Error Codes
OS-9 Error Codes The error codes are shown both in hexadecimal (first column) and decimal (second column). Error codes other than those listed are generated by programming languages or user programs. HEX DEC $C8 200 PATH TABLE FULL - The file cannot be opened because the system path table is currently full. $C9 201 ILLEGAL PATH NUMBER - Number too large or for non-existant path. $CA 202 INTERRUPT POLLING TABLE FULL $CB 203 ILLEGAL MODE - attempt to perform I/O function of which the device or file is incapable. $CC 204 DEVICE TABLE FULL - Can't add another device $CD 205 ILLEGAL MODULE HEADER - module not loaded because its sync code, header parity, or CRC is incorrect. $CE 206 MODULE DIRECTORY FULL - Can't add another module $CF 207 MEMORY FULL - Level One: not enough contiquous RAM free. Level Two: process address space full $D0 208 ILLEGAL SERVICE REQUEST - System call had an illegal code number $D1 209 MODULE BUSY - non-sharable module is in use by another process. $D2 210 BOUNDARY ERROR - Memory allocation or deallocation request not on a page boundary. $D3 211 END OF FILE - End of file encountered on read. $D4 212 RETURNING NON-ALLOCATED MEMORY - (NOT YOUR MEMORY) attempted to deallocate memory not previously assigned. $D5 213 NON-EXISTING SEGMENT - device has damaged file structure. $D6 214 NO PERMISSION - file attributes do not permit access requested. $D7 215 BAD PATH NAME - syntax error in pathlist (illegal character, etc.). $D8 216 PATH NAME NOT FOUND - can't find pathlist specified. $D9 217 SEGMENT LIST FULL - file is too fragmented to be expanded further. $DA 218 FILE ALREADY EXISTS - file name already appears in current directory. $DB 219 ILLEGAL BLOCK ADDRESS - device's file structure has been damaged. $DC 220 ILLEGAL BLOCK SIZE - device's file structure has been damaged. $DD 221 MODULE NOT FOUND - request for link to module not found in directory. $DE 222 SECTOR OUT OF RANGE - device file structure damaged or incorrectly formatted. $DF 223 SUICIDE ATTEMPT - request to return memory where your stack is located. $E0 224 ILLEGAL PROCESS NUMBER - no such process exists. $E2 226 NO CHILDREN - can't wait because process has no children. $E3 227 ILLEGAL SWI CODE - must be 1 to 3. $E4 228 PROCESS ABORTED - process aborted by signal code 2. $E5 229 PROCESS TABLE FULL - can't fork now. $E6 230 ILLEGAL PARAMETER AREA - high and low bounds passed in fork call are incorrect. $E7 231 KNOWN MODULE - for internal use only. $E8 232 INCORRECT MODULE CRC - module has bad CRC value. $E9 233 SIGNAL ERROR - receiving process has previous unprocessed signal pending. $EA 234 NON-EXISTENT MODULE - unable to locate module. $EB 235 BAD NAME - illegal name syntax. $EC 236 BAD HEADER - module header parity incorrect $ED 237 RAM FULL - no free system RAM available at this time $EE 238 UNKNOWN PROCESS ID - incorrect process ID number $EF 239 NO TASK NUMBER AVAILABLE - all task numbers in use
Device Driver/Hardware Errors The following error codes are generated by I/O device drivers, and are somewhat hardware dependent. Consult manufacturer's hardware manual for more details. HEX DEC $F0 240 UNIT ERROR - device unit does not exist $F1 241 SECTOR ERROR - sector number is out of range. $F2 242 WRITE PROTECT - device is write protected. $F3 243 CRC ERROR - CRC error on read or write verify $F4 244 READ ERROR - Data transfer error during disk read operation, or SCF (terminal) input buffer overrun. $F5 245 WRITE ERROR - hardware error during disk write operation. $F6 246 NOT READY - device has "not ready" status. $F7 247 SEEK ERROR - physical seek to non-existant sector. $F8 248 MEDIA FULL - insufficient free space on media. $F9 249 WRONG TYPE - attempt to read incompatible media (i.e. attempt to read double-side disk on single-side drive) $FA 250 DEVICE BUSY - non-sharable device is in use $FB 251 DISK ID CHANGE - Media was changed with files open $FC 252 RECORD IS LOCKED-OUT - Another process is accessing the requested record. $FD 253 NON-SHARABLE FILE BUSY - Another process is accessing the requested file. $FE 254 I/O DEADLOCK ERROR - Two processes are attempting to use the same two disk areas simultaneously.