Initialize disk media
This command is used to physically initialize, verify, and establish
an initial file structure on a disk. All disks must be formatted
before they can be used on an OS-9 system.
NOTE: If the diskette is to be used as a system disk, OS9gen or
cobbler must be run to create the bootstrap after the disk has
been formatted.
The formatting process works as follows:
The disk surface is physically initialized and sectored.
Each sector is read back and verified. If the sector fails to
verify after several attempts, the offending sector is excluded from
the initial free space on the disk. As the verification is
performed, track numbers are displayed on the standard output
The disk allocation map, root directory, and identification sector are written
to the first few sectors of track zero. These
sectors cannot be defective.
Format will prompt for a disk volume name, which can be up to 32
characters long and may include spaces or punctuation. This name
can later be displayed using the FREE command.
For more information see: