changeset 978:020929a44372

F$DatMod for OS-9 Level One and test program
author boisy
date Tue, 04 Feb 2003 19:50:36 +0000
parents dd89c62ea2ca
children 8bff44782cae
files 3rdparty/p2mods/datmod.asm 3rdparty/p2mods/defsfile 3rdparty/p2mods/makefile 3rdparty/p2mods/tdatmod.asm
diffstat 4 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/p2mods/datmod.asm	Tue Feb 04 19:50:36 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+* F$DatMod
+* Entry:
+*     A = Type/Language
+*     B = Attr/Rev
+*     X = address of name
+*     Y = size
+* Exit:
+*     X = address of last byte of name + 1
+*     Y = module entry point address
+*     U = module header address
+Level    equ   1
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc
+Type     set   Prgrm+Objct
+Revs     set   ReEnt+1
+edition  set   $01
+         mod   eom,name,Type,Revs,start,256
+name     fcs   "DatMod"
+         fcb   $01
+* routine cold
+start    clra
+         leax  name,pcr
+         os9   F$Link
+         bcs   error
+         leay  SvcTbl,pcr
+         os9   F$SSvc
+         clrb
+error    os9   F$Exit
+F$DatMod equ   $25
+SvcTbl   equ   *
+         fcb   F$DatMod
+         fdb   DatMod-*-2
+         fcb   $80
+s.namlen equ   0
+s.nextnm equ   2
+s.modptr equ   6
+s.size   equ   8
+         leas  -s.size,s
+* First, parse the name
+         ldx   R$X,u		get the name of the module
+         os9   F$PrsNam		parse it: TODO /x/x crashes machine!
+         lbcs  DatModEr
+         sty   s.nextnm,s	save updated name pointer
+         tfr   y,d		get ptr to last char + 1 into D
+         subd  R$X,u		get length of name in D
+         std   s.namlen,s	save name length for later
+         addd  R$Y,u		add name length to caller's specified size
+         addd  #M$IDSize+3	add module header size and CRC
+         pshs  u
+         os9   F$SRqMem		ask system for this memory
+         stu   s.modptr+2,s	else save pointer to module
+         puls  u
+         lbcs  DatModEr		branch if error
+         ldy   s.modptr,s	get module pointer into Y
+* We have the memory for the Data Module, now populate it
+         std   M$Size,y		save size in module
+         ldd   #M$ID12		get module ID bytes
+         std   M$ID,y		save in module
+         ldd   R$D,u		get passed type/lang and attr/rev
+         bita  #TypeMask	is type zero?
+         bne   StoreIt		branch if not...
+         anda  #Data		else force type to be data
+StoreIt  std   M$Type,y		and save in module 
+         ldd   M$Size,y		get module ptr's size
+         subd  s.namlen,s	subtract name's length from size
+         subd  #3		and CRC
+         std   M$Name,y		and save pointer to it in module header
+* Compute header parity
+         pshs  d		save D (holds offset to name from within module)
+         ldd   #M$IDSize-1
+         pshs  b
+         clrb
+EorLoop  eora  b,y
+         incb
+         cmpb  ,s
+         bne   EorLoop
+         puls  b
+         coma
+         sta   M$Parity,y	save parity byte
+* Copy name from caller's X to data module
+         ldx   R$X,u		point to caller's passed name
+         puls  d		get name ptr in module into D
+         addd  s.modptr,s	add absolute address of module
+         tfr   d,y		and put in Y
+         ldb   s.namlen+1,s	get length of name
+CpyLoop  lda   ,x+		get char
+         sta   ,y+		put char
+         decb			decrement counter
+         bne   CpyLoop
+         ora   #$80		set high bit of last character we got
+         sta   -1,y		and put it back in module
+* Initialize CRC with constant $FFFFFF
+         ldd   #$FFFF		get CRC initializer
+         std   ,y		and store
+         sta   2,y
+* Compute CRC and validate Module
+         pshs  u
+         tfr   y,u		U now holds pointer to CRC
+         ldx   s.modptr+2,s	get pointer to module
+         ldy   M$Size,x		get module size
+         leay  -3,y		subtract CRC length
+         os9   F$CRC		update CRC
+         ldd   ,u		get 1st two bytes of CRC
+         coma			complement them
+         comb
+         std   ,u		save them back
+         lda   2,u		get third byte of CRC
+         coma			complement them
+         sta   2,u		save it back
+         os9   F$VModul		and validate module
+         puls  u
+         bcc   DatModOk		branch if all ok
+         pshs  cc,b		preserve error info
+         ldd   M$Size,s		get module size alloced from stack
+         tfr   x,u		put module ptr from X to U
+         os9   F$SRtMem		return memory
+         puls  b,cc		get error info
+         bra   DatModEr		and exit
+* Put return info in caller's regs
+DatModOk ldx   s.nextnm,s	get pointer to char after name
+         stx   R$X,u		save it in caller's X
+         ldx   s.modptr,s	get module pointer
+         stx   R$U,u		save it in caller's U
+         leax  M$IDSize,x	get entry point
+         stx   R$Y,u		save it in caller's Y
+DatModEr leas  s.size,s
+         rts
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end
--- a/3rdparty/p2mods/defsfile	Tue Feb 04 19:43:52 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/p2mods/defsfile	Tue Feb 04 19:50:36 2003 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+        IFEQ    Level
 Level   equ     2
+        ENDC
 	use	os9defs
         use     systype
--- a/3rdparty/p2mods/makefile	Tue Feb 04 19:43:52 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/p2mods/makefile	Tue Feb 04 19:50:36 2003 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 include ../../Makefile.rules
 DEPENDS		= ./Makefile
-CMDS		= os9p3_sayhi sayhi tsayhi
+CMDS		= os9p3_sayhi sayhi tsayhi datmod tdatmod
 all:	$(ALLOBJS)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 	@$(ECHO) "*         3rd Party System Modules          *"
 	@$(ECHO) "*                                           *"
 	@$(ECHO) "*********************************************"
+	$(CHMOD) 755 $(CMDS)
 	$(RM) $(ALLOBJS)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/p2mods/tdatmod.asm	Tue Feb 04 19:50:36 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+         ifp1
+         use   os9defs
+         endc
+Type     set   Prgrm+Objct
+Revs     set   ReEnt+1
+edition  set   $01
+         mod   OS9End,OS9Name,Type,Revs,start,256
+OS9Name  fcs   "tdatmod"
+         fcb   edition
+* routine cold
+start    equ   *
+         lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #$0D
+         beq   bye
+         ldy   #256
+         ldd   #Data*256+ReEnt
+         os9   F$DatMod
+         bcs   error
+bye      clrb
+error    os9   F$Exit
+         emod
+OS9End   equ   *
+         end