view level2/modules/myram.asm @ 3148:ffa4b0273cc7

3rdparty/utils/fpgarom: Utilities for CoCo3FPGA booting Includes Brett Gordon's CocoFPGA Boot ROM.
author Bill Pierce <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2017 18:54:49 +0100
parents be21de8bd1d3
line wrap: on
line source

* MRAM - myram RAM Disk driver
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   4      1998/10/10  Boisy G. Pitre
* Given to me by Gene Heskett.

         opt d68
         opt w110
* set printer to 15 cpi!

         nam   MRAM
         ttl   OS9 RAM Disk driver

* A version of MyRam that can be assembled to
* run on either 6809 or 6309.
* As no irq's are handled here, compensatory
* changes to register offsets vs stack are not
* required, therefore not used as defines either.
* This does require an "os9defs" that can switch
* register offsets etc according to the value
* assigned to "h6309" and "TRUE", and a late
* copy of Chris Burkes "xsm" assembler

         use   defsfile

rev      set   $02
edition  set   4

* this is required because regular
* os-9 doesn't treat a native mode
* marked module correctly, result
* crash at worst, device table full
* and nothing else works at best.

        IFNE  H6309
tylg     set   Drivr+Obj6309   
atrv     set   ReEnt+ModNat+rev
tylg     set   Drivr+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev

RD.MAP   set   -2 ,x of course!
FDlocat  set   -3 loc for root FD
DIRloca  set   -4 loc for root
         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
         org   0
u0000    rmb   2
u0002    rmb   2
u0004    rmb   2
u0006    rmb   5
u000B    rmb   2
u000D    rmb   2 is RD.MAP & FDlocat
u000F    rmb   1
u0010    rmb   32
OurDesc  rmb   2
OurLink  rmb   1 to control our self link
Initstt  rmb   2
u0035    rmb   1
u0036    rmb   2 number of 8k ramblocks needed
u0038    rmb   2 only 2 used
u003A    rmb   2 
FatScra  rmb   2 define FatScratch pad areas
MP.SIZ   rmb   2 ditto
u0040    rmb   6
u0046    rmb   10 actually 1, our tasknum
u0050    rmb   $C0-.  
u00C0    rmb   $100-. 
size     equ   .
mode     fcb   $BF 

name     fcs   /MRAM/
         fcb   edition

start    equ   * the usual jump table for drivers
         lbra  Init
         lbra  Read
         lbra  Write
         lbra  SGtat these return errors
         lbra  SGtat
         lbra  Term 
Init     equ   *
         lbsr  Initchk have we been init'd?
         bcs   DoInit
         andcc #$FE clr the carry  
         rts   don't do twice
DoInit   inc   OurLink,u so it'll get relinked
         andcc  #$FE kill the carry if set
         leax  u000F,u U is mem assigned area
         sty   OurDesc,u save for later recovery
         pshs  u,x building stack image -4
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+2=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp  =x, usually $4D0F
         ldu   #$0028 location of time packet
         leax  DD.DAT,x set x to target location
        IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #$0005 we want to move 5 bytes
         tfm   u+,x+ do it
         ldb   #$05 number of byte to move
GTime    lda   ,u+
         sta   ,x+
         bne   GTime
         ldu   2,s
         ldx   ,s
         ldb   #$01 
         stb   u0006,u
         ldx   <D.Proc <$50 current process ptr
         ldd   P$User,x $08,x 
         ldx   ,s get x back
* building a dummy sector zero's first $33 bytes
* which is all assembled starting at offset $0F
* of our initial scratchpad assignment
         std   $0B,x DD.OWNer of dummy sector zero
         ldd   #$0001
         std   $06,x DD.BIT sectors per cluster 
         lda   $0D,y DD.ATT disk attributes
         sta   $0D,x
         ldd   <$1B,y IT.SCT
         std   $01,x put totsecs in DD.TOT+1

* this could be simplicated to straight 6809 code
        IFNE  H6309

         lsrd  /2 but this is one cycle quicker at 3
         lsrd  /4
         lsrd  /8 8 sectors per byte


         lsra where this is 2 per 8 bit register
         rorb or 4 cycles for full 16 bit shift

         std   RD.MAP,x s/b at $400D-E
         subd  #$0001 it grabs extra page otherwise
         std   $04,x DD.MAP (size) addr $13&14
* set the location of the root FD.SCT intelligently!
* this is where the devpack version failed miserably,
* it was fixed at $0002, whole thing dead at 512k & up
* furinstance, with sct=1300, d=$0260 right here,
* therefore the FAT occupies 3 full sectors starting
* at sector $01
         tfr   a,b
         incb to next page so it skips sector zero
         incb and point to sector AFTER the FAT
         clra simplicating it
         std   $09,x DD.DIR+1 fd location!
* save a copy to locate the root FD
         stb   FDlocat,x save copy for FD loc
* save a copy to locate the root dir
         incb to next sector
         stb   DIRloca,x s/b @ $400B-C
* now lets go get enough memory to build the FAT
         lda   RD.MAP,x get msb, maybe $00
* if over $800 sectors, regs.a won't be zero!
         inca  round up increment to cover all
         clrb  make even page boundary
         os9   F$SRqMem
         lbcs  L0178
         ldx   2,s get U back
         std   MP.SIZ,x and save it
         stu   FatScra,x save FAT loc
         ldx   ,s and get x back
         pshs  u U is new mem area start -6
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+4=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp  =   usually $4000
         ldu   $04,s get orig $4D00 u back
* How many 8k blocks of mem do we need?
         ldd   RD.MAP,x already been /8
         addd  #$0003 we'll shift out, but need d2 carry
        IFNE  H6309
         lsrd  /16
         lsrd  /32 but its 5 cycles faster!
         rorb /16
         rorb /32

* D is now how many blocks we need
         std   <u0036,u 8k blocks ram needed
         leax  >u00C0,u if <$20 blocks we
         cmpd  #$0020 allow 512k in this map
         bls   L008D if go, fits this page
* else table of blocks won't fit from $C0-$FF,
* ask for another (d*2) pages

        IFNE  H6309
         asld  else ask for more memory
         os9   F$SRqMem get new U
         lbcs  L017C no more avail!
* we'll use this instead of $xxC0
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+4=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp  =   usually $4000
* save for later release
         leax  ,u ok ,set x to new mem ptr
         ldu   $04,s and get old u back
L008D    equ   *
         stx   <u0038,u $4EC0 for small disk

        IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <u0036,u number of blocks req
         ldy   <u0036,u

* Where did we start?
L0094    ldb   #$01 ask for one 8K block
         os9   F$AllRAM os9 manual doesn't say but
         lbcs  L017C returns B=# of blk allocated
         std   ,x++ make list of blocks

        IFNE  H6309
         decw  that we own for later release
         leay  -1,y

         bne   L0094

        IFEQ  H6309
         ldy   <OurDesc,u we destroyed our descriptor pointer

         leax  <u0040,u orig U here
         ldd   [u0038,u] addr of # of blocks we own
         std   <$40,x save at 4E80-81
         os9   F$AllTsk
* this reserves a task #, then sets hardware
* and DAT ram to this processes addr info
         lbcs  L017C
         lda   <D.SysTsk from dp reference
         ldb   $06,x x our task number!
* now we can move the dummy sector zero
* to the first sector
* the stack image now is:
*                    sp+4=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp  =   usually $4000
         ldx   $02,s get source ptr
         ldy   #$001F byte count
         pshs  u save this puppy, simplicates
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+6=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+2=   usually $4000
*                    sp  =   our current U, $4D00?
         ldu   #$0000 destination ptr
         os9   F$Move our dummy sector 0
         leax  >L018A,pcr devices volume name
         leau  ,y
         ldy   #$000E length of name string etc
* write 10 zeros for DD.BT-DD.NAM & the name section
         os9   F$Move and move that into sector zero
         puls  u get our reference back
* now lets make RBF a bit happier by copying
* the opts section of the descriptor into
* sector zero too.
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+4=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+0=   usually $4000
         ldx   OurDesc,u
         leax  $12,x point to opts in desc
         ldu   #$003F point to start of opts in sector 0
         ldy   #$000F
         os9   F$Move
         ldu   4,s
* That moved enough info into what RBF thinks is sector
* zero of this device to tell RBF what it is & how big,
* where root dir is located etc.
FatLoop  equ   *
* Now lets move the FAT into ramdisk space
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+4=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp  =   usually $4000
         ldx   $02,s test valid
         ldd   RD.MAP,x saved bitmap siz
* using size of bitmap for fat, save it in w

        IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w there is a method
         std   <u0002,u

* now add enough for even page boundary
         clrb now D is overall size
         ldx   ,s bitmap addr
* now we know how big it is
         leay  d,x
         pshs  y save ending addr (page)
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+6=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+2=   usually $4000
*                    sp  =   top of fat, $4100
L00DC    equ   *

        IFNE  H6309
         leay  w,x set y=where active fat ends
         pshs  d
         ldd   <u0002,u
         leay  d,x
         puls  d

         pshs  y stack the end of active
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+8=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+4=   usually $4000
*                    sp+2=   top of fat, $4100
*                    sp  =   end of active fat, $403D?
         ldx   $04,s s/b the fat workspace base addr
         ldb   #$FF allocate 1st 8 'sectors'
L00E2    stb   ,x+
         stb   ,x+ make basic alloc $10 sectors
L00E5    clr   ,x+ and mark the rest clear
         cmpx  ,s to end of active
         bcs   L00E5 (was bcs)till the end of the fat
* should show the end of the fat in x
L00EA    stb   ,x+ then mark full
         cmpx  $02,s for remainder of last page
         bcs   L00EA (wonder if this s/b bls too!)
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+8=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+4=   usually $4000
*                    sp+2=   top of fat, $4100
*                    sp  =   end of active fat, $403D?
         ldu   $08,s get our base page back
         lda   <D.SysTsk u00D0 note dp, is D.SysTsk
         ldb   <u0046,u assigned P$Task
         pshs  d save it for following move
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+A=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+8=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+6=   usually $4000
*                    sp+4=   top of fat, $4100
*                    sp+2=   end of active fat, $403D?
*                    sp  =   our task numbers
         ldd   $04,s get end of fat
         subd  $06,s should leave fatsize in d
         tfr   d,y size to y
         puls  d restore our tsknums
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+8=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+4=   usually $4000
*                    sp+2=   top of fat, $4100
*                    sp  =   end of active fat, $403D?
         ldu   #$0100 start of FAT
         ldx   $04,s
         os9   F$Move   
* we're done with the fat, its moved into the space
* for the device. Now make a dummy FD in the same
* memory area
         leas  $02,s don't need end of active fat anymore
MkRoot1  clr   ,x+ 
         cmpx  ,s clearing the mem,done w/fat
         bcs   MkRoot1
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+6=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+2=   usually $4000
*                    sp+0=   top of fat, $4100
         ldx   $02,s
         ldu   $04,s
* Ok, now lets make an FD sector for the root dir
FDmaker  equ   *
         lda   u000D,u DD.ATT
         sta   ,x
         ldd   u000B,u
         std   $01,x
         ldb   #$01 this is the link count
         stb   $08,x
         ldd   #$0040
         std   $0B,x
         ldb   DIRloca,u
         stb   <$12,x
         ldd   #$0010
* Now a bit more intelligence applied
         subb  DIRloca,u
         std   <$13,x
         lda   <D.SysTsk u00D0
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+6=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+2=   usually $4000
*                    sp+0=   top of fat, $4100
         ldu   $06,s
         ldb   <u0046,u
         pshs  x
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+8=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+4=   usually $4000
*                    sp+2=   top of fat, $4100
*                    sp  =   saved bottom of work area
         ldx   $06,s
* now set u to actual offset of FDlocation

        IFNE  H6309
         lde   FDlocat,x this is why we saved it
         tfr w,u neat huh?
         pshs  d
         lda   FDlocat,x
         tfr   d,u
         puls  d

         puls  x
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+6=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+2=   usually $4000
*                    sp+0=   top of fat, $4100
         ldy   #$0100
         os9   F$Move
         leay  <$16,x why only $16, the dir is $40!
         pshs  y
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+8=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+4=   usually $4000
*                    sp+2=   top of fat, $4100
*                    sp  =   saved top of work area
L0144    clr   ,x+
         cmpx  ,s
         bcs   L0144
         leas  $02,s get rid of that
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+6=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+2=   usually $4000
*                    sp+0=   top of fat, $4100
         ldx   $02,s s/b right
         leay  $40,x
         pshs  y
DClr     clr   ,x+
         cmpx  ,s
         bcs   DClr
         leas  $02,s
         ldx   $02,s get it back again
         ldd   #$2EAE
         std   ,x
         stb   <$20,x
* again, I've gotta apply some smarts to locating it
         ldx   $04,s
         ldb   FDlocat,x
         ldx   $02,s
         std   <$1E,x
         std   <$3E,x
         lda   <D.SysTsk u00D0
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+6=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+2=   usually $4000
*                    sp+0=   top of fat, $4100
         ldu   $06,s
         ldb   <u0046,u
         ldy   #$0040
         ldx   $04,s

        IFNE  H6309
         lde   DIRloca,x
         tfr   w,u
         pshs  d
         lda   DIRloca,x
         tfr   d,u
         puls  d

         ldx   $02,s
         os9   F$Move   
         ldx   $04,s
         lda   RD.MAP,x
         leas  $02,s
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+4=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
*                    sp+0=   usually $4000
         puls  u
* the stack image is:
*                    sp+2=u, usually $4D00
*                    sp+0=x, usually $4D0F
         os9   F$SRtMem give back FatScra
L0178    leas  $02,s skip the x offset
         puls  u get orig assignment back!

        IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <L018A,pcr
         stw   Initstt,u crash time?
         pshs  d
         ldd   <L018A,pcr
         std   Initstt,u
         puls  d

         rts   puls  pc,u U allready pulled, use rts

L017C    leas  $04,s
         puls  pc,u
L018A    fcs   /Gene's RamDisk/
Initchk  equ   *
        IFNE  H6309
         ldw   Initstt,u <L018A,pcr  
         cmpw  <L018A,pcr Initstt,u  
         beq   InitOk
         pshs  d
         ldd   Initstt,u
         cmpd  <L018A,pcr
         puls  d
         beq   InitOk
         ldb   E$NotRdy else report error
InitOk   equ   * relocated to give exit report

Read     equ  *
* First, have we been assigned any memory?
         bsr   Initchk
* Now, if carry is clear, we have some memory, go
         bcc   ReadOk
         rts   return the error condition

ReadOk   tst   OurLink,u
         beq   ReadOk1
         bsr   Linkus  bsr  ChkLink
ReadOk1  pshs  u
         bsr   L01C2
         bcs   L01C0
         tfr   d,x
         lda   <u0046,u
         ldb   <D.SysTsk u00D0
         ldu   $08,y
         bra   L01B9
************ A separate linker 
Linkus   pshs  x
         ldx   PD.DVT,y
         inc   V$USRS,x
*        ldy   OurDesc,u
*        ldd   M$Name,y
*        leax  d,y point to device name
*        ldd   <D.Proc this is temp
*        pshs  d save it as no time slicing
*        ldd   <D.SysPrc takes place while
*        std   <D.Proc this is in effect!
*        clra  any type/lang
*        os9   I$Attach
*        puls  d
*        std   <D.Proc
*        bcc   LinkusOK
*        os9   F$Exit take error with us
LinkusOK puls  x and restore our entry values
         clr   OurLink,u so we don't re-attach us again

Write    equ   *
         bsr   Initchk
         bcc   WriteOk
WriteOk  tst   OurLink,u has it been done?
         beq   WriteOk1
         bsr   Linkus
WriteOk1 pshs  u
         bsr   L01C2
         bcs   L01C0
         pshs  b,a
         lda   <D.SysTsk 
         ldb   <u0046,u
         ldx   $08,y
         puls  u
L01B9    ldy   #$0100
         os9   F$Move   
L01C0    puls  pc,u
L01C2    pshs  x
         bne   L01F1
L01C7    cmpx  <u0010,u
         bcc   L01F1
         tfr   x,d

        IFNE  H6309
         lsrd /2
         lsrd /4
         lsrd /8
         lsrd /16

         andb  #$FE
L01D8    ldx   <u0038,u
         beq   L01F5
         ldd   d,x
         beq   L01F5
         leax  <u0040,u
         std   <$40,x
         os9   F$SetTsk 
         lda   $01,s
         anda  #$1F
         puls  pc,x
L01F1    ldb   #$F1 load the error code
         bra   L01F7
L01F5    ldb   #$F4 load the error code
L01F7    orcc  #$01 set the carry
         puls  pc,x and go home with the error
SGtat    comb  
         ldb   #$D0 #E$IllMode
Term     equ   *
         pshs  u
        IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <u0036,u
         ldy   <u0036,u

         ldu   <u0038,u 
         beq   L022A
L020A    ldb   #$01 is now the same as F$AllRAM loop in
         ldx   ,u++ the Init routine
         beq   L0213 this fixed some loose
         os9   F$DelRAM ends mmap showed
L0213    equ   *

        IFNE  H6309
         decw  was leay  -$01,y
         leay  -1,y

         bne   L020A
         ldu   ,s
         ldd   <u0036,u
         cmpd  #$0020
         bls   L022A

        IFNE  H6309

         ldu   <u0038,u
         os9   F$SRtMem 
L022A    clra to remove, clrb here
         puls  u
         std   Initstt,u and "comment" us out

eom      equ   *

* a parking place for the snoop code
*        pshs  cc
*        os9   F$RegDmp lets take a look
*        puls  cc
* end of the snoop code, 4 %&$# lines!