***************************************** * Hexadecimal string to BINARY conversion * OTHER MODULES REQUIRED: TO_UPPER, IS_TERMIN, IS_XDIGIT * ENTRY: X=start of a hex string terminated by a space, * comma, CR, or NULL. * EXIT: D=binary number * CC carry set iferror (too large, non-numeric) * Y=terminator position or error char. nam Convert Hex String to Binary ttl Assembler Library Module section .text HEX_BIN: clra init number clrb pshs d,x tfr d,y digit counter loop ldb ,x+ get next digit lbsr TO_UPPER convert to uppercase lbsr IS_TERMIN end of string? beq exit yes, go home lbsr IS_XDIGIT make sure it's valid digit bne error not 0..9, a..f cmpb #'9 convert to binary value bls notAtoF subb #7 fix a..f notAtoF subb #'0 convert to binary 0..15 * now shift the digit to bits 7..4 lslb lslb lslb lslb * now shift the value in to the result lda #4 number of bits l1 lslb digit bit to carry rol 1,s carry bit to result rol 0,s deca done 4? bne l1 no, loop leay 1,y number of digits done cmpy #4 bhi error more than 4 bra loop keep going exit clrb clear carry=no error sty -2,s test y (count) bne done no digits? error clr 0,s clr 1,s orcc #1 set carry done leay -1,x terminator/error pos puls d,x,pc endsect