-t -x tmode .1 pau=0 echo * NitrOS-9 Level 1 Boot Creation Script echo * echo * This script creates a bootable DriveWire 3 disk image echo * using the dw3.bl bootlist file. echo * echo * The resulting disk will boot NitrOS-9 from DriveWire drive 0. echo * prompt Insert a blank disk in /x1 and press a key: echo * echo * Step 1: Format disk in /x1 format /x1 "NitrOS-9 Level 1 Boot Disk" r ynn echo * echo * Step 2: Create a custom boot track del bttemp merge ../MODULES/BOOTTRACK/rel ../MODULES/KERNEL/krn ../MODULES/KERNEL/krnp2 ../MODULES/SYSMODS/init ../MODULES/BOOTTRACK/boot_dw3>bttemp echo * echo * Step 3: Create the bootfile and boot track os9gen /x1 -t=bttemp<../BOOTLISTS/dw3.bl del bttemp echo * echo * Step 4: Populate the disk with essential files copy ../MODULES/SYSMODS/sysgo_dd /x1/sysgo makdir /x1/CMDS copy -w=/x1/CMDS ../CMDS/shell echo * echo * We're done