changeset 1144:2cdb7acff8aa

More comments
author boisy
date Mon, 21 Apr 2003 17:36:37 +0000
parents f052edb830d2
children ca83286ded5b
files level2/modules/rbf.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 1775 insertions(+), 1339 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level2/modules/rbf.asm	Mon Apr 21 16:56:47 2003 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/rbf.asm	Mon Apr 21 17:36:37 2003 +0000
@@ -3,10 +3,72 @@
 * $Id$
+* Modified for 6309 Native mode by Bill Nobel, L. Curtis Boyle & Wes Gale
+* This also contains the patch for un-deleting files
+* Undocumented SetStt/GetStt calls:
+*     GetStt:
+*         SS.FD ($0F) - Returns a file descriptor
+*                          Entry: R$A=Path #
+*                                 R$B=SS.FD ($0F)
+*                                 R$X=Pointer to a 256 byte buffer
+*                                 R$Y=# bytes of FD required
+*         SS.FDInf ($20) - Directly reads a file descriptor from anywhere
+*                          on drive.
+*                          Entry: R$A=Path #
+*                                 R$B=SS.FDInf ($20)
+*                                 R$X=Pointer to a 256 byte buffer
+*                                 R$Y= MSB - Length of read
+*                                      LSB - MSB of logical sector #
+*                                 R$U= LSW of logical sector #
+*     SetStt:
+*         SS.FD ($0F) - Writes a file descriptor
+*                          Entry: R$A=Path #
+*                                 R$B=SS.FD ($0F)
+*                                 R$X=Pointer to a maximum 256 byte buffer
+*                                 R$Y=# bytes of FD to write
+*         SS.Ticks ($10) - Set # ticks to wait for record lock release
+*                          Entry: R$A=Path #
+*                                 R$B=SS.Ticks ($10)
+*                                 R$X=# Ticks to wait
+*         SS.Lock ($11) - Force Lock/Release of a file.
+*                         Locks from current position to a specified size
+*                          Entry: R$A=Path #
+*                                 R$B=SS.Lock ($11)
+*                                 R$X=LSW of end byte position
+*                                 R$U=MSW of end byte position
+*         SS.Attr ($1C) - Allows changing of file/directory attributes
+*                         If changing directory attribute it scans to
+*                         see if directory is empty.
+*                          Entry: R$A=Path #
+*                                 R$B=SS.Attr ($1C)
+*                                 R$X= LSB - File attributes
+*         SS.RsBit ($1E) - Reserve bitmap sector (doesn't allocate)
+*                          Locks the bitmap sector from other programs
+*                          so they cannot allocate in it.
+*                          Useful when working in allocation map.
+*                          Entry: R$A=Path #
+*                                 R$B=SS.RsBit ($1E)
+*                                 R$X= LSB - Sector # of bitmap
 * Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*        NitrOS-9 2.00 distribution                         ??/??/??
+* ???    Started putting in comments from buggy 1.09    ??? 93/09/19
+*        code
+* ???    Fixed WP error bug on file delete              ??? 93/09/19
+*        Fixed FD read error bug in delete
+* ???    Fixed long overdue LHA bug                     ??? 94/07/15
+*        Modified M$Exec driver calls @ L11EB to use
+*        V$DRIVEX
+* ???    Changed L11EB to just PSHS/PULS A,X,PC         ??? 94/07/27
+*        instead of D,X,PC (saves 2 cycles per
+*        driver call)
+*        Changed BRA L12C6 @ L128E to PULS PC,U,X
+* ???    NitrOS-9 2.00 distribution                     ??? ??/??/??
 *  35    Fixed FD.SEG bug                               GH  ??/??/??
+*        Folded RBF 30 comments into this version       BGP 03/04/21
          nam   RBF
          ttl   Random Block File Manager
@@ -37,6 +99,14 @@
 L0012    fcb   $26
+* Main entry point for RBF
+* Entry: Y = Path descriptor pointer
+*        U = Register stack pointer
 start    bra   Create
          lbra  Open
@@ -52,285 +122,335 @@
          lbra  SetStat
          lbra  Close
-* Create, according to the book, needs
-* A=access mode desired
-* B=file attributes
-* X=address of the pathlist
-*  Exits with
-*  A=pathnum
-*  X=last byte of pathlist address
-* if error
-*  CC.C set
-*  B=errcode
-Create   pshs  y          ptr to descriptor
-         leas  -$05,s
+* I$Create Entry Point
+* Entry: A = access mode desired
+*        B = file attributes
+*        X = address of the pathlist
+* Exit:  A = pathnum
+*        X = last byte of pathlist address
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+Create   pshs  y		Preserve path desc ptr
+         leas  -$05,s		Make 5 byte buffer on stack
          IFNE  H6309
          aim   #^DIR.,R$B,u
-         lda   R$B,u
+         lda   R$B,u		force directory bit off
          anda  #^DIR.
          sta   R$B,u
-         lbsr  FindFile
-         bcs   Creat47    carry=not found
-         ldb   #E$CEF     else exists error
-Creat47  cmpb  #E$PNNF    not found?
+         lbsr  FindFile		try & find it in directory
+         bcs   Creat47		branch if doesn't exist
+* File already exists
+         ldb   #E$CEF		else exists error
+Creat47  cmpb  #E$PNNF		not found?
          bne   Creat7E
-         cmpa  #'/        full path?
-         beq   Creat7E    yes, go
-         pshs  x
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y
-         stu   R$X,x
-         ldb   PD.SBP,y   these 4 did have < in front
-         ldx   PD.SBP+1,y made 3 byte cmnds but some are 2!
-         lda   PD.SSZ,y
+* File doesn't exist, create it
+         cmpa  #PDELIM		full path?
+         beq   Creat7E		yes, return
+         pshs  x		preserve filename pointer
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y		get register stack pointer
+         stu   R$X,x		save updated pathname pointer
+* These 4 did have < in front, made 3 byte cmnds but some are 2!
+         ldb   PD.SBP,y		get physical sector # of segment list
+         ldx   PD.SBP+1,y
+         lda   PD.SSZ,y		get size of segment list in bytes
          ldu   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         pshs  u,x,b,a
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y
-         lda   R$A,x
+         pshs  u,x,b,a		preserve it all
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y		get register stack pointer
+* Calculate default file size, if enabled
+* This sets D to 0 if bit 5 of R$A is NOT set.  If bit 5 of R$A is set
+* when called, register Y will contain a default file size
+         lda   R$A,x		get file mode (read/write/update)
-         anda  #PEXEC.    $20
-         beq   Creat6E
-         ldd   R$Y,x
-Creat6E  addd  #1         bug fix, thanks Gene K.
-         bcc   Creat75
-         ldd   #$FFFF
-Creat75  lbsr  FatScan
-         bcc   Creat83
-         leas  6,s
-Creat7C  leas  2,s
-Creat7E  leas  5,s
-         lbra  ErMemRtn
+         anda  #PEXEC.		bit 5 set?
+         beq   Creat6E		no, skip ahead
+         ldd   R$Y,x		get default file size
+* account for FD sector, I think.
+* changed from addd #1, bcc, ldd #$FFFF.
+* The INCD gets D=$0000 (and CC.Z set) if it overflows from $FFFF->$0000
+* then if it's zero, a DECD forces it to be $FFFF
+Creat6E  addd  #1		above 64k in size? (bug fix, thanks Gene K.)
+         bcc   Creat75		no, skip ahead: changed from BCC
+         ldd   #$FFFF		force it to 64k
+Creat75  lbsr  FatScan		find the space in the allocation map
+         bcc   Creat83		got it, skip ahead
+         leas  6,s		purge segment sizes from stack
+* and fall through to routine which returns with an error.
-Creat83  std   $0B,s      sectors alloc'd
-         ldb   PD.SBP,y
-         ldx   PD.SBP+1,y starting LSN
-         stb   $08,s
+Creat7C  leas  2,s		purge user's pathname pointer
+Creat7E  leas  5,s		purge local data
+         lbra  ErMemRtn		return with error
+* Create the file
+Creat83  std   $0B,s		save segment size
+         ldb   PD.SBP,y		save segment physical sector # in path desc.
+         ldx   PD.SBP+1,y	starting LSN
+         stb   $08,s		on stack too
          stx   $09,s
-         puls  u,x,b,a
-         stb   PD.SBP,y
+         puls  u,x,b,a		restore segment physical sector # & sizes
+         stb   PD.SBP,y		save it as current
          stx   PD.SBP+1,y
          sta   PD.SSZ,y
          stu   PD.SSZ+1,y
+* Find empty slot in directory sector for new file
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.DCP,y
-         stq   PD.CP,y
+         ldq   PD.DCP,y		get directory entry pointer for new file
+         stq   PD.CP,y		save it as current file pointer
          ldd   PD.DCP,y
          std   PD.CP,y
          ldd   PD.DCP+2,y
          std   PD.CP+2,y
-         lbsr  L0957      find start of dir
+         lbsr  L0957		move entry into sector buffer
          bcs   CreatB5
-CreatAC  tst   ,x         empty slot?
-         beq   CreatC7    empty spot, go
-         lbsr  L0942      else get next slot
-         bcc   CreatAC
-CreatB5  cmpb  #E$EOF
-         bne   Creat7C    some other error
-         ldd   #DIR.SZ
-         lbsr  Writ599    extend dir by $20
-         bcs   Creat7C    out of alloc?
-         lbsr  MDir263
-         lbsr  L0957
-CreatC7  leau  ,x
-         lbsr  Creat169
-         puls  x
-         os9   F$PrsNam
+CreatAC  tst   ,x		file exist here already?
+         beq   CreatC7		no, found empty slot, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L0942		point to next entry
+         bcc   CreatAC		try again
+CreatB5  cmpb  #E$EOF		end of directory?
+         bne   Creat7C		no, return error
+* Create the directory entry for new file
+         ldd   #DIR.SZ		get size of directory entry
+         lbsr  Writ599		add it to size of directory
+         bcs   Creat7C		out of alloc?
+         lbsr  MDir263		set file size in file descriptor
+         lbsr  L0957		read in a directory sector
+CreatC7  leau  ,x		point to directory entry
+         lbsr  Creat169		clear it out
+         puls  x		restore pathname pointer
+         os9   F$PrsNam		parse it to get filename
          bcs   Creat7E
-         cmpb  #29
-         bls   CreatD9
-         ldb   #29
-CreatD9  clra  
+         cmpb  #29		length of name right size?
+         bls   CreatD9		yes, skip ahead
+         ldb   #29		else force it to 29 chars
+CreatD9  clra  			move length to Y
          tfr   d,y
-         lbsr  Writ5CB
-         tfr   y,d
-         ldy   $05,s
-         decb  
+         lbsr  Writ5CB		move name of file to directory entry
+         tfr   y,d		move length of name to D
+         ldy   $05,s		restore PDpointer
+         decb  			subtract 1 off length
          IFNE  H6309
-         oim   #$80,b,u
+         oim   #$80,b,u		set high bit on last char of name
          lda   b,u
          ora   #$80
          sta   b,u
-         ldb   ,s
+         ldb   ,s		get logical sector # of file desc
          ldx   $01,s
-         stb   DIR.FD,u
+         stb   DIR.FD,u		save it into directory entry
          stx   DIR.FD+1,u
-         lbsr  L1205
+         lbsr  L1205		flush sector to disk
          bcs   Creat151
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         bsr   Creat170
-         lda   #FDBUF
-         sta   PD.SMF,y
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y
-         lda   R$B,x
-         sta   ,u
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         ldd   P$User,x
-         std   FD.OWN,u
-         lbsr  L02D1
-         ldd   FD.DAT,u
-         std   FD.Creat,u
+* Setup file descriptor
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get sector buffer pointer
+         bsr   Creat170		clear it out
+         lda   #FDBUF		get file descriptor in buffer flag
+         sta   PD.SMF,y		save it as current sector buffer state
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y		get register stack pointer
+         lda   R$B,x		get file attributes
+         sta   FD.ATT,u		save it as current attributes
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get process pointer
+         ldd   P$User,x		get user #
+         std   FD.OWN,u		save creation user
+         lbsr  L02D1		place date & time into file descriptor
+         ldd   FD.DAT,u		get date last modified
+         std   FD.Creat,u	save it as creation date (since we just made it)
          ldb   FD.DAT+2,u
          stb   FD.Creat+2,u
-         ldb   #$01
+         ldb   #$01		get link count
          stb   FD.LNK,u
-         ldd   3,s
-         IFNE  H6309
-         decd  
+         ldd   3,s		get segment size in sectors
+         IFNE  H630
+         decd  			is it 1?
          subd  #$0001
-         beq   Creat131
-         leax  FD.SEG,u
-         std   FDSL.B,x
-         ldd   1,s
-         addd  #1         bug fix, thanks Gene K.
-         std   FDSL.A+1,x
-         ldb   ,s
-         adcb  #$00       need carry status of addd
-         stb   FDSL.A,x
-Creat131 ldb   ,s
+         beq   Creat131		yes, skip ahead
+         leax  FD.SEG,u		point to the start of the segment list
+         std   FDSL.B,x		save segment size
+         ldd   1,s		get LSW of physical sector # of seg start
+         addd  #1		we need to carry below, fr the adcb! (bug fix, thanks Gene K.)
+         std   FDSL.A+1,x	save LSW
+         ldb   ,s		get MSB of physical sector # of segment start
+         adcb  #$00		need carry status of addd above
+         stb   FDSL.A,x		save MSB
+Creat131 ldb   ,s		get p hysical sector # of segment start
          ldx   1,s
-         lbsr  L1207
+         lbsr  L1207		flush file descriptor to disk
          bcs   Creat151
-         lbsr  L0A90
-         stb   PD.FD,y
+         lbsr  L0A90		sort out any ocnflict for this sector
+         stb   PD.FD,y		save file descriptor physical sector # to pd
          stx   PD.FD+1,y
-         lbsr  L0A2A
-         leas  $05,s
-         ldx   PD.Exten,y
-         lda   #EofLock
+         lbsr  L0A2A		update file/record lock for this sector
+         leas  $05,s		purge sector buffer from stack
+         ldx   PD.Exten,y	get path extension pointer
+         lda   #EofLock		set the file to EOF lock
          sta   PE.Lock,x
          bra   Open1CC
-Creat151 puls  u,x,a
-         sta   PD.SBP,y
+* Error on fD write to disk
+Creat151 puls  u,x,a		restore segment start & size
+         sta   PD.SBP,y		put it into path descriptor
          stx   PD.SBP+1,y
          clr   PD.SSZ,y
          stu   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         pshs  b
+         pshs  b		save error code
          lbsr  ClrFBits
-         puls  b
-RtnMemry lbra  ErMemRtn
+         puls  b		restore error code
+RtnMemry lbra  ErMemRtn		return with error
-* clear a dir entry
+* Clear out directory entry
+* Entry: U = Directory entry pointer
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldw   #DIR.SZ    zeroing a dir entry before use
+         ldw   #DIR.SZ		get size of directory entry (name & LSN of FD)
-         ldb   #DIR.SZ    zeroing a dir entry before use
+         ldb   #DIR.SZ
-         bra   Creat174
+         bra   Creat174		clear it out
-* clear a sector buffer
+* Clear out sector buffer
+* Entry: U = Sector buffer pointer
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldw   #$0100     zeroing a sector before use
+         ldw   #$0100		get size of sector buffer
-Creat174 pshs  u,x
+Creat174 pshs  u,x		preserve regs
          IFNE  H6309
-         leax  <Creat170+3,pcr
-         tfm   x,u+
+         leax  <Creat170+3,pcr	point to NULL byte
+         tfm   x,u+		clear buffer
 l1       clr   ,u+
          bne   l1 
-         puls  pc,u,x
+         puls  pc,u,x		restore & return
-Open     pshs  y
-         lbsr  FindFile
-         bcs   RtnMemry   and to ErMemRtn
-         ldu   PD.RGS,y
-         stx   R$X,u
-         ldd   PD.FD+1,y
+* I$Open Entry Point
+* Entry: A = access mode desired
+*        X = address of the pathlist
+* Exit:  A = pathnum
+*        X = last byte of pathlist address
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+Open     pshs  y		preserve path descriptor pointer
+         lbsr  FindFile		try & find the file in current directory
+         bcs   RtnMemry		couldn't find it, return error
+         ldu   PD.RGS,y		get register stack pointer
+         stx   R$X,u		save updated pathname pointer
+         ldd   PD.FD+1,y	do we have a file descriptor?
          bne   Open1BB
          lda   PD.FD,y
-         bne   Open1BB
-* File Descr doesn't exist
-         ldb   PD.MOD,y
-         andb  #DIR.
-         lbne  Clos29D    oops, is dir, go
-         std   PD.SBP,y   regs.a zeroed above
+         bne   Open1BB		yes, skip ahead
+* File descriptor doesn't exist
+         ldb   PD.MOD,y		get current file mode
+         andb  #DIR.		is it a directory?
+         lbne  Clos29D		yes, return not accessible eror
+         std   PD.SBP,y		set segment physical start to 0
          sta   PD.SBP+2,y
-         std   PD.SBL,y
+         std   PD.SBL,y		do logical as well
          sta   PD.SBL+2,y
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         lda   DD.TOT+2,x
-         std   PD.SIZ+2,y
-         sta   PD.SSZ+2,y
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get pointer to drive table
+         lda   DD.TOT+2,x	get total # sectors on drive
+         std   PD.SIZ+2,y	copy it to file size (B=0)
+         sta   PD.SSZ+2,y	copy it to segment size as well
          ldd   DD.TOT,x
          std   PD.SIZ,y
          std   PD.SSZ,y
-         puls  pc,y
+         puls  pc,y		restore & return
-Open1BB  lda   PD.MOD,y
-         lbsr  ChkAttrs
-         bcs   RtnMemry
-         bita  #WRITE.
-         beq   Open1CC
-         lbsr  L02D1
-         lbsr  L11FD
-Open1CC  puls  y
+Open1BB  lda   PD.MOD,y		get file mode
+         lbsr  ChkAttrs		can user access file?
+         bcs   RtnMemry		no, return no permission error
+         bita  #WRITE.		open for write?
+         beq   Open1CC		no, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L02D1		update last date modified to current
+         lbsr  L11FD		update file descriptor on disk
+Open1CC  puls  y		restore path descriptor pointer
+* Update the path descriptor from the FD sector pointed to by U
          IFNE  H6309
-         clrd  
+         clrd  			get a 16 bit zero value
-         std   PD.CP+2,y  to orig
+         std   PD.CP+2,y	set seek pointer to start of file
          std   PD.CP,y
-         std   PD.SBL,y
+         std   PD.SBL,y		set segment start
          sta   PD.SBL+2,y
-         sta   PD.SSZ,y
-         lda   FD.ATT,u
-         sta   PD.ATT,y
-         ldd   FD.SEG,u
+         sta   PD.SSZ,y		set segment size
+         lda   FD.ATT,u		get file attributes
+         sta   PD.ATT,y		put it into path descriptor
+         ldd   FD.SEG,u		get the file's segment start sector #
          std   PD.SBP,y
          lda   FD.SEG+2,u
          sta   PD.SBP+2,y
          ldd   FD.SEG+FDSL.B,u
          std   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         ldd   FD.SIZ,u
+* ldq   FD.SIZ,u
+         ldd   FD.SIZ,u		get file size
          ldx   FD.SIZ+2,u
-         ldu   PD.Exten,y
-         cmpu  PE.Confl,u
-         beq   Open209
-         ldu   PE.Confl,u
-         ldu   PE.PDptr,u
-         ldd   PD.SIZ,u
+         ldu   PD.Exten,y	get path extension pointer
+         cmpu  PE.Confl,u	head of the conflict tree?
+         beq   Open209		yes, skip ahead
+         ldu   PE.Confl,u	get the conflicting path ext. pointer
+         ldu   PE.PDptr,u	get back pointer to the PD of conflicting process
+* ldq PD.SIZ,u
+         ldd   PD.SIZ,u		get his size instead
          ldx   PD.SIZ+2,u
-Open209  std   PD.SIZ,y
+* stq PD.SIZ,y
+Open209  std   PD.SIZ,y		set file size in path descriptor of caller
          stx   PD.SIZ+2,y
-         clr   PD.SMF,y
-         rts   
+         clr   PD.SMF,y		clear the state flags
+         rts   			return
-* Makedir entry point
-MakDir   lbsr  Create
-         bcs   MDir261
-         lda   PD.ATT,y
-         ora   #SHARE.
-         lbsr  ChkAttrs
-         bcs   MDir261
-         ldd   #DIR.SZ*2
-         std   PD.SIZ+2,y
-         bsr   MDir273
-         bcs   MDir261
+* I$MakDir Entry Point
+* Entry: X = address of the pathlist
+* Exit:  X = last byte of pathlist address
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+MakDir   lbsr  Create		create a file descriptor
+         bcs   MDir261		problem, return error
+         lda   PD.ATT,y		get attributes
+         ora   #SHARE.		set shareable bit
+         lbsr  ChkAttrs		can user access directory?
+         bcs   MDir261		no, return error
+         ldd   #DIR.SZ*2	get default directory size (for '.' & '..')
+         std   PD.SIZ+2,y	save it in path descriptor (MSW set to 0)
+         bsr   MDir273		write out file descriptor
+         bcs   MDir261		error, return
          lbsr  L0C6F
          bcs   MDir261
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		read in file descriptor
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get pointer to file descriptor
          IFNE  H6309
-         oim   #DIR.,FD.ATT,u
+         oim   #DIR.,FD.ATT,u	set directory bit in attributes
          lda   FD.ATT,u
          ora   #DIR.
@@ -338,143 +458,190 @@
          bsr   MDir266
          bcs   MDir261
-         lbsr  Creat170
-         ldd   #$2EAE     ..
-         std   ,u
-         stb   DIR.SZ,u
+         lbsr  Creat170		clear out sector
+         ldd   #$2EAE		get directory entry name for current & parent dir
+         std   ,u		save parent name
+         stb   DIR.SZ,u		save current name
+* This is smaller and faster than the old method
+*         ldq   PD.DFD-1,y	get directory FD pointer into low 24-bits of Q
+*         clra			make sure high byte is zero
+*         stq   DIR.FD-1,u	save in the dir: '.' and '..' have <28 char names
          lda   PD.DFD,y
          sta   DIR.FD,u
          ldd   PD.DFD+1,y
          std   DIR.FD+1,u
+*         ldq   PD.FD-1,y	get current FD into lower 24-bits of Q
+*         clra			ensure high byte is zero
+*         stq   DIR.SZ+DIR.FD-1,u	save in the directory
          lda   PD.FD,y
          sta   DIR.SZ+DIR.FD,u
          ldd   PD.FD+1,y
          std   DIR.SZ+DIR.FD+1,u
-         lbsr  L1205
-MDir261  bra   Rt100Mem
+         lbsr  L1205		flush new directory ssector to disk
+MDir261  bra   Rt100Mem		return to system all ok
-* set new file size in descriptor
-MDir263  lbsr  RdFlDscr
-MDir266  ldx   PD.BUF,y
+* Set new file size in file descriptor
+* Entry: None
+* Exit : New file size set in file descriptor on disk
+MDir263  lbsr  RdFlDscr		read in file descriptor
+MDir266  ldx   PD.BUF,y		get sector pointer
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.SIZ,y
-         stq   FD.SIZ,x
+         ldq   PD.SIZ,y		get current file size
+         stq   FD.SIZ,x		save it in file descriptor
          ldd   PD.SIZ,y
          std   FD.SIZ,x
          ldd   PD.SIZ+2,y
          std   FD.SIZ+2,x
-         clr   PD.SMF,y
+         clr   PD.SMF,y		clear state flags
 MDir273  lbra  L11FD
+* I$Close Entry Point
+* Entry: A = path number
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
 Close    clra  
-         tst   PD.CNT,y
-         bne   Clos29C
-         lbsr  L1237
-         bcs   Rt100Mem
-         ldb   PD.MOD,y
-         bitb  #WRITE.
-         beq   Rt100Mem
+         tst   PD.CNT,y		any open paths?
+         bne   Clos29C		yes, return
+         lbsr  L1237		flush current sector of needed
+         bcs   Rt100Mem		error, skip ahead
+         ldb   PD.MOD,y		get access mode
+         bitb  #WRITE.		is it write?
+         beq   Rt100Mem		no, skip ahead
          ldd   PD.FD,y
          bne   Clos290
          lda   PD.FD+2,y
          beq   Rt100Mem
-Clos290  bsr   MDir263
-         lbsr  Gst5E5
-         bcc   Rt100Mem
+Clos290  bsr   MDir263		set new file size in file descriptor
+         lbsr  Gst5E5		reached EOF?
+         bcc   Rt100Mem		no, skip ahead
          lbsr  L0EFE
-         bra   Rt100Mem
-Clos29C  rts   
+         bra   Rt100Mem		skip ahead
+Clos29C  rts   			return
+* Return file not accessible error
 Clos29D  ldb   #E$FNA
 ErMemRtn coma  
 Clos2A0  puls  y
-* generalized return to system
-Rt100Mem pshs  b,cc
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         beq   RtMem2CF
-         ldd   #$0100
-         os9   F$SRtMem
-         ldx   PD.Exten,y
-         beq   RtMem2CF
-         lbsr  L0A90
-         lda   PE.PE,x
+* Generalized return to system
+Rt100Mem pshs  b,cc		preserve error status
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get sector buffer pointer
+         beq   RtMem2CF		none, skip ahead
+         ldd   #$0100		get size of sector buffer
+         os9   F$SRtMem		return the memory to system
+         ldx   PD.Exten,y	get path extension pointer
+         beq   RtMem2CF		none, return
+         lbsr  L0A90		scan conflict list?
+         lda   PE.PE,x		return path extension to system
          ldx   <D.PthDBT
          os9   F$Ret64
-RtMem2CF puls  pc,b,cc
+RtMem2CF puls  pc,b,cc		restore error status & return
+* Place date & time into file descriptor
+L02D1    lbsr  RdFlDscr		read in file descriptor sector
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get pointer to it
+         lda   FD.LNK,u		get link count
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         pshs  x,a		preserve 'em
+         ldx   <D.SysPrc	switch to system process descriptor
+         stx   <D.Proc
+         leax  FD.DAT,u		point to date last modified
+         os9   F$Time		put currenttime there
+* Gene Heskett's STUPID "LDA #$01, STA $00FF,u" CRAP went here. DAMN DAMN DAMN
+* He's NEVER getting the RBF source again!
+         puls  x,a		restore link count & current process
+         stx   <D.Proc
+         sta   FD.LNK,u
+         rts   			return
-L02D1    lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         lda   FD.LNK,u
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         pshs  x,a
-         ldx   <D.SysPrc
-         stx   <D.Proc
-         leax  FD.DAT,u
-         os9   F$Time
-         puls  x,a        backar is GONE!
-         stx   <D.Proc
-         sta   FD.LNK,u
-         rts   
-ChgDir   pshs  y
+* I$ChgDir Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+ChgDir   pshs  y		preserve path descriptor pointer
          IFNE  H6309
-         oim   #$80,PD.MOD,y
+         oim   #$80,PD.MOD,y	ensure the directory bit is set
          lda   PD.MOD,y
          ora   #$80
          sta   PD.MOD,y
-         lbsr  Open
-         bcs   Clos2A0
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         ldu   PD.FD+1,y
-         ldb   PD.MOD,y
-         bitb  #UPDAT.
-         beq   CD30D
-* change current data dir
+         lbsr  Open		go open the directory
+         bcs   Clos2A0		exit on error
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         ldu   PD.FD+1,y	get LSW of file descriptor sector #
+         ldb   PD.MOD,y		get current file mode
+         bitb  #UPDAT.		read or write mode?
+         beq   CD30D		no, skip ahead
+* Change current data dir
          ldb   PD.FD,y
          stb   P$DIO+3,x
          stu   P$DIO+4,x
-CD30D    ldb   PD.MOD,y
-         bitb  #EXEC.
-         beq   CD31C
-* change current exec dir
+CD30D    ldb   PD.MOD,y		get current file mode
+         bitb  #EXEC.		is it execution dir?
+         beq   CD31C		no, skip ahead
+* Change current execution directory
          ldb   PD.FD,y
          stb   P$DIO+9,x
          stu   P$DIO+10,x
-CD31C    clrb  
-         bra   Clos2A0
+CD31C    clrb  			clear errors
+         bra   Clos2A0		return to system
-Delete   pshs  y
-         lbsr  FindFile
-         bcs   Clos2A0
-         ldd   PD.FD+1,y
-         bne   Del332
+* I$Delete Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+* NOTE: Bug for write protected disk has been fixed - 93/09/19
+Delete   pshs  y		preserve path descriptor pointer
+         lbsr  FindFile		does the file exist?
+         bcs   Clos2A0		no, return error
+         ldd   PD.FD+1,y	do we have a file descriptor?
+         bne   Del332		yes, skip ahead
          tst   PD.FD,y
          IFNE  H6309
-         beq   Clos29D
+         beq   Clos29D		no, return not accessible error
          lbeq  Clos29D
-Del332   lda   #SHARE.+WRITE.
-         lbsr  ChkAttrs
-         lbcs  Clos2A0
-         ldu   PD.RGS,y
-         stx   R$X,u
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         lbcs  Del3D4
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y
-         dec   FD.LNK,x
-         beq   Del358
-         lbsr  L11FD
+Del332   lda   #SHARE.+WRITE.	get attributes to check
+         lbsr  ChkAttrs		can user delete ths file?
+         lbcs  Clos2A0		no, return error
+         ldu   PD.RGS,y		get registered stack pointer
+         stx   R$X,u		save updated pathname pointer
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		read in file descriptor
+* BUG FIX: Below used to read 'lbcs L03D4' which expects the file descriptor
+*          sector # & a temporary buffer to be stored on the stack but it
+*          isn't there yet.  Restored back to RBF 28 error handling
+*         lbcs  L02B2		error, return to system (FD read error fix)
+         lbcs  Del3D4		error, rturn to system (FD read error fix)
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y		get pointer to the file descriptor
+         dec   FD.LNK,x		decrement link count
+         beq   Del358		down to zero, delete the file descriptor
+         lbsr  L11FD		write updated file descriptor
          pshs  u,x,b
          IFNE  H6309
@@ -484,24 +651,27 @@
          std   $03,s
          bra   Del39F
-Del358   ldb   PD.FD,y
+* RBF30 start
+Del358   ldb   PD.FD,y		get LSN of file descriptor
          ldx   PD.FD+1,y
-         pshs  u,x,b
-         ldd   #$0100
+         pshs  u,x,b		preserve 'em
+         ldd   #$0100		allocate a temporary sector buffer
          os9   F$SRqMem
-         bcc   Del36C
+         bcc   Del36C		got it, skip ahead
          IFNE  H6309
-         bra   Del37A
-Del36C   stu   $03,s
+         bra   Del37A		return with eror
+Del36C   stu   $03,s		save pointer to sector buffer
          ldx   PD.BUF,y
          IFNE  H6309
          ldw   #$0100
-         tfm   x+,u+
+         tfm   x+,u+		copy the sector
 DelLoop  lda   ,x+
@@ -510,151 +680,191 @@
          bne   DelLoop
          ldd   $03,s
-Del37A   std   $03,s
+Del37A   std   $03,s		save buffer pointer to U on stack
+* Start back into RBF28 code again
          IFNE  H6309
-         std   PD.SIZ,y
+         std   PD.SIZ,y		set file size to zero
          std   PD.SIZ+2,y
-         lbsr  L0EFE
+         lbsr  L0EFE		set the file size to PD.SIZ
          bcs   Del3EF
-         ldb   PD.FD,y
+         ldb   PD.FD,y		grab file descriptor sector number
          ldx   PD.FD+1,y
-         stb   PD.SBP,y
+         stb   PD.SBP,y		copy it to the segment beginning sector number
          stx   PD.SBP+1,y
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y
-* my problem with this fix from rbf28 is in proveing to me
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y		point to the buffer
+* RBF34
+* LDD $13,X    : FD.SEG+3, grab the size of the FIRST segment of the file
+* addd #$0001
+* THEN std PD.SSZ+1,y
+* Why?  RBF automatically makes the FIRST SEGMENT of the file fill the rest
+* of the cluster that was allocated for the file descriptor.
+* Why not LDX PD.DTB,y  LDD DD.BIT,x  ???
+* Gene H: My problem with this fix from rbf28 is in proving to me
 * $13,x is the correct location to read! I can't seem to find
-* the defines to match the $13,x address -GH
-         ldd   <$13,x     this code is REQUIRED for multiple
+* the defines to match the $13,x address.
+*         ldd   FD.SEG+FDSL.B,x	grab the size of the first segment
+         ldd   <$13,x		this code is REQUIRED for multiple
          IFNE  H6309
-         incd             sector/cluster operation, don't remove!
+         incd			sector/cluster operation, don't remove!
          addd  #$0001 sector cluster operation, DO NOT REMOVE!
          std   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         lbsr  ClrFBits
+         lbsr  ClrFBits		delete a segment
 Del39F   bcs   Del3EF
-         lbsr  L1237
+         lbsr  L1237		flush the sector
          lbsr  L0A90
          lda   PD.DFD,y
          sta   PD.FD,y
          ldd   PD.DFD+1,y
          std   PD.FD+1,y
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		get the file descriptor
          bcs   Del3EF
          lbsr  L0A2A
          ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         lbsr  Open1CE
+         lbsr  Open1CE		update PD entries from FD entries
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.DCP,y
-         stq   PD.CP,y
+         ldq   PD.DCP,y		get current directory entry pointer
+         stq   PD.CP,y		save it as current pointer
          ldd   PD.DCP,y
          std   PD.CP,y
          ldd   PD.DCP+2,y
          std   PD.CP+2,y
-         lbsr  L0957
+         lbsr  L0957		read in the directory sector
          bcs   Del3EF
-         clr   ,x
-         lbsr  L1205
-Del3D4   ldu   $03,s
+         clr   ,x		clear first byte of filename in directory entry
+         lbsr  L1205		flush the sector to disk
+* RBF30 start
+Del3D4   ldu   $03,s		get temporary sector buffer pointer
 * the patch at Del3EF-3F9 munged the stack for this one - GH
-         beq   Del3F9
-         ldb   ,s
+         beq   Del3F9		none allocated, return to process
+         ldb   ,s		get the old file descriptor logical sector #
          ldx   $01,s
-         stb   PD.FD,y
+         stb   PD.FD,y		put it back into path descriptor
          stx   PD.FD+1,y
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y
-         stx   1,s
-         stu   PD.BUF,y
-         lbsr  L11FD
-         ldu   1,s
-         stu   PD.BUF,y
-Del3EF   pshs  b,cc       raises stack offsets +2
-         ldu   $05,s      this was a 3
-         beq   Del3F5     different, new label! no mem to return
-         ldd   #$0100
-         os9   F$SRtMem
-Del3F5   puls  b,cc
-Del3F9   leas  5,s
-         lbra  Clos2A0
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y		get current sector buffer pointer
+         stx   1,s		save it a sec
+         stu   PD.BUF,y		put original sector pointer into path descriptor
+         lbsr  L11FD		write the old file descriptor to disk
+         ldu   1,s		get temporary sector pointer
+         stu   PD.BUF,y		save it as current
+Del3EF   pshs  b,cc		preserve rror status & code if any (WP bug fix - raises stack offsets+2)
+         ldu   $05,s		get temporary sector buffer pointer (this was a 3)
+         beq   Del3F5		didn't allocate one, skip ahead (different, new label! no mem to return)
+         ldd   #$0100		get size of it
+         os9   F$SRtMem		return the memory back to the system
+Del3F5   puls  b,cc		restore error status & code (WP bug fix)
+Del3F9   leas  5,s		purge stack
+* Start back into RBF28 code
+         lbra  Clos2A0		return to system
-* Seek entry
-Seek     ldb   PD.SMF,y
-         bitb  #SINBUF
-         beq   Seek417
-         lda   R$X+1,u
+* I$Seek Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+Seek     ldb   PD.SMF,y		get state flags
+         bitb  #SINBUF		do we have a sector in buffer?
+         beq   Seek417		no, skip ahead
+         lda   R$X+1,u		calculate if we need a new sector
          ldb   R$U,u
          subd  PD.CP+1,y
          bne   Seek412
          lda   R$X,u
          sbca  PD.CP,y
-         beq   Seek41B
-Seek412  lbsr  L1237
+         beq   Seek41B		no need to get another sector, skip ahead
+Seek412  lbsr  L1237		flush the current sector to disk
          bcs   Seek41F
-Seek417  ldd   R$X,u
+Seek417  ldd   R$X,u		get & set new file pointer
          std   PD.CP,y
 Seek41B  ldd   R$U,u
          std   PD.CP+2,y
-Seek41F  rts   
+Seek41F  rts   			return
-ReadLn   bsr   RdLn463
-         beq   RdLn446
+* I$ReadLn Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+ReadLn   bsr   RdLn463		check if record locked for amount to be read
+         beq   RdLn446		zero bytes to read, return
          bsr   RdLn447
          pshs  u,y,x,b,a
          exg   x,u
          IFNE  H6309
-         tfr   0,y
+         tfr   0,y		smaller, same speed as LDY #$0000
          ldy   #$0000
-         lda   #$0D
-RdLn430  leay  1,y
-         cmpa  ,x+
-         beq   RdLn439
-         decb  
-         bne   RdLn430
-RdLn439  ldx   6,s
-         bsr   RdLn49B
-         sty   $0A,s
-         puls  u,y,x,b,a
-         ldd   $02,s
-         leax  d,x
-RdLn446  rts   
+         lda   #$0D		a carriage return
+RdLn430  leay  1,y		go up one byte
+         cmpa  ,x+		is it a CR?
+         beq   RdLn439		yes, we're done
+         decb  			count down
+         bne   RdLn430		until done one sector, at least
+RdLn439  ldx   6,s		get old U
+         bsr   RdLn49B		move bytes from the system to user
+         sty   $0A,s		save Y on-stack, above calling routine????
+         puls  u,y,x,b,a	restore registers
+         ldd   $02,s		get old saved Y from above
+*         addr  d,x
+         leax  d,x		point to how many bytes we've read
+RdLn446  rts   			and exit
-RdLn447  lbsr  Read4D3
-         leax  -1,x
-         lbsr  L097F
-         cmpa  #$0D
-         beq   RdLn459
-         ldd   $02,s
-         bne   Read4D9
-RdLn459  ldu   PD.RGS,y
-         ldd   R$Y,u
-         subd  $02,s
-         std   R$Y,u
-         bra   Read4C0
+RdLn447  lbsr  Read4D3		do reading, calling this routine back again
+         leax  -1,x		back up a byte
+         lbsr  L097F		get a byte from another task (F$LDABX)
+         cmpa  #$0D		is it a CR?
+         beq   RdLn459		yes, skip ahead
+         ldd   $02,s		check data saved on-stack???
+         bne   Read4D9		if not zero, skip ahead
+RdLn459  ldu   PD.RGS,y		grab caller's register stack
+         ldd   R$Y,u		get number of bytes to read
+         subd  $02,s		take out data read last sector??
+         std   R$Y,u		save as data bytes to read
+         bra   Read4C0		skip ahead
-RdLn463  ldd   R$Y,u
-         lbsr  L0B0C
-         bcs   RdLn497
-         ldd   R$Y,u
-         bsr   RdLn473
-         bcs   RdLn497
-         std   R$Y,u
-         rts   
+* Calculate if read will be record locked with another process
+* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
+RdLn463  ldd   R$Y,u		get requested read length
+         lbsr  L0B0C		record locked with somebody else?
+         bcs   RdLn497		yes, return deadlock error
+         ldd   R$Y,u		get requested read length
+         bsr   RdLn473		calculate if we will have an EOF error
+         bcs   RdLn497		we did, return error
+         std   R$Y,u		save # bytes available
+         rts   			return
-RdLn473  pshs  d
+* Calculate if read length will overrun file length
+* Entry: D=Requested # bytes to read from file
+* Exit : D=# bytes available
+RdLn473  pshs  d		preserve length
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.SIZ,y   puts 3-4 bytes in w, not x
-         subw  PD.CP+2,y
-         tfr   w,x        save it in the old register
-         sbcd  PD.CP,y
+         ldq   PD.SIZ,y		get current file size
+         subw  PD.CP+2,y	subtract off LSW of current byte pointer
+         tfr   w,x		save it in the old register
+         sbcd  PD.CP,y		subtract off current byte pointer
          ldd   PD.SIZ+2,y
          subd  PD.CP+2,y
@@ -663,83 +873,103 @@
          sbcb  PD.CP+1,y
          sbca  PD.CP,y
-         bcs   RdLn494
-         bne   RdLn491
+         bcs   RdLn494		it will overrun, return EOF error
+         bne   RdLn491		some bytes left, return OK
          bne   RdLn491
+         cmpx  ,s		do we have enough bytes?
+         bhs   RdLn491		yes, return OK
+         stx   ,s		save # bytes available
+         beq   RdLn494		it's 0, return EOF error
+RdLn491  clrb  			clear error status
+         puls  pc,b,a		retrieve # bytes & return
+* Return EOF error
+RdLn494  comb  			set carry for error
+         ldb   #E$EOF		get error code
+RdLn497  leas  $02,s		purge length off stack
+         bra   Read4C5		return
-         cmpx  ,s         we saved in x, use it
-         bhs   RdLn491
-         stx   ,s         ditto
-         beq   RdLn494
-RdLn491  clrb  
-         puls  pc,b,a
-RdLn494  comb  
-         ldb   #E$EOF
-RdLn497  leas  $02,s
-         bra   Read4C5
+* Move bytes from system to user
+* Entry: X=Source pointer
+*        Y=Byte count
+*        U=Destination pointer
 RdLn49B  pshs  x
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         lda   <D.SysTsk
-         ldb   P$Task,x
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         lda   <D.SysTsk	get source task #
+         ldb   P$Task,x		get destination task #
          puls  x
-         os9   F$Move
-         rts   
+         os9   F$Move		move 'em
+         rts   			return
-Read     bsr   RdLn463
-         beq   Read4BB
-         bsr   Read4BC
-Read4AF  pshs  u,y,x,b,a
+* I$Read Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+Read     bsr   RdLn463		record locked?
+         beq   Read4BB		no, allow it
+         bsr   Read4BC		do reading
+Read4AF  pshs  u,y,x,b,a	save data on the stack
          exg   x,u
          tfr   d,y
-         bsr   RdLn49B
-         puls  u,y,x,b,a
-         leax  d,x        back to leax from addr here
+         bsr   RdLn49B		move bytes from system to user
+         puls  u,y,x,b,a	restore registers
+*         addr  d,x
+         leax  d,x		point to end of data copied?
 Read4BB  rts   
-Read4BC  bsr   Read4D3
-         bne   Read4D9
+Read4BC  bsr   Read4D3		do some reading/writing
+         bne   Read4D9		not done, continue
 Read4C0  clrb  
-Read4C1  leas  -2,s
+Read4C1  leas  -2,s		clear out crap on the stack
 Read4C3  leas  $0A,s
-Read4C5  pshs  b,cc
-         lda   PD.MOD,y
-         bita  #WRITE.
-         bne   Read4D0
-         lbsr  L0B02
-Read4D0  puls  b,cc,pc
+* Error processor for read & write
+Read4C5  pshs  b,cc		preserve error status
+         lda   PD.MOD,y		get file mode
+         bita  #WRITE.		was it write?
+         bne   Read4D0		yes, return
+         lbsr  L0B02		clear lock status, and send signals
+Read4D0  puls  b,cc,pc		restore & return
-Read4D3  ldd   R$X,u
-         ldx   R$Y,u
-         pshs  x,b,a
-Read4D9  lda   PD.SMF,y
-         bita  #SINBUF
-         bne   Read4F9
-         tst   PD.CP+3,y
-         bne   Read4F4
-         tst   $02,s
-         beq   Read4F4
-         leax  >Writ571,pcr
-         cmpx  $06,s
-         bne   Read4F4
-         lbsr  L1098
+* do reading/writing
+Read4D3  ldd   R$X,u		get caller's buffer pointer
+         ldx   R$Y,u		get length of read
+         pshs  x,b,a		preserve 'em
+Read4D9  lda   PD.SMF,y		get stat flags
+         bita  #SINBUF		sector in buffer/
+         bne   Read4F9		yes, read it
+         tst   PD.CP+3,y	read pointer on even sector?
+         bne   Read4F4		no, skip ahead
+         tst   $02,s		MSB of length have anything?
+         beq   Read4F4		no, skip ahead
+         leax  >Writ571,pcr	WritLn or ReadLn?
+         cmpx  $06,s		check the stack
+         bne   Read4F4		skipahead
+         lbsr  L1098		find a segment
          bra   Read4F7
 Read4F4  lbsr  L1256
 Read4F7  bcs   Read4C1
-Read4F9  ldu   PD.BUF,y
+Read4F9  ldu   PD.BUF,y		get sector buffer pointer
          ldb   PD.CP+3,y
-         leau  d,u
-         negb  
-         sbca  #$FF
-         ldx   ,s
-         cmpd  $02,s
-         bls   Read50C
-         ldd   $02,s
-Read50C  pshs  b,a
-         jsr   [$08,s]
-         stx   $02,s
+*         addr  d,u
+         leau  d,u		point to offset within the buffer
+         negb  			get D=number of byte left to read in the sector?
+         sbca  #$FF		not quite sure what this is...
+         ldx   ,s		grab caller's buffer pointer
+         cmpd  $02,s		check bytes left in sector against number to read
+         bls   Read50C		lower, OK
+         ldd   $02,s		grab number of bytes to read
+Read50C  pshs  b,a		save
+         jsr   [$08,s]		call our calling routine!
+         stx   $02,s		save new address to write to on-stack
          IFNE  H6309
          aim   #^BufBusy,PD.SMF,y
@@ -747,51 +977,77 @@
          andb  #^BufBusy
          stb   PD.SMF,y
-         ldb   $01,s
-         addb  PD.CP+3,y
-         stb   PD.CP+3,y
-         bne   Read530
-         lbsr  L1237
-         inc   PD.CP+2,y
+         ldb   $01,s		get LSB of bytes read
+         addb  PD.CP+3,y	add it to current pointer
+         stb   PD.CP+3,y	save new file position
+         bne   Read530		didn't grab whole sector, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L1237		flush the sector
+         inc   PD.CP+2,y	add
          bne   Read52E
          inc   PD.CP+1,y
          bne   Read52E
          inc   PD.CP,y
 Read52E  bcs   Read4C3
-Read530  ldd   $04,s
-         subd  ,s++
-         std   $02,s
-         jmp   [$04,s]
+Read530  ldd   $04,s		grab number of bytes to read/write
+         subd  ,s++		take out number we've read/written
+         std   $02,s		save on-stack
+         jmp   [$04,s]		go back to calling routine with D,X on-stack
-WriteLn  pshs  y
+* I$WritLn Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+WriteLn  pshs  y		save PD pointer
-         ldy   R$Y,u
-         beq   WtLn55E
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         ldb   P$Task,x
-         ldx   R$X,u
-WtLn547  leay  -$01,y
-         beq   WtLn55E
-         os9   F$LDABX
-         leax  $01,x
-         cmpa  #$0D
-         bne   WtLn547
-         tfr   y,d
+         ldy   R$Y,u		grab size of data to write
+         beq   WtLn55E		exit if none
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get process descriptor pointer
+         ldb   P$Task,x		grab task number
+         ldx   R$X,u		and where to get data from
+* ATD: Could make this quite a bit larger, and probably faster, by doing the
+* PipeMan-style copy 32 bytes onto the stack via F$Move, and check that.
+* Doing F$LDABX for a lot of data is _really_ slow.  PipeMan test indicate
+* that it could probably double in speed...
+WtLn547  leay  -$01,y		back up one byte
+         beq   WtLn55E		if done, exit
+         os9   F$LDABX		grab one byte from the user
+         leax  $01,x		go up a byte
+         cmpa  #$0D		is it a CR?
+         bne   WtLn547		no, keep it up until done
+         tfr   y,d		get number of bytes left
          nega             \
 * a negd was tried here, but may have caused runaway writes>64k
-         negb             /
+         negb             /	invert it
          sbca  #$00
-         addd  R$Y,u
-         std   R$Y,u
-WtLn55E  puls  y
+         addd  R$Y,u		add to bytes to write
+         std   R$Y,u		save new number of bytes to write
+WtLn55E  puls  y		restore PD pointer, and fall through to Write
-Write    ldd   R$Y,u
-         lbsr  L0B0C
-         bcs   Writ598
-         ldd   R$Y,u
-         beq   Writ597
-         bsr   Writ599
-         bcs   Writ598
+* I$Write Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+Write    ldd   R$Y,u		get size of write
+         lbsr  L0B0C		wait for I/O lock
+         bcs   Writ598		error, return
+         ldd   R$Y,u		get size again
+         beq   Writ597		zero, nothing to write so return
+         bsr   Writ599		expand the file if needed
+         bcs   Writ598		error on expand, return
          bsr   Writ582
 Writ571  pshs  y,b,a
          tfr   d,y
@@ -809,9 +1065,9 @@
-Writ582  lbsr  Read4D3
+Writ582  lbsr  Read4D3		go read stuff
          lbne  Read4D9
-         leas  $08,s
+         leas  $08,s		skip stuff on stack
          ldy   PD.Exten,y
          lda   #$01
          lbsr  L0AD1
@@ -819,61 +1075,81 @@
 Writ597  clrb  
 Writ598  rts   
-Writ599  addd  PD.CP+2,y
-         tfr   d,x
-         ldd   PD.CP,y
+* Add bytes to current file position with file length extension
+* Entry: D=# bytes to add
+Writ599  addd  PD.CP+2,y	add length to LSW of current pointer
+         tfr   d,x		copy it
+         ldd   PD.CP,y		get MSW
          IFNE  H6309
-         adcd  #0
+         adcd  #0		add in any carry from above
          adcb  #0
          adca  #0
-Writ5A3  cmpd  PD.SIZ,y
-         bcs   Writ597
-         bhi   Writ5AF
-         cmpx  PD.SIZ+2,y
-         bls   Writ597
-Writ5AF  pshs  u
-         ldu   PD.SIZ+2,y
-         stx   PD.SIZ+2,y
-         ldx   PD.SIZ,y
-         std   PD.SIZ,y
-         pshs  u,x
-         lbsr  L0C6F
-         puls  u,x
-         bcc   Writ5C9
-         stx   PD.SIZ,y
+Writ5A3  cmpd  PD.SIZ,y		MSW past eof?
+         bcs   Writ597		no, return
+         bhi   Writ5AF		yes, add a sector
+         cmpx  PD.SIZ+2,y	LSW past eof?
+         bls   Writ597		no, return
+Writ5AF  pshs  u		preserve U
+         ldu   PD.SIZ+2,y	get LSW of current size
+         stx   PD.SIZ+2,y	save new size
+         ldx   PD.SIZ,y		get MSW of new size
+         std   PD.SIZ,y		save new size
+* ATD: L0C6F looks like it already saves U and X, so saving them here is
+* unnecessary.
+         pshs  u,x		preserve old size
+         lbsr  L0C6F		allocate new size of file
+         puls  u,x		restore old size
+         bcc   Writ5C9		no error from allocate, return
+         stx   PD.SIZ,y		put old size back
          stu   PD.SIZ+2,y
-Writ5C9  puls  pc,u
+Writ5C9  puls  pc,u		restore U & return
+* Move bytes from user to system
+* Entry: X=Source pointer
+*        Y=Byte count
+*        U=Destination pointer
 Writ5CB  pshs  x
-         ldx   <D.Proc
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get source task #
          lda   P$Task,x
-         ldb   <D.SysTsk
+         ldb   <D.SysTsk	get destination task #
          puls  x
-         os9   F$Move
-         rts   
+         os9   F$Move		move 'em
+         rts   			return
+* I$GetStat Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+GetStat  ldb   R$B,u		get function code
+         beq   Gst5FF		it's SS.Opt, go process
 * Entry A=path number
 *       B=$00
 *       X=address to put 32 byte packet
-GetStat  ldb   R$B,u      $02,u
-         beq   Gst5FF
-         cmpb  #SS.EOF
-         bne   Gst5EB
-         clr   R$B,u
-Gst5E5   clra  
+         cmpb  #SS.EOF		EOF check?
+         bne   Gst5EB		no, skip ahead
+         clr   R$B,u		default to no EOF
+Gst5E5   clra  			get length & clear carry
          ldb   #$01
-         lbra  RdLn473
+         lbra  RdLn473		go calculate EOF status & return
 * SS.Ready
 * check for data avail on dev
 * Entry A=path number
 *       B=$01
-Gst5EB   cmpb  #SS.Ready
-         bne   Gst5F2
-         clr   R$B,u
+Gst5EB   cmpb  #SS.Ready	is it SS.Ready?
+         bne   Gst5F2		no, keep checking
+         clr   R$B,u		always mark no data ready
@@ -881,35 +1157,37 @@
 *       B=$02
 * Exit  X=msw of files size
 *       U=lsw of files size
-Gst5F2   cmpb  #SS.Size
-         bne   Gst600
+Gst5F2   cmpb  #SS.Size		is it SS.Size?
+         bne   Gst600		no, keep checking
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.SIZ,y
-Gst5F8   std   R$X,u
-         stw   R$U,u
+* faster and smaller than 2 LDD's, PD.SIZ+2 >$0F, so we can't use short n,R
+         ldq   PD.SIZ,y		get current file size
+Gst5F8   std   R$X,u		save to the user
+         stw   R$U,u		save LSW
          ldd   PD.SIZ,y
          std   R$X,u
          ldd   PD.SIZ+2,y
          std   R$U,u
-Gst5FF   rts   
+Gst5FF   rts   			return
 * Entry A=path num
 *       B=$05
 * Exit  X=msw of pos
 *       U=lsw of pos
-Gst600   cmpb  #SS.POS
-         bne   Gst60D
+Gst600   cmpb  #SS.POS		is it SS.Pos?
+         bne   Gst60D		no, keep checking
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.CP,y
+* use 2 LDD, STD, same size as ldq/std/stw, PD.CP+2 <$0F, we can use short n,R
+         ldq   PD.CP,y		get current file pointer
          bra   Gst5F8
-         ldd   PD.CP,y
-         std   R$X,u
-         ldd   PD.CP+2,y
-         std   R$U,u
+         ldd   PD.CP,y		get current file pointer
+         std   R$X,u		save MSW
+         ldd   PD.CP+2,y	get current file pointer
+         std   R$U,u		save LSW
@@ -918,18 +1196,18 @@
 *        R$B = SS.FD ($0F)
 *        R$X = ptr to 256 byte buffer
 *        R$Y = # of bytes of FD required
-Gst60D   cmpb  #SS.FD
-         bne   Gst627
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         bcs   Gst5FF
-         ldu   PD.RGS,y
-         ldd   R$Y,u
-         tsta  
-         beq   Gst620
-         ldd   #$0100
-Gst620   ldx   R$X,u
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         lbra  Read4AF
+Gst60D   cmpb  #SS.FD		is it SS.FD?
+         bne   Gst627		no, keep checking
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		go get file descriptor
+         bcs   Gst5FF		exit on error
+         ldu   PD.RGS,y		get register stack pointer
+         ldd   R$Y,u		get # bytesof FD he wants
+         tsta  			legal value?
+         beq   Gst620		yes, skip ahead
+         ldd   #$0100		get max size of FD
+Gst620   ldx   R$X,u		get pointer
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get pointer to FD
+         lbra  Read4AF		move it to user space
 * Getstt(SS.FDInf)
 * Entry: R$A = Path #
@@ -938,86 +1216,111 @@
 *        R$Y = msb - Length of read
 *              lsb - MSB of LSN
 *        R$U = LSW of LSN
-Gst627   cmpb  #SS.FDInf
-         bne   Gst640
-         lbsr  L1237
-         bcs   Gst5FF
-         ldb   R$Y,u
-         ldx   R$U,u
-         lbsr  L113A
+Gst627   cmpb  #SS.FDInf	SS.FDInf?
+         bne   Gst640		no, let driver handle it
+         lbsr  L1237		check for sector flush
          bcs   Gst5FF
-         ldu   PD.RGS,y
-         ldd   R$Y,u
-         clra  
-         bra   Gst620
-Gst640   lda   #D$GSTA
-         lbra  L113C
+         ldb   R$Y,u		get MSB of sector #
+         ldx   R$U,u		get LSW of sector #
+         lbsr  L113A		read the sector
+         bcs   Gst5FF		error, return
+         ldu   PD.RGS,y		get register stack pointer
+         ldd   R$Y,u		get length of data to move
+         clra  			clear MSB
+         bra   Gst620		move it to user
+* Let driver handle the rest
+Gst640   lda   #D$GSTA		get getstat function offset
+         lbra  L113C		send it to driver
-SetStat  ldb   R$B,u
-         cmpb  #SS.OPT
-         bne   Sst659
-         ldx   R$X,u
-         leax  $02,x
-         leau  PD.STP,y
-         ldy   #(PD.TFM-PD.STP)
-         lbra  Writ5CB
-Sst659   cmpb  #SS.Size
+* I$SetStat Entry Point
+* Entry:
+* Exit:
+* Error: CC Carry set
+*        B = errcode
+SetStat  ldb   R$B,u		get function code
+* TODO: remove next line since SS.OPT is 0
+         cmpb  #SS.OPT		
+         bne   Sst659		not SS.OPT, skip ahead
+         ldx   R$X,u		get pointer to option packet
+         leax  $02,x		skip device type and drive #
+         leau  PD.STP,y		get pointer to start of data
+         ldy   #(PD.TFM-PD.STP)	get # bytes to move (not including PD.TFM)
+         lbra  Writ5CB		move 'em & return
+* SS.Size
+Sst659   cmpb  #SS.Size		is it SS.Size?
          bne   Sst69B
-         ldd   PD.FD+1,y
+         ldd   PD.FD+1,y	is there a file descriptor?
          bne   Sst669
          tst   PD.FD,y
-         lbeq  Sst7A8
-Sst669   lda   PD.MOD,y
-         bita  #WRITE.
-         beq   Sst697
-         ldd   R$X,u
-         ldx   R$U,u
+         lbeq  Sst7A8		no, return error
+Sst669   lda   PD.MOD,y		get file mode
+         bita  #WRITE.		is it write?
+         beq   Sst697		no, return error
+         ldd   R$X,u		get MSW of new size
+         ldx   R$U,u		get LSW of new size
          cmpd  PD.SIZ,y
          bcs   Sst682
          bne   Sst67F
          cmpx  PD.SIZ+2,y
          bcs   Sst682
-Sst67F   lbra  Writ5A3
+* New size is larger
+Sst67F   lbra  Writ5A3		add new size to file
+* New size is smaller
 Sst682   std   PD.SIZ,y
          stx   PD.SIZ+2,y
          ldd   PD.CP,y
          ldx   PD.CP+2,y
          pshs  x,b,a
-         lbsr  L0EFE
+         lbsr  L0EFE		delete from end of the file
          puls  u,x
-         stx   PD.CP,y
+         stx   PD.CP,y		restore current position
          stu   PD.CP+2,y
-Sst697   comb  
-         ldb   #E$BMode
-Sst69A   rts   
+* Return bad mode error
+Sst697   comb  			set carry
+         ldb   #E$BMode		get bad mod error
+Sst69A   rts   			return
 * SetStt(SS.FD) #$0F - returns FD to disk
 * Entry: R$A = Path #
 *        R$B = SS.FD ($0F)
 *        R$X = ptr to 256 byte buffer
 *        R$Y = # bytes to write
-Sst69B   cmpb  #SS.FD
-         bne   Sst6D9
+Sst69B   cmpb  #SS.FD		is it SS.FD?
+         bne   Sst6D9		no, keep checking
          lda   PD.MOD,y
-         bita  #WRITE.
-         beq   Sst697
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         bcs   Sst69A
-         pshs  y
-         ldx   R$X,u
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         ldy   <D.Proc
-         ldd   P$User,y
-         bne   Sst6BC
-         ldd   #$0102
+         bita  #WRITE.		is it write mode?
+         beq   Sst697		no, return bad mode error
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		read in file descriptor
+         bcs   Sst69A		error, return
+         pshs  y		preserve path descriptor pointer
+         ldx   R$X,u		get pointer to caller's buffer
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get pointer to FD
+         ldy   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         ldd   P$User,y		get user #
+         bne   Sst6BC		not super user, skip ahead
+* Change owner of file
+         ldd   #$0102		get offset & # of bytes to move
          bsr   Sst6CB
+* Change date last modified
 Sst6BC   ldd   #$0305
          bsr   Sst6CB
+* Change creation date
          ldd   #$0D03
          bsr   Sst6CB
          puls  y
          lbra  L11FD
+* Offset into FD sector
+* Entry: A=# bytes to offset
+*        B=# bytes to put
 Sst6CB   pshs  u,x
          leax  a,x
          leau  a,u
@@ -1025,14 +1328,15 @@
          tfr   d,y
          lbsr  Writ5CB
          puls  pc,u,x
-Sst6D9   cmpb  #SS.Lock
-         bne   Sst6F8
-         ldd   R$U,u
-         ldx   R$X,u
-         cmpx  #$FFFF
-         bne   Sst6F5
+Sst6D9   cmpb  #SS.Lock		is it SS.Lock?
+         bne   Sst6F8		no, keep checking
+         ldd   R$U,u		get MSW of size
+         ldx   R$X,u		get LSW of size
+         cmpx  #$FFFF		lock whole file?
+         bne   Sst6F5		no, skip ahead
          cmpx  R$U,u
-         bne   Sst6F5
+         bne   Sst6F5		after this line, we're SURE that D=$FFFF
          ldu   PD.Exten,y
          IFNE  H6309
          oim   #FileLock,PE.Lock,u
@@ -1041,83 +1345,91 @@
          ora   #FileLock
          sta   PE.Lock,u
-         lda   #$FF
+* ATD: This next line is unnecessary after the check done, above
+         lda   #$FF		?? if X=$FFFF, then D=$FFFF too.
 Sst6F5   lbra  L0B1B
 * SS.Ticks
-Sst6F8   cmpb  #SS.Ticks
-         bne   Sst705
-         ldd   R$X,u
-         ldx   PD.Exten,y
+Sst6F8   cmpb  #SS.Ticks	is it SS.Ticks?
+         bne   Sst705		no, keep checking
+         ldd   R$X,u		get # of ticks
+         ldx   PD.Exten,y	put it into path extension
          std   PE.TmOut,x
-         rts   
+         rts   			return
 * SS.RsBit 
-Sst705   cmpb  #SS.RsBit
-         bne   Sst715
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         lda   R$X+1,u
-         sta   V.ResBit,x
-         clr   V.MapSct,x
-Sst714   rts   
+Sst705   cmpb  #SS.RsBit	reserve bitmap sector?
+         bne   Sst715		no, keep checking
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get drive table pointer
+         lda   R$X+1,u		get sector #
+         sta   V.ResBit,x	put it into drive table
+         clr   V.MapSct,x	clear mapped sector
+Sst714   rts   			return
 * SS.Attr 
-Sst715   cmpb  #SS.Attr
-         bne   Sst784
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         bcs   Sst714
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         ldd   P$User,x   lda?, P$User is INT
-         beq   Sst72A
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y
-         cmpd  FD.OWN,x   FD.OWN is INT!
-         bne   Sst780
-Sst72A   lda   R$X+1,u    ditto
-         tfr   a,b
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         eorb  FD.ATT,u
-         bpl   Sst77B
-         tsta  
-         bmi   Sst764
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         ldd   DD.DIR,x
-         cmpd  PD.FD,y
-         bne   Sst749
-         ldb   DD.DIR+2,x
-         cmpb  PD.FD+2,y
-         beq   Sst780
-Sst749   ldb   PD.CP,y
+Sst715   cmpb  #SS.Attr		is it SS.Attr?
+         bne   Sst784		no, keep checking
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		get the file descriptor from drive
+         bcs   Sst714		error, return
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get pointer to current process
+* Note, should'nt this be lda?  User number is 8 bits, not 16
+         ldd   P$User,x		get user number
+         beq   Sst72A		it's super user, skip ahead
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y		get pointer to FD
+         cmpd  FD.OWN,x		user # match owner of file?
+         bne   Sst780		no, return not accessible error
+Sst72A   lda   R$X+1,u		get attributes from caller
+         tfr   a,b		copy it
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get pointer to FD
+         eorb  FD.ATT,u		directory bit set?
+         bpl   Sst77B		no, save new attributes & return
+         tsta  			is user setting directory bit?
+         bmi   Sst764		yes, return directory not empty error
+* Directory attributes changing, check if it's root dir
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get pointer to drive table
+         ldd   DD.DIR,x		get MSW of sector # to root directory
+         cmpd  PD.FD,y		match current FD sector #?
+         bne   Sst749		no, skip ahead
+         ldb   DD.DIR+2,x	get LSB of sector # to root directory
+         cmpb  PD.FD+2,y	match current FD sector #?
+         beq   Sst780		yes, return not accessible error
+* Scan directory to see if there's any files and/or directories
+Sst749   ldb   PD.CP,y		get current directory entry pointer
          ldx   PD.CP+1,y
-         pshs  x,b
-         std   PD.CP,y
+         pshs  x,b		preserve it
+* ATD: there should be a CLRD here
+         std   PD.CP,y		??? This code doesn't look correct...
+* ATD: should be DIR.SZ*2: so we skip '..' and '.'
          ldb   #DIR.SZ
          std   PD.CP+2,y
-Sst755   lbsr  L0942
-         bcs   Sst768
-         tst   ,x
-         beq   Sst755
-         puls  x,b
+Sst755   lbsr  L0942		move to next filename in directory
+         bcs   Sst768		error in read, check for EOF
+         tst   ,x		filename exist?
+         beq   Sst755		no, keep looking
+         puls  x,b		restore current pointer
          stb   PD.CP,y
          stx   PD.CP+1,y
-Sst764   ldb   #E$DNE
-         bra   Sst782
-Sst768   puls  x,a
+* Report directory not empty error
+Sst764   ldb   #E$DNE		get directory not empty error
+         bra   Sst782		return
+Sst768   puls  x,a		restore current pointer
          sta   PD.CP,y
          stx   PD.CP+1,y
-         cmpb  #E$EOF
-         bne   Sst782
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y
-         lda   R$X+1,x
-Sst77B   sta   FD.ATT,u
-         lbra  L11FD
-Sst780   ldb   #E$FNA
-Sst782   coma  
-         rts   
+         cmpb  #E$EOF		at the end of directory?
+         bne   Sst782		no, some other error
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		get file descriptor from drive
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get sector pointer
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y		get register stack pointer
+         lda   R$X+1,x		get attributes
+Sst77B   sta   FD.ATT,u		set 'em
+         lbra  L11FD		write FD to disk & return
+* Return file not accessible
+Sst780   ldb   #E$FNA		get file not accessible error
+Sst782   coma  			set carry
+         rts   			return
 * SetStt(SS.FSig)
-Sst784   cmpb  #SS.FSig   this not in v31
+Sst784   cmpb  #SS.FSig		SS.FSig send signal on write
          bne   Sst7A3
          lda   PD.ATT,y
          bita  #SHARE.
@@ -1126,168 +1438,184 @@
          lda   R$X+1,u
          sta   PE.SigSg,x
          ldu   <D.Proc
-         lda   P$ID,u     was <P$ID,u
+         lda   P$ID,u		was <P$ID,u
          sta   PE.SigID,x
-Sst7A3   lda   #$0C
+Sst7A3   lda   #D$PSTA		call the driver SetStt routine
          lbra  L113C
 Sst7A8   comb  
-         ldb   #E$UnkSvc  #$D0
+         ldb   #E$UnkSvc	unknown service request
 Sst7AB   rts   
-FindFile ldd   #$0100
-         stb   PD.FST,y   s/b 0
-         os9   F$SRqMem
-         bcs   Sst7AB
-         stu   PD.BUF,y
-         leau  ,y         move PD.ptr to regs.U
-         ldx   <D.PthDBT
-         os9   F$All64
-         exg   y,u        *PD>y; memadd to regs.U
-         bcs   Sst7AB
-         stu   PD.Exten,y
-         clr   PE.SigID,u
-         sty   PE.PDptr,u
-         stu   PE.Wait,u
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y
-         ldx   R$X,x
+* Find a file in current data/execution directory
+* Called by Create/Open & Delete
+* Entry: U=caller's stack reg. ptr
+*        Y=Path dsc. ptr
+FindFile ldd   #$0100		get size of sector
+* Note, following line is stb PD.SMF,y in v30!
+         stb   PD.FST,y		clear state flags??
+         os9   F$SRqMem		request a 256 byte sector buffer
+         bcs   Sst7AB		couldn't get memory, return with error
+         stu   PD.BUF,y		save ptr to sector buffer
+         leau  ,y		point U to path descriptor
+         ldx   <D.PthDBT	get ptr to path escriptor block tables
+         os9   F$All64		allocate path descriptor
+         exg   y,u		exchange pointers
+         bcs   Sst7AB		couldn't get path descriptor, return error
+         stu   PD.Exten,y	save pointer to path extension
+         clr   PE.SigID,u	clear send signal proc. ID
+         sty   PE.PDptr,u	save back pointer to path descriptor
+         stu   PE.Wait,u	init waiting extension to myself
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y		get register stack pointer
+         ldx   R$X,x		get pointer to pathname
          pshs  u,y,x
-         leas  -$04,s
+         leas  -$04,s		make a buffer
          IFNE  H6309
-         clrd             was clra, clrb  
+         clrd
-         sta   PD.FD,y
+         sta   PD.FD,y		init file descriptor logical sector #
          std   PD.FD+1,y
-         std   PD.DSK,y
-         lbsr  L097F
-         sta   ,s
-         cmpa  #'/
-         bne   Sst7FB
-         lbsr  GtDvcNam
+         std   PD.DSK,y		init disk ID
+         lbsr  L097F		get a byte from caller's X
+         sta   ,s		save it
+         cmpa  #PDELIm		is it a device?
+         bne   Sst7FB		no, skip ahead
+         lbsr  GtDvcNam		go parse it
+         sta   ,s		save last character
+         lbcs  L090D		error in parse, return
+         leax  ,y		point X to last character
+         ldy   $06,s		get path descriptor pointer
+         bra   Sst81E		skip ahead
+Sst7FB   anda  #$7F		strip high bit
+         cmpa  #PENTIR		entire device flag?
+         beq   Sst81E		yes, go process
+         lda   #PDELIm		place delimiter as last char
          sta   ,s
-         lbcs  L090D
-         leax  ,y
-         ldy   $06,s
-         bra   Sst81E
-Sst7FB   anda  #$7F
-         cmpa  #'@
-         beq   Sst81E
-         lda   #'/
-         sta   ,s
-         leax  -$01,x
-         lda   PD.MOD,y
-         ldu   <D.Proc
-         leau  P$DIO,u
-         bita  #EXEC.
-         beq   Sst814
-         leau  $06,u
-Sst814   ldb   $03,u
-         stb   PD.FD,y
-         ldd   $04,u
+         leax  -$01,x		bump path pointer back 1
+         lda   PD.MOD,y		get file mode
+         ldu   <D.Proc		get pointer to current process
+         leau  P$DIO,u		point to default data directory FD sector #
+         bita  #EXEC.		does he want execution dir?
+         beq   Sst814		no, skip ahead
+         leau  $06,u		point to execution dir
+Sst814   ldb   $03,u		get LSB of logical sector # of FD to dir
+         stb   PD.FD,y		put it in path descriptor
+         ldd   $04,u		get MSW of logical sector # of FD to dir
          std   PD.FD+1,y
-Sst81E   ldu   PD.DEV,y
-         stu   PD.DVT,y
-         lda   PD.DRV,y
-         ldb   >L0012,pcr confusion reigns supreme here,
+Sst81E   ldu   PD.DEV,y		get pointer to device table
+         stu   PD.DVT,y		copy it for user
+         lda   PD.DRV,y		get drive #
+         ldb   >L0012,pcr	get sizeof drive tables
+* confusion reigns supreme here,
 * one source loaction says its number of drive tables,
 * and the next says its the size of the table! And a 3rd
 * says its D.TYP.
-         mul   
-         addd  V$STAT,u
-         addd  #DRVBEG
-         std   PD.DTB,y
-         lda   ,s
-         anda  #$7F
-         cmpa  #'@
-         bne   Sst83F
-         leax  $01,x
-         bra   Sst861
-Sst83F   lbsr  L1110
-         lbcs  L0915
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         ldd   DD.DSK,u
-         std   PD.DSK,y
-         ldd   PD.FD+1,y
-         bne   Sst861
+         mul   			calculate offset into drive tables
+         addd  V$STAT,u		add start of static memory
+         addd  #DRVBEG		add offset to drive tables
+         std   PD.DTB,y		save pointer to drive table
+         lda   ,s		get character back
+         anda  #$7F		strip high bit
+         cmpa  #PENTIR		was it entire flag?
+         bne   Sst83F		no, keep going
+         leax  $01,x		move to next character
+         bra   Sst861		go on
+Sst83F   lbsr  L1110		read in LSN0
+         lbcs  L0915		error, return
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get sector buffer pointer from the read-in sector
+* otherwise use the pointer from PD.DTB
+         ldd   DD.DSK,u		get disk ID
+         std   PD.DSK,y		put it in path descriptor
+         ldd   PD.FD+1,y	does it have a file descriptor?
+         bne   Sst861		yes, skip ahead
          lda   PD.FD,y
          bne   Sst861
-         lda   DD.DIR,u
-         sta   PD.FD,y
+         lda   DD.DIR,u		get LSN of root directory
+         sta   PD.FD,y		put it in path descriptor
          ldd   DD.DIR+1,u
          std   PD.FD+1,y
-Sst861   stx   $04,s
+Sst861   stx   $04,s		save pointer to pathname
          stx   $08,s
-Sst865   lbsr  L1237
-         lbcs  L0915
+Sst865   lbsr  L1237		flush sector buffer
+         lbcs  L0915		error, exit
+         lda   ,s		get last character of pathname
+         anda  #$7F		mask off high bit
+         cmpa  #PENTIR		entire device flag?
+         beq   Sst87B		yes, skip ahead
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		read in file descriptor
+         lbcs  L0915		error, return
+Sst87B   lbsr  L0A2A		check if directory is busy
          lda   ,s
-         anda  #$7F
-         cmpa  #'@
-         beq   Sst87B
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         lbcs  L0915
-Sst87B   lbsr  L0A2A
-         lda   ,s
-         cmpa  #'/
-         bne   L08EF
+         cmpa  #PDELIM		was the trailing character a slash?
+         bne   L08EF		no, skip ahead
          clr   $02,s
          clr   $03,s
-         lda   PD.MOD,y
-         ora   #DIR.
-         lbsr  ChkAttrs
-         bcs   L090D
-         lbsr  Open1CE
-         ldx   $08,s
-         leax  $01,x
-         lbsr  GtDvcNam
-         std   ,s
-         stx   $04,s
+         lda   PD.MOD,y		get file mode
+         ora   #DIR.		mask in directory bit
+         lbsr  ChkAttrs		can user access directory?
+         bcs   L090D		no, return
+         lbsr  Open1CE		setup path descriptor & start scan
+         ldx   $08,s		get pathname pointer
+         leax  $01,x		bump to next character
+         lbsr  GtDvcNam		check for valid name
+         std   ,s		save length of name
+         stx   $04,s		save updated name pointer
          sty   $08,s
-         ldy   $06,s
-         bcs   L090D
+         ldy   $06,s		get path descriptor pointer
+         bcs   L090D		error in pathname, return
          pshs  u,y
-         ldu   PD.Exten,y
-         leau  PE.FilNm,u
-         clra  
-         tfr   d,y
-         lbsr  Writ5CB
+         ldu   PD.Exten,y	get pointer to path extension
+         leau  PE.FilNm,u	point to filename buffer
+         clra  			clear MSB of name length
+         tfr   d,y		move it to Y
+         lbsr  Writ5CB		move filename to temp area
          puls  u,y
-         lbsr  L0957
+         lbsr  L0957		read in a directory sector
          bra   L08C1
-L08BC    bsr   L0918
+* Scan diretory for name
+L08BC    bsr   L0918		get file descriptor
          IFNE  H6309
-L08BE    bsr   L0942
+L08BE    bsr   L0942		get next directory entry from drive
 L08BE    lbsr  L0942
-L08C1    bcs   L090D
-         tst   ,x
-         beq   L08BC
+L08C1    bcs   L090D		error,
+         tst   ,x		filename exists?
+         beq   L08BC		no, get next entry
          ldb   $01,s
          exg   x,y
-         ldx   PD.Exten,x
-         leax  PE.FilNm,x
-         lbsr  L09BF
-         ldx   $06,s
+         ldx   PD.Exten,x	get path extension pointer
+         leax  PE.FilNm,x	point to user's filename
+         lbsr  L09BF		compare the names
+         ldx   $06,s		get pointer to path descriptor
          exg   x,y
-         bcs   L08BE
-         bsr   L0926
+         bcs   L08BE		names don't match, skip to next
+         bsr   L0926		cop this DIR file descriptor to path descriptor
          lda   DIR.FD,x
          sta   PD.FD,y
          ldd   DIR.FD+1,x
          std   PD.FD+1,y
-         lbsr  L0A90
-         lbra  Sst865
+         lbsr  L0A90		check record lock?
+         lbra  Sst865		go try again
 L08EF    ldx   $08,s
-         tsta  
-         bmi   L08FC
-         os9   F$PrsNam
-         leax  ,y
+         tsta  			last character?
+         bmi   L08FC		yes, skip ahead
+         os9   F$PrsNam		parse the name
+         leax  ,y		go to the next part of the name
          ldy   $06,s
 L08FC    stx   $04,s
@@ -1309,13 +1637,14 @@
          ldb   #E$PNNF
 L0915    coma  
          bra   L08FF
 L0918    pshs  d
          lda   $04,s
-         cmpa  #'/
+         cmpa  #PDELIM
          beq   L0940
          ldd   $06,s
          bne   L0940
-         bra   L0928      fewer clock cycles
+         bra   L0928		fewer clock cycles
 L0926    pshs  d
 L0928    stx   $06,s
          lda   PD.FD,y
@@ -1323,7 +1652,7 @@
          ldd   PD.FD+1,y
          std   PD.DFD+1,y
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.CP,y    was ldd,std here
+         ldq   PD.CP,y
          stq   PD.DCP,y
          ldd   PD.CP,y
@@ -1332,35 +1661,36 @@
          std   PD.DCP+2,y
 L0940    puls  pc,b,a
-L0942    ldb   PD.CP+3,y
-         addb  #DIR.SZ
-         stb   PD.CP+3,y
-         bcc   L0957
-         lbsr  L1237
+* Move to next directory entry
+L0942    ldb   PD.CP+3,y	get current byte pointer
+         addb  #DIR.SZ		add in diretory entry size
+         stb   PD.CP+3,y	save it back
+         bcc   L0957		didn't wrap, skip ahead (need new sector)
+         lbsr  L1237		check for sector flush
          inc   PD.CP+2,y
          bne   L0957
          inc   PD.CP+1,y
          bne   L0957
          inc   PD.CP,y
-L0957    ldd   #DIR.SZ
-         lbsr  RdLn473
-         bcs   L097E
-         ldd   #DIR.SZ
+L0957    ldd   #DIR.SZ		get directory entry size
+         lbsr  RdLn473		end of directory?
+         bcs   L097E		yes, return
+         ldd   #DIR.SZ		get directory entry size
          lbsr  L0B0C
-         bcs   L097E
-         lda   PD.SMF,y
-         bita  #SINBUF
-         bne   L0977
+         bcs   L097E		yes, return
+         lda   PD.SMF,y		get state flags
+         bita  #SINBUF		sector in buffer?
+         bne   L0977		yes, skip ahead
          lbsr  L1098
          bcs   L097E
          lbsr  L1256
          bcs   L097E
-L0977    ldb   PD.CP+3,y
-         lda   PD.BUF,y
-         tfr   d,x
-         clrb  
-L097E    rts   
+L0977    ldb   PD.CP+3,y	get offset into sector
+         lda   PD.BUF,y		get MSB of sector buffer pointer
+         tfr   d,x		move it to X
+         clrb  			clear error status
+L097E    rts   			return
 * Get a byte from other task
 L097F    pshs  u,x,b
@@ -1369,24 +1699,23 @@
          os9   F$LDABX
          puls  pc,u,x,b
-GtDvcNam os9   F$PrsNam
-         pshs  x
-         bcc   L09B7
-         clrb  
-L0992    pshs  a
-         anda  #$7F
-         cmpa  #'.
-         puls  a
-         bne   L09AD
-         incb  
+GtDvcNam os9   F$PrsNam		parse the filename
+         pshs  x		preserve pointer to name
+         bcc   L09B7		no error, check name length & return
+         clrb  			clear a counter flag
+L0992    pshs  a		preserve last character
+         anda  #$7F		clear high bit of last character
+         cmpa  #'.		is it current data directory?
+         puls  a		restore last character
+         bne   L09AD		no, skip ahead
+         incb  			flag it's a dir
          leax  1,x
-         tsta  
-         bmi   L09AD
-         bsr   L097F
-         cmpb  #$03
-         bcs   L0992
-         lda   #'/
+         tsta  			is it the last character of pathname?
+         bmi   L09AD		yes, skip ahead
+         bsr   L097F		get next character
+         cmpb  #$03		third character of DIR?
+         bcs   L0992		no, try again
+         lda   #PDELIM
          leax  -3,x
 L09AD    tstb  
@@ -1394,70 +1723,77 @@
 L09B0    comb  
          ldb   #E$BPNam
          puls  pc,x
-L09B5    leay  ,x
-L09B7    cmpb  #DIR.FD-DIR.NM this IS correct, 33 was wrong!
-         bhi   L09B0
-         andcc  #^Carry
-         puls  pc,x
+L09B5    leay  ,x
+L09B7    cmpb  #DIR.FD-DIR.NM	past maximum size of name?
+         bhi   L09B0		yes, return error
+         andcc  #^Carry		clear error status
+         puls  pc,x		return
+* Check for a match of 2 names
+* Entry: Y=Pointer to high bit terminated string #1
+*        X=Pointer to string #2
+*        B=Length of string #1
 L09BF    pshs  y,x,b,a
-L09C1    lda   ,y+
-         bmi   L09D1
-         decb  
-         beq   L09CE
+L09C1    lda   ,y+		get a byte from #2
+         bmi   L09D1		last one, skip ahead
+         decb  			done length?
+         beq   L09CE		yes, return no match
          eora  ,x+
-         anda  #$DF
-         beq   L09C1
-L09CE    comb  
-         puls  pc,y,x,b,a
+         anda  #$DF		match from #1?
+         beq   L09C1		yes, check next char
+L09CE    comb  			set carry
+         puls  pc,y,x,b,a	return
-L09D1    decb  
-         bne   L09CE
+L09D1    decb  			decrement length
+         bne   L09CE		not done, return no match
          eora  ,x
          anda  #$5F
          bne   L09CE
-         clrb  
+         clrb  			clear carry for match
          puls  pc,y,x,b,a
-ChkAttrs tfr   a,b
-         anda  #(EXEC.!UPDAT.)
-         andb  #(DIR.!SHARE.)
-         pshs  x,b,a
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         bcs   L0A0C
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         ldd   P$User,x
-         beq   L09F5
-         cmpd  FD.OWN,u
-L09F5    puls  a
-         beq   L09FC
-         lsla  
+* Check if user can access file/directory
+* Entry: A=Attributes of file/directory to check
+* Exit : Carry set - User cannot access otherwise clear 
+ChkAttrs tfr   a,b		copy attributes
+         anda  #(EXEC.!UPDAT.)	keep only file related junk
+         andb  #(DIR.!SHARE.)	...and directory related junk
+         pshs  x,b,a		preserve
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		get file descriptor
+         bcs   L0A0C		error, return
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get pointer to FD
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         ldd   P$User,x		get user #
+         beq   L09F5		super user, skp ahead
+         cmpd  FD.OWN,u		match owner of file?
+L09F5    puls  a		restore owner attributes
+         beq   L09FC		got owner, skip ahead
+         lsla  			shift attributes to public area
-L09FC    ora   ,s
-         anda  #^SHARE.
-         pshs  a
-         ora   #DIR.
-         anda  FD.ATT,u
-         cmpa  ,s
-         beq   L0A15
-         ldb   #E$FNA
-L0A0C    leas  $02,s
-         coma  
-         puls  pc,x
+L09FC    ora   ,s		merge with directory bits
+         anda  #^SHARE.		strip off shareable bit
+         pshs  a		save it
+         ora   #DIR.		set directory bit
+         anda  FD.ATT,u		keep only bits we want from attributes
+         cmpa  ,s		can he access it?
+         beq   L0A15		yes, check directory bits
+         ldb   #E$FNA		get error code
+L0A0C    leas  $02,s		purge attributes from stack
+         coma  			set carry
+         puls  pc,x		restore & return
-L0A11    ldb   #E$Share,s
-         bra   L0A0C
-L0A15    ldb   1,s
-         orb   FD.ATT,u
-         bitb  #SHARE.
-         beq   L0A28
-         ldx   PD.Exten,y
-         cmpx  PE.Confl,x
-         bne   L0A11
+L0A11    ldb   #E$Share,s	get shareable file error
+         bra   L0A0C		return
+L0A15    ldb   1,s		get directory bits
+         orb   FD.ATT,u		mask in with current
+         bitb  #SHARE.		shareable bit set?
+         beq   L0A28		no, return
+         ldx   PD.Exten,y	get path extension
+         cmpx  PE.Confl,x	conflicting with anyone?
+         bne   L0A11		yes, return error
          lda   #FileLock
          sta   PE.Lock,x
 L0A28    puls  pc,x,b,a
@@ -1465,44 +1801,45 @@
 L0A2A    pshs  u,y,x
          IFNE  H6309
-         clrd             was clra, clrb  
+         clrd
-         std   PD.CP,y
-         std   PD.CP+2,y
-         sta   PD.SSZ,y
+         std   PD.CP,y		init current byte pointer
+         std   PD.CP+2,y	smaller than STQ
+         sta   PD.SSZ,y		init segment size
          std   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         ldb   PD.FD,y
+         ldb   PD.FD,y		get current FD sector #
          ldx   PD.FD+1,y
-         pshs  x,b
-         ldu   PD.DTB,y
-         ldy   PD.Exten,y
-         sty   PE.Confl,y
-         leau  DD.SIZ,u
+         pshs  x,b		preserve it
+         ldu   PD.DTB,y		get drive table pointer
+         ldy   PD.Exten,y	get drive extension pointer
+         sty   PE.Confl,y	make it conflict with myself
+         leau  DD.SIZ,u		point to local data
          bra   L0A51
+* Sort file conflict list???
 L0A4F    ldu   V.FileHd-DD.SIZ,u
-L0A51    ldx   V.FileHd-DD.SIZ,u
-         beq   L0A7F
-         ldx   PE.PDptr,x
-         ldd   PD.FD,x
-         cmpd  ,s
-         bcs   L0A4F
-         bhi   L0A7F
+L0A51    ldx   V.FileHd-DD.SIZ,u	get open file list extension pointer
+         beq   L0A7F		none, skip return
+         ldx   PE.PDptr,x	get pointer to its path descriptor
+         ldd   PD.FD,x		get the file descriptor LSN
+         cmpd  ,s		sector lower than mine?
+         bcs   L0A4F		yes, skip to next
+         bhi   L0A7F		no, return
          ldb   PD.FD+2,x
          cmpb  2,s
-         blo   L0A4F
-         bhi   L0A7F
-         ldx   PD.Exten,x
+         blo   L0A4F		yes, skip to next
+         bhi   L0A7F		no, return
+         ldx   PD.Exten,x	get the path extension pointer
          IFNE  H6309
-         tim   #FileLock,PE.Lock,y
+         tim   #FileLock,PE.Lock,y	entire file locked?
          ldb   PE.Lock,y
          bitb  #FileLock
-         bne   L0A8B
-         sty   PE.NxFil,y
+         bne   L0A8B		yes, return error
+         sty   PE.NxFil,y	terminate list with pointer to myself
          ldd   PE.Confl,x
          std   PE.Confl,y
          sty   PE.Confl,x
@@ -1536,28 +1873,28 @@
          bra   L0AB2
 L0AB0    ldu   PE.NxFil,u
 L0AB2    ldd   PE.NxFil,u
-         beq   L0ACA
-         cmpy  PE.NxFil,u
-         bne   L0AB0
-         ldx   PE.NxFil,y
-         cmpy  PE.Confl,y
-         beq   L0AC8
-         ldx   PE.Confl,y
-         ldd   PE.NxFil,y
-         std   PE.NxFil,x
-L0AC8    stx   PE.NxFil,u
+         beq   L0ACA		end of list, store end & return
+         cmpy  PE.NxFil,u	find myself/
+         bne   L0AB0		no, keep looking
+         ldx   PE.NxFil,y	get next in line from me
+         cmpy  PE.Confl,y	end of conflict list?
+         beq   L0AC8		yes, skip ahead
+         ldx   PE.Confl,y	get conflicting path extension
+         ldd   PE.NxFil,y	get next in line from me
+         std   PE.NxFil,x	save it into conflicting extension
+L0AC8    stx   PE.NxFil,u	save conflicting extension as next
 L0ACA    sty   PE.Confl,y
          puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a
-L0ACF    lda   #(EofLock!FileLock!RcdLock)
+L0ACF    lda   #(EofLock!FileLock!RcdLock)	get all types of lockout flags
 L0AD1    pshs  u,y,x,b,a
-         bita  PE.Lock,y
-         beq   L0AE0
-         coma             an AIM below doesn't update regs.a
-         anda  PE.Lock,y
-         sta   PE.Lock,y
-         bita  #FileLock
-         bne   L0AFD
+         bita  PE.Lock,y	anything locked?
+         beq   L0AE0		no, skip ahead
+         coma			invert lock bits
+         anda  PE.Lock,y	clear 'em
+         sta   PE.Lock,y	save 'em
+         bita  #FileLock	is whole file locked?
+         bne   L0AFD		yes, return
 L0AE0    leau  ,y
 L0AE2    ldx   PE.Wait,u
          cmpy  PE.Wait,u
@@ -1577,6 +1914,7 @@
          ldy   PD.Exten,y
          bsr   L0ACF
          puls  pc,y,b,cc
 L0B0C    equ   *
          IFNE  H6309
          tfr   0,x
@@ -1588,28 +1926,33 @@
 L0B11    ldu   PD.Exten,y
          lda   PE.Req,u
          sta   PE.Lock,u
-         bra   L0B1D      was a puls all below
-L0B1B    pshs  u,y,x,b,a
-L0B1D    ldu   PD.Exten,y
-         lda   PE.Lock,u
-         sta   PE.Req,u
-         lda   ,s
-         bsr   L0B9F
+         bra   L0B1D
+* Entry: D=LSW of byte position
+*        X=
+*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
+*        U=
+L0B1B    pshs  u,y,x,b,a	preserve regs
+L0B1D    ldu   PD.Exten,y	get pointer to path extension
+         lda   PE.Lock,u	get lockout status
+         sta   PE.Req,u		preserve it
+         lda   ,s		get
+         bsr   L0B9F		lock the record
          bcc   L0B9D
-         ldu   <D.Proc
-         lda   PE.Owner,x
-L0B30    os9   F$GProcP
-         bcs   L0B42
-         lda   P$DeadLk,y
-         beq   L0B42
-         cmpa  P$ID,u     ,u
-         bne   L0B30
-         ldb   #E$DeadLk
-         bra   L0B9A
+         ldu   <D.Proc		get current proces pointer
+         lda   PE.Owner,x	get owner ID of locked segment
+L0B30    os9   F$GProcP		get a pointer to it
+         bcs   L0B42		no process left, skip ahead
+         lda   P$DeadLk,y	get dominant proc ID
+         beq   L0B42		none, skip ahead
+         cmpa  P$ID,u		same as current?
+         bne   L0B30		no, try again (walks down the process tree)
+         ldb   #E$DeadLk	get deadlock error code
+         bra   L0B9A		set carry & return
-L0B42    lda   PE.Owner,x
-         sta   P$DeadLk,u
-         ldy   4,s
+L0B42    lda   PE.Owner,x	get owner of this segment
+         sta   P$DeadLk,u	save as the dominant deadlock process
+         ldy   4,s		get path descriptor pointer
          IFNE  H6309
          aim   #^BufBusy,PD.SMF,y
@@ -1617,45 +1960,46 @@
          anda  #^BufBusy
          sta   PD.SMF,y
-         ldu   PD.Exten,y
+         ldu   PD.Exten,y	get the path extension
          ldd   PE.Wait,x
          stu   PE.Wait,x
          std   PE.Wait,u
          lbsr  L0C56
-         ldx   PE.TmOut,u
-         os9   F$Sleep
-         pshs  x
-         leax  ,u
-         bra   L0B6F
+         ldx   PE.TmOut,u	get timeout time to wait for release of segment
+         os9   F$Sleep		delay a bit
+         pshs  x		preserve time slept
+         leax  ,u		point X to path extension
+         bra   L0B6F		skip ahead
 L0B6C    ldx   PE.Wait,x
 L0B6F    cmpu  PE.Wait,x
          bne   L0B6C
          ldd   PE.Wait,u
          std   PE.Wait,x
          stu   PE.Wait,u
-         puls  x
+         puls  x		restore time slept
          ldu   <D.Proc
          clr   P$DeadLk,u
          lbsr  L1053
          bcs   L0B9A
-         leax  ,x
-         bne   L0B11
-         ldu   PD.Exten,y
-         ldx   PE.TmOut,u
-         lbeq  L0B11
-         ldb   #E$Lock
-L0B9A    coma  
-         stb   $01,s
+         leax  ,x		X=0?
+         bne   L0B11		no,
+         ldu   PD.Exten,y	get pointer to extension
+         ldx   PE.TmOut,u	get timeout time
+         lbeq  L0B11		zero, go try again
+         ldb   #E$Lock		get lock error code
+L0B9A    coma  			set carry
+         stb   $01,s		save error code
 L0B9D    puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a
          IFNE  H6309
-         tstd             std -$02,s only to set cc.flags? 4 cycles to 1!
+         tstd			std -$02,s only to set cc.flags? 4 cycles to 1!
          cmpd  #$0000
          bne   L0BAA
-         cmpx  #$0000     the leax may be buggy
+         cmpx  #$0000		the leax may be buggy
          lbeq  L0B02
 L0BAA    bsr   L0BC2
          lbcs  L0AFF
@@ -1671,13 +2015,13 @@
 L0BC2    pshs  u,y,b,a
          leau  ,y
          ldy   PD.Exten,y
-         subd  #$0001
+         subd  #$0001		NOT a DECD: does't set CC.C
          bcc   L0BD1
          leax  -1,x
 L0BD1    addd  PD.CP+2,u
          exg   d,x
          IFNE  H6309
-         adcd  PD.CP,u    oughta do same - GH
+         adcd  PD.CP,u		oughta do same - GH
          adcb  PD.CP+1,u
          adca  PD.CP,u
@@ -1727,11 +2071,11 @@
          lda   PE.Lock,x
          beq   L0C10
          ora   PE.Lock,y
-         bita  #FileLock
-         bne   L0C53
+         bita  #FileLock	either path locked?
+         bne   L0C53		yes, skip ahead
          lda   PE.Lock,x
          anda  PE.Lock,y
-         bita  #EofLock
+         bita  #EofLock		both at eof?
          bne   L0C53
          ldd   PE.LoLck,x
          cmpd  PE.HiLck,y
@@ -1750,15 +2094,16 @@
          bcs   L0C10
 L0C53    comb  
 L0C54    puls  pc,u,y,b,a
 L0C56    pshs  y,x,b,a
          ldx   <D.Proc
-         lda   P$IOQN,x
-         beq   L0C6C
-         clr   P$IOQN,x
+         lda   P$IOQN,x		get I/O queue next ptr
+         beq   L0C6C		none, exit
+         clr   P$IOQN,x		set to none
          ldb   #S$Wake
-         os9   F$Send
-         os9   F$GProcP
-         clr   P$IOQP,y
+         os9   F$Send		wake up
+         os9   F$GProcP		get process descriptor pointer
+         clr   P$IOQP,y		clear its I/O queue previous pointer
 L0C6C    clrb  
          puls  pc,y,x,b,a
@@ -1773,10 +2118,10 @@
 L0C81    lbsr  RdFlDscr
          bcs   L0CC5
          ldx   PD.CP,y
-         ldu   PD.CP+2,y
-         pshs  u,x
+         ldu   PD.CP+2,y	grab current position
+         pshs  u,x		save it
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.SIZ,y   these were ldd's too
+         ldq   PD.SIZ,y		go to the end of the file
          stq   PD.CP,y
          ldd   PD.SIZ,y
@@ -1784,12 +2129,12 @@
          ldd   PD.SIZ+2,y
          std   PD.CP+2,y
-         lbsr  L10B2
-         puls  u,x
-         stx   PD.CP,y
+         lbsr  L10B2		search ???
+         puls  u,x		restore current position
+         stx   PD.CP,y		and save back in PD again
          stu   PD.CP+2,y
          bcc   L0CC8
-         cmpb  #E$NES
+         cmpb  #E$NES		non-existing segment error?
          bne   L0CC5
          bsr   L0CD1
          bne   L0CB1
@@ -1804,7 +2149,7 @@
          cmpb  PD.SAS,y
          bcc   L0CC1
          ldb   PD.SAS,y
-L0CC1    bsr   L0D07
+L0CC1    bsr   L0D07		go do something...
          bcc   L0C71
 L0CC5    coma  
          puls  pc,u,x
@@ -1813,6 +2158,7 @@
          bcs   L0CC5
          bsr   L0CDF
          puls  pc,u,x
 L0CD1    ldd   PD.SIZ+1,y
          subd  PD.SBL+1,y
          tfr   d,x
@@ -1827,7 +2173,7 @@
          bra   L0CFD
 L0CE9    ldu   PE.PDptr,u
-         ldx   PD.SIZ,y
+         ldx   PD.SIZ,y		don't do LDQ/STQ, as A and B are used below
          stx   PD.SIZ,u
          ldx   PD.SIZ+2,y
          stx   PD.SIZ+2,u
@@ -1841,52 +2187,57 @@
          puls  pc,u,x
+* Update a file descriptor
 L0D07    pshs  u,x
-         lbsr  FatScan
-         bcs   L0D4E
-         lbsr  RdFlDscr
-         bcs   L0D4E
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
+         lbsr  FatScan		search and allocate D sectors
+         bcs   L0D4E		exit on error
+         lbsr  RdFlDscr		read a FD from disk
+         bcs   L0D4E		exit on error
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		grab the buffer pointer
          IFNE  H6309
          tfr   d,w
-         stq   FD.SIZ,u
+         stq   FD.SIZ,u		set the file size to zero
          std   FD.SIZ,u
          std   FD.SIZ+2,u
-         leax  FD.SEG,u
-         ldd   FDSL.B,x
-         beq   L0D96
-         ldd   PD.BUF,y
-         inca  
-         pshs  d
-         bra   L0D36
+         leax  FD.SEG,u		point to the segment size
+         ldd   FDSL.B,x		grab the segment size
+         beq   L0D96		exit if zero
+         ldd   PD.BUF,y		grab the buffer pointer
+         inca  			point to the end of it
+         pshs  d		save on-stack
+         bra   L0D36		skip ahead
 L0D29    clrb  
-         ldd   -$02,x
-         beq   L0D4A
-         addd  FD.SIZ+1,u
+         ldd   -$02,x		grab previous segment sector size
+         beq   L0D4A		zero: exit
+* Add in checks to see if this segment's LSN is $00000000?
+         addd  FD.SIZ+1,u	add sector size to total file size
          std   FD.SIZ+1,u
          bcc   L0D36
-         inc   FD.SIZ,u
-L0D36    leax  FDSL.S,x
-         cmpx  ,s
-         bcs   L0D29
-         lbsr  ClrFBits
+         inc   FD.SIZ,u		increment file size if 24-bit overflow
+L0D36    leax  FDSL.S,x		go up one segment in the FD
+         cmpx  ,s		done yet?
+         bcs   L0D29		no, continue
+* or do check for last segment LSN0, size 1 here?
+         lbsr  ClrFBits		delete a segment?
          IFNE  H6309
-         clrd  
+         clrd
-         sta   PD.SSZ,y
+         sta   PD.SSZ,y		segment size is zero
          std   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         ldb   #E$SLF
-L0D4A    leas  2,s
-         leax  -FDSL.S,x
+         ldb   #E$SLF		segment list full error
+L0D4A    leas  2,s		remove pointer to end of PD.BUF from the stack
+         leax  -FDSL.S,x	back up a segment
 L0D4E    bcs   L0DB3
          ldd   -4,x
          addd  -2,x
@@ -1903,7 +2254,7 @@
          ldu   PD.BUF,y
          subd  #1
-         comb             comd is prolly wrong reg order!
+         comb			comd is prolly wrong reg order!
          pshs  d
          ldd   -$05,x
          IFNE  H6309
@@ -1932,6 +2283,7 @@
          bcs   L0D96
          std   -2,x
          bra   L0DA5
 L0D96    ldd   PD.SBP,y
          std   ,x
          lda   PD.SBP+2,y
@@ -1943,161 +2295,206 @@
          std   FD.SIZ+1,u
          bcc   L0DB0
          inc   FD.SIZ,u
-L0DB0    lbsr  L11FD
+L0DB0    lbsr  L11FD		flush a FD sector tothe disk
 L0DB3    puls  pc,u,x
+* Search the allocation bitmap for a number of free sectors
+* Entry: D = number of sectors to look for
+*        Y = PD pointer
+* 0,S  = number of clusters to allocate
+* 2,S  = DD.BIT  number of sectors per cluster
+* 4,S  = DD.MAP  number of bytes in the allocation bitmap
+* 6,S  = V.MapSCT lowest reasonable bitmap sector number (current bitmap sect)
+* 7,S  = sector number of the largest contiguous free bits found
+* 8,S  = number of contiguous free bits found
+* 10,s = bit offset into the sector of the found contiguous bits
+* 10,s = also  DD.BIT  number of sectors per cluster
+* 12,S = number of sectors to search for  (D from the calling routine)
+* 16,S = PD pointer (Y from the calling routine)
 FatScan  pshs  u,y,x,b,a
          ldb   #$0C
-L0DB9    clr   ,-s
+L0DB9    clr   ,-s		reserve 12 bytes of junk on-stack
          bne   L0DB9
          ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         ldd   DD.MAP,x
+         ldd   DD.MAP,x		number of bytes in allocation bitmap
          std   4,s
-         ldd   DD.BIT,x
+         ldd   DD.BIT,x		number of sectors per cluster
          std   2,s
          std   10,s
-         ldx   PD.DEV,y
-         ldx   V$DESC,x
-         leax  M$DTyp,x
+         ldx   PD.DEV,y		get pointer to device table entry
+         ldx   V$DESC,x		point to descriptor
+         leax  M$DTyp,x		get device type
          subd  #1
-         addb  IT.SAS-M$DTyp,x
-         adca  #0
-         bra   L0DDD
+         addb  IT.SAS-M$DTyp,x	add in one sector allocation size
+         adca  #0		make it 16-bit
+         bra   L0DDD		default to greater of SAS or DD.BIT
+L0DDB    equ   *
          IFNE  H6309
-         lsrd  
+         lsrd  			shift D to the right
-L0DDD    lsr   $0A,s
+L0DDD    lsr   $0A,s		shift DD.BIT to the right
          ror   $0B,s
-         bcc   L0DDB
-         std   ,s
-         ldd   2,s
-         std   $0A,s
+         bcc   L0DDB		loop until carry is set
+         std   ,s		D = number of clusters to allocate
+         ldd   2,s		get old DD.BIT
+         std   $0A,s		save on-stack again
          subd  #$0001
-         addd  $0C,s
-         bcc   L0DF7
-         ldd   #$FFFF
-         bra   L0DF7
+         addd  $0C,s		add in to the number of sectors we're asked to
+         bcc   L0DF7		allocate
+         ldd   #$FFFF		if larger than 64K sectors, default to 64K
+         bra   L0DF7		skip ahead
+L0DF5    equ   *
          IFNE  H6309
-         lsrd  
+         lsrd  			shift number of sectors to allocate
 L0DF7    lsr   $0A,s
          ror   $0B,s
-         bcc   L0DF5
-         cmpa  #8
-         bcs   L0E04
-         ldd   #$0800
-L0E04    std   $0C,s
-         lbsr  L1036
-         lbcs  L0EF2
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         ldd   V.DiskID,x
-         cmpd  DD.DSK,x
-         bne   L0E26
-         lda   V.BMapSz,x
+         bcc   L0DF5		loop, and continue
+* ATD: remove this code for HD's, to allow >2048 cluster segments???
+* It may be easier to read in the FD, and COMPACT it by looking for
+* LSN+SIZE=next segment LSN.  But that would take 48*(30?) clock cycles,
+* which is a lot of time... but maybe not compared to F$All/F$Sch, and
+* the sector read/writes...
+         cmpa  #8		at least 256*8 bits to allocate?
+         bcs   L0E04		number of clusters is OK, skip ahead
+         ldd   #$0800		force one sector of clusters max. to be allocated
+L0E04    std   $0C,s		save as the number of clusters to allocate
+         lbsr  L1036		make us the current user of the allocation bitmap
+         lbcs  L0EF2		exit on error
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get drive table
+         ldd   V.DiskID,x	and old disk ID
+         cmpd  DD.DSK,x		check against the current disk ID
+         bne   L0E26		if not the same, make us the current disk ID
+         lda   V.BMapSz,x	same allocation bitmap size?
          cmpa  DD.MAP,x
-         bne   L0E26
-         ldb   V.MapSct,x
+         bne   L0E26		no, skip ahead
+         ldb   V.MapSct,x	another check
          cmpb  DD.MAP,x
          bcs   L0E34
-L0E26    ldd   DD.DSK,x
-         std   V.DiskID,x
-         lda   DD.MAP,x
-         sta   V.BMapSz,x
+L0E26    ldd   DD.DSK,x		get current disk ID
+         std   V.DiskID,x	make us the disk to use
+         lda   DD.MAP,x		grab number of sectors in allocation bitmap
+         sta   V.BMapSz,x	save for later
-         stb   V.MapSct,x
-L0E34    incb  
-         stb   6,s
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         cmpb  V.ResBit,x
-         beq   L0E70
-         lbsr  L1091
+         stb   V.MapSct,x	make this zero for now
+L0E34    incb  			account for LSN0
+         stb   6,s		lowest reasonable bitmap sector number
+* ATD: Is this line necessary?  All calls to L0E34 set up X already
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get drive table pointer again
+         cmpb  V.ResBit,x	check B against reserved bitmap sector
+         beq   L0E70		same, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L1091		go read in a bitmap sector
          lbcs  L0EF2
-         ldb   6,s
-         cmpb  4,s
-         bls   L0E51
-         clra  
-         ldb   5,s
-         bra   L0E54
+         ldb   6,s		grab copy of V.MapSCT again
+         cmpb  4,s		check against number of sectors in allocation bitmap
+         bls   L0E51		lower, continue
+         clra  			if at end of the allocation bitmap,
+         ldb   5,s		don't search it all, but just to the end of the
+         bra   L0E54		last sector in the allocation bitmap
+* ATD: This the routine that we would fix to cache a compressed version
+* of the allocation bitmap.  i.e. largest group of contiguous free sectors,
+* where 255 == 256 by definition. At 1 byte/sector, max. 256 sectors in the
+* allocation bitmap, max. 256 bytes.  The search should be a LOT faster then,
+* as we'll only have to search memory and not read in all those sectors.
+* If we're really daring, we could build the new FD without reading the
+* allocation bitmap _at_all_, and just use a 'best-fit' algorithm on the
+* cached version, and update the bitmap later.
+* RBF doesn't do any other search bit calls, so this is the routine.
 L0E51    ldd   #$0100
-L0E54    ldx   PD.BUF,y
-         leau  d,x
-         ldy   $0C,s
+L0E54    ldx   PD.BUF,y		where to start searching
+         leau  d,x		where to stop searching
+         ldy   $0C,s		number of bits to find
+* ATD: force it to be less than 1 sector here...
          IFNE  H6309
-         clrd  
+         clrd  			at starting bit number 0
          os9   F$SchBit
-         bcc   L0E9D
-         cmpy  8,s
-         bls   L0E70
-         sty   8,s
-         std   $0A,s
-         lda   6,s
-         sta   7,s
-L0E70    ldy   <$10,s
-         ldb   6,s
-         cmpb  4,s
-         bcs   L0E81
-         bhi   L0E80
-         tst   5,s
-         bne   L0E81
+         bcc   L0E9D		found bits
+         cmpy  8,s		check number of found bits against our maximum
+         bls   L0E70		smaller, skip ahead
+         sty   8,s		save as new maximum
+         std   $0A,s		save starting bit number
+         lda   6,s		grab current sector
+         sta   7,s		save for later
+L0E70    ldy   <$10,s		grab old PD pointer
+         ldb   6,s		grab current bitmap sector number
+         cmpb  4,s		check against highest sector number of bitmap
+         bcs   L0E81		we're OK, skip ahead
+         bhi   L0E80		we're too high, skip ahead
+         tst   5,s		check bytes in the sector
+         bne   L0E81		not zero: skip ahead
 L0E80    clrb  
-L0E81    ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         cmpb  V.MapSct,x
-         bne   L0E34
-         ldb   7,s
-         beq   L0EF0
-         cmpb  6,s
-         beq   L0E96
-         stb   6,s
-         lbsr  L1091
-L0E96    ldx   PD.BUF,y
-         ldd   $0A,s
-         ldy   8,s
-L0E9D    std   $0A,s
-         sty   8,s
-         os9   F$AllBit
-         ldy   $10,s
-         ldb   $06,s
-         lbsr  L1069
-         bcs   L0EF2
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         lda   6,s
-         deca  
-         sta   V.MapSct,x
+L0E81    ldx   PD.DTB,y		get drive table pointer again
+         cmpb  V.MapSct,x	check against lowest reasonable bitmap sector
+         bne   L0E34		ifnot the same, continue
+         ldb   7,s		grab sector number of largest block found
+         beq   L0EF0		zero, exit with E$Full error
+         cmpb  6,s		is it the current sector?
+         beq   L0E96		yes, skip ahead
+         stb   6,s		make it the current sector
+         lbsr  L1091		go read the sector in from disk
+L0E96    ldx   PD.BUF,y		point to the sector in the buffer
+         ldd   $0A,s		grab starting bit number
+         ldy   8,s		and number of bits to allocate
+L0E9D    std   $0A,s		save starting bit number
+         sty   8,s		and number of bits to allocate
+         os9   F$AllBit		go allocate the bits
+         ldy   $10,s		grab the PD pointer again
+         ldb   $06,s		and the sector number
+         lbsr  L1069		write it out to disk
+         bcs   L0EF2		exit on error
+* ATD: add check for segments left to allocate, if we've allocated
+* one entire sector's worth???
+* What about special-purpose code to read the allocation bitmap byte by byte
+* and do it that way?  I dunno...
+* Have some routine inside L0DB5 call another routine which allocates segments
+* one sector at a time... have a check: got one sector?
+* ATD: We'll probably have to add in allocation bitmap caching for this
+* to work properly....
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		drive table pointer
+         lda   6,s		current sector
+         deca  			decreemnt
+         sta   V.MapSct,x	AHA! Last searched sector for later use
-         lsla             lsb a forced 0,msb->carry
-         rolb             but carry out of a to lsb
-         lsla             now 2 lsb of a=%00
-         rolb             and top 2 bits of a now in b
-         lsla             3 cleared bits
-         rolb             and 3 roll-ins
-         stb   PD.SBP,y   <$16,y
-         ora   $0A,s
-         ldb   $0B,s
-         ldx   8,s
-         ldy   $10,s
-         std   PD.SBP+1,y
-         stx   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         ldd   2,s
+         lsla			move high bit of A into CC.C
+         rolb			move CC.C into B
+         lsla			etc.
+         rolb			cannot do a ROLD, as that would be LSB, ROLA
+         lsla			i.e. move the 3 high bits of A into low bits of B
+         rolb			and shift A by 3
+         stb   PD.SBP,y		save segment beginning physical sector number
+         ora   $0A,s		OR in with the start bit number
+         ldb   $0B,s		grab LSB of starting bit number
+         ldx   8,s		and number of free sectors found
+* ATD: Is this next line really necessary?
+         ldy   $10,s		get PD pointer
+         std   PD.SBP+1,y	save low 2 bytes of segment beginning physical SN
+         stx   PD.SSZ+1,y	and segment size in clusters
+         ldd   2,s		grab number of sectors per cluster
          bra   L0EE6
-L0ED7    lsl   PD.SBP+2,y
-         rol   PD.SBP+1,y
+L0ED7    lsl   PD.SBP+2,y	shift physical sector numberup
+         rol   PD.SBP+1,y	to LSN, to account for cluster size
          rol   PD.SBP,y
          lsl   PD.SSZ+2,y
-         rol   PD.SSZ+1,y
+         rol   PD.SSZ+1,y	shift segment cluster size to sector size
          IFNE  H6309
@@ -2106,22 +2503,28 @@
          bcc   L0ED7
-         clrb  
-         ldd   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         bra   L0EFA
+         clrb  			no errors
+         ldd   PD.SSZ+1,y	number of sectors allocated
+         bra   L0EFA		and return to the user
 L0EF0    ldb   #E$Full
-L0EF2    ldy   $10,s
-         lbsr  L1070
+L0EF2    ldy   $10,s		get old Y off of the stack
+         lbsr  L1070		return allocation bitmap?
-L0EFA    leas  $0E,s
+L0EFA    leas  $0E,s		skip 12-byte buffer, and D
          puls  pc,u,y,x
-L0EFE    clra  
-         lda   PD.MOD,y
-         bita  #DIR.      #$80
-         bne   L0F6F
+* Set the size of a file to PD.SIZ, where PD.SIZ is SMALLER than the
+* current size of the file.
+L0EFE    clra               clear the carry
+* This code ensures that directories are never shrunk in size.
+         lda   PD.MOD,y		access mode
+         bita  #DIR.		directory?
+         bne   L0F6F		yes (bit set), exit immediately
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.SIZ,y
-         stq   PD.CP,y
+         ldq   PD.SIZ,y		grab size of the file
+         stq   PD.CP,y		make it the current position
          ldd   PD.SIZ,y
          std   PD.CP,y
@@ -2133,23 +2536,24 @@
          lbsr  L0B1B
          bcs   L0F6E
          lbsr  L0CDF
-         bne   L0F6F
-         lbsr  L10B2
+         bne   L0F6F		exit
+         lbsr  L10B2		find a segment
          bcc   L0F26
-         cmpb  #E$NES
+         cmpb  #E$NES		non-existing segment error
          bra   L0F67
-L0F26    ldd   PD.SBL+1,y
+L0F26    ldd   PD.SBL+1,y	not quite sure what's going on here...
          subd  PD.CP+1,y
          addd  PD.SSZ+1,y
-         tst   PD.CP+3,y
-         beq   L0F35
+         tst   PD.CP+3,y	on a sector boundary?
+         beq   L0F35		yes, skip ahead
          IFNE  H6309
-         decd             ok here, carry NOT used below
+         decd			ok here, carry NOT used below
          subd  #$0001
 L0F35    pshs  d
-         ldu   PD.DTB,y
+         ldu   PD.DTB,y		number of sectors per cluster
          ldd   DD.BIT,u
          IFNE  H6309
@@ -2172,10 +2576,11 @@
          std   PD.SBP+1,y
          bcc   L0F5F
          inc   PD.SBP,y
-L0F5F    bsr   ClrFBits
+L0F5F    bsr   ClrFBits		delete a segment
          bcc   L0F70
          leas  4,s
-         cmpb  #E$IBA
+         cmpb  #E$IBA		illegal block address
 L0F67    bne   L0F6E
 L0F69    lbsr  RdFlDscr
          bcc   L0F79
@@ -2188,28 +2593,28 @@
          std   FDSL.B,x
 L0F79    ldu   PD.BUF,y
          IFNE  H6309
-         ldq   PD.SIZ,y   $0F,y
-         stq   FD.SIZ,u   $09,u
+         ldq   PD.SIZ,y		grab file size from the PD
+         stq   FD.SIZ,u		save in the FD file size
-         ldd   PD.SIZ,y   $0F,y
-         std   FD.SIZ,u   $09,u
-         ldd   PD.SIZ+2,y   $11,y
-         std   FD.SIZ+2,u   $0B,u
+         ldd   PD.SIZ,y
+         std   FD.SIZ,u
+         ldd   PD.SIZ+2,y
+         std   FD.SIZ+2,u
-         tfr   x,d        fixes d
+         tfr   x,d
-         leax  FDSL.S,x
+         leax  FDSL.S,x		go to the next segment
          pshs  x,b,a
          bra   L0FB4
 L0F8E    ldd   -2,x
          beq   L0FC1
          std   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         ldd   -FDSL.S,x
+         ldd   -FDSL.S,x	grab stuff from the last segment
          std   PD.SBP,y
          lda   -FDSL.B,x
-         sta   PD.SBP+2,y
-         bsr   ClrFBits
+         sta   PD.SBP+2,y	save sector beginning physical sector number
+         bsr   ClrFBits		delete a segment
          bcs   L0FC9
          stx   2,s
          lbsr  RdFlDscr
@@ -2221,16 +2626,16 @@
-         std   -$05,x     is this "-FDSL.?" stuffs
+         std   -$05,x		clear out the segment
          sta   -$03,x
          std   -$02,x
 L0FB4    lbsr  L11FD
          bcs   L0FC9
          ldx   2,s
-         leax  FDSL.S,x
+         leax  FDSL.S,x		go to the next segment
          cmpx  ,s
-         bcs   L0F8E
+         bcs   L0F8E		if not done, do another
+L0FC1    equ   *
          IFNE  H6309
@@ -2238,15 +2643,28 @@
          sta   PD.SSZ,y
-         std   PD.SSZ+1,y
+         std   PD.SSZ+1,y	segment size is zero
 L0FC9    leas  4,s
-ClrFBits pshs  u,y,x,a
+* de-allocate a segment
+ClrFBits pshs  u,y,x,a		get device table pointer
          ldx   PD.DTB,y
+* ATD: Added next few lines to ENSURE that LSN0 and the allocation bitmap
+* are NEVER marked as de-allocated in the allocation bitmap
+*         ldd   PD.SBP,y     grab beginning segment physical LSN
+*         bne   L0FD0        skip next code if too high
+*         ldd   DD.MAP,x     get number of bytes in allocation bitmap
+*         addd  #$01FF       add 1 for LSN0, round up a sector: A=lowest LSN
+*         cmpa  PD.SBP+2,y   check LSN0 + DD.MAP against LSN to deallocate
+*         blo   L0FD0        if PD.SBP is higher than LSN0 + DD.MAP, allow it
+*         ldb   #E$IBA       illegal block address: can't deallocate LSN0
+*         bra   L1033        or the allocation bitmap sectors from the bitmap!
          ldd   DD.BIT,x
          IFNE  H6309
-         decd  
+         decd
          subd  #$0001
@@ -2256,12 +2674,13 @@
          bcc   L0FF4
          inc   PD.SBP,y
          bra   L0FF4
-L0FE5    lsr   PD.SBP,y
+L0FE5    lsr   PD.SBP,y		convert sector number to cluster number
          ror   PD.SBP+1,y
          ror   PD.SBP+2,y
          lsr   PD.SSZ+1,y
          ror   PD.SSZ+2,y
+L0FF4    equ   *
          IFNE  H6309
@@ -2269,6 +2688,7 @@
          bcc   L0FE5
          ldd   PD.SSZ+1,y
          beq   L1034
@@ -2276,7 +2696,7 @@
          IFNE  H6309
-         lsrd  
+         lsrd  			get cluster byte number into D
@@ -2287,85 +2707,89 @@
          tfr   b,a
          ldb   #E$IBA
-         cmpa  DD.MAP,x
-         bhi   L1033
+         cmpa  DD.MAP,x		is the LSN too high: mapped outside of the bitmap?
+         bhi   L1033		yes, error out
          sta   ,s
-L1012    bsr   L1036
+L1012    bsr   L1036		flush the sector, and OWN the bitmap
          bcs   L1012
-         ldb   ,s
-         bsr   L1091
+         ldb   ,s		grab the sector number
+         bsr   L1091		go read a sector fro the allocation bitmap
          bcs   L1033
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y
-         ldd   PD.SBP+1,y
-         anda  #$07
-         ldy   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         os9   F$DelBit
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y		where to start
+         ldd   PD.SBP+1,y	bit offset to delete
+* ATD: keep deleting sectors until we're done!
+         anda  #$07		make sure it's within the current sector
+* ATD: fix segment sizes!
+         ldy   PD.SSZ+1,y	number of clusters to deallocate
+         os9   F$DelBit		go delete them (no error possible)
          ldy   3,s
-         ldb   ,s
-         bsr   L1069
-         bcc   L1034
+         ldb   ,s		grab bitmap sector number again
+         bsr   L1069		go write it out
+         bcc   L1034		xit on error
 L1033    coma  
 L1034    puls  pc,u,y,x,a
-L1036    lbsr  L1237
-         bra   L1043
+L1036    lbsr  L1237		flush the sector to disk
+         bra   L1043		skip ahead
-L103B    lbsr  L0C56
-         os9   F$IOQu
-         bsr   L1053
-L1043    bcs   L1052
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         lda   V.BMB,x
-         bne   L103B
-         lda   PD.CPR,y
-         sta   V.BMB,x
+L103B    lbsr  L0C56		wakeup the process
+         os9   F$IOQu		queue the process
+         bsr   L1053		check for process wakeup
+L1043    bcs   L1052		error, return
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get drive table ptr
+         lda   V.BMB,x		bitmap sector
+         bne   L103B		if set, continue
+         lda   PD.CPR,y		get our process number
+         sta   V.BMB,x		make us the current user of the bitmap
 L1052    rts   
-L1053    ldu   <D.Proc
-         ldb   P$Signal,u
-         cmpb  #S$Wake
-         bls   L1060
-         cmpb  #S$Intrpt
-         bls   L1067
-L1060    clra  
+* Wait for process to wakeup
+L1053    ldu   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         ldb   P$Signal,u	get pending signal
+         cmpb  #S$Wake		is it what we're looking for?
+         bls   L1060		yes, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #S$Intrpt	is it a keyboard interrupt/
+         bls   L1067		no, return error [B]=Error code
+L1060    clra  			clear error status
          IFNE  H6309
-         tim   #Condem,P$State,u
+         tim   #Condem,P$State,u	is process dead?
          lda   P$State,u
          bita  #Condem         
-         beq   L1068
-L1067    coma  
-L1068    rts   
+         beq   L1068		no, skip ahead
+L1067    coma  			flag error
+L1068    rts   			return
-* write FAT sector
-* Entry B=logical sector #
-L1069    clra  
-         tfr   d,x
-         clrb  
-         lbsr  L1207
-L1070    pshs  cc
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         lda   PD.CPR,y
-         cmpa  V.BMB,x
-         bne   L108F
-         clr   V.BMB,x
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         lda   P$IOQN,x
-         beq   L108F
-         lbsr  L0C56
-         ldx   #1
+* Write a file allocation bitmap sector
+* Entry: B=Logical sector #
+L1069    clra  			clear MSB of LSW to logical sector #
+         tfr   d,x		move it to proper register
+         clrb  			clear MSB of logical sector #
+         lbsr  L1207		flush the sector to drive
+L1070    pshs  cc		preserve error status from write
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get drive table pointer
+         lda   PD.CPR,y		get the current process using it
+         cmpa  V.BMB,x		same as process using the bit-map sector?
+         bne   L108F		no, return
+         clr   V.BMB,x		clear the use flag
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         lda   P$IOQN,x		get next process in line for sector
+         beq   L108F		none, return
+         lbsr  L0C56		wake up the process
+         ldx   #1		sleep for balance of tick
          os9   F$Sleep
-L108F    puls  pc,cc
+L108F    puls  pc,cc		restore error status & return
-* Read a FAT sector
-* Entry B=logical sector #
-L1091    clra  
-         tfr   d,x
-         clrb  
-         lbra  L113A
-* Y=Path descriptor ptr
+* Read a sector from file allocation bit map
+* Entry: B=Logical sector #
+L1091    clra  			clear MSB of LSW to logical sector #
+         tfr   d,x		move to proper register
+         clrb  			clear MSB of logical sector #
+         lbra  L113A		go read the sector
+* Entry: Y=Path descriptor pointer
 L1098    ldd   PD.CP+1,y
          subd  PD.SBL+1,y
          tfr   d,x
@@ -2373,19 +2797,19 @@
          sbcb  PD.SBL,y
          cmpb  PD.SSZ,y
          bcs   L10B0
-         bhi   L10B2
+         bhi   L10B2		yes, scan the segment list
          cmpx  PD.SSZ+1,y
          bcc   L10B2
 L10B0    clrb  
 L10B1    rts   
-L10B2    pshs  u
-         bsr   RdFlDscr
-         bcs   L110E
-         IFNE  H6309
+* Scan file segment list to get proper segment based on current byte position
+* in the file.  Once found it will be placed in the path descriptor
+* Entry: None
+L10B2    pshs  u		preserve
+         bsr   RdFlDscr		get the file descriptor
+         bcs   L110E		error, return
+         IFNE  H6309		init the start point of search in path descriptor
@@ -2393,75 +2817,77 @@
          std   PD.SBL,y
          stb   PD.SBL+2,y
-         ldu   PD.BUF,y
-         leax  FD.SEG,u
-         lda   PD.BUF,y
-         ldb   #$FC
-         pshs  b,a
-L10CB    ldd   FDSL.B,x
-         beq   L10F0
-         addd  PD.SBL+1,y
-         tfr   d,u
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y		get sector buffer pointer
+         leax  FD.SEG,u		point to segment list
+         lda   PD.BUF,y		get MSB of sector buffer pointer
+         ldb   #$FC		get size of segment table
+         pshs  b,a		save as table end pointer
+* Scan segment list for the proper segment
+L10CB    ldd   FDSL.B,x		get segment size in sectors
+         beq   L10F0		last one, exit with non existing segment error
+         addd  PD.SBL+1,y	add to segment start LSN
+         tfr   d,u		copy it
          ldb   PD.SBL,y
          adcb  #0
-         cmpb  PD.CP,y
-         bhi   L10FD
-         bne   L10E4
+         cmpb  PD.CP,y		this the segment we want?
+         bhi   L10FD		yes, move the segment start & size to descriptor
+         bne   L10E4		no, save this segment & keep looking
          cmpu  PD.CP+1,y
          bhi   L10FD
 L10E4    stb   PD.SBL,y
          stu   PD.SBL+1,y
-         leax  FDSL.S,x
-         cmpx  ,s
-         bcs   L10CB
+         leax  FDSL.S,x		move to next segment
+         cmpx  ,s		done?
+         bcs   L10CB		no, keep going
+* Return Non-Existing segment error
+L10F0    equ   *
          IFNE  H6309
-         clrd  
+         clrd
-         sta   PD.SSZ,y
+         sta   PD.SSZ,y		zero out the segment
          std   PD.SSZ+1,y
-         comb  
-         ldb   #E$NES
-         bra   L110C
+         comb  			set the carry
+         ldb   #E$NES		non-existing segment
+         bra   L110C		return
-L10FD    ldd   FDSL.A,x
-         std   PD.SBP,y
+* Move segment to path descriptor
+L10FD    ldd   FDSL.A,x		get start physical sector #
+         std   PD.SBP,y		put it in path descriptor
          lda   FDSL.A+2,x
          sta   PD.SBP+2,y
-         ldd   FDSL.B,x
-         std   PD.SSZ+1,y
+         ldd   FDSL.B,x		get segment size
+         std   PD.SSZ+1,y	put it in path descriptor
 L110C    leas  2,s
 L110E    puls  pc,u
-* Read LSN0 from disk
-* Y=Path descr ptr
-L1110    pshs  x,b
-         lbsr  L1237
-         bcs   L111F
-         clrb  
+* Read LSN0 from drive
+* Entry: Y=Path descriptor pointer
+L1110    pshs  x,b		preserve regs used
+         lbsr  L1237		flush sector buffer
+         bcs   L111F		error, return
+         clrb  			get LSN
          ldx   #$0000
-         bsr   L113A
-         bcc   L1121
-L111F    stb   ,s
-L1121    puls  pc,x,b
+         bsr   L113A		read the sector
+         bcc   L1121		no error, return
+L111F    stb   ,s		save error code
+L1121    puls  pc,x,b		restore & return
-* Read file descr
-* Y=ptr to bfr
+* Read a file descriptor from disk
+* Entry: Y=Path descriptor pointer
          IFNE  H6309
-         tim   #FDBUF,PD.SMF,y
+         tim   #FDBUF,PD.SMF,y	FD already here?
          ldb   PD.SMF,y
          bitb  #FDBUF 
-         bne   L10B0
-         lbsr  L1237
-         bcs   L10B1
+         bne   L10B0		yes, return no error
+         lbsr  L1237		flush any sector here
+         bcs   L10B1		error, return
          IFNE  H6309
          oim   #FDBUF,PD.SMF,y
@@ -2469,56 +2895,55 @@
          ora   #FDBUF
          sta   PD.SMF,y
-         ldb   PD.FD,y
-         ldx   PD.FD+1,y
-L113A    lda   #D$READ
-* Send cmd to dev dvr
-* A=cmd offset
-* B=MSB lgcl sct #
-* X=LSW lgcl sct #
-* Y=Path descr ptr
-L113C    pshs  u,y,x,b,a
+         ldb   PD.FD,y		get MSB of logical sector
+         ldx   PD.FD+1,y	get LSW of logical sector
+L113A    lda   #D$READ		get read offset
+* Send command to device driver
+* Entry: A=Driver Command offset
+*        B=MSB of logical sector #
+*        X=LSW of logical sector #
+*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
+L113C    pshs  u,y,x,b,a	preserve it all
          IFNE  H6309
-         oim   #InDriver,PD.SMF,y
+         oim   #InDriver,PD.SMF,y	flag we're in ddriver
          lda   PD.SMF,y
          ora   #InDriver
          sta   PD.SMF,y
-         ldx   <D.Proc
-         lda   P$Prior,x
-         tfr   a,b
-         addb  #3
-         bcc   L1150
-         ldb   #$FF
-L1150    stb   P$Prior,x
-         stb   P$Age,x
-         ldx   PD.Exten,y
-         sta   PE.Prior,x
-         ldu   PD.DEV,y
-         ldu   V$STAT,u
-         bra   L1166
-* wait for device
-L1160    lbsr  L0C56
-         os9   F$IOQu
-* dev rdy, send cmnd
-L1166    lda   V.BUSY,u
-         bne   L1160
-         lda   PD.CPR,y
-         sta   V.BUSY,u
-         ldd   ,s
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         lda   P$Prior,x	get its priority
+         tfr   a,b		copy it
+         addb  #3		add 3 to it
+         bcc   L1150		didn't wrap, skip ahead
+         ldb   #$FF		force it to max
+L1150    stb   P$Prior,x	save priority
+         stb   P$Age,x		asage too
+         ldx   PD.Exten,y	get path extension pointer
+         sta   PE.Prior,x	save original priority there
+         ldu   PD.DEV,y		get device table pointer
+         ldu   V$STAT,u		get static mem pointer
+         bra   L1166		go execute driver
+* Wait for device
+L1160    lbsr  L0C56		wakeup waiting process
+         os9   F$IOQu		queue device
+* Device ready, send command
+L1166    lda   V.BUSY,u		driver already busy?
+         bne   L1160		yes, queue it
+         lda   PD.CPR,y		get current process #
+         sta   V.BUSY,u		save it as busy
+         ldd   ,s		get command & logical sector from stack
          ldx   2,s
-         pshs  u
-         bsr   L11EB
-         puls  u
-         ldy   4,s
-         pshs  cc
-         bcc   L1181
-         stb   2,s
+         pshs  u		save static mem
+         bsr   L11EB		send it to driver
+         puls  u		restore static mem
+         ldy   4,s		get path descriptor pointer
+         pshs  cc		preserve driver error status
+         bcc   L1181		no error, skip ahead
+         stb   2,s		save driver's error code
+L1181    equ   *
          IFNE  H6309
-         aim   #^InDriver,PD.SMF,y
+         aim   #^InDriver,PD.SMF,y	clear in driver flag
          lda   PD.SMF,y
          anda  #^InDriver
@@ -2531,13 +2956,13 @@
          sta   P$Prior,x
 * this code is in v31 only
-         lda   ,s
-         bita  #Carry
-         bne   L11CB
-         lda   1,s
-         cmpa  #D$WRIT
-         bne   L11CB
-         pshs  u,y,x
+         lda   ,s		get driver error status
+         bita  #Carry		was there an error?
+         bne   L11CB		yes, return with it
+         lda   1,s		get the driver command
+         cmpa  #D$WRIT		was it write sector?
+         bne   L11CB		no, return
+         pshs  u,y,x		preserve regs
          ldy   PD.Exten,y
          leau  ,y
 L11A7    ldx   PE.Confl,u
@@ -2545,9 +2970,10 @@
          beq   L11C9
          leau  ,x
-         lda   PE.SigID,u
-         beq   L11A7
-         ldx   <D.Proc
+* Check for signal on data write
+         lda   PE.SigID,u	anything to send signal to?
+         beq   L11A7		no, skip to next in chain
+         ldx   <D.Proc		get current process
          cmpa  P$ID,x
          beq   L11A7
          clr   PE.SigID,u
@@ -2556,80 +2982,90 @@
          bra   L11A7
 L11C9    puls  u,y,x
-L11CB    lda   P$IOQN,x
-         beq   L11E9
+L11CB    lda   P$IOQN,x		any process waiting?
+         beq   L11E9		no, return
          lda   $01,y
          bita  #$04
          bne   L11E9
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         lda   PD.CPR,y
-         cmpa  V.BMB,x
-         beq   L11E9
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get driver table pointer
+         lda   PD.CPR,y		get current process ID
+         cmpa  V.BMB,x		same as bitmap use process?
+         beq   L11E9		yes, return
          lbsr  L0C56
-         ldx   #1
+         ldx   #1		sleep for balance of tick
          os9   F$Sleep
-L11E9    puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a,cc
+L11E9    puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a,cc	restore & return
-* Exec Dev Drvr
-* leave this alone till V1.22 is out!
+* Execute device driver
+* Entry: A=Driver command offset
+*        B=MSB of logical sector #
+*        X=LSW of logical sector #
+*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
+*        U=Static memory pointer
 L11EB    pshs  pc,x,b,a
          ldx   $03,y
          ldd   ,x
          ldx   ,x
          addd  $09,x
-         addb  ,s
+         addb  ,s		
          adca  #$00
          std   $04,s
          puls  pc,x,b,a
-* Write fd to disk
-L11FD    ldb   PD.FD,y
-         ldx   PD.FD+1,y
-         bra   L1207
+* Write file descriptor to disk
+* Entry: Y=Path descriptor pointer
+L11FD    ldb   PD.FD,y		get MSB of LSN
+         ldx   PD.FD+1,y	get LSW of LSn
+         bra   L1207		send it to disk
-* flsh bfr 2 disk
-L1205    bsr   L1220
-L1207    lda   #D$WRIT
-         pshs  x,b,a
-         ldd   PD.DSK,y
-         beq   L1216
-         ldx   PD.DTB,y
-         cmpd  DD.DSK,x
-L1216    puls  x,b,a
-         lbeq  L113C
-         comb  
-         ldb   #E$DIDC
-         rts   
+* Flush sector buffer to disk
+* Entry: Y=Path descriptor pointer
+L1205    bsr   L1220		calulate LSN
+L1207    lda   #D$WRIT		get driver write offset
+         pshs  x,b,a		preserve that & LSN
+         ldd   PD.DSK,y		get disk ID of this sector
+         beq   L1216		nothing, send it to driver
+         ldx   PD.DTB,y		get drive table pointer
+         cmpd  DD.DSK,x		match ID from drive?
+L1216    puls  x,b,a		restore regs
+         lbeq  L113C		ID matches, send data to driver
+         comb  			set carry
+         ldb   #E$DIDC		get ID change error code
+         rts   			return
-L1220    ldd   PD.CP+1,y
-         subd  PD.SBL+1,y
-         tfr   d,x
-         ldb   PD.CP,y
-         sbcb  PD.SBL,y
+* Calculate logical sector # of current sector in buffer
+* Exit : B=MSB of logical sector #
+*        X=LSW of logical sector #
+L1220    ldd   PD.CP+1,y	get current logical sector loaded
+         subd  PD.SBL+1,y	subtract it from segment list LSN
+         tfr   d,x		copy answer
+         ldb   PD.CP,y		get MSB of byte position
+         sbcb  PD.SBL,y		subtract it from segment start
          exg   d,x
-         addd  PD.SBP+1,y
+         addd  PD.SBP+1,y	add in physical segment sector #
          exg   d,x
-         adcb  PD.SBP,y
-         rts   
+         adcb  PD.SBP,y		now the MSB
+         rts   			return
-* chk if sctr bfr needs flshd to disk
-L1237    clrb  
-         pshs  u,x
-         ldb   PD.SMF,y
-         andb  #(BufBusy!FDBUF!SINBUF)
-         beq   L1254
-         tfr   b,a
-         eorb  PD.SMF,y
-         stb   PD.SMF,y
-         andb  #BUFMOD
-         beq   L1254
-         eorb  PD.SMF,y
-         stb   PD.SMF,y
-         bita  #SINBUF
-         beq   L1254
-         bsr   L1205
-L1254    puls  pc,u,x
+* Check if sector buffer needs to be flushed to disk
+* Entry: Y=Path descriptor pointer
+L1237    clrb  			clear carry
+         pshs  u,x		preserve regs
+         ldb   PD.SMF,y		get state flags
+         andb  #(BufBusy!FDBUF!SINBUF)	aynything in buffer?
+         beq   L1254		no, return
+         tfr   b,a		duplicate flags
+         eorb  PD.SMF,y		clear them
+         stb   PD.SMF,y		save 'em
+         andb  #BUFMOD		has buffer been modified?
+         beq   L1254		no, return
+         eorb  PD.SMF,y		clear that bit
+         stb   PD.SMF,y		save it
+         bita  #SINBUF		is there even a sector in buffer?
+         beq   L1254		no, return
+         bsr   L1205		flush the sector to drive
+L1254    puls  pc,u,x		restore & return
 L1256    pshs  u,x
          lbsr  L1098