Compiler Phase Command Lines This appendix describes the command lines and options for the individual compiler phases. Each phase of the compiler may be executed separately. The following information describes the options available to each phase.
cc1 & cc2 (C executives) cc options file options Recognized file suffixes: .c C source file .a Assembly language source file .r Relocatable module format file Recognized options: (UPPER and lower case is equiv.) -a Suppress assembly. Leave output in ".a" file. -e=n Edition number (n) is supplied to c.prep for inclusion in module psect and/or to for inclusion as the edition number of the linked module. -o Inhibits assembly code optimizer pass. -p Invoke compiler function profiler. -r Suppress link step. Leave output in ".r" file. -m=size Size in pages (in kbytes if followed by a K) of additional memory the linker should allocate to object module. -l=path Library file for linker to search before the standard library. -f=path Override other output naming. Module name (in object module) is the last name in the pathlist. -f is not allowed with -a or -r. -c Output comments in assembly language code. -s Suppress generation of stack-checking code. -dNAME Is equivalent to #define NAME 1 in the preprocessor. -dNAME=STRING is equivalent to #define NAME STRING. -n=name output module name. name is used to override the -f default output name. CC1 only: -x Create, but do not execute command file. CC2 only: -q Quiet mode. Suppress echo of file names.
c.prep (C macro preprocessor) c.prep options path options path is read as input. C.prep causes c.comp to generate psect directive with last element of pathlist and _c as the psect name. If path is /d0/myprog.c, psect name is myprog_c. Output is always to stdout. Recognized options: -l Cause c.comp to copy source lines to assembly output as comments. -E=n -e=n Use n as psect edition number. -DNAME Same as described above for cc1/cc2.
c.comp (One-pass compiler) c.comp options file options If file is not present, c.comp will read stdin. Input text need not be c.prep output, but no preprocessor directives are recognized (#include, #define, macros etc.). Output assembly code is normally to stdout. Error message output is always written to stdout. Recognized options: -s Suppress generation of stack checking code. -p Generate profile code. -o=path Write assembly output to path.
c.pass (Pass One/Two of Two-pass Compiler) c.pass1 options file options c.pass2 options file options Command line and options are the same as c.comp. If the options given to c.pass1 are not given to c.pass2 also, c.pass2 will not be able to read the c.pass1 output. Both c.pass1 and c.pass2 read stdin and write stdout normally.
c.opt (Assembly code optimizer) c.opt inpath outpath C.opt reads stdin and writes stdout. inpath must be present if outpath is given. Since c.opt rearranges and changes code, comments and assembler directives may be rearranged.
c.asm (Assembler) c.asm file options C.asm reads file as assembly language input. Errors are written to stderr. Options are turned on with one '-' and negated with '--'. To turn listing on use -l. To turn listing off use --l. To turn conditionals off use --c. Recognized options: -o=path Write relocatable output to path. Must be a disk file. -l Write listing to stdout. (default off) -c List conditional assembly lines. (default on) -f Formfeed for top of form. (default off) -g List all code bytes generated. (default off) -x Suppress macro expansion listing. (default on) -e Print errors. (default on) -s Print symbol table. (default off) -dn Set lines per page to n. (default 66). -wn Set line width to n. (default 80). (Linker) options mainline subn options turns c.asm output into executable form. All input files must contain relocatable object format (ROF) files. mainline specifies the base module from which to resolve external references. A mainline module is indicated by setting the type/lang value in the psect directive to non-zero. No other ROF can contain a mainline psect. The mainline and all subroutine files will appear in the final linked object module whether actually referenced or not. For the C Compiler, cstart.r is the mainline module. It is the mainline module's job to perform the initialization of data and the relocation of any data-text and data-data references within the initialized data using the information in the object module supplied be Recognized options: -o=path Linker object output file. Must be a disk file. The last element in path is used as the module name unless overridden by -n. -n=name Use name as object file name. -l=path Use path as library file. A library file consistes of one or more merged assembly ROF files. Each psect in the file is checked to see if it resolves any unresolved references. If so, the module is included on the final output module, otherwise it is skipped. No mainline psects are allowed in a library file. Library files are searched on the order given on the command line. -E=n -e=n n is used for the edition number in the final output module. 1 is used is -e is not present. -M=size size indicates the number of pages (kbytes if size is followed by a K) of additional memory, will allocate to the data area of the final object module. If no additional memory is given, add up the total data stack requirements found in the psect of the modules in the input modules. -m Prints linkage map indicating base addresses of the psects in the final object module. -s Prints final addresses assigned to symbols in the final object module. -b=ept Link C functions to be callable by BASIC09. ept is the name of the function to be transferred to when BASIC09 executes the RUN command. -t Allows static data to appear in a BASIC09 callable module. It is assumed the C function called and the calling BASIC09 program have provided a sufficiently large static storage data area pointed to by the Y register.