DELDIR Delete All Files In a Directory System deldir directory name Description This command is a convenient alternative to manually deleting directories and files they contain. It is only used when all files in the directory system are to be deleted. When deldir is run, it prints a prompt message like this: OS9: deldir OLDFILES Deleting directory file. List directory, delete directory, or quit ? (l/d/q) An "l" response will cause a dir -e command to be run so you can have an opportunity to see the files in the directory before they are deleted. A "d" response will initiate the process of deleting files. A "q" response will abort the command before action is taken. The directory to be deleted may include directory files, which may themselves include directory files, etc. In this case, deldir operates recursively (e.g., it calls itself) so all lower-level directories are deleted as well. In this case the lower-level directories are processed first. You must have correct access permission to delete all files and directories encountered. If not, deldir will abort upon encountering the first file for which you do not have write permission. The deldir command automatically calls the DIR and ATTR commands, so they both must reside in the current execution directory.