Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
Fix idiocy related to pshu/pulu with "u" as an operand2015-07-15, by William Astle
level2/6309 bootfile script: Fix typo in options2015-03-23, by Tormod Volden
Added level 1 gaming bootfile for cocosdc to match other builds of gaming bootfile's.2015-02-25, by David Ladd
Updated makefile so shell was not automatically added to bootfile for level 1 coco's.2015-02-23, by David Ladd
Found SDFLAGS from level1/coco1/modules/makefile was missing. Added line.2015-02-23, by David Ladd
Corrected module list for cocosdc NitrOS-9 L1 os9boot file. Found a strangler drivewire driver in it.2015-02-23, by David Ladd
level2 makefile: Cosmetics, move DSKDW recipe2015-02-22, by Tormod Volden
level 1/2 makefiles: Cosmetics, make more consistent2015-02-22, by Tormod Volden