BUILD Build a text file from standard input BUILD &replstart;path&replend; Description This command is used to build short text files by copying the standard input path into the file specified by &replstart;path&replend;. BUILD creates a file according to the pathlist parameter, then displays a "?" prompt to request an input line. Each line entered is written to the output path (file). Entering a line consisting of a carriage return only causes BUILD to terminate. Example: build small_file build /p (copies keyboard to printer) The standard input path may also be redirected to a file. Below is an example: build <mytext /T2 (copies file "mytext" to terminal T2) OS9: build newfile ? The powers of the OS-9 ? operating system are truly ? fantastic. ? [RETURN] OS9: list newfile The powers of the OS-9 operating system are truly fantastic.