changeset 714:2e5433122a67

Fixed line ending problem
author boisy
date Sat, 04 Jan 2003 03:15:13 +0000
parents e81574187272
children 59a079eb1b0b
files level1/cmds/shellplus.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 3624 insertions(+), 3624 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/cmds/shellplus.asm	Sat Jan 04 02:26:02 2003 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/shellplus.asm	Sat Jan 04 03:15:13 2003 +0000
@@ -1,3624 +1,3624 @@
-* Shellplus - Enhanced shell for OS-9 Level Two
-* Modified by L. Curtis Boyle from original 2.2 disassembly
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 21     Original Tandy/Microware version
-* 22a    History and numerous features added
-         nam   Shell
-         ttl   program module       
-* Disassembled 93/04/15 14:58:18 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-* Signals: Signals 2 & 3 are assigned new keys to handle forward/backward
-* command history. Signal $B (11) is the signal sent out on a key being ready
-* for normal command processing
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         endc
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $02
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-u0000    rmb   1              Path # for standard input
-u0001    rmb   1              Path # for standard output
-u0002    rmb   1              Path # for standard error
-u0003    rmb   1              # of 256 byte pages of data mem for frked module
-u0004    rmb   2              Temp ptr (current parse ptr, mem module ptr,etc)
-u0006    rmb   2              Size of current group
-u0008    rmb   2              Pointer to start of current group (past '(')
-u000A    rmb   2
-u000C    rmb   1              Current char. being processed in command parser
-u000D    rmb   1              # of command groups [ '()' groupings ]
-u000E    rmb   1              unprocessed signal # (0=none waiting)
-u000F    rmb   1              ??? Flag of some sort
-u0010    rmb   2              ??? (ptr to some module name)
-u0012    rmb   1              Current working DIR path #
-u0013    rmb   1              Flag to kill parent process (1=Kill parent)
-u0014    rmb   1              Flag: If set, a result must not be 0 ???
-u0015    rmb   1
-u0016    rmb   1
-u0017    rmb   1
-u0018    rmb   1              Immortal shell (0=NO)
-* A clearing routine only does u0000 to u0018
-u0019    rmb   1
-u001A    rmb   2
-u001C    rmb   1              Shell logging on flag (0=OFF)
-u001D    rmb   1              Shell prompting (0=ON)
-u001E    rmb   1              Echo input (0=OFF)
-u001F    rmb   1              Variable expansion (0=ON)
-u0020    rmb   1              Kill shell on error (0=OFF)
-u0021    rmb   1              Process # to set priority on
-u0022    rmb   1              Priority to set (0=don't change) (ours or fork)
-u0023    rmb   2
-u0025    rmb   2              End of data mem ptr (top of stack)
-u0027    rmb   1
-u0028    rmb   1
-u0029    rmb   1
-u002A    rmb   2
-u002C    rmb   2
-u002E    rmb   1
-u002F    rmb   1
-u0030    rmb   1
-u0031    rmb   1
-u0032    rmb   2
-u0034    rmb   3
-u0037    rmb   1              Flag: 0=Data dir .PWD invalid, 1=valid
-u0038    rmb   1              Flag: 0=Exec dir .PXD invalid, 1=valid
-u0039    rmb   1
-u003A    rmb   1
-u003B    rmb   2
-u003D    rmb   1
-u003E    rmb   2
-u0040    rmb   2              Ptr to start of filename (vs. pathname) ('/')
-* Shell prompt flag
-u0042    rmb   1              Current working dir path already done flag
-u0043    rmb   1              
-u0044    rmb   1
-u0045    rmb   1              ??? <>0 means looking for GOTO label?
-u0046    rmb   1              Flag: 1=GOTO label found?
-u0047    rmb   1              Error code from ReadLn or signal
-u0048    rmb   2              Ptr to 1st char after redirection symbols
-u004A    rmb   2              Ptr to text message
-u004C    rmb   2              Size of text message
-u004E    rmb   1
-u004F    rmb   1              0=no pathname in parm line, else IS pathname
-u0050    rmb   2
-u0052    rmb   2              Current expanded buffer size (max=2048)
-u0054    rmb   2              Ptr to current char in wildcard filename we are
-*                               checking
-u0056    rmb   2              Ptr to current pos in expanded buffer
-u0058    rmb   2              Pointer to end of GOTO label name
-u005A    rmb   2              User ID # from F$ID call
-u005C    rmb   1
-u005D    rmb   1
-u005E    rmb   1              Device type: 0=SCF (keyboard),1=RBF (Scriptfile)
-u005F    rmb   1
-u0060    rmb   1              Data module linked flag: 1= Yes
-u0061    rmb   2              Ptr to data module name
-u0063    rmb   2              Ptr to intercept routines data mem
-u0065    rmb   2              Execution address of linked module
-u0067    rmb   2              Start address of module
-u0069    rmb   2
-u006B    rmb   1              Flag: 0=No module to unlink, <>0 module to unlink
-u006C    rmb   1
-u006D    rmb   1              Start of device name buffer (start with '/')
-u006E    rmb   71             Actual device name
-u00B5    rmb   20             Start of another device name buffer ('/')
-u00C9    rmb   13
-u00D6    rmb   13             Standard module header info (M$ID-M$Mem)
-u00E3    rmb   5              Module name string (reserves 64 chars)
-u00E8    rmb   3
-u00EB    rmb   4
-u00EF    rmb   10             Temp buffer (many uses)
-u00F9    rmb   6
-u00FF    rmb   37             Place to point SP when CHAINing
-u0124    rmb   81             Temporary buffer (used for several things)
-u0175    rmb   119            Part of temp buffer for ReadLn (200 chars total)
-u01EC    rmb   2              Least sig. 2 digits of process # (ASCII format)
-u01EE    rmb   1
-u01EF    rmb   2              Holding area for 2 digit ASCII conversions
-* Shell prompt parsing flags
-u01F1    rmb   1              Process ID # already done flag
-u01F2    rmb   1              Standard output device name already done flag
-u01F3    rmb   1              Quoting on flag in shell prompt string parsing
-u01F4    rmb   1              Date already done flag
-u01F5    rmb   1              Time already done flag
-u01F6    rmb   1              Date OR time already done flag
-u01F7    rmb   2              Size of expanded shell prompt
-u01F9    rmb   25             Current shell prompt string
-u0212    rmb   1              Lead in Line feed for expanded shell prompt
-u0213    rmb   199            Expanded shell prompt
-u02DA    rmb   6              Date/time packet
-u02E0    rmb   8              Date string
-u02E8    rmb   1              Space separating date & time (for shell init)
-u02E9    rmb   9              Time string (and CR)
-u02F2    rmb   131
-u0375    rmb   131
-u03F8    rmb   29
-u0415    rmb   2
-u0417    rmb   1
-u0418    rmb   400            Intercept routines memory area (not used)
-u05A8    rmb   810            Shell variables (user?)
-u08D2    rmb   810            Shell variables (shell sub?)
-u0BFC    rmb   80
-u0C4C    rmb   81             Copy of GOTO label name
-u0C9D    rmb   32             DIR Entry buffer
-u0CBD    rmb   32             Shell logging filename (append mode '+')
-u0CDD    rmb   400            PATH=Buffer (each entry CR terminated)
-u0E6D    rmb   2048           Fully expanded filenames buffer (for wildcards)
-* Actually,this next block appears to be generic buffers for various functions
-u166D    rmb   80             Process descriptor copies go here (512 bytes)
-u16BD    rmb   1
-u16BE    rmb   80
-u170E    rmb   238
-u17FC    rmb   10
-u1806    rmb   2              ??? Ptr to end of shell history buffers
-u1808    rmb   2              Ptr to where next history entry will go
-u180A    rmb   2              Ptr to start of shell history buffers
-u180C    rmb   1              # of lines in history buffer (1-(u180C))
-u180D    rmb   1              Current line # in history buffer
-u180E    rmb   1              Original keyboard terminate char
-u180F    rmb   1              Original keyboard interrupt char
-u1810    rmb   1
-u1811    rmb   1              Original end of line NUL count
-u1812    rmb   1              Flag to indicate if we have to restore PD.OPT
-u1813    rmb   2
-u1815    rmb   808            Shell history copies start here
-u1B3D    rmb   963            Local stack space, etc.
-size     equ   .
-name     equ   *
-L000D    fcs   /Shell/
-         fcb   $16 
-L0013    fcb   Prgrm+PCode 
-         fcs   'PascalS'
-         fcb   Sbrtn+CblCode
-         fcs   'RunC'
-         fcb   Sbrtn+ICode
-L0021    fcs   'RunB'
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-L002E    fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   'Shell+ v2.2a '
-L003C    fcb   $00 
-L003D    fcc   '{@|#}$:                 '
-L0055    fcc   '+++START+++'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L0061    fcc   '+++END+++'
-         fcb   C$CR
-* Intercept routine
-L006B    stb   <u000E         Save signal code & return
-         rti
-start    leas  -5,s           Make 5 byte buffer on stack
-         pshs  y,x,d          Save Top/bottom of param area, and size of area
-         leax  >u1815,u       Pointer to start of history buffer area
-         stx   >u1808,u       Save ptr to where next history entry goes
-         stx   >u180A,u       Save ptr to start of history buffers
-         leax  >$0328,x       Setup up another pointer (end of history area?)
-         stx   >u1806,u       Save it
-         clr   >u1812,u       Clear flag that we have to restore PD.OPT
-         clr   >u180D,u       Current line # of history buffer=0
-         clr   >u180C,u       # lines in history buffer=0
-         ldx   2,s            Get back top of data area ptr
-         ldb   #$FF           255 bytes to clear
-         lbsr  L0412          Go clear direct page
-         sts   <u0025         Save current stack ptr
-         stu   <u0027         Save Data mem ptr (0)
-         leax  >u0418,u       Point to intercept routines memory area
-         stx   <u0063         Save a copy of it
-         leax  <L006B,pc      Point to intercept routine
-         os9   F$Icpt         Setup the intercept routine
-         lbsr  L16A6          Get user #, and make 2 digit ASCII ver. @ 1EC
-         lbsr  L1674          Make shell logging pathname @ CBD
-         leax  <L003D,pc      Point to default shell prompt string
-         lbsr  L0A14          Go create shell prompt string & prompt itself
-         leax  >u05A8,u       Point to start of shell variables
-         ldd   #C$CR*256+20   Carriage return (blank entries) & all 20 of them
-L009C    sta   ,x             Mark shell variable as blank
-         leax  <81,x          Point to next entry (81 bytes/entry)
-         decb                 Do until all 20 are done (user & shell sub)
-         bne   L009C
-         sta   >u0CDD,u       Init 1st 2 entries of PATH= buffer to CR's
-         sta   >u0CDD+1,u
-         puls  x,d            Get parameter ptr & parameter size
-         std   <u0006         Save size of parameter area
-         beq   L00BF          If no parameters, skip ahead
-         lbsr  L041B          Pre-Parse parameters passed to this shell
-         lbcs  L01FA          Error, go handle it
-         tst   <u000C         Any char being processed in parser?
-         lbne  L01F9          Yes, skip ahead
-L00BF    lbsr  L0225          Release any keyboard/mouse signals & get PD.OPT
-         inc   <u006C         ??? Set flag
-         lds   ,s++           Since parameters parsed, point SP to top of mem
-         sts   <u0025         Save end of data mem ptr (top of stack)
-         stu   <u0027         Save start of data mem ptr
-L00CC    leax  >L002E,pc      Point to Shellplus v2.2 message
-         tst   <u001D         Shell prompting turned on?
-         bne   L00EA          No, skip ahead
-         ldy   #$000E         Length of message
-         lda   #$01           Standard out
-         os9   I$Write        Write it
-         lbcs  L0200          If error writing, terminate Shellplus
-         bsr   L00FB          Go create date & time strings
-         lbsr  L021B          Write out date & time
-         lbcs  L0200          If error writing, terminate Shellplus
-L00EA    clra
-         sta   <u005C
-         leax  >L0055,pc      Point to '+++START+++' for shell logging
-         lbsr  L07E7          Go deal with logging if necessary
-         tst   <u001D         Shell prompting turn on?
-         bne   L0120          No, skip ahead
-         bra   L010D          Yes, do something else first
-L00FB    clr   >u01F6,u       Clear date or time done flag
-         lbsr  L0B3B          Create current date & time strings
-         lda   #C$SPAC        Put in a space to separate date & time
-         sta   >u02E8,u
-         leax  >u02E0,u       Point to start of date buffer
-         rts   
-* Shell just booted goes here
-L010D    lbsr  L09F7          Update expanded shell prompt if needed
-         leax  >u0212,u       Point to expanded shell prompt
-         ldy   >u01F7,u       Get size of expanded shell prompt
-L0119    tst   <u001D         Shell prompting on?
-         bne   L0120          No, continue on
-         lbsr  L021F          Print shell prompt to standard error
-* Shell already booted goes here
-L0120    clra
-         leax  >u0124,u       Point to an input line of some sort
-         tst   <u006B         Any module linked?
-         beq   L015B          No, continue on
-         ldy   <u0065         Yes, get Execution address of linked module
-         cmpy  <u0069         ???
-         lbhs  L01F0
-         ldb   #200    LDW #200/PSHS X/TFM Y+,X+
-         pshs  x              Copy temporary buffer to [<u0065]
-L0137    lda   ,y+
-         sta   ,x+
-         decb  
-         beq   L014E          Whole buffer copied, skip ahead
-         cmpy  <u0069         But don't go past here
-         bhs   L0147
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Also, stop on carriage return
-         bne   L0137
-L0147    sty   <u0065         Save new start address
-         puls  x              Restore ptr to u0124
-         bra   L01B9          Skip ahead
-L014E    lda   ,y+
-         cmpy  <u0069
-         bhs   L0147
-         cmpa  #C$CR
-         bne   L014E
-         bra   L0147
-L015B    tst   <u005E         We reading from script file?
-         bne   L017F          Yes, skip ahead
-         ldd   #SS.Relea      Std input path/release keyboard+mouse signals
-         os9   I$SetStt       Release any keyboard signals
-         lbsr  L18DB          Go modify signals 2&3 to use up/down arrows,
-*                               set up to re-enable Kybd signals
-L016A    clr   <u000E         Clear out last signal received
-         os9   I$SetStt       Re-set up SS.SSig
-* NOTE: This BRA L0177 is required for type-ahead to work
-         bra   L0177          Go check for history-related signals
-L0171    ldx   #$0000         Sleep until signal is received
-         os9   F$Sleep
-L0177    lbra  L191C          Go check for history signals (PD.QUT & PD.INT)
-* Signal received is not PD.QUT or PD.INT goes here
-L017B    cmpb  #$0B           Key pressed signal?
-         bne   L0171          No, ignore signal & go to sleep again
-* Keyboard input received signal goes here
-L017F    leax  >u0124,u       Point to temp buffer to hold line
-         clra                 Std Input
-         ldy   #200           Maximum 200 char. input
-         lbra  L193E          Go read the rest of line as ReadLn
-* Comes here after line or signal received & processed
-L018B    bcc   L01B9          If no errors, skip ahead
-         cmpb  #E$EOF         <ESC> key in ReadLn?
-         beq   L01F0          Yes, skip ahead
-L0191    lds   <u0025         Get top of stack ptr
-         ldu   <u0027         Get back ptr to DP
-         stb   <u0047         Save error code
-         tst   <u0046         GOTO label active?
-         bne   L01A4          Yes, go print error message
-         tst   <u0018         Is this shell immortal?
-         bne   L01A4          Yes, go print error message
-         tst   <u0020         Kill shell on error?
-         bne   L01FA          Yes, go do that
-L01A4    os9   F$PErr         Print the error message
-         tst   <u0046         GOTO label active?
-         lbeq  L010D          No, go print shell prompt/process next line
-         clr   <u0046         Clear GOTO label flag
-         leax  >u0C4C,u       Point to copy of GOTO label name
-         lbsr  L0FD0          Go process GOTO line
-         lbra  L010D          Go print shell prompt/process next line
-* No error received on line
-L01B9    cmpy  #$0001         Just 1 char read (just a CR)?
-         bhi   L01CE          No, go parse parameters
-         lbsr  L09F7          Go update date/time & expanded shell prompt
-         leax  >u0213,u       Point to expanded shell prompt
-         ldy   >u01F7,u       Get size of expanded shell prompt
-         lbra  L0119          Go print shell prompt & get next line from user
-* No errors-got input line, and there is something in it
-L01CE    lbsr  L041B          Go parse parameters?
-         pshs  cc             Save flags
-         tst   <u0045
-         bne   L01D9
-         clr   <u0047         Clear error/signal code from ReadLn
-L01D9    puls  cc             Restore flags
-         lbcc  L010D          If no error from parse, do prompts & read again
-         tstb                 If a 0 error, do prompts & read again
-         lbeq  L010D
-         tst   <u0045         ??? Do we care about errors?
-         bne   L0191          No, go handle error
-         stb   <u0047         Save error/signal code
-         bra   L0191          Go handle error
-L01EC    fcc   'eof'
-         fcb   $0d
-* <ESC> received
-L01F0    tst   <u001D         Shell prompting on?
-L01F2    bne   L01F9          No, skip printing 'eof' to screen
-         leax  <L01EC,pc      Point to 'eof' string
-         bsr   L021B          Write it out to std error
-L01F9    clrb                 No error flag
-* Possible shell error - Process
-L01FA    lda   <u0018         Is this shell immortal?
-         lbne  L0BDA          Yes, go close or dupe paths
-* Shell not immortal, exit routine in here
-L0200    pshs  u,b,cc         Preserve regs
-         tst   <u006B         Shellsub module to unlink?
-         beq   L020B          No, skip ahead
-         ldu   <u0067         Yes, get ptr to module
-         os9   F$UnLink       Unlink it
-L020B    puls  u,b,cc         Restore U, error # & flags
-* EX with no module name (or non-existant one) go here
-L020D    pshs  b,cc           Save error # & flags
-         leax  >L0061,pc      Point to '+++END+++' string
-         lbsr  L07E7          Close log file if one is open, restore ID #
-         puls  b,cc           Restore error # & flags
-         os9   F$Exit         Terminate shellplus
-L021B    ldy   #80            Write up to 80 chars or CR
-L021F    lda   #$02           Std error path
-         os9   I$WritLn       Write message out & return
-         rts   
-L0225    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve regs
-         ldd   #SS.Relea      Std In & Release keyboard & mouse signals  
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         bcc   L0233          No error, continue
-         lda   #$01           Couldn't release keyboard/mouse signals flag
-         bra   L0241
-L0233    leax  >u0124,u       Point to buffer for current path options
-         clra  
-         clrb                 CHANGE TO CLRB
-         os9   I$GetStt       Get std input path options
-         lda   >u0124,u       Get Device type (0 (SCF) usually)
-L0241    sta   <u005E         Save device type (1=SS.Relea failed)
-         puls  pc,y,x,d       Restore regs & return
-* R= command (redirect specific paths)
-L0245    lda   ,x             Get char from input line
-         cmpa  #'<            Is it input path?
-         beq   L0251          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #'>            Is it an output/error path?
-         lbne  L0BCF          No, print 'WHAT?'
-L0251    pshs  x              Preserve ptr to 1st redirection symbol
-         leay  >L03CF,pc      Point to modifier symbol table
-         lbsr  L092A          Go to command line parser
-         lbcs  L0BCF          Error, print 'WHAT?'
-         ldd   ,y             Get table offset
-         jsr   d,y            Call appropriate subroutine
-         stx   <u0048         Save ptr to source after redirection symbols
-         puls  x              Restore ptr to redirection symbols
-         lbcs  L0B96          If error in subroutine, close paths & return
-L026A    lda   ,x+            Get 1st char again
-         cmpa  #'<            Input path?
-         beq   L026A          Yes, skip to next
-         cmpa  #'>            Output or Error path?
-         beq   L026A          Yes, skip to next
-         cmpa  #'-            Overwrite old file?
-         beq   L026A          Yes, skip to next
-         cmpa  #'+            Append to old file?
-         beq   L026A          Yes, skip to next
-         leax  -1,x           Point to non-redirect char
-         bsr   L02A3          Make name buffer, release signals,parse modifiers
-         clrb                 Start path # 0
-L0281    pshs  b              Save on stack
-         lda   b,u            Get special path #
-         beq   L028A          None, skip ahead
-         os9   I$Close        Close the path
-L028A    puls  b              Get path # back
-         clr   b,u            Clear out entry
-         incb                 Next path #
-         cmpb  #$03           Done the 3 standard paths yet?
-         blo   L0281          No, keep doing until all done
-         ldx   <u0048         Get ptr to redirected dev/file name & return
-         rts   
-* Z= command (immortal shell setting, but kill parent process)
-L0296    inc   <u0013         Flag we want to kill parent
-* I= command (immortal shell setting)
-L0298    lbsr  L0CD2
-         lbcs  L0B96
-         bsr   L02A3
-         bra   L02D4
-* Create device name buffer @ u006D, Write NUL to std out, parse special
-* chars: # @ @+hibit $ ( ), Release any keyboard/mouse signals
-L02A3    pshs  x              Prsrve ptr to file/dev name we're redirecting to
-         ldb   #SS.DevNm      Get device name call code
-         leax  <u006D,u       Point to buffer for path names
-         lda   #'/            Preload '/' for device names
-         sta   ,x+
-         clra                 Standard input path
-         os9   I$GetStt       Get the current device name
-         puls  x              Get back ptr to file/dev name for redirection
-         lbcs  L0B96          Error on GetStt, shut down paths & exit
-         ldy   #$0001         One char to write
-         pshs  x              Prsrve ptr to file/dev name we're redirecting to
-         leax  >L003C,pc      Point to a NUL
-         lda   #1             Std out
-         os9   I$Write        Write the NUL out
-         puls  x              Restore Devname ptr
-         lbcs  L0B96          Error on Write, shut down paths & exit
-         lbsr  L0A04          Do normal parsing - includes #,@,$e0,$,(,)
-         lbsr  L0225          Release signals
-         rts   
-L02D4    inc   <u0018         Set 'immortal shell' flag
-         inc   <u0019         ??? (flag used by L0B96 routine)
-         lbsr  L0B96
-         clr   <u0019
-         tst   <u0013         Do we want to kill the parent process?
-         beq   L02FC
-         os9   F$ID           Get our process ID # into A
-         pshs  x              Preserve X
-         leax  >u166D,u       Point to process descriptor buffer
-         os9   F$GPrDsc       Get our process descriptor
-         lda   P$PID,x        Get our parents process #
-         puls  x              Restore X
-         beq   L02A3          If parent's process # is 0 (system), skip back
-         clrb                 S$Kill signal code
-         os9   F$Send         Send it to parent
-         lbcs  L0191          If error sending signal, go to error routine
-L02FC    clrb                 No error
-         stb   <u0013         Clear 'kill parent' flag
-         rts   
-* Command list
-L0300    fdb   L0B87-L0300    $0887
-         fcs   '*'
-L0303    fdb   L12D1-L0303    $0fce
-         fcs   'W'
-L0306    fdb   L09BD-L0306    $06b7
-         fcs   'CHD'
-L030B    fdb   L09B5-L030B    $06aa
-         fcs   'CHX'
-L0310    fdb   L09BD-L0310    $06ad
-         fcs   'CD'
-L0314    fdb   L09B5-L0314    $06a1
-         fcs   'CX'
-L0318    fdb   L0987-L0318    $066f
-         fcs   'EX'
-L031C    fdb   L16DD-L031C    $13c1
-         fcs   'KILL'
-L0322    fdb   L09EF-L0322    $06cd
-         fcs   'X'
-L0325    fdb   L09F3-L0325    $06ce
-         fcs   '-X'
-L0329    fdb   L0A14-L0329    $06eb
-         fcs   'P='
-L032D    fdb   L09D7-L032D    $06aa
-         fcs   'P'
-L0330    fdb   L09DA-L0330    $06aa
-         fcs   '-P'
-L0334    fdb   L09DF-L0334    $06ab
-         fcs   'T'
-L0337    fdb   L09E3-L0337    $06ac
-         fcs   '-T'
-L033B    fdb   L170D-L033B    $13d2
-         fcs   'SETPR'
-L0342    fdb   L0298-L0342    $ff56
-         fcs   'I='
-L0346    fdb   L0245-L0346    $feff
-         fcs   'R='
-L034A    fdb   L0296-L034A    $ff4c
-         fcs   'Z='
-L034E    fdb   L0927-L034E    $05d9
-         fcs   ';'
-L0351    fdb   L176B-L0351    $141a
-         fcs   '.PWD'
-L0357    fdb   L177D-L0357    $1426
-         fcs   '.PXD'
-L035D    fdb   L1029-L035D    $0ccc
-         fcs   'M='
-L0361    fdb   L105A-L0361    $0cf9
-         fcs   'VAR.'
-L0367    fdb   L09E7-L0367    $0680
-         fcs   'V'
-L036A    fdb   L09EA-L036A    $0680
-         fcs   '-V'
-L036E    fdb   L1209-L036E    $0e9b
-         fcs   'PATH='
-L0375    fdb   L11CF-L0375    $0e5a
-         fcs   'PAUSE'
-L037C    fdb   L1126-L037C    $0daa
-         fcs   'INC.'
-L0382    fdb   L1131-L0382    $0daf
-         fcs   'DEC.'
-L0388    fdb   L0D62-L0388    $09da
-         fcs   'IF'
-L038C    fdb   L0E0B-L038C    $0a7f
-         fcs   'THEN'
-L0392    fdb   L0F8C-L0392    $0bfa
-         fcs   'ELSE'
-L0398    fdb   L0E0B-L0398    $0a73
-         fcs   'FI'
-L039C    fdb   L0E0B-L039C    $0a6f
-         fcs   'ENDIF'
-L03A3    fdb   L0F3F-L03A3    $0b9c
-         fcs   'CLRIF'
-L03AA    fdb   L0FD0-L03AA    $0c26
-L03AC    fcs   'GOTO'
-L03B0    fdb   L0F93-L03B0    $0be3
-         fcs   'ONERR'
-L03B7    fdb   L09CF-L03B7    $0618
-         fcs   'L'
-L03BA    fdb   L09D3-L03BA    $0619
-         fcs   '-L'
-L03BE    fdb   L0969-L03BE    $05ab
-         fcs   'S.T.A.R.T.U.P'
-         fdb   $0000
-L03CF    fdb   L1634-L03CF    $1265
-         fcs   '!'
-L03D2    fdb   L1634-L03D2    $1262
-         fcs   '|'
-L03D5    fdb   L12A0-L03D5    $0ecb
-         fcs   ';'
-L03D8    fdb   L12C3-L03D8    $0eeb
-         fcs   '&'
-L03DB    fdb   L1299-L03DB    $0ebe
-         fcb   $8d            CR
-L03DE    fdb   L0CCE-L03DE    $08f0
-         fcs   '<>>>'
-L03E4    fdb   L0CE5-L03E4    $0901
-         fcs   '<>>'
-L03E9    fdb   L0CD7-L03E9    $08ee
-         fcs   '<>'
-L03ED    fdb   L0CF3-L03ED    $0906
-         fcs   '>>>'
-L03F2    fdb   L0C01-L03F2    $080f
-         fcs   '>>'
-L03F6    fdb   L0BFA-L03F6    $0804
-         fcs   '<'
-L03F9    fdb   L0C08-L03F9    $080f
-         fcs   '>'
-L03FC    fdb   L1277-L03FC    $0e7b
-         fcs   '#'
-L03FF    fdb   L1265-L03FF    $0e66
-         fcs   '^'
-         fdb   $0000          End of table marker
-L0404    fcb   $0d
-         fcc   '()'
-         fcb   $ff
-L0408    fcb   $0d
-         fcc   '!#&;<>^|'
-         fcb   $ff
-* Subroutine: Clears B bytes of memory to NUL's starting @ U
-L0412    pshs  u              Clear memory
-L0414    clr   ,u+
-         decb  
-L0417    bne   L0414
-L0419    puls  pc,u
-* Pre-Parse parameters passed to this shell. Will copy from parm area to
-*   buffer area at u0166D, checking for raw mode access allowability if needed
-* Will also
-* Entry: X=ptr to parm area
-L041B    ldb   #$18           # of bytes to clear in DP
-L041D    bsr   L0412          Go clear from <u0000 to <u0018 (immortal off)
-         tst   <u006C         ??? (If shell is initing, it's 0)
-         lbeq  L04CE          Shell just initializing, skip ahead
-         leay  >u17FC,u       Point to end of buffer marker
-         pshs  y              Save ptr on stack
-         leay  >u166D,u       Point to buffer for process descriptor
-L042F    bsr   L0486          Copy next char (check for '@', possibly eat)
-         cmpa  #C$CR          CR?
-         beq   L04A8          Yes, force CR into ,y & process line from start
-         cmpy  ,s             At end of buffer?
-         beq   L04A8          Yes, force CR, process line from start
-         tst   <u001F         Variable expansion on?
-         bne   L042F          No, check next char
-         cmpa  #'%            Is it a '%' (shell variable)?
-         bne   L042F          No, do next character
-         leay  -1,y           Back up destination ptr to where '%' is
-         pshs  x              Save current position in parms
-         lda   ,x             Get 1st char of shell variable nam
-         cmpa  #'*            Shell variable for last error code received?
-         beq   L049D          Yes,replace shell var with contents of shell var
-         leax  >u05A8,u       Point to user shell variable contents table
-         cmpa  #'%            2nd '%'= shellsub variable
-         bne   L0460          No, just user, go process
-         puls  x              Get back parm ptr
-         leax  1,x            Skip over 2nd '%'
-         lda   ,x             Get shellsub variable #
-         pshs  x              Save parm ptr
-         leax  >u08D2,u       Point to shellsub variable contents table
-* Entry: A=ASCII 0-9 for either shell or shellsub variable #
-L0460    cmpa  #'9            ASCII numeric?
-         bhi   L0470          No, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #'0
-         blo   L0470
-         suba  #$30           Yes, bump down to binary equivalent
-         ldb   #81            Point to proper variable entry within var table
-         mul
-         leax  d,x
-         incb                 ??? Used in TSTB below
-L0470    bsr   L0486          Copy char from var table to pre-parse buffer
-         cmpy  2,s            Hit end of pre-parse buffer?
-         beq   L04A6          Yes, force CR at end of it, do full parse
-         cmpa  #C$CR          End of variable?
-         bne   L0470          No, keep copying characters
-         leay  -1,y           Knock ptr back one (to where CR is)
-         puls  x              Get current parm ptr back
-         tstb                 ??? flag to skip a byte in parm or not
-         beq   L042F          Don't skip
-L0482    leax  1,x            Skip to next byte in parm line
-         bra   L042F          Continue pre-parse
-* Copy char from parm area to command line buffer - if '@', eat if user is
-*   not super-user (#0)
-* Entry: X=ptr to current pos. in original parm buffer
-*        Y=ptr to current pos. in new, pre-parsed buffer
-L0486    lda   ,x+            Get char from parms
-         cmpa  #'@            Raw mode request?
-         bne   L049A          Skip ahead if not (SHOULD BE BNE)
-L048C    pshs  y,a            Preserve regs
-         os9   F$ID           Get user ID #
-         cmpy  #$0000         Is it 0 (superuser)? (should be leay ,y)
-         puls  y,a            Restore regs
-         beq   L049A          Yes, allow char thru
-         rts                  Otherwise eat it
-L049A    sta   ,y+            Save char & return
-         rts   
-* Shell variable '%* (for last error code) requested
-* Put contents of shell var. into pre-parsed command line buffer
-L049D    puls  x              Get back parm ptr
-         lbsr  L168A          Put error code into preparse buffer
-         leay  3,y            Skip over error code space we just added
-         bra   L0482          Skip over shell varname, continue preparse
-L04A6    leas  2,s            Eat stack
-L04A8    lda   #C$CR          Force CR as last char in buffer
-         sta   ,y
-         puls  y
-         leax  >u166D,u       Point to start of pre-parse buffer again
-L04B2    bra   L04CE          Start real parse
-L04B4    fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   'Expanded line too long'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L04CC    fcc   '.'
-L04CD    fcb   C$CR
-* Parse command line buffer - already pre-parsed (user 0 RAW mode checks &
-*   shell/shellsub variable expansion is already done)
-* Entry: X=Ptr to pre-parsed command line buffer
-L04CE    lda   ,x             Get 1st char from parameter area
-         cmpa  #'*            Is it a comment?
-         beq   L04DE          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #':            Is it a wildcard on/off?
-         bne   L04DA          No, skip ahead
-         leax  1,x            Bump ptr past it
-L04DA    cmpa  #':            Is it a wildcard off?
-* FOLLOWING LINE: BEQ means wildcarding default off, BNE = on
-         beq   L04F0          No, go process wildcarding
-* No wildcard processing
-L04DE    leay  >u0E6D,u       Point Y to expanded buffer
-         lbsr  L1320          Copy param area to buffer area until 1st CR
-         leax  >u0E6D,u       Point X to expanded (wildcard) buffer
-         ldy   #$0800         Max. size of expanded buffer (2048 bytes)
-         lbra  L079B          Process line without wildcards
-* Wild carding processor
-* Entry: X=ptr to current position in pre-parsed parm line
-* 1st, set up error msg for if buffer gets full
-L04F0    leay  >L04B4,pc      Point to 'Expanded line too long'
-         sty   <u004A         Save it
-         ldy   #$0018         Get size of text
-         sty   <u004C         Save it too
-         leay  >L04CD,pc      Point to CR
-         sty   <u0048         Save ptr
-         sts   <u0050         Save stack ptr
-         leay  >u0E6D,u       Point to fully expanded buffer (2k max)
-         sty   <u0056         Save it
-         clra
-         clrb
-         sta   <u0012         No current working DIR path
-         sta   <u004F         Flag no pathname in parm area
-         std   <u0052         Expanded buffer size=0 bytes
-         bra   L0520          Enter main loop for wildcards
-L051D    lbsr  L06FB          Special shell chars handling
-L0520    lbsr  L0746          Check for special chars (wildcard or shell)
-         bcc   L051D          Special shell char process
-* Wildcard char found
-         pshs  x              Save current pre-parsed parm ptr
-         bsr   L0549          Check from that point for '/' or special char
-         ldx   ,s             Get previous parm ptr back
-         bcc   L0557          No '/' found, open current dir '.'
-* Found '/' (part of path) - keep looking for last '/' for filename (not
-*   pathname) portion
-L052D    bsr   L0549          Check for special char or '/' again
-         bcc   L0535          No '/', skip ahead
-         stx   <u0040         Save latest ptr to '/' in parm line found so far
-         bra   L052D          See if any more sub-paths
-* Found one or more '/' path dividers in current parm line.
-* Entry: <u0040 - contains the last '/' found
-L0535    inc   <u004F         Flag that their IS a pathname from parm line
-L0538    ldx   <u0040         Get last level of path ptr
-         puls  y              Get original parm ptr
-         sty   <u0040         Save it
-         pshs  x              Save filename ptr on stack
-         lda   #C$SPAC        Save space over '/' after pathname
-         sta   -1,x             (before filename)
-         tfr   y,x            Move original parm ptr to X
-         bra   L055E          Open dir path
-* Parse from current position in pre-parsed parm line until shell special
-*   char, or '/' found (path)
-* Entry: X=ptr to current pos in pre-parsed parm line
-* Exit: Carry clear if special shell char found
-*       Carry set if '/' found
-*       X=ptr to found char+1
-L0549    clrb
-         lda   ,x+            Get next char
-         lbsr  L05D3          See if shell special char
-         beq   L0556          Yes, return
-         cmpa  #'/            No, is it a slash (path start)?
-         bne   L0549          No, Keep checking for / or special char
-         comb
-L0556    rts
-* No '/' found in parm line at all
-L0557    clr   <u004F         Flag no pathname from parm line
-         leax  >L04CC,pc      Point to '.'
-* Entry: X=ptr to pathname to directory
-*        0-1,s = Ptr to filename spec we are looking for in this directory
-L055E    lda   #DIR.+READ.    Open directory in READ mode
-         os9   I$Open
-         lbcs  L0776          Error, skip ahead
-         sta   <u0012         Save current DIR path
-         puls  x              Get back ptr to filename (not pathname)
-         lbsr  L0746          Check for special shell char or wildcard
-         lbcc  L06E3          Special shell char found, ??????
-L0572    lda   ,x+            Get next char from filename
-         cmpa  #C$CR          End of user specified filename (CR)?
-         lbeq  L0789          Yes, close DIR and proceed
-         cmpa  #',            Comma?
-         beq   L0572          Yes, skip it
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Space?
-         beq   L0572          Yes, skip it
-         leax  -1,x           Other char, point to it.
-         stx   <u0054         Save ptr to it
-         lda   <u0012         Get DIR path #
-         pshs  u              Preserve u
-         ldx   #$0000         Skip '.' and '..' dir entries
-         ldu   #$0040
-         os9   I$Seek
-         lbcs  L0776          Error, skip ahead
-         puls  u              Restore u
-L0599    leax  >u0C9D,u       Point to dir entry buffer
-         pshs  x              Save ptr
-         lda   <u0012         Get Current dir path #
-         ldy   #$0020         Read 1 file entry
-         os9   I$Read
-         lbcs  L06BD          Error, skip ahead
-         puls  y              Restore pointer to dir filename buffer
-         lda   ,y             Get 1st char of entry
-         tsta                 Is it a deleted file?
-         beq   L0599          Yes, skip it
-         ldx   <u0054         Get ptr to current char in expanded filename bfr
-         bsr   L05EF          Check wildcard spec against this filename
-         bcs   L0599          No match, skip to next file in DIR
-         tst   <u004F         Was a pathname specified?
-         beq   L05CA          No, skip ahead
-         ldx   <u0040         Yes,get ptr to end of pathname/start of filename
-         lbsr  L06FB          Check for wildcard stuff there
-         ldx   <u0056         Get current pos in expanded buffer
-         lda   #'/            Save '/' there (to separate path & filename)
-         sta   -1,x
-L05CA    leax  >u0C9D,u       Point to start of matched DIR entry filename
-         lbsr  L06FB          Copy filename over, handling quoted chars, etc.
-         bra   L0599          On to next DIR entry
-* Check if shell 'special' char. (except wildcards & shell var)
-* non-wildcard char in current byte of pre-parsed parm buffer
-* Entry: X=ptr to next char in parms buffer
-*        A=current char in parms buffer
-* Exit: BEQ if shell special char found, BNE if just regular char
-*        A=char we were checking
-L05D3    pshs  x              Save parms buffer ptr
-         cmpa  #'(            Group start char?
-         beq   L05ED          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #')            Group end char?
-         beq   L05ED          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Space?
-         beq   L05ED          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #',            Comma?
-         beq   L05ED          Yes, skip ahead
-         leax  >L0408,pc      Table of other special chars
-L05E9    cmpa  ,x+            Found match or end of table?
-         bhi   L05E9          No, keep checking (or fall through if not found)
-L05ED    puls  pc,x           Exit with BEQ/BNE flag set
-* IF wildcards were detected in preparsing, filename compares happen here
-* Entry: X=ptr to current char in user's pre-parse parm line
-*        Y=ptr to start of current DIR entry filename
-* Exit: Carry set if no match
-*       Carry clear if match
-L05EF    ldd   ,x+            Get 2 chars (NOTE: PTR UP BY ONLY 1!)
-L05F1    cmpa  #'*            1st char a * (multi-char wildcard)?
-         beq   L064C            Yes, go handle it
-         cmpa  #'?            Question mark (single char wildcard)?
-         beq   L0638            Yes, go handle it
-         cmpa  #'[            Start of ranged wildcard?
-         lbeq  L068B            Yes, go handle it
-         bsr   L05D3          Not wildcard, check for special shell chars
-         beq   L062B            It is a special shell char, skip ahead
-         bsr   L0631          Just regular char, force uppercase
-         pshs  a              Save char
-         bsr   L062D          Force uppercase on DIR filename char
-         eora  ,s+            Same char as last parm char?
-         bne   L062B          No, exit with carry set
-L060D    lda   ,y+            Re-get char from DIR filename
-         bpl   L05EF          Not on last char yet, check next char from parm
-         ldd   ,x             At end of DIR filename, grab 2 chars from parm
-         bsr   L05D3          Check 1st char against special shell chars
-         beq   L0621          Found one, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #'*            Multi-char wildcard char?
-         bne   L062B          No, no match, exit with carry set
-         tfr   b,a            1st char from parm is '*', check 2nd char for
-         bsr   L05D3           special shell chars
-         bne   L062B          None found, no match, exit with carry set
-L0621    lda   -1,y           Special char, get last char from DIR filename
-L0623    anda  #$7F           Strip 'end of filename' bit flag
-         ldb   #C$SPAC        Space char
-         std   -1,y           Save 'fixed' last char & space
-         clrb                 Flag match
-         rts
-L062B    comb                 Flag no match
-         rts
-* Force char to uppercase
-L062D    lda   ,y           Get char
-         anda  #$7F         Strip hi-bit
-L0631    cmpa  #'A          Need to force uppercase?
-         blo   L0637        No, exit
-         anda  #$DF         Yes, force to uppercase
-L0637    rts
-* '?' single char wildcard found
-L0638    cmpb  #'*          Is next char a multi-char wildcard?
-         beq   L060D        Yes, process as if just '*'
-         cmpb  #',          2nd char '-' or greater?
-         bhi   L060D        Yes, process normally
-         lda   ,y+          Get next char from DIR filename
-         bpl   L062B        Not end of filename, Flag no match
-         bra   L0623        Save hibit stripped char & space, flag match
-L0646    lda   ,y+          Get next char from DIR filename
-         bpl   L0646        Hunt for end of DIR filename
-         bra   L0623        Found it, fix hibit and add space to DIR entry
-* '*' multi-char wildcard found
-L064C    lda   ,x+          Get next char after '*' from parm buffer
-         bsr   L05D3        Check for shell special char
-         beq   L0646        Found one, check if end of DIR filename
-         cmpa  #'?          Single char wildcard next?
-         beq   L067F        Yes, Process
-         cmpa  #'[          Start of Ranged wildcard next?
-         beq   L067F        Yes, process
-         bsr   L0631        Force char to uppercase
-         pshs  a            Save it
-L065E    bsr   L062D        Get next char from DIR filename, force uppercase
-         eora  ,s+          Same char?
-         beq   L066E        Yes, possible resync after '*'
-L0664    leas  -1,s         Make room on stack
-         lda   ,y+          Re-get un-modified char from DIR filename
-         bpl   L065E        Not end of filename, try next char
-         leas  1,s          Found end of filename, eat temp stack
-         bra   L062B        Flag no match
-* Above loop @ L0664/L065E uses sneaky stack stuff
-* Found possible resync char match after '*'
-L066E    leas  -1,s         Make room on stack
-         pshs  y,x          Preserve both DIR & parm ptrs
-         bsr   L060D        Attempt normal matching using this resync
-         puls  y,x          Restore ptrs
-         leas  1,s          Eat temp stack
-         bcs   L0664        No, resync did not work, look for next resync
-         rts                worked, exit with carry clear
-L067B    lda   ,y+          Get next char in DIR
-         bmi   L062B        Last char, flag no match
-* '?' found after '*' in parm buffer
-L067F    pshs  y,x          Preserve both DIR and parm buffer ptrs
-         ldd   -1,x         Get previous & current parm chars
-         lbsr  L05F1        Do normal sub-parsing from here
-         puls  y,x          Restore ptrs
-         bcs   L067B        No match, go to next char in DIR and attemp resync
-         rts                Matched, exit with match
-* Ranged wildcard here
-* Entry: X=ptr to 1st char in parm buffer AFTER '['
-L068B    ldd   ,x+          Get 1st 2 chars of range sub-string from parm bfr
-         bsr   L0631        Force uppercase on 1st char
-         exg   b,a          Force uppercase on 2nd char
-         bsr   L0631
-         exg   b,a
-         cmpa  #']          Is 1st char a close range check char?
-         beq   L062B        Yes, flag no match for '[]'
-         cmpa  #'-          Range separator char?
-         beq   L06A7        Yes, need to get end of range
-* Special case for [x] - acts as if just normal char (no range or wildcard)
-         sta   <u00EF       No, save start of range char
-         bsr   L062D        Get char from DIR filename, force uppercase
-         eora  <u00EF       Match only range char?
-         beq   L06B4        Yes, skip to next char now
-* Special case for [xyz] - one of these chars must match
-         bra   L068B        No, see if more single chars to try matching
-* Actual range - need to get end of range char
-* Entry: B=high char of range
-*        <u00EF - current char (within range) we are checking against
-L06A7    inc   <u00EF       Bump up start char's ascii value
-         cmpb  <u00EF       Hit end of range yet?
-         beq   L068B        Yes, try next char
-         lbsr  L062D        Force char in A to uppercase
-         eora  <u00EF       equal to current range check char?
-         bne   L06A7        No, try next char in range
-L06B4    ldd   ,x+          Get next 2 chars from pathname
-         cmpa  #']          End of range?
-         bne   L06B4        No, check next char
-         lbra  L060D        End of range specifier, process normally
-* Error reading from current DIR
-L06BD    cmpb  #E$EOF       End of file error?
-         lbne  L0776        No, fatal error, leave
-         ldx   <u0054       Get ptr to current char in wildcard filename
-         lda   -1,x         Get last char processed
-         bsr   L0714        Add it to new expanded buffer
-L06C9    lda   ,x+          Get next char, inc ptr
-         stx   <u0054       Save updated pointer
-         cmpa  #C$CR        CR?
-         lbeq  L0789        Yes, append CR to expanded buffer, we are done
-         lbsr  L05D3        See if special shell char
-         bne   L06C9        Just regular char, go to next one
-         pshs  x            Save current ptr to wildcard filename
-         ldx   <u0056       Get current ptr in expanded buffer
-         sta   -1,x         Save that char overtop last char written
-         puls  x            Get wildcard ptr back
-         bra   L06EA        Close dir path, go back into loop
-* If special shell char found right after OPEN of DIR path
-* Entry: X=ptr to filename (not pathname) - but with special char
-L06E3    bsr   L06FB        Process special shell char copying
-         bsr   L072F        Close DIR path
-         lbra  L051D        More processing
-L06EA    bsr   L072F        Close DIR path
-         lbra  L0520        Go back to main wildcard processing loop
-* This chunk (6EF-6F9) is for copying '\x' when x is NOT a wildcard char
-L06EF    lda   ,x+          Get quoted char
-         bsr   L0739        Check if it is [, * or ?
-         beq   L06F9        Yes, add that char to expanded buffer by itself
-         leax  -2,x         No, bump ptr back to '\'
-         lda   ,x+          Get '\' char
-L06F9    bsr   L0714        Append that to output buffer
-* Special shell chars found goes here
-* This part copies filename from [,x] to expanded buffer, handling quoted
-*   wildcard chars, and ending on CR or special shell char
-L06FB    lda   ,x+          Get char
-         cmpa  #'\          Backslash (for quoted char)?
-         beq   L06EF        Yes, go get quoted char
-         cmpa  #C$CR        Is it the end of the filename?
-         beq   L0789        Yes, append CR to expanded line, we are done
-         bsr   L073D        Is it '?' or '*'
-         beq   L0714        Yes, add that char to expanded buffer
-         lbsr  L05D3        Check if shell special char
-         beq   L0714        Yes, add to expanded buffer, return from there
-         bsr   L0714        No, add to expanded buffer, stay in this loop
-         bra   L06FB
-* Add char to expanded line buffer
-* Entry: A=char to append to expanded line buffer
-*        <u0056=Current position in expanded line buffer
-*        <u0052=Current size of expanded line buffer
-* Exit: <u0056 & <u0052 updated
-L0714    pshs  x,a            Preserve regs
-         ldx   <u0056         Get current pos in expanded buffer
-         sta   ,x+            Save char
-         stx   <u0056         Save updated expanded buffer ptr
-         ldd   <u0052         Get expanded buffer size
-         addd  #$0001         Increase by 1
-         cmpd  #2048          Is it full yet?
-         bhi   L0773          Yes, exit with expanded line too long error
-         std   <u0052         No, save new size
-         puls  pc,x,a         Restore regs & return
-* Close DIR path
-L072F    lda   <u0012         Get DIR path #
-         beq   L0738          If none, exit
-         os9   I$Close        Close the path
-         clr   <u0012         Clear DIR path # to none
-L0738    rts
-* Wildcard checks
-* Entry: A=char to check
-* Exit: BEQ if any of the 3 wildcard chars, or BNE if not
-L0739    cmpa  #'[            Range wildcard?
-         beq   L0745
-L073D    cmpa  #'?            Single char wildcard?
-         beq   L0745
-         cmpa  #'*            Multi-char wildcard?
-         beq   L0745
-L0745    rts   
-* Parse for next wildcard or special shell char in pre-parsed parm line
-* Entry: X=current pos in pre-parse parm line
-* Exit: X=Same as entry
-*       B=# chars to next wildcard/special char
-*       A=special char found
-*       Carry bit set
-*       B=0
-*       Carry bit clear
-*       A=special char found:  CR ( ) , space ! # & ; < > ^ |
-L0746    pshs  x              Save current parm ptr
-         bra   L0752          Parse for wildcard or special shell chars
-L074A    lda   ,x+            Get char from parms
-         bsr   L0739          Do wildcard char check
-         beq   L0752          If wildcard char, skip over it & continue
-         leax  -1,x           not wildcard char, bump back to char after \
-L0752    lda   ,x+            Get char from parms
-         cmpa  #'\            Wildcard quote char (do not expand next)?
-         beq   L074A          Yes, handle it
-         lbsr  L05D3          No, check for other special shell chars
-         beq   L0770          Found one, skip ahead
-         bsr   L0739          Check for wildcard char
-         bne   L0752          None, skip to next char
-* One of the 3 wildcard chars found, process
-         pshs  a              Save char
-         tfr   x,d            Move parm ptr to D
-         subd  1,s            Calc distance since last wildcard/special char
-         subd  #$0001         -1
-         puls  a              B=distance between wild/special chars
-         orcc  #Carry         Set Carry Flag
-         puls  pc,x           Exit with original parm ptr in X
-* Exit with B=0, Carry clear and A=special char found (which ends current
-*   'chunk' being checked... can included CR)
-L0770    clrb                 Clear carry, exit
-         puls  pc,x
-* Expanded buffer full error
-L0773    comb
-         ldb   #E$BufSiz
-L0776    pshs  b,cc           Preserve error code
-         bsr   L072F          Close DIR path (if we had one)
-         ldx   <u004A         Print text message (usually error msg)
-         ldy   <u004C
-         lda   #$02
-         os9   I$WritLn
-         puls  b,cc
-         lbra  L0191          Exit with error
-L0789    lda   #C$CR          Append CR to expanded filenames buffer
-         bsr   L0714
-         ldy   <u0052         Get expanded buffer size
-         leax  >u0E6D,u       Point to start of expanded buffer
-         bsr   L072F          Close DIR path
-         lds   <u0050         Get back original stack ptr
-* At this point, expanded buffer is complete and ready to go (either through
-*  wildcard routine, or by simply copying the original parm buffer from user)
-* Main entry point for non-wildcard filename search/match
-* Entry: X=Ptr to start of expanded buffer
-L079B    tst   <u001E         Echo required?
-         beq   L07A2          No, skip ahead
-         lbsr  L021F          Print out user entered parm line to std err
-L07A2    tst   <u0043         2=FALSE,0=TRUE, 1=??? (check current IF status,
-         beq   L07B0            if any. If TRUE flag set, skip ahead)
-         lbsr  L0F69          Do checks for IF type statements
-         tsta                 Find match?
-         lbpl  L0F1D          Yes, process IF type statement
-L07AE    clrb                 No error & return
-         rts
-* If current IF type statement has result TRUE
-L07B0    tst   <u0045         ??? (Are we looking for a label for GOTO?)
-         beq   L07E3          No, skip ahead
-         lda   ,x+            Get char from buffer
-         cmpa  #'*            Comment line?
-         bne   L07AE          No, exit without error
-         lbsr  L091F          Yes, get ptr to first non-space char into X
-         leay  >u0124,u       Point to temp buffer
-         lbsr  L100B          Copy label from X to Y
-         lda   ,x             Get 1st char of label
-         cmpa  #'\            '*\'? (Which means cancel impending GOTO)
-         beq   L07DB          Yes, cancel GOTO
-         leax  >u0BFC,u       No, point to 80 byte buffer (GOTO label holder?)
-         clra                 default char to check against=NUL
-L07CF    cmpa  #C$CR          End of label?
-         beq   L07DB          Yes, cancel GOTO search
-         lda   ,x+            Get next char from buffer
-         cmpa  ,y+            Is it the label we are looking for?
-         beq   L07CF          Keep checking till done
-         bra   L07AE          No match, clear carry & return
-* Cancelling GOTO search
-L07DB    clr   <u0045         Flag we are NOT looking for label for GOTO
-         clrb
-         leas  2,s            Eat stack
-         lbra  L010D          Reprint shell prompt, process from scratch
-L07E3    bsr   L07E7
-         bra   L083A
-L07E7    pshs  x
-         tst   <u006C
-         beq   L0832
-         tst   <u005C
-         bne   L07F5
-         tst   <u001C
-         beq   L0832
-L07F5    lda   ,x
-         cmpa  #'*
-         beq   L0832
-         ldy   #$0000         Force temporarily to super-user
-         os9   F$SUser
-         leax  >u0CBD,u
-         ldd   #$0203
-         lbsr  L0C79
-         bcs   L0832
-         lbsr  L00FB
-         lda   #$20
-         sta   <$11,x
-         ldy   #$0012
-         lda   <u0012
-         os9   I$Write  
-         bcs   L082D
-         ldx   ,s
-         ldy   #$0800
-         lda   <u0012
-         os9   I$WritLn 
-L082D    lda   <u0012
-         os9   I$Close  
-L0832    ldy   <u005A         Get original user # back
-         os9   F$SUser        Change user # to original
-         puls  pc,x
-* Parse input line
-* Entry : X=Ptr to current char in line buffer
-L083A    clra
-         sta   <u0022         Flag we don't change priority for forked process
-         sta   <u0003         Clear out # pages of data mem for forked process
-         sta   <u000E         Clear out signal code
-         leay  >L0300,pc      Point to main command list
-         lbsr  L08D1          Parse keywords from list
-         bcs   L08A0          Keyword found but generated error, done line
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Is 1st non-keyword char a carriage return?
-         beq   L08A0          Yes, done line
-         sta   <u000C         Save non-keyword char
-         cmpa  #'(            Is it a 'start command group' char?
-         bne   L087B          No, try next
-         leay  >L000D,pc      Point to 'Shell'
-         sty   <u0004         Save pointer to program to fork?
-         leax  1,x            Bump ptr past '('
-         stx   <u0008         Save updated ptr
-L0860    inc   <u000D         Bump up # of command groups
-L0862    leay  >L0404,pc      Point to command group symbols to parse
-         lbsr  L08E9          Hunt down EOL, or '(' or ')' (skip quoted text)
-         cmpa  #'(            Another group start?
-         beq   L0860          Yes, bump up # of command groups & continue
-         cmpa  #')            Group end?
-         bne   L0898          No, skip ahead (to print WHAT?)
-         dec   <u000D         Bump down # of command groups
-         bne   L0862          Still more groups, continue parsing for them
-         lda   #C$CR          Append CR at end of command line
-         sta   -1,x
-         bra   L087F          Check for modifiers
-L087B    bsr   L08A3          Check for valid path,  do '<>', '#', '^' if needed
-         bcs   L08A0          No valid path found, skip ahead
-* Found valid pathname
-L087F    leay  >L0408,pc      Point to modifiers table
-         bsr   L08E9          Go parse for them
-         tfr   x,d            Move ')' ptr to D for SUB
-         subd  <u0008         Calculate size from 1st '(' to ')'
-         std   <u0006         Save size of group (could also be pathname-modifier)
-         leax  -1,x
-         leay  >L03CF,pc      Point to modifier branch table
-         bsr   L08D1          Go execute modifier routine
-         bcs   L08A0          If error in modifier routine, exit
-         ldy   <u0004         Get ptr to first char we started at
-L0898    lbne  L0BCF          Not proper, print 'WHAT?'
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Last char a carriage return?
-         bne   L083A          No, start parsing again at current position
-L08A0    lbra  L0B96          Done processing line, continue
-* Entry: X=Ptr to text to check for valid device name (including '.' & '..')
-* Exit: Carry set if not a valid device name
-* Carry clear if there was
-* <u0004 = Ptr to first char where we started at
-* <u0008 = Ptr to end of redirection/mem size/priority setting chars (if found)
-L08A3    stx   <u0004         Save ptr to current char in input line
-         bsr   L08B6          Check for valid device name
-         bcs   L08B5          None found, return
-* Found valid device name
-L08A9    bsr   L08B6          Eat rest of valid pathlist
-         bcc   L08A9          Keep going until we are done pathlist
-         leay  >L03DE,pc      Point to Command list starting at '<>>>'
-         bsr   L08D1          Call any redirection, mem size or priority routines
-         stx   <u0008         Save ptr to where we are now (end of current set)
-L08B5    rts   
-L08B6    os9   F$PrsNam       Valid OS9 device name?
-         bcc   L08C7          Yes, point X to it & return
-         lda   ,x+            Not valid, get first char
-         cmpa  #'.            Is it a period?
-         bne   L08CB          No, bad path name
-         cmpa  ,x+            Is it a double period?
-         beq   L08C9          Yes, leave src ptr pointing to name after '..'
-         leay  -1,x           If single, bump ptr to name after '.'
-L08C7    leax  ,y             Point X to pathname in source
-L08C9    clra                 No error & return
-         rts
-L08CB    comb                 Error flag
-         leax  -1,x           Bump source ptr back
-         ldb   #E$BPNam       Bad Path Name error & return
-         rts   
-* Entry: Y=ptr to command list (L0300)
-L08D1    bsr   L0907          Go find 1st non-space char
-         pshs  y              Save command list ptr
-         bsr   L092A          Parse for keyword or special char
-         bcs   L08E2          If no keyword found, skip ahead
-         ldd   ,y             Keyword found, get offset
-         jsr   d,y            Go execute routine for command found
-         puls  y              Restore command list ptr
-         bcc   L08D1          No error, continue parsing for keywords
-         rts                  Subroutine had error, return with it
-L08E2    clra                 No error
-         lda   ,x             Get character (not in command list)
-         puls  pc,y           Restore command list ptr & return
-* Start searching at beginning of current command list
-* For looking for single character modifiers
-L08E7    puls  y
-L08E9    pshs  y              Preserve command list ptr
-         lda   ,x+            Get next char from command line
-L08ED    tst   ,y             Check current char in command list
-         bmi   L08E7          If done list, start over at beginning
-         cmpa  #'"            Is it quotes?
-         bne   L0901          No, skip ahead
-L08F5    lda   ,x+            Get next char from command line
-         cmpa  #C$CR          EOL?
-         beq   L0905          Yes, exit with A being CR
-         cmpa  #'"            Is it another set of quotes?
-         bne   L08F5          No, keep looking for it (or EOL)
-         lda   ,x+            Get char after 2nd quotes
-L0901    cmpa  ,y+            Is it the current command char we are checking?
-         bne   L08ED          No, try next
-L0905    puls  pc,y           Yes, exit with A containing it
-* Entry: Y=ptr to command list
-L0907    pshs  x              Preserve X
-         lda   ,x+            Get char from line entered by user
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
-         beq   L091D          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #',            Is it a comma?
-         beq   L091D          Yes, skip ahead
-         leax  >L0408,pc      Point to single character modifiers
-L0917    cmpa  ,x+            Found a match?
-         bhi   L0917          No, try next until list is done
-         puls  pc,x           Found it, restore X to point to it & return
-L091D    leas  2,s            Eat X off the stack
-L091F    lda   #C$SPAC        Get space character
-L0921    cmpa  ,x+            Keep searching until non-space char is found
-         beq   L0921
-         leax  -1,x           Point to 1st non-space char
-* ; (1st pass) comes here
-L0927    andcc #^Carry        No carry & return
-         rts   
-* Command line parser
-L092A    pshs  y,x            Preserve command table ptr & input line ptr
-         leay  2,y            Skip first offset
-L092E    ldx   ,s             Get input line ptr
-L0930    lda   ,x+            Get char from input line
-         lbsr  L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lowercases
-         eora  ,y+            Check for a match
-         lsla  
-         bne   L0951          No match, skip to next keyword in table
-         bcc   L0930          Keep checking until end of keyword (high bit set)
-         lda   -$01,y         Get command table char again
-         cmpa  #'|+$80        '|' (with high bit set)?
-         beq   L094E          Yes, exit with carry clear
-         cmpa  #'^+$80        '^' (with high bit set)?
-         beq   L094E          Yes, exit with carry clear
-         cmpa  #'A+$80        Any of the other special modifiers with high bit?
-         blo   L094E          Yes, exit with carry clear
-         bsr   L0907          Eat spaces until first non-space char
-         bcs   L0951          If special char (!|#,etc.), skip ahead
-L094E    clra  
-         puls  pc,y,d
-L0951    leay  -1,y           Bump search ptr back
-L0953    lda   ,y+            Get char again
-         bpl   L0953          Keep getting them until end of keyword
-         sty   2,s            Save ptr to next offset on stack
-         ldd   ,y++           Get offset
-         bne   L092E          If not at end of table, keep searching
-         comb                 End of table, command not found error
-         puls  pc,y,x
-L0961    fcc   'startup'
-         fcb   C$CR
-* Create child shell to run 'startup' file
-L0969    pshs  u,y,x          Preserve regs
-         leax  L000D,pc       Point to 'shell' (module name)
-         leau  L0961,pc       Point to 'startup' (parameter for 'shell')
-         ldy   #$0008         Size of 'startup<CR>'
-         ldd   #$111F         Program+Objct / 7.5K data area
-         os9   F$Fork         Fork a shell to run the startup file
-         bcs   L0983          Couldn't fork, exit
-         os9   F$Wait         Wait until 'startup' is done
-L0983    puls  u,y,x          Restore regs
-         clrb                 No error & return
-         rts   
-* EX command
-L0987    lbsr  L08A3          Go check for valid device name (module)
-         bcs   L09AB          If none, exit
-         clra                 Std in path
-         bsr   L09B0          Go close it
-         bsr   L09AF          Go close Std out
-         bsr   L09AF          Go close Std Err
-         lbsr  L0B87          Go find the end of the input line
-         leax  1,x            Bump ptr to 1 past CR
-         tfr   x,d            Move ptr to D
-         subd  <u0008         Calculate size of current command group
-         std   <u0006         Save it
-         lbsr  L130A          Point to module to chain&get its parm size, etc.
-         leas  >u00FF,u       Point stack to end of DP
-         os9   F$Chain        Chain to the new program
-         lbra  L01FA          Couldn't, go here
-L09AB    clrb                 No error
-         lbra  L020D          Close logging file (if any) and exit ShellPlus
-L09AF    inca                 Inc path #
-L09B0    pshs  a              Save path #
-         lbra  L0BBC          close path if it is open
-* CHX & CX commands
-L09B5    clr   <u0038
-         lda   #DIR.+EXEC.
-         os9   I$ChgDir 
-         rts   
-* CHD & CD commands
-L09BD    lda   #DIR.+READ.    (bug fix, originally opened in UPDATE)
-         os9   I$ChgDir       Change the directory
-         bcs   L09CE          Error, exit with it
-         clr   <u0037         Flag .pwd entry as invalid
-         tst   <u0042         WAS ,U
-         beq   L09CE
-         bsr   L0A04          Go update shell expanded prompt if needed
-L09CE    rts   
-* L command - Logging ON
-L09CF    lda   #$01
-         bra   L09D4
-* -L command - Logging OFF
-L09D3    clra  
-L09D4    sta   <u001C
-         rts   
-* P command - Prompting ON
-L09D7    clra  
-         bra   L09DC
-* -P command - Prompting OFF
-L09DA    lda   #$01
-L09DC    sta   <u001D
-         rts   
-* T command - Echo input ON
-L09DF    lda   #$01
-         bra   L09E4
-* -T command - Echo input OFF
-L09E3    clra  
-L09E4    sta   <u001E
-         rts   
-* V command - Turn variable expansion ON
-L09E7    clra  
-         bra   L09EC
-* -V command - Turn variable expansion OFF
-L09EA    lda   #$01
-L09EC    sta   <u001F
-         rts   
-* X command - Kill Shell when error occurs ON
-L09EF    lda   #$01
-         bra   L09F4
-* -X command - Kill Shell when error occurs OFF
-L09F3    clra  
-L09F4    sta   <u0020
-         rts   
-L09F7    tst   >u01F4,u       Date already done?
-         bne   L0A04          Yes, skip ahead
-         tst   >u01F5,u       Time already done?
-         bne   L0A04          Yes, skip ahead
-         rts                  If neither, we don't need to change prompt?
-L0A04    pshs  y,x            Preserve regs
-         bra   L0A64          Go update shell expanded prompt if needed
-* Make shell prompt string the default one
-L0A08    puls  y              Restore Y
-         pshs  x              Preserve X
-         leax  >L003D,pc      Point to default prompt string
-         bsr   L0A14          Put that into working shell prompt string
-         puls  pc,x           Restore X & return
-* P= (prompt set) command
-* Make shell prompt string (default or user-specified)
-* Entry: X=ptr to source of new shell prompt string
-L0A14    pshs  y              Preserve Y
-         leay  >u01F9,u       Point to working prompt text buffer
-         ldd   #C$LF*256+22   Line feed & max count for prompt string+1
-         sta   ,y+            Save LF as first char
-         bsr   L0A25          Go copy prompt string (& parse quotes)
-         bra   L0A5E          Go see if we need to override with default
-L0A25    clr   >u01F3,u       Clear quotes in progress flag
-L0A29    lda   ,x+            Get char from default shell prompt
-         cmpa  #'"            Is it a quotes?
-         bne   L0A3F          No, skip ahead
-         leax  1,x            Yes, bump ptr up 2 past quotes
-         tst   >u01F3,u       We processing quotes already?
-         bne   L0A59          Yes, we are done then
-         inc   >u01F3,u       Set processing quotes flag
-         leax  -1,x           Set ptr back to char just after quotes
-         bra   L0A29          Check next char
-L0A3F    cmpa  #C$CR          Carriage return?
-         beq   L0A59          Yes, we are done then
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Space?
-         beq   L0A4B          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #';            Semi-colon?
-         bne   L0A51          No, skip ahead
-* Semi-colon or space found
-L0A4B    tst   >u01F3,u       We quoting at the moment?
-         beq   L0A59          No, we are done
-L0A51    tstb                 Char count down to 0?
-         beq   L0A29          Yes, continue parsing (but eating them)
-         decb                 Dec max char counter
-         sta   ,y+            Save literal char into current copy
-         bra   L0A29          continue parsing
-L0A59    clr   ,y             Append NUL to indicate end of string
-         leax  -1,x           Bump source ptr back to last char & return
-         rts   
-L0A5E    cmpb  #22            Did the user do a no-length prompt?
-         beq   L0A08          Yes, go override with default prompt
-         pshs  x              Preserve ptr to last char of source prompt
-* Create expanded shell prompt from shell prompt string
-L0A64    leay  >u01F9,u       Point to shell prompt string
-         leax  >u0212,u       Point to expanded prompt buffer
-         pshs  x              Preserve it a moment
-         clr   >u01F2,u       Output device name done already = OFF
-         clr   >u01F1,u       Process ID # done already = OFF
-         clr   >u01F4,u       Date done already = OFF
-         clr   >u01F5,u       Time done already = OFF
-         clr   >u01F6,u       Date OR time already done once = OFF
-         clr   >u0042,u       Current working dir name done already = OFF
-L0A86    lda   ,y+            Get char from shell prompt string
-         lbeq  L0B29          If end of string, exit
-         cmpa  #'#            Process ID # wanted?
-         bne   L0AA2          No, try next
-* Process ID #
-         tst   >u01F1,u       Done it already?
-         bne   L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
-         inc   >u01F1,u       No, flag it as being done now
-         ldd   >u01EC,u       Get process # (01-99)
-         std   ,x++           Save in expanded prompt buffer
-         bra   L0A86          Continue parsing
-L0AA2    cmpa  #'@            Standard output path device name wanted?
-         beq   L0AAA          Yes, go do it
-         cmpa  #$E0           High bit version?
-         bne   L0AC7          No, try next
-* Standard output path device name
-L0AAA    tst   >u01F2,u       Done it already?
-         bne   L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
-         ldd   #$01*256+SS.DevNm  Standard out/get device name
-         os9   I$GetStt       Get the device name
-         bcs   L0A86          Error, skip doing device name
-         inc   >u01F2,u       Flag it as being done now
-L0ABD    lda   ,x+            Get char from device name
-         bpl   L0ABD          Keep looking until last char (high bit set)
-         anda  #$7F           Mask out high bit
-         sta   -1,x           Save the normal char
-         bra   L0A86          Continue parsing
-L0AC7    cmpa  #'$            Current working directory wanted?
-         bne   L0AF2          No, check next
-* Current working directory
-         tst   <u0042         Done it already? (WAS ,U)
-         bne   L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
-         inc   <u0042         Flag it as being done now (WAS ,U)
-         lda   #$01
-         sta   <u003D
-         lbsr  L176D          Go figure out current working directory
-         tstb  
-         bne   L0AF2
-         pshs  y              Save prompt string ptr
-         ldy   <u002A         Get pointer to current working directory
-* Copy string: Y=source string ptr, X=prompt buffer ptr
-L0AE4    lda   ,y+            Get char
-         sta   ,x+            Save as part of shell prompt text
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Was it the end?
-         bne   L0AE4          No, keep copying
-         leax  -1,x           Bump ptr back CR
-         puls  y              Restore source string ptr
-         bra   L0A86          Continue parsing
-L0AF2    cmpa  #'(            Current Date wanted?
-         bne   L0B0A          No, check next
-* Current date
-         tst   >u01F4,u       Done it already?
-         bne   L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
-         inc   >u01F4,u       Flag as being done now
-         bsr   L0B3B          Go get date & time
-         pshs  y              Save shell prompt string ptr
-         leay  >u02E0,u       Point to date text
-         bra   L0AE4          Copy into expanded prompt
-L0B0A    cmpa  #')            Current Time wanted?
-         bne   L0B24          No, just store the raw ASCII char
-* Current time
-         tst   >u01F5,u       Done Time already?
-         lbne  L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
-         inc   >u01F5,u       Flag as being done now
-         bsr   L0B3B          Go get date & time
-         pshs  y              Save shell prompt string ptr
-         leay  >u02E9,u       Point to time text
-         bra   L0AE4          Copy into expanded prompt
-L0B24    sta   ,x+            Save raw character
-         lbra  L0A86          Continue parsing
-L0B29    sta   ,x             Save NUL to mark end of prompt
-         tfr   x,d            Move End of prompt ptr to D for subtract
-         subd  ,s++           Subtract start of prompt ptr
-         std   >u01F7,u       Save size of expanded shell prompt
-         puls  pc,y,x         Restore regs & return
-* Separator table for date & time strings
-L0B35    fcc   '//'
-         fcb   $0d
-         fcc   '::'
-         fcb   $0d
-* Get current date (2E0-2E8) & time (2E9-2EF)
-L0B3B    pshs  y,x            Preserve shell prompt string & shell prompt ptrs
-         tst   >u01F6,u       Have we already been here before?
-         bne   L0B75          Yes, both date & time strings already done
-         inc   >u01F6,u       Flag we have been here now
-         leax  >u02DA,u       Point to date/time packet buffer
-         os9   F$Time         Get the date/time packet
-         leay  >u02E0,u       Point to where date string goes
-         clrb                 Offset into separator table to first '/'
-L0B54    lda   ,x+            Get byte from time packet
-         bsr   L0B77          Convert to ASCII
-         pshs  b              Preserve offset into separator table
-         ldd   >u01EF,u       Get ASCII version of byte
-         std   ,y++           Save into date/string buffers
-         puls  b              Restore offset into separator table
-         pshs  y              Preserve date/string buffer ptr
-         leay  >L0B35,pc      Point to separator's table
-         lda   b,y            Get current separator
-         puls  y              Restore date/string buffer ptr
-         sta   ,y+            Save separator into date/string buffer
-         incb                 Point to next separator
-         cmpb  #6             On last one?
-         bne   L0B54          No, continue converting
-L0B75    puls  pc,y,x         Restore prompt & buffer ptrs & return
-L0B77    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve regs
-         leay  >L0B80,pc      Point to routine to copy ASCII digits
-         lbra  L16B9          Go convert byte to ASCII equivalent
-L0B80    ldd   $04,s          Copy 2 digit ASCII # to 1EF
-         std   >u01EF,u
-         rts   
-* Searches for CR in string pointed to by X
-* '*' Comment lines come here
-L0B87    lda   #C$CR          We want to find the CR
-L0B89    cmpa  ,x+            Found it yet?
-         bne   L0B89          No, keep looking
-         cmpa  ,-x            Set up flags & return
-         rts   
-L0B90    pshs  d,cc           Preserve regs
-         lda   #$01           Only do std in & out (not error)
-         bra   L0B9A
-* Any errors from any of the L0300 subroutines go here
-* If child process had error/status code it goes here (u005D cleared,B=Status
-* code)
-L0B96    pshs  d,cc           Preserve error code, flags & A
-         lda   #$02           # of paths to do
-L0B9A    sta   <u001A         Save it
-         clra                 Start at path 0
-L0B9D    bsr   L0BA8          Go close (possibly dupe) paths
-         inca                 Next path #
-         cmpa  <u001A         Done up to last one yet?
-         bls   L0B9D          No, do next one
-         ror   ,s+            Eat CC but shift Carry bit into Carry
-         puls  pc,d           Restore error code & A & return
-L0BA8    pshs  a              Save path #
-         tst   <u0019
-         bmi   L0BC4          If high bit set, close path
-         bne   L0BBC          If 0<u0019<128, get changed path # & close
-         tst   a,u            Check 'real' path # from DP
-         beq   L0BC7          If 0, return
-         os9   I$Close        Otherwise, close current path #
-         lda   a,u            Get 'real' path #
-         os9   I$Dup          Dupe it
-* Close path # on stack, if it is open
-L0BBC    ldb   ,s             Get path # from stack
-         lda   b,u            Get real path # from DP
-         beq   L0BC7          If none, exit
-         clr   b,u            Clear out path #
-L0BC4    os9   I$Close        Close the path
-L0BC7    puls  pc,a           Exit
-L0BC9    fcc   'WHAT?'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L0BCF    bsr   L0B96          Close 3 std paths (possibly dupe)
-         leax  <L0BC9,pc      Point to 'WHAT?'
-         lbsr  L021B          Write it out std err
-         clrb  
-         coma  
-         rts   
-L0BDA    inc   <u0019         ???
-         bsr   L0B96          Do path closings (possibly dupings)
-         lda   #$FF           Set flag to just close raw paths
-         sta   <u0019
-         bsr   L0B90          Go close std in & std err
-         leax  <u006D,u       Point to device name buffer
-         lbsr  L0CDB
-         lbcs  L0200
-         lda   #$02
-         bsr   L0BA8
-         lbsr  L0CFF
-         clr   <u0019
-         lbra  L00CC
-* < processing
-L0BFA    ldd   #$0001
-         orb   <u000F
-         bra   L0C1A
-* >> processing
-L0C01    ldd   #$020D
-         stb   -$02,x
-         bra   L0C0A
-* > processing
-L0C08    lda   #$01
-L0C0A    ldb   #$02
-         bra   L0C1A
-* if from z= or i=, A=0, B=3
-L0C0E    tst   a,u            Test duped path?
-         bne   L0BCF          There is one, print 'WHAT' & close paths & return
-         pshs  d              Save path # & B
-         tst   <u0019
-         bmi   L0C34
-         bra   L0C24
-L0C1A    tst   a,u
-         bne   L0BCF
-         pshs  d
-         ldb   #C$CR
-         stb   -$01,x
-L0C24    os9   I$Dup          Create duplicate of the standard path
-         lbcs  L0CBE          Couldn't create dupe, 
-         ldb   ,s
-         sta   b,u
-         lda   ,s
-         os9   I$Close  
-L0C34    lda   1,s            Get B
-         bmi   L0C40
-         ldb   ,s
-         lbsr  L0D05
-         tsta  
-         bpl   L0C47
-L0C40    anda  #$0F
-         os9   I$Dup    
-         bra   L0CBE
-L0C47    ldb   #$0B
-         bita  #$02
-         bne   L0C7B
-         pshs  a
-         ldd   ,x
-         andb  #$5F
-         cmpd  #$2F57         Is it '/W'
-         puls  a
-         bne   L0C74
-         ora   #$02
-         os9   I$Open   
-         bcs   L0CBE
-         pshs  x
-         leax  >L003C,pc
-         ldy   #$0001
-         clra  
-         os9   I$Write  
-         puls  x
-         bra   L0CBE
-L0C74    os9   I$Open   
-         bra   L0CBE
-L0C79    pshs  d
-L0C7B    stb   <u004E
-         ldb   ,x
-         cmpb  #$2B
-         bne   L0C96
-         leax  $01,x
-         os9   I$Open   
-         bcs   L0CB1
-         pshs  u,x
-         ldb   #SS.Size
-         os9   I$GetStt 
-         os9   I$Seek   
-         bra   L0CA8
-L0C96    cmpb  #'-
-         bne   L0CB9
-         leax  1,x
-         os9   I$Open   
-         bcs   L0CB1          Error opening
-         pshs  u,x
-         ldx   #$0000
-         tfr   x,u
-L0CA8    ldb   #SS.Size       Init size of file to 0 bytes
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         puls  u,x
-         bra   L0CBE
-L0CB1    cmpb  #E$PNNF        Error 216 (path name not found)?
-         beq   L0CB9          Yes, create the file
-         orcc  #Carry         Otherwise, set error flag
-         bra   L0CBE
-L0CB9    ldb   <u004E         Get file attributes
-         os9   I$Create 
-L0CBE    sta   <u0012         Save path # (or one we tried to duplicate?)
-         stb   1,s            Save possible error code?
-         lda   #$00           DO NOT CHANGE-NEED TO PRESERVE CARRY
-         sta   <u000F
-         puls  pc,d           Restore regs & return
-L0CC8    ldd   #$0003         Std in & ???
-         lbra  L0C0E
-* <>>> processing
-L0CCE    lda   #C$CR
-         sta   -$04,x
-* i= & z= both come here right off the bat
-L0CD2    bsr   L0CDB
-         bcc   L0CFF
-L0CD6    rts   
-* <> processing
-L0CD7    lda   #C$CR
-         sta   -$02,x
-L0CDB    bsr   L0CC8
-         bcs   L0CD6
-         ldd   #$0180
-         lbra  L0C0E
-* <>> processing
-L0CE5    lda   #C$CR
-         sta   -$03,x
-         bsr   L0CC8
-         bcs   L0CD6
-         ldd   #$0280
-         lbra  L0C0E
-* >>> processing
-L0CF3    lda   #C$CR
-         sta   -$03,x
-         ldd   #$0102
-         lbsr  L0C0E
-         bcs   L0CD6
-L0CFF    ldd   #$0281
-         lbra  L0C0E
-L0D05    pshs  x,d
-         ldd   ,x++
-         cmpd  #$2F30
-         bcs   L0D2F
-         cmpd  #$2F32
-         bhi   L0D2F
-         pshs  x,d
-         lbsr  L0907
-         puls  x,d
-         bcs   L0D2F
-         andb  #$03
-         cmpb  1,s
-         bne   L0D31
-         ldb   b,u
-L0D26    orb   #$80
-         stb   ,s
-         puls  d
-         leas  2,s
-         rts   
-L0D2F    puls  pc,x,d
-L0D31    tst   $01,s
-         bne   L0D26
-         pshs  x
-         tfr   b,a
-         leax  >u00B5,u       Point to buffer for device name
-         ldb   #'/            Put a slash in it
-         stb   ,x+
-         ldb   #SS.DevNm      Get the device name
-         os9   I$GetStt
-         bcs   L0D4F          Error, skip ahead
-         leax  -1,x           Reset ptr to include '/'
-         lda   #UPDAT.
-         os9   I$Open   
-L0D4F    puls  x              Restore ptr to beginning (including '/')
-         leas  6,s            Eat stack
-         lbra  L0CBE
-L0D56    fcc   'TRUE '
-L0D5B    fcb   $0d
-L0D5C    fcc   'FALSE'
-         fcb   $0d
-L0D62    lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  #'[
-         bne   L0D6B
-         lbsr  L0E15
-L0D6B    cmpa  #'-
-         lbne  L0E3E
-         ldb   ,x+
-         lbsr  L0E15
-         leax  -$01,x
-         tfr   b,a
-         lbsr  L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lower
-         cmpa  #'Y
-         bne   L0DBB
-L0D81    pshs  x              Preserve X
-         leax  >u0124,u       Point to buffer
-         ldy   #$0001         Read 1 byte from error path???
-         lda   #$02
-         os9   I$Read   
-         lbcs  L0F17
-         lda   ,x             Get the character read
-         puls  x
-         lbsr  L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lower
-         cmpa  #'Y            Unless char is Y or N, re-read it
-         beq   L0DA3
-         cmpa  #'N
-         bne   L0D81
-L0DA3    pshs  a              Preserve char on stack
-         leax  >L0D5B,pc      Point to a Carriage return
-         lda   #$02           Print it to std out
-         ldy   #$0001
-         os9   I$WritLn 
-         puls  a              Restore char
-         clrb  
-         cmpa  #'Y
-         beq   L0DF8          Print 'true' if it is a Y
-         bra   L0DEE          Print 'false' if it is a N
-L0DBB    clrb  
-         cmpa  #'F
-         beq   L0DE0
-         cmpa  #'E
-         bne   L0DC8
-         orb   #%00000100
-         bra   L0DE0
-L0DC8    cmpa  #'R
-         bne   L0DD0
-         orb   #%00000001
-         bra   L0DE0
-L0DD0    cmpa  #'W
-         bne   L0DD8
-         orb   #%00000010
-         bra   L0DE0
-L0DD8    cmpa  #'D
-         lbne  L0F17
-         orb   #%10000000
-L0DE0    tfr   b,a
-         os9   I$Open   
-         bcs   L0DEE
-         os9   I$Close  
-         bra   L0DF8
-L0DEE    lda   #$02
-         sta   <u0043
-         leax  >L0D5C,pc      Point to 'FALSE'
-         bra   L0DFE
-L0DF8    clr   <u0043
-         leax  >L0D56,pc      Point to 'TRUE'
-L0DFE    tst   <u001E         Command echo on?
-         beq   L0E0B          No, skip ahead
-         ldy   #$0006         Print result of IF to std error
-         lda   #$02
-         os9   I$WritLn 
-L0E0B    leax  >u0124,u
-         lda   #C$CR
-         sta   ,x
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-L0E15    lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC
-         beq   L0E15
-         rts   
-L0E1C    cmpa  #$3D
-         bne   L0E26
-         lda   <u005F
-         ora   #$01
-         bra   L0E38
-L0E26    cmpa  #'<
-         bne   L0E30
-         lda   <u005F
-         ora   #$02
-         bra   L0E38
-L0E30    cmpa  #'>
-         bne   L0E3C
-* X command - Kill Shell when error occurs ON
-         lda   <u005F
-         ora   #$04
-L0E38    sta   <u005F
-         clra  
-         rts   
-L0E3C    coma  
-         rts   
-L0E3E    cmpa  #'+
-         bne   L0E46
-         inc   <u0015
-         bra   L0E48
-L0E46    leax  -1,x
-L0E48    clr   <u005F
-         pshs  u
-         leau  >u0124,u
-         ldb   #180           Clear out 180 bytes @ u0124
-         lbsr  L0412
-         puls  u
-         leay  >u0124,u
-         ldb   #81
-L0E5D    lda   ,x+            Copy buffer up to CR or 81 chars
-         lbsr  L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lower
-         sta   ,y+
-         cmpa  #C$CR
-         lbeq  L0F17
-         bsr   L0E1C
-         bcc   L0E74
-         decb  
-         bne   L0E5D
-         lbra  L0F17
-L0E74    negb  
-         addb  #81
-         stb   <u0016
-         clra  
-         sta   -$01,y
-         lda   ,x
-         bsr   L0E1C
-         bcs   L0E84
-         leax  $01,x
-L0E84    leay  >u0175,u
-         ldb   #81
-L0E8A    lda   ,x+
-         bsr   L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lower
-         sta   ,y+
-         cmpa  #C$CR
-         beq   L0E99
-         decb  
-         bne   L0E8A
-         bra   L0F17
-L0E99    negb  
-         addb  #$51
-         stb   <u0017
-         clra  
-         sta   -$01,y
-         tst   <u0015
-         beq   L0EE0
-         leax  >u166D,u
-         ldd   #$30b4         Store 180 ASCII 0's into buffer
-L0EAD    sta   ,x+
-         decb  
-         bne   L0EAD
-         leax  >u0124,u
-         ldb   <u0016
-         leax  b,x
-         leay  >u16BD,u
-         bsr   L0ED8
-         leax  >u0175,u
-         ldb   <u0017
-         leax  b,x
-         leay  >u170E,u
-         bsr   L0ED8
-         leax  >u166D,u
-         leay  >u16BE,u
-         bra   L0EE8
-L0ED8    lda   ,-x
-         sta   ,-y
-         decb  
-         bne   L0ED8
-         rts   
-L0EE0    leax  >u0124,u
-         leay  >u0175,u
-L0EE8    ldb   #80
-L0EEA    lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  ,y+
-         blo   L0EFB
-         bhi   L0F01
-         decb  
-         bne   L0EEA
-         lda   <u005F
-         bita  #$01
-         bra   L0F05
-L0EFB    lda   <u005F
-         bita  #$02
-         bra   L0F05
-L0F01    lda   <u005F
-         bita  #$04
-L0F05    lbne  L0DF8
-         lbra  L0DEE
-* Convert char to uppercase if it is a letter
-L0F0C    cmpa  #'a            Lower case letter?
-         blo   L0F16          No, return
-         cmpa  #'z            Check high range
-         bhi   L0F16          No, return
-         suba  #$20           Yes, convert to uppercase
-L0F16    rts   
-L0F17    comb  
-         ldb   #$01
-         lbra  L0191
-L0F1D    cmpa  #$03
-         beq   L0F3F
-         cmpa  #$02
-         bne   L0F2B
-         dec   <u0044
-         blt   L0F3F
-         bra   L0F43
-L0F2B    cmpa  #$01
-         bne   L0F3B
-         lda   <u0043
-         cmpa  #$02
-         bne   L0F43
-         tst   <u0044
-         beq   L0F3F
-         bra   L0F43
-L0F3B    inc   <u0044
-         bra   L0F43
-L0F3F    clr   <u0043
-         clr   <u0044
-L0F43    clrb  
-         rts   
-* Table: 7 bytes/entry:
-* 1st 5 bytes is name, high bit set & NUL padded
-* Byte 6 is # bytes actually used
-L0F45    fcs   'IF'
-         fcb   0,0,0,2,0
-         fcs   'ELSE'
-         fcb   0,4,1
-         fcs   'ENDIF'
-         fcb   5,2
-         fcs   'FI'
-         fcb   0,0,0,2,2
-         fcs   'CLRIF'
-         fcb   5,3
-         fcb   $ff
-L0F69    leay  <L0F45,pc      Point to conditionals table
-L0F6D    ldb   5,y            Get actual length of string we are checking
-         os9   F$CmpNam       Compare with string pointed to by X
-         bcs   L0F80          If they don't match, skip ahead
-         lda   6,y            Get conditional token(?) number
-         ldb   b,x            Get char past end of matching string
-         cmpb  #C$CR          Is it a CR?
-         beq   L0F8B          Yes, return
-         cmpb  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
-         beq   L0F8B          Yes, return
-L0F80    leay  7,y            Point to next command in table
-         lda   ,y             Get 1st char from this entry
-         cmpa  #$FF           End of table marker?
-         beq   L0F8B          Yes, return
-         inca                 No, ???
-         bra   L0F6D          Process this one
-L0F8C    lda   #$01
-         sta   <u0043
-         lbra  L0E0B
-L0F93    lbsr  L0907          Go find 1st non-space char or single char modifier
-         bne   L0F9B
-         clr   <u0046
-L0F8B    rts   
-L0F9B    leay  >L03AC,pc    Point to 'GOTO'
-         ldb   #4           4 chars to compare
-         os9   F$CmpNam     Does it match?
-         lbcs  L0BCF        No, print 'WHAT?'
-         leax  4,x          Yes, skip X past 'GOTO'
-         lbsr  L091F        Go find 1st non-space char past 'GOTO'
-         leay  >u0C4C,u     Point to some sort of buffer
-         lda   ,x           Get char from GOTO label
-         cmpa  #'+          Is label after current pos. in script file?
-         bne   L0FBB        No, skip ahead
-         sta   ,y+          Save '+' in buffer
-         leax  1,x          Bump up source ptr past '+'
-L0FBB    bsr   L100B        Go copy label name into buffer
-         inc   <u0046       Set flag that a GOTO was found
-L0FBF    lda   ,x+          Get 1st char from user's label again
-         leay  >L0408,pc    Point to single char modifiers table
-L0FC5    cmpa  ,y+          Illegal modifier char in label name?
-         bhi   L0FC5        Not yet, check other modifiers
-         blo   L0FBF        This char ok, check rest of label name
-         leax  -1,x         Point to last char (terminator) of label name
-         stx   <u0058       Save it & return
-         rts
-L0FD0    lda   ,x
-         cmpa  #'+
-         bne   L0FDA
-         leax  1,x
-         bra   L0FFB
-L0FDA    tst   <u006B
-         beq   L0FEA
-         ldy   <u0067
-         ldd   $09,y
-         leay  d,y
-         sty   <u0065
-         bra   L0FFB
-L0FEA    pshs  u,x
-         clra  
-         ldx   #$0000         Seek to beginning
-         tfr   x,u
-         os9   I$Seek   
-         puls  u,x
-         lbcs  L0191
-L0FFB    lbsr  L091F
-         leay  >u0BFC,u
-         bsr   L100B
-         lda   #C$CR
-         sta   ,x
-         inc   <u0045
-         rts   
-* Copy label from X to buffer @ Y, terminate at 1st illegal char with CR
-* Exit: X=ptr to start of label name from user's buffer
-*       Y=ptr to start of buffer entry copy of label name
-L100B    pshs  y,x            Preserve buffer & source ptrs
-         ldb   #79            (78 bytes to check)
-L100F    decb                 Dec # chars left to check
-         beq   L1022          If done max, skip ahead
-         lda   ,x+            Get char for label
-         sta   ,y+            Save in buffer
-         cmpa  #'A            Is it a letter or higher?
-         bhs   L100F          Yes, continue copying
-         cmpa  #'0            Is it lower than a #?
-         blo   L1022          Yes, not allowed, force end of label name
-         cmpa  #'9            Is it a #?
-         bls   L100F          Yes, that is fine
-L1022    lda   #C$CR          All others illegal, force CR in buffer copy
-         sta   -1,y           Save it
-         clrb                 No error
-         puls  pc,y,x         Restore regs & return
-* M= command (???)
-L1029    ldb   #C$CR
-         stb   -$01,x
-         tst   <u006B
-         bne   L1057
-         tst   <u006C
-         bne   L1057
-         lda   #Data          Data module type
-         pshs  u,y,x
-         os9   F$Link
-         bcs   L1055
-         stu   <u0067         Save start address of module
-         sty   <u0065         Save execution address of module
-         ldd   2,u
-         addd  <u0067
-         subd  #$0003
-         std   <u0069
-         inc   <u006B
-         puls  u,y,x
-         leax  -$01,x
-         lbra  L0907
-L1055    puls  u,y,x
-L1057    lbra  L0BCF
-* VAR. command
-L105A    leay  >u05A8,u
-         lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  #'?
-         beq   L10C9
-         cmpa  #'=
-         beq   L1096
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC
-         beq   L1085
-         cmpa  #';
-         beq   L1085
-         cmpa  #'9
-         bhi   L1085
-         cmpa  #'0
-         bcs   L1085
-         suba  #$30
-         ldb   #$51           Multiply by 81 (size of each VAR entry)
-         mul   
-         leay  d,y
-         lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  #'=
-         beq   L1096
-L1085    leax  -$01,x
-         pshs  x
-         tfr   y,x
-         ldy   #$0051
-         lda   #$02
-         os9   I$ReadLn 
-         puls  pc,x
-L1096    ldb   #80
-         lbsr  L0A25
-         lda   #C$CR
-         sta   ,y
-         rts   
-L10A0    fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   'User Variables :'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L10B2    fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   'Shell Sub Variables :'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L10C9    pshs  x
-         clrb
-         leax  >L10A0,pc
-         bsr   L10DF
-         leay  >u08D2,u
-         clrb  
-         leax  >L10B2,pc
-         bsr   L10DF
-         puls  pc,x
-L10DF    pshs  y,b
-         lbsr  L021B
-         puls  y,b
-L10E6    pshs  y,b
-         lda   #$51
-         mul   
-         leay  d,y
-         leax  >u0124,u
-         ldd   #'V*256+'A
-         std   ,x++
-         ldd   #'R*256+'.
-         std   ,x++
-         lda   ,s
-L10FD    adda  #$30
-         ldb   #'=
-         std   ,x++
-L1103    lda   ,y+
-         sta   ,x+
-         cmpa  #C$CR
-         bne   L1103
-         leax  >u0124,u
-         ldy   #$0057
-         lda   #$01
-         os9   I$WritLn 
-         puls  y,b
-         bcs   L1122
-         incb  
-         cmpb  #C$LF
-         bcs   L10E6
-         rts   
-L1122    puls  y
-         puls  pc,x
-* INC. command (increment shell variable by 1)
-L1126    bsr   L1144
-         lbcs  L0191
-         addd  #$0001
-         bra   L113A
-* DEC. command (decrement shell variable by 1)
-L1131    bsr   L1144
-         lbcs  L0191
-         subd  #$0001
-L113A    bsr   L11A7
-         lda   #C$CR
-         sta   $05,y
-         ldx   <u0048
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-L1144    inc   <u0014
-         leay  >u05A8,u
-         lda   ,x+
-         stx   <u0048
-         cmpa  #'0
-         bcs   L1161
-         cmpa  #'9
-         bhi   L1161
-         suba  #$30
-         ldb   #81
-         mul   
-         leay  d,y
-         tfr   y,x
-         bra   L1166
-L1161    leas  2,s
-         lbra  L0BCF
-L1166    pshs  y
-         leas  -$05,s
-         tfr   s,y
-         clr   $03,y
-         clr   $04,y
-L1170    clr   $02,y
-         lda   ,x+
-         suba  #$30
-         cmpa  #$09
-         bhi   L1195
-         pshs  a
-         lda   #10
-         ldb   $03,y
-         mul   
-         std   ,y
-         lda   $04,y
-         ldb   #10
-         mul   
-         addd  $01,y
-         std   $01,y
-         clra  
-         puls  b
-         addd  $01,y
-         std   $03,y
-         bra   L1170
-L1195    ldd   3,y
-         leas  5,s
-         puls  pc,y
-* 2 byte ASCII conversion table
-L119B    fdb   10000
-         fdb   1000
-         fdb   100
-         fdb   10
-         fdb   1
-         fdb   0
-L11A7    pshs  y,x,d
-         pshs  b
-         leax  >L119B,pc
-L11AF    pshs  d
-         ldb   #'/
-         stb   2,s
-         puls  d
-L11B7    inc   ,s
-         subd  ,x
-         bcc   L11B7
-         addd  ,x++
-         pshs  d
-         ldb   $02,s
-         stb   ,y+
-         lda   $01,x
-         puls  d
-         bne   L11AF
-         puls  b
-         puls  pc,y,x,d
-* PAUSE command - may display text message, and then waits for key press or
-* mouse button
-L11CF    ldy   #394           Write up to 394 chars of pause string
-         lda   #$02           To standard error
-         os9   I$WritLn 
-         lbcs  L0191
-         tfr   y,d            Tfr # chars written to D
-         leax  d,x            Point X to next char after ones written
-         leax  -1,x           Point to last char written
-         pshs  x              Save ptr
-         ldd   #$02*256+SS.SSig  Std Err/Send signal when key pressed
-         ldx   #$000A         Signal $A is the one to send
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         lbcs  L0191          Error, use main shell error handler
-         ldb   #SS.MsSig      Send signal on mouse button press
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         lbcs  L0191
-         ldx   #$0000         Go to sleep until one of the 2 is received
-         os9   F$Sleep  
-         ldb   #SS.Relea      Signal gotten, release all signals
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         clrb                 No error & return
-         puls  pc,x
-* Parse PATH=, add paths to PATH buffer list
-L1209    pshs  x              Preserve ptr to string after 'PATH='
-         lda   ,x             Get 1st char
-         cmpa  #'?            User requesting current paths?
-         beq   L1245          Yes, go do that
-         pshs  u              Preserve U
-         leau  >u0CDD,u       Point to PATH= buffer
-L1217    lda   ,x+            Get char from user-requested path
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Space?
-         beq   L1217          Yes, eat spaces until 1st real char found
-         sta   ,u+            No, save char
-L121F    leay  >L0408,pc      Point to command modifier list
-L1223    cmpa  ,y+            Match char?
-         bhi   L1223          No, our char is higher, check next modifier
-         beq   L1237          Found match, skip ahead
-         lda   ,x+            No modifier found, get next char
-         sta   ,u+            Save in PATH buffer
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Was it a space?
-         bne   L121F          No, check this char vs. modifier list
-         lda   #C$CR          Yes, change to CR
-         sta   -1,u           Save CR instead (terminate 1 path entry)
-         bra   L1217          Do whole list
-* NOTE: ANY modifier (not just CR, but ! # & ; < > ^ |) stops PATH=parsing
-L1237    leax  -1,x           Bump ptr back to last char from user
-         stx   2,s            Save ptr on stack over original X
-         lda   #C$CR          Get CR
-         sta   -1,u           Save CR as current path end
-         sta   ,u             And 1 extra for parse routines
-         puls  u              Get U back
-         puls  pc,x           Restore new X & return
-L1245    leax  >u0CDD,u       Point to start of PATH=buffer
-L1249    ldy   #400           Write up to 400 chars to standard out
-         lda   #$01
-         os9   I$WritLn       Print text of one path
-         lbcs  L0191          Error, go process shell error
-         tfr   y,d            Tfr # bytes written to D
-         leax  d,x            Offset X to end of what was printed
-         lda   ,x             Get char from there
-         cmpa  #C$CR          CR (end of path list)?
-         bne   L1249          No, go write next path out
-         puls  x              Restore ptr to next set of PATH=
-         leax  1,x            Bump ptr up by 1 & return
-         rts   
-* ^ (set priority on the fly) command
-L1265    ldb   #C$CR          Plop a CR onto the end
-         stb   -$01,x
-         ldb   <u0022         Any priority already set?
-         lbne  L0BCF          Yes, print 'WHAT?'
-         lbsr  L16EB          Go calculate binary priority into B
-         stb   <u0022         Save priority to fork module with
-         lbra  L0907          Continue processing for modifiers
-* # (set data memory size) command
-L1277    ldb   #C$CR
-         stb   -1,x
-         ldb   <u0003       Already have a data mem size set?
-         lbne  L0BCF        Yes, print 'WHAT?'
-         lbsr  L16EB
-         eora  #'K
-         anda  #$DF         Force uppercase
-         bne   L1294        No 'K', just save # of 256 byte pages
-         leax  1,x
-         lda   #4           Multiply # of K by 4 to get # pages
-         mul   
-         tsta  
-         lbne  L0BCF        Ended up too big, print 'WHAT?'
-L1294    stb   <u0003       Save data mem size to use
-         lbra  L0907        Continue processing command line
-* Carriage return processing
-L1299    leax  -1,x
-         lbsr  L145D
-         bra   L12A3
-* ; (separator) command (also called by others)
-L12A0    lbsr  L1459
-L12A3    bcs   L12BA
-         lbsr  L0B96          Go do the path stuff
-         tst   <u005D         Is there a module that is unlinking?
-         bne   L12AE          Yes
-         bsr   L12D2          Go wait for child process to die (A=process #)
-L12AE    bcs   L12BA          If child exited with status/signal code,skip
-         lbsr  L0907          Go parse for modifiers
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Was the next non-space/comma char a CR?
-         bne   L12B9          No, skip ahead
-         leas  4,s            Yes, eat stack
-L12B9    clrb                 No error
-* Child process had a signal/status code
-L12BA    pshs  cc             Preserve error status
-         clr   <u005D         ???
-         puls  cc             Restore carry
-         lbra  L0B96          ??? Go close some paths & return?
-* & (background operation) command
-L12C3    lbsr  L1459
-         bcs   L12BA
-         bsr   L12BA
-         ldb   #$26
-         lbsr  L16B3
-         bra   L12AE
-* W command - Wait for a child to die
-L12D1    clra                 Clear process ID #
-* Entered here if commands are separated with ';' (or '()' groups)
-L12D2    pshs  a              Save ID # of process?
-L12D4    os9   F$Wait         Wait for child to die or until signal received
-         tst   <u000E         Signal received (which would be in SHELL)?
-         beq   L12EC          No, child was exited (or got signal), go process
-* Shell was interrupted by signal while Waiting
-         ldb   <u000E         Get signal that we received
-         cmpb  #S$Abort       Was it a PD.QUT (<CTRL>-<E>) (quit 'W'aiting?)
-         bne   L1304          No, skip ahead
-         lda   ,s             Get process #
-         beq   L1304          None, exit
-         os9   F$Send         Send the signal to the child as well
-         clr   ,s             Clear process #
-         bra   L12D4          Go Wait again (until child dies)
-* Child F$Exited or was aborted - eat should go here
-* Entry: A=ID # of deceased child
-*        B=Exit (error) code from child
-L12EC    lbcs   L1308         If F$Wait exited with error, return with it
-         cmpa  ,s             Same process # as one we were waiting for?
-         beq   L1304          Yes, exit
-         tst   ,s             No, was there a specific process # we wanted?
-         beq   L12F9          No, skip ahead
-* Child died, but not the one we were waiting for
-         tstb                 Was there an error status?
-         beq   L12D4          No, ignore dead child and wait for one we wanted
-* Child died with error on exit
-L12F9    pshs  b              Preserve child's exit status code
-         bsr   L12BA          ??? Go close & re-dupe paths?
-         ldb   #'-            Get a '-' (for a '-003' process finished msg)
-         lbsr  L16B3          Print that out
-         puls  b              Get back exit status code
-L1304    tstb                 is there an Error/signal code?
-         beq   L1308          No, exit
-         cmpb  #S$Intrpt      Yes, is it a keyboard interrupt signal?
-         beq   eatchar        Yes, eat the key
-         cmpb  #S$Abort       Keyboard abort signal?
-         bne   errexit        No, exit with unknown error/signal code
-* At this point, child died from signal 2 or 3 (CTRL-C or CTRL-E). The corres-
-*  ponding key is also sitting in this devices PD.BUF as the 1st char. We musts
-* 1) Disable keyboard signal & eat the key from the buffer
-* 2) Exit from here with Carry set & signal (2 or 3) in B
-eatchar  pshs  b,x,y          Preserve signal code & regs used
-         ldd   #SS.Ready      Std in, check for data ready on device
-         os9   I$GetStt       Check it
-         bcs   NotSCF         No chars waiting on device, exit with signal
-         lda   <u0018         Is the shell immortal?
-         beq   NotSCF         No, don't try to eat the char
-eat      clra                 Standard in path
-         leas  -PD.OPT,s      Make 32 byte buffer for OPT's
-         leax  ,s             Point X to it
-         clrb                 SS.Opt call
-         os9   I$GetStt       Get current path options
-         lda   ,x             Get device type
-         beq   Eatkey         SCF (not script file) so go eat key
-NoChar   leas  $20,s          Eat temp buffer
-         bra   NotSCF         Exit with signal code (script file got signal)
-* Have to eat key: Shut echo off 1st
-Eatkey   clr   4,x            PD.EKO flag off
-         os9   I$SetStt       Shut echo off
-         ldd   #SS.Relea      Std In, Release keyboard/mouse signals
-         os9   I$SetStt       Shut signals off so we don't get stuck
-         leax  ,-s            Make 1 byte buffer on stack
-         ldy   #1             1 byte to read
-         os9   I$Read         Eat the char
-         leas  1,s            eat buffer
-         ldd   #SS.SSig       Std In, send signal on key ready
-         ldx   #$B            Signal to send
-         os9   I$SetStt       Turn keyboard signal on again
-         leax  ,s             Point to temp buffer again
-         inc   4,x            PD.EKO flag on
-         clra                 Std In
-         clrb                 Set Options
-         os9   I$SetStt       Turn echo back on
-         leas  $20,s          Deallocate temp buffer
-         ldb   u180D,u        Get current history line #
-         cmpb  #1             First one?
-         bhi   Previous       No, B=previous one
-         ldb   u180C,u        Was on first, so get last
-         incb                 Adjust for dec
-Previous decb                 Point to previous one
-         lbsr  L19D3          Go get ptr to history
-         lda   ,y             Get 1st char from previous line in history
-         sta   ,x             Save char there
-         ldd   #SS.Fill       Fill keyboard buffer call to Std In
-         ldy   #$8001         1 char long, don't append CR
-         os9   I$SetStt       Stick that key into the keyboard buffer
-NotSCF   puls  b,x,y          Restore regs (and exit status byte in B)
-errexit  coma                 Yes, set carry & exit
-L1308    puls  pc,a
-* If data area <4.25K, force up to 7.5K
-* Exit: A=Type/language
-*       X=Current source line parsing ptr (module name to chain)
-*       Y=Size of parameter area
-*       U=Ptr to parameter area
-*       B=Size of data area
-L130A    lda   #Prgrm+Objct   Module type/language
-         ldb   <u0003         Get # pages of data mem needed for forked module
-         cmpb  #$11           Is it at least 17?
-         bhs   L1316          Yes, skip ahead
-         ldb   #$1F           Otherwise, force to 7.5K minimum
-         stb   <u0003         Save it
-L1316    andcc #^Carry        Clear carry
-         ldx   <u0004         Get mem module ptr
-         ldy   <u0006         Get size of current command group
-         ldu   <u0008         Get ptr to start of current command group
-         rts   
-* Copy string from X to Y until CR is hit
-L1320    lda   ,x+            Get char
-         sta   ,y+            Save it
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Carriage return?
-         bne   L1320          No, keep copying
-         rts                  Done, return
-* Attempt load in module to execute (it's not in memory)
-* Entry: X=Ptr to module name
-L1329    lda   #EXEC.         1st, attempt to get it from current Exec DIR
-         os9   I$Open         Attempt to open it
-         bcc   L1362          Found it, continue
-* Possible search thru PATH= settings
-         inc   <u000F         ??? Set flag to indicate using PATH=
-         leax  >u0CDD,u       Point to start of PATH= list
-L1336    clrb  
-         lda   ,x             Get 1st char from next PATH= line
-         cmpa  #C$CR          End of list?
-         lbeq  L1564          Yes, ???
-         leay  >u0124,u       No, point to temp buffer
-         bsr   L1320          Copy path to temp buffer until CR
-         pshs  x              Preserve ptr to next possible path
-         lda   #'/            Add slash since we want file from this path
-         sta   -1,y           Save at end of path in temp buffer
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module/script name we are looking for
-         bsr   L1320          Copy it into temp buffer up to CR
-         leax  >u0124,u       Point to start of full path list
-         lda   #READ.         Attempt to open file
-         os9   I$Open   
-         puls  x              Restore ptr to next possible path
-         bcs   L1336          Didn't find file there, try next path
-         leax  >u0124,u       Point to full pathlist again
-         stx   <u0004         Replace ptr to module with full pathlist ptr
-L1362    leax  >u00D6,u       Point to buffer to hold beginning of file
-         ldy   #77            77 bytes to read
-         os9   I$Read         Read it in
-         bcc   L1373          No error, skip ahead
-         cmpb  #E$EOF         Just EOF error?
-         bne   L13CE          No, something more serious, skip ahead
-L1373    tst   <u000F
-         bne   L137B
-         ldb   #$04
-         stb   <u000F
-L137B    pshs  a              Save path # a sec
-         ldd   M$ID,x         Get possible module header bytes
-         cmpd  #M$ID12        Legit module header?
-         puls  a              Restore path #
-         beq   L1396          OS9 module, skip ahead
-* Not module...possible shell script?
-         os9   I$Close        Not OS9 module, close file
-         clrb  
-         dec   <u000F         Dec flag
-         lbeq  L1564          If 0, skip ahead
-         inc   <u000F         If not, inc & skip ahead
-         lbra  L1564
-* Seems to be OS9 module
-L1396    clr   <u000F         Clear flag
-         ldy   M$Name,x       Get offset to module name
-         leax  >u00E3,u       Point X to offset $E in module
-         cmpy  #$000D         Does the name start at offset $D?
-         beq   L13C0          Yes, skip ahead
-         pshs  u              Preserve U
-         tfr   y,u            Move name offset to U
-         ldx   #$0000         MSW of file pos=0
-         os9   I$Seek         Go seek to that spot in file
-         puls  u              Restore U
-         bcs   L13CE          Error seeking, go handle
-         ldy   #64            Go read up to 64 char filename
-         leax  >u00E3,u       Point to spot to hold filename
-         os9   I$Read         Read it in
-         bcs   L13CE          Error reading, go handle
-L13C0    pshs  a              Save path #
-         os9   F$PrsNam       Parse module name
-         puls  a              Restore path #
-         bcs   L13CE
-         cmpb  #$40
-         bhi   L1422
-         clrb  
-L13CE    pshs  b,cc         Preserve error status
-         os9   I$Close      Close file
-         puls  b,cc         Restore error status
-         lbcs  L162B        If error, exit with it (S/B L162C)
-         leax  >u00D6,u     Point to buffer holding 77 bytes of file
-         lda   $06,x
-         ldy   $0B,x
-         cmpa  #$40
-         bne   L1407
-         bsr   L13EF
-         lbcs  L162B
-         lbra  L14AF
-L13EF    leax  >u00E3,u
-         os9   F$NMLink 
-         bcc   L1400
-         ldx   <u0004
-         os9   F$NMLoad 
-         bcc   L1400
-         rts   
-L1400    leax  >u00E3,u
-         stx   <u0004
-         rts   
-L1407    cmpa  #$51
-         bne   L1413
-         bsr   L13EF
-         lbcs  L162B
-         bra   L1427
-L1413    cmpa  #$11
-         lbne  L14D7
-         leax  >u00E3,u
-         stx   <u0010
-         lbra  L15D7
-L1422    lbsr  L08CB
-         bra   L13CE
-* Call a shellsub module
-L1427    clra                 Type/language byte to wildcard:any will match
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name
-         pshs  u              Preserve U
-         os9   F$Link         Attempt to link it in
-         puls  u              Restore U
-         lbcs  L162B          If we couldn't link, Exit with error
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name again
-         os9   F$UnLoad       Unlink it
-         lbcs  L162B          If we couldn't unlink exit with error
-         ldx   <u0008         Get ptr to current group (param ptr for shellsub)
-         ldd   <u0006         Get size of param area for shellsub
-         leau  >u08D2,u       Point to shellsub variable area
-         jsr   ,y             Execute shellsub module
-         pshs  b,a,cc         Preserve error status & A
-         clra  
-         clrb  
-         std   <u0010         ? (originally pointing to E3 if type $11 module)
-         ldx   <u0004         Get shellsub module ptr
-         os9   F$UnLoad       Unlink it
-         std   <u0004         Clear shellsub module ptr
-         inc   <u005D         Set flag that we should wait for module to exit?
-         puls  pc,u,y,x,d,cc  restore regs & return
-L1459    lda   #C$CR
-         sta   -1,x
-L145D    clr   <u0060
-         pshs  u,y,x
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to name
-         ldd   ,x             Get 2 chars of name
-         andb  #$5F           Force 2nd one to uppercase
-         cmpd  #$2F57         Is it a /W?
-         bne   L1473          No, check for shellsub
-         comb                 Yes, exit with bad mode error
-         ldb   #E$BMode
-         lbra  L162B
-L1473    clra                 Wildcard NMLink
-         os9   F$NMLink       Link to module
-         lbcs  L1329          Error, do something
-         cmpa  #ShellSub+Objct  ShellSub module?
-         beq   L1427          Yes, go set up for it
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to name back
-         os9   F$UnLoad       Drop the link count back down
-         pshs  y              Save data area size
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name again
-         leay  >L000D,pc      Point to 'Shell'
-         ldb   #$05           Size of 'Shell'
-         os9   F$CmpNam       Is the module requested Shell?
-         puls  y              Restore data area size
-         bcs   L14A3          Not shell, skip ahead
-         ldb   5,x            Get char right after 'shell'
-         cmpb  #C$CR          Is 'shell' the only thing on the line?
-         lbeq  L158D          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpb  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
-         lbeq  L158D          Yes, skip ahead
-* Not Shell or Shellsub module
-L14A3    cmpa  #Prgrm+Objct   ML program?
-         lbeq  L15D7          Yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #Data          Is it a data module?
-         bne   L14D7          No, skip ahead
-         inc   <u0060         Set flag - data module
-L14AF    inc   <u0060         Bump it up
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name
-         os9   F$PrsNam       Parse the name
-         ldy   <u0063         Get ptr to Intercept routines data mem ($418)
-         leay  $0A,y          Bump up to $422
-         sty   <u0008         Save ptr to start of current group
-         sty   <u0061         ??? Ptr to data modules name?
-         ldx   #60            Max size of group
-         stx   <u0006         Save it
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name
-L14C8    lda   ,x+            Copy it to buffer @ $422
-         sta   ,y+
-         decb  
-         bne   L14C8
-         lda   #C$CR          Append a CR to it
-         sta   ,y+
-         clrb  
-         lbra  L1564
-* Not 6809 object code or data module either
-L14D7    sty   <u000A         Save data area size
-         leax  >L0013,pc      Point to alternate languages table
-L14DE    tst   ,x             Is this entry active?
-         lbeq  L1629          No, exit with non-existing module error
-         cmpa  ,x+            Same module type as we want?
-         beq   L14EE          Yes, skip ahead
-L14E8    tst   ,x+            No, eat module name
-         bpl   L14E8
-         bra   L14DE          Try next module
-* Found run-time language match
-L14EE    ldd   <u0008         Get ptr to start of current command group
-         subd  <u0004         Calculate size of whole group
-         addd  <u0006         Don't include size of current group
-         std   <u0006         Save remainder size
-         ldd   <u0004         Get ptr to start of sub-module
-         std   <u0008         Save it
-         pshs  y,x            Preserve data area size & primary module ptr
-         leax  >L0021,pc      Point to 'RUNB'
-         cmpx  ,s             Is that the run-time module we want?
-         bne   L1546          No, skip ahead
-* RUNB needed - have to () & quote/commas between params
-         ldx   <u0008         Yes, get sub-module ptr?
-         leay  >u0418,u       Point to before sub-module
-         bsr   L154B          Copy buffer up to next param (or end of line)
-         beq   L1535          If it was end of line, add CR & continue
-         ldd   ,x             Get 2 param chars
-         cmpd  #$2822         Is it '("' (RUNB variables ahead?)
-         beq   L1546          Yes, skip ahead (we won't have to add them)
-         lda   #C$SPAC        No, add ' ("'
-         sta   ,y+
-         ldd   #$2822
-         std   ,y++
-L151F    bsr   L154B          Copy buffer up to next param (or end of line)
-         beq   L152E          If end of line, add '")' (close params)
-         ldd   #$222C         Add '","' (Basic09 param separators
-         std   ,y++
-         lda   #$22           2nd quote of above
-         sta   ,y+
-         bra   L151F          Keep doing for all parameters
-L152E    ldd   #$2229         Add  '")' to end parameter list
-         std   ,y++
-         lda   #C$CR          Add CR
-L1535    sta   ,y+
-         tfr   y,d            Move end of param ptr to D
-         leay  >u0418,u       Point to start of param
-         sty   <u0008         Save as start ptr
-         subd  <u0008         Calculate param size
-         std   <u0006         Save it
-L1546    puls  y,x            Restore data area size & primary module ptr
-         lbra  L15D5
-* Copy from X to Y until either a CR or a space char is hit
-* If it finds a space, it will eat them until the next non-space char is found
-L154B    lda   ,x+            Get char
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
-* Was L155B
-         beq   L1559          yes, skip ahead
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Is it the end of the line?
-         beq   L155F          Yes, bump ptr back to CR & exit
-         sta   ,y+            Save the char
-         bra   L154B          Keep doing it
-L1559    lda   ,x+            Get char
-L155B    cmpa  #C$SPAC        Is it another space?
-         beq   L1559          Yes, keep eating spaces
-L155F    leax  -$01,x         Bump ptr back to either non-space or CR
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Is it a CR? & return
-         rts   
-L1564    cmpb  #E$BMode
-         lbeq  L162B
-         ldx   <u0006         Get size of current group
-         leax  5,x            Bump it up by 5???
-         stx   <u0006         Save new size
-         tst   <u0060         Data module linked?
-         bne   L1592          Yes, skip ahead
-         ldx   <u0004         Get module name ptr
-         ldu   4,s
-         lbsr  L0BFA          Set up paths
-         lbcs  L162B          If error, exit with it
-         bra   L1592          Start up shell with '-P X PATH=(current)'
-* L1581 is for sub-shells (?), L1586 for normal shells
-L1581    fcc   '-P X '        Prompting off/exit on error
-L1586    fcc   'PATH= '       For inheriting parent shell's paths
-         fcb   C$CR
-L158D    leax  <L1586,pc      Point to 'path='
-         bra   L1595          Skip ahead
-L1592    leax  <L1581,pc      Point to '-p x '
-L1595    leay  >u166D,u       Point to about-to-be merged buffer
-         lbsr  L1320          Copy up until CR
-         leay  -1,y           Point to CR
-         leax  >u0CDD,u       Point to copy of current path=
-* Copy all paths to buffer, changing <CR> separated ones with Spaces
-L15A2    lda   ,x             Get char
-         cmpa  #C$CR          CR?
-         beq   L15B1          Yes, don't copy this buffer
-         lbsr  L1320          Copy up until CR
-         lda   #C$SPAC        Replace CR with Space
-         sta   -1,y
-         bra   L15A2          Continue copying CR marked blocks until done
-L15B1    lda   #';            Replace final CR with ; (command separator)
-         sta   -1,y
-         tst   <u0060
-         beq   L15BE
-         ldd   #'M*256+'=     If flag set, append 'M='
-         std   ,y++
-L15BE    ldx   <u0008         Get ptr to start of current group
-         lbsr  L1320          Copy up until CR
-         leax  >u166D,u       Point to merged buffer again
-         stx   <u0008         Make it the new current group start
-         tfr   y,d            Move end buffer ptr to D
-         pshs  x              Push merged buffer ptr for SUBD
-         subd  ,s++           Calculate size of merged buffer
-         std   <u0006         Save merged buffer size
-         leax  >L000D,pc      Point to 'shell'
-L15D5    stx   <u0004         Save ptr to module name to fork
-L15D7    ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name to fork
-         lda   #Prgrm+Objct
-         os9   F$NMLink       Get memory requirement stuff from it
-         bcc   L15E5          Got it, continue
-         os9   F$NMLoad       Couldn't get, try loading it
-         bcs   L162B          Still couldn't get, can't fork
-L15E5    tst   <u0003         Memory size specified?
-         bne   L15F2          Yes, skip ahead
-         tfr   y,d            No, tfr modules mem size to D
-         addd  <u000A         ??? Add to something
-         addd  #$00FF         Round up to nearest page
-         sta   <u0003         Save # of pages need for data mem
-L15F2    clr  ,-s             Clear byte on stack to store original priority
-         ldb   <u0022         Get priority we want to set new program at
-         beq   DnePrior       0=Use inherited priority, skip ahead
-         leax  >u166D,u       Point to place to hold Process descriptor
-         os9   F$ID           Get our process #
-         os9   F$GPrDsc       Get our process descriptor
-         ldb   P$Prior,x      Get our priority
-         stb   ,s             Save it
-         ldb   <u0022         Get priority for new process
-         os9   F$SPrior       Set our priority so child will inherit it
-DnePrior lbsr  L130A          Go setup Fork entry registers
-         os9   F$Fork         Create the new process
-         pshs  d,cc           Preserve error (if any) & new process #
-         ldb   3,s            Get original priority back
-         beq   L1609          Priority didn't change, ignore it
-         os9   F$ID           Get our process # into A
-         os9   F$SPrior       Reset our priority back to normal
-L1609    lda   #Prgrm+Objct   Std 6809 module
-         ldx   <u0010         Get ptr to some other module name (?)
-         bne   L1611          There is one, unlink it instead
-         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to command name
-L1611    os9   F$UnLoad       Bump link count down back to normal?
-         clra  
-         clrb  
-         std   <u0010         Zero out other module name ptr
-         std   <u0004         Clear out ptr to main command name
-         lda   <u0060         Check if data module needs to be unlinked too
-         cmpa  #$01           Just 1 link to it?
-         bne   L1627          No, skip ahead
-         lda   #Data          Data module
-         ldx   <u0061         Get ptr to name of data module
-         os9   F$UnLoad       Bump link count down back to normal
-L1627    puls  cc,d           Get back F$FORK error/process #
-         leas  1,s            Eat priority byte
-         puls  pc,u,y,x       Restore regs & return
-L1629    ldb   #E$NEMod       Non-existing module error
-L162B    coma  
-         puls  pc,u,y,x
-L162E    fcc   '/pipe'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L1634    pshs  x
-         leax  <L162E,pc      Point to '/pipe'
-         ldd   #$0103
-         lbsr  L0C0E
-         puls  x
-         bcs   L169E
-         lbsr  L1459
-         bcs   L169E
-         lda   ,u
-         bne   L1653
-         os9   I$Dup    
-         bcs   L169E
-         sta   ,u
-L1653    clra  
-         os9   I$Close  
-         lda   #$01
-         os9   I$Dup    
-         lda   #$01
-         lbsr  L0BA8
-         lda   #$02
-         lbra  L0BA8
-* Filename for shell log-append mode because of leading '+'
-L1666    fcc   '+/dd/log/uxxx'
-         fcb   $0d
-* Make shell logging filename @ u0CBD,u
-L1674    leax  <L1666,pc      Point to log name string (append mode)
-         leay  >u0CBD,u       Point to buffer to hold shell log name
-         lbsr  L1320          Copy name to buffer
-         leay  -4,y           Point to where 1st digit will go
-         lda   <u005A+1       Get LSB of user #?
-         pshs  y,x,d          Preserve regs
-         leay  <L1693,pc      Point to routine
-         bra   L16B9          Go convert digits & append to logname
-L168A    lda   <u0047
-         pshs  y,x,d
-         leay  <L1693,pc
-         bra   L16B9
-L1693    ldy   $0B,s          Get ptr to where shell log # goes
-         ldd   $03,s          Get 1st 2 digits of #
-         std   ,y++           Save in shell log pathname
-         lda   $05,s          Get last digit
-         sta   ,y             Save it too
-L169E    rts   
-L169F    ldd   4,s            Get last 2 digits of process # (ASCII)
-         std   >u01EC,u       Save it & return
-         rts   
-L16A6    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve End of parm ctr & others
-         os9   F$ID           Get user's ID #
-         sty   <u005A         Save it
-         leay  <L169F,pc      Point to routine
-         bra   L16B9
-* Set up to write out process # when forked?
-L16B3    pshs  y,x,d
-         leay  >L021B,pc
-* Entry: A=Process ID #
-* Exit: L01EC=2 lower digits of process # in ASCII format
-L16B9    pshs  y,x,b          Preserve regs
-         leax  1,s            Point X to X value on stack
-         ldb   #$2F           Init B to start @ '0' in loop
-L16BF    incb                 Bump ASCII # up
-         suba  #100           Start with 100's digit
-         bhs   L16BF          More left, keep going
-         stb   ,x+            Save digit
-         ldb   #$3A           Init so loop starts @ ASCII '9'
-L16C8    decb                 Bump ASCII # down
-         adda  #10            Do 10's digit
-         bhs   L16C8          Still more, keep going
-         stb   ,x+            Save 10's digit
-         adda  #$30           Bump 1's digit up to ASCII equivalent
-         ldb   #C$CR          Add carriage return
-         std   ,x             Save overtop Y on the stack
-         leax  ,s             Point X to B on stack
-         jsr   ,y             
-         leas  5,s            Eat stack
-         puls  pc,y,x,d       Restore other regs & return
-* KILL command
-L16DD    bsr   L16EB          Go get process # to kill
-         cmpb  #2             Trying to kill the system process or 1st shell?
-         bls   L170A          Yes, print 'WHAT?' & ignore it
-         tfr   b,a            Move process # to proper reg
-L16E5    clrb                 S$Kill signal
-         os9   F$Send         Send it to the process & return
-         rts   
-* Set priority - subroutine to calculate binary version of #
-* (used for both process # & priority values)
-L16EB    clrb                 Initialize # for loop
-L16EC    lda   ,x+            This loop will calculate the binary version
-         suba  #$30           Of the ASCII # pointed to by X
-         cmpa  #9
-         bhi   L16FD
-         pshs  a
-         lda   #10            
-         mul
-         addb  ,s+
-         bcc   L16EC          Keep going until overflows past 255
-L16FD    lda   ,-x            Get last char done
-         bcs   L1708          If #>255, eat RTS & exit with error
-         tst   <u0014         If flag is set, return
-         bne   L169E
-         tstb                 Otherwise, check if # is 0
-         bne   L169E          No, return
-L1708    leas  2,s            Yes, eat RTS address & exit with error
-L170A    lbra  L0BCF          Print 'WHAT?'
-* SETPR routine
-L170D    bsr   L16EB          Go calculate process #
-         stb   <u0021         Save it
-         lbsr  L0907          Find next field (after commas/spaces)
-         bsr   L16EB          Go calculate priority (into B)
-         lda   <u0021         Get process #
-         os9   F$SPrior       Set it's priority & return
-         rts   
-L171C    fcc   'pwd: bad name in path'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L1732    fcc   '.......................................'
-L1759    fcc   '.'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L175B    fcc   'pwd: read error'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L176B    clr   <u003D
-L176D    pshs  y,x
-         leay  >u02F2,u
-         lda   #$81
-         tst   <u0037
-         beq   L178F
-         ldx   <u0039
-         bra   L17F7
-* .PXD command
-L177D    clr   <u003D
-         pshs  y,x
-         leay  >u0375,u
-         lda   #$85
-         tst   <u0038
-         beq   L178F
-         ldx   <u003B
-         bra   L17F7
-L178F    sta   <u0029
-         sty   <u003E
-L1794    leax  >$0080,y
-         lda   #$0D
-         sta   ,x
-         stx   <u002A
-         leax  <L1759,pc
-         stx   <u0040
-         bsr   L1801
-         lbsr  L183C
-L17A9    ldd   <u002C
-         std   <u0032
-         lda   <u002E
-         sta   <u0034
-         bsr   L1828
-         beq   L17D3
-         lda   <u0012
-         os9   I$Close  
-         lbcs  L188C
-         ldx   <u0040
-         leax  -$01,x
-         stx   <u0040
-         bsr   L1801
-         bsr   L183C
-         bsr   L1817
-         leax  >u03F8,u
-         lbsr  L1859
-         bra   L17A9
-L17D3    lda   <u0012
-         ldb   #SS.DevNm
-         leax  >u00B5,u
-         os9   I$GetStt       Get device name
-         bsr   L1859
-L17E0    lda   <u0012
-         os9   I$Close  
-         ldx   <u002A
-         lda   <u0029
-         bita  #$04
-         bne   L17F3
-         inc   <u0037
-         stx   <u0039
-         bra   L17F7
-L17F3    inc   <u0038
-         stx   <u003B
-L17F7    ldy   #$0083
-         lda   #$01
-         clrb  
-         lbra  L18A0
-L1801    lda   <u0029
-         os9   I$Open   
-         sta   <u0012
-         rts   
-L1809    lda   <u0012
-         leax  >u03F8,u
-         ldy   #$0020
-         os9   I$Read   
-         rts   
-L1817    bsr   L1809
-         bcs   L1896
-         leax  >u0415,u
-         leay  >u0032,u
-         bsr   L1830
-         bne   L1817
-         rts   
-L1828    leax  >u002C,u
-         leay  >u002F,u
-L1830    ldd   ,x++
-         cmpd  ,y++
-         bne   L183B
-         lda   ,x
-         cmpa  ,y
-L183B    rts   
-L183C    bsr   L1809
-         ldd   >u0415,u
-         std   <u002F
-         lda   >u0417,u
-         sta   <u0031
-         bsr   L1809
-         ldd   >u0415,u
-         std   <u002C
-         lda   >u0417,u
-         sta   <u002E
-         rts   
-L1859    os9   F$PrsNam 
-         bcs   L1890
-         ldx   <u002A
-         pshs  b
-         incb  
-         clra  
-         std   <u0032
-         tfr   x,d
-         subd  <u0032
-         cmpd  <u003E
-         bls   L1881
-         puls  b
-L1871    lda   ,-y
-         anda  #$7F
-         sta   ,-x
-         decb  
-         bne   L1871
-         lda   #$2F
-         sta   ,-x
-         stx   <u002A
-         rts   
-L1881    lda   #'*
-         sta   ,-x
-         stx   <u002A
-         leas  3,s
-         lbra  L17E0
-L188C    pshs  b,cc
-         bra   L18AB
-L1890    leax  >L171C,pc
-         bra   L189A
-L1896    leax  >L175B,pc
-L189A    leas  $02,s
-         ldd   #$02FF
-L18A0    stx   <u002A
-         pshs  b,cc
-         tst   <u003D
-         bne   L18AB
-         os9   I$WritLn 
-L18AB    puls  b,cc
-         puls  y,x,pc
-L18DB    leax  >u0124,u       Point to PD.OPT work copy area
-         clrb                 Change to CLRB
-         os9   I$GetStt       Get current PD.OPT settings
-         tst   ,x             Check device type
-         bne   L1914          If not SCF, don't bother changing stuff
-         inc   >u1812,u       Set flag that we are changing key defs
-         ldd   <$10,x         Get PD.INT & PD.QUT chars (<CTRL>-<C> & <E>)
-         sta   >u180F,u       Save copy of PD.INT
-         stb   >u180E,u       Save copy of PD.QUT
-         ldd   #$0A0C         Reload with up & down arrows
-         std   <$10,x         Save 'em
-         lda   $06,x          Get PD.NUL count (normally 0)
-         sta   >u1811,u       Save copy
-         lda   #$05           Replace with 5
-         sta   $06,x
-         clra  
-         clrb                 Reset path options to new settings
-         os9   I$SetStt       Do SS.OPT Setstat
-* Non-SCF devices go here (ex. a script file would be RBF)
-L1914    ldb   #SS.SSig       Send signal on data ready
-         ldx   #$000B         Signal code to send is $B
-         rts                  Do SetStt, clear <E signal copy, and go to L191C
-* X still is $B from L1914
-* Called when F$Sleep @ L0171 is interrupted by keyboard/mouse signal
-L191C    ldb   <u000E         Get Signal code
-         clr   <u000E         Clear memory copy of signal code
-         cmpb  #S$Abort       Keyboard abort signal (<CTRL>-<E>)?
-         bne   L1928          No, check next
-         bsr   L1932          Write CR out if no history yet
-         bra   L1967          Go backwards in history
-L1928    cmpb  #S$Intrpt      Keyboard interrupt signal (<CTRL>-<C>)?
-         lbne  L017B          No check for $B signal (ignore rest)
-         bsr   L1932          Write CR out if no history yet
-         bra   L1991          Go forwards in history
-* Keyboard abort or Keyboard interrupt signal
-L1932    tst   >u180D,u       Any history entries yet?
-         bne   L193D          Yes, exit
-         bsr   L1959          Otherwise, put CR into the buffer
-         os9   I$WritLn       Write it out to standard out
-L193D    rts   
-L193E    os9   I$ReadLn       Read in line
-         bcc   L194E          No error, skip ahead
-         cmpb  #$02           Go backward in history buffer signal?
-         beq   L1967          Yes, go process
-         cmpb  #$03           Go forward in history buffer signal?
-         beq   L1991          Yes, go process
-         lbra  L1AAA          Go to parse routine with unknown error in B
-L194E    cmpy  #$0001         Just 1 char. read?
-         lbeq  L1AA3          Yes, go do normal parsing (no error)
-         lbra  L1A37          Otherwise, change chars <$0D to spaces
-* Change A to be standard output???
-L1959    lda   #C$CR          Carriage return
-         leax  >u0124,u       ??? Point to a buffer
-         sta   ,x             Save CR there
-         clra                 Prepare to write the CR out to standard input
-         ldy   #$0001
-         rts   
-* PD.QUT (redefined to be go back 1 in history buffer)
-L1967    tst   >u180C,u       Any lines in history buffer?
-         bne   L1972          Yes, go move between them
-         bsr   L1959          Otherwise, put CR into buffer
-         lbra  L1AA3          Go to normal command parse routine (no error)
-L1972    ldb   >u180D,u       Get 'current' history buffer entry #
-         cmpb  #$01           On the first one?
-         bls   L1987          Yes, go wrap to end
-         cmpb  >u180C,u       Somehow point past last one?
-         bhi   L1987          Yes, bump back to last one
-         decb                 Bump to previous one
-         stb   >u180D,u       Save it as 'current' history entry #
-         bra   L19B3
-L1987    ldb   >u180C,u       Get highest history entry #
-         stb   >u180D,u       Make it the current
-         bra   L19B3
-* PD.INT (redefined to be go forward 1 in history buffer)
-L1991    tst   >u180C,u       Any lines in history buffer?
-         bne   L199C          Yes, go move between them
-         bsr   L1959          Otherwise, put CR into buffer
-         lbra  L1AA3          Go to normal command parse routine (no error)
-L199C    ldb   >u180D,u       Get current history entry #
-         cmpb  >u180C,u       Higher or same as last one?
-         bhs   L19AD          Yes, wrap to beginning
-         incb                 Bump to next one
-         stb   >u180D,u       Save it as 'current' history entry #
-         bra   L19B3
-L19AD    ldb   #$01           Set history entry # to 1st one
-         stb   >u180D,u       Save as 'current' entry #
-L19B3    bsr   L19D3          Go get ptr to history entry buffer we want
-         sty   >u1813,u       Save 'current' history buffer ptr
-         leax  >u0213,u       Point to expanded shell prompt
-         ldy   >u01F7,u       Get size of expanded shell prompt
-         lda   #$02           Std Err
-         os9   I$WritLn       Write out shell prompt 
-         bsr   L19EA          Go Pre-load Read buffer with history entry
-         bcc   L1A0E          No error, continue
-         lbra  L1AAA          Normal parse with error
-* Find history entry # we want
-* Entry: B=history entry # (1-xx)
-* Exit: Y=Ptr to history buffer entry we wanted
-L19D3    ldy   >u180A,u       Get ptr to start of history buffers
-L19D8    decb                 Bump down counter to find entry we want
-         beq   L19E9          Found it, skip ahead
-L19DB    tst   ,y+            Wrong one, search for end of one we are checking
-         beq   L19E4          Found it, skip ahead
-         lbsr  L1A97          Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history
-         bra   L19DB          Keep searching for end of current entry
-L19E4    lbsr  L1A97          Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history
-         bra   L19D8          Go into next entry in history buffers
-L19E9    rts                  Found it, leave
-L19EA    leax  >u0124,u       Point to temp buffer
-         ldy   >u1813,u       Get ptr to current history buffer
-         clrb                 Set counter to 0 (size of buffer)
-L19F4    lda   ,y+            Get char from history buffer
-         beq   L1A00          Found end, continue
-         sta   ,x+            Put it in temp buffer
-         incb                 Bump up size counter
-         lbsr  L1A97          Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history
-         bra   L19F4          Continue copying into temp buffer
-L1A00    clra                 D=Size of history buffer
-         decb  
-         tfr   d,y            Move to proper register
-         leax  >u0124,u       Point to buffer history copy
-         ldb   #SS.Fill       Fill it with current selected history command
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         rts   
-* Successfull SS.Fill of history buffer goes here
-L1A0E    lda   #$01           Write copy of history buffer to std out
-         os9   I$Write  
-         leax  >u0124,u       Point to current history buffer again
-         tfr   y,d            Transfer # bytes written to D
-         lda   #C$BSP         Backspace char
-L1A1B    sta   ,x+            Fill buffer with backspaces
-         decb  
-         bne   L1A1B
-         leax  >u0124,u       Write them to reset cursor to start of line
-         lda   #$01
-         os9   I$Write  
-         ldd   #SS.Relea      Eat keyboard signal (SS.Fill cleared it out of
-         os9   I$SetStt         the read buffer already)
-         ldb   #SS.SSig       Setup for re-enabling it
-         ldx   #$000B         Signal Code to send on keypress=$B
-         lbra  L016A          Go re-enable signal send on keyboard/mouse input
-* Put new entry into history buffers, adjusting # used, etc.)
-* Entry: Y=# bytes read in ReadLn <>1
-L1A37    pshs  y              Preserve # bytes read
-         tfr   y,d            Move to D reg
-         ldy   >u1808,u       Get ptr to where next history entry will go
-         leax  >u0124,u       Point to line entered by user
-L1A44    lda   ,x+            Get char
-         cmpa  #C$CR          Control char <$0d?
-         bhs   L1A4C          No, save the character
-         lda   #C$SPAC        Replace with space char if it is
-L1A4C    sta   ,y+            Save char into history buffer
-         bsr   L1A97          Wrap to beginning if we hit end
-         cmpy  >u180A,u       Point to entry #1?
-         bne   L1A59          No, continue
-         bsr   L1A7B          Yes, make new #1 entry & drop # of entries
-L1A59    decb                 Drop # bytes left in new entry
-         bne   L1A44          Not done, continue
-         clr   ,y+            mark end with NUL
-         bsr   L1A97          Wrap to beginning if at end
-         cmpy  >u180A,u       Pointing to entry #1?
-         bne   L1A69          No, skip ahead
-         bsr   L1A7B          Yes, make new #1 entry & drop # of entries
-L1A69    inc   >u180C,u       Increase # of entries
-         sty   >u1808,u       Save ptr to where next history entry will go
-         puls  y              Restore # bytes read
-         clra                 Point to temp buffer again
-         leax  >u0124,u
-         bra   L1AA3          Normal parse, no error
-* Reset ptr to new 1st entry in history buffer
-L1A7B    pshs  y              Preserve current location in history buffer
-         ldy   >u180A,u       Point to start of 1st entry
-L1A82    tst   ,y+            End of current entry?
-         beq   L1A8A          Yes, skip ahead
-         bsr   L1A97          No, wrap if we need to
-         bra   L1A82          Keep going until we find end
-L1A8A    bsr   L1A97          Wrap if we need to
-         dec   >u180C,u       Dec # lines in history buffer
-         sty   >u180A,u       Save new 'start of history' ptr
-         puls  pc,y           Restore current location & return
-* If we are at end of history buffers, wrap to beginning (raw, has nothing to
-*   do with entry #'s)
-L1A97    cmpy  >u1806,u       Are we at end of buffer for history entries?
-         bne   L1AA2          No, continue on
-         leay  >u1815,u       Yes, reset to beginning of history buffers
-L1AA2    rts   
-L1AA3    bsr   L1AB1          Reset std paths to normal <CTRL>-<E>/<C> settings
-         andcc #^Carry        No error
-         lbra  L018B          Normal command processing
-L1AAA    bsr   L1AB1          Reset std paths to normal <CTRL>-<E>/<C> settings
-         orcc  #Carry         Error
-         lbra  L018B          Normal command processing
-* Reset all 3 standard paths' NUL counts/Keyboard Interrupt/Terminate settings
-L1AB1    pshs  x,d            Preserve regs
-         tst   >u1812,u       Check flag
-         beq   L1AD6          If 0 skip ahead
-         leas  <-PD.OPT,s     Make 32 byte buffer on stack
-         leax  ,s             Point X to buffer
-         clrb                 CHANGE TO CLRB
-         clra                 Standard input path
-         bsr   L1AD8          Restore NUL counts, Keyboard Intrpt/Terminate
-         lda   #$01           Do same for Standard output path
-         bsr   L1AD8
-         lda   #$02           Do same for Standard Error path
-         bsr   L1AD8
-         leas  <$20,s         Eat stack buffer
-         clr   >u1812,u       Reset PD.OPT flags to 0
-         clr   >u180D,u
-L1AD6    puls  pc,x,d         Restore regs & return
-* Restore path options to preserved Keyboard terminate/interrupt & end of
-* line NUL counts
-L1AD8    pshs  a              Preserve path #
-         os9   I$GetStt       Get current PD.OPT settings
-         lda   >u180E,u       Get copy of Keyboard terminate char
-         sta   <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x  Save into buffered copy
-         lda   >u180F,u       Get copy of Keyboard interrupt char
-         sta   <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x  Save into buffered copy
-         lda   >u1811,u       Get copy of end of line NUL count
-         sta   $6,x           Save into buffered copy
-         puls  a              Get path # back
-         os9   I$SetStt       Reset path options with restored values & return
-         rts   
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
-         end
+* Shellplus - Enhanced shell for OS-9 Level Two
+* Modified by L. Curtis Boyle from original 2.2 disassembly
+* $Id$
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* 21     Original Tandy/Microware version
+* 22a    History and numerous features added
+         nam   Shell
+         ttl   program module       
+* Disassembled 93/04/15 14:58:18 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
+* Signals: Signals 2 & 3 are assigned new keys to handle forward/backward
+* command history. Signal $B (11) is the signal sent out on a key being ready
+* for normal command processing
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc
+tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $02
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+u0000    rmb   1              Path # for standard input
+u0001    rmb   1              Path # for standard output
+u0002    rmb   1              Path # for standard error
+u0003    rmb   1              # of 256 byte pages of data mem for frked module
+u0004    rmb   2              Temp ptr (current parse ptr, mem module ptr,etc)
+u0006    rmb   2              Size of current group
+u0008    rmb   2              Pointer to start of current group (past '(')
+u000A    rmb   2
+u000C    rmb   1              Current char. being processed in command parser
+u000D    rmb   1              # of command groups [ '()' groupings ]
+u000E    rmb   1              unprocessed signal # (0=none waiting)
+u000F    rmb   1              ??? Flag of some sort
+u0010    rmb   2              ??? (ptr to some module name)
+u0012    rmb   1              Current working DIR path #
+u0013    rmb   1              Flag to kill parent process (1=Kill parent)
+u0014    rmb   1              Flag: If set, a result must not be 0 ???
+u0015    rmb   1
+u0016    rmb   1
+u0017    rmb   1
+u0018    rmb   1              Immortal shell (0=NO)
+* A clearing routine only does u0000 to u0018
+u0019    rmb   1
+u001A    rmb   2
+u001C    rmb   1              Shell logging on flag (0=OFF)
+u001D    rmb   1              Shell prompting (0=ON)
+u001E    rmb   1              Echo input (0=OFF)
+u001F    rmb   1              Variable expansion (0=ON)
+u0020    rmb   1              Kill shell on error (0=OFF)
+u0021    rmb   1              Process # to set priority on
+u0022    rmb   1              Priority to set (0=don't change) (ours or fork)
+u0023    rmb   2
+u0025    rmb   2              End of data mem ptr (top of stack)
+u0027    rmb   1
+u0028    rmb   1
+u0029    rmb   1
+u002A    rmb   2
+u002C    rmb   2
+u002E    rmb   1
+u002F    rmb   1
+u0030    rmb   1
+u0031    rmb   1
+u0032    rmb   2
+u0034    rmb   3
+u0037    rmb   1              Flag: 0=Data dir .PWD invalid, 1=valid
+u0038    rmb   1              Flag: 0=Exec dir .PXD invalid, 1=valid
+u0039    rmb   1
+u003A    rmb   1
+u003B    rmb   2
+u003D    rmb   1
+u003E    rmb   2
+u0040    rmb   2              Ptr to start of filename (vs. pathname) ('/')
+* Shell prompt flag
+u0042    rmb   1              Current working dir path already done flag
+u0043    rmb   1              
+u0044    rmb   1
+u0045    rmb   1              ??? <>0 means looking for GOTO label?
+u0046    rmb   1              Flag: 1=GOTO label found?
+u0047    rmb   1              Error code from ReadLn or signal
+u0048    rmb   2              Ptr to 1st char after redirection symbols
+u004A    rmb   2              Ptr to text message
+u004C    rmb   2              Size of text message
+u004E    rmb   1
+u004F    rmb   1              0=no pathname in parm line, else IS pathname
+u0050    rmb   2
+u0052    rmb   2              Current expanded buffer size (max=2048)
+u0054    rmb   2              Ptr to current char in wildcard filename we are
+*                               checking
+u0056    rmb   2              Ptr to current pos in expanded buffer
+u0058    rmb   2              Pointer to end of GOTO label name
+u005A    rmb   2              User ID # from F$ID call
+u005C    rmb   1
+u005D    rmb   1
+u005E    rmb   1              Device type: 0=SCF (keyboard),1=RBF (Scriptfile)
+u005F    rmb   1
+u0060    rmb   1              Data module linked flag: 1= Yes
+u0061    rmb   2              Ptr to data module name
+u0063    rmb   2              Ptr to intercept routines data mem
+u0065    rmb   2              Execution address of linked module
+u0067    rmb   2              Start address of module
+u0069    rmb   2
+u006B    rmb   1              Flag: 0=No module to unlink, <>0 module to unlink
+u006C    rmb   1
+u006D    rmb   1              Start of device name buffer (start with '/')
+u006E    rmb   71             Actual device name
+u00B5    rmb   20             Start of another device name buffer ('/')
+u00C9    rmb   13
+u00D6    rmb   13             Standard module header info (M$ID-M$Mem)
+u00E3    rmb   5              Module name string (reserves 64 chars)
+u00E8    rmb   3
+u00EB    rmb   4
+u00EF    rmb   10             Temp buffer (many uses)
+u00F9    rmb   6
+u00FF    rmb   37             Place to point SP when CHAINing
+u0124    rmb   81             Temporary buffer (used for several things)
+u0175    rmb   119            Part of temp buffer for ReadLn (200 chars total)
+u01EC    rmb   2              Least sig. 2 digits of process # (ASCII format)
+u01EE    rmb   1
+u01EF    rmb   2              Holding area for 2 digit ASCII conversions
+* Shell prompt parsing flags
+u01F1    rmb   1              Process ID # already done flag
+u01F2    rmb   1              Standard output device name already done flag
+u01F3    rmb   1              Quoting on flag in shell prompt string parsing
+u01F4    rmb   1              Date already done flag
+u01F5    rmb   1              Time already done flag
+u01F6    rmb   1              Date OR time already done flag
+u01F7    rmb   2              Size of expanded shell prompt
+u01F9    rmb   25             Current shell prompt string
+u0212    rmb   1              Lead in Line feed for expanded shell prompt
+u0213    rmb   199            Expanded shell prompt
+u02DA    rmb   6              Date/time packet
+u02E0    rmb   8              Date string
+u02E8    rmb   1              Space separating date & time (for shell init)
+u02E9    rmb   9              Time string (and CR)
+u02F2    rmb   131
+u0375    rmb   131
+u03F8    rmb   29
+u0415    rmb   2
+u0417    rmb   1
+u0418    rmb   400            Intercept routines memory area (not used)
+u05A8    rmb   810            Shell variables (user?)
+u08D2    rmb   810            Shell variables (shell sub?)
+u0BFC    rmb   80
+u0C4C    rmb   81             Copy of GOTO label name
+u0C9D    rmb   32             DIR Entry buffer
+u0CBD    rmb   32             Shell logging filename (append mode '+')
+u0CDD    rmb   400            PATH=Buffer (each entry CR terminated)
+u0E6D    rmb   2048           Fully expanded filenames buffer (for wildcards)
+* Actually,this next block appears to be generic buffers for various functions
+u166D    rmb   80             Process descriptor copies go here (512 bytes)
+u16BD    rmb   1
+u16BE    rmb   80
+u170E    rmb   238
+u17FC    rmb   10
+u1806    rmb   2              ??? Ptr to end of shell history buffers
+u1808    rmb   2              Ptr to where next history entry will go
+u180A    rmb   2              Ptr to start of shell history buffers
+u180C    rmb   1              # of lines in history buffer (1-(u180C))
+u180D    rmb   1              Current line # in history buffer
+u180E    rmb   1              Original keyboard terminate char
+u180F    rmb   1              Original keyboard interrupt char
+u1810    rmb   1
+u1811    rmb   1              Original end of line NUL count
+u1812    rmb   1              Flag to indicate if we have to restore PD.OPT
+u1813    rmb   2
+u1815    rmb   808            Shell history copies start here
+u1B3D    rmb   963            Local stack space, etc.
+size     equ   .
+name     equ   *
+L000D    fcs   /Shell/
+         fcb   $16 
+L0013    fcb   Prgrm+PCode 
+         fcs   'PascalS'
+         fcb   Sbrtn+CblCode
+         fcs   'RunC'
+         fcb   Sbrtn+ICode
+L0021    fcs   'RunB'
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+L002E    fcb   C$LF
+         fcc   'Shell+ v2.2a '
+L003C    fcb   $00 
+L003D    fcc   '{@|#}$:                 '
+L0055    fcc   '+++START+++'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L0061    fcc   '+++END+++'
+         fcb   C$CR
+* Intercept routine
+L006B    stb   <u000E         Save signal code & return
+         rti
+start    leas  -5,s           Make 5 byte buffer on stack
+         pshs  y,x,d          Save Top/bottom of param area, and size of area
+         leax  >u1815,u       Pointer to start of history buffer area
+         stx   >u1808,u       Save ptr to where next history entry goes
+         stx   >u180A,u       Save ptr to start of history buffers
+         leax  >$0328,x       Setup up another pointer (end of history area?)
+         stx   >u1806,u       Save it
+         clr   >u1812,u       Clear flag that we have to restore PD.OPT
+         clr   >u180D,u       Current line # of history buffer=0
+         clr   >u180C,u       # lines in history buffer=0
+         ldx   2,s            Get back top of data area ptr
+         ldb   #$FF           255 bytes to clear
+         lbsr  L0412          Go clear direct page
+         sts   <u0025         Save current stack ptr
+         stu   <u0027         Save Data mem ptr (0)
+         leax  >u0418,u       Point to intercept routines memory area
+         stx   <u0063         Save a copy of it
+         leax  <L006B,pc      Point to intercept routine
+         os9   F$Icpt         Setup the intercept routine
+         lbsr  L16A6          Get user #, and make 2 digit ASCII ver. @ 1EC
+         lbsr  L1674          Make shell logging pathname @ CBD
+         leax  <L003D,pc      Point to default shell prompt string
+         lbsr  L0A14          Go create shell prompt string & prompt itself
+         leax  >u05A8,u       Point to start of shell variables
+         ldd   #C$CR*256+20   Carriage return (blank entries) & all 20 of them
+L009C    sta   ,x             Mark shell variable as blank
+         leax  <81,x          Point to next entry (81 bytes/entry)
+         decb                 Do until all 20 are done (user & shell sub)
+         bne   L009C
+         sta   >u0CDD,u       Init 1st 2 entries of PATH= buffer to CR's
+         sta   >u0CDD+1,u
+         puls  x,d            Get parameter ptr & parameter size
+         std   <u0006         Save size of parameter area
+         beq   L00BF          If no parameters, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L041B          Pre-Parse parameters passed to this shell
+         lbcs  L01FA          Error, go handle it
+         tst   <u000C         Any char being processed in parser?
+         lbne  L01F9          Yes, skip ahead
+L00BF    lbsr  L0225          Release any keyboard/mouse signals & get PD.OPT
+         inc   <u006C         ??? Set flag
+         lds   ,s++           Since parameters parsed, point SP to top of mem
+         sts   <u0025         Save end of data mem ptr (top of stack)
+         stu   <u0027         Save start of data mem ptr
+L00CC    leax  >L002E,pc      Point to Shellplus v2.2 message
+         tst   <u001D         Shell prompting turned on?
+         bne   L00EA          No, skip ahead
+         ldy   #$000E         Length of message
+         lda   #$01           Standard out
+         os9   I$Write        Write it
+         lbcs  L0200          If error writing, terminate Shellplus
+         bsr   L00FB          Go create date & time strings
+         lbsr  L021B          Write out date & time
+         lbcs  L0200          If error writing, terminate Shellplus
+L00EA    clra
+         sta   <u005C
+         leax  >L0055,pc      Point to '+++START+++' for shell logging
+         lbsr  L07E7          Go deal with logging if necessary
+         tst   <u001D         Shell prompting turn on?
+         bne   L0120          No, skip ahead
+         bra   L010D          Yes, do something else first
+L00FB    clr   >u01F6,u       Clear date or time done flag
+         lbsr  L0B3B          Create current date & time strings
+         lda   #C$SPAC        Put in a space to separate date & time
+         sta   >u02E8,u
+         leax  >u02E0,u       Point to start of date buffer
+         rts   
+* Shell just booted goes here
+L010D    lbsr  L09F7          Update expanded shell prompt if needed
+         leax  >u0212,u       Point to expanded shell prompt
+         ldy   >u01F7,u       Get size of expanded shell prompt
+L0119    tst   <u001D         Shell prompting on?
+         bne   L0120          No, continue on
+         lbsr  L021F          Print shell prompt to standard error
+* Shell already booted goes here
+L0120    clra
+         leax  >u0124,u       Point to an input line of some sort
+         tst   <u006B         Any module linked?
+         beq   L015B          No, continue on
+         ldy   <u0065         Yes, get Execution address of linked module
+         cmpy  <u0069         ???
+         lbhs  L01F0
+         ldb   #200    LDW #200/PSHS X/TFM Y+,X+
+         pshs  x              Copy temporary buffer to [<u0065]
+L0137    lda   ,y+
+         sta   ,x+
+         decb  
+         beq   L014E          Whole buffer copied, skip ahead
+         cmpy  <u0069         But don't go past here
+         bhs   L0147
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Also, stop on carriage return
+         bne   L0137
+L0147    sty   <u0065         Save new start address
+         puls  x              Restore ptr to u0124
+         bra   L01B9          Skip ahead
+L014E    lda   ,y+
+         cmpy  <u0069
+         bhs   L0147
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+         bne   L014E
+         bra   L0147
+L015B    tst   <u005E         We reading from script file?
+         bne   L017F          Yes, skip ahead
+         ldd   #SS.Relea      Std input path/release keyboard+mouse signals
+         os9   I$SetStt       Release any keyboard signals
+         lbsr  L18DB          Go modify signals 2&3 to use up/down arrows,
+*                               set up to re-enable Kybd signals
+L016A    clr   <u000E         Clear out last signal received
+         os9   I$SetStt       Re-set up SS.SSig
+* NOTE: This BRA L0177 is required for type-ahead to work
+         bra   L0177          Go check for history-related signals
+L0171    ldx   #$0000         Sleep until signal is received
+         os9   F$Sleep
+L0177    lbra  L191C          Go check for history signals (PD.QUT & PD.INT)
+* Signal received is not PD.QUT or PD.INT goes here
+L017B    cmpb  #$0B           Key pressed signal?
+         bne   L0171          No, ignore signal & go to sleep again
+* Keyboard input received signal goes here
+L017F    leax  >u0124,u       Point to temp buffer to hold line
+         clra                 Std Input
+         ldy   #200           Maximum 200 char. input
+         lbra  L193E          Go read the rest of line as ReadLn
+* Comes here after line or signal received & processed
+L018B    bcc   L01B9          If no errors, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #E$EOF         <ESC> key in ReadLn?
+         beq   L01F0          Yes, skip ahead
+L0191    lds   <u0025         Get top of stack ptr
+         ldu   <u0027         Get back ptr to DP
+         stb   <u0047         Save error code
+         tst   <u0046         GOTO label active?
+         bne   L01A4          Yes, go print error message
+         tst   <u0018         Is this shell immortal?
+         bne   L01A4          Yes, go print error message
+         tst   <u0020         Kill shell on error?
+         bne   L01FA          Yes, go do that
+L01A4    os9   F$PErr         Print the error message
+         tst   <u0046         GOTO label active?
+         lbeq  L010D          No, go print shell prompt/process next line
+         clr   <u0046         Clear GOTO label flag
+         leax  >u0C4C,u       Point to copy of GOTO label name
+         lbsr  L0FD0          Go process GOTO line
+         lbra  L010D          Go print shell prompt/process next line
+* No error received on line
+L01B9    cmpy  #$0001         Just 1 char read (just a CR)?
+         bhi   L01CE          No, go parse parameters
+         lbsr  L09F7          Go update date/time & expanded shell prompt
+         leax  >u0213,u       Point to expanded shell prompt
+         ldy   >u01F7,u       Get size of expanded shell prompt
+         lbra  L0119          Go print shell prompt & get next line from user
+* No errors-got input line, and there is something in it
+L01CE    lbsr  L041B          Go parse parameters?
+         pshs  cc             Save flags
+         tst   <u0045
+         bne   L01D9
+         clr   <u0047         Clear error/signal code from ReadLn
+L01D9    puls  cc             Restore flags
+         lbcc  L010D          If no error from parse, do prompts & read again
+         tstb                 If a 0 error, do prompts & read again
+         lbeq  L010D
+         tst   <u0045         ??? Do we care about errors?
+         bne   L0191          No, go handle error
+         stb   <u0047         Save error/signal code
+         bra   L0191          Go handle error
+L01EC    fcc   'eof'
+         fcb   $0d
+* <ESC> received
+L01F0    tst   <u001D         Shell prompting on?
+L01F2    bne   L01F9          No, skip printing 'eof' to screen
+         leax  <L01EC,pc      Point to 'eof' string
+         bsr   L021B          Write it out to std error
+L01F9    clrb                 No error flag
+* Possible shell error - Process
+L01FA    lda   <u0018         Is this shell immortal?
+         lbne  L0BDA          Yes, go close or dupe paths
+* Shell not immortal, exit routine in here
+L0200    pshs  u,b,cc         Preserve regs
+         tst   <u006B         Shellsub module to unlink?
+         beq   L020B          No, skip ahead
+         ldu   <u0067         Yes, get ptr to module
+         os9   F$UnLink       Unlink it
+L020B    puls  u,b,cc         Restore U, error # & flags
+* EX with no module name (or non-existant one) go here
+L020D    pshs  b,cc           Save error # & flags
+         leax  >L0061,pc      Point to '+++END+++' string
+         lbsr  L07E7          Close log file if one is open, restore ID #
+         puls  b,cc           Restore error # & flags
+         os9   F$Exit         Terminate shellplus
+L021B    ldy   #80            Write up to 80 chars or CR
+L021F    lda   #$02           Std error path
+         os9   I$WritLn       Write message out & return
+         rts   
+L0225    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve regs
+         ldd   #SS.Relea      Std In & Release keyboard & mouse signals  
+         os9   I$SetStt 
+         bcc   L0233          No error, continue
+         lda   #$01           Couldn't release keyboard/mouse signals flag
+         bra   L0241
+L0233    leax  >u0124,u       Point to buffer for current path options
+         clra  
+         clrb                 CHANGE TO CLRB
+         os9   I$GetStt       Get std input path options
+         lda   >u0124,u       Get Device type (0 (SCF) usually)
+L0241    sta   <u005E         Save device type (1=SS.Relea failed)
+         puls  pc,y,x,d       Restore regs & return
+* R= command (redirect specific paths)
+L0245    lda   ,x             Get char from input line
+         cmpa  #'<            Is it input path?
+         beq   L0251          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #'>            Is it an output/error path?
+         lbne  L0BCF          No, print 'WHAT?'
+L0251    pshs  x              Preserve ptr to 1st redirection symbol
+         leay  >L03CF,pc      Point to modifier symbol table
+         lbsr  L092A          Go to command line parser
+         lbcs  L0BCF          Error, print 'WHAT?'
+         ldd   ,y             Get table offset
+         jsr   d,y            Call appropriate subroutine
+         stx   <u0048         Save ptr to source after redirection symbols
+         puls  x              Restore ptr to redirection symbols
+         lbcs  L0B96          If error in subroutine, close paths & return
+L026A    lda   ,x+            Get 1st char again
+         cmpa  #'<            Input path?
+         beq   L026A          Yes, skip to next
+         cmpa  #'>            Output or Error path?
+         beq   L026A          Yes, skip to next
+         cmpa  #'-            Overwrite old file?
+         beq   L026A          Yes, skip to next
+         cmpa  #'+            Append to old file?
+         beq   L026A          Yes, skip to next
+         leax  -1,x           Point to non-redirect char
+         bsr   L02A3          Make name buffer, release signals,parse modifiers
+         clrb                 Start path # 0
+L0281    pshs  b              Save on stack
+         lda   b,u            Get special path #
+         beq   L028A          None, skip ahead
+         os9   I$Close        Close the path
+L028A    puls  b              Get path # back
+         clr   b,u            Clear out entry
+         incb                 Next path #
+         cmpb  #$03           Done the 3 standard paths yet?
+         blo   L0281          No, keep doing until all done
+         ldx   <u0048         Get ptr to redirected dev/file name & return
+         rts   
+* Z= command (immortal shell setting, but kill parent process)
+L0296    inc   <u0013         Flag we want to kill parent
+* I= command (immortal shell setting)
+L0298    lbsr  L0CD2
+         lbcs  L0B96
+         bsr   L02A3
+         bra   L02D4
+* Create device name buffer @ u006D, Write NUL to std out, parse special
+* chars: # @ @+hibit $ ( ), Release any keyboard/mouse signals
+L02A3    pshs  x              Prsrve ptr to file/dev name we're redirecting to
+         ldb   #SS.DevNm      Get device name call code
+         leax  <u006D,u       Point to buffer for path names
+         lda   #'/            Preload '/' for device names
+         sta   ,x+
+         clra                 Standard input path
+         os9   I$GetStt       Get the current device name
+         puls  x              Get back ptr to file/dev name for redirection
+         lbcs  L0B96          Error on GetStt, shut down paths & exit
+         ldy   #$0001         One char to write
+         pshs  x              Prsrve ptr to file/dev name we're redirecting to
+         leax  >L003C,pc      Point to a NUL
+         lda   #1             Std out
+         os9   I$Write        Write the NUL out
+         puls  x              Restore Devname ptr
+         lbcs  L0B96          Error on Write, shut down paths & exit
+         lbsr  L0A04          Do normal parsing - includes #,@,$e0,$,(,)
+         lbsr  L0225          Release signals
+         rts   
+L02D4    inc   <u0018         Set 'immortal shell' flag
+         inc   <u0019         ??? (flag used by L0B96 routine)
+         lbsr  L0B96
+         clr   <u0019
+         tst   <u0013         Do we want to kill the parent process?
+         beq   L02FC
+         os9   F$ID           Get our process ID # into A
+         pshs  x              Preserve X
+         leax  >u166D,u       Point to process descriptor buffer
+         os9   F$GPrDsc       Get our process descriptor
+         lda   P$PID,x        Get our parents process #
+         puls  x              Restore X
+         beq   L02A3          If parent's process # is 0 (system), skip back
+         clrb                 S$Kill signal code
+         os9   F$Send         Send it to parent
+         lbcs  L0191          If error sending signal, go to error routine
+L02FC    clrb                 No error
+         stb   <u0013         Clear 'kill parent' flag
+         rts   
+* Command list
+L0300    fdb   L0B87-L0300    $0887
+         fcs   '*'
+L0303    fdb   L12D1-L0303    $0fce
+         fcs   'W'
+L0306    fdb   L09BD-L0306    $06b7
+         fcs   'CHD'
+L030B    fdb   L09B5-L030B    $06aa
+         fcs   'CHX'
+L0310    fdb   L09BD-L0310    $06ad
+         fcs   'CD'
+L0314    fdb   L09B5-L0314    $06a1
+         fcs   'CX'
+L0318    fdb   L0987-L0318    $066f
+         fcs   'EX'
+L031C    fdb   L16DD-L031C    $13c1
+         fcs   'KILL'
+L0322    fdb   L09EF-L0322    $06cd
+         fcs   'X'
+L0325    fdb   L09F3-L0325    $06ce
+         fcs   '-X'
+L0329    fdb   L0A14-L0329    $06eb
+         fcs   'P='
+L032D    fdb   L09D7-L032D    $06aa
+         fcs   'P'
+L0330    fdb   L09DA-L0330    $06aa
+         fcs   '-P'
+L0334    fdb   L09DF-L0334    $06ab
+         fcs   'T'
+L0337    fdb   L09E3-L0337    $06ac
+         fcs   '-T'
+L033B    fdb   L170D-L033B    $13d2
+         fcs   'SETPR'
+L0342    fdb   L0298-L0342    $ff56
+         fcs   'I='
+L0346    fdb   L0245-L0346    $feff
+         fcs   'R='
+L034A    fdb   L0296-L034A    $ff4c
+         fcs   'Z='
+L034E    fdb   L0927-L034E    $05d9
+         fcs   ';'
+L0351    fdb   L176B-L0351    $141a
+         fcs   '.PWD'
+L0357    fdb   L177D-L0357    $1426
+         fcs   '.PXD'
+L035D    fdb   L1029-L035D    $0ccc
+         fcs   'M='
+L0361    fdb   L105A-L0361    $0cf9
+         fcs   'VAR.'
+L0367    fdb   L09E7-L0367    $0680
+         fcs   'V'
+L036A    fdb   L09EA-L036A    $0680
+         fcs   '-V'
+L036E    fdb   L1209-L036E    $0e9b
+         fcs   'PATH='
+L0375    fdb   L11CF-L0375    $0e5a
+         fcs   'PAUSE'
+L037C    fdb   L1126-L037C    $0daa
+         fcs   'INC.'
+L0382    fdb   L1131-L0382    $0daf
+         fcs   'DEC.'
+L0388    fdb   L0D62-L0388    $09da
+         fcs   'IF'
+L038C    fdb   L0E0B-L038C    $0a7f
+         fcs   'THEN'
+L0392    fdb   L0F8C-L0392    $0bfa
+         fcs   'ELSE'
+L0398    fdb   L0E0B-L0398    $0a73
+         fcs   'FI'
+L039C    fdb   L0E0B-L039C    $0a6f
+         fcs   'ENDIF'
+L03A3    fdb   L0F3F-L03A3    $0b9c
+         fcs   'CLRIF'
+L03AA    fdb   L0FD0-L03AA    $0c26
+L03AC    fcs   'GOTO'
+L03B0    fdb   L0F93-L03B0    $0be3
+         fcs   'ONERR'
+L03B7    fdb   L09CF-L03B7    $0618
+         fcs   'L'
+L03BA    fdb   L09D3-L03BA    $0619
+         fcs   '-L'
+L03BE    fdb   L0969-L03BE    $05ab
+         fcs   'S.T.A.R.T.U.P'
+         fdb   $0000
+L03CF    fdb   L1634-L03CF    $1265
+         fcs   '!'
+L03D2    fdb   L1634-L03D2    $1262
+         fcs   '|'
+L03D5    fdb   L12A0-L03D5    $0ecb
+         fcs   ';'
+L03D8    fdb   L12C3-L03D8    $0eeb
+         fcs   '&'
+L03DB    fdb   L1299-L03DB    $0ebe
+         fcb   $8d            CR
+L03DE    fdb   L0CCE-L03DE    $08f0
+         fcs   '<>>>'
+L03E4    fdb   L0CE5-L03E4    $0901
+         fcs   '<>>'
+L03E9    fdb   L0CD7-L03E9    $08ee
+         fcs   '<>'
+L03ED    fdb   L0CF3-L03ED    $0906
+         fcs   '>>>'
+L03F2    fdb   L0C01-L03F2    $080f
+         fcs   '>>'
+L03F6    fdb   L0BFA-L03F6    $0804
+         fcs   '<'
+L03F9    fdb   L0C08-L03F9    $080f
+         fcs   '>'
+L03FC    fdb   L1277-L03FC    $0e7b
+         fcs   '#'
+L03FF    fdb   L1265-L03FF    $0e66
+         fcs   '^'
+         fdb   $0000          End of table marker
+L0404    fcb   $0d
+         fcc   '()'
+         fcb   $ff
+L0408    fcb   $0d
+         fcc   '!#&;<>^|'
+         fcb   $ff
+* Subroutine: Clears B bytes of memory to NUL's starting @ U
+L0412    pshs  u              Clear memory
+L0414    clr   ,u+
+         decb  
+L0417    bne   L0414
+L0419    puls  pc,u
+* Pre-Parse parameters passed to this shell. Will copy from parm area to
+*   buffer area at u0166D, checking for raw mode access allowability if needed
+* Will also
+* Entry: X=ptr to parm area
+L041B    ldb   #$18           # of bytes to clear in DP
+L041D    bsr   L0412          Go clear from <u0000 to <u0018 (immortal off)
+         tst   <u006C         ??? (If shell is initing, it's 0)
+         lbeq  L04CE          Shell just initializing, skip ahead
+         leay  >u17FC,u       Point to end of buffer marker
+         pshs  y              Save ptr on stack
+         leay  >u166D,u       Point to buffer for process descriptor
+L042F    bsr   L0486          Copy next char (check for '@', possibly eat)
+         cmpa  #C$CR          CR?
+         beq   L04A8          Yes, force CR into ,y & process line from start
+         cmpy  ,s             At end of buffer?
+         beq   L04A8          Yes, force CR, process line from start
+         tst   <u001F         Variable expansion on?
+         bne   L042F          No, check next char
+         cmpa  #'%            Is it a '%' (shell variable)?
+         bne   L042F          No, do next character
+         leay  -1,y           Back up destination ptr to where '%' is
+         pshs  x              Save current position in parms
+         lda   ,x             Get 1st char of shell variable nam
+         cmpa  #'*            Shell variable for last error code received?
+         beq   L049D          Yes,replace shell var with contents of shell var
+         leax  >u05A8,u       Point to user shell variable contents table
+         cmpa  #'%            2nd '%'= shellsub variable
+         bne   L0460          No, just user, go process
+         puls  x              Get back parm ptr
+         leax  1,x            Skip over 2nd '%'
+         lda   ,x             Get shellsub variable #
+         pshs  x              Save parm ptr
+         leax  >u08D2,u       Point to shellsub variable contents table
+* Entry: A=ASCII 0-9 for either shell or shellsub variable #
+L0460    cmpa  #'9            ASCII numeric?
+         bhi   L0470          No, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #'0
+         blo   L0470
+         suba  #$30           Yes, bump down to binary equivalent
+         ldb   #81            Point to proper variable entry within var table
+         mul
+         leax  d,x
+         incb                 ??? Used in TSTB below
+L0470    bsr   L0486          Copy char from var table to pre-parse buffer
+         cmpy  2,s            Hit end of pre-parse buffer?
+         beq   L04A6          Yes, force CR at end of it, do full parse
+         cmpa  #C$CR          End of variable?
+         bne   L0470          No, keep copying characters
+         leay  -1,y           Knock ptr back one (to where CR is)
+         puls  x              Get current parm ptr back
+         tstb                 ??? flag to skip a byte in parm or not
+         beq   L042F          Don't skip
+L0482    leax  1,x            Skip to next byte in parm line
+         bra   L042F          Continue pre-parse
+* Copy char from parm area to command line buffer - if '@', eat if user is
+*   not super-user (#0)
+* Entry: X=ptr to current pos. in original parm buffer
+*        Y=ptr to current pos. in new, pre-parsed buffer
+L0486    lda   ,x+            Get char from parms
+         cmpa  #'@            Raw mode request?
+         bne   L049A          Skip ahead if not (SHOULD BE BNE)
+L048C    pshs  y,a            Preserve regs
+         os9   F$ID           Get user ID #
+         cmpy  #$0000         Is it 0 (superuser)? (should be leay ,y)
+         puls  y,a            Restore regs
+         beq   L049A          Yes, allow char thru
+         rts                  Otherwise eat it
+L049A    sta   ,y+            Save char & return
+         rts   
+* Shell variable '%* (for last error code) requested
+* Put contents of shell var. into pre-parsed command line buffer
+L049D    puls  x              Get back parm ptr
+         lbsr  L168A          Put error code into preparse buffer
+         leay  3,y            Skip over error code space we just added
+         bra   L0482          Skip over shell varname, continue preparse
+L04A6    leas  2,s            Eat stack
+L04A8    lda   #C$CR          Force CR as last char in buffer
+         sta   ,y
+         puls  y
+         leax  >u166D,u       Point to start of pre-parse buffer again
+L04B2    bra   L04CE          Start real parse
+L04B4    fcb   C$LF
+         fcc   'Expanded line too long'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L04CC    fcc   '.'
+L04CD    fcb   C$CR
+* Parse command line buffer - already pre-parsed (user 0 RAW mode checks &
+*   shell/shellsub variable expansion is already done)
+* Entry: X=Ptr to pre-parsed command line buffer
+L04CE    lda   ,x             Get 1st char from parameter area
+         cmpa  #'*            Is it a comment?
+         beq   L04DE          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #':            Is it a wildcard on/off?
+         bne   L04DA          No, skip ahead
+         leax  1,x            Bump ptr past it
+L04DA    cmpa  #':            Is it a wildcard off?
+* FOLLOWING LINE: BEQ means wildcarding default off, BNE = on
+         beq   L04F0          No, go process wildcarding
+* No wildcard processing
+L04DE    leay  >u0E6D,u       Point Y to expanded buffer
+         lbsr  L1320          Copy param area to buffer area until 1st CR
+         leax  >u0E6D,u       Point X to expanded (wildcard) buffer
+         ldy   #$0800         Max. size of expanded buffer (2048 bytes)
+         lbra  L079B          Process line without wildcards
+* Wild carding processor
+* Entry: X=ptr to current position in pre-parsed parm line
+* 1st, set up error msg for if buffer gets full
+L04F0    leay  >L04B4,pc      Point to 'Expanded line too long'
+         sty   <u004A         Save it
+         ldy   #$0018         Get size of text
+         sty   <u004C         Save it too
+         leay  >L04CD,pc      Point to CR
+         sty   <u0048         Save ptr
+         sts   <u0050         Save stack ptr
+         leay  >u0E6D,u       Point to fully expanded buffer (2k max)
+         sty   <u0056         Save it
+         clra
+         clrb
+         sta   <u0012         No current working DIR path
+         sta   <u004F         Flag no pathname in parm area
+         std   <u0052         Expanded buffer size=0 bytes
+         bra   L0520          Enter main loop for wildcards
+L051D    lbsr  L06FB          Special shell chars handling
+L0520    lbsr  L0746          Check for special chars (wildcard or shell)
+         bcc   L051D          Special shell char process
+* Wildcard char found
+         pshs  x              Save current pre-parsed parm ptr
+         bsr   L0549          Check from that point for '/' or special char
+         ldx   ,s             Get previous parm ptr back
+         bcc   L0557          No '/' found, open current dir '.'
+* Found '/' (part of path) - keep looking for last '/' for filename (not
+*   pathname) portion
+L052D    bsr   L0549          Check for special char or '/' again
+         bcc   L0535          No '/', skip ahead
+         stx   <u0040         Save latest ptr to '/' in parm line found so far
+         bra   L052D          See if any more sub-paths
+* Found one or more '/' path dividers in current parm line.
+* Entry: <u0040 - contains the last '/' found
+L0535    inc   <u004F         Flag that their IS a pathname from parm line
+L0538    ldx   <u0040         Get last level of path ptr
+         puls  y              Get original parm ptr
+         sty   <u0040         Save it
+         pshs  x              Save filename ptr on stack
+         lda   #C$SPAC        Save space over '/' after pathname
+         sta   -1,x             (before filename)
+         tfr   y,x            Move original parm ptr to X
+         bra   L055E          Open dir path
+* Parse from current position in pre-parsed parm line until shell special
+*   char, or '/' found (path)
+* Entry: X=ptr to current pos in pre-parsed parm line
+* Exit: Carry clear if special shell char found
+*       Carry set if '/' found
+*       X=ptr to found char+1
+L0549    clrb
+         lda   ,x+            Get next char
+         lbsr  L05D3          See if shell special char
+         beq   L0556          Yes, return
+         cmpa  #'/            No, is it a slash (path start)?
+         bne   L0549          No, Keep checking for / or special char
+         comb
+L0556    rts
+* No '/' found in parm line at all
+L0557    clr   <u004F         Flag no pathname from parm line
+         leax  >L04CC,pc      Point to '.'
+* Entry: X=ptr to pathname to directory
+*        0-1,s = Ptr to filename spec we are looking for in this directory
+L055E    lda   #DIR.+READ.    Open directory in READ mode
+         os9   I$Open
+         lbcs  L0776          Error, skip ahead
+         sta   <u0012         Save current DIR path
+         puls  x              Get back ptr to filename (not pathname)
+         lbsr  L0746          Check for special shell char or wildcard
+         lbcc  L06E3          Special shell char found, ??????
+L0572    lda   ,x+            Get next char from filename
+         cmpa  #C$CR          End of user specified filename (CR)?
+         lbeq  L0789          Yes, close DIR and proceed
+         cmpa  #',            Comma?
+         beq   L0572          Yes, skip it
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Space?
+         beq   L0572          Yes, skip it
+         leax  -1,x           Other char, point to it.
+         stx   <u0054         Save ptr to it
+         lda   <u0012         Get DIR path #
+         pshs  u              Preserve u
+         ldx   #$0000         Skip '.' and '..' dir entries
+         ldu   #$0040
+         os9   I$Seek
+         lbcs  L0776          Error, skip ahead
+         puls  u              Restore u
+L0599    leax  >u0C9D,u       Point to dir entry buffer
+         pshs  x              Save ptr
+         lda   <u0012         Get Current dir path #
+         ldy   #$0020         Read 1 file entry
+         os9   I$Read
+         lbcs  L06BD          Error, skip ahead
+         puls  y              Restore pointer to dir filename buffer
+         lda   ,y             Get 1st char of entry
+         tsta                 Is it a deleted file?
+         beq   L0599          Yes, skip it
+         ldx   <u0054         Get ptr to current char in expanded filename bfr
+         bsr   L05EF          Check wildcard spec against this filename
+         bcs   L0599          No match, skip to next file in DIR
+         tst   <u004F         Was a pathname specified?
+         beq   L05CA          No, skip ahead
+         ldx   <u0040         Yes,get ptr to end of pathname/start of filename
+         lbsr  L06FB          Check for wildcard stuff there
+         ldx   <u0056         Get current pos in expanded buffer
+         lda   #'/            Save '/' there (to separate path & filename)
+         sta   -1,x
+L05CA    leax  >u0C9D,u       Point to start of matched DIR entry filename
+         lbsr  L06FB          Copy filename over, handling quoted chars, etc.
+         bra   L0599          On to next DIR entry
+* Check if shell 'special' char. (except wildcards & shell var)
+* non-wildcard char in current byte of pre-parsed parm buffer
+* Entry: X=ptr to next char in parms buffer
+*        A=current char in parms buffer
+* Exit: BEQ if shell special char found, BNE if just regular char
+*        A=char we were checking
+L05D3    pshs  x              Save parms buffer ptr
+         cmpa  #'(            Group start char?
+         beq   L05ED          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #')            Group end char?
+         beq   L05ED          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Space?
+         beq   L05ED          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #',            Comma?
+         beq   L05ED          Yes, skip ahead
+         leax  >L0408,pc      Table of other special chars
+L05E9    cmpa  ,x+            Found match or end of table?
+         bhi   L05E9          No, keep checking (or fall through if not found)
+L05ED    puls  pc,x           Exit with BEQ/BNE flag set
+* IF wildcards were detected in preparsing, filename compares happen here
+* Entry: X=ptr to current char in user's pre-parse parm line
+*        Y=ptr to start of current DIR entry filename
+* Exit: Carry set if no match
+*       Carry clear if match
+L05EF    ldd   ,x+            Get 2 chars (NOTE: PTR UP BY ONLY 1!)
+L05F1    cmpa  #'*            1st char a * (multi-char wildcard)?
+         beq   L064C            Yes, go handle it
+         cmpa  #'?            Question mark (single char wildcard)?
+         beq   L0638            Yes, go handle it
+         cmpa  #'[            Start of ranged wildcard?
+         lbeq  L068B            Yes, go handle it
+         bsr   L05D3          Not wildcard, check for special shell chars
+         beq   L062B            It is a special shell char, skip ahead
+         bsr   L0631          Just regular char, force uppercase
+         pshs  a              Save char
+         bsr   L062D          Force uppercase on DIR filename char
+         eora  ,s+            Same char as last parm char?
+         bne   L062B          No, exit with carry set
+L060D    lda   ,y+            Re-get char from DIR filename
+         bpl   L05EF          Not on last char yet, check next char from parm
+         ldd   ,x             At end of DIR filename, grab 2 chars from parm
+         bsr   L05D3          Check 1st char against special shell chars
+         beq   L0621          Found one, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #'*            Multi-char wildcard char?
+         bne   L062B          No, no match, exit with carry set
+         tfr   b,a            1st char from parm is '*', check 2nd char for
+         bsr   L05D3           special shell chars
+         bne   L062B          None found, no match, exit with carry set
+L0621    lda   -1,y           Special char, get last char from DIR filename
+L0623    anda  #$7F           Strip 'end of filename' bit flag
+         ldb   #C$SPAC        Space char
+         std   -1,y           Save 'fixed' last char & space
+         clrb                 Flag match
+         rts
+L062B    comb                 Flag no match
+         rts
+* Force char to uppercase
+L062D    lda   ,y           Get char
+         anda  #$7F         Strip hi-bit
+L0631    cmpa  #'A          Need to force uppercase?
+         blo   L0637        No, exit
+         anda  #$DF         Yes, force to uppercase
+L0637    rts
+* '?' single char wildcard found
+L0638    cmpb  #'*          Is next char a multi-char wildcard?
+         beq   L060D        Yes, process as if just '*'
+         cmpb  #',          2nd char '-' or greater?
+         bhi   L060D        Yes, process normally
+         lda   ,y+          Get next char from DIR filename
+         bpl   L062B        Not end of filename, Flag no match
+         bra   L0623        Save hibit stripped char & space, flag match
+L0646    lda   ,y+          Get next char from DIR filename
+         bpl   L0646        Hunt for end of DIR filename
+         bra   L0623        Found it, fix hibit and add space to DIR entry
+* '*' multi-char wildcard found
+L064C    lda   ,x+          Get next char after '*' from parm buffer
+         bsr   L05D3        Check for shell special char
+         beq   L0646        Found one, check if end of DIR filename
+         cmpa  #'?          Single char wildcard next?
+         beq   L067F        Yes, Process
+         cmpa  #'[          Start of Ranged wildcard next?
+         beq   L067F        Yes, process
+         bsr   L0631        Force char to uppercase
+         pshs  a            Save it
+L065E    bsr   L062D        Get next char from DIR filename, force uppercase
+         eora  ,s+          Same char?
+         beq   L066E        Yes, possible resync after '*'
+L0664    leas  -1,s         Make room on stack
+         lda   ,y+          Re-get un-modified char from DIR filename
+         bpl   L065E        Not end of filename, try next char
+         leas  1,s          Found end of filename, eat temp stack
+         bra   L062B        Flag no match
+* Above loop @ L0664/L065E uses sneaky stack stuff
+* Found possible resync char match after '*'
+L066E    leas  -1,s         Make room on stack
+         pshs  y,x          Preserve both DIR & parm ptrs
+         bsr   L060D        Attempt normal matching using this resync
+         puls  y,x          Restore ptrs
+         leas  1,s          Eat temp stack
+         bcs   L0664        No, resync did not work, look for next resync
+         rts                worked, exit with carry clear
+L067B    lda   ,y+          Get next char in DIR
+         bmi   L062B        Last char, flag no match
+* '?' found after '*' in parm buffer
+L067F    pshs  y,x          Preserve both DIR and parm buffer ptrs
+         ldd   -1,x         Get previous & current parm chars
+         lbsr  L05F1        Do normal sub-parsing from here
+         puls  y,x          Restore ptrs
+         bcs   L067B        No match, go to next char in DIR and attemp resync
+         rts                Matched, exit with match
+* Ranged wildcard here
+* Entry: X=ptr to 1st char in parm buffer AFTER '['
+L068B    ldd   ,x+          Get 1st 2 chars of range sub-string from parm bfr
+         bsr   L0631        Force uppercase on 1st char
+         exg   b,a          Force uppercase on 2nd char
+         bsr   L0631
+         exg   b,a
+         cmpa  #']          Is 1st char a close range check char?
+         beq   L062B        Yes, flag no match for '[]'
+         cmpa  #'-          Range separator char?
+         beq   L06A7        Yes, need to get end of range
+* Special case for [x] - acts as if just normal char (no range or wildcard)
+         sta   <u00EF       No, save start of range char
+         bsr   L062D        Get char from DIR filename, force uppercase
+         eora  <u00EF       Match only range char?
+         beq   L06B4        Yes, skip to next char now
+* Special case for [xyz] - one of these chars must match
+         bra   L068B        No, see if more single chars to try matching
+* Actual range - need to get end of range char
+* Entry: B=high char of range
+*        <u00EF - current char (within range) we are checking against
+L06A7    inc   <u00EF       Bump up start char's ascii value
+         cmpb  <u00EF       Hit end of range yet?
+         beq   L068B        Yes, try next char
+         lbsr  L062D        Force char in A to uppercase
+         eora  <u00EF       equal to current range check char?
+         bne   L06A7        No, try next char in range
+L06B4    ldd   ,x+          Get next 2 chars from pathname
+         cmpa  #']          End of range?
+         bne   L06B4        No, check next char
+         lbra  L060D        End of range specifier, process normally
+* Error reading from current DIR
+L06BD    cmpb  #E$EOF       End of file error?
+         lbne  L0776        No, fatal error, leave
+         ldx   <u0054       Get ptr to current char in wildcard filename
+         lda   -1,x         Get last char processed
+         bsr   L0714        Add it to new expanded buffer
+L06C9    lda   ,x+          Get next char, inc ptr
+         stx   <u0054       Save updated pointer
+         cmpa  #C$CR        CR?
+         lbeq  L0789        Yes, append CR to expanded buffer, we are done
+         lbsr  L05D3        See if special shell char
+         bne   L06C9        Just regular char, go to next one
+         pshs  x            Save current ptr to wildcard filename
+         ldx   <u0056       Get current ptr in expanded buffer
+         sta   -1,x         Save that char overtop last char written
+         puls  x            Get wildcard ptr back
+         bra   L06EA        Close dir path, go back into loop
+* If special shell char found right after OPEN of DIR path
+* Entry: X=ptr to filename (not pathname) - but with special char
+L06E3    bsr   L06FB        Process special shell char copying
+         bsr   L072F        Close DIR path
+         lbra  L051D        More processing
+L06EA    bsr   L072F        Close DIR path
+         lbra  L0520        Go back to main wildcard processing loop
+* This chunk (6EF-6F9) is for copying '\x' when x is NOT a wildcard char
+L06EF    lda   ,x+          Get quoted char
+         bsr   L0739        Check if it is [, * or ?
+         beq   L06F9        Yes, add that char to expanded buffer by itself
+         leax  -2,x         No, bump ptr back to '\'
+         lda   ,x+          Get '\' char
+L06F9    bsr   L0714        Append that to output buffer
+* Special shell chars found goes here
+* This part copies filename from [,x] to expanded buffer, handling quoted
+*   wildcard chars, and ending on CR or special shell char
+L06FB    lda   ,x+          Get char
+         cmpa  #'\          Backslash (for quoted char)?
+         beq   L06EF        Yes, go get quoted char
+         cmpa  #C$CR        Is it the end of the filename?
+         beq   L0789        Yes, append CR to expanded line, we are done
+         bsr   L073D        Is it '?' or '*'
+         beq   L0714        Yes, add that char to expanded buffer
+         lbsr  L05D3        Check if shell special char
+         beq   L0714        Yes, add to expanded buffer, return from there
+         bsr   L0714        No, add to expanded buffer, stay in this loop
+         bra   L06FB
+* Add char to expanded line buffer
+* Entry: A=char to append to expanded line buffer
+*        <u0056=Current position in expanded line buffer
+*        <u0052=Current size of expanded line buffer
+* Exit: <u0056 & <u0052 updated
+L0714    pshs  x,a            Preserve regs
+         ldx   <u0056         Get current pos in expanded buffer
+         sta   ,x+            Save char
+         stx   <u0056         Save updated expanded buffer ptr
+         ldd   <u0052         Get expanded buffer size
+         addd  #$0001         Increase by 1
+         cmpd  #2048          Is it full yet?
+         bhi   L0773          Yes, exit with expanded line too long error
+         std   <u0052         No, save new size
+         puls  pc,x,a         Restore regs & return
+* Close DIR path
+L072F    lda   <u0012         Get DIR path #
+         beq   L0738          If none, exit
+         os9   I$Close        Close the path
+         clr   <u0012         Clear DIR path # to none
+L0738    rts
+* Wildcard checks
+* Entry: A=char to check
+* Exit: BEQ if any of the 3 wildcard chars, or BNE if not
+L0739    cmpa  #'[            Range wildcard?
+         beq   L0745
+L073D    cmpa  #'?            Single char wildcard?
+         beq   L0745
+         cmpa  #'*            Multi-char wildcard?
+         beq   L0745
+L0745    rts   
+* Parse for next wildcard or special shell char in pre-parsed parm line
+* Entry: X=current pos in pre-parse parm line
+* Exit: X=Same as entry
+*       B=# chars to next wildcard/special char
+*       A=special char found
+*       Carry bit set
+*       B=0
+*       Carry bit clear
+*       A=special char found:  CR ( ) , space ! # & ; < > ^ |
+L0746    pshs  x              Save current parm ptr
+         bra   L0752          Parse for wildcard or special shell chars
+L074A    lda   ,x+            Get char from parms
+         bsr   L0739          Do wildcard char check
+         beq   L0752          If wildcard char, skip over it & continue
+         leax  -1,x           not wildcard char, bump back to char after \
+L0752    lda   ,x+            Get char from parms
+         cmpa  #'\            Wildcard quote char (do not expand next)?
+         beq   L074A          Yes, handle it
+         lbsr  L05D3          No, check for other special shell chars
+         beq   L0770          Found one, skip ahead
+         bsr   L0739          Check for wildcard char
+         bne   L0752          None, skip to next char
+* One of the 3 wildcard chars found, process
+         pshs  a              Save char
+         tfr   x,d            Move parm ptr to D
+         subd  1,s            Calc distance since last wildcard/special char
+         subd  #$0001         -1
+         puls  a              B=distance between wild/special chars
+         orcc  #Carry         Set Carry Flag
+         puls  pc,x           Exit with original parm ptr in X
+* Exit with B=0, Carry clear and A=special char found (which ends current
+*   'chunk' being checked... can included CR)
+L0770    clrb                 Clear carry, exit
+         puls  pc,x
+* Expanded buffer full error
+L0773    comb
+         ldb   #E$BufSiz
+L0776    pshs  b,cc           Preserve error code
+         bsr   L072F          Close DIR path (if we had one)
+         ldx   <u004A         Print text message (usually error msg)
+         ldy   <u004C
+         lda   #$02
+         os9   I$WritLn
+         puls  b,cc
+         lbra  L0191          Exit with error
+L0789    lda   #C$CR          Append CR to expanded filenames buffer
+         bsr   L0714
+         ldy   <u0052         Get expanded buffer size
+         leax  >u0E6D,u       Point to start of expanded buffer
+         bsr   L072F          Close DIR path
+         lds   <u0050         Get back original stack ptr
+* At this point, expanded buffer is complete and ready to go (either through
+*  wildcard routine, or by simply copying the original parm buffer from user)
+* Main entry point for non-wildcard filename search/match
+* Entry: X=Ptr to start of expanded buffer
+L079B    tst   <u001E         Echo required?
+         beq   L07A2          No, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L021F          Print out user entered parm line to std err
+L07A2    tst   <u0043         2=FALSE,0=TRUE, 1=??? (check current IF status,
+         beq   L07B0            if any. If TRUE flag set, skip ahead)
+         lbsr  L0F69          Do checks for IF type statements
+         tsta                 Find match?
+         lbpl  L0F1D          Yes, process IF type statement
+L07AE    clrb                 No error & return
+         rts
+* If current IF type statement has result TRUE
+L07B0    tst   <u0045         ??? (Are we looking for a label for GOTO?)
+         beq   L07E3          No, skip ahead
+         lda   ,x+            Get char from buffer
+         cmpa  #'*            Comment line?
+         bne   L07AE          No, exit without error
+         lbsr  L091F          Yes, get ptr to first non-space char into X
+         leay  >u0124,u       Point to temp buffer
+         lbsr  L100B          Copy label from X to Y
+         lda   ,x             Get 1st char of label
+         cmpa  #'\            '*\'? (Which means cancel impending GOTO)
+         beq   L07DB          Yes, cancel GOTO
+         leax  >u0BFC,u       No, point to 80 byte buffer (GOTO label holder?)
+         clra                 default char to check against=NUL
+L07CF    cmpa  #C$CR          End of label?
+         beq   L07DB          Yes, cancel GOTO search
+         lda   ,x+            Get next char from buffer
+         cmpa  ,y+            Is it the label we are looking for?
+         beq   L07CF          Keep checking till done
+         bra   L07AE          No match, clear carry & return
+* Cancelling GOTO search
+L07DB    clr   <u0045         Flag we are NOT looking for label for GOTO
+         clrb
+         leas  2,s            Eat stack
+         lbra  L010D          Reprint shell prompt, process from scratch
+L07E3    bsr   L07E7
+         bra   L083A
+L07E7    pshs  x
+         tst   <u006C
+         beq   L0832
+         tst   <u005C
+         bne   L07F5
+         tst   <u001C
+         beq   L0832
+L07F5    lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #'*
+         beq   L0832
+         ldy   #$0000         Force temporarily to super-user
+         os9   F$SUser
+         leax  >u0CBD,u
+         ldd   #$0203
+         lbsr  L0C79
+         bcs   L0832
+         lbsr  L00FB
+         lda   #$20
+         sta   <$11,x
+         ldy   #$0012
+         lda   <u0012
+         os9   I$Write  
+         bcs   L082D
+         ldx   ,s
+         ldy   #$0800
+         lda   <u0012
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+L082D    lda   <u0012
+         os9   I$Close  
+L0832    ldy   <u005A         Get original user # back
+         os9   F$SUser        Change user # to original
+         puls  pc,x
+* Parse input line
+* Entry : X=Ptr to current char in line buffer
+L083A    clra
+         sta   <u0022         Flag we don't change priority for forked process
+         sta   <u0003         Clear out # pages of data mem for forked process
+         sta   <u000E         Clear out signal code
+         leay  >L0300,pc      Point to main command list
+         lbsr  L08D1          Parse keywords from list
+         bcs   L08A0          Keyword found but generated error, done line
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Is 1st non-keyword char a carriage return?
+         beq   L08A0          Yes, done line
+         sta   <u000C         Save non-keyword char
+         cmpa  #'(            Is it a 'start command group' char?
+         bne   L087B          No, try next
+         leay  >L000D,pc      Point to 'Shell'
+         sty   <u0004         Save pointer to program to fork?
+         leax  1,x            Bump ptr past '('
+         stx   <u0008         Save updated ptr
+L0860    inc   <u000D         Bump up # of command groups
+L0862    leay  >L0404,pc      Point to command group symbols to parse
+         lbsr  L08E9          Hunt down EOL, or '(' or ')' (skip quoted text)
+         cmpa  #'(            Another group start?
+         beq   L0860          Yes, bump up # of command groups & continue
+         cmpa  #')            Group end?
+         bne   L0898          No, skip ahead (to print WHAT?)
+         dec   <u000D         Bump down # of command groups
+         bne   L0862          Still more groups, continue parsing for them
+         lda   #C$CR          Append CR at end of command line
+         sta   -1,x
+         bra   L087F          Check for modifiers
+L087B    bsr   L08A3          Check for valid path,  do '<>', '#', '^' if needed
+         bcs   L08A0          No valid path found, skip ahead
+* Found valid pathname
+L087F    leay  >L0408,pc      Point to modifiers table
+         bsr   L08E9          Go parse for them
+         tfr   x,d            Move ')' ptr to D for SUB
+         subd  <u0008         Calculate size from 1st '(' to ')'
+         std   <u0006         Save size of group (could also be pathname-modifier)
+         leax  -1,x
+         leay  >L03CF,pc      Point to modifier branch table
+         bsr   L08D1          Go execute modifier routine
+         bcs   L08A0          If error in modifier routine, exit
+         ldy   <u0004         Get ptr to first char we started at
+L0898    lbne  L0BCF          Not proper, print 'WHAT?'
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Last char a carriage return?
+         bne   L083A          No, start parsing again at current position
+L08A0    lbra  L0B96          Done processing line, continue
+* Entry: X=Ptr to text to check for valid device name (including '.' & '..')
+* Exit: Carry set if not a valid device name
+* Carry clear if there was
+* <u0004 = Ptr to first char where we started at
+* <u0008 = Ptr to end of redirection/mem size/priority setting chars (if found)
+L08A3    stx   <u0004         Save ptr to current char in input line
+         bsr   L08B6          Check for valid device name
+         bcs   L08B5          None found, return
+* Found valid device name
+L08A9    bsr   L08B6          Eat rest of valid pathlist
+         bcc   L08A9          Keep going until we are done pathlist
+         leay  >L03DE,pc      Point to Command list starting at '<>>>'
+         bsr   L08D1          Call any redirection, mem size or priority routines
+         stx   <u0008         Save ptr to where we are now (end of current set)
+L08B5    rts   
+L08B6    os9   F$PrsNam       Valid OS9 device name?
+         bcc   L08C7          Yes, point X to it & return
+         lda   ,x+            Not valid, get first char
+         cmpa  #'.            Is it a period?
+         bne   L08CB          No, bad path name
+         cmpa  ,x+            Is it a double period?
+         beq   L08C9          Yes, leave src ptr pointing to name after '..'
+         leay  -1,x           If single, bump ptr to name after '.'
+L08C7    leax  ,y             Point X to pathname in source
+L08C9    clra                 No error & return
+         rts
+L08CB    comb                 Error flag
+         leax  -1,x           Bump source ptr back
+         ldb   #E$BPNam       Bad Path Name error & return
+         rts   
+* Entry: Y=ptr to command list (L0300)
+L08D1    bsr   L0907          Go find 1st non-space char
+         pshs  y              Save command list ptr
+         bsr   L092A          Parse for keyword or special char
+         bcs   L08E2          If no keyword found, skip ahead
+         ldd   ,y             Keyword found, get offset
+         jsr   d,y            Go execute routine for command found
+         puls  y              Restore command list ptr
+         bcc   L08D1          No error, continue parsing for keywords
+         rts                  Subroutine had error, return with it
+L08E2    clra                 No error
+         lda   ,x             Get character (not in command list)
+         puls  pc,y           Restore command list ptr & return
+* Start searching at beginning of current command list
+* For looking for single character modifiers
+L08E7    puls  y
+L08E9    pshs  y              Preserve command list ptr
+         lda   ,x+            Get next char from command line
+L08ED    tst   ,y             Check current char in command list
+         bmi   L08E7          If done list, start over at beginning
+         cmpa  #'"            Is it quotes?
+         bne   L0901          No, skip ahead
+L08F5    lda   ,x+            Get next char from command line
+         cmpa  #C$CR          EOL?
+         beq   L0905          Yes, exit with A being CR
+         cmpa  #'"            Is it another set of quotes?
+         bne   L08F5          No, keep looking for it (or EOL)
+         lda   ,x+            Get char after 2nd quotes
+L0901    cmpa  ,y+            Is it the current command char we are checking?
+         bne   L08ED          No, try next
+L0905    puls  pc,y           Yes, exit with A containing it
+* Entry: Y=ptr to command list
+L0907    pshs  x              Preserve X
+         lda   ,x+            Get char from line entered by user
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
+         beq   L091D          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #',            Is it a comma?
+         beq   L091D          Yes, skip ahead
+         leax  >L0408,pc      Point to single character modifiers
+L0917    cmpa  ,x+            Found a match?
+         bhi   L0917          No, try next until list is done
+         puls  pc,x           Found it, restore X to point to it & return
+L091D    leas  2,s            Eat X off the stack
+L091F    lda   #C$SPAC        Get space character
+L0921    cmpa  ,x+            Keep searching until non-space char is found
+         beq   L0921
+         leax  -1,x           Point to 1st non-space char
+* ; (1st pass) comes here
+L0927    andcc #^Carry        No carry & return
+         rts   
+* Command line parser
+L092A    pshs  y,x            Preserve command table ptr & input line ptr
+         leay  2,y            Skip first offset
+L092E    ldx   ,s             Get input line ptr
+L0930    lda   ,x+            Get char from input line
+         lbsr  L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lowercases
+         eora  ,y+            Check for a match
+         lsla  
+         bne   L0951          No match, skip to next keyword in table
+         bcc   L0930          Keep checking until end of keyword (high bit set)
+         lda   -$01,y         Get command table char again
+         cmpa  #'|+$80        '|' (with high bit set)?
+         beq   L094E          Yes, exit with carry clear
+         cmpa  #'^+$80        '^' (with high bit set)?
+         beq   L094E          Yes, exit with carry clear
+         cmpa  #'A+$80        Any of the other special modifiers with high bit?
+         blo   L094E          Yes, exit with carry clear
+         bsr   L0907          Eat spaces until first non-space char
+         bcs   L0951          If special char (!|#,etc.), skip ahead
+L094E    clra  
+         puls  pc,y,d
+L0951    leay  -1,y           Bump search ptr back
+L0953    lda   ,y+            Get char again
+         bpl   L0953          Keep getting them until end of keyword
+         sty   2,s            Save ptr to next offset on stack
+         ldd   ,y++           Get offset
+         bne   L092E          If not at end of table, keep searching
+         comb                 End of table, command not found error
+         puls  pc,y,x
+L0961    fcc   'startup'
+         fcb   C$CR
+* Create child shell to run 'startup' file
+L0969    pshs  u,y,x          Preserve regs
+         leax  L000D,pc       Point to 'shell' (module name)
+         leau  L0961,pc       Point to 'startup' (parameter for 'shell')
+         ldy   #$0008         Size of 'startup<CR>'
+         ldd   #$111F         Program+Objct / 7.5K data area
+         os9   F$Fork         Fork a shell to run the startup file
+         bcs   L0983          Couldn't fork, exit
+         os9   F$Wait         Wait until 'startup' is done
+L0983    puls  u,y,x          Restore regs
+         clrb                 No error & return
+         rts   
+* EX command
+L0987    lbsr  L08A3          Go check for valid device name (module)
+         bcs   L09AB          If none, exit
+         clra                 Std in path
+         bsr   L09B0          Go close it
+         bsr   L09AF          Go close Std out
+         bsr   L09AF          Go close Std Err
+         lbsr  L0B87          Go find the end of the input line
+         leax  1,x            Bump ptr to 1 past CR
+         tfr   x,d            Move ptr to D
+         subd  <u0008         Calculate size of current command group
+         std   <u0006         Save it
+         lbsr  L130A          Point to module to chain&get its parm size, etc.
+         leas  >u00FF,u       Point stack to end of DP
+         os9   F$Chain        Chain to the new program
+         lbra  L01FA          Couldn't, go here
+L09AB    clrb                 No error
+         lbra  L020D          Close logging file (if any) and exit ShellPlus
+L09AF    inca                 Inc path #
+L09B0    pshs  a              Save path #
+         lbra  L0BBC          close path if it is open
+* CHX & CX commands
+L09B5    clr   <u0038
+         lda   #DIR.+EXEC.
+         os9   I$ChgDir 
+         rts   
+* CHD & CD commands
+L09BD    lda   #DIR.+READ.    (bug fix, originally opened in UPDATE)
+         os9   I$ChgDir       Change the directory
+         bcs   L09CE          Error, exit with it
+         clr   <u0037         Flag .pwd entry as invalid
+         tst   <u0042         WAS ,U
+         beq   L09CE
+         bsr   L0A04          Go update shell expanded prompt if needed
+L09CE    rts   
+* L command - Logging ON
+L09CF    lda   #$01
+         bra   L09D4
+* -L command - Logging OFF
+L09D3    clra  
+L09D4    sta   <u001C
+         rts   
+* P command - Prompting ON
+L09D7    clra  
+         bra   L09DC
+* -P command - Prompting OFF
+L09DA    lda   #$01
+L09DC    sta   <u001D
+         rts   
+* T command - Echo input ON
+L09DF    lda   #$01
+         bra   L09E4
+* -T command - Echo input OFF
+L09E3    clra  
+L09E4    sta   <u001E
+         rts   
+* V command - Turn variable expansion ON
+L09E7    clra  
+         bra   L09EC
+* -V command - Turn variable expansion OFF
+L09EA    lda   #$01
+L09EC    sta   <u001F
+         rts   
+* X command - Kill Shell when error occurs ON
+L09EF    lda   #$01
+         bra   L09F4
+* -X command - Kill Shell when error occurs OFF
+L09F3    clra  
+L09F4    sta   <u0020
+         rts   
+L09F7    tst   >u01F4,u       Date already done?
+         bne   L0A04          Yes, skip ahead
+         tst   >u01F5,u       Time already done?
+         bne   L0A04          Yes, skip ahead
+         rts                  If neither, we don't need to change prompt?
+L0A04    pshs  y,x            Preserve regs
+         bra   L0A64          Go update shell expanded prompt if needed
+* Make shell prompt string the default one
+L0A08    puls  y              Restore Y
+         pshs  x              Preserve X
+         leax  >L003D,pc      Point to default prompt string
+         bsr   L0A14          Put that into working shell prompt string
+         puls  pc,x           Restore X & return
+* P= (prompt set) command
+* Make shell prompt string (default or user-specified)
+* Entry: X=ptr to source of new shell prompt string
+L0A14    pshs  y              Preserve Y
+         leay  >u01F9,u       Point to working prompt text buffer
+         ldd   #C$LF*256+22   Line feed & max count for prompt string+1
+         sta   ,y+            Save LF as first char
+         bsr   L0A25          Go copy prompt string (& parse quotes)
+         bra   L0A5E          Go see if we need to override with default
+L0A25    clr   >u01F3,u       Clear quotes in progress flag
+L0A29    lda   ,x+            Get char from default shell prompt
+         cmpa  #'"            Is it a quotes?
+         bne   L0A3F          No, skip ahead
+         leax  1,x            Yes, bump ptr up 2 past quotes
+         tst   >u01F3,u       We processing quotes already?
+         bne   L0A59          Yes, we are done then
+         inc   >u01F3,u       Set processing quotes flag
+         leax  -1,x           Set ptr back to char just after quotes
+         bra   L0A29          Check next char
+L0A3F    cmpa  #C$CR          Carriage return?
+         beq   L0A59          Yes, we are done then
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Space?
+         beq   L0A4B          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #';            Semi-colon?
+         bne   L0A51          No, skip ahead
+* Semi-colon or space found
+L0A4B    tst   >u01F3,u       We quoting at the moment?
+         beq   L0A59          No, we are done
+L0A51    tstb                 Char count down to 0?
+         beq   L0A29          Yes, continue parsing (but eating them)
+         decb                 Dec max char counter
+         sta   ,y+            Save literal char into current copy
+         bra   L0A29          continue parsing
+L0A59    clr   ,y             Append NUL to indicate end of string
+         leax  -1,x           Bump source ptr back to last char & return
+         rts   
+L0A5E    cmpb  #22            Did the user do a no-length prompt?
+         beq   L0A08          Yes, go override with default prompt
+         pshs  x              Preserve ptr to last char of source prompt
+* Create expanded shell prompt from shell prompt string
+L0A64    leay  >u01F9,u       Point to shell prompt string
+         leax  >u0212,u       Point to expanded prompt buffer
+         pshs  x              Preserve it a moment
+         clr   >u01F2,u       Output device name done already = OFF
+         clr   >u01F1,u       Process ID # done already = OFF
+         clr   >u01F4,u       Date done already = OFF
+         clr   >u01F5,u       Time done already = OFF
+         clr   >u01F6,u       Date OR time already done once = OFF
+         clr   >u0042,u       Current working dir name done already = OFF
+L0A86    lda   ,y+            Get char from shell prompt string
+         lbeq  L0B29          If end of string, exit
+         cmpa  #'#            Process ID # wanted?
+         bne   L0AA2          No, try next
+* Process ID #
+         tst   >u01F1,u       Done it already?
+         bne   L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
+         inc   >u01F1,u       No, flag it as being done now
+         ldd   >u01EC,u       Get process # (01-99)
+         std   ,x++           Save in expanded prompt buffer
+         bra   L0A86          Continue parsing
+L0AA2    cmpa  #'@            Standard output path device name wanted?
+         beq   L0AAA          Yes, go do it
+         cmpa  #$E0           High bit version?
+         bne   L0AC7          No, try next
+* Standard output path device name
+L0AAA    tst   >u01F2,u       Done it already?
+         bne   L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
+         ldd   #$01*256+SS.DevNm  Standard out/get device name
+         os9   I$GetStt       Get the device name
+         bcs   L0A86          Error, skip doing device name
+         inc   >u01F2,u       Flag it as being done now
+L0ABD    lda   ,x+            Get char from device name
+         bpl   L0ABD          Keep looking until last char (high bit set)
+         anda  #$7F           Mask out high bit
+         sta   -1,x           Save the normal char
+         bra   L0A86          Continue parsing
+L0AC7    cmpa  #'$            Current working directory wanted?
+         bne   L0AF2          No, check next
+* Current working directory
+         tst   <u0042         Done it already? (WAS ,U)
+         bne   L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
+         inc   <u0042         Flag it as being done now (WAS ,U)
+         lda   #$01
+         sta   <u003D
+         lbsr  L176D          Go figure out current working directory
+         tstb  
+         bne   L0AF2
+         pshs  y              Save prompt string ptr
+         ldy   <u002A         Get pointer to current working directory
+* Copy string: Y=source string ptr, X=prompt buffer ptr
+L0AE4    lda   ,y+            Get char
+         sta   ,x+            Save as part of shell prompt text
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Was it the end?
+         bne   L0AE4          No, keep copying
+         leax  -1,x           Bump ptr back CR
+         puls  y              Restore source string ptr
+         bra   L0A86          Continue parsing
+L0AF2    cmpa  #'(            Current Date wanted?
+         bne   L0B0A          No, check next
+* Current date
+         tst   >u01F4,u       Done it already?
+         bne   L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
+         inc   >u01F4,u       Flag as being done now
+         bsr   L0B3B          Go get date & time
+         pshs  y              Save shell prompt string ptr
+         leay  >u02E0,u       Point to date text
+         bra   L0AE4          Copy into expanded prompt
+L0B0A    cmpa  #')            Current Time wanted?
+         bne   L0B24          No, just store the raw ASCII char
+* Current time
+         tst   >u01F5,u       Done Time already?
+         lbne  L0A86          Yes, skip doing it again
+         inc   >u01F5,u       Flag as being done now
+         bsr   L0B3B          Go get date & time
+         pshs  y              Save shell prompt string ptr
+         leay  >u02E9,u       Point to time text
+         bra   L0AE4          Copy into expanded prompt
+L0B24    sta   ,x+            Save raw character
+         lbra  L0A86          Continue parsing
+L0B29    sta   ,x             Save NUL to mark end of prompt
+         tfr   x,d            Move End of prompt ptr to D for subtract
+         subd  ,s++           Subtract start of prompt ptr
+         std   >u01F7,u       Save size of expanded shell prompt
+         puls  pc,y,x         Restore regs & return
+* Separator table for date & time strings
+L0B35    fcc   '//'
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   '::'
+         fcb   $0d
+* Get current date (2E0-2E8) & time (2E9-2EF)
+L0B3B    pshs  y,x            Preserve shell prompt string & shell prompt ptrs
+         tst   >u01F6,u       Have we already been here before?
+         bne   L0B75          Yes, both date & time strings already done
+         inc   >u01F6,u       Flag we have been here now
+         leax  >u02DA,u       Point to date/time packet buffer
+         os9   F$Time         Get the date/time packet
+         leay  >u02E0,u       Point to where date string goes
+         clrb                 Offset into separator table to first '/'
+L0B54    lda   ,x+            Get byte from time packet
+         bsr   L0B77          Convert to ASCII
+         pshs  b              Preserve offset into separator table
+         ldd   >u01EF,u       Get ASCII version of byte
+         std   ,y++           Save into date/string buffers
+         puls  b              Restore offset into separator table
+         pshs  y              Preserve date/string buffer ptr
+         leay  >L0B35,pc      Point to separator's table
+         lda   b,y            Get current separator
+         puls  y              Restore date/string buffer ptr
+         sta   ,y+            Save separator into date/string buffer
+         incb                 Point to next separator
+         cmpb  #6             On last one?
+         bne   L0B54          No, continue converting
+L0B75    puls  pc,y,x         Restore prompt & buffer ptrs & return
+L0B77    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve regs
+         leay  >L0B80,pc      Point to routine to copy ASCII digits
+         lbra  L16B9          Go convert byte to ASCII equivalent
+L0B80    ldd   $04,s          Copy 2 digit ASCII # to 1EF
+         std   >u01EF,u
+         rts   
+* Searches for CR in string pointed to by X
+* '*' Comment lines come here
+L0B87    lda   #C$CR          We want to find the CR
+L0B89    cmpa  ,x+            Found it yet?
+         bne   L0B89          No, keep looking
+         cmpa  ,-x            Set up flags & return
+         rts   
+L0B90    pshs  d,cc           Preserve regs
+         lda   #$01           Only do std in & out (not error)
+         bra   L0B9A
+* Any errors from any of the L0300 subroutines go here
+* If child process had error/status code it goes here (u005D cleared,B=Status
+* code)
+L0B96    pshs  d,cc           Preserve error code, flags & A
+         lda   #$02           # of paths to do
+L0B9A    sta   <u001A         Save it
+         clra                 Start at path 0
+L0B9D    bsr   L0BA8          Go close (possibly dupe) paths
+         inca                 Next path #
+         cmpa  <u001A         Done up to last one yet?
+         bls   L0B9D          No, do next one
+         ror   ,s+            Eat CC but shift Carry bit into Carry
+         puls  pc,d           Restore error code & A & return
+L0BA8    pshs  a              Save path #
+         tst   <u0019
+         bmi   L0BC4          If high bit set, close path
+         bne   L0BBC          If 0<u0019<128, get changed path # & close
+         tst   a,u            Check 'real' path # from DP
+         beq   L0BC7          If 0, return
+         os9   I$Close        Otherwise, close current path #
+         lda   a,u            Get 'real' path #
+         os9   I$Dup          Dupe it
+* Close path # on stack, if it is open
+L0BBC    ldb   ,s             Get path # from stack
+         lda   b,u            Get real path # from DP
+         beq   L0BC7          If none, exit
+         clr   b,u            Clear out path #
+L0BC4    os9   I$Close        Close the path
+L0BC7    puls  pc,a           Exit
+L0BC9    fcc   'WHAT?'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L0BCF    bsr   L0B96          Close 3 std paths (possibly dupe)
+         leax  <L0BC9,pc      Point to 'WHAT?'
+         lbsr  L021B          Write it out std err
+         clrb  
+         coma  
+         rts   
+L0BDA    inc   <u0019         ???
+         bsr   L0B96          Do path closings (possibly dupings)
+         lda   #$FF           Set flag to just close raw paths
+         sta   <u0019
+         bsr   L0B90          Go close std in & std err
+         leax  <u006D,u       Point to device name buffer
+         lbsr  L0CDB
+         lbcs  L0200
+         lda   #$02
+         bsr   L0BA8
+         lbsr  L0CFF
+         clr   <u0019
+         lbra  L00CC
+* < processing
+L0BFA    ldd   #$0001
+         orb   <u000F
+         bra   L0C1A
+* >> processing
+L0C01    ldd   #$020D
+         stb   -$02,x
+         bra   L0C0A
+* > processing
+L0C08    lda   #$01
+L0C0A    ldb   #$02
+         bra   L0C1A
+* if from z= or i=, A=0, B=3
+L0C0E    tst   a,u            Test duped path?
+         bne   L0BCF          There is one, print 'WHAT' & close paths & return
+         pshs  d              Save path # & B
+         tst   <u0019
+         bmi   L0C34
+         bra   L0C24
+L0C1A    tst   a,u
+         bne   L0BCF
+         pshs  d
+         ldb   #C$CR
+         stb   -$01,x
+L0C24    os9   I$Dup          Create duplicate of the standard path
+         lbcs  L0CBE          Couldn't create dupe, 
+         ldb   ,s
+         sta   b,u
+         lda   ,s
+         os9   I$Close  
+L0C34    lda   1,s            Get B
+         bmi   L0C40
+         ldb   ,s
+         lbsr  L0D05
+         tsta  
+         bpl   L0C47
+L0C40    anda  #$0F
+         os9   I$Dup    
+         bra   L0CBE
+L0C47    ldb   #$0B
+         bita  #$02
+         bne   L0C7B
+         pshs  a
+         ldd   ,x
+         andb  #$5F
+         cmpd  #$2F57         Is it '/W'
+         puls  a
+         bne   L0C74
+         ora   #$02
+         os9   I$Open   
+         bcs   L0CBE
+         pshs  x
+         leax  >L003C,pc
+         ldy   #$0001
+         clra  
+         os9   I$Write  
+         puls  x
+         bra   L0CBE
+L0C74    os9   I$Open   
+         bra   L0CBE
+L0C79    pshs  d
+L0C7B    stb   <u004E
+         ldb   ,x
+         cmpb  #$2B
+         bne   L0C96
+         leax  $01,x
+         os9   I$Open   
+         bcs   L0CB1
+         pshs  u,x
+         ldb   #SS.Size
+         os9   I$GetStt 
+         os9   I$Seek   
+         bra   L0CA8
+L0C96    cmpb  #'-
+         bne   L0CB9
+         leax  1,x
+         os9   I$Open   
+         bcs   L0CB1          Error opening
+         pshs  u,x
+         ldx   #$0000
+         tfr   x,u
+L0CA8    ldb   #SS.Size       Init size of file to 0 bytes
+         os9   I$SetStt 
+         puls  u,x
+         bra   L0CBE
+L0CB1    cmpb  #E$PNNF        Error 216 (path name not found)?
+         beq   L0CB9          Yes, create the file
+         orcc  #Carry         Otherwise, set error flag
+         bra   L0CBE
+L0CB9    ldb   <u004E         Get file attributes
+         os9   I$Create 
+L0CBE    sta   <u0012         Save path # (or one we tried to duplicate?)
+         stb   1,s            Save possible error code?
+         lda   #$00           DO NOT CHANGE-NEED TO PRESERVE CARRY
+         sta   <u000F
+         puls  pc,d           Restore regs & return
+L0CC8    ldd   #$0003         Std in & ???
+         lbra  L0C0E
+* <>>> processing
+L0CCE    lda   #C$CR
+         sta   -$04,x
+* i= & z= both come here right off the bat
+L0CD2    bsr   L0CDB
+         bcc   L0CFF
+L0CD6    rts   
+* <> processing
+L0CD7    lda   #C$CR
+         sta   -$02,x
+L0CDB    bsr   L0CC8
+         bcs   L0CD6
+         ldd   #$0180
+         lbra  L0C0E
+* <>> processing
+L0CE5    lda   #C$CR
+         sta   -$03,x
+         bsr   L0CC8
+         bcs   L0CD6
+         ldd   #$0280
+         lbra  L0C0E
+* >>> processing
+L0CF3    lda   #C$CR
+         sta   -$03,x
+         ldd   #$0102
+         lbsr  L0C0E
+         bcs   L0CD6
+L0CFF    ldd   #$0281
+         lbra  L0C0E
+L0D05    pshs  x,d
+         ldd   ,x++
+         cmpd  #$2F30
+         bcs   L0D2F
+         cmpd  #$2F32
+         bhi   L0D2F
+         pshs  x,d
+         lbsr  L0907
+         puls  x,d
+         bcs   L0D2F
+         andb  #$03
+         cmpb  1,s
+         bne   L0D31
+         ldb   b,u
+L0D26    orb   #$80
+         stb   ,s
+         puls  d
+         leas  2,s
+         rts   
+L0D2F    puls  pc,x,d
+L0D31    tst   $01,s
+         bne   L0D26
+         pshs  x
+         tfr   b,a
+         leax  >u00B5,u       Point to buffer for device name
+         ldb   #'/            Put a slash in it
+         stb   ,x+
+         ldb   #SS.DevNm      Get the device name
+         os9   I$GetStt
+         bcs   L0D4F          Error, skip ahead
+         leax  -1,x           Reset ptr to include '/'
+         lda   #UPDAT.
+         os9   I$Open   
+L0D4F    puls  x              Restore ptr to beginning (including '/')
+         leas  6,s            Eat stack
+         lbra  L0CBE
+L0D56    fcc   'TRUE '
+L0D5B    fcb   $0d
+L0D5C    fcc   'FALSE'
+         fcb   $0d
+L0D62    lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #'[
+         bne   L0D6B
+         lbsr  L0E15
+L0D6B    cmpa  #'-
+         lbne  L0E3E
+         ldb   ,x+
+         lbsr  L0E15
+         leax  -$01,x
+         tfr   b,a
+         lbsr  L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lower
+         cmpa  #'Y
+         bne   L0DBB
+L0D81    pshs  x              Preserve X
+         leax  >u0124,u       Point to buffer
+         ldy   #$0001         Read 1 byte from error path???
+         lda   #$02
+         os9   I$Read   
+         lbcs  L0F17
+         lda   ,x             Get the character read
+         puls  x
+         lbsr  L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lower
+         cmpa  #'Y            Unless char is Y or N, re-read it
+         beq   L0DA3
+         cmpa  #'N
+         bne   L0D81
+L0DA3    pshs  a              Preserve char on stack
+         leax  >L0D5B,pc      Point to a Carriage return
+         lda   #$02           Print it to std out
+         ldy   #$0001
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+         puls  a              Restore char
+         clrb  
+         cmpa  #'Y
+         beq   L0DF8          Print 'true' if it is a Y
+         bra   L0DEE          Print 'false' if it is a N
+L0DBB    clrb  
+         cmpa  #'F
+         beq   L0DE0
+         cmpa  #'E
+         bne   L0DC8
+         orb   #%00000100
+         bra   L0DE0
+L0DC8    cmpa  #'R
+         bne   L0DD0
+         orb   #%00000001
+         bra   L0DE0
+L0DD0    cmpa  #'W
+         bne   L0DD8
+         orb   #%00000010
+         bra   L0DE0
+L0DD8    cmpa  #'D
+         lbne  L0F17
+         orb   #%10000000
+L0DE0    tfr   b,a
+         os9   I$Open   
+         bcs   L0DEE
+         os9   I$Close  
+         bra   L0DF8
+L0DEE    lda   #$02
+         sta   <u0043
+         leax  >L0D5C,pc      Point to 'FALSE'
+         bra   L0DFE
+L0DF8    clr   <u0043
+         leax  >L0D56,pc      Point to 'TRUE'
+L0DFE    tst   <u001E         Command echo on?
+         beq   L0E0B          No, skip ahead
+         ldy   #$0006         Print result of IF to std error
+         lda   #$02
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+L0E0B    leax  >u0124,u
+         lda   #C$CR
+         sta   ,x
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+L0E15    lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC
+         beq   L0E15
+         rts   
+L0E1C    cmpa  #$3D
+         bne   L0E26
+         lda   <u005F
+         ora   #$01
+         bra   L0E38
+L0E26    cmpa  #'<
+         bne   L0E30
+         lda   <u005F
+         ora   #$02
+         bra   L0E38
+L0E30    cmpa  #'>
+         bne   L0E3C
+* X command - Kill Shell when error occurs ON
+         lda   <u005F
+         ora   #$04
+L0E38    sta   <u005F
+         clra  
+         rts   
+L0E3C    coma  
+         rts   
+L0E3E    cmpa  #'+
+         bne   L0E46
+         inc   <u0015
+         bra   L0E48
+L0E46    leax  -1,x
+L0E48    clr   <u005F
+         pshs  u
+         leau  >u0124,u
+         ldb   #180           Clear out 180 bytes @ u0124
+         lbsr  L0412
+         puls  u
+         leay  >u0124,u
+         ldb   #81
+L0E5D    lda   ,x+            Copy buffer up to CR or 81 chars
+         lbsr  L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lower
+         sta   ,y+
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+         lbeq  L0F17
+         bsr   L0E1C
+         bcc   L0E74
+         decb  
+         bne   L0E5D
+         lbra  L0F17
+L0E74    negb  
+         addb  #81
+         stb   <u0016
+         clra  
+         sta   -$01,y
+         lda   ,x
+         bsr   L0E1C
+         bcs   L0E84
+         leax  $01,x
+L0E84    leay  >u0175,u
+         ldb   #81
+L0E8A    lda   ,x+
+         bsr   L0F0C          Convert char to uppercase if lower
+         sta   ,y+
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+         beq   L0E99
+         decb  
+         bne   L0E8A
+         bra   L0F17
+L0E99    negb  
+         addb  #$51
+         stb   <u0017
+         clra  
+         sta   -$01,y
+         tst   <u0015
+         beq   L0EE0
+         leax  >u166D,u
+         ldd   #$30b4         Store 180 ASCII 0's into buffer
+L0EAD    sta   ,x+
+         decb  
+         bne   L0EAD
+         leax  >u0124,u
+         ldb   <u0016
+         leax  b,x
+         leay  >u16BD,u
+         bsr   L0ED8
+         leax  >u0175,u
+         ldb   <u0017
+         leax  b,x
+         leay  >u170E,u
+         bsr   L0ED8
+         leax  >u166D,u
+         leay  >u16BE,u
+         bra   L0EE8
+L0ED8    lda   ,-x
+         sta   ,-y
+         decb  
+         bne   L0ED8
+         rts   
+L0EE0    leax  >u0124,u
+         leay  >u0175,u
+L0EE8    ldb   #80
+L0EEA    lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  ,y+
+         blo   L0EFB
+         bhi   L0F01
+         decb  
+         bne   L0EEA
+         lda   <u005F
+         bita  #$01
+         bra   L0F05
+L0EFB    lda   <u005F
+         bita  #$02
+         bra   L0F05
+L0F01    lda   <u005F
+         bita  #$04
+L0F05    lbne  L0DF8
+         lbra  L0DEE
+* Convert char to uppercase if it is a letter
+L0F0C    cmpa  #'a            Lower case letter?
+         blo   L0F16          No, return
+         cmpa  #'z            Check high range
+         bhi   L0F16          No, return
+         suba  #$20           Yes, convert to uppercase
+L0F16    rts   
+L0F17    comb  
+         ldb   #$01
+         lbra  L0191
+L0F1D    cmpa  #$03
+         beq   L0F3F
+         cmpa  #$02
+         bne   L0F2B
+         dec   <u0044
+         blt   L0F3F
+         bra   L0F43
+L0F2B    cmpa  #$01
+         bne   L0F3B
+         lda   <u0043
+         cmpa  #$02
+         bne   L0F43
+         tst   <u0044
+         beq   L0F3F
+         bra   L0F43
+L0F3B    inc   <u0044
+         bra   L0F43
+L0F3F    clr   <u0043
+         clr   <u0044
+L0F43    clrb  
+         rts   
+* Table: 7 bytes/entry:
+* 1st 5 bytes is name, high bit set & NUL padded
+* Byte 6 is # bytes actually used
+L0F45    fcs   'IF'
+         fcb   0,0,0,2,0
+         fcs   'ELSE'
+         fcb   0,4,1
+         fcs   'ENDIF'
+         fcb   5,2
+         fcs   'FI'
+         fcb   0,0,0,2,2
+         fcs   'CLRIF'
+         fcb   5,3
+         fcb   $ff
+L0F69    leay  <L0F45,pc      Point to conditionals table
+L0F6D    ldb   5,y            Get actual length of string we are checking
+         os9   F$CmpNam       Compare with string pointed to by X
+         bcs   L0F80          If they don't match, skip ahead
+         lda   6,y            Get conditional token(?) number
+         ldb   b,x            Get char past end of matching string
+         cmpb  #C$CR          Is it a CR?
+         beq   L0F8B          Yes, return
+         cmpb  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
+         beq   L0F8B          Yes, return
+L0F80    leay  7,y            Point to next command in table
+         lda   ,y             Get 1st char from this entry
+         cmpa  #$FF           End of table marker?
+         beq   L0F8B          Yes, return
+         inca                 No, ???
+         bra   L0F6D          Process this one
+L0F8C    lda   #$01
+         sta   <u0043
+         lbra  L0E0B
+L0F93    lbsr  L0907          Go find 1st non-space char or single char modifier
+         bne   L0F9B
+         clr   <u0046
+L0F8B    rts   
+L0F9B    leay  >L03AC,pc    Point to 'GOTO'
+         ldb   #4           4 chars to compare
+         os9   F$CmpNam     Does it match?
+         lbcs  L0BCF        No, print 'WHAT?'
+         leax  4,x          Yes, skip X past 'GOTO'
+         lbsr  L091F        Go find 1st non-space char past 'GOTO'
+         leay  >u0C4C,u     Point to some sort of buffer
+         lda   ,x           Get char from GOTO label
+         cmpa  #'+          Is label after current pos. in script file?
+         bne   L0FBB        No, skip ahead
+         sta   ,y+          Save '+' in buffer
+         leax  1,x          Bump up source ptr past '+'
+L0FBB    bsr   L100B        Go copy label name into buffer
+         inc   <u0046       Set flag that a GOTO was found
+L0FBF    lda   ,x+          Get 1st char from user's label again
+         leay  >L0408,pc    Point to single char modifiers table
+L0FC5    cmpa  ,y+          Illegal modifier char in label name?
+         bhi   L0FC5        Not yet, check other modifiers
+         blo   L0FBF        This char ok, check rest of label name
+         leax  -1,x         Point to last char (terminator) of label name
+         stx   <u0058       Save it & return
+         rts
+L0FD0    lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #'+
+         bne   L0FDA
+         leax  1,x
+         bra   L0FFB
+L0FDA    tst   <u006B
+         beq   L0FEA
+         ldy   <u0067
+         ldd   $09,y
+         leay  d,y
+         sty   <u0065
+         bra   L0FFB
+L0FEA    pshs  u,x
+         clra  
+         ldx   #$0000         Seek to beginning
+         tfr   x,u
+         os9   I$Seek   
+         puls  u,x
+         lbcs  L0191
+L0FFB    lbsr  L091F
+         leay  >u0BFC,u
+         bsr   L100B
+         lda   #C$CR
+         sta   ,x
+         inc   <u0045
+         rts   
+* Copy label from X to buffer @ Y, terminate at 1st illegal char with CR
+* Exit: X=ptr to start of label name from user's buffer
+*       Y=ptr to start of buffer entry copy of label name
+L100B    pshs  y,x            Preserve buffer & source ptrs
+         ldb   #79            (78 bytes to check)
+L100F    decb                 Dec # chars left to check
+         beq   L1022          If done max, skip ahead
+         lda   ,x+            Get char for label
+         sta   ,y+            Save in buffer
+         cmpa  #'A            Is it a letter or higher?
+         bhs   L100F          Yes, continue copying
+         cmpa  #'0            Is it lower than a #?
+         blo   L1022          Yes, not allowed, force end of label name
+         cmpa  #'9            Is it a #?
+         bls   L100F          Yes, that is fine
+L1022    lda   #C$CR          All others illegal, force CR in buffer copy
+         sta   -1,y           Save it
+         clrb                 No error
+         puls  pc,y,x         Restore regs & return
+* M= command (???)
+L1029    ldb   #C$CR
+         stb   -$01,x
+         tst   <u006B
+         bne   L1057
+         tst   <u006C
+         bne   L1057
+         lda   #Data          Data module type
+         pshs  u,y,x
+         os9   F$Link
+         bcs   L1055
+         stu   <u0067         Save start address of module
+         sty   <u0065         Save execution address of module
+         ldd   2,u
+         addd  <u0067
+         subd  #$0003
+         std   <u0069
+         inc   <u006B
+         puls  u,y,x
+         leax  -$01,x
+         lbra  L0907
+L1055    puls  u,y,x
+L1057    lbra  L0BCF
+* VAR. command
+L105A    leay  >u05A8,u
+         lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #'?
+         beq   L10C9
+         cmpa  #'=
+         beq   L1096
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC
+         beq   L1085
+         cmpa  #';
+         beq   L1085
+         cmpa  #'9
+         bhi   L1085
+         cmpa  #'0
+         bcs   L1085
+         suba  #$30
+         ldb   #$51           Multiply by 81 (size of each VAR entry)
+         mul   
+         leay  d,y
+         lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #'=
+         beq   L1096
+L1085    leax  -$01,x
+         pshs  x
+         tfr   y,x
+         ldy   #$0051
+         lda   #$02
+         os9   I$ReadLn 
+         puls  pc,x
+L1096    ldb   #80
+         lbsr  L0A25
+         lda   #C$CR
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L10A0    fcb   C$LF
+         fcc   'User Variables :'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L10B2    fcb   C$LF
+         fcc   'Shell Sub Variables :'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L10C9    pshs  x
+         clrb
+         leax  >L10A0,pc
+         bsr   L10DF
+         leay  >u08D2,u
+         clrb  
+         leax  >L10B2,pc
+         bsr   L10DF
+         puls  pc,x
+L10DF    pshs  y,b
+         lbsr  L021B
+         puls  y,b
+L10E6    pshs  y,b
+         lda   #$51
+         mul   
+         leay  d,y
+         leax  >u0124,u
+         ldd   #'V*256+'A
+         std   ,x++
+         ldd   #'R*256+'.
+         std   ,x++
+         lda   ,s
+L10FD    adda  #$30
+         ldb   #'=
+         std   ,x++
+L1103    lda   ,y+
+         sta   ,x+
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+         bne   L1103
+         leax  >u0124,u
+         ldy   #$0057
+         lda   #$01
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+         puls  y,b
+         bcs   L1122
+         incb  
+         cmpb  #C$LF
+         bcs   L10E6
+         rts   
+L1122    puls  y
+         puls  pc,x
+* INC. command (increment shell variable by 1)
+L1126    bsr   L1144
+         lbcs  L0191
+         addd  #$0001
+         bra   L113A
+* DEC. command (decrement shell variable by 1)
+L1131    bsr   L1144
+         lbcs  L0191
+         subd  #$0001
+L113A    bsr   L11A7
+         lda   #C$CR
+         sta   $05,y
+         ldx   <u0048
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+L1144    inc   <u0014
+         leay  >u05A8,u
+         lda   ,x+
+         stx   <u0048
+         cmpa  #'0
+         bcs   L1161
+         cmpa  #'9
+         bhi   L1161
+         suba  #$30
+         ldb   #81
+         mul   
+         leay  d,y
+         tfr   y,x
+         bra   L1166
+L1161    leas  2,s
+         lbra  L0BCF
+L1166    pshs  y
+         leas  -$05,s
+         tfr   s,y
+         clr   $03,y
+         clr   $04,y
+L1170    clr   $02,y
+         lda   ,x+
+         suba  #$30
+         cmpa  #$09
+         bhi   L1195
+         pshs  a
+         lda   #10
+         ldb   $03,y
+         mul   
+         std   ,y
+         lda   $04,y
+         ldb   #10
+         mul   
+         addd  $01,y
+         std   $01,y
+         clra  
+         puls  b
+         addd  $01,y
+         std   $03,y
+         bra   L1170
+L1195    ldd   3,y
+         leas  5,s
+         puls  pc,y
+* 2 byte ASCII conversion table
+L119B    fdb   10000
+         fdb   1000
+         fdb   100
+         fdb   10
+         fdb   1
+         fdb   0
+L11A7    pshs  y,x,d
+         pshs  b
+         leax  >L119B,pc
+L11AF    pshs  d
+         ldb   #'/
+         stb   2,s
+         puls  d
+L11B7    inc   ,s
+         subd  ,x
+         bcc   L11B7
+         addd  ,x++
+         pshs  d
+         ldb   $02,s
+         stb   ,y+
+         lda   $01,x
+         puls  d
+         bne   L11AF
+         puls  b
+         puls  pc,y,x,d
+* PAUSE command - may display text message, and then waits for key press or
+* mouse button
+L11CF    ldy   #394           Write up to 394 chars of pause string
+         lda   #$02           To standard error
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+         lbcs  L0191
+         tfr   y,d            Tfr # chars written to D
+         leax  d,x            Point X to next char after ones written
+         leax  -1,x           Point to last char written
+         pshs  x              Save ptr
+         ldd   #$02*256+SS.SSig  Std Err/Send signal when key pressed
+         ldx   #$000A         Signal $A is the one to send
+         os9   I$SetStt 
+         lbcs  L0191          Error, use main shell error handler
+         ldb   #SS.MsSig      Send signal on mouse button press
+         os9   I$SetStt 
+         lbcs  L0191
+         ldx   #$0000         Go to sleep until one of the 2 is received
+         os9   F$Sleep  
+         ldb   #SS.Relea      Signal gotten, release all signals
+         os9   I$SetStt 
+         clrb                 No error & return
+         puls  pc,x
+* Parse PATH=, add paths to PATH buffer list
+L1209    pshs  x              Preserve ptr to string after 'PATH='
+         lda   ,x             Get 1st char
+         cmpa  #'?            User requesting current paths?
+         beq   L1245          Yes, go do that
+         pshs  u              Preserve U
+         leau  >u0CDD,u       Point to PATH= buffer
+L1217    lda   ,x+            Get char from user-requested path
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Space?
+         beq   L1217          Yes, eat spaces until 1st real char found
+         sta   ,u+            No, save char
+L121F    leay  >L0408,pc      Point to command modifier list
+L1223    cmpa  ,y+            Match char?
+         bhi   L1223          No, our char is higher, check next modifier
+         beq   L1237          Found match, skip ahead
+         lda   ,x+            No modifier found, get next char
+         sta   ,u+            Save in PATH buffer
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Was it a space?
+         bne   L121F          No, check this char vs. modifier list
+         lda   #C$CR          Yes, change to CR
+         sta   -1,u           Save CR instead (terminate 1 path entry)
+         bra   L1217          Do whole list
+* NOTE: ANY modifier (not just CR, but ! # & ; < > ^ |) stops PATH=parsing
+L1237    leax  -1,x           Bump ptr back to last char from user
+         stx   2,s            Save ptr on stack over original X
+         lda   #C$CR          Get CR
+         sta   -1,u           Save CR as current path end
+         sta   ,u             And 1 extra for parse routines
+         puls  u              Get U back
+         puls  pc,x           Restore new X & return
+L1245    leax  >u0CDD,u       Point to start of PATH=buffer
+L1249    ldy   #400           Write up to 400 chars to standard out
+         lda   #$01
+         os9   I$WritLn       Print text of one path
+         lbcs  L0191          Error, go process shell error
+         tfr   y,d            Tfr # bytes written to D
+         leax  d,x            Offset X to end of what was printed
+         lda   ,x             Get char from there
+         cmpa  #C$CR          CR (end of path list)?
+         bne   L1249          No, go write next path out
+         puls  x              Restore ptr to next set of PATH=
+         leax  1,x            Bump ptr up by 1 & return
+         rts   
+* ^ (set priority on the fly) command
+L1265    ldb   #C$CR          Plop a CR onto the end
+         stb   -$01,x
+         ldb   <u0022         Any priority already set?
+         lbne  L0BCF          Yes, print 'WHAT?'
+         lbsr  L16EB          Go calculate binary priority into B
+         stb   <u0022         Save priority to fork module with
+         lbra  L0907          Continue processing for modifiers
+* # (set data memory size) command
+L1277    ldb   #C$CR
+         stb   -1,x
+         ldb   <u0003       Already have a data mem size set?
+         lbne  L0BCF        Yes, print 'WHAT?'
+         lbsr  L16EB
+         eora  #'K
+         anda  #$DF         Force uppercase
+         bne   L1294        No 'K', just save # of 256 byte pages
+         leax  1,x
+         lda   #4           Multiply # of K by 4 to get # pages
+         mul   
+         tsta  
+         lbne  L0BCF        Ended up too big, print 'WHAT?'
+L1294    stb   <u0003       Save data mem size to use
+         lbra  L0907        Continue processing command line
+* Carriage return processing
+L1299    leax  -1,x
+         lbsr  L145D
+         bra   L12A3
+* ; (separator) command (also called by others)
+L12A0    lbsr  L1459
+L12A3    bcs   L12BA
+         lbsr  L0B96          Go do the path stuff
+         tst   <u005D         Is there a module that is unlinking?
+         bne   L12AE          Yes
+         bsr   L12D2          Go wait for child process to die (A=process #)
+L12AE    bcs   L12BA          If child exited with status/signal code,skip
+         lbsr  L0907          Go parse for modifiers
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Was the next non-space/comma char a CR?
+         bne   L12B9          No, skip ahead
+         leas  4,s            Yes, eat stack
+L12B9    clrb                 No error
+* Child process had a signal/status code
+L12BA    pshs  cc             Preserve error status
+         clr   <u005D         ???
+         puls  cc             Restore carry
+         lbra  L0B96          ??? Go close some paths & return?
+* & (background operation) command
+L12C3    lbsr  L1459
+         bcs   L12BA
+         bsr   L12BA
+         ldb   #$26
+         lbsr  L16B3
+         bra   L12AE
+* W command - Wait for a child to die
+L12D1    clra                 Clear process ID #
+* Entered here if commands are separated with ';' (or '()' groups)
+L12D2    pshs  a              Save ID # of process?
+L12D4    os9   F$Wait         Wait for child to die or until signal received
+         tst   <u000E         Signal received (which would be in SHELL)?
+         beq   L12EC          No, child was exited (or got signal), go process
+* Shell was interrupted by signal while Waiting
+         ldb   <u000E         Get signal that we received
+         cmpb  #S$Abort       Was it a PD.QUT (<CTRL>-<E>) (quit 'W'aiting?)
+         bne   L1304          No, skip ahead
+         lda   ,s             Get process #
+         beq   L1304          None, exit
+         os9   F$Send         Send the signal to the child as well
+         clr   ,s             Clear process #
+         bra   L12D4          Go Wait again (until child dies)
+* Child F$Exited or was aborted - eat should go here
+* Entry: A=ID # of deceased child
+*        B=Exit (error) code from child
+L12EC    lbcs   L1308         If F$Wait exited with error, return with it
+         cmpa  ,s             Same process # as one we were waiting for?
+         beq   L1304          Yes, exit
+         tst   ,s             No, was there a specific process # we wanted?
+         beq   L12F9          No, skip ahead
+* Child died, but not the one we were waiting for
+         tstb                 Was there an error status?
+         beq   L12D4          No, ignore dead child and wait for one we wanted
+* Child died with error on exit
+L12F9    pshs  b              Preserve child's exit status code
+         bsr   L12BA          ??? Go close & re-dupe paths?
+         ldb   #'-            Get a '-' (for a '-003' process finished msg)
+         lbsr  L16B3          Print that out
+         puls  b              Get back exit status code
+L1304    tstb                 is there an Error/signal code?
+         beq   L1308          No, exit
+         cmpb  #S$Intrpt      Yes, is it a keyboard interrupt signal?
+         beq   eatchar        Yes, eat the key
+         cmpb  #S$Abort       Keyboard abort signal?
+         bne   errexit        No, exit with unknown error/signal code
+* At this point, child died from signal 2 or 3 (CTRL-C or CTRL-E). The corres-
+*  ponding key is also sitting in this devices PD.BUF as the 1st char. We musts
+* 1) Disable keyboard signal & eat the key from the buffer
+* 2) Exit from here with Carry set & signal (2 or 3) in B
+eatchar  pshs  b,x,y          Preserve signal code & regs used
+         ldd   #SS.Ready      Std in, check for data ready on device
+         os9   I$GetStt       Check it
+         bcs   NotSCF         No chars waiting on device, exit with signal
+         lda   <u0018         Is the shell immortal?
+         beq   NotSCF         No, don't try to eat the char
+eat      clra                 Standard in path
+         leas  -PD.OPT,s      Make 32 byte buffer for OPT's
+         leax  ,s             Point X to it
+         clrb                 SS.Opt call
+         os9   I$GetStt       Get current path options
+         lda   ,x             Get device type
+         beq   Eatkey         SCF (not script file) so go eat key
+NoChar   leas  PD.OPT,s       Eat temp buffer
+         bra   NotSCF         Exit with signal code (script file got signal)
+* Have to eat key: Shut echo off 1st
+Eatkey   clr   4,x            PD.EKO flag off
+         os9   I$SetStt       Shut echo off
+         ldd   #SS.Relea      Std In, Release keyboard/mouse signals
+         os9   I$SetStt       Shut signals off so we don't get stuck
+         leax  ,-s            Make 1 byte buffer on stack
+         ldy   #1             1 byte to read
+         os9   I$Read         Eat the char
+         leas  1,s            eat buffer
+         ldd   #SS.SSig       Std In, send signal on key ready
+         ldx   #$B            Signal to send
+         os9   I$SetStt       Turn keyboard signal on again
+         leax  ,s             Point to temp buffer again
+         inc   4,x            PD.EKO flag on
+         clra                 Std In
+         clrb                 Set Options
+         os9   I$SetStt       Turn echo back on
+         leas  PD.OPT,s       Deallocate temp buffer
+         ldb   u180D,u        Get current history line #
+         cmpb  #1             First one?
+         bhi   Previous       No, B=previous one
+         ldb   u180C,u        Was on first, so get last
+         incb                 Adjust for dec
+Previous decb                 Point to previous one
+         lbsr  L19D3          Go get ptr to history
+         lda   ,y             Get 1st char from previous line in history
+         sta   ,x             Save char there
+         ldd   #SS.Fill       Fill keyboard buffer call to Std In
+         ldy   #$8001         1 char long, don't append CR
+         os9   I$SetStt       Stick that key into the keyboard buffer
+NotSCF   puls  b,x,y          Restore regs (and exit status byte in B)
+errexit  coma                 Yes, set carry & exit
+L1308    puls  pc,a
+* If data area <4.25K, force up to 7.5K
+* Exit: A=Type/language
+*       X=Current source line parsing ptr (module name to chain)
+*       Y=Size of parameter area
+*       U=Ptr to parameter area
+*       B=Size of data area
+L130A    lda   #Prgrm+Objct   Module type/language
+         ldb   <u0003         Get # pages of data mem needed for forked module
+         cmpb  #$11           Is it at least 17?
+         bhs   L1316          Yes, skip ahead
+         ldb   #$1F           Otherwise, force to 7.5K minimum
+         stb   <u0003         Save it
+L1316    andcc #^Carry        Clear carry
+         ldx   <u0004         Get mem module ptr
+         ldy   <u0006         Get size of current command group
+         ldu   <u0008         Get ptr to start of current command group
+         rts   
+* Copy string from X to Y until CR is hit
+L1320    lda   ,x+            Get char
+         sta   ,y+            Save it
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Carriage return?
+         bne   L1320          No, keep copying
+         rts                  Done, return
+* Attempt load in module to execute (it's not in memory)
+* Entry: X=Ptr to module name
+L1329    lda   #EXEC.         1st, attempt to get it from current Exec DIR
+         os9   I$Open         Attempt to open it
+         bcc   L1362          Found it, continue
+* Possible search thru PATH= settings
+         inc   <u000F         ??? Set flag to indicate using PATH=
+         leax  >u0CDD,u       Point to start of PATH= list
+L1336    clrb  
+         lda   ,x             Get 1st char from next PATH= line
+         cmpa  #C$CR          End of list?
+         lbeq  L1564          Yes, ???
+         leay  >u0124,u       No, point to temp buffer
+         bsr   L1320          Copy path to temp buffer until CR
+         pshs  x              Preserve ptr to next possible path
+         lda   #'/            Add slash since we want file from this path
+         sta   -1,y           Save at end of path in temp buffer
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module/script name we are looking for
+         bsr   L1320          Copy it into temp buffer up to CR
+         leax  >u0124,u       Point to start of full path list
+         lda   #READ.         Attempt to open file
+         os9   I$Open   
+         puls  x              Restore ptr to next possible path
+         bcs   L1336          Didn't find file there, try next path
+         leax  >u0124,u       Point to full pathlist again
+         stx   <u0004         Replace ptr to module with full pathlist ptr
+L1362    leax  >u00D6,u       Point to buffer to hold beginning of file
+         ldy   #77            77 bytes to read
+         os9   I$Read         Read it in
+         bcc   L1373          No error, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #E$EOF         Just EOF error?
+         bne   L13CE          No, something more serious, skip ahead
+L1373    tst   <u000F
+         bne   L137B
+         ldb   #$04
+         stb   <u000F
+L137B    pshs  a              Save path # a sec
+         ldd   M$ID,x         Get possible module header bytes
+         cmpd  #M$ID12        Legit module header?
+         puls  a              Restore path #
+         beq   L1396          OS9 module, skip ahead
+* Not module...possible shell script?
+         os9   I$Close        Not OS9 module, close file
+         clrb  
+         dec   <u000F         Dec flag
+         lbeq  L1564          If 0, skip ahead
+         inc   <u000F         If not, inc & skip ahead
+         lbra  L1564
+* Seems to be OS9 module
+L1396    clr   <u000F         Clear flag
+         ldy   M$Name,x       Get offset to module name
+         leax  >u00E3,u       Point X to offset $E in module
+         cmpy  #$000D         Does the name start at offset $D?
+         beq   L13C0          Yes, skip ahead
+         pshs  u              Preserve U
+         tfr   y,u            Move name offset to U
+         ldx   #$0000         MSW of file pos=0
+         os9   I$Seek         Go seek to that spot in file
+         puls  u              Restore U
+         bcs   L13CE          Error seeking, go handle
+         ldy   #64            Go read up to 64 char filename
+         leax  >u00E3,u       Point to spot to hold filename
+         os9   I$Read         Read it in
+         bcs   L13CE          Error reading, go handle
+L13C0    pshs  a              Save path #
+         os9   F$PrsNam       Parse module name
+         puls  a              Restore path #
+         bcs   L13CE
+         cmpb  #$40
+         bhi   L1422
+         clrb  
+L13CE    pshs  b,cc         Preserve error status
+         os9   I$Close      Close file
+         puls  b,cc         Restore error status
+         lbcs  L162B        If error, exit with it (S/B L162C)
+         leax  >u00D6,u     Point to buffer holding 77 bytes of file
+         lda   $06,x
+         ldy   $0B,x
+         cmpa  #$40
+         bne   L1407
+         bsr   L13EF
+         lbcs  L162B
+         lbra  L14AF
+L13EF    leax  >u00E3,u
+         os9   F$NMLink 
+         bcc   L1400
+         ldx   <u0004
+         os9   F$NMLoad 
+         bcc   L1400
+         rts   
+L1400    leax  >u00E3,u
+         stx   <u0004
+         rts   
+L1407    cmpa  #$51
+         bne   L1413
+         bsr   L13EF
+         lbcs  L162B
+         bra   L1427
+L1413    cmpa  #$11
+         lbne  L14D7
+         leax  >u00E3,u
+         stx   <u0010
+         lbra  L15D7
+L1422    lbsr  L08CB
+         bra   L13CE
+* Call a shellsub module
+L1427    clra                 Type/language byte to wildcard:any will match
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name
+         pshs  u              Preserve U
+         os9   F$Link         Attempt to link it in
+         puls  u              Restore U
+         lbcs  L162B          If we couldn't link, Exit with error
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name again
+         os9   F$UnLoad       Unlink it
+         lbcs  L162B          If we couldn't unlink exit with error
+         ldx   <u0008         Get ptr to current group (param ptr for shellsub)
+         ldd   <u0006         Get size of param area for shellsub
+         leau  >u08D2,u       Point to shellsub variable area
+         jsr   ,y             Execute shellsub module
+         pshs  b,a,cc         Preserve error status & A
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   <u0010         ? (originally pointing to E3 if type $11 module)
+         ldx   <u0004         Get shellsub module ptr
+         os9   F$UnLoad       Unlink it
+         std   <u0004         Clear shellsub module ptr
+         inc   <u005D         Set flag that we should wait for module to exit?
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,d,cc  restore regs & return
+L1459    lda   #C$CR
+         sta   -1,x
+L145D    clr   <u0060
+         pshs  u,y,x
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to name
+         ldd   ,x             Get 2 chars of name
+         andb  #$5F           Force 2nd one to uppercase
+         cmpd  #$2F57         Is it a /W?
+         bne   L1473          No, check for shellsub
+         comb                 Yes, exit with bad mode error
+         ldb   #E$BMode
+         lbra  L162B
+L1473    clra                 Wildcard NMLink
+         os9   F$NMLink       Link to module
+         lbcs  L1329          Error, do something
+         cmpa  #ShellSub+Objct  ShellSub module?
+         beq   L1427          Yes, go set up for it
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to name back
+         os9   F$UnLoad       Drop the link count back down
+         pshs  y              Save data area size
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name again
+         leay  >L000D,pc      Point to 'Shell'
+         ldb   #$05           Size of 'Shell'
+         os9   F$CmpNam       Is the module requested Shell?
+         puls  y              Restore data area size
+         bcs   L14A3          Not shell, skip ahead
+         ldb   5,x            Get char right after 'shell'
+         cmpb  #C$CR          Is 'shell' the only thing on the line?
+         lbeq  L158D          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
+         lbeq  L158D          Yes, skip ahead
+* Not Shell or Shellsub module
+L14A3    cmpa  #Prgrm+Objct   ML program?
+         lbeq  L15D7          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #Data          Is it a data module?
+         bne   L14D7          No, skip ahead
+         inc   <u0060         Set flag - data module
+L14AF    inc   <u0060         Bump it up
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name
+         os9   F$PrsNam       Parse the name
+         ldy   <u0063         Get ptr to Intercept routines data mem ($418)
+         leay  $0A,y          Bump up to $422
+         sty   <u0008         Save ptr to start of current group
+         sty   <u0061         ??? Ptr to data modules name?
+         ldx   #60            Max size of group
+         stx   <u0006         Save it
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name
+L14C8    lda   ,x+            Copy it to buffer @ $422
+         sta   ,y+
+         decb  
+         bne   L14C8
+         lda   #C$CR          Append a CR to it
+         sta   ,y+
+         clrb  
+         lbra  L1564
+* Not 6809 object code or data module either
+L14D7    sty   <u000A         Save data area size
+         leax  >L0013,pc      Point to alternate languages table
+L14DE    tst   ,x             Is this entry active?
+         lbeq  L1629          No, exit with non-existing module error
+         cmpa  ,x+            Same module type as we want?
+         beq   L14EE          Yes, skip ahead
+L14E8    tst   ,x+            No, eat module name
+         bpl   L14E8
+         bra   L14DE          Try next module
+* Found run-time language match
+L14EE    ldd   <u0008         Get ptr to start of current command group
+         subd  <u0004         Calculate size of whole group
+         addd  <u0006         Don't include size of current group
+         std   <u0006         Save remainder size
+         ldd   <u0004         Get ptr to start of sub-module
+         std   <u0008         Save it
+         pshs  y,x            Preserve data area size & primary module ptr
+         leax  >L0021,pc      Point to 'RUNB'
+         cmpx  ,s             Is that the run-time module we want?
+         bne   L1546          No, skip ahead
+* RUNB needed - have to () & quote/commas between params
+         ldx   <u0008         Yes, get sub-module ptr?
+         leay  >u0418,u       Point to before sub-module
+         bsr   L154B          Copy buffer up to next param (or end of line)
+         beq   L1535          If it was end of line, add CR & continue
+         ldd   ,x             Get 2 param chars
+         cmpd  #$2822         Is it '("' (RUNB variables ahead?)
+         beq   L1546          Yes, skip ahead (we won't have to add them)
+         lda   #C$SPAC        No, add ' ("'
+         sta   ,y+
+         ldd   #$2822
+         std   ,y++
+L151F    bsr   L154B          Copy buffer up to next param (or end of line)
+         beq   L152E          If end of line, add '")' (close params)
+         ldd   #$222C         Add '","' (Basic09 param separators
+         std   ,y++
+         lda   #$22           2nd quote of above
+         sta   ,y+
+         bra   L151F          Keep doing for all parameters
+L152E    ldd   #$2229         Add  '")' to end parameter list
+         std   ,y++
+         lda   #C$CR          Add CR
+L1535    sta   ,y+
+         tfr   y,d            Move end of param ptr to D
+         leay  >u0418,u       Point to start of param
+         sty   <u0008         Save as start ptr
+         subd  <u0008         Calculate param size
+         std   <u0006         Save it
+L1546    puls  y,x            Restore data area size & primary module ptr
+         lbra  L15D5
+* Copy from X to Y until either a CR or a space char is hit
+* If it finds a space, it will eat them until the next non-space char is found
+L154B    lda   ,x+            Get char
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
+* Was L155B
+         beq   L1559          yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Is it the end of the line?
+         beq   L155F          Yes, bump ptr back to CR & exit
+         sta   ,y+            Save the char
+         bra   L154B          Keep doing it
+L1559    lda   ,x+            Get char
+L155B    cmpa  #C$SPAC        Is it another space?
+         beq   L1559          Yes, keep eating spaces
+L155F    leax  -$01,x         Bump ptr back to either non-space or CR
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Is it a CR? & return
+         rts   
+L1564    cmpb  #E$BMode
+         lbeq  L162B
+         ldx   <u0006         Get size of current group
+         leax  5,x            Bump it up by 5???
+         stx   <u0006         Save new size
+         tst   <u0060         Data module linked?
+         bne   L1592          Yes, skip ahead
+         ldx   <u0004         Get module name ptr
+         ldu   4,s
+         lbsr  L0BFA          Set up paths
+         lbcs  L162B          If error, exit with it
+         bra   L1592          Start up shell with '-P X PATH=(current)'
+* L1581 is for sub-shells (?), L1586 for normal shells
+L1581    fcc   '-P X '        Prompting off/exit on error
+L1586    fcc   'PATH= '       For inheriting parent shell's paths
+         fcb   C$CR
+L158D    leax  <L1586,pc      Point to 'path='
+         bra   L1595          Skip ahead
+L1592    leax  <L1581,pc      Point to '-p x '
+L1595    leay  >u166D,u       Point to about-to-be merged buffer
+         lbsr  L1320          Copy up until CR
+         leay  -1,y           Point to CR
+         leax  >u0CDD,u       Point to copy of current path=
+* Copy all paths to buffer, changing <CR> separated ones with Spaces
+L15A2    lda   ,x             Get char
+         cmpa  #C$CR          CR?
+         beq   L15B1          Yes, don't copy this buffer
+         lbsr  L1320          Copy up until CR
+         lda   #C$SPAC        Replace CR with Space
+         sta   -1,y
+         bra   L15A2          Continue copying CR marked blocks until done
+L15B1    lda   #';            Replace final CR with ; (command separator)
+         sta   -1,y
+         tst   <u0060
+         beq   L15BE
+         ldd   #'M*256+'=     If flag set, append 'M='
+         std   ,y++
+L15BE    ldx   <u0008         Get ptr to start of current group
+         lbsr  L1320          Copy up until CR
+         leax  >u166D,u       Point to merged buffer again
+         stx   <u0008         Make it the new current group start
+         tfr   y,d            Move end buffer ptr to D
+         pshs  x              Push merged buffer ptr for SUBD
+         subd  ,s++           Calculate size of merged buffer
+         std   <u0006         Save merged buffer size
+         leax  >L000D,pc      Point to 'shell'
+L15D5    stx   <u0004         Save ptr to module name to fork
+L15D7    ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name to fork
+         lda   #Prgrm+Objct
+         os9   F$NMLink       Get memory requirement stuff from it
+         bcc   L15E5          Got it, continue
+         os9   F$NMLoad       Couldn't get, try loading it
+         bcs   L162B          Still couldn't get, can't fork
+L15E5    tst   <u0003         Memory size specified?
+         bne   L15F2          Yes, skip ahead
+         tfr   y,d            No, tfr modules mem size to D
+         addd  <u000A         ??? Add to something
+         addd  #$00FF         Round up to nearest page
+         sta   <u0003         Save # of pages need for data mem
+L15F2    clr  ,-s             Clear byte on stack to store original priority
+         ldb   <u0022         Get priority we want to set new program at
+         beq   DnePrior       0=Use inherited priority, skip ahead
+         leax  >u166D,u       Point to place to hold Process descriptor
+         os9   F$ID           Get our process #
+         os9   F$GPrDsc       Get our process descriptor
+         ldb   P$Prior,x      Get our priority
+         stb   ,s             Save it
+         ldb   <u0022         Get priority for new process
+         os9   F$SPrior       Set our priority so child will inherit it
+DnePrior lbsr  L130A          Go setup Fork entry registers
+         os9   F$Fork         Create the new process
+         pshs  d,cc           Preserve error (if any) & new process #
+         ldb   3,s            Get original priority back
+         beq   L1609          Priority didn't change, ignore it
+         os9   F$ID           Get our process # into A
+         os9   F$SPrior       Reset our priority back to normal
+L1609    lda   #Prgrm+Objct   Std 6809 module
+         ldx   <u0010         Get ptr to some other module name (?)
+         bne   L1611          There is one, unlink it instead
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to command name
+L1611    os9   F$UnLoad       Bump link count down back to normal?
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   <u0010         Zero out other module name ptr
+         std   <u0004         Clear out ptr to main command name
+         lda   <u0060         Check if data module needs to be unlinked too
+         cmpa  #$01           Just 1 link to it?
+         bne   L1627          No, skip ahead
+         lda   #Data          Data module
+         ldx   <u0061         Get ptr to name of data module
+         os9   F$UnLoad       Bump link count down back to normal
+L1627    puls  cc,d           Get back F$FORK error/process #
+         leas  1,s            Eat priority byte
+         puls  pc,u,y,x       Restore regs & return
+L1629    ldb   #E$NEMod       Non-existing module error
+L162B    coma  
+         puls  pc,u,y,x
+L162E    fcc   '/pipe'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L1634    pshs  x
+         leax  <L162E,pc      Point to '/pipe'
+         ldd   #$0103
+         lbsr  L0C0E
+         puls  x
+         bcs   L169E
+         lbsr  L1459
+         bcs   L169E
+         lda   ,u
+         bne   L1653
+         os9   I$Dup    
+         bcs   L169E
+         sta   ,u
+L1653    clra  
+         os9   I$Close  
+         lda   #$01
+         os9   I$Dup    
+         lda   #$01
+         lbsr  L0BA8
+         lda   #$02
+         lbra  L0BA8
+* Filename for shell log-append mode because of leading '+'
+L1666    fcc   '+/dd/log/uxxx'
+         fcb   $0d
+* Make shell logging filename @ u0CBD,u
+L1674    leax  <L1666,pc      Point to log name string (append mode)
+         leay  >u0CBD,u       Point to buffer to hold shell log name
+         lbsr  L1320          Copy name to buffer
+         leay  -4,y           Point to where 1st digit will go
+         lda   <u005A+1       Get LSB of user #?
+         pshs  y,x,d          Preserve regs
+         leay  <L1693,pc      Point to routine
+         bra   L16B9          Go convert digits & append to logname
+L168A    lda   <u0047
+         pshs  y,x,d
+         leay  <L1693,pc
+         bra   L16B9
+L1693    ldy   $0B,s          Get ptr to where shell log # goes
+         ldd   $03,s          Get 1st 2 digits of #
+         std   ,y++           Save in shell log pathname
+         lda   $05,s          Get last digit
+         sta   ,y             Save it too
+L169E    rts   
+L169F    ldd   4,s            Get last 2 digits of process # (ASCII)
+         std   >u01EC,u       Save it & return
+         rts   
+L16A6    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve End of parm ctr & others
+         os9   F$ID           Get user's ID #
+         sty   <u005A         Save it
+         leay  <L169F,pc      Point to routine
+         bra   L16B9
+* Set up to write out process # when forked?
+L16B3    pshs  y,x,d
+         leay  >L021B,pc
+* Entry: A=Process ID #
+* Exit: L01EC=2 lower digits of process # in ASCII format
+L16B9    pshs  y,x,b          Preserve regs
+         leax  1,s            Point X to X value on stack
+         ldb   #$2F           Init B to start @ '0' in loop
+L16BF    incb                 Bump ASCII # up
+         suba  #100           Start with 100's digit
+         bhs   L16BF          More left, keep going
+         stb   ,x+            Save digit
+         ldb   #$3A           Init so loop starts @ ASCII '9'
+L16C8    decb                 Bump ASCII # down
+         adda  #10            Do 10's digit
+         bhs   L16C8          Still more, keep going
+         stb   ,x+            Save 10's digit
+         adda  #$30           Bump 1's digit up to ASCII equivalent
+         ldb   #C$CR          Add carriage return
+         std   ,x             Save overtop Y on the stack
+         leax  ,s             Point X to B on stack
+         jsr   ,y             
+         leas  5,s            Eat stack
+         puls  pc,y,x,d       Restore other regs & return
+* KILL command
+L16DD    bsr   L16EB          Go get process # to kill
+         cmpb  #2             Trying to kill the system process or 1st shell?
+         bls   L170A          Yes, print 'WHAT?' & ignore it
+         tfr   b,a            Move process # to proper reg
+L16E5    clrb                 S$Kill signal
+         os9   F$Send         Send it to the process & return
+         rts   
+* Set priority - subroutine to calculate binary version of #
+* (used for both process # & priority values)
+L16EB    clrb                 Initialize # for loop
+L16EC    lda   ,x+            This loop will calculate the binary version
+         suba  #$30           Of the ASCII # pointed to by X
+         cmpa  #9
+         bhi   L16FD
+         pshs  a
+         lda   #10            
+         mul
+         addb  ,s+
+         bcc   L16EC          Keep going until overflows past 255
+L16FD    lda   ,-x            Get last char done
+         bcs   L1708          If #>255, eat RTS & exit with error
+         tst   <u0014         If flag is set, return
+         bne   L169E
+         tstb                 Otherwise, check if # is 0
+         bne   L169E          No, return
+L1708    leas  2,s            Yes, eat RTS address & exit with error
+L170A    lbra  L0BCF          Print 'WHAT?'
+* SETPR routine
+L170D    bsr   L16EB          Go calculate process #
+         stb   <u0021         Save it
+         lbsr  L0907          Find next field (after commas/spaces)
+         bsr   L16EB          Go calculate priority (into B)
+         lda   <u0021         Get process #
+         os9   F$SPrior       Set it's priority & return
+         rts   
+L171C    fcc   'pwd: bad name in path'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L1732    fcc   '.......................................'
+L1759    fcc   '.'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L175B    fcc   'pwd: read error'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L176B    clr   <u003D
+L176D    pshs  y,x
+         leay  >u02F2,u
+         lda   #$81
+         tst   <u0037
+         beq   L178F
+         ldx   <u0039
+         bra   L17F7
+* .PXD command
+L177D    clr   <u003D
+         pshs  y,x
+         leay  >u0375,u
+         lda   #$85
+         tst   <u0038
+         beq   L178F
+         ldx   <u003B
+         bra   L17F7
+L178F    sta   <u0029
+         sty   <u003E
+L1794    leax  >$0080,y
+         lda   #$0D
+         sta   ,x
+         stx   <u002A
+         leax  <L1759,pc
+         stx   <u0040
+         bsr   L1801
+         lbsr  L183C
+L17A9    ldd   <u002C
+         std   <u0032
+         lda   <u002E
+         sta   <u0034
+         bsr   L1828
+         beq   L17D3
+         lda   <u0012
+         os9   I$Close  
+         lbcs  L188C
+         ldx   <u0040
+         leax  -$01,x
+         stx   <u0040
+         bsr   L1801
+         bsr   L183C
+         bsr   L1817
+         leax  >u03F8,u
+         lbsr  L1859
+         bra   L17A9
+L17D3    lda   <u0012
+         ldb   #SS.DevNm
+         leax  >u00B5,u
+         os9   I$GetStt       Get device name
+         bsr   L1859
+L17E0    lda   <u0012
+         os9   I$Close  
+         ldx   <u002A
+         lda   <u0029
+         bita  #$04
+         bne   L17F3
+         inc   <u0037
+         stx   <u0039
+         bra   L17F7
+L17F3    inc   <u0038
+         stx   <u003B
+L17F7    ldy   #$0083
+         lda   #$01
+         clrb  
+         lbra  L18A0
+L1801    lda   <u0029
+         os9   I$Open   
+         sta   <u0012
+         rts   
+L1809    lda   <u0012
+         leax  >u03F8,u
+         ldy   #$0020
+         os9   I$Read   
+         rts   
+L1817    bsr   L1809
+         bcs   L1896
+         leax  >u0415,u
+         leay  >u0032,u
+         bsr   L1830
+         bne   L1817
+         rts   
+L1828    leax  >u002C,u
+         leay  >u002F,u
+L1830    ldd   ,x++
+         cmpd  ,y++
+         bne   L183B
+         lda   ,x
+         cmpa  ,y
+L183B    rts   
+L183C    bsr   L1809
+         ldd   >u0415,u
+         std   <u002F
+         lda   >u0417,u
+         sta   <u0031
+         bsr   L1809
+         ldd   >u0415,u
+         std   <u002C
+         lda   >u0417,u
+         sta   <u002E
+         rts   
+L1859    os9   F$PrsNam 
+         bcs   L1890
+         ldx   <u002A
+         pshs  b
+         incb  
+         clra  
+         std   <u0032
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  <u0032
+         cmpd  <u003E
+         bls   L1881
+         puls  b
+L1871    lda   ,-y
+         anda  #$7F
+         sta   ,-x
+         decb  
+         bne   L1871
+         lda   #$2F
+         sta   ,-x
+         stx   <u002A
+         rts   
+L1881    lda   #'*
+         sta   ,-x
+         stx   <u002A
+         leas  3,s
+         lbra  L17E0
+L188C    pshs  b,cc
+         bra   L18AB
+L1890    leax  >L171C,pc
+         bra   L189A
+L1896    leax  >L175B,pc
+L189A    leas  $02,s
+         ldd   #$02FF
+L18A0    stx   <u002A
+         pshs  b,cc
+         tst   <u003D
+         bne   L18AB
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+L18AB    puls  b,cc
+         puls  y,x,pc
+L18DB    leax  >u0124,u       Point to PD.OPT work copy area
+         clrb                 Change to CLRB
+         os9   I$GetStt       Get current PD.OPT settings
+         tst   ,x             Check device type
+         bne   L1914          If not SCF, don't bother changing stuff
+         inc   >u1812,u       Set flag that we are changing key defs
+         ldd   <$10,x         Get PD.INT & PD.QUT chars (<CTRL>-<C> & <E>)
+         sta   >u180F,u       Save copy of PD.INT
+         stb   >u180E,u       Save copy of PD.QUT
+         ldd   #$0A0C         Reload with up & down arrows
+         std   <$10,x         Save 'em
+         lda   $06,x          Get PD.NUL count (normally 0)
+         sta   >u1811,u       Save copy
+         lda   #$05           Replace with 5
+         sta   $06,x
+         clra  
+         clrb                 Reset path options to new settings
+         os9   I$SetStt       Do SS.OPT Setstat
+* Non-SCF devices go here (ex. a script file would be RBF)
+L1914    ldb   #SS.SSig       Send signal on data ready
+         ldx   #$000B         Signal code to send is $B
+         rts                  Do SetStt, clear <E signal copy, and go to L191C
+* X still is $B from L1914
+* Called when F$Sleep @ L0171 is interrupted by keyboard/mouse signal
+L191C    ldb   <u000E         Get Signal code
+         clr   <u000E         Clear memory copy of signal code
+         cmpb  #S$Abort       Keyboard abort signal (<CTRL>-<E>)?
+         bne   L1928          No, check next
+         bsr   L1932          Write CR out if no history yet
+         bra   L1967          Go backwards in history
+L1928    cmpb  #S$Intrpt      Keyboard interrupt signal (<CTRL>-<C>)?
+         lbne  L017B          No check for $B signal (ignore rest)
+         bsr   L1932          Write CR out if no history yet
+         bra   L1991          Go forwards in history
+* Keyboard abort or Keyboard interrupt signal
+L1932    tst   >u180D,u       Any history entries yet?
+         bne   L193D          Yes, exit
+         bsr   L1959          Otherwise, put CR into the buffer
+         os9   I$WritLn       Write it out to standard out
+L193D    rts   
+L193E    os9   I$ReadLn       Read in line
+         bcc   L194E          No error, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #$02           Go backward in history buffer signal?
+         beq   L1967          Yes, go process
+         cmpb  #$03           Go forward in history buffer signal?
+         beq   L1991          Yes, go process
+         lbra  L1AAA          Go to parse routine with unknown error in B
+L194E    cmpy  #$0001         Just 1 char. read?
+         lbeq  L1AA3          Yes, go do normal parsing (no error)
+         lbra  L1A37          Otherwise, change chars <$0D to spaces
+* Change A to be standard output???
+L1959    lda   #C$CR          Carriage return
+         leax  >u0124,u       ??? Point to a buffer
+         sta   ,x             Save CR there
+         clra                 Prepare to write the CR out to standard input
+         ldy   #$0001
+         rts   
+* PD.QUT (redefined to be go back 1 in history buffer)
+L1967    tst   >u180C,u       Any lines in history buffer?
+         bne   L1972          Yes, go move between them
+         bsr   L1959          Otherwise, put CR into buffer
+         lbra  L1AA3          Go to normal command parse routine (no error)
+L1972    ldb   >u180D,u       Get 'current' history buffer entry #
+         cmpb  #$01           On the first one?
+         bls   L1987          Yes, go wrap to end
+         cmpb  >u180C,u       Somehow point past last one?
+         bhi   L1987          Yes, bump back to last one
+         decb                 Bump to previous one
+         stb   >u180D,u       Save it as 'current' history entry #
+         bra   L19B3
+L1987    ldb   >u180C,u       Get highest history entry #
+         stb   >u180D,u       Make it the current
+         bra   L19B3
+* PD.INT (redefined to be go forward 1 in history buffer)
+L1991    tst   >u180C,u       Any lines in history buffer?
+         bne   L199C          Yes, go move between them
+         bsr   L1959          Otherwise, put CR into buffer
+         lbra  L1AA3          Go to normal command parse routine (no error)
+L199C    ldb   >u180D,u       Get current history entry #
+         cmpb  >u180C,u       Higher or same as last one?
+         bhs   L19AD          Yes, wrap to beginning
+         incb                 Bump to next one
+         stb   >u180D,u       Save it as 'current' history entry #
+         bra   L19B3
+L19AD    ldb   #$01           Set history entry # to 1st one
+         stb   >u180D,u       Save as 'current' entry #
+L19B3    bsr   L19D3          Go get ptr to history entry buffer we want
+         sty   >u1813,u       Save 'current' history buffer ptr
+         leax  >u0213,u       Point to expanded shell prompt
+         ldy   >u01F7,u       Get size of expanded shell prompt
+         lda   #$02           Std Err
+         os9   I$WritLn       Write out shell prompt 
+         bsr   L19EA          Go Pre-load Read buffer with history entry
+         bcc   L1A0E          No error, continue
+         lbra  L1AAA          Normal parse with error
+* Find history entry # we want
+* Entry: B=history entry # (1-xx)
+* Exit: Y=Ptr to history buffer entry we wanted
+L19D3    ldy   >u180A,u       Get ptr to start of history buffers
+L19D8    decb                 Bump down counter to find entry we want
+         beq   L19E9          Found it, skip ahead
+L19DB    tst   ,y+            Wrong one, search for end of one we are checking
+         beq   L19E4          Found it, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L1A97          Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history
+         bra   L19DB          Keep searching for end of current entry
+L19E4    lbsr  L1A97          Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history
+         bra   L19D8          Go into next entry in history buffers
+L19E9    rts                  Found it, leave
+L19EA    leax  >u0124,u       Point to temp buffer
+         ldy   >u1813,u       Get ptr to current history buffer
+         clrb                 Set counter to 0 (size of buffer)
+L19F4    lda   ,y+            Get char from history buffer
+         beq   L1A00          Found end, continue
+         sta   ,x+            Put it in temp buffer
+         incb                 Bump up size counter
+         lbsr  L1A97          Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history
+         bra   L19F4          Continue copying into temp buffer
+L1A00    clra                 D=Size of history buffer
+         decb  
+         tfr   d,y            Move to proper register
+         leax  >u0124,u       Point to buffer history copy
+         ldb   #SS.Fill       Fill it with current selected history command
+         os9   I$SetStt 
+         rts   
+* Successfull SS.Fill of history buffer goes here
+L1A0E    lda   #$01           Write copy of history buffer to std out
+         os9   I$Write  
+         leax  >u0124,u       Point to current history buffer again
+         tfr   y,d            Transfer # bytes written to D
+         lda   #C$BSP         Backspace char
+L1A1B    sta   ,x+            Fill buffer with backspaces
+         decb  
+         bne   L1A1B
+         leax  >u0124,u       Write them to reset cursor to start of line
+         lda   #$01
+         os9   I$Write  
+         ldd   #SS.Relea      Eat keyboard signal (SS.Fill cleared it out of
+         os9   I$SetStt         the read buffer already)
+         ldb   #SS.SSig       Setup for re-enabling it
+         ldx   #$000B         Signal Code to send on keypress=$B
+         lbra  L016A          Go re-enable signal send on keyboard/mouse input
+* Put new entry into history buffers, adjusting # used, etc.)
+* Entry: Y=# bytes read in ReadLn <>1
+L1A37    pshs  y              Preserve # bytes read
+         tfr   y,d            Move to D reg
+         ldy   >u1808,u       Get ptr to where next history entry will go
+         leax  >u0124,u       Point to line entered by user
+L1A44    lda   ,x+            Get char
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Control char <$0d?
+         bhs   L1A4C          No, save the character
+         lda   #C$SPAC        Replace with space char if it is
+L1A4C    sta   ,y+            Save char into history buffer
+         bsr   L1A97          Wrap to beginning if we hit end
+         cmpy  >u180A,u       Point to entry #1?
+         bne   L1A59          No, continue
+         bsr   L1A7B          Yes, make new #1 entry & drop # of entries
+L1A59    decb                 Drop # bytes left in new entry
+         bne   L1A44          Not done, continue
+         clr   ,y+            mark end with NUL
+         bsr   L1A97          Wrap to beginning if at end
+         cmpy  >u180A,u       Pointing to entry #1?
+         bne   L1A69          No, skip ahead
+         bsr   L1A7B          Yes, make new #1 entry & drop # of entries
+L1A69    inc   >u180C,u       Increase # of entries
+         sty   >u1808,u       Save ptr to where next history entry will go
+         puls  y              Restore # bytes read
+         clra                 Point to temp buffer again
+         leax  >u0124,u
+         bra   L1AA3          Normal parse, no error
+* Reset ptr to new 1st entry in history buffer
+L1A7B    pshs  y              Preserve current location in history buffer
+         ldy   >u180A,u       Point to start of 1st entry
+L1A82    tst   ,y+            End of current entry?
+         beq   L1A8A          Yes, skip ahead
+         bsr   L1A97          No, wrap if we need to
+         bra   L1A82          Keep going until we find end
+L1A8A    bsr   L1A97          Wrap if we need to
+         dec   >u180C,u       Dec # lines in history buffer
+         sty   >u180A,u       Save new 'start of history' ptr
+         puls  pc,y           Restore current location & return
+* If we are at end of history buffers, wrap to beginning (raw, has nothing to
+*   do with entry #'s)
+L1A97    cmpy  >u1806,u       Are we at end of buffer for history entries?
+         bne   L1AA2          No, continue on
+         leay  >u1815,u       Yes, reset to beginning of history buffers
+L1AA2    rts   
+L1AA3    bsr   L1AB1          Reset std paths to normal <CTRL>-<E>/<C> settings
+         andcc #^Carry        No error
+         lbra  L018B          Normal command processing
+L1AAA    bsr   L1AB1          Reset std paths to normal <CTRL>-<E>/<C> settings
+         orcc  #Carry         Error
+         lbra  L018B          Normal command processing
+* Reset all 3 standard paths' NUL counts/Keyboard Interrupt/Terminate settings
+L1AB1    pshs  x,d            Preserve regs
+         tst   >u1812,u       Check flag
+         beq   L1AD6          If 0 skip ahead
+         leas  <-PD.OPT,s     Make 32 byte buffer on stack
+         leax  ,s             Point X to buffer
+         clrb                 CHANGE TO CLRB
+         clra                 Standard input path
+         bsr   L1AD8          Restore NUL counts, Keyboard Intrpt/Terminate
+         lda   #$01           Do same for Standard output path
+         bsr   L1AD8
+         lda   #$02           Do same for Standard Error path
+         bsr   L1AD8
+         leas  <PD.OPT,s      Eat stack buffer
+         clr   >u1812,u       Reset PD.OPT flags to 0
+         clr   >u180D,u
+L1AD6    puls  pc,x,d         Restore regs & return
+* Restore path options to preserved Keyboard terminate/interrupt & end of
+* line NUL counts
+L1AD8    pshs  a              Preserve path #
+         os9   I$GetStt       Get current PD.OPT settings
+         lda   >u180E,u       Get copy of Keyboard terminate char
+         sta   <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x  Save into buffered copy
+         lda   >u180F,u       Get copy of Keyboard interrupt char
+         sta   <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x  Save into buffered copy
+         lda   >u1811,u       Get copy of end of line NUL count
+         sta   $6,x           Save into buffered copy
+         puls  a              Get path # back
+         os9   I$SetStt       Reset path options with restored values & return
+         rts   
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end