PRINTERR Print Full Text Error Messages PRINTERR Description This command replaces the basic OS-9 error printing routine (F$PERR service request) which only prints error code numbers, with a routine the reads and displays textual error messages from the file "/d0/SYS/errmsg". Printerr's effect is system-wide. A standard error message file is supplied with OS-9. This file can be edited or replaced by the system manager. The file is a normal text file with variable length line. Each error message line begins with the error number code (in ASCII characters), a delimiter, and the error message text. The error messages need not be in any particular order. Delimiters are spaces or any character numerically lower then $20. Any line having a delimiter as its first character is considered a contintjation of the previous line(s) which permits multi-line error messages. WARNING: Once the printerr command has been used, it can not be undone. Once installed, the PRINTERR module should not be unlinked. PRINTERR uses the current user's stack for an I/O buffer, so users are encouraged to reserve reasonably large stacks. For more information see: 4.7, 6.2 Examples OS9: printerr