Interactive Debugger
Interactive Debugger.
Command Summary:
Evaluate; display in hexadecimal and decimal form
Display dot address and contents
Restore last dot address; display address and contents
set dot to result of expression; display address and contents
Set memory at dot to result of expression
Decrement dot; display address and contents
Increment dot; display address and contents
Display all registers' contents
Display the specified register's contents
:register expression
Set register to the result of expression
E module-name
Prepare for execution
Go to the program
G expression
Goto the program at the address specified by the result of expression
L module-name
Link to the module named; display address
Display all breakpoints
B expression
Set a breakpoint at the result of the expression
Kill all breakpoints
K expression
Kill the breakpoint at address specified by expression
M expression1 expression2
Display memory dump in tabular form
C expression1 expression2
Clear and test memory
S expression1 expression2
Search memory for pattern
$ command
Call OS-9 shell with optional command
Quit (exit) Debug