view 3rdparty/subrtns/cpu.asm @ 1654:f62ca34d4419

Level 2: shellplus stand-alone file is no longer copied to CMDS dirm.asm removed since mdir -e puts out same info.
author boisy
date Sat, 17 Jul 2004 13:08:39 +0000
parents 900ceed1880a
line wrap: on
line source

* CPU - CPU Determiner Subroutine Module
* $Id$
* Basic09 subroutine module to determine the CPU type of the computer
* Test via:
* DIM CPUType,Mode:integer
* RUN CPU(Type,Mode)
* PRINT "CPU type:";CPUType
* IF Mode=0 THEN
*  PRINT "6809 Emulation mode"
*  PRINT "6309 Native mode"
* returns: CPUType: 6809 or 6309  (decimal integer)
*             Mode: 0=emulation mode, 1=native mode
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1    Created                                        ADK ??/??/??

         nam   CPU
         ttl   CPU Determiner Subroutine Module

         use   defsfile

rev      set   1          first revision
tylg     set   Sbrtn+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+Rev
edition  set   1

         org   0
         rmb   2          return address
PCount   rmb   2          number of parameters
Param1   rmb   2          1st param address
Length1  rmb   2          size
Param2   rmb   2
Length2  rmb   2
Size     equ   .

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

name     fcs   /CPU/
         fcb   edition

Start    ldd   PCount,s   get parameter count
         cmpd  #2         2 parameters?
         bne   p.error    no, error out.

         ldd   Length1,s  get size of the first parameter
         cmpd  #2         integer variable?
         bne   p.error    no, error out.

         ldd   Length2,s
         cmpd  #2         integer variable?
         bne   p.error    no, error out.

* do a 6309/6809 test
         ldd   #$FFFF     make sure it's non-zero
*         clrd             executes as a pseudo-NOP ($10), and a CLRA
         fdb   $104F
         bne   is.6809
         ldd   #6309      it's a 6309
         bra   save.1

is.6809  ldd   #6809      it's a 6809
save.1   ldx   Param1,s   where to put the CPU type
         std   ,x         save the integer CPU type

* if it's a 6809, we don't need to do the next part, as we KNOW it's
* running in 6809 emulation mode!

* this is harder.... are we in native mode?
         pshs  cc,dp,x,y,u   save all registers but D
*         pshsw            a NOP on a 6809
         fdb   $1038

         leay  native,pc   native mode PC
         leax  emulate,pc  emulation mode PC
         pshs  x,y         save them
         pshs  cc,d,dp,x,y,u  and the rest of the registers, too.
         orcc  #Entire     set the entire bit in CC

emulate  leas  2,s        emulation mode: kill native mode PC
         clrb             we're in emulation mode
         fcb   $8C        skip 2 bytes
native   ldb   #1         in native mode
         puls  u          restore W from off-stack
*         tfr   u,w        a PULSW does an 'RTS' on a 6809
         fdb   $1F36 
         puls  cc,dp,x,y,u  restore all of our other registers
         clra             now d=0: emulation, 1: native
         ldx   Param2,s   where to put the data
         std   ,x         save native/emulation mode flag
         clrb             no errors

p.error  comb             set the carry
         ldb   #$38       Basic09 parameter error

eom      equ   *