view level1/modules/llcocosdc.asm @ 3295:6b7a7b233925 default tip

makefile: Allow PORTS with level1/2 mix
author Tormod Volden <>
date Tue, 19 Apr 2022 18:12:17 +0200
parents 19b022ee24ba
line wrap: on
line source

* llcocosdc - CoCo SDC Low-level driver
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2013/05/??  Boisy G. Pitre
* Created.
*          2014/11/27  tim lindner
* Changed read and write routines to enter and leave command mode.
*          2014/12/22  Darren Atkinson
* Total re-write. Provides MPI slot selection to permit co-existence
* with a real floppy controller.  Sends command to controller during
* Init which locks out the floppy emulation capability. Adds GetStat
* functions for extended commands.  Uses TFM to retrieve data blocks
* when a 6309 CPU is present. Supports the SS.DSize GetStat function
* to query controller for the disk size.
*          2015/01/08  Darren Atkinson
* Fixed bug in getSize which caused boot to fail when controller was
* installed in slot 2, 3 or 4 of a Multi-Pak Interface.
               NAM       llcocosdc
               TTL       CoCo SDC Low-level driver

               USE       defsfile
               USE       rbsuper.d
               USE       cocosdc.d

MPIREG         equ       $FF7F

tylg           SET       Sbrtn+Objct
atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
rev            SET       0

               MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,0

* Low-level driver static memory area inside that of rbsuper
               ORG       V.LLMem
V.SDCMPI       rmb       1                  MPI slot containing CoCo SDC
V.MaskIRQs     rmb       1                  contains $50 if IRQ/FIRQ should be masked

name           FCS       /llcocosdc/

start          lbra      ll_init
               bra       ll_read
               bra       ll_write
               bra       ll_getstat
               bra       ll_setstat
           *** lbra      ll_term ***

* ll_getstat
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
ll_getstat     ldx       PD.RGS,y           point X at stacked registers
               lda       R$B,x              get function code
               cmpa      #SS.DSize
               beq       getSize            branch if "get disk size"
               tfr       a,b
               andb      #$F0               keep hi nibble
               cmpb      #CMDEXD
               beq       exCmd              branch if extended command with data
               anda      #$FF-4             make sure "TFM" bit is cleared
               cmpb      #CMDEX
               beq       exCmd              branch if ext command without data
               comb                         set carry
               ldb       #E$UnkSvc          return error

* ll_setstat
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
ll_setstat     clrb                         no error

* SS.DSize - Return size information about a device
* Exit:
*    Carry cleared for no error.
*    A = Sector Size  (1=256, 2=512, 4=1024, 8=2048)
*      IF B = 0
*          X = Number of Sectors (bits 31-16)
*          Y = Number of Sectors (Bits 15-0)
*      IF B != 0
*          B = Number of Logical Sides
*          X = Number of Logical Cylinders
*          Y = Number of Logical Sectors/Track
getSize        lda       #CMDEX             primary command code
               ora       PD.DRV,y           combine drive num with command
               ldb       #'Q                "Query Size" sub-command
               leay      ,u                 point Y at device mem
               ldu       #$FFFF             I/O buffer = none
               pshs      x                  save frame ptr
               bsr       CommSDC            send query to controller
               puls      x                  restore frame ptr
               ldb       #E$NotRdy          error code
               bcs       sizeRet            return if error
               ldd       ,y                 bits 15-0 of size
               std       R$Y,x              return in Y
               clra                         bits 31-24 of size always zero
               ldb       -1,y               bits 23-16 of size
               std       R$X,x              return bits 31-16 in X
               inca                         A = 1:  256 byte sectors
               clrb                         B = 0:  LBA device
               std       R$D,x              return in D
sizeRet        rts

* SDC Extended Device Commands
*   Entered with SDC command code in A.
*   Parameters are passed indirectly via the register frame:
*       X = address of 256 byte I/O buffer or $FFFF if none
*     U.L = optional param byte 1
*       Y = optional param bytes 2 (hi) and 3 (low)
*   Response values are returned indirectly via the register frame:
*       A = controller status
*     U.H = 0
*     U.L = response byte 1
*       Y = response bytes 2 (hi) and 3 (low)
exCmd          pshs      u,y,x              preserve registers
               leay      ,u                 Y = device memory area
               ldu       R$X,x              U = I/O buffer address
               ldb       R$U+1,x            B = param byte 1
               ldx       R$Y,x              X = param bytes 2 and 3
               bsr       CommSDC            do command protocol
               puls      x                  restore register frame pointer
               stb       R$A,x              [A] = controller status
               lda       #0                 will clear top half of U
               ldb       -1,y               get response byte 1 (FF49)
               std       R$U,x              [U] = 1st response byte
               ldd       ,y                 get response bytes 2,3 (FF4A,B)
               std       R$Y,x              [Y] = 2nd and 3rd response bytes
               ldb       #E$NotRdy          error code
               bcs       exOut              skip next if error 
               clrb                         no error
exOut          puls      y,u,pc             return 

* ll_write
*    Write one sector.
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
ll_write       lda       #CMDWRITE          command code for Write
               bsr       sectorIO           common sector I/O
               bcc       wrRet              return if success
               ldb       #E$Write           error code for write
wrRet          rts

* ll_read
*    Read one sector.
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
ll_read        lda       #CMDREAD+4         command code for 6309 Read (TFM)
               fcb       $11                next instr is "LDE" on 6309
               lda       #CMDREAD           command code for 6809 Read
               bsr       sectorIO           common sector I/O
               bcc       rdRet              return if success
               ldb       #E$Read            error code for read
rdRet          rts

* Funnel code for sector read and write
* Entry:
*    A  = read/write command code
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
sectorIO       ldb       #1                 highest drive number allowed
               subb      PD.DRV,y           range check drive number
               bcc       drvOK              branch if valid
               ldb       #E$Unit            error code for bad drive number
               puls      x,pc               pop top address then return

drvOK          ora       PD.DRV,y           combine drive num with command
               leay      ,u                 point Y at device mem
               ldb       V.PhysSect,u       B = hi byte of LSN
               ldx       V.PhysSect+1,u     X = lo word of LSN
               ldu       V.CchPSpot,u       U = buffer address
               *** Fall Thru ***

* CommSDC
*    This is the core routine used for all
*    transactions with the SDC controller.
* Entry:
*    A = Command code
*    B = LSN hi byte  / First parameter byte
*    X = LSN lo word  / 2nd and third param bytes
*    Y = Address of driver device memory area
*    U = Address of I/O buffer ($FFFF = none)
* Exit:
*    Carry set on error
*    B = controller status code
*    Y = address of SDC Data Register A (FF4A)

* Save current MPI setting and activate the SDC slot
               pshs      cc                 preserve CC (interrupt masks)
               lsr       ,s                 shift carry out of saved CC
               pshs      a,b                save cmd code, alloc byte for saving MPI
               tfr       cc,a               get copy of current CC
               ora       V.MaskIRQs,y       set I and F masks if FDC present
               tfr       a,cc               update I and F in CC
               lda       MPIREG             get current MPI slot
               sta       1,s                save on stack where B was pushed
               anda      #$30               mask out current SCS nibble
               ora       V.SDCMPI,y         insert SCS nibble for SDC slot
               ldy       #DATREGA           setup Y for hardware addressing
               tsta                         was an SDC controller found?
               bmi       sdcNone            exit if no
               sta       MPIREG             activate MPI slot

* Put controller in Command mode
               lda       #CMDMODE           the magic number
               sta       -10,y              send to control latch (FF40)
               puls      a                  pull saved command code back into A

* Put input parameters into the registers.
* It does no harm to put random data in the
* registers for commands which dont use them.
               stb       -1,y               high byte to param reg 1
               stx       ,y                 low word to param regs 2 and 3

* Wait for Not Busy.
               lbsr     waitForIt           run polling loop
               bcs      cmdExit             exit if error or timed out

* Send command to controller
               sta       -2,y               to command register (FF48)

* Determine if a data block should be sent.
* The code for any command which requires
* a data block will have bit 5 set.
               bita      #$20               test the "send block" command bit
               beq       rxBlock            branch if no block to send

* Wait for Ready to send
               bsr      waitForIt           run polling loop
               bcs      cmdExit             exit if error or timed out
               leax     ,u                  move data address to X
            IFGT Level-1
               bita      #$40               extended command or sector write?
               lbne      txCmd              branch if extended command

* Send 256 bytes of data
               ldd       #32*256+8          32 chunks of 8 bytes
txChunk        ldu       ,x                 send one chunk...
               stu       ,y
               ldu       2,x
               stu       ,y
               ldu       4,x
               stu       ,y
               ldu       6,x
               stu       ,y
               abx                          point X at next chunk
               deca                         decrement chunk counter
               bne       txChunk            loop until all 256 bytes sent

* Wait for command to complete
txCompl        lda       #5                 timeout retries
txWait         bsr       waitForIt          run polling loop
               bitb      #BUSY              test BUSY bit
               beq       cmdExit            exit if completed
               deca                         decrement retry counter
               bne       txWait             repeat if until 0
               coma                         set carry for timeout error
               bra       cmdExit            exit

* Set error condition and exit when no SDC hardware found
sdcNone        leas      1,s                pop saved command code
               comb                         set carry
               ldb       #E$Unit            error number for missing hardware
               bra       cmdExit            exit

* For commands which return a 256 byte response block the
* controller will set the READY bit in the Status register
* when it has the data ready for transfer.   For commands
* which do not return a response block the BUSY bit will
* be cleared to indicate that the command has completed.
rxBlock        bsr       longWait           run long status polling loop
               bls       cmdExit            exit if error, time out or completed
               leax      1,u                test the provided buffer address
               beq       cmdExit            exit if "no buffer" ($FFFF)
               bita      #$04               test the "TFM" command bit
               bne       rx6309             branch if set
               leax      ,u                 move data address to X
            IFGT Level-1
               bita      #$40               extended command or sector read?
               bne       rxCmd              branch if extended command

* 6809 read transfer loop into current task space
               ldd       #32*256+8          32 chunks of 8 bytes
rxChunk        ldu       ,y                 read one chunk...
               stu       ,x
               ldu       ,y
               stu       2,x
               ldu       ,y
               stu       4,x
               ldu       ,y
               stu       6,x
               abx                          update X for next chunk
               deca                         decrement chunk counter
               bne       rxChunk            loop until all 256 bytes transferred
               bra       cmdOK              exit with SUCCESS

* 6309 read transfer using TFM into current task space
rx6309         fcb       $10,$86,$01,$00    [ldw #256] block size = 256
               orcc      #$50               ensure interrupts are masked
               leax      1,y                point X at Data Register B (FF4B)
               fcb       $11,$3B,$13        [tfm x,u+] read block
cmdOK          clrb                         status code for SUCCESS, clear carry

* Exit
cmdExit        puls      a                  pull saved MPI settings
               rol       ,s                 rotate carry into saved CC on stack
               clr       -10,y              end command mode
               sta       MPIREG             restore saved MPI settings
               puls      cc,pc              restore irq masks, update carry and return

* Wait for controller status to indicate either "Not Busy" or "Ready".
* Will time out if neither condition satisfied within a suitable period.
* Exit:
*    CC.C set on error or time out.
*    CC.Z set on "Not Busy" status (if carry cleared).
*    B = status
*    A, Y and U are preserved.
longWait       bsr       waitForIt          enter here for doubled timeout
               bcc       waitRet            return if cleared in 1st pass
waitForIt      ldx       #0                 setup timeout counter
waitLp         comb                         set carry for assumed FAIL
               ldb       -2,y               read status
               bmi       waitRet            return if FAILED
               lsrb                         BUSY --> Carry
               bcc       waitDone           branch if not busy
               bitb      #READY/2           test READY (shifted)
               bne       waitRdy            branch if ready for transfer
               bsr       waitRet            consume some time
               ldb       #$81               status = timeout
               leax      ,-x                decrement timeout counter
               beq       waitRet            return if timed out
               bra       waitLp             try again

waitDone       clrb                         Not Busy: status = 0, set Z
waitRdy        rolb                         On Ready: clear C and Z
waitRet        rts                          return

* Transfers of command and response data require special handling
* in Level 2 due to separate address space for System/User tasks.
            IFGT Level-1
* Send command data from User task space
txCmd          bsr       tskPrep            B = task#, push word counter
txWord         os9       F$LDABX            get byte from user space buffer
               sta       ,y                 send 1st half of word
               leax      1,x                increment buffer address
               os9       F$LDABX            get byte from user space buffer
               sta       1,y                send 2nd half of word
               leax      1,x                increment buffer address
               dec       ,s                 decrement word counter
               bne       txWord             loop if more to send
               leas      1,s                pop word counter
               lbra      txCompl            go wait for command completion

tskPrep        ldu       D.Proc             get current process ptr
               ldb       P$Task,u           get task # for current process
               lda       #128               number of words to transfer (256 bytes)
               ldu       ,s+                half-pop return address into U
               sta       ,s                 leave word counter on the stack
               tfr       u,pc               return

* Read response data into User task space
rxCmd          bsr       tskPrep            B = task#, push word counter
rxWord         lda       ,y                 read 1st half of word
               os9       F$STABX            store in user space buffer
               leax      1,x                increment buffer address
               lda       1,y                read 2nd half of word
               os9       F$STABX            store in user space buffer
               leax      1,x                increment buffer address
               dec       ,s                 decrement word counter
               bne       rxWord             loop if more to read
               leas      1,s                pop word counter
               bra       cmdOK              exit with SUCCESS

* ll_init
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of device descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
ll_init        pshs      cc                 save irq masks
               orcc      #$50               mask irqs
               ldd       #$8080             prepare "not found" values
               pshs      dp,b,a             alloc variables on stack
               ldx       #CMDREG            point X at FDC command reg
               ldb       MPIREG             get current MPI slot
               andb      #$33               mask out the unused bits
               stb       2,s                save on stack (in DP position)
               orb       #$03               start SCS scan at slot 4

chkSlot        stb       MPIREG             activate slot being scanned
               lda       ,s                 have we already found CoCo SDC ?
               bpl       chkFDC             branch if yes
               lda       #$64               test pattern
               sta       -6,x               store at Flash Data Reg address
               lda       -5,x               get value from Flash Ctrl Reg
               clr       -6,x               clear Flash Data Reg
               eora      -5,x               get changed bits from Ctrl Reg
               suba      #$60               did expected bits change?
               bne       chkFDC             branch if not an SDC
               stb       ,s                 record the SDC slot
               bra       nxtSlot            go scan next slot

chkFDC         lda       1,s                have we already found an FDC ?
               bpl       nxtSlot            branch if yes
               bsr       fdcTest            test if FDC present
               bne       nxtSlot            branch if not present
               stb       1,s                record the FDC slot

nxtSlot        decb                         decrement SCS slot number
               bitb      #$08               have we scanned all slots?
               beq       chkSlot            loop if more to scan
               lda       ,s                 get slot with CoCo SDC
               bmi       saveSDC            branch if none
               cmpa      2,s                same as original slot selection?
               bne       saveSDC            branch if no
               eora      #$01               change original slot to..
               sta       2,s       something else
               eora      #$01               back to the true SDC slot
saveSDC        anda      #$83               keep SDC slot number or "not found"
               sta       V.SDCMPI,u         store SDC slot info in device mem
               lda       #$50               irq masks will be needed if FDC present
               ldb       1,s                was an FDC found?
               bpl       useSlot            branch if yes
               clra                         irq masks not needed
               ldb       2,s                get original MPI slot selection
useSlot        stb       MPIREG             activate default MPI slot
               sta       V.MaskIRQs,u       store irq masks in device mem
               lda       $FF22              reset any latched CART interrupt
               leas      3,s                pop variables off the stack
               puls      cc                 restore saved irq masks

* Disable Floppy Emulation capability in SDC controller
               lda       #$C0               primary command code
               ldb       #'g                secondary command to "Set Global Flags"
               ldx       #$FF80             mask/flag bytes
               leay      ,u                 point Y at static variables
               ldu       #$FFFF             "no buffer" address
               lbsr      CommSDC            send command to controller
               clrb                         no error
               rts                          return

* Test for presence of FDC in active slot
fdcTest        lda       #$D0               FORCE INTERRUPT command
               sta       ,x                 send to FDC command register
               bsr       fdcDelay           wait awhile
               lda       ,x                 read FDC status
               lda       3,x                read FDC data register
               coma                         invert all bits
               sta       3,x                put inverted data back
               bsr       fdcDelay           wait awhile
               suba      3,x                test if read matches write
fdcDelay       pshs      y,x,d,cc           push regs
               mul                          delay cycles
               puls      cc,d,x,y,pc        restore regs and return


eom            EQU       *