DSAVE Generate procedure file to copy files dsave path Description Dsave is used to backup or copy all files in one or more directories. It does not execute the commands; instead, it echos commands to standard output. This output can be redirected to a file and executed later as a procedure file. When dsave is executed, it writes copy commands to standard output to copy files from the current data directory to the directory specified by path. If dsave encounters a directory file, it will automatically include makdir and chd commands in the output before generating copy commands for files in the subdirectory. Since dsave is recursive in operation, the procedure file will exactly replicate all levels of the file system from the current data directory downward (such a section of the file system is called a "subtree"). If the current working directory happens to be the root directory of the disk, dsave will create a procedure file that will backup the entire disk file by file. This is useful when it is necessary to copy many files from different format disks, or from floppy disk to a hard disk. Available dsave options are: -b make output disk a system disk by using source disk's OS9Boot file,. if present. -b=path make output disk a system disk using path as source for the OS9Boot file. -i indent for directory levels -l do not process directories below the current level -m do not include makdir commands in procedure file -r forces the copy command to rewrite the file at its destination if it already exists -sinteger set copy size parameter to integer K For more information see: Examples Example which copies all files on "d2" to "d1": chd /d0 (select "from" directory) dsave /d1 >/d0/makecopy (make procedure file "makecopy") /d0/makcopy (run procedure file) chd /d0/MYFILES/STUFF dsave -is32 /d1/BACKUP/STUFF >saver /d0/MYFILES/STUFF/saver