HELP Displays the usage and syntax of OS-9 commands. HELP Notes To use HELP, first copy Cmds.hp from the SYS directory of the CONFIG/BOOT Diskette to the SYS directory of your system diskette. Next, copy HELP from the CMDS directory of the CONFIG/BOOT Diskette to the CMDS directory of your system diskette as follows: Procedure for one disk drive: 1. With OS-9 booted and the system diskette in your drive, type: LOAD COPY [ENTER] 2. Replace the system diskete with the CONFIG/BOOT Diskette and type: COPY /D0/SYS/CMDS.HP /D0/SYS/CMDS.HP -S #30K [ENTER] 3. Exchange the two diskettes as requested by the screen prompts until the process is complete. 4. Again, place the CONFIG/BOOT DIskette int he drive, and type: COPY /D0/CMDS/help /D0/CMDS/help -S #30K [ENTER] 5. Swap diskettes as requested until the process is complete. Procedure for two disk drives 1. With OS-9 booted, place the CONFIG/BOOT Diskette in Drive 1. Be sure the system diskette is in Drive 0. 2. Type: COPY /D1/SYS/CMDS.HP /D0/SYS/CMDS.HP [ENTER] 3. When the first copy is complete, type: COPY /D1/CMDS/help /D0/CMDS/help [ENTER] Cmds.hp is a data file, not a text file, and you cannot successfully display it on your screen or edit it with a standard text editor. It contains help for standard OS-9 commands. HELP displays the form and syntax of the specified command. If you use a non-standard command name, a screen display tells you that help is not available for that command. Examples: HELP BACKUP [ENTER] BACKUP [e][s][-v][dev][dev] Copies all data from one device to another HELP ME [ENTER] ME Help not available HELP [ENTER] HELP [command name][...]