TEE Copy standard input to multiple output paths TEE &repeatst;path&repeaten; Description TEE Copy standard input to multiple output paths Syntax: Tee {path} This command is a filter (see 4.3.3) that copies all text lines from its standard input path to the standard output path and any number of additional output paths whose pathlists are given as parameters. The example below uses a pipeline and TEE to simultaneously send the output listing of the "dir" command to the terminal, printer, and a disk file: dir e ! tee /printer /d0/dir.listing The following example sends the output of an assembler listing to a disk file and the printer: asm pgm.src l ! tee pgm.list >/printer The example below "broadcasts" a message to four terminals: echo WARNING System down in 10 minutes ! tee /t1 /t2 /t3 /t4