-x t *************************************************** * Rescue on Fractalus Install Script for the CoCo 3 * Files are copied to the /DD device * * Creating directories makdir /DD/GAMES makdir /DD/GAMES/ROF makdir /DD/GAMES/ROF/CMDS * Copying commands to /DD/GAMES/ROF/CMDS copy -r CMDS/AutoEx /DD/GAMES/ROF/CMDS/rescue * Copying support files to /DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r body -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r heads -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r larms -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r legs -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r lips -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r panel1 -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r rofvar -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r rship.c -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r rtitle.c -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF copy -r scores -w=/DD/GAMES/ROF * All Done!