changeset 732:339845ea3507

Backported rammer.asm from NitrOS-9 to OS-9 Level Two
author boisy
date Sun, 05 Jan 2003 22:45:08 +0000
parents bd7c8348adec
children 26d34f1c5aeb
files level2/modules/makefile level2/modules/r0.asm level2/modules/rammer.asm
diffstat 3 files changed, 363 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level2/modules/makefile	Sun Jan 05 21:48:33 2003 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/makefile	Sun Jan 05 22:45:08 2003 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 		clock_smart clock_harris clock_tc3 clock_soft
 DRIVERS		= cc3disk.dr cc3hdisk.dr cc3io.dr modpak.dr \
-		vrn.dr piper.dr printer.dr sio.dr ram.dr sspak.dr \
+		vrn.dr piper.dr printer.dr sio.dr rammer.dr sspak.dr \
 		sacia.dr dacia.dr
 IOSUBS		= keydrv joydrv_joy \
 		joydrv_6551L joydrv_6552L joydrv_6551M joydrv_6552M snddrv
@@ -107,29 +107,29 @@
 	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) $(DSDD80) -aDNum=2
 # RAM Disk descriptors
-r0_8k.dd: rx.asm
-	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aSectors=32
+r0_8k.dd: r0.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aRAMSize=8
-ddr0_8k.dd: rx.asm
-	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aSectors=32 -aDD=1
+ddr0_8k.dd: r0.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aRAMSize=8 -aDD=1
-r0_96k.dd: rx.asm
-	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aSectors=384
+r0_96k.dd: r0.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aRAMSize=96
-ddr0_96k.dd: rx.asm
-	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aSectors=384 -aDD=1
+ddr0_96k.dd: r0.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aRAMSize=96 -aDD=1
-r0_128k.dd: rx.asm
-	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aSectors=512
+r0_128k.dd: r0.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aRAMSize=128
-ddr0_128k.dd: rx.asm
-	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aSectors=512 -aDD=1
+ddr0_128k.dd: r0.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aRAMSize=128 -aDD=1
-r0_192k.dd: rx.asm
-	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aSectors=768
+r0_192k.dd: r0.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aRAMSize=192
-ddr0_192k.dd: rx.asm
-	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aSectors=768 -aDD=1
+ddr0_192k.dd: r0.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -aRAMSize=192 -aDD=1
 cc3go_rom: cc3go.asm
 	$(AS) -aROM=1 $(AFLAGS) $< $(ASOUT)$@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/r0.asm	Sun Jan 05 22:45:08 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+* R0 - RAMMER Device Descriptor
+* $Id$
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+*        NitrOS-9 2.00 distribution
+         nam   R0
+         ttl   RAMMER Device Descriptor
+         ifp1  
+         use   defsfile
+         endc  
+tylg     set   Devic+Objct
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $01
+RAMSize  set   128
+SAS      set   4
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,mgrnam,drvnam
+         fcb   DIR.+SHARE.+PREAD.+PWRIT.+PEXEC.+READ.+WRITE.+EXEC. mode byte
+         fcb   HW.Page    extended controller address
+         fdb   $FFE0      physical controller address
+         fcb   initsize-*-1 initilization table size
+         fcb   DT.RBF     device type:0=scf,1=rbf,2=pipe,3=scf
+         fcb   $00        drive number
+         fcb   $00        step rate
+         fcb   $20        drive device type
+         fcb   $01        media density:0=single,1=double
+         fdb   RAMSize
+         fcb   $01        number of sides
+         fcb   $01        verify disk writes:0=on
+         fdb   4          # of sectors per track
+         fdb   4          # of sectors per track (track 0)
+         fcb   $01        sector interleave factor
+         fcb   SAS        minimum size of sector allocation
+initsize equ   *
+         IFNE  DD
+name     fcs   /DD/
+         ELSE
+name     fcs   /R0/
+         ENDC
+mgrnam   fcs   /RBF/
+drvnam   fcs   /Rammer/
+         emod  
+eom      equ   *
+         end   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/rammer.asm	Sun Jan 05 22:45:08 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+* Rammer - OS-9 Level Two RAM Disk
+* $Id$
+* Alan DeKok's version of RAMMER - Based on original Keving Darling version
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+*   4    Original Kevin Darling Version
+*   5    Several changes by L. Curtis Boyle             LCB 00/03/14
+*        1) Allowed driver to go past 400K                  00/05/09
+*        2) Attempted some fixes for handling /MD, so
+*           that setting vfy=0 on /R0 would not
+*           completely crash the system.
+*        3) Fixed some error reporting bugs that would
+*           crash the system
+*        4) Moved entry table to between READ/WRITE to
+*           allow short branches to both
+* NOTE: For some reason, when DEINIZing /r0, the INIT routine gets called...
+*       but it still deallocates memory!
+* Following CAN be set higher, but will take another page of system RAM then.
+* 200 will allow maximum of 1,638,400 byte RAM drive.
+MAXBLOCK set   201         Maximum # of MMU blocks allowed in RAM drive
+         nam   Rammer
+         ttl   OS-9 Level Two RAM Disk
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         use   rbfdefs
+         endc
+tylg     set   Drivr+Objct   
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $02
+edition  set   5
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+* Device mem stuff - can make MMUTable bigger, but will take 2 pages of system
+*  RAM then for device memory
+u0000    rmb   DRVBEG+DRVMEM     Reserve room for 1 entry drive table
+MDFlag   rmb   1         0=R0 descriptor, <>0=MD descriptor
+numofBlk rmb   1         # of MMU blocks allocated for RAM drive
+MMUTable rmb   MAXBLOCK  Table of MMU Block #'s being used.
+size     equ   .
+name     fcs   /Rammer/
+         fcb   edition
+* Terminate routine - deallocates RAM
+L0024    lda   <numofBlk,u   Get # blocks we had allocated
+         beq   L003D         If none, exit
+         leay  <MMUTable,u   Point to MMU block table
+         IFNE  H6309
+         clre                Hi byte of block # to allocate (always 0)
+L002E    ldf   ,y            Get block #
+         ELSE
+L002E    ldb   ,y
+         ENDC
+         clr   ,y+           Zero it out in table
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tfr   w,x           Block # to deallocate
+         ELSE
+         pshs  a
+         clra
+         tfr   d,x
+         puls  a
+         ENDC
+         ldb   #$01          1 block to deallocate
+         os9   F$DelRAM      Deallocate the block
+         deca                Dec # of blocks to clean out
+         bne   L002E         Do until entire RAM drive is deallocated
+L003D    clrb                Exit w/o error
+         rts
+* Deallocate RAM allocated so far, exit with no RAM error
+L003F    bsr   L0024        Deallocate all RAM Drive ram blocks
+L0041    comb               Exit no RAM left error
+         ldb   #E$MemFul
+         rts
+* Init routine - only gets called once per driver inited.
+* Called if you INIZ the device as well
+* Entry: Y=Address of device descriptor
+*        U=Device mem area
+* NOTE: All of device mem (Except V.PORT) is cleared to 0's
+Init     lda   #1
+         sta   V.NDRV,u     only can handle 1 drive descriptor
+         leax  DRVBEG,u     Point to start of drive table
+         sta   DD.TOT+2,x   Set DD.TOT to non 0 value
+         lda   <M$Opt,y     Get # of bytes in device descriptor table
+         deca
+* Following is if 1st access to RAMMER is on /MD
+         beq   GetStat      0 (/MD desciptor), then exit w/o error
+         ldb   <IT.CYL+1,y  Get LSB of # of cylinders
+         lda   <IT.SID,y    Get # of heads
+         mul                Calculate # head/cyls total
+         lda   <IT.SCT+1,y  Get # of sectors/track
+         mul                Calculate # of sectors for RAM drive
+         subd  <IT.SCT,y    Subtract 1 tracks worth
+         addd  <IT.T0S,y    Add in the special track 0's # sectors/track
+         std   DD.TOT+1,x   Save as # sectors on drive
+         addd  #$001F       Round up to nearest 8K block
+         IFNE  H6309
+         rold               Shift # of 8K blocks needed into A
+         rold
+         rold
+         ELSE
+         rolb
+         rola 
+         rolb
+         rola 
+         rolb
+         rola 
+         ENDC
+         cmpa  #MAXBLOCK    If higher than max, exit with mem full error
+         bhi   L0041
+         leax  <MMUTable,u  Point to RAM block table
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tfr   a,e          # blocks left to allocate
+         ENDC
+L0078    ldb   #$01         Try to allocate 1 8K RAM block
+         IFEQ  H6309
+         pshs  a
+         ENDC
+         os9   F$AllRAM
+         IFEQ  H6309
+         puls  a
+         ENDC
+         bcs   L003F        If error, deallocate RAM, and exit
+         inc   <numofBlk,u  Bump up # of blocks allocated
+         stb   ,x+          Save MMU block # allocated in table
+         IFNE  H6309
+         dece               Do until done all blocks requested
+         ELSE
+         deca
+         ENDC
+         bne   L0078
+         clrb               No error & return
+         rts
+* Entry: B:X=LSN to read (only X will be used, even with 2 MB)
+*        Y=Path dsc. ptr
+*        U=Device mem ptr
+Read     pshs  y,x          Preserve path & device mem ptrs
+         bsr   L00C8        Calculate MMU block & offset for sector
+         bcs   L00A5        Error, exit with it
+         bsr   L00AE        Transfer sector from RAM drive to PD.BUF
+         puls  y,x          Restore ptrs
+         leax  ,x           Sector 0?
+         bne   GetStat      No, exit without error
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y     Get buffer ptr
+         leay  DRVBEG,u     Point to start of drive table
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   #DD.SIZ      Copy the info we need into drive table
+         tfm   x+,y+
+         ELSE
+         ldb   #DD.SIZ      Copy the info we need into drive table
+ReadLp   lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,y+
+         decb
+         bne   ReadLp
+         ENDC
+* GetStat/SetStat - no calls, just exit w/o error
+GetStat  clrb
+L00A7    rts
+L00A5    puls  y,x,pc
+start    bra   Init
+         nop
+         bra   Read
+         nop
+         bra   Write
+         nop
+         bra   GetStat
+         nop
+         bra   GetStat       Actually SetStat (no calls, so same routine)
+         nop
+         lbra  L0024         Terminate (returns memory)
+* Entry: B:X = LSN to write
+*        Y=Path dsc. ptr
+*        U=Device mem ptr
+Write    bsr   L00C8          Calculate MMU Block & offset for sector
+         bcs   L00A7          Error,exit with it
+         exg   x,y            X=Sector buffer ptr, Y=Offset within MMU block
+* Transfer between RBF sector buffer & RAM drive image sector buffer
+* Called by both READ and WRITE (with X,Y swapping between the two)
+L00AE    orcc  #IntMasks      Shut IRQ's off
+         pshs  x              Preserve X
+         ldx   <D.SysDAT      Get ptr to system DAT image
+         ldb   1,x            Get original System MMU block #0
+         puls  x              Get X back
+         sta   >$FFA0         Map in RAM drive block into block #0
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   #$0100         256 byte transfer
+         tfm   x+,y+          Copy between the two buffers
+         ELSE
+         clrb
+WriteLp  lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,y+
+         decb
+         bne   WriteLp
+         ENDC
+         stb   >$FFA0         Remap in system block 0
+         andcc #^(IntMasks+Carry) Turn IRQ's back on & no error
+         rts
+* Subroutine to calculate MMU block # and offset based on sector # requested
+* Entry: Y=path dsc. ptr
+*        U=device mem ptr
+*        B:X=LSN to calculate for
+* Exit: A=MMU block # we need to map in
+*       X=offset within MMU block to get sector from (always <8K)
+*       Y=Sector buffer ptr for RBF
+*       MDFlag,u=0 if NOT MD, else MD
+L00C8    clr   MDFlag,u       Flag that we are on "real" RAM Drive
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   PD.DEV,y       Get our Device table entry ptr
+         ldw   V$DESC,w       Get device descriptor ptr
+         lda   M$Opt,w        Get size of options table
+         ELSE
+         pshs  x
+         ldx   PD.DEV,y       Get our Device table entry ptr
+         ldx   V$DESC,x       Get device descriptor ptr
+         lda   M$Opt,x        Get size of options table
+         puls  x
+         ENDC
+         deca
+         bne   L00DB          Not MD, skip ahead
+         inc   MDFlag,u       Flag we are on MD
+         sta   <PD.SIZ,y
+         sta   <PD.SIZ+3,y
+         sta   <PD.SSZ,y
+         ldd   <D.BlkMap+2    Get end of block memory ptr
+         subd  <D.BlkMap      Calc # of blocks of RAM
+         lda   #32            * 32 for # of 'sectors'
+         mul
+         std   <PD.SIZ+1,y    Save as middle word of file size
+         std   <PD.SSZ+1,y    Save as segment size
+         bra   L00DE          Skip ahead (sector # will allow all 2 MB)
+L00DB    tstb                 Test MSB of sector #
+         bne   L010F          <>0, exit with Sector error
+L00DE    pshs  x              Preserve LSW of sector #
+         ldd   ,s             Load it again into D
+         tst   MDFlag,u       We on MD?
+         bne   L00EE          Yes, skip ahead
+         leax  DRVBEG,u       Point to drive table
+         cmpd  DD.TOT+1,x     LSW of sector compared to table's # of sectors
+         bhs   L010E          Sector # too large, exit with error
+L00EE    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         rold                 A=MMU block offset in RAM drive image
+         rold
+         rold
+         ELSE
+         rolb
+         rola
+         rolb
+         rola
+         rolb
+         rola
+         ENDC
+         tst   MDFlag,u       We on /MD?
+         bne   L0100          Yup, skip calculating MMU stuff
+         leax  <MMUTable,u    Point to MMU table
+         lda   a,x            Get MMU block # we want
+         beq   L010E          If 0, exit with sector error
+L0100    pshs  a              Save block #
+         clrb                 Calculate offset within 8k block we want
+         lda   2,s
+         anda  #$1F           Mask out all but within 8K address offset
+         std   1,s            Save offset
+         ldy   PD.BUF,y       Get sector buffer address
+         puls  x,a,pc         Get offset, MMU block & return
+L010E    leas  2,s          Eat X on stack
+L010F    comb               Exit with bad sector #
+         ldb   #E$Sect
+         rts
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end