changeset 1319:11e1351de632

Now come from OS-9 Level One
author boisy
date Thu, 04 Sep 2003 20:43:11 +0000 (2003-09-04)
parents a543ba9d856b
children 68bc2285ea17
files level2/modules/p.asm level2/modules/printer.asm
diffstat 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 412 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level2/modules/p.asm	Thu Sep 04 20:10:18 2003 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-* P - CoCo serial priner device descriptor
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-         nam   P
-         ttl   CoCo serial priner device descriptor
-* Disassembled 98/08/23 21:15:24 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Devic+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $00
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,mgrnam,drvnam
-         fcb   READ.+WRITE. mode byte
-         fcb   $07        extended controller address
-         fdb   $FF22      physical controller address
-         fcb   initsize-*-1 initilization table size
-         fcb   DT.SCF     device type:0=scf,1=rbf,2=pipe,3=scf
-         fcb   $00        case:0=up&lower,1=upper only
-         fcb   $00        backspace:0=bsp,1=bsp then sp & bsp
-         fcb   $01        delete:0=bsp over line,1=return
-         fcb   $00        echo:0=no echo
-         fcb   $00        auto line feed:0=off
-         fcb   $00        end of line null count
-         fcb   $00        pause:0=no end of page pause
-         fcb   66         lines per page
-         fcb   C$BSP      backspace character
-         fcb   C$DEL      delete line character
-         fcb   C$CR       end of record character
-         fcb   $00        end of file character
-         fcb   C$RPRT     reprint line character
-         fcb   C$RPET     duplicate last line character
-         fcb   C$PAUS     pause character
-         fcb   $00        interrupt character
-         fcb   $00        quit character
-         fcb   $5F        backspace echo character
-         fcb   C$BELL     line overflow character (bell)
-         fcb   $00        init value for dev ctl reg
-         fcb   B600       baud rate
-         fdb   name       copy of descriptor name address
-         fcb   $00        acia xon char
-         fcb   $00        acia xoff char
-         fcb   80         (szx) number of columns for display
-         fcb   66         (szy) number of rows for display
-initsize equ   *
-name     fcs   /p/
-mgrnam   fcs   /SCF/
-drvnam   fcs   /Printer/
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end   
--- a/level2/modules/printer.asm	Thu Sep 04 20:10:18 2003 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-* Printer - CoCo 3 Serial Printer Driver
-* $Id$
-* Enhanced and re-written by Alan DeKok
-* Problems with original:
-*   returns wrong error on Read/SetStt
-*   doesn't block output.  The printer is a single-user device!
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*        NitrOS-9 2.00 distribution                         ??/??/??
-*  13    Back-ported to OS-9 Level Two                  BGP 03/01/05
-         nam   Printer
-         ttl   CoCo 3 Serial Printer Driver
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         endc
-tylg     set   Drivr+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+Rev
-rev      set   $00
-edition  set   13
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,Start,Size
-         fcb   READ.+WRITE.
-name     fcs   /PRINTER/
-         fcb   edition    one more revision level than the stock printer
-* Device memory area: offset from U
-         org   V.SCF      V.SCF: free memory for driver to use
-V.PAR    rmb   1          1=space, 2=mark parity
-V.BIT    rmb   1          0=7, 1=8 bits
-V.STP    rmb   1          0=1 stop bit, 1=2 stop bits
-V.COM    rmb   2          Com Status baud/parity (=Y from SS.Comst Set/GetStt
-V.COL    rmb   1          columns
-V.ROW    rmb   1          rows
-V.WAIT   rmb   2          wait count for baud rate?
-V.TRY    rmb   2          number of re-tries if printer is busy
-V.RTRY   rmb   1          low nibble of parity=high byte of number of retries
-V.BUFF   rmb   $80        room for 128 blocked processes
-size     equ   .
-* Baud Rate Delay Table
-BaudDly  equ   *
-         IFEQ  NitrOS9
-* OS-9 Level Two delay values (1.89MHz)
-         fdb   $090C    110 baud
-         fdb   $034C    300 baud
-         fdb   $01A2    600 baud
-         fdb   $00CE    1200 baud
-         fdb   $0062    2400 baud
-         fdb   $002E    4800 baud
-         fdb   $0012    9600 baud
-         fdb   $0003    32000 baud
-         ELSE   
-* NitrOS-9 Level Two delay values (1.89MHz)
-         fdb   $090C    110 baud (Unchanged, unknown)
-         fdb   $03D0    300 baud
-         fdb   $01A2    600 baud (Unchanged, unknown)
-         fdb   $00F0    1200 baud
-         fdb   $0073    2400 baud
-         fdb   $0036    4800 baud
-         fdb   $0017    9600 baud
-         fdb   $0003    32000 baud (Unchanged, unknown)
-         ENDC
-start    equ   *
-         lbra  Init
-         lbra  Read
-         lbra  Write
-         lbra  GetStt
-         lbra  SetStt
-Term     equ   *
-         clrb
-         rts
-Init     orcc  #IntMasks
-         ldx   #$FF20
-         clr   $01,X
-         ldd   <$2C,Y     get number of columns/rows
-         std   <V.COL,U
-         lda   #$FE
-         sta   ,X
-         lda   #$36
-         sta   $01,X
-         lda   ,X
-         andcc #^IntMasks
-         ldd   <$26,Y     parity and baud rate
-         lbsr  L0138      setup parity/baud in device memory
-         lbsr  L0104      get low bit of $FF22 into carry
-         lbcs  L0100      it's the ready flag
-* clear out buffer
-         leax  V.BUFF,u   room for 128 blocked processes
-         ldb   #$80
-I010     clr   ,x+        we're more concerned with room
-         decb             than with speed, so we don't use TFM
-         bne   I010
-         rts
-L005F    ldb   <PD.BAU,Y     PD.BAU
-         andb  #$0F		keep lower nibble
-         cmpb  #$07       get baud rate
-         lbhs  Read
-         aslb  
-         leax  <BaudDly,PCR table of delay times
-         ldx   b,X
-         stx   <V.WAIT,U
-         clrb  
-         rts
-Bit_2    ldb   #$02
-L007D    stb   >$FF20
-L0080    pshs  d
-         ldd   <V.WAIT,U get wait count for baud rate
-L0085    equ   *
-         IFNE  H6309
-         decd             count down by one
-         ELSE
-         subd  #$0001
-         ENDC
-         bne   L0085
-         puls  pc,d
-Write    equ   *
-         leax  V.BUFF,u   point to the buffer
-         ldb   V.BUSY,u   get my process number
-         tst   ,x         get allowed process number
-         bne   W010       if not zero, else
-         stb   ,x         I'm the only one allowed to use it
-W010     cmpb  ,x         am I allowed to use /p?
-         beq   W030       if yes, go write a character
-* WARNING: If more than 128 processes try to use the printer,
-* this will CRASH BADLY.  Since Level II on the Coco is limited
-* to 32 processes, I don't think it's a problem.
-W020     tst   ,x+        if not, find the first non-zero entry
-         bne   W020
-         stb   -1,x       and save my process number at the first zero
-         pshs  a
-         lda   V.BUFF,u   process that's allowed to use /p
-         sta   V.BUSY,u   make it the busy one
-         ldb   #$01       wake it up
-         os9   F$Send     send a signal to wake it
-         IFNE  H6309
-         tfr   0,x
-         ELSE
-         ldx   #$0000
-         ENDC
-         os9   F$Sleep    and go to sleep forever
-         puls  a          restore character to be sent, and continue
-W030     bsr   L005F      set up baud rate, etc in memory
-         bcs   L00CA
-         pshs  a
-         bsr   L00CB      make sure that the device is ready
-         puls  a
-         bcs   L00CA      if the device is not ready
-         IFNE  H6309
-         lde   #$09       9 bits to send out
-         ELSE
-         pshs b,a
-         lda  #$09
-         sta  1,s
-         puls a
-         ENDC
-         orcc  #IntMasks  turn off interrupts
-         tst   <V.BIT,U   number of bits
-         beq   L00AC      if 7 bits, count down by one
-         IFNE  H6309
-         dece             initially send out start bit
-         ELSE
-         dec   ,s
-         ENDC
-L00AC    bsr   L007D      write B to $FF20 and wait
-         clrb
-         lsra             move A into carry
-         rolb
-         rolb
-         IFNE  H6309
-         dece             count down on the number of bits to send
-         ELSE
-         dec   ,s
-         ENDC
-         bne   L00AC
-         IFEQ  H6309
-         puls  b
-         ENDC
-         ldb   <V.PAR,U   space/mark parity
-         beq   L00BC      0=no parity
-         andb  #$FE       1=space, 0=mark parity
-* should be andb #$FD I think...
-         bsr   L007D      dump out a parity byte
-L00BC    bsr   Bit_2      and a stop bit
-         tst   <V.STP,U   do another one?
-         beq   L00C9
-         bsr   Bit_2      yes, dump out another stop byte
-L00C9    andcc #^IntMasks
-L00CA    rts
-L0104    pshs  b
-         ldb   >$FF22     get a byte
-         lsrb  
-         puls  pc,b
-L00CB    equ   *
-         IFNE  H6309
-         clrd
-         ELSE
-         clra
-         clrb
-         ENDC
-         std   <V.TRY,U
-L00D0    ldd   #$0303
-L00D3    bsr   L0104      get device ready status
-         bcs   L00DE      if not ready, wait for a bit
-         IFNE  H6309
-         bsr   L0080      wait
-         ELSE
-         lbsr  L0080      wait
-         ENDC
-         decb  
-         bne   L00D3      try again
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-L00DE    lbsr  L0080      wait for a while
-         deca             try 3 times,
-         bne   L00D3
-         pshs  x
-         ldx   #$0001
-         os9   F$Sleep    sleep for the rest of this tick
-         puls  x
-         ldd   <V.TRY,U
-         IFNE  H6309
-         incd             we've tried once more and failed...
-         ELSE
-         addd  #$0001
-         ENDC
-         std   <V.TRY,U
-         ldb   <V.RTRY,U  number of retries to do
-         beq   L00D0      if unspecified, keep retrying
-         cmpb  <V.TRY,U   if exceeded number of retries,
-         bhi   L00D0      then we crap out
-L0100    comb  
-         ldb   #E$NotRdy
-         rts   
-GetStt   cmpa  #SS.EOF    end of file?
-         bne   L0112
-         clrb             if so, exit with no error
-         rts   
-L0112    ldx   PD.RGS,Y
-         cmpa  #SS.ScSiz
-         beq   L0123
-         cmpa  #SS.ComSt
-         bne   L0173
-         ldd   <V.COM,U     get Com status
-         std   R$Y,X
-         clrb
-         rts
-* get screen size GetStt
-L0123    clra  
-         ldb   <V.COL,U
-         std   R$X,X
-         ldb   <V.ROW,U
-         std   R$Y,X
-         clrb
-         rts
-SetStt   cmpa  #SS.ComSt
-         bne   Close      if not, check if it's a close
-         ldx   PD.RGS,Y
-         ldd   R$Y,X
-* A = Parity byte
-* B = baud rate
-L0138    std   <V.COM,U     save parity, baud rate in com status
-         IFNE  H6309
-         clrd
-         ELSE
-         clra
-         clrb
-         ENDC
-         std   <V.PAR,U
-         sta   <V.STP,U
-         ldd   <V.COM,U
-         tstb
-         bpl   L014C
-         inc   <V.STP,U  do 2 stop bits
-L014C    bitb  #$40       make sure the bit is zero
-         bne   Read
-         bitb  #$20       0=8, 1=7 bits
-         beq   L0157
-         inc   <V.BIT,U
-L0157    bita  #$20
-         beq   L0169      if=0, no parity
-         bita  #$80
-         beq   Read       if high bit set (only for ACIA devices), error out
-         inc   <V.PAR,U     parity
-         bita  #$40
-         bne   L0169      1=space,
-         inc   <V.PAR,U  2=mark parity
-L0169    anda  #$0F
-         sta   <V.RTRY,U
-         rts   
-Read     comb  
-         ldb   #E$BMode
-         rts
-L0173    comb
-         ldb   #E$UnkSVc
-         rts
-Close    cmpa  #SS.Close  close the device?
-         bne   L0173
-         leax  V.BUFF,u   point to blocked process buffer
-C010     lda   1,x        get next process number
-         sta   ,x+
-         bne   C010       do until we have a zero byte
-         lda   V.BUFF,u   get the first process in the queue
-         beq   C020       if none left
-         ldb   #$01       wake up signal
-         os9   F$Send     re-start the blocked process
-C020     clrb
-         rts
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
-         end