FseekRewindFtellposition in a file or report current position
#include <stdio.h>
fseekFILE *fplong offsetint placerewindFILE *fplong ftellFILE *fpDescription
Fseek repositions the next character position of a file for
either read or write. The new position is a "offset" bytes
from the beginning of the file if "place" is 0, the current
position is 1, or the end if 2. Fseek sorts out the special
problems of buffering.
NOTE that using "lseek()" on a buffered file will produce
unpredictable results.
Rewind is equivalent to "fseek(fp,0L,0)".
Ftell returns the current position, measured in bytes, from the
beginning of the file pointed to by "fp".
Fseek returns -1 if the call is invalid.
See Also
System call