changeset 2977:2e740da2088e

3rdparty/utils: Add disk with Gene's bootlink and vfy utilities
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 05 Apr 2014 01:01:32 +0200
parents 0e5881ce0d31
children 683a924462c8
files 3rdparty/utils/gene/bootlink.asm 3rdparty/utils/gene/bootlink.doc 3rdparty/utils/gene/defsfile 3rdparty/utils/gene/makefile 3rdparty/utils/gene/vfy.asm 3rdparty/utils/gene/vfy.doc 3rdparty/utils/makefile
diffstat 7 files changed, 2695 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/utils/gene/bootlink.asm	Sat Apr 05 01:01:32 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+* bootlink.asm, boot selection utility
+* Copyright (C) 2012-2014  Gene Heskett
+* License: GPLv2
+* See bootlink.doc for more licensing information
+* A utility to facilitate using different boot vdisk images on
+* a hard drive as the next default vdisk to boot from.
+* HDB-DOS 1.1a or I assume newer.
+* The boot sequence is this:
+* load the boottrack from the default vdisk 128 image coded into
+* That tracks boot module, if a boot from the hard drive module
+* will then interogate LSN0 of the selected disk, and will
+* then use that data to locate the selected OS9Boot file
+* from anyplace on the disk, well beyond the basic partitions
+* end address if it is one of the 256 HDB-DOS vdisks.
+* The only reason to change this boottrack is if one wanted to
+* change the rel module to change the default boot screen from
+* what is being used in the default vdisk 128. I like rel_80
+* myself.
+* Getting LSN0 from that drive, reading DD.BT, and DD.SIZ, it knows
+* where on the disks surface to get, and how much to get, to fetch
+* the OS9Boot file from ANYPLACE on the hard drive.  This means
+* that by re-writing the DD.BT and DD.SIZ values in the selected by
+* the boot module drive, we can effectively do exactly the same as
+* I believe that LINK.BAS is doing but which is hard to get to without
+* doing a full reset into rsdos. Something I rarely do.
+* The intention is to be able to do something like:
+* >bootlink 129;reboot
+* choose 1 or let it time out and it will reboot using the boottrack
+* from HDB-DOS vdisk 128, but then get the OS9Boot file from vdisk 129
+* instead of the default 128.  Repeat the selection of which OS9Boot
+* for any HDB-DOS vdisk.
+* Caveat: be sure there is an OS9Boot file on that vdisk, else you will
+* need to find that LINK.BAS and rerun it to restore your boot drives
+* LSN0 DD.BT and DD.SIZ to valid values.
+* The code for bootlink follows:
+* various bits of the code can be traced by setting the debug level
+* IF the machine has a 6309 in it, I use those registers to mark where
+* the dump came from.
+* DEBUG set 1 traces the LSN0 file creation process for the boot device
+* DEBUG set 2 traces the LSN0 file creation process for the stp selected vdisk
+* DEBUG set 3 will trace the offset calcs
+* DEBUG set 4 traces new boot address additions
+* DEBUG set 5 traces LSN0 edits
+* DEBUG set 6 traces the decimal or ascii to hex conversions
+* DEBUG set 7 traces the math for the $276*HEXB function
+* DEBUG set 8 will check last coded display lines exit
+* Any non-zero traces entry state
+DEBUG   set 0
+        ttl bootlink - method of effecting reboots to different bootfiles
+        IFP1
+        use os9.d
+        use rbf.d
+        ENDC
+tylg    set Prgrm+Objct
+atrv    set ReEnt+rev
+rev     set 1
+ed      set 1
+srchcli set 8 amount of cli to search
+shdeflt set $80
+MkUpper set $DF
+        mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,msiz
+name    fcs /bootlink/
+        fcb ed
+* All internally used strings here
+DNAME   fcc  '/DD@'
+        fdb  $0d
+SHNAME  fcc  '/SH@'
+        fdb  $0d
+SHDIR   fcc  '/sh'
+        fdb  $0d
+SHMOD   fcc  'SH'
+        fdb  $0d
+SHBoot  fcc  '/sh/OS9Boot' have that file?
+        fdb  $0d
+LSN0Sav fcc  '/DD/SRC/bootlink.LSN0'
+        fdb  $0d
+LSN0tar fcc  '/DD/SRC/targetlink.LSN0'
+        fdb  $0d
+bootmin fcb $60 only check high byte
+hextbll fcb $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0E,$0F
+hextblh fcb $00,$10,$20,$30,$40,$50,$60,$70,$80,$90,$A0,$B0,$C0,$D0,$E0,$F0
+vdpream fcc 'next, will do the equ of '
+vdmode$ fcc 'dmode' a printable string
+dmodpar fcc ' /sh stp=$'
+dmodevd fcc '00'
+        fcb $0a
+dmodend fcb $0d
+* all allocated memory here
+DBUF1   rmb 256 at 0,u drives base LSN0 when read in
+DBUF2   rmb 256 at 256,u drives target LSN0
+CMDL    rmb 2 READONLY pointer to command line args
+OSID    rmb 2 holds 1st two bytes of OS9Boot
+HEXB    rmb 1 scratchpad
+STPHEX  rmb 3 storage for $276*HEXB
+BFADR   rmb 3 size DD.BT
+BFSIZ   rmb 2 size DD.SIZ
+NBFADR  rmb 3 size new HDB-DOS DD.BT
+NEWBTAD rmb 3 final addr move so 5 byte move works, is absolute addr
+NBFSIZ  rmb 2 size new DD.SIZ
+PATHN   rmb 1 pathnx I$Open returns
+PATH2   rmb 1 pathno to sh@
+DPRTSZ  rmb 3 size of device root part
+OLDBTAD rmb 3 addr old boot file from LSN0 DD.BT
+HEXASC  rmb 1 controls treatment of input, dec or hex
+DLRPTR  rmb 2 save pointer to $ sign
+ynumptr rmb 2 place to save x while getting input
+stackp  rmb 2 place to hold stack at launch
+ParamD  rmb 1 size of parameters passed at F$Fork that starts us
+msiz    equ .
+* any other strings are defined within the code as needed
+* We run everything from here
+start   sts stackp,u re-init the sp for exits!
+        stx CMDL,u save for whatever ;)
+        stb ParamD,u assume never over 256 bytes!
+        sta HEXASC,u assume always 0 here
+        clra
+        clrb
+        std  DLRPTR,u zero these
+        lda  ,x what char is x pointed at right now?
+* Ok, we have an argument, handle it
+whatgot cmpa  #'$ what sort of an argument do we have?
+* is it a hex value, or a decimal, no leading $ sign?
+        bne not$
+        lbsr itshex
+        bra  GotHEX
+not$    lbsr numconv
+GotHEX  lbsr shomd got it show it
+        clrb
+        pshs u,y,x
+        lbsr domode Link and UnLink screw with lots of stuff
+        puls u,y,x
+        lbcs nodevic
+        clrb
+        lbsr GetLSNs works
+        lbcs baddat
+        clrb
+        lbsr GetDin
+        lbcs baddat
+        clrb
+        lbsr cklgimg
+        lbcs baddat
+        clrb
+        lbsr CalOfst
+        lbcs baddat
+        clrb
+        lbsr ShoRslt
+        clrb
+        bsr  Cmitit actually do it!
+        lbra end All done folks!
+Cmitit  leax DBUF1,u
+        leax DD.BT,u
+        leay NEWBTAD,u
+        ldb  #5 bytes to move
+Comit   lda  ,y+
+        sta  ,x+
+        decb
+        bne  Comit
+        leax DNAME,pcr point at /sh@
+        lda  #WRITE.
+        os9  I$Open
+        ifeq DEBUG-5
+        pshs cc
+        lde  #'O
+        ldf  #'P
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        bcs  Comitnd
+        sta  PATHN,u
+        clrb
+        ldy  #256   one sector
+        leax DBUF1,u
+        lda  PATHN,u
+        os9  I$Write put the sector back
+        ifeq DEBUG-5
+        pshs cc
+        lde  #'W
+        ldf  #'R
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        bcs  Comitnd
+        lda  PATHN,u
+        os9  I$Close
+        ifeq DEBUG-5
+        pshs cc
+        lde  #'C
+        ldf  #'L
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+Comitnd rts
+* we should have the HDBDOS disk number in HEXB now
+* so show the equ dmode line but thats not how we'll do it
+shomd   lda  HEXB,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        leax dmodevd,pcr
+        std  ,x
+        leax vdpream,pcr
+        lda  #1
+        ldy  #1+dmodend-vdpream
+        os9  I$Write should show it on screen
+        clrb
+        rts
+* now, set to fork dmode but crashes above
+domode  clrb clr any carry
+        leax SHMOD,pcr point at /sh\r string
+        lda  #$f1
+        pshs u save it
+        os9  F$Link
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        lde  #'F
+        ldf  #'L
+        pshs cc
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+* U now points at Header absolute address, but may not exist!
+        lbcs nodevic and this didn't work!
+* now, lets play here a bit
+        tfr  u,y so we can use it
+        puls u  which should clean the stack
+        lda  HEXB,u
+        sta  IT.STP,y which should do it but screws the crc. do we care?
+        rts  done here, works!        
+GetLSNs lbsr BaseLSN Get LSN0 from /DD@
+        lbcs end nothing on stack here
+        lbsr SHLSN0 Get LSN0 from /sh@
+        lbcs end nothing on stack
+        ifne DEBUG if no debug, don't create check files
+        lbsr Creat1 make test files that can be dumped
+        lbcs end nothing on stack if we are here
+        lbsr Creat2 ditto
+        lbcs end stack s/b ok
+        endc
+        rts
+* we have all the data, so we need to calculate
+* the additional LSN offset for the HEXB (stp) value we should have
+* this will be $276*HEXB, and will store the result in STPHEX,u
+* First, clear var holder & make some space on stack
+CalOfst clra
+        sta  STPHEX,u
+        sta  STPHEX+1,u
+        sta  STPHEX+2,u
+        leas -4,s
+        lda  HEXB,u
+        ldb  #$76
+        mul
+        std  2,s
+        lda  HEXB,u
+        ldb  #$02
+        mul
+        std  ,s
+        clrb
+        lda  1,s
+        addd 2,s
+        std  2,s
+        bcc missinc
+        inc  ,s
+missinc lda  ,s
+        sta  1,s
+        ldd  2,s
+        addd STPHEX+1,u
+        std  STPHEX+1,u
+        lda  1,s
+        adca STPHEX,u
+        sta  STPHEX,u
+        leas 4,s restore stack
+        ifeq DEBUG-3
+        ldd  HEXB,u
+        ldw  STPHEX+1,u
+        pshs cc
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+* here we do straight additions with carry for 3 bytes
+        clra
+        ldb  DPRTSZ+2,u get low byte of partition end
+        addb STPHEX+2,u  add low byte of calculated vdisk
+        adca #0 handle carry if
+        addb NBFADR+2,u
+        adca #0 handle any carry's
+        stb  NEWBTAD+2,u
+        tfr  a,b do 2nd byte of 3, carry added above, now in b
+        clra
+        addb NBFADR+1,u very slim chance of carry, but not 0
+        adca #0 transfer the carry to a
+        addb STPHEX+1,u
+        adca #0 chance of carry, handle
+        addb DPRTSZ+1,u
+        adca #0 chance of carry, handle
+        stb  NEWBTAD+1,u
+        tfr  a,b potential carry's in b now
+        clra
+        addb NBFADR,u add to potential carry
+        addb STPHEX,u astronomical chance of carry here
+        addb DPRTSZ,u or here, no place to put it anyway
+        stb  NEWBTAD,u
+        ifeq DEBUG-4
+        ldw  NEWBTAD+1,u
+        pshs cc
+        os9 F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        rts  All done!!
+* support strings for ShoRslt
+Shopart fcc 'Disk has an os9 partition size of = $'
+partsiz fcc '000000'
+        fdb $0a0d works
+Shoddbt fcc 'Original OS9Boot file location = $' fcc '000000'
+        fdb $0a0d works
+Shorsiz fcc 'Original OS9Boot file size is = $'
+Oldbsiz fcc '0000'
+        fdb $0a0d works
+Shonbad fcc 'The new bootfile location in /sh is = $'
+nblocat fcc '000000'
+        fdb $0a0d works
+Shabslo fcc 'This will be at actual $'
+absolut fcc '000000'
+        fcc ' sector on the drive'
+        fdb  $0a0d works
+Shnbsiz fcc 'The new OS9Boot file size is = $'
+nbsize  fcc '0000'
+        fdb $0a0d
+Shhdbvd fcc 'Which is located in HDB-DOS disk $'
+Shdbdos fcc '00'
+        fdb $0a0d
+Sendstr equ * need ending data marker
+ShoRslt leax partsiz,pcr
+        lda  DPRTSZ,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++ first 2 ascii digits
+        lda  DPRTSZ+1,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++ next 2 ascii digits
+        lda  DPRTSZ+2,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x last 2 ascii digits
+        leax Shopart,pcr now print it
+        ldy  #Shoddbt-Shopart
+        lda  #1
+        os9  I$Write
+        clrb
+ShDD.BT leax,pcr
+        lda  OLDBTAD,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++
+        lda  OLDBTAD+1,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++
+        lda  OLDBTAD+2,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x
+        leax Shoddbt,pcr
+        ldy  #Shorsiz-Shoddbt
+        lda #1
+        os9 I$Write
+        clrb
+oldbtsz leax  Oldbsiz,pcr
+        lda  BFSIZ,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++
+        lda  BFSIZ+1,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x
+        leax Shorsiz,pcr
+        ldy  #Shonbad-Shorsiz
+        lda  #1 stdout
+        os9  I$Write
+        clrb
+        leax nblocat,pcr
+        lda NBFADR,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++
+        lda  NBFADR+1,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++
+        lda  NBFADR+2,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x last byte
+        leax Shonbad,pcr
+        ldy  #Shabslo-Shonbad
+        lda #1
+        os9  I$Write
+        clrb
+* now show its size
+        leax nbsize,pcr
+        lda  NBFSIZ,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++
+        lda  NBFSIZ+1,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std ,x
+        leax Shnbsiz,pcr
+        ldy  #Shhdbvd-Shnbsiz
+        lda #1
+        os9  I$Write
+        clrb
+abslutA leax absolut,pcr
+        lda  NEWBTAD,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++
+        lda  NEWBTAD+1,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x++
+        lda  NEWBTAD+2,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x
+        leax Shabslo,pcr
+        ldy  #Shnbsiz-Shabslo
+        lda  #1
+        os9  I$Write
+        clrb
+        leax  Shdbdos,pcr
+        lda   HEXB,u
+        lbsr hxb2asc
+        std  ,x
+        leax Shhdbvd,pcr
+        ldy #Sendstr-Shhdbvd
+        lda  #1
+        os9  I$Write
+        clrb
+ShoEnd  rts
+* Get the LSN0 data from /DD
+* arrive here with 1 bsr on stack
+BaseLSN lda  #READ. Read mode
+        leax DNAME,pcr point at device name
+        os9  I$Open open it raw
+        bcs  Basend  report the error
+        sta  PATHN,u Save path#
+        leax DBUF1,u point x at DBUF,u
+        ldy  #256    size of buffer
+        lda  PATHN,u get path# back in case regs.a wrong
+        os9  I$Read and read 256 byte of /dd@ LSN0
+        bcs  Basend report the error
+* got the sector, save the interesting data
+        pshs x
+        leax DD.BT,x
+        ifeq DEBUG-1
+        pshs cc
+        lde  #'O
+        ldf  #'A
+        os9  F$RegDmp look at x
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        ldd  ,x++
+        std  OLDBTAD,u
+        ldb  ,x+
+        stb  OLDBTAD+2,u
+        ldd  ,x
+        std  BFSIZ,u
+        ldd  DBUF1,u get partition size
+        std  DPRTSZ,u
+        lda  DBUF1+2,u last byte
+        sta  DPRTSZ+2,u
+        ifeq DEBUG-1
+        ldf #'B
+        pshs cc
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        puls x clean up the stack & restore x
+        lda  PATHN,u restore regs.a in case
+        os9  I$Close and close path to /dd@
+        bcs  Basend
+        clrb
+Basend  rts
+* Get the LSN0 data from /sh@
+* should arrive here with 1 bsr on stack
+SHLSN0  lda  #READ.  read mode
+        leax SHNAME,pcr
+        os9 I$Open open it raw
+        bcs SHCKend report the error
+        sta PATH2,u  save the path number
+        leax DBUF2,u
+        ldy #256
+        lda PATH2,u get our pathno back
+        os9 I$Read  and read the 256 bytes of /sh@
+        bcs SHCKend report the error
+        pshs x
+        leax DBUF2,u get the location & size of this bootfile
+        leax DD.BT,x
+        ldd  ,x++
+        std  NBFADR,u
+        lda  ,x+
+        sta  NBFADR+2,u
+        ldd  ,x
+        std  NBFSIZ,u
+        ifeq DEBUG-1
+        pshs cc
+        lde  #'2
+        ldf  #'A
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        puls x
+        lda PATH2,u
+        os9 I$Close
+* we have added nothing to the stack
+SHCKend rts if err, report
+* now create trace dumps
+* this could be removed in final
+* should arrive here with 1 bsr on stack
+Creat1  leax LSN0Sav,pcr point x at filename to save LSN0 in
+        ldb #UPDAT.+PREAD.+PWRIT. global read+write attr's
+        lda #UPDAT.+PREAD.+PWRIT. real attr's go in regs.b dummy
+        os9 I$Create and create it, s/b empty file
+        bcs Cr1fix
+cont1   sta PATHN,u save the path# returned
+        lda PATHN,u
+        leax DBUF1,u point x at buffer we read from /dd@
+        ldy #256 amount to write
+        os9 I$Write and write it to the file
+        bcs Cr1end
+        lda PATHN,u it could be played with, get it back
+        clrb just in case
+        os9 I$Close
+        clrb
+Cr1end  rts should clean up the bsr on stack
+Cr1fix  leax LSN0Sav,pcr
+        os9  I$Delete
+        bcs  Cr1end can't fix, some other error
+        bra  Creat1 go back and try again
+Creat2  equ * lets go make the 2nd file
+        ifeq DEBUG-2
+* Tally we got here
+        lde #'C
+        ldf #'2
+        pshs cc
+        os9 F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        leax LSN0tar,pcr
+        lda #UPDAT.+PREAD.+PWRIT.
+        ldb #UPDAT.+PREAD.+PWRIT.
+        os9 I$Create s/b empty file
+        bcs Cr2fix
+cont2   sta PATH2,u
+        leax DBUF2,u
+        ldy #256
+        os9 I$Write
+        bcs Cr2end
+        lda PATH2,u
+        clrb
+        os9 I$Close
+        clrb  successful, no?
+Cr2end  rts should clean stack
+Cr2fix  leax LSN0tar,pcr
+        clrb clr error?
+        os9  I$Delete
+        bcs  Cr2end some other error, report
+        bra  Creat2 else go back and try again
+* eventually these fixes need to check the return err
+* and if not 218, bail plumb out
+* check legal image, do we have an os9
+* spec LSN0 in DBUF2,u?
+* should arrive here with 1 bsr on stack
+cklgimg leax DBUF2,u
+        clrb our error counter
+        lda ,x+ sets z flag if $00
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        tfr  pc,w
+        pshs cc
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        beq badbuf1
+        incb
+badbuf1 lda ,x+ get next byte, better be a $02
+        cmpa #$02
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        tfr pc,w
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        beq  badbuf2
+        incb
+badbuf2 lda ,x+ better be a $76
+        cmpa #$76
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        tfr  pc,w
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        beq badbuf3
+        incb
+badbuf3 leax DBUF2,u    reset x
+        leax DD.BT,x point x at DD.BT
+        lda ,x+ first byte of DD.BT
+        beq bt1
+        incb
+bt1     lda ,x+ 2nd byte of DD.BT s/b a $00 too
+        beq bt2
+        incb
+bt2     lda ,x+ last byte of DD.BT s/b non-zero     
+        bne bt3 got something, skip the incb
+        incb
+bt3     tstb non zero? error!
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        tfr  pc,w
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        lbne baddat
+* got this far, what size is it?
+        lda ,x+ get 1st byte of DD.BSZ
+* now here, this is subjective, I've not seen a boot file
+* that wasn't at least #$5000 long
+        cmpa bootmin,pcr   abs minn length IMO
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        tfr  pc,w
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        bcc  noBinc
+        incb
+* no illegal value to 2nd byte, don't bother
+* now check the DD.DIR & regs.b is still $00 if got here
+noBinc  leax DBUF2,u point x at sh's buffer
+        leax DD.DIR,x now point at 1st byte of DD.dir
+        lda  ,x+ /sb $00, no floppy can be non-zero
+        beq dir1
+        incb opps, really bad data
+dir1    lda ,x+ 2nd byte, for floppy s/b $00 if mb made the disk
+        beq dir2 is legal
+        incb not zero, tally as bad
+dir2    lda ,x+ get 3rd byte, s/b a $02
+        cmpa #$02 as it should be for a valid floppy
+        beq dir3
+        incb not a $02, tally it as bad
+dir3    tstb
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        tfr  pc,w
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        beq  getdrsh
+        incb
+getdrsh lda #READ.+DIR. open for read only
+        leax SHDIR,pcr
+        os9 I$Open see if is has a dir
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        tfr  pc,w
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        bcc scapinc
+        incb
+scapinc os9 I$Close clean up the path table
+* got here ok, can we open the OS9Boot file?
+chkboot leax SHBoot,pcr
+        lda  #READ.
+        os9  I$Open
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        tfr  pc,w
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        bcc scipinc
+        incb
+scipinc sta  PATH2,u file must exist
+        leax OSID,u
+        ldy  #0002 bytes to read
+        os9  I$Read
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        tfr  pc,w
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        bcc skpinc
+        incb
+skpinc  pshs d
+        ldd  OSID,u
+        cmpd #$87CD header bytes?
+        ifeq DEBUG-9
+        pshs cc
+        lde  #'B
+        ldf  #'F
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        puls d
+        beq  closeup
+        incb
+closeup lda PATH2,u
+        os9 I$Close clean up path table
+* image looks good, we even have an OS9Boot file
+* that looks good, so
+        tstb
+        lbne baddat
+        clrb
+BadImg  rts We've weeded it out to about a -8.0000-21 chance of bad=good
+* got data, copy goodies to work buffers
+GetDin  lda ,u get first byte of part size
+        sta DPRTSZ,u
+        ldd 1,u get other 2 bytes
+        std DPRTSZ+1,u Should now have devices size
+        ldd DD.SIZ,u current os9boot files size
+        std BFSIZ,u and save it
+        ldd DD.BT,u get 2 byte of its location
+        std BFADR,u and save that for later
+        lda DD.BT+2,u get last byte of addr
+        sta BFADR+2,u and save it
+        rts
+* hxb2asc
+* this routine was written up in the
+* Rainbow (11/92) by Tim Kientzle.
+* it will convert the value passed
+* in the A register to a pair of
+* ascii characters in A:B which
+* are the directly printable ASCII
+* representations of the original
+* contents of regs.a. Load regs.A
+* with byte of source number, call,
+* store A nd B in order in the
+* printable string on return.
+hxb2asc tfr a,b Make copy of a in b
+        anda #$0f mask off lower digit
+        adda #$90 generates carry if a>9
+        daa in this operation
+        adca #$40 bring in the carry
+        daa make final character
+        exg a,b stash that in b, get a back
+        lsra getting high nibble
+        lsra into position to
+        lsra convert it
+        lsra
+        adda #$90 and repeat for high nibble
+        daa and generate carry from a>9
+        adca #$40
+        daa
+        rts returns with a:b=two hexidecimal characters
+* a2h make 1 hex byte from two ascii chars
+a2h     ldx  CMDL,u get arg pointer back
+        lda ,x+ get the left hex char
+        stx CMDL,u save for next byte
+        suba #'0 reduce for decimal entries
+        cmpa #$0A
+        blo znine its 0-9
+        anda #MkUpper
+        suba #$07 else sub 7 more for A-F values
+znine   pshs  x
+        leax hextblh,pcr
+        ldb a,x
+        stb HEXB,u write high nibble
+        puls  x restore it
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        lde #'a
+        ldf #'h
+        pshs cc
+        os9 F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+* now check, is there a high nibble?
+        lda  ,x x already inc'd
+        suba #'0 reduce to decimal
+        cmpa #$0A
+        blo  ninez
+        anda #MkUpper
+        suba #$07 else sub 7 more for A-F inputs
+ninez   pshs  x
+        leax hextbll,pcr
+        ldb  a,x
+        puls  x
+        orb  HEXB,u
+nineex  stb  HEXB,u
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        lde #'A
+        ldf #'H   
+        pshs cc
+        os9  F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        rts
+itshex  leax 1,x throw away the $ sign
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        pshs cc
+        lde #'n
+        ldf #'c
+        os9 F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        stx  CMDL,u for a2h use
+        lbsr a2h and convert to a hex byte
+        rts
+* we supposedly have found the cr without unzeroing HEXASC,u
+* so we use this conversion.
+numconv ldx CMDL,u s/b first char of arg value
+* find the end
+        clrb find out how many chars we have
+findeod lda ,x+
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        lde #'f
+        ldf #'s
+        pshs cc
+        os9 F$RegDmp
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        incb
+        cmpa #$0D
+        bne findeod
+* we have the cr, so
+foundcr leax -3,x  back to data?
+        ldd ,x get 2 bytes of decimal cli
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        lde #'c
+        ldf #'r found cr
+        pshs cc
+        os9 F$RegDmp lets see the data in A:B
+        puls cc
+        endc
+decmode cmpa #'9 make a hex digit out of regs.a
+        ble gigo1
+        lda  #$30 load a zero
+gigo1   cmpa #'0
+        bhi gigo2
+        lda  #$30 load a zero
+gigo2   subb #'0 leave a hex nibble
+        suba #'0 leave a hex nibble
+        blo  add00 garbage, go
+        cmpa #'9
+        bhi  add00 garbage, go
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        lde  #'d
+        ldf  #'r
+        pshs cc
+        os9  F$RegDmp check A[2]:B[8] again good
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        stb  HEXB,u save lsnibble
+        ldb  #$0A
+        mul  multiply a:b
+        daa
+        addb HEXB,u
+        stb  HEXB,u
+* now lets see what we have in B
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        ldf  #'1 low nibble in B?
+        pshs cc
+        os9 F$RegDmp is $10 for a 28 input
+        puls cc
+        endc
+* but we're not done, need to handle 1st digit if
+        leax -1,x
+        lda ,x
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        lde  #'d
+        ldf  #'2
+        pshs cc
+        os9 F$RegDmp wft am I getting?
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        cmpa #'2
+        beq add200
+        cmpa #'1 can we get garbage here?  yes
+        beq  add100 else add 200
+        bra  add00 else garbage, add nothing
+add200  addb #$64
+add100  addb #$64
+add00   stb  HEXB,u
+        ifeq DEBUG-6
+        lde #'d
+        ldf #'e
+        pshs cc
+        os9 F$RegDmp show HEXB in b
+        puls cc
+        endc
+        clrb kill false error
+numdone rts
+* exit messages
+FMTSTR  fcc  'Something is wrong, either with the hdb-dos disk chosen'
+        fdb  $0a0d
+        fcc  '    and set into the /sh descriptor'
+        fdb  $0a0d
+        fcc  '    or the format of the argument.'
+        fdb  $0a0d        
+        fcc  /bootlink needs a fixed size vdisk number argument/
+        fdb  $0a0d
+        fcc  /in a 3 digit format. If first char is a $ sign,/
+        fdb  $0a0d
+        fcc  /the next 2 nums are hex, else all 3 are decimal./
+        fdb  $0a0d
+        fcc  /example: $80 or 128. Result will be used to control/
+        fdb  $0a0d
+        fcc  'as in "dmode /sh stp=hex of above number.'
+        fdb  $0a0d
+ENDSTR  bra  forker1
+ndevmsg fcc  'Named device /sh is not in memory.'
+enddvmg fdb  $0a0d
+nodevic leax ndevmsg,pcr
+        ldy  #enddvmg-ndevmsg
+        lda  #1 stdout
+        os9  I$Write
+        bra  forker1
+numdun  equ  *
+baddat  leax FMTSTR,pcr
+        ldy  #ENDSTR-FMTSTR
+        lda  #1 stdout
+        os9  I$Write
+forker1 clrb we just reported the error folks
+* arriving here with possible bsr on stack - restore
+* but make sure U is correct, a Link call screws it!
+* and this sp reload with U fucked is my crash just like
+* little green apples. GIGO of the hidden  sort. So...
+        ldu  #$0000 this seems to be where we started
+        lds  stackp,u  clear it for exit, leave b, cc as is
+bigdec  equ *
+end     os9 F$Exit
+        emod
+eom     equ *
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/utils/gene/bootlink.doc	Sat Apr 05 01:01:32 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+			bootlink
+A utility to facilitate using different boot vdisk images on a hard drive
+as the next default vdisk to boot from.
+I'm an owner with both the superdriver, and HDB-DOS, the combination of which
+seems to be at least as good as sliced bread or bottled beer.
+HDB-DOS opens up so many possibilities for os9 that I can't see a good
+reason not to have it.
+One of the possibilities is being able to use the superdrivers /sh descriptor
+to handle 99.9% of the bootup differences you can envision, like booting to
+a bootfile composed so as to be a web server, and another one more designed
+to develop programs in, and another just to run driverwire, or ultimuseIII,
+and the list probably includes all the os9 games ever written for level 2
+Generally the default HDB-DOS disk it boots from is disk 128, aka $80 when
+set into your /sh.dd descriptor.  Generally it should look similar to this:
+{t2|03}/DD/SRC:dmode /sh 
+ nam=SH mgr=RBF ddr=rbsuper
+ hpn=07 hpa=FF74 drv=07 stp=80 typ=81 dns=08 cyl=0023 sid=01
+ vfy=01 sct=0012 t0s=0012 ilv=00 sas=08 wpc=1D ofs=BB90 rwc=
+Where the 'stp' value, in hex, is the same as HDB=DOS's disk 128.
+Couple of things to note here.
+1. dos128 only does one thing that is guaranteed to come from that actual
+virtual disk, and that is to load the boottrack from its track 34.
+2. Once that is loaded, and the stuff moved around so its located at the
+proper place in memory by relXX, then the boot module is entered.  Its
+a bit dumb and has no clue about the os9 file system or its directory
+stucture.  So it does the next best thing, it goes and reads the first
+sector of the drive specified in the last byte of the boot module -4 bytes.
+I have not done this, but it follows that one could even get the  OS9Boot
+file FROM A DIFFERENT HARD DRIVE if you wanted to.
+Anyway, having read the LSN0 of the specified drive, it then looks at the
+5 bytes of where the file is in its absolute address on the drive, and how 
+big it is.  These are the 3 bytes of offset DD.BT, and the 2 bytes that 
+follow which are DD.BSZ, its size.  Then the boot module seeks to the DD.BT 
+specified location in the drive, and loads DD.BSZ worth of data, which it
+hopes is the OS9Boot file.
+Because there is no absolute certainty that it is an os9boot file, my
+offering here, bootlink, goes to extraordinary lengths to assure that
+the address you pass it as the argument, actually IS an os9 formatted
+35 track SS floppy image that was generated by os9gen, and has valid data 
+for its DD.BT and DD.BSZ entries and that a file named OS9Boot with an 
+$87CD as the first 2 bytes actually exists in this image.  Failing any 
+one of those tests results in an error message and an exit without doing 
+Since you'll want to store some of your game disks, say using the first 
+50 HDB-DOS 'disks', in that case you could have 205 (talk about overkill)
+different OS9Boot files to choose from just by running "bootlink xxx" or 
+$xx, it works with either format of input, and rebooting.  It will get 
+the boottrack from the default drive, but then finish the custom boot 
+from any drive that has a valid bootable image backed up to it from a 
+floppy, best done with the HDB-DOS driveoff:backup0toxxx command.  I 
+think I'd wind up with post-it notes all over so I could recall which 
+was which, but however you solve the record keeping is up to you.  Some, 
+or many of the games will have a custom boottrack, so you will probably 
+need to use the link.bas program to run those.  Say you have DoD on 
+disk 33, you will probably need to run bootlink 033, reboot, chose H 
+after the green screen comes up, and then a "dos33" to run it.
+One final note, bootlink absolutely must have a 3 digit input argument.
+So it can be in the range of 000-255, or $00-$ff.
+I hope this is a useful tool.
+Cheers, Gene
+A utility to facilitate using different boot vdisk images on a hard drive
+as the next default vdisk to boot from.
+Copyright (C) 2014  Gene Heskett
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/utils/gene/defsfile	Sat Apr 05 01:01:32 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+	use os9.d
+	use rbf.d
+	use coco.d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/utils/gene/makefile	Sat Apr 05 01:01:32 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# OS-9 Commands/Utilities
+include ../../../rules.mak
+AFLAGS = -DLevel=1
+DEPENDS		= ./makefile
+CMDS		= bootlink vfy
+DSKGENEUTILS	= gene_utils.dsk
+all:	banner $(ALLOBJS) $(DEPENDS)	
+	@$(ECHO) "**************************************************"
+	@$(ECHO) "*                                                *"
+	@$(ECHO) "*             Gene Heskett's Utilities           *"
+	@$(ECHO) "*                                                *"
+	@$(ECHO) "**************************************************"
+	$(RM) $@
+	$(OS9FORMAT) $@
+	$(OS9COPY) $(CMDS) $@,CMDS
+	$(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $(foreach file,$(CMDS),$@,CMDS/$(file))
+dsk: all $(DSKS)
+dskcopy: dsk
+	$(CP) $(DSKS) $(DSKDIR)
+	$(RM) $(DSKS)
+clean: dskclean
+	$(RM) $(ALLOBJS)
+	@echo "*** Gene Heskett's Utilities ***"
+	@$(foreach dsk, $(DSKS), $(ECHO) $(dsk);)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/utils/gene/vfy.asm	Sat Apr 05 01:01:32 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1407 @@
+* vfy.asm, module file verification tool
+* Copyright (C) 1993-2014  Gene Heskett
+* License: GPLv2
+* See vfy.doc for more licensing information
+          opt w 86
+          nam vfy Edition 17
+          ttl A new verify, finds, fixes modules in files
+* This verify will search thru any file to find a
+* valid module header in the $87CD format, get that
+* modules size, do a header parity/crc check on it,
+* and if the -f option is on, will update the header
+* parity and CRC bytes in the file too. It then
+* resumes the search of the named file for more
+* modules and loops till <eof>. If it finds <eof>
+* while doing the crc, the error is reported as such.
+* 2/18/93 version 7
+* The housekeeping was pretty well complete, so it
+* wasn't very much trouble to add the file split
+* ability to this, now we can even split out the
+* kernal track modules, plus head and tail too! Ver 8
+* 11.24.93 GH Ver 9Adding some stuffs from "fixmod" here 
+* Now have total control over its vebosity 11/24/93 GH Ver 10
+* 11/24/93 GH, -ua,-ur,-ut,-ul=$hexval installed
+* 11/26-27/93 GH fine tuning the above GH Ver 11
+* 01/25/94 GH another minor mod so it doesn't complain
+* if the header parity is correct even if told to fix GH Ver 12
+* 11/11/94 GH Ver 13. bug smashing, didn't update datasize
+* if header parity was ok. Wrong branch at hdr parity check,
+* if good it skipped the header update! Shame on me. :-(
+* 11/14/94 GH Now it beeps and updates the header even if
+* theres nothing wrong if the -f option is on. It doesn't
+* hurt anything except the speed, but looking to fix
+* it anyway. Now it does a header/datasize update
+* independantly of the crc fixes, fixing only the
+* header of the named file for one of the header
+* fix variables, and the crc of that named file.
+* If the -f option is on, it will fix the crc's
+* and headers all thru the file. A good way to
+* clean up after ded when working on hand patches
+* in the kernal track.
+* 05/04/95 GH, wasn't showing the correct info from the
+* INIT module. Several minor changes there. Now ed #15
+* 05/10/95 GH, adding the ability to change one module
+* in a file via the name match, -n=modname
+* also put verbose control in (finally), now edition 16
+* Seeing if its possible to make it split a $62CD library
+* after looking over the header format for an ROF file,
+* it might be better to do a whole new "libsplit"
+          ifp1
+          use  os9.d
+          endc
+ver       set  17
+atrev     set  reent+1
+          mod  len,name,prgrm+objct,atrev,entry,dsiz
+crcacc    rmb  1 for new crc's
+crcac2    rmb  1
+crcac3    rmb  1
+filecrc1  rmb  1 for the actual crc
+filecrc2  rmb  1
+filecrc3  rmb  1
+numptr    rmb  2 ptr to src
+linptr    rmb  2 ptr to linbuff
+linbuff   rmb  8 max len for printables
+**** the modules header directly loaded ****
+modid1    rmb  1 the $87
+modid2    rmb  1 the $CD
+modlen    rmb  2 for the modules length
+modname   rmb  2 offset ptr to module name
+typelang  rmb  1
+modatrev  rmb  1
+checksum  rmb  1
+execptr1  rmb  1 the exec offset in the header
+execptr2  rmb  1 more exec address
+pdatasz1  rmb  1 the permanent data size from the header
+pdatasz2  rmb  1 more data size or IRQ Poll count
+dvtblent  rmb  1 the device table entries value for INIT
+***** the above loaded directly from the file ****
+modhstrt  rmb  2 set by sethead at start of
+modlstrt  rmb  2 module being checked
+lmnscrc   rmb  2 length minus crc for seeks
+flenms16  rmb  2 overall file size ms16
+flenls16  rmb  2 ditto             ls16
+filesiz   rmb  2 size of individual module
+modpos    rmb  2 where in module now
+seekms16  rmb  2 for seeks
+seekls16  rmb  2 ditto
+moddone   rmb  1 flag for last read
+seperat   rmb  1 flag for seperations
+kernal    rmb  1 flag to save it all
+kbptrms   rmb  1 msb of int
+kbptr     rmb  1 ptr to krnlbuf location
+exdir     rmb  1 for defining the access attributes
+inpath    rmb  1 for pathnum
+outpath   rmb  1 flag and output paths
+kpath     rmb  1 for kernal extras path
+fixit     rmb  1 tally for fix it
+fixname   rmb  1 fix only this name
+fixty     rmb  1 tally for individual fix
+fixla     rmb  1 ditto
+fixat     rmb  1 ditto
+fixrv     rmb  1 ditto
+sizyet    rmb  1 size not displayed yet if set
+exectyp   rmb  1 is executable
+lftnbbl   rmb  1 controls left-right nibble processing
+verbose   rmb  1 do we wanta see the results
+updtrv    rmb  1 update revision nibble
+updtat    rmb  1 update the attr nibble
+updtty    rmb  1 update the modules type nibble
+updtla    rmb  1 update the modules language nibble
+updtdtsz  rmb  2 update modules memsize integer
+updthead  rmb  1 controls the re-write of the header
+cmpname   rmb  32 to hold wanted name
+datsiz    equ  . memory from 0 to here gets cleared
+mdlname   rmb  32 room for name
+krnlbuf   rmb  64 enough for what I've seen
+buffer    rmb  256 save the disk buffer
+params    rmb  200
+stack     rmb  200
+dsiz      equ  .
+name      fcs  /VFY/
+          fcb  ver
+helpmsg   fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  'Syntax: vfy [-options] [-options] /path/filename'
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  / Options -> -f  =fix (whole file) IF CRC is bad./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  /         -> -v  =work silently./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  /         -> -n=name fix or adjust only "name" module./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  /         -> -x  =file is in EXEC dir./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  /         -> -s  =seperate MERGED file./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  /         -> -sk =seperate KERNAL file./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+         fcc  /         -> -ua=$hexchar -ur=$hexchar -ut=$hexchar -ul=$hexchar/
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+         fcc  / a=att nibl, r=rev nibl, t=type nibl, l=lang nibl, "$" required/
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  /         -> -ud=$hexint to add (modulo $10000) data size./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  /       if -u, -f is enabled for first file encountered./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+          fcc  /       if -n, -f is enabled for named file encountered./
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+cpyrit    fcc  /  VFY (c) 1993, 1994, 1995 by Maurice E.(Gene) Heskett/
+          fcb  $0D,$0A
+msgsiz    equ  *
+advise0   fcc  /A header file called /
+kernal0   fcc  /KernalHead/
+          fcb  $0D put cr on name
+krnlhsz   equ  *
+advise1   fcc  /A tail file called /
+kernal1   fcc  /KernalTail/
+          fcb  $0D put cr on name
+krnltsz   equ  *
+advlen    fcc  / with a length of $/
+advend    fcc  / has been made./
+hednamsg  fcc  /Header for    : /
+hedckmsg  fcc  /Header parity : $/
+ckbadsiz  equ  *
+fixxmsg   fcc  / Repaired to: $/
+newln     fcb  $0d,$0a
+hdgdsiz   equ  *
+modlnmsg  fcc  /Module size   : $/
+crcmsg    fcc  /Module CRC is : $/
+crcmsiz   equ  *
+gdmsg     fcc  / (good)/
+          fcb  $0d,$0a
+gdsiz     equ  *
+shdabeen  fcc  ' S/B $'
+badmsg    fcc  / (bad)/
+          fcb  $07,$07,$07,$07,$07
+badsiz    equ  *
+mdoffset  fcc  /Module found at offset $/
+mdoffend  fcc  / in this file/
+mdoffnln  fcb  $0d,$0a
+ftopmem   fcc  /Top of free ram $/
+ftopsiz   equ  *-ftopmem
+ptabent   fcc  /, IRQ poll table entries $/
+ptabsiz   equ  *-ptabent
+dvtabent  fcc  /, Device table entries $/
+dvtabsiz  equ  *-dvtabent
+flenmsg   fcc  /Length of file: $/
+howmany   fcc  /Bytes read    : $/
+execoff   fcc  /Exec. off     : $/
+datasiz   fcc  /Data Size     : $/
+vertion   fcc  /Edition       : $/
+tplgatrv  fcc  'Ty/La At/Rv   : $'
+******** The lookup table for TYPE
+typelook  equ  *
+typunksz  fdb  sstmod-unktyp zero is not defined
+typunkst  fdb  unktyp-*
+typprgsz  fdb  sbrutn-prgtyp 1 is program
+typprgst  fdb  prgtyp-*
+typsubsz  fdb  mltmod-sbrutn 2 is subroutine
+typsubst  fdb  sbrutn-*
+typmltsz  fdb  dtmtyp-mltmod 3 is multi-mod
+typmltst  fdb  mltmod-* whatever that is
+typdatsz  fdb  unktyp-dtmtyp
+typdatst  fdb  dtmtyp-*
+typ5siz   fdb  sstmod-unktyp
+typ5str   fdb  unktyp-*
+typ6siz   fdb  sstmod-unktyp
+typ6str   fdb  unktyp-*
+typ7siz   fdb  sstmod-unktyp
+typ7str   fdb  unktyp-*
+typ8siz   fdb  sstmod-unktyp
+typ8str   fdb  unktyp-*
+typ9siz   fdb  sstmod-unktyp
+typ9str   fdb  unktyp-*
+typAsiz   fdb  sstmod-unktyp
+typAstr   fdb  unktyp-*
+typBsiz   fdb  sstmod-unktyp
+typBstr   fdb  unktyp-*
+typCsiz   fdb  fmntyp-sstmod
+typCstr   fdb  sstmod-*
+typDsiz   fdb  ddrtyp-fmntyp
+typDstr   fdb  fmntyp-*
+typEsiz   fdb  ddstyp-ddrtyp
+typEstr   fdb  ddrtyp-*
+typFsiz   fdb  ddssiz-ddstyp
+typFstr   fdb  ddstyp-*
+*********** The type defines ***********
+typstrs   equ  *
+prgtyp    fcc  /Program module/
+sbrutn    fcc  /Subroutine/
+mltmod    fcc  /Multi-Mod/
+dtmtyp    fcc  /Data module/
+unktyp    fcc  /Unknown type/ from 5 to B
+sstmod    fcc  /System module/
+fmntyp    fcc  /File manager/
+ddrtyp    fcc  /Device driver/
+ddstyp    fcc  /Device descriptor/
+ddssiz    equ  *
+*********** The lookup table for LANG
+langlook  equ  *
+lan0siz   fdb  std809-sysdat 0 is data
+lan0str   fdb  sysdat-* 
+lan1siz   fdb  b09typ-std809 1 is 6809 object
+lan1str   fdb  std809-*
+lan2siz   fdb  pastyp-b09typ 2 is Basic09 I-code
+lan2str   fdb  b09typ-*
+lan3siz   fdb  ftntyp-pastyp 3 is Pascal P-code
+lan3str   fdb  pastyp-*
+lan4siz   fdb  ccityp-ftntyp 4 is Fortran I-code
+lan4str   fdb  ftntyp-*
+lan5siz   fdb  cbltyp-ccityp 5 is C I-code, in .r mods maybe
+lan5str   fdb  ccityp-*
+lan6siz   fdb  obj309-cbltyp 6 is Cobol I-code
+lan6str   fdb  cbltyp-*
+lan7siz   fdb  unklan-obj309 7 is 6309 object (NATIVE mode)
+lan7str   fdb  obj309-*
+lan8siz   fdb  unklsz-unklan 8 undefined
+lan8str   fdb  unklan-*
+lan9siz   fdb  unklsz-unklan 9 undefined
+lan9str   fdb  unklan-*
+lanAsiz   fdb  unklsz-unklan 10 undefined
+lanAstr   fdb  unklan-*
+lanBsiz   fdb  unklsz-unklan 11 undefined
+lanBstr   fdb  unklan-*
+lanCsiz   fdb  unklsz-unklan 12 undefined
+lanCstr   fdb  unklan-*
+lanDsiz   fdb  unklsz-unklan 13 undefined
+lanDstr   fdb  unklan-*
+lanEsiz   fdb  unklsz-unklan 14 undefined
+lanEstr   fdb  unklan-*
+lanFsiz   fdb  unklsz-unklan 15 undefined
+lanFstr   fdb  unklan-*
+*********** The language defines *********
+lanstrs   equ  *
+sysdat    fcc  /, Data/
+std809    fcc  /, 6809 object/
+b09typ    fcc  /, Basic09 I-code/
+pastyp    fcc  /, Pascal P-code/
+ftntyp    fcc  /, Fortran I-code/
+ccityp    fcc  /, C I-code/
+cbltyp    fcc  /, Cobol I-code/
+obj309    fcc  /, 6309 object/
+unklan    fcc  /, Unknown language/
+unklsz    equ  *
+********** The attr defines ************
+rent1     fcc  /, Re-enterable/
+rdonly    fcc  ', R/O'
+rwattr    fcc  ', R/W'
+ntv309    fcc  /, NATIVE MODE!/
+ntvend    equ  *
+******* Beginning of some subroutines *******
+* SKEQDLR - skip the = and $
+*  or detect a cmndline error
+skeqdlr  lda  ,x+
+         decb
+         cmpa #'=
+         lbne help
+         lda  ,x+
+         decb
+         cmpa #'$
+         lbne help
+         lda  ,x+ get next char as value to use
+         decb
+         rts  and return to sender
+* A switchable showit routine
+showit    pshs  a,cc
+          tst  <verbose
+          beq  showend
+          lda  #$02 stderr
+          os9  I$Write
+showend   puls  a,cc
+          rts
+* A switchable newlnfd, exits thru showend
+newlnfd   pshs a,cc
+          tst  <verbose
+          beq  showend
+          lda  #$02
+          os9  I$Writln
+          bra  showend
+****** the display subroutine ******
+* entry - offset into lookup table in B
+* entry - address of lookup table in X
+tylandis  clra just in case
+          abx  1st string location in x, add only!
+          ldy  ,x++ get size to print
+          ldd  ,x get offset to object itself
+          pshs x save pointer
+          addd ,s++ add offset & puls x
+          tfr  d,x back to x
+          bsr  showit
+          rts  thats all for now folks
+* dfinemd - a subroutine to display
+* the modules header defined data
+*  first, set the tallies as to what it is
+dfinemd   leax exectyp,u
+          clra
+          ldb  #verbose-exectyp
+dfinclr   sta  ,x+
+          decb
+          bne  dfinclr
+          ldb  <typelang
+          andb #$F0 get type define
+          lsrb b/2 
+          lsrb b/4 so increment thru list=4 bytes
+          leax typelook,pcr top of type string list
+          bsr  tylandis
+          ldb  <typelang
+          andb #$0F
+          beq  dfn1
+          inc  <exectyp
+dfn1      aslb b*2
+          aslb b*4 see reason above on b/4
+          leax langlook,pcr top of language string list
+          bsr  tylandis
+att0      ldb  <modatrev
+          bitb #$80
+          beq  att1
+          leax rent1,pcr
+          ldy  #rdonly-rent1
+          bsr  showit
+          ldb  <modatrev
+att1      bitb #$40 gimix module write protect
+          bne  att2
+          leax rdonly,pcr
+          ldy  #rwattr-rdonly
+          bsr  showit
+          ldb  <modatrev
+          bra  att3
+att2      leax rwattr,pcr
+          ldy  #ntv309-rwattr
+          lbsr showit
+          ldb  <modatrev
+att3      bitb #$20
+          beq  dis0
+          leax ntv309,pcr
+          ldy  #ntvend-ntv309
+          lbsr showit
+dis0      leax newln,pcr
+          ldy  #2
+          lbsr newlnfd
+          tst  <exectyp
+          beq  dis2 not executable code!
+          ldb  <typelang testing for DESCR module
+          cmpb #$F1 a device descriptor?
+          beq  dis3 no, skip the Exec,Data reports
+          leax execoff,pcr to msg
+          ldy  #datasiz-execoff
+          lbsr showit 'Exec offset :$'
+          leax execptr1,u
+          stx  <numptr
+          ldb  #$02
+          lbsr printit show num
+          leax newln,pcr 
+          ldy  #2
+          lbsr newlnfd
+* numptr pointing at data size in module
+skdatup   leax datasiz,pcr
+          ldy  #vertion-datasiz
+          lbsr showit 'Data size  :$'
+          ldb  #$02
+          lbsr printit perm data size
+          leax newln,pcr 
+          lbsr newlnfd newline it
+          bra  dis3
+dis2      ldb  <typelang testing for INIT module
+          cmpb #$C0 is it system+data=INIT?
+          bne  dis3 no, go
+          leax execptr1,u get it started at the right place
+          stx  <numptr
+          leax ftopmem,pcr
+          ldy  #ftopsiz
+          lbsr showit
+          ldb  #$03
+          lbsr printit
+          leax ptabent,pcr
+          ldy  #ptabsiz
+          lbsr showit
+          ldb  #$01
+          lbsr printit
+          leax dvtabent,pcr
+          ldy  #dvtabsiz
+          lbsr showit 
+          ldb  #$01
+          lbsr printit
+          leax newln,pcr
+          lbsr newlnfd 
+dis3      clr  <sizyet
+          rts
+* A routine to make ascii->hex
+* ENTRY:  valid data in a
+* EXIT :  hex in a
+ascihex   cmpa #'0
+          lblo help wrong!
+          cmpa #'9
+          bls  ascinum
+** no numbers get thru here **
+          cmpa #'Z
+          blo asciup
+          anda #$DF
+asciup    cmpa #'F
+          lbhi help
+          suba #$07
+ascinum   suba #'0 ok sub the first $30
+shiftit   tst  <lftnbbl
+          beq  asciret
+          lsla
+          lsla
+          lsla
+          lsla if lftnbbl shift it to left nibble
+asciret   rts should be ok, but Murphy is watching!
+* The REAL start of this program!
+* ENTRY: a command line full of data
+* pointed to by regs.x
+entry     pshs d,x,y save possible params
+          leax crcacc,u clear some memory
+          ldb  #datsiz out for us.
+          clra
+clrloop   sta  ,x+
+          decb
+          bne  clrloop
+          lda  #READ. setup for data dir
+          sta  <exdir
+          sta  <verbose to enable it unless shut off
+          puls d,x,y
+          decb arguments?
+          lbeq help no,go
+          incb back to right count!
+* and fall thru to setup, my command line checker with
+* syntax relaxations, can take vfy -x -f filename,
+* or vfy -fx (-xf) filename, also -s, -sk, -k alone illegal
+* also -v now works to shut it up GH
+setup     lda  ,x+ get a char from cmnd line
+          decb track cmndline chars left
+          lbeq help
+setret    cmpa #$20 a space?
+          beq  setup yup, go get next char
+          cmpa #'- is "-"?
+          beq  setup1 yup, go do the options
+          leax -1,x not space or -, rtn ptr
+          incb to restore count
+          lbra openit godoit, our other exit from here
+setup1    lda  ,x+
+          decb 
+          cmpa #$41 is regs.a<#'A alpha char?
+          bmi  setret wasn't, go
+          anda #$df else make uppercase
+***** Edition 16 addition *****
+          cmpa #'V
+          bne setfix
+          clr  <verbose shut it up
+          bra  setup1
+setfix    cmpa #'F
+          bne  setx nope, go
+          sta  <fixit to nz it
+          lda  #UPDAT.+SHARE. we don't wanna share
+setatts   ora  <exdir if we're fixing it
+          sta  <exdir
+          bra  setup1
+setx      cmpa #'X
+          bne  setsepU 
+          lda  #EXEC.
+          bra  setatts
+************ setsepU ************
+* added to pick up args for "fixmod"
+* like operations 
+setsepU   cmpa #'U
+          lbne setsepS
+          lda  ,x+ get next char to tell us what to do
+          decb track data
+          lbeq help can't be out here
+          anda #$DF make uppercase
+          cmpa #'A change attr nibble?
+          bne  setsepR
+setSepA   lbsr skeqdlr checks errs, returns good char
+          sta  <lftnbbl to nz it so ascihex will shift
+          sta  <fixat to tally new data avail
+          lbsr ascihex go make it a hexval
+          sta  <updtat 
+          clr  <lftnbbl cancel the order
+          inc  <updthead
+          bra  setup
+setsepR   cmpa #'R change rev nibble?
+          bne  setsepT nope, maybe its Type
+          lbsr skeqdlr
+          sta  <fixrv to tally new data avail
+          lbsr ascihex
+          sta  <updtrv
+          inc  <updthead
+          bra  setup
+setsepT   cmpa #'T
+          bne  setsepL maybe its Language nibble?
+          lbsr skeqdlr
+          sta  <lftnbbl to nz it
+          sta  <fixty to tally new data avail
+          lbsr ascihex
+          sta  <updtty new Type value in left nibble
+          clr  <lftnbbl shut down the shifter
+          inc  <updthead
+          lbra setup
+setsepL   cmpa #'L is it change lang nibble?
+          bne  setsepD might be data size
+          lbsr skeqdlr
+          sta  <fixla to tally new data avail
+          lbsr ascihex
+          sta  <updtla
+          inc  <updthead
+          lbra setup
+*************** setsepD ***************
+* if more than 4 valid hex digits are entered
+* on cmnd line, it will keep on looping,
+* keeping the last 4 in updtdtsz. You can add
+* as little as one byte with this retriever or
+* subtract since the addition is modulo $8000,
+* use -ud=$FFFE to subtract one byte!
+setsepD   lbsr skeqdlr see if right syntax used
+setdtsz   lbsr ascihex returns val in reg.a
+          pshs b we want this order on the stack
+          pshs a save the nibble on the stack
+          ldd  <updtdtsz
+          lslb
+          rola times 2 now
+          lslb
+          rola times 4 now
+          lslb
+          rola times 8 now
+          lslb
+          rola updtdtsz now *16
+          orb  ,s+ least sig nibble dummy!
+          std  <updtdtsz
+          puls b thats why we wanted this order
+          lda  ,x+
+          decb tryin to track cmdln data used
+          lbeq help better be more data here!
+          cmpa #$20
+          lbeq setup oops, out of data but ok
+          lbmi help real probs, no filename!
+          inc  <updthead
+          bra  setdtsz
+************** setsepS ***************
+* sets it up to seperate a merged file,
+* the kernal to be specific, but works
+* on os9boot files too.
+setsepS   cmpa #'S
+          bne  SetName this was to help
+          sta  <seperat make nz to enable
+          lda  ,x+
+          decb obscure bug fixing
+          anda #$DF
+          cmpa #'K
+          bne setsep1
+          lda #$30 a zero
+          sta  <kernal to nz it and furnish number
+          lbra setup1
+setsep1   leax -1,x
+          incb bug fixing
+          lbra setup1
+****** Edition 16 addition ******
+SetName   cmpa #'N
+          lbne help
+          lda  ,x+
+          cmpa #'=
+          lbne help
+          pshs y we're gonna diddle it, save it
+          leay cmpname,u
+NameSave  lda  ,x+
+          cmpa #32
+          bls  EndNmSv must be done, back out
+          cmpa #'9
+          bls  noupcase
+          anda #$DF name uppercase
+* ok, lets see what its doing
+noupcase  sta  ,y+ and save it
+          bra  NameSave
+EndNmSv   clr  ,y zero mark end of name
+          inc  <fixname
+          puls y
+          bra  setsep1
+**** end of setup, openit start ****
+openit    decb filename there yet?
+          lbeq help no, go squawk
+          lda  <fixat
+          adda <fixrv
+          adda <fixla
+          adda <fixty
+          adda <fixname
+          adda <updthead
+          beq  openatok
+          lda  #UPDAT.+SHARE.
+          ora  <exdir
+          sta  <exdir
+* first, if named, get rid of updthead silliness
+openatok  tst  <fixname did we name a module?
+          beq  openit1 no, skip this
+          clr  <updthead one or the other bud!
+openit1   lda  <exdir get attributes
+          os9  I$Open
+          lbcs help oh-oh, file not avail
+          sta  <inpath
+          lbsr getsiz get overall size
+          lbsr seekmod start at 0, old readit lbl
+readit    lbsr readabyt opens head/tail files too
+          lda  ,x
+readit1   cmpa #$87 look for 1st byte
+          bne  readit
+          sta  <modid1
+readit2   lbsr readabyt updates filepos via addseek
+          lda  ,x
+          cmpa #$CD
+          bne  readit1
+          sta  <modid2 we found a file!
+          ldx  #$0002 we've got 2 bytes of 
+          stx  <modpos a module, record it
+          dec  <kbptr cancel 2 outa non-mod buf
+          dec  <kbptr
+          beq  readit3 no use if zero
+          tst  <kernal are we saving all
+          beq  readit3
+          lbsr openkern makes filepath
+          lbsr clskrnl writes kbptr size buffer and closes up
+readit3   clr  <kbptr so's it don't accumulate
+          lda  <inpath get rest of header
+          leax modlen,u
+          ldy  #$000C get dev table entries too
+          os9  I$read get those 12 bytes
+          lbsr addsect those 12 bytes to total len
+          ldd  <modlen
+          subd #$03
+          std  <lmnscrc
+          lbsr sethead ->GETNAM->SEEKMOD
+          leax mdoffset,pcr
+          ldy  #mdoffend-mdoffset
+          lbsr showit
+          leax modhstrt,u
+          stx  <numptr
+          ldb  #$04
+          lbsr printit
+          leax mdoffend,pcr
+          ldy  #ftopmem-mdoffend
+          lbsr showit
+initcrc   leax crcacc,u
+          ldb  #6
+          lda  #$FF
+psetcrc   sta  ,x+
+          decb 
+          bne  psetcrc
+          lbsr chkhead go check/fix ty/la at/rv, parity, pdatasz
+          ldy  #$0E (was $D)Because parity fixed in mem,
+          leax modid1,u crc displayed is right IF
+          os9  F$CRC we do crc of 1st 14 bytes in mem
+* after chkhead! It should arrive here with modpos=14
+          tst  <seperat
+          beq  docrc0
+          lbsr openout
+docrc0    inc  <sizyet
+docrc     leax buffer,u
+          ldd  <lmnscrc module length-crcbytes
+          subd <modpos
+          cmpd #$100
+          bhi  getmore
+          tfr  d,y
+          inc  <moddone
+          bra  getlast
+getmore   ldy  #$100 get a sectors worth
+getlast   lda  <inpath
+          os9  I$Read 
+          lbsr addsect doesn't chg x,y
+          tst  <sizyet
+          beq  getcont
+          pshs d,x,y save count
+          lbsr dfinemd
+          puls d,x,y
+getcont   leax buffer,u the data
+          pshs x,y save the pointer and quantity
+          os9  F$Crc U already points at crcacc!
+          puls x,y restore
+          lda  <outpath
+          beq  doneyet we're not spliting it
+          os9  I$Write
+          lbcs help report error and quit  
+doneyet   tst  <moddone
+          beq  docrc
+          pshs y
+          ldd  <crcacc now copy crc to filecrc
+          coma and make valid
+          comb 
+          std  <filecrc1 in case its bad
+          ldb  <crcac3 ditto
+          comb 
+          stb  <filecrc3 ditto
+          bcc  donyet2
+          comb clear any carry
+donyet2   tfr  x,d
+          addd ,s++ puls the Y
+          tfr  d,x x now=crc location in buffer
+          pshs x save it
+          lda  <inpath
+          ldy  #$03 the 3 crc bytes
+          os9  I$Read
+          lbsr addsect add to filepos
+          puls x retrieve crc addr, y still=3
+          os9  F$CRC whole modules crc now in crcacc
+          lbsr chkcrc go check, correct it
+          lda  <outpath
+          beq  dunyet if zero, no path
+          leax filecrc1,u put good one out
+          ldy  #3
+          os9  I$Write
+          os9  I$Close
+          clr  <outpath
+dunyet    clr  <moddone
+          lbra readit see if more file
+* The EOF is found, close up, go home
+cleanup   bcc  cleanup1
+          comb we get here with the carry set
+cleanup1  pshs x,u save so's the tail is right
+          lda  <inpath
+          ldu  <flenls16 go back to real end of file
+          ldx  <flenms16
+          os9  I$Seek to end of file
+          puls x,u recover tail pointers
+          os9  I$Close and close up w/o len change
+          tst  <kernal are we saveing a kernal?
+          beq  cleanup2 if 0, nothing to write! 
+          lbsr openkern go open a path
+          lbsr clskrnl write and close it
+          bcc  cleanup2
+          comb clear error flag
+cleanup2  leax howmany,pcr
+          ldy  #execoff-howmany
+          lbsr showit print the string
+          leax seekms16,u point at total length
+          stx  numptr of file
+          ldb  #$04 bytes to print
+          lbsr printit convert to ascii and print
+          leax newln,pcr hang a newline on it
+          lbsr newlnfd
+alldun    clrb
+          os9  F$Exit all done folks!
+* CHKHEAD - checks, fixes header checksum
+*    entry: header in memory at modid1,u
+chkhead   leax hednamsg,pcr
+          ldy  #hedckmsg-hednamsg
+          lbsr showit 'Header for: '
+          leax mdlname,u
+          ldy  #$20 maxlength
+          lbsr newlnfd show the filename with cr
+          leax hedckmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #ckbadsiz-hedckmsg
+          lbsr showit Header parity : $
+          ldb  #$01 only one byte to convert
+          leax checksum,u pass address of checksum
+          stx  <numptr
+          lbsr printit the parity byte
+* see if we got anything to fix
+* check attr,rev,typ,lang,dsize
+* and update the memory image
+          lda  <updthead will be 1 if right module
+          adda <fixit
+          beq  psetpar nothin to fix
+          tst  <fixat else
+          beq  revchk
+atchk     lda  <modatrev
+          anda #$0F clear the attrib nibble
+          ora  <updtat add in the attrib nibble
+          sta  <modatrev
+          clr  <fixat
+revchk    tst  <fixrv
+          beq  tychk
+          lda  <modatrev
+          anda #$F0 leave at nibble alone
+          ora  <updtrv
+          sta  <modatrev
+          clr  <fixrv
+tychk     tst  <fixty
+          beq  langchk
+          lda  <typelang
+          anda #$0F clear out the type
+          ora  <updtty
+          sta  <typelang
+          clr  <fixty
+langchk   tst  <fixla
+          beq  chkdtsz
+          lda  <typelang
+          anda #$F0 leave upper nibble alone
+          ora  <updtla
+          sta  <typelang
+          clr  <fixla
+chkdtsz   ldd  <updtdtsz
+          cmpd #$0000 anything there?
+          beq  psetpar
+          ldd  <pdatasz1
+          addd <updtdtsz we're not saveing the carry folks!
+          std  <pdatasz1
+          clra
+          clrb
+          std  <updtdtsz to make it one time only!
+psetpar   lda  #$FF pset parity accumulator
+          ldb  #$08
+          leax modid1,u
+headchk   eora ,x+ and check the checksum
+          decb
+          bne  headchk
+          cmpa ,x s/b equal
+          beq  fxittst go see if data needs updt
+          pshs a,x else save a few things
+          leax badmsg,pcr show its bad
+          ldy  #badsiz-badmsg
+          lbsr showit ' (bad)'
+          puls a,x a had correct parity
+          sta  ,x else fix in memory
+          stx  <numptr point at it
+          leax shdabeen,pcr
+          ldy  #badmsg-shdabeen
+          lbsr showit ' S/B $'
+          ldb  #$01 only one byte to convert
+          lbsr printit numptr already has src
+fxittst   lda  <updthead either will trigger fix
+          adda <fixit if neither one is on, go
+          beq  okmsg leave it alone
+* enableing the files fix, its now good in memory
+          pshs u
+          ldx  <modhstrt
+          ldu  <modlstrt 
+          lda  <inpath
+          os9  I$Seek back up to $87CD bytes
+          puls u
+          leax modid1,u
+          ldy  #$0D bytes to write
+          lda  <inpath
+          os9  I$Write insert ty/la at/rv,parity,exec,pdatasz in file
+          lbcs help
+          lbsr seekmod to restore the file pointer
+          leax fixxmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #newln-fixxmsg
+          lbsr showit ' Repaired to $'
+          leax checksum,u
+          stx  <numptr
+          ldb  #$01 numptr already set
+          lbsr printit
+okmsg     leax gdmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #gdsiz-gdmsg
+          lbsr newlnfd ' (Good)\n'
+          lbsr seekmod to reset file ptr
+headout   leax modlnmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #crcmsg-modlnmsg
+          lbsr showit 'Module size   : $'
+          leax modlen,u point to size in header
+          stx  <numptr
+          ldb  #$02
+          lbsr printit
+          leax newln,pcr
+          lbsr newlnfd finish this up
+          leax vertion,pcr
+          ldy  #tplgatrv-vertion
+          lbsr showit 'Edition      : $'
+          leax mdlname,u
+fndend    lda  ,x+
+          cmpa #$0D
+          bne  fndend
+          stx  <numptr is -> at edition now
+          ldb  #$01 one hex byte only
+          lbsr printit show it
+          leax newln,pcr
+          ldy  #hdgdsiz-newln
+          lbsr newlnfd 
+          leax tplgatrv,pcr
+          ldy  #typelook-tplgatrv
+          lbsr showit
+          leax typelang,u
+          stx  <numptr
+          ldb  #$01
+          lbsr printit
+          ldx  <linptr
+          lda  #$20 space it out for the
+          sta  ,x+ following atrev byte
+          sta  ,x+
+          sta  ,x+ 3 spaces
+          lda  #'$ and a $ sign
+          sta  ,x
+          ldx  <linptr
+          ldy  #$04
+          lbsr showit show '   $'
+          ldb  #$01 the prev call inc'ed numptr
+          lbsr printit to the atrv byte!
+          leax newln,pcr
+          ldy  #$02
+          lbsr newlnfd
+          rts
+* CHKCRC of module 
+* when called, it expects to see the $800FE3
+* (seed polynomial) in the crc accumulator
+chkcrc    pshs x save ptr to modules crc
+          leax crcmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #crcmsiz-crcmsg
+          lbsr showit Modules CRC is: $
+          puls x
+* Now, x still points at the modules crc bytes!
+* so we don't need a seperate number buffer
+          pshs x we need it later
+          stx  <numptr
+          ldb  #$03 three bytes to display
+          lbsr printit
+          puls x
+          ldd  <crcacc now do the check
+          cmpd #$800F first two bytes
+          bne  badcrc
+          lda  <crcac3
+          cmpa #$E3 third
+          bne  badcrc
+          pshs x save it again
+crcdun    leax gdmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #gdsiz-gdmsg
+          lbsr showit
+          leax newln,pcr extra linefeed
+          ldy  #$02 to seperate reports
+          lbsr newlnfd
+          clr <updthead stop this silliness
+          puls x fergot it once, major crash!
+          rts
+* BADCRC - display results, check for
+* fixit orders and fixit if told
+badcrc    pshs x save that pointer!
+          leax badmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #badsiz-badmsg
+          lbsr newlnfd 
+          leax shdabeen,pcr
+          ldy  #badmsg-shdabeen
+          lbsr showit Write ' S/B $'
+          leax filecrc1,u show actual crc
+          stx  <numptr
+          ldb  #$03
+          lbsr printit
+          lda  <fixit is valid whole file
+          adda <updthead one module only
+          beq  crcdun wasn't told to fix it
+********* enabling the fix **********
+fixenbl   leax seekls16,u we're gonna write
+          ldd  ,x to the file, seek to
+          subd #$03 crc start again
+          std  ,x
+          bcc  msigok
+          ldx  <seekms16 if borrow, dec hi int
+          leax -1,x of addrress
+          stx  <seekms16
+msigok    lbsr seekmod
+          leax filecrc1,u
+          stx  <numptr for later printout
+          ldy  #$03
+          lda  <inpath
+          os9  I$Write and update the file!
+          lbcs help
+          leax fixxmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #newln-fixxmsg
+          lbsr showit 
+          ldy  #$03 
+          leax seekms16,u
+          bsr  addseek to restore file ptr
+          ldb  #$03 digits to print
+          lbsr printit numptr already set
+          clr  <updthead to stop it at one module
+          lbra crcdun go clean up end of crc display
+* ADDSECT - add reg.Y to length of module & file
+* ENTRY   Y bytes to add to present file size
+*         X location of 4 byte accumulator (seekms16,u)
+addsect   pshs y first inc modpos
+          ldd  <modpos
+          addd ,s++
+          std  <modpos
+* and fall thru to ---- ADDSEEK
+* ENTRY   Y bytes to add to position in file
+* EXIT    updated seekms16-seekls16 accumulator
+addseek   pshs x save present buffer addr 
+          pshs y updt passed file/seek pos
+          leax seekms16,u
+          ldd  2,x seekls16
+          addd ,s++
+          std  2,x
+          bcc  addout
+          ldd  ,x seekms16 works but cumbersome
+          adcb #$00 methodology
+          std  ,x seekms16
+          bcc  addout
+          adca #$00
+          std  ,x seekms16
+addout    puls x
+          rts
+* SETHEAD - we've found an $87CD, reset modlstrt and
+* modhstrt to offset 0000 of module for name finding
+* also potential bugfixing. The previous usage of the
+* leau -9,u didn't set a borrow if it occurred. 
+* This method does. Returning just to call getname
+* was extra code, so now it falls thru since all we
+* were doing is giving getname an anchor point.
+sethead   ldd  <seekls16
+          ldx  <seekms16
+          subd <modpos
+          std  <modlstrt record starting pos
+          bcc  noborw
+          leax -1,x
+noborw    stx  <modhstrt so we can recover
+* and fall thru to getname
+getname   ldd  <modlstrt our reference location
+          pshs d this pshs and ,s++
+          ldd  <modname cancel
+          addd ,s++ each other
+          std  <seekls16
+          bcc  nocari
+          leax 1,x add carry to hi int
+nocari    stx  <seekms16
+getit     bsr  seekmod
+          leax mdlname,u
+gtbyt     lda  <inpath
+          ldy  #$01
+          os9  I$Read
+          ldb  ,x+
+          bpl  gtbyt
+          andb #$7F cancel set msb
+          stb  -1,x
+          ldb  #$0d add a cr
+          stb  ,x+ to stop writln 
+          lda  <inpath and get edition byte!
+          ldy  #$01
+          os9  I$Read
+***** Edition 16 addition ********************
+* NAMECMP - controls middle of file
+* fixit by name function
+* Entry:  nz in "fixname"
+*         module name in "cmpname"
+* Exit:   nz in updthead, zero in fixname if match
+* match is toupper of input name and saved name
+* till cr matches zero of saved name
+* by zeroing fixname, once done, don't waste
+* more time by continuing to look at following mods
+namecmp   tst  <fixname if a name, it won't be zero
+          beq  noname don't have a name to look for
+          pshs y save it
+          leay cmpname,u
+          leax mdlname,u
+namecmp1  lda  ,x+ get modules name
+          cmpa #$0D till the cr we stashed
+          beq  chkmatch
+          cmpa #'9 this might not be the right cmp!
+          bls  nocaseup
+          anda #$DF make upcase
+nocaseup  cmpa ,y+ against upcased saved name
+          bne  nomatch ifne, no match found here
+          bra  namecmp1
+chkmatch  tst  ,y ifeq, was end of saved name!
+          bne  nomatch
+          inc  <updthead
+          clr  <fixname zero the snooper flag
+nomatch   puls y
+* continue on with the previous code
+noname    ldx  <modhstrt now restore file ptr
+          ldd  <modlstrt to byte after parity
+          pshs d in header
+          ldd  <modpos
+          addd ,s++
+          std  <seekls16
+          bcc  ncri
+          leax 1,x
+ncri      stx  <seekms16
+* and fall through to SEEKMOD
+* SEEKMOD - positions file r/w pointer
+* Entry = valid pathnum in inpath
+* presumes valid size in seekls16,seekms16
+seekmod   lda  <inpath
+          pshs u
+          ldx  <seekms16
+          ldu  <seekls16
+          os9  I$Seek
+          puls u
+          bcs  oops
+          rts
+* READABYT get one byte from the file
+readabyt  lda  <inpath
+          ldy  #1
+          leax buffer,u
+          os9  I$Read
+          bcs  oops
+          pshs x
+          leax seekms16,u
+          lbsr addseek add y to file position
+readout   puls x but not to modpos just yet!
+          tst  <kernal saving it all?
+          beq  readrts no, go
+          pshs b,x else save in 64 byte buffer
+          leax krnlbuf,u
+          ldb  <kbptr
+          leax b,x
+          lda  buffer,u
+          sta  ,x
+          incb
+          stb  <kbptr
+          cmpb #buffer-krnlbuf
+          lbeq helpnbf
+          puls b,x and restore          
+readrts   rts
+oops      cmpb #E$EOF
+          lbeq cleanup
+          lbra help
+* GETSIZ - function to get overall size of the file
+* ENTRY valid pathum in 'inpath'
+getsiz    pshs u
+          lda  <inpath
+          ldb  #SS.Size
+          os9  I$Getstt
+          bcs  help
+          stx  <flenms16
+          stu  <flenls16
+          leax flenmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #howmany-flenmsg
+          lbsr showit
+skppr20   puls u it needs U restored
+          leax flenms16,u so this works
+          stx  <numptr
+          ldb  #$04
+          bsr  printit
+          leax newln,pcr
+          ldy  #$02
+          lbsr newlnfd
+          lbsr newlnfd
+          rts
+* PRINTIT - a front end for hextoasc
+* ENTRY:  address of src data in numptr
+*         regs.B=number of bytes to convert
+printit   pshs d,x,y
+          leax linbuff,u
+          pshs x
+          stx  <linptr
+          tfr  b,a save # to print
+          lsla dbl it
+          pshs a
+          clr  ,-s so we can puls y later
+          bsr  hextoasc
+          puls y get y back
+          puls x and linebuff->
+          lbsr showit display the number
+          puls d,x,y
+          rts
+* HEXTOASC - routine to print hex numbers
+* ENTRY regs.b:#of chars to print,
+* variable location numptr set to src of data
+* variable location linptr someplace in linbuff
+hextoasc  ldx  <numptr defined in host routine
+          lda  ,x+
+          stx  <numptr save new ptr to next byte
+          pshs b save your counter
+          bsr  hxbtoasc
+          ldx  <linptr also defined in host routine
+          std  ,x++
+          stx  <linptr save new pos in output buffer
+          puls b
+          decb
+          bne  hextoasc till hex num all converted!
+          rts  and go print it
+* routine written up in the Rainbow  (11/92) by Tim Kientzle.
+* It will convert the value passed in the A register to a
+* pair of ascii characters in A:B which are the directly
+* printable ASCII representations of the original contents
+* of A. Load A with byte of src num, call, store A nd B in
+* order in the print buffer on return.  Neat routine Tim!
+* I shrank it by 4 lines & 6 bytes though (GH).
+hxbtoasc  tfr  a,b Make copy of a
+          anda #$0F mask off lower digit
+          bsr  nbltoasc
+          exg  a,b stash in b, get a back
+          lsra getting high nibble
+          lsra into position to
+          lsra convert it
+          lsra
+nbltoasc  adda #$90 repeat for high nibble
+          daa  generate carry if a>9
+          adca #$40
+          daa
+          rts returns a:b=two hexidecimal characters
+wphlp     comb
+          ldb  #$D6 no permission to write to it
+          bra  help
+helpnbf   comb
+          ldb #$BF E$BufferToDamnSmall!
+* HELP an error exit with prompting
+* Entry   error in B,carry set 
+help      pshs b,cc save stats for exit
+          inc  <verbose make sure the msg gets out
+          leax helpmsg,pcr
+          ldy  #msgsiz-helpmsg
+          lbsr showit 
+          puls b,cc recover error
+out       os9  F$Exit and report the error
+* OPENOUT - opens path for std module
+openout   lda  #READ.+WRITE.
+          ldb  #READ.+WRITE.
+          leax mdlname,u point at name
+          os9  I$Create and attempt to make it
+          bcc  outhead made it ok, go
+          cmpb #218 oops, what error
+          bne  help nope, not already exist, go
+          lda  #READ.+WRITE.
+          leax mdlname,u
+          os9  I$Open
+          bcs  help
+outhead   sta  <outpath save pathnum
+          leax modid1,u
+          ldy  #14 write (repaired) module header w/exec & datsiz
+          os9  I$Write
+          bcs  help
+          rts thats all for now, folks
+* OPENKERN - to open extra bytes files
+* pretty much self-contained
+openkern  pshs cc,a,x
+          lda  <kernal
+          beq  kerrts
+          cmpa #$30 head or tail?
+          bne  opentail
+          leax advise0,pcr
+          ldy  #krnlhsz-advise0-1
+          lbsr showit
+          ldb  <kbptr
+          bls  kerrts if zero or less, go
+          leax kernal0,pcr
+kopen     lda  #UPDAT.
+          ldb  #UPDAT.
+          os9  I$Create
+          bcc  kcont
+          cmpb #218 if exists, its ok
+          bne  help else go yelp
+          bcc  kopen1
+          comb to clear that damned error
+kopen1    ldb  #UPDAT.
+          os9  I$Open
+          bcs  help 
+kcont     sta  <kpath
+krts      inc  <kernal we been here, tally it
+kerrts    puls cc,a,x
+          rts
+opentail  bcc  opntail
+          comb carry set?
+opntail   cmpa #$31 skip boot, os9p1
+          bne  krts
+          leax advise1,pcr
+          ldy  #krnltsz-advise1-1
+          lbsr showit
+          leax kernal1,pcr
+          bra  kopen
+* CLSKRNL - write & close extras
+* valid size in kbptrms*256+kbptr
+clskrnl   pshs d,x,y
+          tst  <kernal
+          beq  clsoops shouldn't 'av come here
+          lda  <kpath
+          ldy  <kbptrms size to write
+          leax krnlbuf,u saved data
+          os9  I$Write
+          lbcs  help
+          lda  <kpath
+          ldb  #$05 get file pos
+          pshs x,u
+          os9  I$GetStt
+          lbcs  help
+          ldb  #$02 set as new size
+          os9  I$SetStt
+          lbcs  help
+          stu  <kbptrms
+          puls x,u
+          os9  I$Close
+          lbcs help
+          leax kbptrms,u point at filesize data
+          stx  <numptr save the filesize
+          leax advlen,pcr now point at "with a size of $"
+          ldy  #advend-advlen get length to write
+          lbsr showit
+          ldb  #$02
+          lbsr printit
+          leax advend,pcr
+          ldy  #hednamsg-advend
+          lbsr showit
+          leax newln,pcr
+          ldy  #2
+          lbsr newlnfd
+          clr  <kpath kill pathnum
+          clr  <kbptr reset
+          clr  <kbptrms
+clsoops   puls d,x,y
+          rts
+          emod
+len       equ  *
+          end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/utils/gene/vfy.doc	Sat Apr 05 01:01:32 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+                            VFY Edition 16 docs
+This utility is intended to be used as a replacement for the awkward to use
+os9 utility "verify", but with the ability to do repairs and modifications to
+the target file. These repairs/modifications are done 'insitu' to the named
+file.  It can also do the "split" operation on the named file, generating a
+whole directory full of the individual modules of your merged files such as
+"os9boot" or your boot time loaded "util" files.
+                                 CAVEAT #1
+Because it works on the named file, not a copy, be warned that this program
+can also do a lot of damage if miss-used. If unsure of yourself in any way,
+make a backup copy of the file and work on it. Or if its your bootdisk, back
+it up first! Even though I wrote this, I do exactly that! I do test
+everything in this before I upload it for public usage, and I have not had
+it break for anything in the "released" version since Edition 12 or before.
+Thats not to say it hasn't miss-behaved here, but the uploaded version is
+solid, it will do exactly as you ask it to do! 
+Oh Well, edition 15 lasted a week. Nothing wrong with it (that I know of),
+but there were a couple more bells and whistles that were just begging to be
+added.  I had written it originally to have total control over its
+verbosity, but had never actually added the command line option to control
+it.  Now it has it. A "-v" in the option area will shut all reporting off,
+nary a squeek unless an error is returned which will make it spit out the
+help screen on its way to the exit and the system which will report it as
+usual. Edition is now 16, and the ty/rv byte is back to $81. As before, all
+screen output is thru the stderr path, so redirect it ">>" if you want a
+record file to be made. 
+Edition 16's big change is that it now implements the ability to fix any one
+"named on the command line" module in the whole file. If a name is given on
+the command line, then each modules name is compared to the command line
+name, case insensitive, and when the match is found, the options updates are
+done to this named module only. It then reverts to a report only mode for
+the rest of the file.  As in earlier versions, if no name is given, the
+first module only is fixed if one of the ty/la, at/rv or datasize is given
+update/change status.
+Edition 15 fixed a long standing error in how the INIT module data was
+displayed, and now skips the Exec and Data displays for device descriptors.
+For a quick syntax message, just type "vfy" with no options.
+To recap, if a -u(a,t,r,l,d)=$xx type entry is given on the cmnd line, the
+first (or the named one if -n=name is used) module encountered in "file"
+will be modified accordingly. Someone did squawk about the $ sign, but I
+still left that requirement in because it reminds the user this IS hex data
+it wants, not decimal or some other number base.
+The (-ua=$hexdata etc) header repairs will only be re-written if a change
+has taken place, and only for the first (named module if -n=name used now)
+module found in a file if the -f isn't in effect. The first (or named) ones
+crc will also be updated.  Modules further into the file will not be fixed
+if the -f option isn't used unless the -n=name option is used.
+If the -f option is used, all of the modules in "file" will be repaired.
+Only the first will be subjected to the header (-ua=$hexchar etc) fixes in
+that event, the rest being only updated if there is in fact an error found.
+I don't recommend including the -u stuffs without nameing the module they
+are to be applied to as a matter of habitual usage. It might save a headache
+It will still print the S/B $xx (Good) message and the "Repaired to $xx"
+message if -f, even if no actual changes were made.  It will beep if any
+changes were in fact made to the module currently being scanned.
+The -ud=$hexdata needs further clarification. The addition is modulo 65536,
+a fancy way of saying it throws away the carry if the result of your
+addition is >65536. In other words, to reduce the datasize in the module by
+$100 bytes, add $FF00, not -$0100.  It only keeps the last 4 digits you give
+it on the command line too.  Less than 4 default to $000yourdigit etc.
+Also in need of clarification are the -s and -sk options.
+The -s option causes it to split the target file (without inflicting any
+damages other than the -u or -f might do to each module first) into
+individual modules in the current working directory, a great way to take
+your os9boot file apart.  If a -u was used, the modified version is split to
+disk file.
+If the -sk option is used, vfy ASSUMES you are naming a kernal track of a
+bootable disk as the target file to read. This "filename" is best generated
+by running my "krnl_to_dir" utility on the bootable diskette (which is not
+write protected of course) which will look for an unused sector on the disk,
+allocate it, enter the required file descriptor information describing the
+kernel track (it assumes track 34 is the kernel) and make a directory entry
+in the root directory of that disk, effectively converting the hidden kernel
+track that only dcheck can find and report as 18 errors, into a normally
+accessable file. That "krnl_to_dir" is in another archive I uploaded called
+"krnlutils" in the delphi os9 database and on chestnut.
+Once that is done, then vfy's -sk option will split it up into its 5 component
+                                 Caveat #2
+Please note however that this "krnl_to_dir" generated file is not one that
+can be copied from one disk to another (and be expected to work) with *any*
+known utility other than my own "krnlmvr" which requires the write target
+disk to have the directory entry krnlmvr uses already installed by
+krnl_to_dir. The 5 files it makes CAN be freely copied, merged, cpa'd, etc
+to make up the replacement KERNAL to copy back with "krnlmvr". I'm not
+saying there isn't another copier that overwrites, only that I haven't found
+it after diligent searching.
+For more info, see the archive "krnlutils" by myself. I could not find a
+copy util in the whole os9 world that actually would over-write the targeted
+file insitu.  So I wrote krnlmvr.  Why? Because it was one heck of a lot
+easier to use than the utils furnished to install kernel track patches for
+the earlier releases of Nitros9.  Its worked so well that I've not used the
+Nitros9 furnished method since!
+                                 Caveat #3
+Don't *ever* delete that now visible 'KERNAL' file on your bootable diskette
+if you want it to stay bootable after something else has been written to
+this diskette!  If you want to hide it again once you are done making mods,
+use dEd to clear the name in the directory itself. I think the B&B "zap"
+utility might also be safe to use but I haven't tried it.  To totally
+restore the disk so it doesn't show in the directory, find that allocated
+for the FD sector using ded to look at the address in the last 3 bytes of
+the directory entry and "bd" it. Or figure out which bit to clear in the
+                        COPY RIGHTS and DISK CLAIMERS
+As usual, this is Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 and 1995 by Maurice E.(Gene)
+Heskett.  It may be freely copied and used provided no intended profit is
+realized other than the cost of the media. As one of its functions (-sk) has
+been a great help to me in upgrading the kernal track for the later versions
+of the os9/6309 opsys commonly called "NITROS9", permission for it to be
+included as part of that distribution is hereby given to Colin McKay and
+Alan Dekok, a.k.a. Northern Xposure.  The cost of that software may not be
+adjusted upward just because this program is included unless that puts it
+over into another diskette to contain the complete package. It may also be
+included in the patch collections available for os9 under the same
+limitations.  The ONLY limitation being that this archive's contents must be
+included without modification in such distributions so that this .doc file,
+however verbose, remains intact to the end users site.
+I also make no claims about its suitability for the job. If your coffee
+maker only makes bad bourbon after using this, I am not responsible, however
+I would like an email message describing the exact circumstances under which
+that error occured. Maybe I can fine tune it to make good bourbon! I seem to
+be better at that than most. (Grin)
+Cheers all,
+An os9 utility for verifying module files
+Copyright (C) 2014  Gene Heskett
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
--- a/3rdparty/utils/makefile	Sat Apr 05 00:55:28 2014 +0200
+++ b/3rdparty/utils/makefile	Sat Apr 05 01:01:32 2014 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 include ../../rules.mak
-dirs	= boisy dasm smartwatch supercomm dladd winfo
+dirs	= boisy dasm smartwatch supercomm dladd winfo gene
 # Make all components