******************************************************************** * rfm.d - Remote File Manager Definitions * * 2010/02/20 AAW * initial version NAM rfm.d TTL Remote File Manager Definitions DW.Create EQU $01 DW.Open EQU $02 DW.MakDir EQU $03 DW.ChgDir EQU $04 DW.Delete EQU $05 DW.Seek EQU $06 DW.Read EQU $07 DW.Write EQU $08 DW.ReadLn EQU $09 DW.WritLn EQU $0A DW.GetStt EQU $0B DW.SetStt EQU $0C DW.Close EQU $0D DWSS.GetDir EQU $10 ******************** * RFM Static Storage ORG V.USER V.DWCMD RMB 1 last DW command sent V.BUF RMB 2 pointer to buffer V.PATHNAME RMB 2 pointer to pathname V.PATHNAMELEN RMB 2 pathname length V.FILESIZE RMB 4 file size V.MODTIME RMB 6 modified time V.FATTR RMB 2 modified time V.RFM EQU . Total RFM manager static overhead