Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
Login now uses sysgo to get strings.2006-05-05, by boisy
Changes for new NitrOS-9 directory structure2006-05-05, by boisy
Fixed minor issue in ordering of code2006-04-25, by boisy
Removed leading zeros in version string2006-04-25, by boisy
sysgo strings now nul terminated2006-04-25, by boisy
Fixed sysgo issue for level 22006-04-25, by boisy
More changes2006-04-24, by boisy
More updates2006-04-24, by boisy
Update to d64 port2006-04-24, by boisy
Updates2006-04-24, by boisy
Removed makefiles2006-04-23, by boisy
Updated for new structure2006-04-23, by boisy
New rules.mak2006-04-23, by boisy
Fixed some issues2006-04-23, by boisy
6309ized2006-04-23, by boisy
For porting2006-04-23, by boisy
Updated for new structure2006-04-23, by boisy
Added2006-04-23, by boisy
All for the mix2006-04-23, by boisy
new makefile2006-04-23, by boisy
Update to CoCo 32006-04-23, by boisy
Updated2006-04-23, by boisy
More updates2006-04-23, by boisy
Update2006-04-23, by boisy
Fixed banner2006-04-23, by boisy
More changes for new porting structure2006-04-23, by boisy
more changes2006-04-22, by boisy
Modified for TANO2006-04-22, by boisy
set PORT var2006-04-22, by boisy
tano port2006-04-22, by boisy
coco port2006-04-22, by boisy
Addition of coco port2006-04-22, by boisy
Removed old files2006-04-22, by boisy
Rearranging directory for ports2006-04-22, by boisy
Removed SuperSCSI modules from standard.bl2006-04-21, by boisy
Checking in for V3.2.62006-04-21, by boisy
Updated2006-04-15, by boisy
c3 makefile2006-04-11, by boisy
Readme file for Dragon distribution of Nitros, detailing what disk sets are2006-03-31, by afra
Removed s7 descriptor from SuperDriver (no longer in product)2006-03-27, by boisy
Ran each file through pretty print2006-03-14, by boisy
Added comments and renamed some labels2006-03-14, by boisy
minor optimizations2006-03-14, by boisy
fixed error including cobbler when it should be cobbler_dragon2006-03-14, by boisy
Mild format changes2006-03-10, by boisy
System state debugging somewhat working under Level 1, still issues though.2006-03-10, by boisy
Futher division of krn, commnents added2006-03-08, by boisy
Breaking kernel down into individual files... added comments2006-03-07, by boisy
minor formatting2006-03-07, by boisy
Slight fix, verified to work under Level 1 from calldbg2006-03-07, by boisy
updated to edition 5, needs testing!2006-03-06, by boisy
Edition reset to 1, CTRL-ALT-BREAK now used to call F$Debug2006-03-06, by boisy
Added comments2006-03-06, by boisy
Slight massaging for looks2006-03-06, by boisy
Updated for Level 12006-03-05, by boisy
Fixed F$Debug so that both Level 1 and 2 are at $232006-03-05, by boisy
Drive motor now shut off before boot module returns to kernel2006-03-03, by boisy
Added comments2006-03-03, by boisy
F$Debug/D.DbgMem settled2006-03-03, by boisy
Further updates2006-03-03, by boisy
Edition 3 - now copes well in user and system state2006-03-03, by boisy
Fixed minor misspellings2006-03-01, by boisy
Added comments2006-02-23, by boisy
Added clean target2006-02-23, by boisy
new script2006-02-23, by boisy
Fixed incorrect offset reference in _readregs2006-02-19, by boisy
Code added to modify MD2006-02-19, by boisy
Added code to deal with V/MD2006-02-19, by boisy
additional preliminary changes made by R. Gault2006-02-19, by boisy
Minor code optimizations2006-02-17, by boisy
Fixed mistake2006-02-13, by boisy
Added MPI support code2006-02-13, by boisy
Fixed minor issues in code2006-02-05, by boisy
Updated2006-02-03, by boisy
Added ability to compile for CoCo machines.2006-01-30, by afra
Added more definitions as I have worked them out :)2006-01-30, by afra
Greatly expanded, added rom routine defines for compiling as either CoCo or2006-01-30, by afra
Added (with limitations) support for running on a CoCo 1/2/32006-01-30, by afra
SuperDos rom, assembalable for Dragon Dos, Dragon Alpha or RS-DOS2006-01-20, by afra
Updates to support Tano Dragon 64, using RS-DOS controler.2006-01-18, by afra
Updates to support Tano Dragon 64, using RS-DOS controler2006-01-18, by afra
Changes to permit selection of windows within a script file.2006-01-18, by robert
Changes to permit selection of vdg windows within a script file.2006-01-18, by robert
Decided to remove SS.Eject and let SS.SQD play that role2006-01-14, by boisy
Added remote debugging2006-01-11, by boisy
Changed cc3iodefs to vtiodefs_cc32006-01-11, by boisy
Pass correct steprate to boot_d64.asm2006-01-08, by afra
Fixed up step rate to be same as default specified for descriptors at build2006-01-08, by afra
Added targets for Dragon SS40 disks.2006-01-08, by afra
Added descriptors for original Dragon 5.25" drives.2006-01-08, by afra
Fixed step rate to 12ms, now builds a set of 2 SS40 disks, for original2006-01-08, by afra
Fixed step rate issues on recalibrate on original Dragon 5.25" drives2006-01-08, by afra
Patches to support upgraded Dragon 32.2006-01-08, by afra
New target added, upgraded (to 64k) dragon 32, like 64 but without Acia2006-01-08, by afra
Added comments to makefile !2006-01-08, by afra
New target added, upgraded (to 64k) dragon 32, like 64 but without Acia2006-01-08, by afra
Added lots of comments should now compile and work.2006-01-04, by afra
Added pointer to saved LSN02006-01-04, by afra
Added pointer to loaded LSN0 to data passed to hardware dependent section2006-01-04, by afra
Moved to using new boot_common/hardware dependent boot system2006-01-04, by afra
Fixed up to use vtio/covdg/cohr2006-01-04, by afra
Missing \ in helpmsg was generating make error 102005-12-23, by robert
dirsort now part of standard commands2005-12-23, by boisy
Better format for 80 column screen2005-12-23, by robert
Converted to UNIX terminators2005-12-21, by robert
Changed USE /dd/defs/defsfile to2005-12-20, by robert
Added dirsort.hp2005-12-20, by boisy
Update dirsort by Robert Gault2005-12-20, by boisy
Added HawkSoft's CDF to files2005-12-20, by boisy
Appropriate references to symbols placed2005-12-20, by boisy
Carry preserved appropriately where it wasn't before2005-12-20, by boisy
This file had /d0 changed to /dd but the CRC was not updated.2005-12-19, by robert
Updated info on rb1773 format bug2005-12-17, by boisy
Can't spell!2005-12-12, by chrish
Added SS.Eject2005-12-11, by boisy
Added IT.SOFF1-ITSOFF3 and IT.LLDRV for SuperDrivers.2005-12-11, by boisy
Level 1 slow time update bug fixed2005-12-05, by boisy
Changed to covdg.io2005-11-27, by boisy
Updated2005-11-26, by boisy
printer is now scbbp2005-11-26, by boisy
tOC files now properly made for 40 and 80 track disks2005-11-26, by boisy
Now added an 80 track disk2005-11-26, by boisy
Rename Startup to startup, changed date t to date -t2005-11-26, by boisy
Reset editions2005-11-26, by boisy
VDGInt replaced with CoVDG2005-11-26, by boisy
VTIO now referenced2005-11-26, by boisy
Fixed defsfile2005-11-26, by boisy
Makefiles reflect new module names2005-11-26, by boisy
Major changes:2005-11-26, by boisy
Updated2005-11-26, by boisy
Added SS.FDInf GetStat, now used by dir -e2005-11-26, by boisy
Added -t and -n options to dsave2005-11-26, by boisy
added dsave mod2005-11-26, by boisy
Minor source formatting2005-11-26, by boisy
Source reformatting2005-11-26, by boisy
Fixed incorrect SuperBoard offsets2005-11-25, by boisy
Fixed incorrect label reference2005-11-25, by boisy
Didn't change label coping SS.FD fix from level 2.2005-11-25, by chrish
Updated2005-11-25, by boisy
New TODOs2005-11-25, by boisy
Updated changelog2005-11-25, by boisy
Updated os9gen2005-11-25, by boisy
uses ss.fd2005-11-25, by boisy
Fixed address offsets for SuperBoard2005-11-24, by boisy
Changes to utils2005-11-23, by boisy
Removed tabs2005-11-20, by boisy
Added more defs for porting back to level 1 someday2005-11-20, by boisy
Added examples section2005-11-20, by boisy
Now assembles with rma, uses os9defs.d in c32005-11-11, by boisy
added makefile2005-11-09, by boisy
test vefs2005-11-09, by boisy
Updated2005-11-09, by boisy
Start of Coyota software2005-11-08, by boisy
Fixed incorrect calculation code for bitmap sectors2005-11-05, by boisy
added target alldragon2005-11-03, by afra
Changes for cobbler2005-11-03, by afra
Changes for cobber2005-11-03, by afra
Added defs for Dragon boot track, defined conditionally2005-11-03, by afra
Can now be compiled to cobble CoCo or Dragon disks.2005-11-03, by afra
Outdated info -- removed2005-10-29, by boisy
Driver now properly accesses hardware registers via Y instead of embedding2005-10-29, by boisy
Updates to allow formatting of Dragon OS-9 compatible disks2005-10-26, by afra
Added some minor defs for ddisk2005-10-23, by afra
Minor changes to module builds2005-10-23, by afra
Timing fixes for Dragon Alpha, should now boot more reliably2005-10-23, by afra
Calc of baud table location changed. Handles both Level1&22005-10-22, by robert
More booter optimizations2005-10-17, by boisy
Modified booters to use new boot strategy with boot_common.asm2005-10-15, by boisy
reduced labeltab size so os9boot would link2005-10-14, by robert
shortened H6309L2 code to fit within $1D0 bytes2005-10-14, by robert
virtual disk descriptor program for DragonPlus add-on2005-10-12, by afra
Virtual disk initialise program for DragonPlus add-on2005-10-12, by afra
Virtual disk driver program for DragonPlus add-on2005-10-12, by afra
GO80 loader program for DragonPlus add-on2005-10-12, by afra
Added fragmented bootfile support. Added more labels and comments2005-10-11, by boisy
Changes so far2005-10-11, by boisy
Updated for fragmented boot -b option2005-10-11, by boisy
Added -b option to allow fragmented boots2005-10-11, by boisy
Added fragmented boot support... needs additional testing.2005-10-11, by boisy
Combo of changes2005-09-21, by boisy
Added Level 1 support2005-09-10, by boisy
rules.mak updated with new rules2005-08-15, by boisy
Fixed a few problems2005-08-12, by boisy
Slight update2005-08-11, by boisy
Streamlining how bundi works2005-08-11, by boisy
New method of creating BUNDIs2005-08-11, by boisy
Converted to perl scripts2005-08-11, by boisy