@DEBUG Syntax: Debug Usage : Interactive Debugger Debug command summary: [SPACE]expression Evaluate expression; display result in hex and decimal form. . Display Dot address and contents. .. Restore last Dot address; display address and contents. .expression Set Dot to result of expression; display address and contents. =expression Set memory at Dot to result of expression. - Decrement Dot; display address and contents. [ENTER] Increment Dot; display address and contents. : Display all registers' contents. :register Display specified register's contents. :register expression Set specified register to result of expression. E module-name Prepare for execution. G Go to the program. G expression Go to the program at the address specified by the result of expression. L module-name Link to module-name; display address. B Display all breakpoints. B expression Set a breakpoint at the address specified by expression. K Kill (remove) all breakpoints. K expression Kill breakpoint at the address specified by expression. M expr1 expr2 Display memory from expr1 to expr2. C expr1 expr2 Clear and test memory from expr1 to expr2. S expr2 expr2 Search memory from Dot to expr1 for value expr2. $text Call OS-9 shell. Q Quit (exit) debug. The full manual is here: https://sourceforge.net/p/nitros9/wiki/Interactive_Debugger