System Command Descriptions This section contains descriptions for each of the command programs that are supplied with OS-9. These programs are usually called using the shell, but can be called from most other OS-9 family programs such as BASIC09, Interactive Debugger, Macro Text Editor, etc. Unless otherwise noted, these programs are designed to run as individual processes. WARNING - ALTHOUGH MANY OS-9 COMMANDS MAY WORK ON LEVEL ONE OR LEVEL TWO SYSTEMS, THERE ARE DIFFERENCES. TAKE CARE NOT TO MIX COMMAND FILES FROM LEVEL ONE SYSTEMS ON LEVEL TWO, OR THE REVERSE.
Formal Syntax Notation Each command description includes a syntax definition which describes how the command sentence can be constructed. These are symbolic descriptions that use the following notation: [ ] = Brackets indicate that the enclosed item(s) are optional. &repeatst; &repeaten; = Braces indicate that the enclosed item(s) can be either omitted or repeated multiple times. &replstart;path&replend; = Represents any legal pathlist. &replstart;devname&replend; = Represents any legal device name. &replstart;nodname&replend; = Represents any legal memory module name. &replstart;procID&replend; = Represents a process number. &replstart;opts&replend; = One or more options defined in the command description. &replstart;arglist&replend; = a list of arguments (parameters). &replstart;text&replend; = a character string terminated by end-of-line. NOTE: The syntax of the commands given does not include the shell's built in options such as alternate memory size, I/O redirection, etc. This is because the shell will filter its options out of the command line before it is passed to the program being called.
Commands &attrref; &backupref; &binexref; &buildref; &chdref; &cmpref; &cobblerref; &configref; ©ref; &dateref; &dcheckref; &debugref; &delref; &deldirref; &dirref; &displayref; &dsaveref; &dumpref; &echoref; &exref; &formatref; &freeref; &go51ref; &helpref; &identref; &inizref; &killref; &linkref; &listref; &loadref; &loginref; &makdirref; &mdirref; &mergeref; &mfreeref; &os9genref; &printerrref; &procsref; &pwdref; &renameref; &saveref; &setimeref; &setprref; &shellref; &sleepref; &teeref; &tmoderef; &tsmonref; &tuneportref; &unlinkref; &verifyref; &xmoderef;