************************************** * FPUTS: print null terminated string to "A". * OTHER MODULES REQUIRED: none * ENTRY: X=start of string * A=path * EXIT: CC carry set if error * B = OS9 error if any (from I$WritLn) * NOTE: string is feed through I$WritLn for editing (adding LF, etc.) nam Output String ttl Assembler Library Module section .text FPUTS: pshs a,x,y,u tfr x,u start of 1st segment to print loop pshs u start of this segment ldy #-1 size of this seg. l1 leay 1,y count size ldb ,u+ check for null/cr beq doit null=do last seg. cmpb #$0d cr=do this seg. bne l1 leay 1,y count CR as one of the ones to print doit puls x get start of this segment OS9 I$WritLn bcs exit tst -1,u at end? bne loop exit puls a,x,y,u,pc return with status in CC,error code in B endsect