changeset 2236:2603aceace6d

Added DW3DOS
author boisy
date Fri, 18 Dec 2009 12:19:56 +0000
parents 44d4b93c6faf
children 89f86bbd3f79
files dw3dos/defsfile dw3dos/dw3dos.asm dw3dos/makefile
diffstat 3 files changed, 480 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dw3dos/defsfile	Fri Dec 18 12:19:56 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+         use   os9defs
+         use   scfdefs
+         use   rbfdefs
+         use   systype
+         use   vtiodefs_cc3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dw3dos/dw3dos.asm	Fri Dec 18 12:19:56 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+* DW3DOS - DriveWire 3 DOS Command
+* $Id$
+* DW3DOS emulates the RS-DOS 'DOS' command, which obtains 18 256-byte
+* sectors from track 34 of a disk and reads them into memory starting
+* at $2600.  Once all sectors have been read, control jumps to $2602.
+* The flexibility that is inherent in the DriveWire design is that it
+* allows a CoCo to boot into OS-9 or any other control program that might
+* be desirable.
+* Four ROMS can be made from this source:
+*   - CoCo 3 motherboard ROM (32K)
+*   - CoCo 1/2 motherboard ROM (16K)
+*   - CoCo 3 Disk Controller ROM (8K) (define DISKROM)
+*   - CoCo 1/2 Disk Controller ROM (8K) (define DISKROM)
+* Two LOADM files can be made also:
+*   - CoCo 3 LOADMable BIN (define BIN)
+*   - CoCo 1/2 LOADMable BIN (define BIN)
+* Also, two files can be made from this source:
+*   - CoCo 3 DOS track (4608 bytes) (define DOSTRACK)
+*   - CoCo 1/2 DOS track (4608 bytes) (define DOSTRACK)
+* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
+* Comment
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+*          2008/02/04  Boisy G. Pitre
+* Adapted for DriveWire 3 protocol
+         nam   DW3DOS
+         ttl   DriveWire 3 DOS Command
+         ifp1  
+         IFNE  BIN
+IntMasks equ   $50
+Carry    equ   1
+PIA0Base equ   $FF00
+PIA1Base equ   $FF20
+DAT.Regs equ   $FFA0
+E$NotRdy equ   246
+         ELSE
+         use   defsfile
+         ENDC
+         use   ../level1/modules/dwdefs.d
+         endc  
+* Set up Level definition for low level read/write routines
+         IFEQ  CoCo-3
+Level    equ   2
+         ELSE
+Level    equ   1
+         ENDC
+         IFNE  DOSTRACK
+Top      equ   $2600
+         ELSE
+         IFNE  BIN
+Top      equ   $2400
+         ELSE
+         IFNE  DISKROM
+Top      equ   $C000
+         ELSE
+Top      equ   $8000
+         ENDC
+         ENDC
+         ENDC
+         org   Top
+         IFNE  DISKROM
+         fcc   "DK"
+         lbra  Entry
+         fill  $FF,9*256	spaced out to prevent CoCo 3 BASIC ROM patches
+         ELSE
+         fcc   /OS/
+         bra   PreEntry
+         fdb   $1205
+* For the DOS track, we have to copy the DW3DOS code to another
+* address and execute from there, since the boot track we pull
+* from DriveWire will need to reside at $2600 (and we are now!)
+         leax  Entry,pcr
+         ldy   #$2000
+         ldd   #csize
+PreCopy  ldu   ,x++
+         stu   ,y++
+         subd  #$0002
+         bpl   PreCopy
+         jmp   $2000
+         ENDC
+* Entry point
+Entry    orcc  #IntMasks	disable FIRQ, IRQ
+         lds   #$1FFF		set up a stack pointer
+         IFEQ  CoCo-3
+* CoCo 3 Initialization Code
+         clr   $FFD9      go into fast mode
+* Setup MMU
+         ldx   #DAT.Regs
+         leay  MMUTbl,pcr
+         ldb   #16
+MMULoop  lda   ,y+
+         sta   ,x+
+         decb  
+         bne   MMULoop
+* Setup video
+         leau  CC3Regs,pcr	point to video setup data
+         ldx   #$FF90
+Loop1    ldd   ,u++		get the bytes
+         std   ,x++		save in the hardware
+         cmpx  #$FFA0
+         bcs   Loop1
+* Set palettes up
+         leau  PalTbl,pcr
+         ldy   #$FFB0		palette register
+         ldb   #16
+         lbsr  CopyRtn
+* Initialize PIAs
+         ldx   #PIA1Base  RG - Initialize the PIA 1
+         ldd   #$FF34
+         clr   1,x	cassette motor off, 0,x is DDR
+         clr   3,x	2,x is DDR
+         deca  		A = $FE
+         sta   ,x	cassette bit 0 input, all others output
+         lda   #$F8	bits 7-3 output, bits 2-0 input
+         sta   2,x	set DDR
+         stb   1,x	0,x not DDR
+         stb   3,x	2,x not DDR
+         clr   2,x
+         lda   #$02	RS-232 bit hi
+         sta   ,x	set it
+         lda   #$FF	all outputs
+         ldx   #PIA0Base
+         clr   1,x	0,x is DDR
+         clr   3,x	2,x is DDR
+         clr   ,x	all inputs
+         sta   2,x	all outputs
+         stb   1,x	0,x is not DDR
+         stb   3,x	2,x is not DDR
+         clr   2,x
+         ELSE
+* CoCo 1/2 Initialization Code
+         ldx   #PIA1Base               PIA1
+         clr   -3,x                    clear PIA0 Control Register A
+         clr   -1,x                    clear PIA0 Control Register B
+         clr   -4,x                    set PIA0 side A to input
+         ldd   #$FF34
+         sta   -2,x                    set PIA0 side B to output
+         stb   -3,x                    enable PIA0 peripheral reg, disable PIA0
+         stb   -1,x                    MPU interrupts, set CA2, CA1 to outputs
+         clr   1,x                     $FF20 = DDR, motoroff
+         clr   3,x                     $FF22 = DDR, sound disabled
+         deca                          A = $FE after deca
+         sta   ,x                      bits 1-7 are outputs, bit 0 is input on PIA1 side A
+         lda   #$F8
+         sta   2,x                     bits 0-2 are inputs, bits 3-7 are outputs on B side
+         stb   1,x                     enable peripheral registers, disable PIA1 MPU
+         stb   3,x                     interrupts and set CA2, CB2 as outputs
+         clr   2,x                     set 6847 mode to alphanumeric
+         ldb   #$02
+         stb   ,x                      make RS-232 output marking
+         clrb
+         tfr   b,dp                    B = 0
+         ldb   #$04
+         clr   -2,x
+         bitb  2,x
+         lda   #$37
+         sta   PIA1Base+3
+         lda   PIA0Base+3
+         ora   #$01
+         sta   PIA0Base+3
+         lda   PIA1Base+2
+         anda  #$07
+         sta   PIA1Base+2
+* 64K DRAM (M0=0, M1=1)
+         sta   $FFDA                   RESET M0
+         sta   $FFDD                   SET   M1
+         ENDC
+* Show Boot Message
+* VDG Mode
+         sta   $FFC0
+         sta   $FFC2
+         sta   $FFC4
+* Locate Boot Text Screen at $0000
+         ldx   #$FFC6
+         ldb   #$07
+ScrLoop  sta   ,x++
+         decb
+         bne   ScrLoop
+* Clear VDG screen
+         ldx   #$0000
+         ldy   #256
+         ldd   #$6060
+VDGClr   std   ,x++
+         leay  -1,y
+         bne   VDGClr
+* Copy Booot Message to screen area
+         ldy   #$10A
+         leau  BootMsg,pcr
+         ldb   #BootMLen
+         bsr   CopyRtn
+* Spin for a while so that the RS-232 bit stays hi for a time
+         ldx   #$A000
+Spin     leax  -1,x
+         bne    Spin
+Counter  equ   $1FFF
+         lds   #$1FFE		reset stack pointer
+* DriveWire bootstrap code
+* Get sectors 612-629 to $2600
+DWDOS2   ldx   #612		starting sector number
+         ldy   #$2600		memory address
+DOSLoop  bsr   DoRead		read sector (into Y)
+         bcs   Failed		start all over
+         cmpx  #612		our first sector?
+         bne   DWDOS3		branch if not
+         ldd   $2600		else get two bytes at $2600
+         cmpd  #$4F53		OS?
+         bne   Failed		if not, bad data... fail
+DWDOS3   leax  1,x		else increment X
+         leay  256,y
+         cmpx  #630		are we at end of 18 sectors?
+         blt   DOSLoop		branch if not
+         jmp   $2602
+CopyRtn  clra
+         tfr   d,x
+Copy1    ldb   ,u+
+         stb   ,y+
+         leax  -1,x
+         bne   Copy1
+         rts
+* Copy "FAILED" to screen area
+Failed   ldy   #$14D
+         leau  FailMsg,pcr
+         ldb   #FailMLen
+         bsr   CopyRtn
+Hang     bra   Hang
+DoRead   clra			drive #
+         clrb			LSN bits 23-16
+         pshs  d,x,y
+         lda   #OP_READEX
+ReRead   pshs  a
+         leax  ,s
+		 ldy   #$0005
+		 lbsr  DWWrite
+		 puls  a
+		 ldx   4,s			get read buffer pointer
+		 ldy   #256			read 256 bytes
+		 ldd   #133*1		1 second timeout
+		 bsr   DWRead
+         bcs   ReadEx
+* Send 2 byte checksum
+		 pshs  y
+		 leax  ,s
+		 ldy   #2
+		 lbsr  DWWrite
+		 ldy   #1
+		 ldd   #133*1
+		 bsr   DWRead
+		 leas  2,s
+		 bcs   ReadEx
+		 lda   ,s
+		 beq   ReadEx
+		 cmpa  #E_CRC
+		 bne   ReadErr
+		 lda   #OP_REREADEX
+		 clr   ,s
+		 bra   ReRead  
+ReadErr  comb
+ReadEx	 puls  d,x,y,pc
+         use   ../level1/modules/dwread.asm 
+         use   ../level1/modules/dwwrite.asm 
+         IFEQ  CoCo-3
+* MMU
+         fcb   $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
+         fcb   $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
+* GIME register default values
+CC3Regs  fcb   $EC        CC2, MMU, IRQ, Vector page, SCS
+         fcb   $00        map type 0
+         fcb   $00        no FIRQ
+         fcb   $00        no IRQ
+         fdb   $0900      timer
+         fcb   $00        unused
+         fcb   $00        unused
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $00             
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $00             
+         fdb   $0FE0
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $00
+* Palette register default colors
+         fcb   $12	green
+         fcb   $36
+         fcb   $09	blue
+         fcb   $24	red
+         fcb   $3F	white
+         fcb   $1B	cyan
+         fcb   $2D	magenta
+         fcb   $26
+         fcb   $00	black
+         fcb   $12	green
+         fcb   $00	black
+         fcb   $3F	white
+         fcb   $00	black
+         fcb   $12	green
+         fcb   $00	black
+         fcb   $26
+         ENDC
+* Boot Message
+BootMsg  fcc    /DWs/
+         fcb    $60
+         fcc    /CC/
+         IFEQ   CoCo-3
+         fcc    /s/
+         ELSE
+         fcb    $60
+         ENDC
+         fcb    $60
+         fcc    /BOOT/
+BootMLen equ    *-BootMsg
+* Fail Message
+FailMsg  fcc    /FAILED/
+FailMLen equ    *-FailMsg
+csize    equ   *-Entry
+eom      equ   *
+* Fill pattern
+         IFEQ   BIN
+         IFNE   DOSTRACK
+         fill   $FF,$1200-eom
+         ELSE
+         IFNE   DISKROM
+         fill   $FF,$1FF0-eom
+         ELSE
+         IFEQ   CoCo-3
+         fill   $FF,$7FF0-eom
+         ELSE
+         fill   $FF,$3FF0-eom
+         ENDC
+         ENDC
+         IFEQ   CoCo-3
+* CoCo 3 ROM vectors
+         fdb	$0000
+         fdb	$FEEE
+         fdb	$FEF1
+         fdb	$FEF4
+         fdb	$FEF7
+         fdb	$FEFA
+         fdb	$FEFD
+         fdb	Entry+Top
+         ELSE
+* CoCo 1/2 ROM vectors
+         fdb	Entry+Top
+         fdb	$0100
+         fdb	$0103
+         fdb	$010F
+         fdb	$010C
+         fdb	$0106
+         fdb	$0109
+         fdb	Entry+Top
+         ENDC
+         ENDC
+         ENDC
+         end   PreEntry
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dw3dos/makefile	Fri Dec 18 12:19:56 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+include $(NITROS9DIR)/rules.mak
+DEPENDS		= ./makefile
+BF68L1		= $(LEVEL1)/coco/bootfiles
+MD68L1		= $(LEVEL1)/coco/modules
+BF68L2		= $(LEVEL2)/coco3/bootfiles
+MD68L2		= $(LEVEL2)/coco3/modules
+BF63L2		= $(LEVEL2)/coco3_6309/bootfiles
+MD63L2		= $(LEVEL2)/coco3_6309/modules
+ROMS		= dw3dos_mb_cc3.rom dw3dos_mb_cc.rom \
+		dw3dos_dsk_cc3.rom dw3dos_dsk_cc.rom \
+		dw3doscc.bin dw3doscc3.bin
+TRACKS		= dw3dos_cc3.trk dw3dos_cc.trk
+all:	banner $(ALLOBJS) $(DEPENDS) 
+	@$(ECHO) "**************************************************"
+	@$(ECHO) "*                                                *"
+	@$(ECHO) "*           DriveWire 3 DOS Files                *"
+	@$(ECHO) "*                                                *"
+	@$(ECHO) "**************************************************"
+dsk:	objs
+dw3dos_mb_cc3.rom:	dw3dos.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(AFLAGS) -aCoCo=3
+dw3dos_mb_cc.rom:	dw3dos.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(AFLAGS) -aCoCo=2
+dw3dos_dsk_cc3.rom:	dw3dos.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(AFLAGS) -aCoCo=3 -aDISKROM=1
+dw3dos_dsk_cc.rom:	dw3dos.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(AFLAGS) -aCoCo=1 -aDISKROM=1
+dw3doscc3.bin:	dw3dos.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(AFLAGS) -aCoCo=3 -aBIN=1 -mb
+dw3doscc.bin:	dw3dos.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(AFLAGS) -aCoCo=1 -aBIN=1 -mb
+# DWDOS Tracks
+dw3dos_cc3.trk:	dw3dos.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(AFLAGS) -aCoCo=3 -aDOSTRACK
+dw3dos_cc.trk:	dw3dos.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(AFLAGS) -aCoCo=1 -aDOSTRACK
+	$(RM) $(ALLOBJS)