changeset 972:2ccaf038d1c6

The ded manual as an article.
author roug
date Fri, 31 Jan 2003 23:40:53 +0000 (2003-01-31)
parents 425b8a051c58
children 07a25643d033
files docs/articles/ded.article
diffstat 1 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/articles/ded.article	Fri Jan 31 23:40:53 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+   "">
+    The author has not been contacted about adding this article to the
+    documentation set.
+<subtitle>Disk Editor</subtitle>
+dEd  is a screen-oriented disk  editor  utility  written in 
+assembly  language. It was originally conceived as a floppy
+disk  editor, so the display is organized around individual 
+sectors. It performs most of the functions of Patch, from 
+Computerware, but is faster, more compact, and
+screen-oriented rather than line-oriented. Individual files 
+or the disk itself (hard, floppy, ram) can be examined and 
+changed, sectors  can  be  written   to an output file, and 
+executable  modules can be located, linked to and verified. 
+With   simple changes, it will run on any CoCo Level I OS-9 
+and possibly others (CoCo Level II OS-9).
+To use, type:
+dEd &lt;pathlist&gt;
+where &lt;pathlist&gt; is of the form:  filename or dirname
+or  /path/filename
+or  /D0@  (edits entire disk) 
+dEd will read in and display the first 256 bytes in the file
+(disk). This  is Logical Sector Number (LSN) zero. You move 
+through  the   file sector (LSN) by sector using the up and 
+down arrow keys. The current LSN number is displayed in Hex 
+and  Decimal in the upper left corner of the screen. If the 
+disk itself was accessed (by appending '@' to it's name when
+dEd   was called), the LSN is the disk sector number. If an 
+individual file is being editted, however, the LSN displayed
+refers  to the file, not to the disk. All numbers requested 
+by  dEd must be in Hex format. All commands are accessed by 
+simply pressing the desired key.
+<table frame="none" pgwide="1">
+<tgroup cols="2">
+<colspec colwidth="1.9in" colname="c1" />
+<colspec colwidth="4.0in" colname="c2" align="right"/>
+<spanspec spanname="all" namest="c1" nameend="c2"/>
+<entry>Up/Down Arrows</entry>
+<entry>Display Next/Previous Sector (LSN)</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">Each keypress moves the display to the next or previous 256 
+bytes. Auto-repeat allows skimming quickly through the file.
+To halt the key-repeat, type Control-W to pause the display,
+then hit any key. The LSN displayed represents the
+most-significant   byte of the offset of the bytes from the 
+start   of the file (module), so byte number $1457 would be 
+found in LSN $14 on row 50, column 7.</entry>
+<entry>A Command</entry>
+<entry>APPEND Current LSN to Output File</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This command writes the sector  currently  displayed to the
+file opened with the O command. Append is inactive unless an 
+Output  file  has  been  created. This   mode is useful for 
+recovering files with unreadable sectors in them, as all the
+sectors before and after the crashed sector may be accessed 
+and saved to a new file. Append also increments the display 
+to the next LSN automatically to speed this process. At the 
+end  of  a  file, generally  fewer   than 256 bytes will be 
+displayed, as  the  length  of  most   files is not an even 
+multiple of 256. The Append command will only write out the 
+bytes that are displayed, and the display will remain on the
+same  LSN. Pressing  'A' twice  on   the last LSN of a file 
+results  in  it  being  written   to the output file twice. </entry>
+<entry>C Command</entry>
+<entry>CLOSE Output File</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This  command closes the file opened with the O command and 
+removes  the  file  name  from   the display, making Append 
+<entry>D Command</entry>
+<entry>Diddle with the File Length</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This command displays the current file length, in Hex, then
+allows you to change it. This is potentially very dangerous
+(e.g. if you use it on loadable modules). If you just press
+&lt;ENTER&gt;  at the prompt, you will be returned to the command
+mode (this is useful for just checking the file length). If
+you  enter  a  valid  length (number of BYTES, not sectors,
+in  Hex),  the file will be expanded or contracted to  that
+length.  This is useful for stripping the Control-Z's ($1A)
+off  the end of files downloaded with the XModem  protocol.
+Remember, the LENGTH of a file is 1 greater than the number
+of the last byte in the file (remember, counting from 0!)</entry>
+<entry>E Command</entry>
+<entry>EDIT the displayed Sector</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This   is the heart of dEd. The cursor will appear over the 
+first  byte or character in the LSN. If it's over the BYTE, 
+you   can change the value by typing  2 new nibbles in Hex, 
+e.g. 6c. The  display   will be updated and the cursor will 
+move  to the next BYTE. If the cursor is over the CHARACTER 
+part   of the display, you can change the value by typing a 
+new ASCII character. Again, the display will be updated and 
+the  cursor  will   shift to the next character. You switch 
+between  the BYTE and CHAR modes at any time by hitting the 
+&lt;BREAK&gt; key, as  noted  at   the bottom of the display. You 
+navigate  through   the sector to individual BYTEs or CHARs 
+using  the 4 Arrow keys. The Right and Left Arrows wrap the 
+cursor   around to the next or previous row on the display. 
+The   Up and Down Arrows wrap around from top to bottom and 
+vice-versa. Once  you   are done Editting, pressing &lt;ENTER&gt; 
+will  exit  the  Edit   mode, as noted at the bottom of the 
+display. As with Zap, the sector is NOT written back to the 
+disk unless the Write command is then used (unless in Expert
+mode). </entry>
+<entry>F Command</entry>
+<entry spanname="all"><para>This searches the file for a
+given character or byte string
+You  will  be prompted with 'Find byte string $'.  Enter  a
+series  of  up  to 16 Hex bytes, without spaces  (you  MUST
+enter  leading zeroes for the numbers 00 - $0F) then  press
+&lt;ENTER&gt;.  The  search  begins  at  the  start  of  the  LSN
+currently  displayed.  If a string is located that  EXACTLY
+matches  the  string  you  input, the LSN in  which  it  is
+located will be displayed, with the first byte/character in
+the  string highlighted. By pressing the &lt;BREAK&gt; key at the
+prompt,  you  can  toggle between the  BYTE  and  CHARACTER
+search  modes.  In the character mode, the prompt is  'Find
+char string: '. Enter up to 16 ASCII characters, then press
+&lt;ENTER&gt;.  In  this  mode, dEd will locate any  string  that
+matches  the  one you input, regardless of the  Upper/Lower
+case  status of either string. As well, characters with bit
+7  set  (e.g. file names in directories) are treated as  if
+bit  7  was clear. If no matching string is found, you  are
+returned  to  the command prompt. If you enter  an  invalid
+character or byte string, a beep sounds and the same prompt
+is  re-issued. If you just press &lt;ENTER&gt; at either  prompt,
+you will be returned to the command mode.
+If you wish to abort a search in progress,  just press the
+&lt;BREAK&gt; key.  This will simulate a "string not found"  and
+return you to the CMD: prompt.</para></entry>
+<entry>H (or '?') Command</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This displays a Help screen. </entry>
+<entry>L Command</entry>
+<entry>LINK to a Module/LIST Modules</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">If  you  are  editting  a  file  that   consists of various 
+executable  modules  merged   together (e.g. OS9Boot), this 
+command allows you to 'Link' to one of the modules. It will 
+be treated as if it is an individual file, i.e. the start of
+the  module will be displayed as LSN 0 and only THAT MODULE 
+will  be  accessible   for display and/or Editting. The LSN 
+displayed is referenced to the MODULE, not to the main file 
+or  the  disk. You  will  be   prompted with 'Link to which 
+Module? '. You may enter a valid name and press &lt;ENTER&gt;. If 
+that module can be located AND if it's header information is
+correct, it  will   be 'Linked'. The top row of the display 
+reflects this by displaying the module name and it's offset,
+in bytes, from the beginning of the main file. At the 'Link 
+to which Module? ' prompt, if you just hit &lt;ENTER&gt;, all the 
+valid   modules and their offsets from the beginning of the 
+main   file as well as their lengths, in bytes Hex, will be 
+Listed. Hitting   any key after this redisplays the current 
+LSN. The Link mode is useful for changing a given byte in a 
+module  using  the  offset  one  would   use for Debug. For 
+example, to   permanently change the printer baud rate, you 
+would call 'dEd /D0/OS9Boot'. Then hit 'L' for Link. At the 
+prompt 'Link to which Module? ', Type P and hit &lt;ENTER&gt;. If 
+P  is in your OS9Boot file, the top row of the display will 
+have MODULE: P and give the offset of it from the beginning 
+of  the  OS9Boot file. Enter the Edit mode by  hitting  'E'
+then  use  the arrows to move the cursor to byte number  27
+(row 20, column 7). Type in the new value for the baud rate
+then  hit  &lt;ENTER&gt; to exit Edit mode. Hit 'W' to write  the
+sector,  then  'V'  to verify the modules. If a  module  is
+linked,  the  'Find' command only searches for  strings  in
+that module.</entry>
+<entry>N Command</entry>
+<entry>Find Next occurrence of String</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This is used in conjunction with the 'Find' command. Once a
+Hex  byte  or ASCII character string has been located  with
+'F',  the  next occurrence may be located by pressing  'N'.
+This search starts where the 'Find' search left off, IF the
+LSN hasn't changed since the string was initially located. 
+If  the LSN has changed, the search starts at the beginning
+of the current LSN. If the search is successful, the string
+will  be  highlighted,  as with 'Find', otherwise  you  are
+returned to the command prompt, with a beep.</entry>
+<entry>O Command</entry>
+<entry>OPEN an Output File</entry>
+<entry spanname="all"><para>You  will be prompted with 'OUTFILE: '. Type in a file name
+or  path (that does not already exist) and press &lt;ENTER&gt;. A
+new  file  will  be  created  and  opened,  with  the  name
+displayed  on  the  second row of  the  screen.  Individual
+sectors  can  be  written  to this file  using  the  Append
+To abort the O Command, just press &lt;ENTER&gt; or &lt;BREAK&gt;.</para></entry>
+<entry>P  Command</entry>
+<entry>Push an LSN onto the Sector Stack</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This  pushes  the  current LSN onto a  funtional  Stack  of
+sectors.   The 'R' command then can remove (pull) them from
+the  Stack  in the reverse order (Last In, First Out)  that
+they were pushed. Up to 16 LSN's can be saved on the Stack.
+This  is  very useful when trying to reconstruct a  deleted
+file  that  was  fragmented on the disk.  By  pushing  each
+sector  examined onto the Stack, you can retrace your steps
+backwards  without having to remember the sector number  of
+each sector along the way.</entry>
+<entry>Q Command</entry>
+<entry>QUIT dEd</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This exits dEd immediately. You should be sure to Write any
+Editted or Zapped sectors back to the disk before Quitting.</entry>
+<entry>R Command</entry>
+<entry>Remove an LSN from Sector Stack and Display</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This  removes (pulls), from the Sector Stack, the last  LSN
+that was pushed (with the 'P' command) and displays it.</entry>
+<entry>S Command</entry>
+<entry>SKIP to a given LSN</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">You will be prompted with 'LSN=$ '. Type a sector number (in
+Hex) and press &lt;ENTER&gt;. That LSN will then be displayed, if 
+possible. If the LSN entered is greater than the last LSN in
+the file, nothing will happen.</entry>
+<entry>U Command</entry>
+<entry>Unlink a Module</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This  'unlinks' a module that has previously been  'linked'
+using the 'L' command. The first sector in the file (LSN 0)
+is  displayed.  Using this command when no module has  been
+linked has no effect.</entry>
+<entry>V Command</entry>
+<entry>VERIFY All Modules</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This command calculates and writes a new CRC value for EACH 
+module in a fale. It must be used after Editting executable 
+modules  or they will not be loadable. Verify is terminated 
+if  an error is located in the header of a module, but each 
+module is verified individually and the CRC is rewritten to 
+each before moving to the next module in a file, so modules 
+in front of one with an error will be verified.</entry>
+<entry>W Command</entry>
+<entry>WRITE the Sector displayed to the Disk</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">WARNING!!!  This command can be very dangerous to the well-
+being of your disk  data.  It writes the  sector  displayed
+back to the disk (at the same location from whence it came, 
+but  not   necessarily with the same information, hence the 
+danger). After   Zapping or Editting a sector, you must use 
+this command to make the changes on the disk (unless you're 
+in  the Expert mode). Because you can effectively maim your 
+data  with this command, you will be prompted with 'Are you 
+sure   (Y/N)? '. If you hit any key other than 'Y' (or 'y') 
+the Write command will be aborted. Otherwise the sector will
+be  written, with  the  display  advising   you that dEd is 
+'Writing  Sector...'. On   a hard disk or RAM disk, this is 
+very quick.</entry>
+<entry>X Command</entry>
+<entry>EXPERT Mode</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">This   command is potentially the most dangerous of all. It 
+should be used only by those who are very brave (fools?) or 
+those  who   never make mistakes. In this mode, any sectors 
+changed by Edit or Zap will be automatically written to the 
+disk. The Write command is not needed, and is inactivated in
+the Expert mode. Any errors made during Edit or Zap WILL be 
+transferred  to  the   disk, making this mode very good for 
+crashing  directories, etc. Having noted this, there is one 
+route  of  escape  from  errors  made   in this mode. After 
+Editting  or   Zapping a sector, the sector is not actually 
+written back to the disk until after Edit or Zap is exitted 
+and the next command is issued (i.e. the next Command Key is
+pressed). If you hit Shift-BREAK , before hitting any other
+Command Key,  the automatic Write will not occur.  You must
+type Shift-BREAK before any other command or the sector will
+be written to  the  disk. This is a one-time escape, so any 
+further errors made will require hitting the Shift-BREAK key
+again  at  the  appropriate   time to avoid writing the bad 
+sector  to   the disk. Unless you fully understand the OS-9 
+disk structure (or enjoy toying with the life of your data),
+this   mode should probably be avoided. It is entered after 
+responding   with a 'Y' or 'y' to the 'Are you sure (Y/N)?' 
+prompt, and  the   display advises you that you are in this 
+mode. The 'X' command is a toggle switch, so to exit Expert 
+mode, just hit 'X' again and the 'Expert Mode' message will 
+be erased.</entry>
+<entry>Z Command</entry>
+<entry>ZAP the displayed Sector</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">You  will  be   prompted with 'Zap Byte: ' or 'Zap Char: '. 
+Enter  either  a   Hex byte (e.g. 6c) or an ASCII character 
+(e.g. $) and  press &lt;ENTER&gt;. That byte or character will be 
+written  to   the ENTIRE SECTOR. You can toggle between the 
+BYTE/CHAR  modes  by   hitting the &lt;BREAK&gt; key. In the CHAR 
+mode, hitting ALT-Char then &lt;ENTER&gt; will Zap the sector with
+that char with bit 7 set. Unless you're in the Expert mode, 
+only the buffer will be Zapped with the Zap command. To put 
+this  Zapped  sector  on   the disk, you must use the Write 
+command. If  you  decide  not   to Zap the sector, just hit 
+&lt;ENTER&gt; without first entering a byte or character. You can 
+redisplay  a   sector that has been Zapped, but not Written 
+back  to  the   disk, by going to the next LSN using the Up 
+Arrow, then  returning  to   the original LSN with the Down 
+Arrow  (again, provided  you're  not   in the Expert mode). </entry>
+<entry>$ Command</entry>
+<entry>Fork a SHELL</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">A  new  Shell  is  forked   to allow access to OS-9 without 
+terminating dEd.  To return to dEd, press Ctrl-BREAK  (ESC).</entry>
+<entry>&lt;CR&gt; Command</entry>
+<entry>Clean up screen display</entry>
+<entry spanname="all">Pressing &lt;ENTER&gt; at the CMD:  prompt will clear and re-write
+the screen which may have been trashed by an error.  Current
+editing to the displayed sector is not lost or written. This
+command only resets the screen display.</entry>