IDENT Print NitrOS-9 module identification ident path Description This command is used to display header information from NitrOS-9 memory modules. Ident displays the module size, CRC bytes (with verification), and for program and device driver modules, the execution offset and the permanent storage requirement bytes. ident will print and interpret the type/language and attribute/revision bytes. In addition, ident displays the byte immediately following the module name since most Microware-supplied modules set this byte to indicate the module edition. Ident will display all modules contained in a disk file. If the "-m" option appears, path is assumed to be a module in memory. If the "-v" option is specified, the module CRC is not verified. The "-x" option implies the pathlist begins in the execution directory. The "-s" option causes ident to display the. following module information on a single line: Edition byte (first byte after module name) Type/Language byte Module CRC A "." if the CRC verifies correctly, "?" if incorrect. (Ident will leave this field blank if the "-v" option appears.) Module name Examples OS9: ident -m ident Header for: Ident <Module name> Module size: $06A5 #1701 <Module size> Module CRC: $1CE78A (Good) <Good or Bad> Hdr parity: $8B <Header parity> Exec. off: $0222 #546 <Execution offset> Data size: $0CA1 #3233 <Permanent storage requirement> Edition: $05 #5 <First byte after module name> Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81 <Type/Language Attribute/Revision> Prog mod, 6809 obj, re-en <Module type, Language, Attribute> OS9: ident /d0/os9boot -s 1 $C0 $A366DC . KernelP2 83 $C0 $7FC336 . Init 1 $11 $39BA94 . SysGo 1 $C1 $402573 . IOMan 3 $D1 $EE937A . RBF 82 $F1 $526268 . DD 82 $F1 $526268 . D0 82 $F1 $D65245 . D1 82 $F1 $E32FFE . D2 1 $D1 $F944D7 . SCF 2 $E1 $F9FE37 . VDGInt 83 $F1 $765270 . Term 2 $D1 $BBC1EE . PipeMan 2 $E1 $5B2B56 . Piper 80 $F1 $CC06AF . Pipe 2 $C1 $248B2C . Clock 2 $C1 $248B2C . Clock2 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | | Module name | | | CRC check " " if -v, "." if OK, "?" if bad | | CRC value | Type/Language byte Edition byte (first byte after name)