     Loop                  is less than XH, but doesn't slow
         lda     #$0d                  down the processing considerably
         sta     ,x                    and would take longer if we actually
         puls    x                     checked to see if a CR existed.

WriteOut lda     #1                    Prepare to write to stdout
         os9     I$WritLn              Write!
         bcs     Error                 if error, leave
         dec     YH                    else decrement the counter
         bne     ReadLine              if not 0, more lines to show

ShowMess leax    Message,pc            Prepare to show message
         ldy     #MessLen
         lda     #2                    to stderr...
         os9     I$Write               write it!
         bcs     Error
         lda     #2                    Now get response
         ldy     #1                    of one character
         leax    Response,u            from stderr
         os9     I$Read
         bcs     Error
         bsr     KillLine
         bra     TestInp

PutCR    leax    CR,pc
         lda     #1
         ldy     #1
         os9     I$Write
         bcs     Error

KillLine lda     #2                    Here we send a delete line char
         ldy     #1                    to clean the prompt.
         leax    DelLine,pc
         os9     I$Write
         bcs     Error

EOF      cmpb    #E$EOF                Check for end-of-file
         bne     Error                 If not, exit w/ error
EOF2     lda     Path                  else close the path
         os9     I$Close
         tst     Path                  If the path is stdin, we can quit
         lbeq    Done
         ldx     FilePtr
         lbra    Parse                 command line.

TestInp  lda     Response              Here we test the response at prompt
         cmpa    #$0d                  is it cr?
         beq     OneLine               yep, go up one line
         anda    #$df                  else mask uppercase
         cmpa    #'Q                   is it Q?
         beq     IntSvc                Yep, kill prompt and exit
         cmpa    #'N                   is it N?
         lbne    Cycle                 nope, must be space or other char
         bsr     KillLine              else Kill the prompt
         bra     EOF2                  and get next file

IntSvc   bsr     KillLine              Interrupt service routine
         lbra    Done

OneLine  lda     #1                    We go here if <ENTER> was pressed
         sta     YH,u                  to increment only one line
         lbra    ReadLine

Size     equ     *