NitrOS-9 Module Disassembler
-m module name
Disasm was written to hack apart NitrOS-9 system modules,command modules,
file managers and device drivers/descriptors either from memory or disk.
Unlike most other disassemblers, disasm is a two pass disassembler, creating
output using only referenced labels. This output can be redirected to a file
and (after modifications if desired) then re-assembled.
Disasm provides completely commented disassembly of Device Descriptors...
very useful for building a customized boot file.
disasm -m module name
will link to module in memory - if not found,will load module from exec
directory and then link to it...after disassembly,it will attempt to
unlink the module.
disasm pathlist/module name
will 'read' the module from the specified path without loading.
other options:
o = display line number,address,object code & source code... useful for
hard to crack modules with data embedded in the middle.
x = look for module in execution directory.
ANY combination of options is allowed (upper or lower case) but they *must*
immediately follow the '-' and there must be no spaces separating the options.