CC C Compiler cc options file options Description The are two commands which invoke distinct versions of the compiler. cc1 is for OS-9 Level I which uses a two pass compiler, and, cc2 is for Level II which causes a single pass version. Both versions of the compiler works identically, the main difference is that cc1 has been divided into two passes to fit the smaller memory size of OS-9 Level I systems. In the following text, "cc" refers to either cc1 or cc2 as appropiate for your system. Options Recognized options: (UPPER and lower case is equiv.) -a Suppress assembly. Leave output in ".a" file. -e=n Edition number (n) is supplied to c.prep for inclusion in module psect and/or to for inclusion as the edition number of the linked module. -o Inhibits assembly code optimizer pass. -p Invoke compiler function profiler. -r Suppress link step. Leave output in ".r" file. -m=size Size in pages (in kbytes if followed by a K) of additional memory the linker should allocate to object module. -l=path Library file for linker to search before the standard library. -f=path Override other output naming. Module name (in object module) is the last name in the pathlist. -f is not allowed with -a or -r. -c Output comments in assembly language code. -s Suppress generation of stack-checking code. -dNAME Is equivalent to #define NAME 1 in the preprocessor. -dNAME=STRING is equivalent to #define NAME STRING. -n=name output module name. name is used to override the -f default output name. CC1 only: -x Create, but do not execute command file. CC2 only: -q Quiet mode. Suppress echo of file names.