changeset 2371:1317b044e8bf

*** empty log message ***
author gheskett
date Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:33:26 +0000
parents 403de20e5891
children bfb8eefc19e1
files defs/l51.defs level2/modules/joydrv_6551L.asm
diffstat 2 files changed, 495 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/defs/l51.defs	Wed Jan 20 21:21:42 2010 +0000
+++ b/defs/l51.defs	Wed Jan 20 21:33:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 * miscellaneous definitions
 HResMaxX equ   639        high resolution X limit
 HResMaxY equ   191        high resolution Y limit
 MousData equ   $0008      arbitrary choice for mouse data area ($0008-$000F)
-PcktSize equ   5          number of bytes in mouse data packet
-SyncData equ   %10000000  initial mouse data byte pattern
-SyncMask equ   %11111000  mask for initial mouse data byte pattern
+*PcktSize equ  5	  wrong for M$, Logitek mice
+PcktSize equ   4          number of bytes in mouse data packet, wrong. max 4, usually 3
+*SyncData equ   %10000000  initial mouse data byte pattern- wrong
+SyncData equ   %01000000  initial mouse data byte pattern, d7 is NOT used
+*SyncMask equ   %11111000  mask for initial mouse data byte pattern-wrong
+SyncMask equ   %01111000  mask for initial mouse data byte pattern
 * 6551 register definitions
          org   0
 DataReg  rmb   1          receive/transmit data
@@ -60,7 +61,9 @@
 DB.6     equ   %01000000  six data bits per character
 DB.7     equ   %00100000  seven data bits per character
 DB.8     equ   %00000000  eight data bits per character
+* GH 28/06/2008 Note, data format is only 7 bits
+* but most mice send 8 bits with the last bit,
+* MSB set which=extra stop bit, so use DB.7
 * baud rate table
          org   0
 BR.ExClk rmb   1          16x external clock
@@ -81,14 +84,25 @@
 BR.19200 rmb   1          19200 baud
 * Btn.Cntr bit definitions
-BC.Butn1 equ   %00100000  button #1 (left, 1 = pressed)
-BC.Butn2 equ   %00010000  button #2 (middle, 1 = pressed)
-BC.Butn3 equ   %00001000  button #3 (right, 1 = pressed)
-BC.RxCnt equ   %00000111  Rx data counter
+BC.ButnL equ   %00100000  button #1 (left, 1 = pressed=$20)
+BC.ButnR equ   %00010000  button #2 (right, 1 = pressed=$10)
+BC.ButnC equ   %00001000  button #3 (center, 1 = pressed=$08)
+BC.RxCnt equ   %00000111  Rx data byte count
+BC.Butns equ   BC.ButnL!BC.ButnR!BC.ButnC mask for all buttons
-BC.Butns equ   BC.Butn1!BC.Butn2!BC.Butn3 mask for all buttons
+* added 06/21/2008 GH some defines for button up
+BU.ButnL equ   %00011111  to clear button #1 left
+BU.ButnR equ   %00101111  to clear button #2 right
+BU.ButnC equ   %00110111  to clear button #3 center
+* Added 06/21/2008 GH more possibly handy defines
+* here is a good place to define mouse buttons
+* as the mouse output data delivers them to us
+MD.Sync  equ %01000000 never set unless sync byte
+MD.ButnL equ %00100000 left, in first 'sync' byte of logitek mouse
+MD.ButnR equ %00010000 right, in first 'sync' byte of logitek mouse
+MD.ButnC equ %00100000 center, but in 4th byte only
+MskYYXX  equ  %11000000 for use after shifted to msbits
 * mouse static data area definitions
          org   0
 Btn.Cntr rmb   1          mouse button status and Rx data counter
@@ -96,3 +110,25 @@
 CrntXPos rmb   2          mouse X position (0 to HResMaxX)
 CrntYPos rmb   2          mouse Y position (0 to HResMaxY*2)
+* added, may, may not be usefull, GH
+* logitek mouse data defs, almost same as M$, bit D7 of any byte is don't care
+* Assume Btn.Cntr will be inc'd as last processing op of each byte rx'd here.
+LkMsMask equ	%01111111 d7 ignored
+LkMsSync equ	%01000000 only set for first byte of packet, set Btn.Cntr=0
+LkMsLBtn equ	%00100000 if left button pushed, in sync byte
+LkMsRbtn equ	%00010000 if right button pushed, in sync byte
+* except this one in 4th byte
+LgtkCBtn equ	%00100000 if center button pushed, and Btn.Cntr=3
+* sign bits
+LkMsYSgn equ	%00001000 direction of current move, in sync byte
+LkMsXSgn equ	%00000010 direction of current move, in sync byte
+* direction since last packet bits
+LkMsYMsb equ	%00000100 MSB of current Y move, in sync byte
+LkMsXMsb equ	%00000001 MSB of current X move, in sync byte
+LkMsXMov equ	%00111111 the rest of an 7 bit value, when Btn.Cntr=1 (second byte)
+LkMsYMov equ	%00111111 the rest of an 7 bit value, when Btn.Cntr=2
+* Microsoft sends the center button down as a no data packet
+* sync bit only in first byte
+* ANYTHING else is a center button up event.
--- a/level2/modules/joydrv_6551L.asm	Wed Jan 20 21:21:42 2010 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/joydrv_6551L.asm	Wed Jan 20 21:33:26 2010 +0000
@@ -11,93 +11,137 @@
 *   6r1    2005/04/25  Boisy G. Pitre
 * Fixed error where wrong branch was taken.
-         nam   JoyDrv    
-         ttl   Joystick Driver for 6551/Logitech Mouse
+* GH 08/06/2008 gleaned from a newsgroup msg found by google
+*>   Hmm, let me guess: the terminal used a 6551 ACIA.
+* Possibly so, but not necessarily. Seems there are terminals out there
+* that require DCD/DSR/strange signals for receiving/transmitting. Choose
+* any combination you like.
+* Now, the ACIA 6551 is an especially braindead beast. It requires both
+* DCD and DSR, and pulling CTS low for flow control will make it stop
+* sending immediately, without finishing the character, resulting in a
+* junked character. (Not all versions of the chip have this bug. Most do.)
+* The Archimedes people who were struck with the 6551 usually wired DCD
+* and CTS to high, DSR to modem CTS, RI to modem DCD.
+* FWIW, the mouse outputs a packet of un-determined length when
+* it is enabled, no motion needed to trigger, just turn it on
+* Since the mouse is port powered, enabling its power could
+* cause this I presume.
+* GH 21/06/08 my mouse is fixed at 3 bytes
+* GH see comments scattered through the code
+* none of which will be precious in final
+* version
+* GH - 21/12/09 version 11 (B) moving some code to shrink, rechecking
+* GH - 18/12/09 version A - trying to fix button locations in packet
+* GH - 30/06/2008  version 8
+* GH - 08/08/2008 version 7
+* Re-wrote to rearrange order of init see
+* comments scattered through the code
+* GH - 01/07/2008 version 9
+* added code to function with a real M$ 3 button mouse
+* now defaults to M$ empty packet for Center button down event
+* but detects 4th byte from a Logitek mouse & switches modes
+* till next reboot.
+* Also no 6309 optimizations yet.  Version A maybe? Not yet.
+* one problem has been the narrow list format, Boisy advises:
+	opt	w132
+	nam	JoyDrv
+	ttl	Joystick Driver for 6551/Logitech Mouse
 * Disassembled 98/09/09 09:22:44 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-         ifp1            
-         use   defsfile  
-         use   l51.defs  
-         endc            
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         use   l51.defs
+         endc
+* l51.defs - something else to check against google et all
+* l51.defs has been modified, this needs the new version
+* set this to get some debugging in the boot trace
+DEBUG	= 1
 tylg     set   Systm+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev 
-rev      set   $01
-edition  set   6         
-MPISlot  set   $FF
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,$FF68
-name     fcs   /JoyDrv/  
-         fcb   edition   
-SlotSlct fcb   MPISlot   
-start    lbra  Init      
-         lbra  Term      
-         lbra  SSMsBtn   
-         lbra  SSMsXY    
-         lbra  SSJoyBtn  
-SSJoyXY  pshs  x,b,a     
-         ldx   #PIA0Base 
-         lda   <$23,x    
-         ldb   <$20,x    
-         pshs  b,a       
-         anda  #$F7      
-         sta   <$23,x    
-         lda   $01,x     
-         ldb   $03,x     
-         pshs  b,a       
-         andb  #$F7      
-         lsr   $04,s     
-         bcs   L0043     
-         orb   #$08      
-L0043    stb   $03,x     
-         lda   ,s        
-         ora   #$08      
-         bsr   L0065     
-         std   $06,s     
-         lda   ,s        
-         anda  #$F7      
-         bsr   L0065     
-         std   $04,s     
-         puls  b,a       
-         sta   $01,x     
-         stb   $03,x     
-         puls  b,a       
-         stb   <$20,x    
-         sta   <$23,x    
-         puls  pc,y,x    
-L0065    sta   $01,x     
-         lda   #$7F      
-         ldb   #$40      
-         bra   L0078     
-L006D    lsrb            
-         cmpb  #$01      
-         bhi   L0078     
-         lsra            
-         lsra            
-         tfr   a,b       
-         clra            
-         rts             
-L0078    pshs  b         
-         sta   <$20,x    
-         tst   ,x        
-         bpl   L0085     
-         adda  ,s+       
-         bra   L006D     
-L0085    suba  ,s+       
-         bra   L006D     
-IRQPckt  equ   *         
-Pkt.Flip fcb   Stat.Flp   D.Poll flip byte
-Pkt.Mask fcb   Stat.Msk   D.Poll mask byte
-         fcb   $01        priority
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $02
+edition  set   11
+* set this to where your rs-232 pack is plugged in
+MPISlot  set   $00	front slot for mine
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,$FF6C
+name     fcs   /JoyDrv/
+         fcb   edition
+SlotSlct  fcb   MPISlot
+start    lbra  Init
+         lbra  Term
+         lbra  SSMsBtn
+         lbra  SSMsXY
+         lbra  SSJoyBtn
+* This code is not being
+* used, but save it so I
+* don't have to reinvent
+* this wheel later
+*SSJoyXY  pshs  x,b,a
+*         ldx   #PIA0Base
+*         lda   <$23,x
+*         ldb   <$20,x
+*         pshs  b,a
+*         anda  #$F7
+*         sta   <$23,x
+*         lda   $01,x
+*         ldb   $03,x
+*         pshs  b,a
+*         andb  #$F7
+*         lsr   $04,s
+*         bcs   L0043
+*         orb   #$08
+*L0043    stb   $03,x
+*         lda   ,s
+*         ora   #$08
+*         bsr   L0065
+*         std   $06,s
+*         lda   ,s
+*         anda  #$F7
+*         bsr   L0065
+*         std   $04,s
+*         puls  b,a
+*         sta   $01,x
+*         stb   $03,x
+*         puls  b,a
+*         stb   <$20,x
+*         sta   <$23,x
+*         puls  pc,y,x
+*L0065    sta   $01,x
+*         lda   #$7F
+*         ldb   #$40
+*         bra   L0078
+*L006D    lsrb
+*         cmpb  #$01
+*         bhi   L0078
+*         lsra
+*         lsra
+*         tfr   a,b
+*         clra
+*         rts
+*L0078    pshs  b
+*         sta   <$20,x
+*         tst   ,x
+*         bpl   L0085
+*         adda  ,s+
+*         bra   L006D
+*L0085    suba  ,s+
+*         bra   L006D
+IRQPckt  equ   *
+Pkt.Flip fcb   Stat.Flp   D.Poll flip byte=$00
+Pkt.Mask fcb   Stat.RxF  is correct
+         fcb   $01        priority=low
 * JoyDrv Initialization.
@@ -108,45 +152,152 @@
 * ERROR OUTPUT:  CC = Carry set
 *                B = error code
-Init     clra            
-         clrb            
+* first, suspend all interrupts
+Init	pshs	cc         save regs we alter
+	orcc	#IntMasks  mask IRQs while disabling ACIA
+	bsr	InitPIAs
+	bsr	InitGIME
+	bsr	ClrACIA reset, gobble up trash data in ACIA
+	bcc	ClrBuf  which will also install IRQSvs
+	puls	cc else error
+	lbsr	Term
+	comb
+	ldb	#E$PrcAbt
+	rts	and return error
+* Btn.Cntr,u  offset 0 has room for 3 bits of incoming
+* byte counter, 3 bits of button status.
+* Buffer, offset 2-3 is the combined first 3 bytes
+* of the incoming XY data
+* CrntXpos, offset 4-5 is current (0-HResMaxX) xpos
+* CrntYpos, offset 6-7 is current (0 to HResMaxY*2) ypos
+ClrBuf	 ldd   #$0007  clear the buffer
+ClrBuf1	 sta   b,u	A=$00
+	 decb	decr counter
+	 bne   ClrBuf1	was a bpl, so 1st byte wasn't cleared
+* Now init the buffer to real data
+         clrb  reset to $00, s/b $00 here anyway.
          sta   Btn.Cntr,u set up Rx data sync, no button(s) pressed
          std   CrntXPos,u set up X position at left screen edge
-         ldd   #HResMaxY*2
+         ldd   #HResMaxY*2 =$017E, 382 decimal?  Odd value, check
          std   CrntYPos,u set up Y position at top screen edge
-         ldd   M$Mem,pcr  get base hardware address
+	 lda   #'M	preset M$ mouse
+	 sta   Buffer,u
+* Now we should be ready for live IRQ's
+InstIRQ  ldd   M$Mem,pcr  get base hardware address
          addd  #StatReg   status register address
          leax  IRQPckt,pcr
          leay  IRQSvc,pcr
-         os9   F$IRQ     
-         bcs   TermExit   go report error...
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get base hardware address again
-         ldd   #(TIC.RTS!Cmd.DTR)*256+(DB.8!Ctl.RClk!BR.01200) [D]=command:control
-         pshs  cc        
-         orcc  #IntMasks  disable IRQs while setting up hardware
-         sta   PRstReg,x  reset 6551
-         std   CmdReg,x   set command and control registers
-         lda   >PIA1Base+3 get PIA CART* input control register
-         anda  #$FC       clear PIA CART* control bits
+         os9   F$IRQ install the IRQSvs routine
+         lbcs  InitErr go with cc on stack!
+	 puls  cc get rid of the push
+	 rts
+* BUG FIX: InitExit is now here... was TermExit...
+InitExit puls  pc,cc      recover original regs, return...
+* clear the PIA's for this
+InitPIAs lda   >PIA1Base+3 get PIA CART* input control register
+         anda  #$FC        clear PIA CART* control bits
          sta   >PIA1Base+3 disable PIA CART* FIRQs
          lda   >PIA1Base+2 clear possible pending PIA CART* FIRQ
-         lda   #$01       GIME CART* IRQ enable
+	ifeq DEBUG-1
+         pshs  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	 lda   #'P
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         puls  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	endc
+	 rts
+InitGIME lda   #$01       GIME CART* IRQ enable
          ora   <D.IRQER   mask in current GIME IRQ enables
          sta   <D.IRQER   save GIME CART* IRQ enable shadow register
          sta   >IrqEnR    enable GIME CART* IRQs
-         ldb   DataReg,x  *ensure old error,
-         ldb   StatReg,x  *Rx data, and
-         ldb   DataReg,x  *IRQ flags
-         ldb   StatReg,x  *are clear
-         andb  Pkt.Mask,pcr IRQ bits still set?
-         bne   InitErr    yes, go disable ACIA and return...
-         lda   SlotSlct,pcr get MPI slot select value
-         bmi   InitExit   no MPI slot select, go exit...
-         sta   >MPI.Slct  set MPI slot select register
-* BUG FIX: InitExit is now here... was TermExit... 
-InitExit puls  pc,cc      recover original regs, return...
+	 lda   SlotSlct,pcr mpi slot of mouse
+	 bmi   ClrACIA
+	 sta   >MPI.Slct
+	ifeq DEBUG-1
+         pshs  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+         lda   #'G
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         puls  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	endc
+	 rts
+ClrACIA  ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get base hardware address again
+	 lda   #$10
+	 sta   StatReg,x reset again
+* major foobar. These mice are 7n2 mice, not 8n1
+* Fixed 25/06/2008 GH
+	 ldd   #(TIC.RTS!Cmd.DTR)*256+(DB.7!Ctl.RClk!BR.01200) [D]=command:control
+         std   CmdReg,x   set command and control registers
+* do instant reads for trash collection
+* and clear status of Stat.RxF bits
+* read it 16 times so its settled!
+	 ldb   #$10
+flshinit lda   DataReg,x
+	 lda   StatReg,x
+	 decb
+	 bne   flshinit
+* that kills some of the 14 milliseconds
+* to the mouses first response byte
+* now, lets see what mouse we have
+* my mouse does a $7F as it powers up as first byte
+	 bsr  GetByte GetByte shows _ char
+	 bsr  GetByte GetByte shows M char, but its a logitek
+	 bsr  GetByte GetByte shows 3 char, ?number of buttons?
+* it will either get the first 3 bytes, or timeout
+* and ATM, a timeout will lock the boot to display it
+GotByte  rts
+* Entry  : x pointing at hardware
+* Mangles: a,b
+* Returns: char in A
+* Error  : cc set, err code in B
+* scans acia for a byte of data
+* Switch this out also
+GetByte	 pshs  y
+	 ldy   #$01A0 set timeout to fail
+GetByte1 leay  -1,y
+	 beq   GByteFai
+	 clra  kill some time
+Dly1	 deca
+	 bne   Dly1
+	 lda   StatReg,x look for byte
+	 anda  Pkt.Mask,pcr
+	 tsta  Stat.RxF
+	 beq   GetByte1
+	 lda   DataReg,x
+* show byte on boot screen
+	 pshs  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	 jsr   <D.BtBug
+	 puls  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	 puls  y
+	 clrb in case cc set
+	 rts
+GByteFai puls  y
+	 clrb  clear carry
+	ifeq DEBUG-1
+* show failure on boot screen a 't'
+	 pshs  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	 lda   #'T indicate timeout
+	 jsr   <D.BtBug
+	 puls  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	endc
+GBytFail comb  set carry
+	 ldb   #E$PrcAbt
+* lock up boot to show failure
+lettgsho bra   lettgsho
+*	 rts
+*** Only used by failed Init routine!
 * JoyDrv Termination.
 * INPUT:  U = JoyDrv data area address (8 bytes)
@@ -161,15 +312,27 @@
 InitErr  ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get base address
          lda   #TIC.RTS!Cmd.RxIE!Cmd.DTR *disable all
          sta   CmdReg,x   *ACIA IRQs
-         puls  cc        
          leax  StatReg,x  point to status register
          tfr   x,d        copy status register address
          ldx   #$0000     remove IRQ table entry
          leay  IRQSvc,pcr
-         os9   F$IRQ     
-TermExit rts             
+         os9   F$IRQ
+	 ifeq  DEBUG-1
+	 pshs  a,b,x,y,u,cc,dp
+         lda   #'j failed
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         puls  a,b,x,y,u,cc,dp
+	 endc
+TermExit puls  cc clear stack
+letssee  bra   letssee  lock it with failed data on screen
+*	 comb
+*	 ldb   #E$PrcAbt
+*	 rts
+* This code only good for tandy
+* Joysticks. Why here?
 * Joystick button(s) status check.
 * INPUT:  U = JoyDrv data area address (8 bytes)
@@ -179,72 +342,80 @@
 *          A, X, and U registers may be altered
 * ERROR OUTPUT:  none
-SSJoyBtn ldb   #$FF      
-         ldx   #PIA0Base 	check for standard joystick/mouse fire buttons
+SSJoyBtn ldb   #$FF
+         ldx   #PIA0Base	check for standard joystick/mouse fire buttons
          stb   $02,x
-         ldb   ,x        		
-         comb            	set == button pressed
-         andb  #$0F      
-         rts             
+         ldb   ,x
+         comb			set == button pressed
+         andb  #$0F
+         rts
+* I (GH) don't believe the above code ever runs.
 * Mouse button(s) status check.
+* GH - 21/06/2008 will need center button additions
+* GH - 30/06/2008 redefined buttons
 * INPUT:  U = JoyDrv data area address (8 bytes)
 * OUTPUT:  B = button or "clear" status
-*              button(s)     = xxxxLRLR
+* ????? GH where did I find this set of bogus defines?
+*              button(s)     = xxxxLRLR looks like a 3$ bill
 *              clear         = 10000000
 *              shift-clear   = 11000000
 *          A, X, and U registers may be altered
 * ERROR OUTPUT:  none
-SSMsBtn  pshs  cc        
-         orcc  #IntMasks 		mask interrupts
-         lda   ,u
-         tfr   a,b       
+SSMsBtn  pshs  cc
+         orcc  #IntMasks		mask interrupts
+         lda   Btn.Cntr,u
+* GH now Q is do we wait till mouse packet is in? Not ATM
+         tfr   a,b
          andb  #%11000000		mask SHIFT-CLEAR
-         bne   L0120     
-         bita  #%00100000		????
-         beq   L011A     
-         orb   #%00000011
-L011A    bita  #%00010000
-         beq   L0120     
-         orb   #%00001100
+         bne   L0120
+         bita  #BC.ButnL		Left btn down?
+         beq   L011A
+         orb   #%00000011		wrong, will need adjustment
+L011A    bita  #BC.ButnR		Right btn down?
+         beq   L0120
+         orb   #%00001100		wrong, will need adjustment
 L0120    anda  #%00111111		turn off SHIFT-CLEAR flag
-         sta   ,u        
-         puls  pc,cc     
+         sta   ,u
+         puls  pc,cc
 * Joystick/Mouse XY coordinate read.
 * INPUT:  A = side flag (1 = right, 2 = left)
 *         Y = resolution (0 = low, 1 = high)
 *         U = JoyDrv data area address (8 bytes)
 * OUTPUT:  X = horizontal coordinate (left edge = 0)
 *              low resolution = 0 to 63
-*              high resolution = 0 to HResMaxX 
+*              high resolution = 0 to HResMaxX
 *          Y = vertical coordinate (top edge = 0)
 *              low resolution = 0 to 63
 *              high resolution = 0 to HResMaxY
 *          D and U registers may be altered
 * ERROR OUTPUT:  none
-SSMsXY   ldd   #$017E    
-         pshs  cc        
-         orcc  #IntMasks 
+SSMsXY   ldd   #$017E
+         pshs  cc
+         orcc  #IntMasks
          ldx   CrntXPos,u
          subd  CrntYPos,u
-         lsra            
-         rorb            
-         tfr   d,y       
-         puls  pc,cc     
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         tfr   d,y
+         puls  pc,cc
 * Mouse IRQ service routine.
 * INPUT:  A = flipped and masked device status byte
+* NO IT'S NOT MASKED, normally $D8 coming into here
+* And the 4 lsb's are all we care about
 *         U = mouse data area address
 * OUTPUT:  updated serial mouse data
@@ -252,71 +423,132 @@
 *          D, X, Y, and U registers may be altered
 * ERROR OUTPUT:  none
-IRQSvc   ldx   M$Mem,pcr 
-         bita  #Stat.Err  any error(s)?
+* GH 23/06/2008 We can watch the buffer with "dbmouse"
+* thanks Robert G.
+IRQSvc	 ldx   M$Mem,pcr is hdwe addr
+         anda  Stat.Err   any error(o/f/p)?
          beq   ChkRDRF    no, go check Rx data
-         ldb   DataReg,x  read Rx data register to clear error flags
-ClrRxCnt lda   Btn.Cntr,u get current button status and Rx data counter
-         anda  #^BC.RxCnt clear Rx data counter
-ButnExit sta   Btn.Cntr,u reset Rx mouse data counter to wait for sync...
-IRQExit  clrb             clear Carry to mark IRQ serviced
-         rts             
-ChkRDRF  bita  #Stat.RxF  Rx data?
-         beq   IRQExit    no, but this branch should never be taken...
-         ldb   DataReg,x  get Rx data
-         lda   Btn.Cntr,u get button status and Rx counter
-         anda  #BC.RxCnt  waiting for sync with mouse data?
-         bne   ChkOfst    no, go check Rx offset...
-         tfr   b,a        copy Rx data
-         anda  #SyncMask  clear button status bits
-         cmpa  #SyncData  is it *PROBABLY* the initial (sync) byte?
-         bne   IRQExit    no, just ignore it...
-         comb             invert button bits to match SS.Mouse format
-         lslb             *move button
-         lslb             *status into
-         lslb             *bits 5-3
-         andb  #BC.Butns  clear everything but the button bits
-         incb             set Rx counter to first XY position byte
-         pshs  b         
-         lda   ,u        
-         bita  #$08      
-         beq   L017A     
-         bitb  #$08      
-         bne   L017A     
-         lda   #$C0      
-         ldx   CrntXPos,u
-         cmpx  #$0140    
-         bcs   L017A     
-         lsla            
-L017A    anda  #$C0      
-         ora   ,s+       
-         bra   ButnExit   go save new button status and Rx counter, exit...
-ChkOfst  cmpa  #PcktSize-1 last byte in mouse packet?
-         bcs   SaveData   no, go save mouse data to Rx buffer...
-         ldx   #HResMaxY*2 get maximum Y position
+	 ldb   DataReg,x  read Rx data register to clear error flags
+IRQExit	 clrb             clear Carry to mark IRQ serviced
+         rts all done
+ChkRDRF  ldb   DataReg,x  get Rx data
+         lda   Btn.Cntr,u get buttons, byte counter
+	 bitb  #MD.Sync   Sync byte?
+	 beq   ChkOfst    Not sync, go
+* is sync, zero Cntr first
+* is only non-err place counter is reset!
+* but leave buttons alone
+	 anda  #^BC.RxCnt leave buttons
+	 inca  to count byte
+	 sta   Btn.Cntr,u save btns, cntr=1
+* GH 06/21/2008-from here to rts is sync byte only
+* ENTER B=%??LRXXYY 1st byte from mouse
+* Left button 1st
+ChkLBtn  bitb  #MD.ButnL
+         beq   BtnLu      not set, go
+         ora   #BC.ButnL  down $20
+         bra   ChkRBtn
+BtnLu    anda  #BU.ButnL  release it
+* Right button
+ChkRBtn  bitb  #MD.ButnR  $10
+         beq   BtnRu
+         ora   #BC.ButnR  $10 pushed
+         bra   GoDoXY
+BtnRu    anda  #BU.ButnR  release it
+* That does left/right buttons
+* now do MS 2 bits of YYXX also in sync byte
+GoDoXY   sta   Btn.Cntr,u save count, buttons
+	 lslb           needs 4 shifts
+         lslb           to put YY
+         lslb           in d7, d6
+         lslb
+         pshs  b        Save YYXX0000
+         andb  #MskYYXX nuke XX leave YY000000
+         stb   Buffer+2,u preload YY
+         puls  b refresh b
+         lslb
+         lslb  Now only XX000000
+         stb   Buffer+1,u mark in sync, 1st byte done
+         clrb  clear errors
+         rts   sync byte done
+* the above does first byte with 0SBBYYXX
+* Putting YY in MS2bits of Buffer+1,u (2,u)
+* And XX in MS2bits of Buffer+0,u (1,u)
+* And we have now set Btn.Cntr to 1+ buttons
+* we arrive here in sync, with BT.Cntr,u
+* in a, ( s/b 1 or 2) but buttons not masked out
+ChkOfst  inc   Btn.Cntr,u count byte
+	 lda   Btn.Cntr,u
+	 anda  #BC.RxCnt  mask out btns
+	 cmpa  #PcktSize last byte std pkt?
+         bcs   SaveData   no, go save YYXX mouse data to Rx buffer...
+* this is a good place to handle the center button in the 4th byte
+DoCBtn	 lda   Btn.Cntr,u get old button status
+	 bitb  #MD.ButnC  is 4th byte, status of middle button?
+	 beq   BtnCUp
+	 ora   #BC.ButnC set middle button
+	 bra   BtnCfn
+BtnCUp   anda  #BU.ButnC unset it
+BtnCfn	 sta   Btn.Cntr,u put back new status
+* GH - 01/07/2008 switch out the M$ center button
+* code till next reboot
+SetLgtk  lda   #'L
+	 sta   Buffer,u set Lgtk mode
+	 clrb
+	 rts
+* we arrive here with byte #(2 or 3) in a, rx byte in b
+* offset a,u is sync bytes %YY000000 or %XX000000
+SaveData orb   a,u	incl 2 ms bits
+	 stb   a,u      save Y or X position byte to mouse data Rx buffer
+* Is last of YYXX data if a=3 here
+	 cmpa  #PcktSize-1
+	 bne   NotLstXY  not last byte
+* GH - 01/07/2008 do till Logitek sends 4th byte
+* check to see if a Logitek mouse has been discovered
+CkMSMou  lda   Buffer,u
+	 cmpa  #'M
+	 bne   DoCalcs skip this
+* GH - 01/07/2008 else do M$ style center button
+	 lda   Btn.Cntr,u
+	 anda  #BC.Butns any btns down?
+	 adda  Buffer+1,u add motion
+	 adda  Buffer+2,u add motion
+	 bne   MBtnCup
+	 lda   Btn.Cntr,u
+	 ora   #BC.ButnC
+	 sta   Btn.Cntr,u
+	 bra   NotLstXY no use doing calcs
+MBtnCup	 lda   Btn.Cntr,u
+	 anda  #BU.ButnC
+	 sta   Btn.Cntr,u
+DoCalcs	 ldx   #HResMaxY*2 get maximum Y position
          pshs  x          save it for CalcPos subroutine
          leax  CrntYPos,u point to current Y position
-         leay  Buffer+1,u point to primary Y offset
+* arrive here  with regs b=YY
+* Y motion is bass ackwards so
+	 comb  complement
+	 incb  2's complement
          bsr   CalcPos    go calculate & save mouse's new Y position
-         ldb   Buffer+2,u get mouse packet's secondary X offset
+* now get full XX data
+         ldb   Buffer+1,u get X offset
          ldx   #HResMaxX  get maximum X position
          stx   ,s         save it for CalcPos subroutine
          leax  CrntXPos,u point to current X position
-         leay  Buffer+0,u point to primary X offset
          bsr   CalcPos    go calculate & save mouse's new X position
          leas  2,s        clean up stack
-         bra   ClrRxCnt   go save button status and clear Rx counter, exit...
-SaveData stb   a,u        save XY position byte to mouse data Rx buffer
-         inc   Btn.Cntr,u point to next byte in Rx buffer
-         clrb             clear Carry to mark IRQ serviced
-         rts             
+NotLstXY clrb             clear Carry to mark IRQ serviced
+         rts
+* destroys A, also slow, needs 12" square mouse pad!
 CalcPos  sex              sign extend mouse packet's 2nd XY offset ([D] = -128 to +127)
          pshs  d          save it temporarily...
-         ldb   ,y         get mouse packet's 1st XY offset
-         sex              sign extend it ([D] = -128 to +127)
-         addd  ,s         add mouse's 2nd XY offset
          std   ,s         save XY offset total temporarily...
          bpl   PosAdjst   go de-sensitize positive "ballistic" XY offset...
          orb   #%00000111 if -8<XYoffset<0, no "ballistic" response
@@ -334,8 +566,9 @@
          bls   SavePos    no, go save it...
          ldd   2,s        get maximum XY position
 SavePos  std   ,x         save new XY position
-         rts             
-         emod            
-eom      equ   *         
-         end             
+         rts
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end