changeset 1057:33f92984ce41

Minor comment additions
author pwz
date Wed, 26 Mar 2003 09:23:12 +0000
parents a05c3794e393
children 27e625916ebb
files 3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/scrn.asm 3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/shdw.asm 3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/sierra.asm
diffstat 3 files changed, 2087 insertions(+), 2078 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/scrn.asm	Wed Mar 26 09:19:17 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/scrn.asm	Wed Mar 26 09:23:12 2003 +0000
@@ -1,854 +1,860 @@
-* SCRN - Kings Quest III screen module
-* $Id$
-*       Header for : scrn
-*       Module size: $7C5  #1989
-*       Module CRC : $F3E370 (Good)
-*       Hdr parity : $EA
-*       Exec. off  : $0012  #18
-*       Data size  : $0000  #0
-*       Edition    : $00  #0
-*       Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
-*       Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 0      Disassembly of original distribution           PWZ 03/03/06
-*        Note the header shows a data size of 0
-*        called from the sierra module and accesses
-*        data set up in that module
-         nam   scrn
-         ttl   program module       
-* Disassembled 00/00/00 00:15:39 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         endc
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-*  equates for common data used in this module
-u0012 EQU $0012  map block value (word)
-u001C EQU $001C
-u001E EQU $001E
-u0024 EQU $0024
-u002C EQU $002C
-u0030 EQU $0030
-u0038 EQU $0038
-u003E EQU $003E
-u0040 EQU $0040
-u0041 EQU $0041
-u0042 EQU $0042 Sierra process descriptor block
-u0043 EQU $0043 Sierra 2nd 8K data block
-u0045 EQU $0045 flag for palettes in sierra
-u0046 EQU $0046 first byte of hi res screen mem addr
-u0047 EQU $0047 second byte of hi res screen mem addr
-u007E EQU $007E
-u0080 EQU $0080
-u0081 EQU $0081
-u009E EQU $009E  busy address here
-u009F EQU $009F
-u00A0 EQU $00A0
-u00A1 EQU $00A1
-u00A2 EQU $00A2
-u00A3 EQU $00A3
-u00A4 EQU $00A4
-u00A5 EQU $00A5
-u00A6 EQU $00A6
-u00A7 EQU $00A7
-u00A8 EQU $00A8
-u00A9 EQU $00A9
-u00AA EQU $00AA
-u00C0 EQU $00C0
-u00C6 EQU $00C6
-u00CC EQU $00CC
-u00DE EQU $00DE
-u00E0 EQU $00E0
-u00F6 EQU $00F6
-u00F8 EQU $00F8
-u00FC EQU $00FC
-u00FE EQU $00FE
-u00FF EQU $00FF
-size     equ   .
-name     equ   *
-         fcs   /scrn/
-         fcb   $00 
-* This module is linked to in sierra
-* upon entry 
-*   a -> type language
-*   b -> attributes / revision level
-*   x -> address of the last byte of the module name + 1
-*   y -> module entry point absolute address 
-*   u -> module header absolute address
-start    equ   *
-         lbra  L015A twiddles with map blocks ??
-         lbra  L014C sets up another call to L015A
-         lbra  L009C whats in D here ? call screen clear
-         lbra  L00B3 sets D to 0000 and call clear screen
-         lbra  L00D2
-         lbra  L0745
-         lbra  L0209
-         lbra  L00C5
-         lbra  L025D
-         lbra  L02A0
-* probably was an info directive for an include file
-L0030    fcc   'AGI (c) copyright 1988 SIERRA On-Line'
-         fcc   'CoCo3 version by Chris Iden'
-         fcb   $00
-Infosz   equ   *-L0030
-* map block check and sets
-* u0012 is set in code in L015A sub
-* entry:
-*      a -> value to be tested
-L0071    cmpa  <u0012      check MMU block
-         beq   L008B       if block 0  OK to leave
-         orcc  #IntMasks   Turn off interrupts 
-         sta   <u0012      store the value passed in by a 
-         lda   <u0042      get sierra process descriptor map block
-         sta   >$FFA9      map it in to $2000-$3FFF
-         ldx   <u0043      2nd 8K data block in Sierra
-         lda   <u0012      get mmu block num
-         sta   ,x          store that 
-         stb   $02,x
-         std   >$FFA9      Map it into task 1 block 2
-         andcc #^IntMasks  turn on interrupts $AF
-L008B    rts   
-* 16 marker bytes for some thing
-L008C    fcb   $00
-         fcb   $11
-         fcb   $22
-         fcb   $33
-         fcb   $44
-         fcb   $55
-         fcb   $66
-         fcb   $77
-         fcb   $88
-         fcb   $99
-         fcb   $AA
-         fcb   $BB   
-         fcb   $CC
-         fcb   $DD
-         fcb   $EE
-         fcb   $FF
-* Clears the area allocated to the screen in sierra
-* entry:
-*      d -> value to be written to screen
-*      x -> may contain a value so we save it
-* exit:
-*      d -> preserved 
-*      x -> restored to initial value
-*      u -> contains starting address of the screen
-L009C    pshs  x         save the x values as this routine uses it
-L009E    ldu   #$D800    end address of high res screen
-         ldx   #$7800    Scrn is from $6000 to $D800
-L00A4    std   ,--u      set it to value passed us in d & dec d
-         leax  -$02,x    decrement x 
-         bne   L00A4     keep going till all of screen is cleared
-         puls  x         restore x`
-         rts             move on
-* Loads D to clear screen
-L00AD    ldd   #$0000    zeros screen bytes
-         bsr   L009C     go clear it
-         rts   
-L00B3    bsr   L00AD     clear the screen 
-         ldd   #$A8A0
-         pshs  d
-         ldd   #$00A7
-         pshs  d
-         lbsr  L015A
-         leas  $04,s
-         rts   
-L00C5    lda   >$024E
-         tfr   a,b
-         bsr   L009C
-         ldd   #$0000    clears value at u0040
-         std   <u0040
-         rts   
-L00D2    ldd   $06,s
-         pshs  d
-         ldd   $06,s
-         pshs  d
-         ldd   $06,s
-         pshs  d
-         lbsr  L01D4
-         leas  $06,s
-         clra  
-         ldb   $06,s
-         pshs  d
-         lda   #$01
-         ldb   $07,s
-         subb  #$02
-         pshs  d
-         ldd   $06,s
-         inca  
-         decb  
-         pshs  d
-         lbsr  L01D4
-         leas  $06,s
-         clra  
-         ldb   $06,s
-         pshs  d
-         lda   $06,s
-         suba  #$04
-         ldb   #$01
-         pshs  d
-         ldd   $06,s
-         adda  $09,s
-         suba  #$02
-         subb  #$02
-         pshs  d
-         lbsr  L01D4
-         leas  $06,s
-         clra  
-         ldb   $06,s
-         pshs  d
-         lda   #$01
-         ldb   $07,s
-         subb  #$02
-         pshs  d
-         ldd   $06,s
-         inca  
-         subb  $08,s
-         addb  #$02
-         pshs  d
-         lbsr  L01D4
-         leas  $06,s
-         clra  
-         ldb   $06,s
-         pshs  d
-         lda   $06,s
-         suba  #$04
-         ldb   #$01
-         pshs  d
-         ldd   $06,s
-         inca  
-         subb  #$02
-         pshs  d
-         lbsr  L01D4
-         leas  $06,s
-         rts   
-L014C    ldd   $04,s
-         pshs  d
-         ldd   $04,s
-         pshs  d
-         lbsr  L015A
-         leas  $04,s
-         rts   
-* first call in module is here
-* who put what on the stack for us ?
-L015A    pshs  y            save our y  module entry abs addr
-         ldd   $04,s     
-         sta   <u0047   
-         incb          
-         subb  $06,s  
-         lda   #$A0 
-         mul            
-         addd  <u0046  
-         tfr   d,x     
-         addd  <u002C  
-         tfr   d,y    
-         leax  <$40,x       
-         ldd   $06,s
-         std   <u009E
-         ldb   #$A0
-         subb  <u009F
-         clra  
-         std   <u00A0
-         sta   <u0012       twiddle with the map block value
-         orcc  #IntMasks    turn off interrupts $50
-         lda   <u0042
-         sta   >$FFA9       second block in task 1
-         cmpx  #$A000
-         bcs   L0192
-         ldd   <u001E
-         leax  >-$8000,x
-         bra   L0198
-L0192    ldd   <u001C
-         leax  >-$4000,x
-L0198    ldu   <u0043
-         sta   ,u
-         stb   $02,u
-         std   >$FFA9        second block in task 1
-         andcc #^IntMasks    turn on ints $AF
-         leau  >L008C,pcr    point u to the  sequential data bytes
-L01A7    ldb   <u009F
-L01A9    lda   ,x+
-         anda  #$0F
-         lda   a,u
-         sta   ,y+
-         decb  
-         bne   L01A9
-         dec   <u009E
-         beq   L01D1         pull our y and exit routine
-         ldd   <u00A0
-         leay  d,y
-         abx   
-         cmpx  #$6000
-         bcs   L01A7
-         orcc  #IntMasks     turn off interrupts $50
-         lda   <u0042
-         sta   >$FFA9        second block in task 1
-         ldd   <u001E
-         leax  >-$4000,x
-         bra   L0198
-L01D1    puls  y
-         rts   
-L01D4    ldd   $02,s
-         sta   <u0047
-         incb  
-         subb  $04,s
-         lda   #$A0
-         mul   
-         addd  <u0046        Hi res screen mem address ($6000)
-         addd  <u002C
-         tfr   d,x
-         ldd   $04,s
-         std   <u009E
-         ldb   #$A0
-         subb  <u009F
-         stb   <u00A0
-         leau  >L008C,pcr
-         lda   $07,s
-         anda  #$0F
-         lda   a,u
-L01F8    ldb   <u009F
-L01FA    sta   ,x+
-         decb  
-         bne   L01FA
-         dec   <u009E
-         beq   L0208
-         ldb   <u00A0
-         abx   
-         bra   L01F8
-L0208    rts   
-L0209    leas  -$04,s
-         ldd   $0A,s
-         std   $02,s
-         ldd   $08,s
-         std   ,s
-         lda   $07,s
-         lsla  
-         lsla  
-         lsla  
-         ldb   #$A0
-         mul   
-         std   <u00A2
-         clra  
-         ldb   $01,s
-         lslb  
-         lslb  
-         ldu   <u00A2
-         leau  >$6000,u
-         ldb   $02,s
-         lslb  
-         lslb  
-         lslb  
-         lda   #$A0
-         mul   
-         leax  d,u
-         lda   $03,s
-         lsla  
-         lsla  
-         lsla  
-         ldb   $01,s
-         subb  ,s
-         lslb  
-         lslb  
-         addb  #$03
-L023F    pshs  b,a
-L0241    lda   b,u
-         sta   b,x
-         decb  
-         bpl   L0241
-         puls  b,a
-         leau  >$00A0,u
-         leax  >$00A0,x
-         cmpx  #$D800
-         bcc   L025A
-         deca  
-         bne   L023F
-L025A    leas  $04,s
-         rts   
-L025D    leas  -$04,s
-         ldx   $06,s
-         ldu   ,x
-L0263    stu   ,s
-         beq   L029D
-         ldu   $04,u
-         stu   $02,s
-         pshs  u
-         lbsr  L02A0
-         leas  $02,s
-         ldu   $02,s
-         lda   $01,u
-         cmpa  ,u
-         bne   L0297
-         ldd   $03,u
-         cmpd  <$1A,u
-         bne   L028C
-         lda   <$25,u
-         ora   #$40
-         sta   <$25,u
-         bra   L0297
-L028C    std   <$1A,u
-         lda   <$25,u
-         anda  #$BF
-         sta   <$25,u
-L0297    ldu   ,s
-         ldu   ,u
-         bra   L0263
-L029D    leas  $04,s
-         rts   
-L02A0    lda   >$0100
-         lbeq  L0344
-         ldu   $02,s
-         ldd   $08,u
-         lbsr  L0071
-         ldx   <$10,u
-         ldd   ,x
-         std   <u00A0
-         ldd   <$14,u
-         lbsr  L0071
-         ldx   <$12,u
-         ldd   ,x
-         std   <u009E
-         ldd   <$10,u
-         std   <$12,u
-         ldd   $08,u
-         std   <$14,u
-         lda   $04,u
-         ldb   <u00A1
-         cmpa  <$1B,u
-         bcs   L02E1
-         sta   <u00A3
-         stb   <u00A4
-         lda   <$1B,u
-         ldb   <u009F
-         bra   L02EC
-L02E1    ldb   <$1B,u
-         stb   <u00A3
-         ldb   <u009F
-         stb   <u00A4
-         ldb   <u00A1
-L02EC    stb   <u00A8
-         inca  
-         suba  <u00A8
-         ldb   <u00A3
-         incb  
-         subb  <u00A4
-         stb   <u00A7
-         cmpa  <u00A7
-         bcs   L02FE
-         lda   <u00A7
-L02FE    nega  
-         adda  <u00A3
-         inca  
-         sta   <u00A4
-         lda   $03,u
-         ldb   <u00A0
-         cmpa  <$1A,u
-         bhi   L0318
-         sta   <u00A2
-         stb   <u00A9
-         lda   <$1A,u
-         ldb   <u009E
-         bra   L0323
-L0318    ldb   <$1A,u
-         stb   <u00A2
-         ldb   <u009E
-         stb   <u00A9
-         ldb   <u00A0
-L0323    stb   <u00AA
-         adda  <u00AA
-         sta   <u00A6
-         lda   <u00A2
-         adda  <u00A9
-         cmpa  <u00A6
-         bhi   L0333
-         lda   <u00A6
-L0333    suba  <u00A2
-         sta   <u00A5
-         ldd   <u00A4
-         pshs  b,a
-         ldd   <u00A2
-         pshs  b,a
-         lbsr  L015A
-         leas  $04,s
-L0344    rts   
-* This jumbled mass of bytes disassembles 
-* but looks like a data block
-* or probably a bit map ??? 
-* L0345 - L0745 is 1024 bytes of data
-L0345    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $7E,$81,$A5,$81
-         fcb   $BD,$99,$81,$7E
-         fcb   $7E,$FF,$DB,$FF
-         fcb   $C3,$E7,$FF,$7E
-         fcb   $6C,$FE,$FE,$FE
-         fcb   $7C,$38,$10,$00
-         fcb   $10,$38,$7C,$FE
-         fcb   $7C,$38,$10,$00
-         fcb   $38,$7C,$38,$FE
-         fcb   $FE,$7C,$38,$7C
-         fcb   $10,$10,$38,$7C
-         fcb   $FE,$7C,$38,$7C
-         fcb   $00,$00,$18,$3C
-         fcb   $3C,$18,$00,$00
-         fcb   $FF,$FF,$E7,$C3
-         fcb   $C3,$E7,$FF,$FF
-         fcb   $00,$3C,$66,$42
-         fcb   $42,$66,$3C,$00
-         fcb   $FF,$C3,$99,$BD
-         fcb   $BD,$99,$C3,$FF
-         fcb   $0F,$07,$0F,$7D
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$78
-         fcb   $3C,$66,$66,$66
-         fcb   $3C,$18,$7E,$18
-         fcb   $3F,$33,$3F,$30
-         fcb   $30,$70,$F0,$E0
-         fcb   $7F,$63,$7F,$63
-         fcb   $63,$67,$E6,$C0
-         fcb   $99,$5A,$3C,$E7
-         fcb   $E7,$3C,$5A,$99
-         fcb   $80,$E0,$F8,$FE
-         fcb   $F8,$E0,$80,$00
-         fcb   $02,$0E,$3E,$FE
-         fcb   $3E,$0E,$02,$00
-         fcb   $18,$3C,$7E,$18
-         fcb   $18,$7E,$3C,$18
-         fcb   $66,$66,$66,$66
-         fcb   $66,$00,$66,$00
-         fcb   $7F,$DB,$DB,$7B
-         fcb   $1B,$1B,$1B,$00
-         fcb   $3E,$63,$38,$6C
-         fcb   $6C,$38,$CC,$78
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $7E,$7E,$7E,$00
-         fcb   $18,$3C,$7E,$18
-         fcb   $7E,$3C,$18,$FF
-         fcb   $18,$3C,$7E,$18
-         fcb   $18,$18,$18,$00
-         fcb   $18,$18,$18,$18
-         fcb   $7E,$3C,$18,$00
-         fcb   $00,$18,$0C,$FE
-         fcb   $0C,$18,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$30,$60,$FE
-         fcb   $60,$30,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$C0,$C0
-         fcb   $C0,$FE,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$24,$66,$FF
-         fcb   $66,$24,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$18,$3C,$7E
-         fcb   $FF,$FF,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$FF,$FF,$7E
-         fcb   $3C,$18,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $30,$78,$78,$30
-         fcb   $30,$00,$30,$00
-         fcb   $6C,$6C,$6C,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $6C,$6C,$FE,$6C
-         fcb   $FE,$6C,$6C,$00
-         fcb   $30,$7C,$C0,$78
-         fcb   $0C,$F8,$30,$00
-         fcb   $00,$C6,$CC,$18
-         fcb   $30,$66,$C6,$00
-         fcb   $38,$6C,$38,$76
-         fcb   $DC,$CC,$76,$00
-         fcb   $60,$60,$C0,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $18,$30,$60,$60
-         fcb   $60,$30,$18,$00
-         fcb   $60,$30,$18,$18
-         fcb   $18,$30,$60,$00
-         fcb   $00,$66,$3C,$FF
-         fcb   $3C,$66,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$FC
-         fcb   $30,$30,$00,$00 
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$60
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$FC
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$00
-         fcb   $06,$0C,$18,$30
-         fcb   $60,$C0,$80,$00
-         fcb   $7C,$C6,$CE,$DE
-         fcb   $F6,$E6,$7C,$00
-         fcb   $30,$70,$30,$30
-         fcb   $30,$30,$FC,$00
-         fcb   $78,$CC,$0C,$38
-         fcb   $60,$CC,$FC,$00
-         fcb   $78,$CC,$0C,$38
-         fcb   $0C,$CC,$78,$00
-         fcb   $1C,$3C,$6C,$CC
-         fcb   $FE,$0C,$1E,$00
-         fcb   $FC,$C0,$F8,$0C
-         fcb   $0C,$CC,$78,$00
-         fcb   $38,$60,$C0,$F8
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$78,$00
-         fcb   $FC,$CC,$0C,$18
-         fcb   $30,$30,$30,$00
-         fcb   $78,$CC,$CC,$78
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$78,$00
-         fcb   $78,$CC,$CC,$7C
-         fcb   $0C,$18,$70,$00
-         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$00
-         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$00
-         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$00
-         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$60
-         fcb   $18,$30,$60,$C0
-         fcb   $60,$30,$18,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$FC,$00
-         fcb   $00,$FC,$00,$00
-         fcb   $60,$30,$18,$0C
-         fcb   $18,$30,$60,$00
-         fcb   $78,$CC,$0C,$18
-         fcb   $30,$00,$30,$00
-         fcb   $7C,$C6,$DE,$DE
-         fcb   $DE,$C0,$78,$00
-         fcb   $30,$78,$CC,$CC
-         fcb   $FC,$CC,$CC,$00
-         fcb   $FC,$66,$66,$7C
-         fcb   $66,$66,$FC,$00
-         fcb   $3C,$66,$C0,$C0
-         fcb   $C0,$66,$3C,$00
-         fcb   $F8,$6C,$66,$66
-         fcb   $66,$6C,$F8,$00
-         fcb   $FE,$62,$68,$78
-         fcb   $68,$62,$FE,$00
-         fcb   $FE,$62,$68,$78
-         fcb   $68,$60,$F0,$00
-         fcb   $3C,$66,$C0,$C0
-         fcb   $CE,$66,$3E,$00
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$FC
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$00
-         fcb   $78,$30,$30,$30
-         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
-         fcb   $1E,$0C,$0C,$0C
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$78,$00
-         fcb   $E6,$66,$6C,$78
-         fcb   $6C,$66,$E6,$00
-         fcb   $F0,$60,$60,$60
-         fcb   $62,$66,$FE,$00
-         fcb   $C6,$EE,$FE,$FE
-         fcb   $D6,$C6,$C6,$00
-         fcb   $C6,$E6,$F6,$DE
-         fcb   $CE,$C6,$C6,$00
-         fcb   $38,$6C,$C6,$C6
-         fcb   $C6,$6C,$38,$00
-         fcb   $FC,$66,$66,$7C
-         fcb   $60,$60,$F0,$00
-         fcb   $78,$CC,$CC,$CC
-         fcb   $DC,$78,$1C,$00
-         fcb   $FC,$66,$66,$7C
-         fcb   $6C,$66,$E6,$00
-         fcb   $78,$CC,$E0,$70
-         fcb   $1C,$CC,$78,$00
-         fcb   $FC,$B4,$30,$30
-         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$FC,$00
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$78,$30,$00
-         fcb   $C6,$C6,$C6,$D6
-         fcb   $FE,$EE,$C6,$00
-         fcb   $C6,$C6,$6C,$38
-         fcb   $38,$6C,$C6,$00
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$78
-         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
-         fcb   $FE,$C6,$8C,$18
-         fcb   $32,$66,$FE,$00
-         fcb   $78,$60,$60,$60
-         fcb   $60,$60,$78,$00
-         fcb   $C0,$60,$30,$18
-         fcb   $0C,$06,$02,$00
-         fcb   $78,$18,$18,$18
-         fcb   $18,$18,$78,$00
-         fcb   $10,$38,$6C,$C6
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$FF
-         fcb   $30,$30,$18,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$78,$0C
-         fcb   $7C,$CC,$76,$00
-         fcb   $E0,$60,$60,$7C
-         fcb   $66,$66,$DC,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$78,$CC
-         fcb   $C0,$CC,$78,$00
-         fcb   $1C,$0C,$0C,$7C
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$76,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$78,$CC
-         fcb   $FC,$C0,$78,$00
-         fcb   $38,$6C,$60,$F0
-         fcb   $60,$60,$F0,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$76,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$7C,$0C,$F8
-         fcb   $E0,$60,$6C,$76
-         fcb   $66,$66,$E6,$00
-         fcb   $30,$00,$70,$30
-         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
-         fcb   $0C,$00,$0C,$0C
-         fcb   $0C,$CC,$CC,$78
-         fcb   $E0,$60,$66,$6C
-         fcb   $78,$6C,$E6,$00
-         fcb   $70,$30,$30,$30
-         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$CC,$FE
-         fcb   $FE,$D6,$C6,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$F8,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$78,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$78,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$DC,$66
-         fcb   $66,$7C,$60,$F0
-         fcb   $00,$00,$76,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$7C,$0C,$1E
-         fcb   $00,$00,$DC,$76
-         fcb   $66,$60,$F0,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$7C,$C0
-         fcb   $78,$0C,$F8,$00
-         fcb   $10,$30,$7C,$30
-         fcb   $30,$34,$18,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$CC,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$CC,$76,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$CC,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$78,$30,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$C6,$D6
-         fcb   $FE,$FE,$6C,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$C6,$6C
-         fcb   $38,$6C,$C6,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$CC,$CC
-         fcb   $CC,$7C,$0C,$F8
-         fcb   $00,$00,$FC,$98
-         fcb   $30,$64,$FC,$00
-         fcb   $1C,$30,$30,$E0
-         fcb   $30,$30,$1C,$00
-         fcb   $18,$18,$18,$00
-         fcb   $18,$18,$18,$00
-         fcb   $E0,$30,$30,$1C
-         fcb   $30,$30,$E0,$00
-         fcb   $76,$DC,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$10,$38,$6C
-         fcb   $C6,$C6,$FE,$00
-L0745    leas  -$02,s
-         pshs  y
-         ldx   $06,s
-         ldu   #$024E
-         lda   <u0040
-         lsla  
-         lsla  
-         lsla  
-         ldb   #$A0
-         mul   
-         tfr   d,y
-         clra  
-         ldb   <u0041
-         lslb  
-         lslb  
-         addd  #$6000
-         leay  d,y
-L0762    tst   ,x
-         lbeq  L07B0
-         ldb   ,x+
-         stx   $06,s
-         leax  >L0345,pcr
-         lslb  
-         abx   
-         abx   
-         abx   
-         abx   
-         lda   #$08
-         sta   $02,s
-L0779    ldb   ,x+
-         lda   #$04
-         sta   $03,s
-L077F    sex   
-         lda   a,u
-         anda  #$F0
-         sta   ,y
-         lslb  
-         sex   
-         lda   a,u
-         anda  #$0F
-         ora   ,y
-         ora   <u0045 flag for palettes set in sierra
-         sta   ,y+
-         lslb  
-         dec   $03,s
-         bne   L077F
-         lda   <u0045 flag for palettes set in sierra
-         beq   L079E
-         coma  
-         sta   <u0045 flag for palettes set in sierra
-L079E    leay  >$009C,y
-         dec   $02,s
-         bne   L0779
-         ldx   $06,s
-         inc   <u0041
-         leay  >-$04FC,y
-         bra   L0762
-L07B0    puls  y
-         leas  $02,s
-         rts   
-L07B5    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
-L07BD    fcc   /scrn/
-L07C1    fcb   $00                
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
+* SCRN - Kings Quest III screen module
+* $Id$
+*       Header for : scrn
+*       Module size: $7C5  #1989
+*       Module CRC : $F3E370 (Good)
+*       Hdr parity : $EA
+*       Exec. off  : $0012  #18
+*       Data size  : $0000  #0
+*       Edition    : $00  #0
+*       Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
+*       Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* 0      Disassembly of original distribution           PWZ 03/03/06
+*        Note the header shows a data size of 0
+*        called from the sierra module and accesses
+*        data set up in that module
+         nam   scrn
+         ttl   program module       
+* Disassembled 00/00/00 00:15:39 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc
+tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $01
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+*  equates for common data used in this module
+u0012 EQU $0012  map block value (word)
+u001C EQU $001C
+u001E EQU $001E
+u0024 EQU $0024
+u002C EQU $002C
+u0030 EQU $0030
+u0038 EQU $0038
+u003E EQU $003E
+u0040 EQU $0040
+u0041 EQU $0041
+u0042 EQU $0042 Sierra process descriptor block
+u0043 EQU $0043 Sierra 2nd 8K data block
+u0045 EQU $0045 flag for palettes in sierra
+u0046 EQU $0046 first byte of hi res screen mem addr
+u0047 EQU $0047 second byte of hi res screen mem addr
+u007E EQU $007E
+u0080 EQU $0080
+u0081 EQU $0081
+u009E EQU $009E  busy address here
+u009F EQU $009F
+u00A0 EQU $00A0
+u00A1 EQU $00A1
+u00A2 EQU $00A2
+u00A3 EQU $00A3
+u00A4 EQU $00A4
+u00A5 EQU $00A5
+u00A6 EQU $00A6
+u00A7 EQU $00A7
+u00A8 EQU $00A8
+u00A9 EQU $00A9
+u00AA EQU $00AA
+u00C0 EQU $00C0
+u00C6 EQU $00C6
+u00CC EQU $00CC
+u00DE EQU $00DE
+u00E0 EQU $00E0
+u00F6 EQU $00F6
+u00F8 EQU $00F8
+u00FC EQU $00FC
+u00FE EQU $00FE
+u00FF EQU $00FF
+X0100 equ $0100   pic_visible
+X024E equ $024E
+XFFA9 equ $FFA9
+size     equ   .
+name     equ   *
+         fcs   /scrn/
+         fcb   $00 
+* This module is linked to in sierra
+* upon entry 
+*   a -> type language
+*   b -> attributes / revision level
+*   x -> address of the last byte of the module name + 1
+*   y -> module entry point absolute address 
+*   u -> module header absolute address
+start    equ   *
+         lbra  L015A twiddles with map blocks ??
+         lbra  L014C sets up another call to L015A
+         lbra  L009C whats in D here ? call screen clear
+         lbra  L00B3 sets D to 0000 and call clear screen
+         lbra  L00D2
+         lbra  L0745
+         lbra  L0209
+         lbra  L00C5
+         lbra  L025D
+         lbra  L02A0
+* probably was an info directive for an include file
+L0030    fcc   'AGI (c) copyright 1988 SIERRA On-Line'
+         fcc   'CoCo3 version by Chris Iden'
+         fcb   $00
+Infosz   equ   *-L0030
+* map block check and sets
+* u0012 is set in code in L015A sub
+* entry:
+*      a -> value to be tested
+L0071    cmpa  <u0012      check MMU block
+         beq   L008B       if block 0  OK to leave
+         orcc  #IntMasks   Turn off interrupts 
+         sta   <u0012      store the value passed in by a 
+         lda   <u0042      get sierra process descriptor map block
+         sta   >XFFA9      map it in to $2000-$3FFF
+         ldx   <u0043      2nd 8K data block in Sierra
+         lda   <u0012      get mmu block num
+         sta   ,x          store that 
+         stb   $02,x
+         std   >XFFA9      Map it into task 1 block 2
+         andcc #^IntMasks  turn on interrupts $AF
+L008B    rts   
+* 16 marker bytes for some thing
+* coco_view_pal[]     vid_render.c
+L008C    fcb   $00
+         fcb   $11
+         fcb   $22
+         fcb   $33
+         fcb   $44
+         fcb   $55
+         fcb   $66
+         fcb   $77
+         fcb   $88
+         fcb   $99
+         fcb   $AA
+         fcb   $BB   
+         fcb   $CC
+         fcb   $DD
+         fcb   $EE
+         fcb   $FF
+* Clears the area allocated to the screen in sierra
+* entry:
+*      d -> value to be written to screen
+*      x -> may contain a value so we save it
+* exit:
+*      d -> preserved 
+*      x -> restored to initial value
+*      u -> contains starting address of the screen
+L009C    pshs  x         save the x values as this routine uses it
+L009E    ldu   #$D800    end address of high res screen
+         ldx   #$7800    Scrn is from $6000 to $D800
+L00A4    std   ,--u      set it to value passed us in d & dec d
+         leax  -$02,x    decrement x 
+         bne   L00A4     keep going till all of screen is cleared
+         puls  x         restore x`
+         rts             move on
+* Loads D to clear screen
+L00AD    ldd   #$0000    zeros screen bytes
+         bsr   L009C     go clear it
+         rts   
+L00B3    bsr   L00AD     clear the screen 
+         ldd   #$A8A0
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   #$00A7
+         pshs  d
+         lbsr  L015A
+         leas  $04,s
+         rts   
+L00C5    lda   >X024E
+         tfr   a,b
+         bsr   L009C
+         ldd   #$0000    clears value at u0040
+         std   <u0040
+         rts   
+L00D2    ldd   $06,s
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   $06,s
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   $06,s
+         pshs  d
+         lbsr  L01D4
+         leas  $06,s
+         clra  
+         ldb   $06,s
+         pshs  d
+         lda   #$01
+         ldb   $07,s
+         subb  #$02
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   $06,s
+         inca  
+         decb  
+         pshs  d
+         lbsr  L01D4
+         leas  $06,s
+         clra  
+         ldb   $06,s
+         pshs  d
+         lda   $06,s
+         suba  #$04
+         ldb   #$01
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   $06,s
+         adda  $09,s
+         suba  #$02
+         subb  #$02
+         pshs  d
+         lbsr  L01D4
+         leas  $06,s
+         clra  
+         ldb   $06,s
+         pshs  d
+         lda   #$01
+         ldb   $07,s
+         subb  #$02
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   $06,s
+         inca  
+         subb  $08,s
+         addb  #$02
+         pshs  d
+         lbsr  L01D4
+         leas  $06,s
+         clra  
+         ldb   $06,s
+         pshs  d
+         lda   $06,s
+         suba  #$04
+         ldb   #$01
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   $06,s
+         inca  
+         subb  #$02
+         pshs  d
+         lbsr  L01D4
+         leas  $06,s
+         rts   
+L014C    ldd   $04,s
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   $04,s
+         pshs  d
+         lbsr  L015A
+         leas  $04,s
+         rts   
+* first call in module is here
+* who put what on the stack for us ?
+L015A    pshs  y            save our y  module entry abs addr
+         ldd   $04,s     
+         sta   <u0047   
+         incb          
+         subb  $06,s  
+         lda   #$A0 
+         mul            
+         addd  <u0046  
+         tfr   d,x     
+         addd  <u002C  
+         tfr   d,y    
+         leax  <$40,x       
+         ldd   $06,s
+         std   <u009E
+         ldb   #$A0
+         subb  <u009F
+         clra  
+         std   <u00A0
+         sta   <u0012       twiddle with the map block value
+         orcc  #IntMasks    turn off interrupts $50
+         lda   <u0042
+         sta   >XFFA9       second block in task 1
+         cmpx  #$A000
+         bcs   L0192
+         ldd   <u001E
+         leax  >-$8000,x
+         bra   L0198
+L0192    ldd   <u001C
+         leax  >-$4000,x
+L0198    ldu   <u0043
+         sta   ,u
+         stb   $02,u
+         std   >XFFA9        second block in task 1
+         andcc #^IntMasks    turn on ints $AF
+         leau  >L008C,pcr    point u to the  sequential data bytes
+L01A7    ldb   <u009F
+L01A9    lda   ,x+
+         anda  #$0F
+         lda   a,u
+         sta   ,y+
+         decb  
+         bne   L01A9
+         dec   <u009E
+         beq   L01D1         pull our y and exit routine
+         ldd   <u00A0
+         leay  d,y
+         abx   
+         cmpx  #$6000
+         bcs   L01A7
+         orcc  #IntMasks     turn off interrupts $50
+         lda   <u0042
+         sta   >XFFA9        second block in task 1
+         ldd   <u001E
+         leax  >-$4000,x
+         bra   L0198
+L01D1    puls  y
+         rts   
+L01D4    ldd   $02,s
+         sta   <u0047
+         incb  
+         subb  $04,s
+         lda   #$A0
+         mul   
+         addd  <u0046        Hi res screen mem address ($6000)
+         addd  <u002C
+         tfr   d,x
+         ldd   $04,s
+         std   <u009E
+         ldb   #$A0
+         subb  <u009F
+         stb   <u00A0
+         leau  >L008C,pcr
+         lda   $07,s
+         anda  #$0F
+         lda   a,u
+L01F8    ldb   <u009F
+L01FA    sta   ,x+
+         decb  
+         bne   L01FA
+         dec   <u009E
+         beq   L0208
+         ldb   <u00A0
+         abx   
+         bra   L01F8
+L0208    rts   
+L0209    leas  -$04,s
+         ldd   $0A,s
+         std   $02,s
+         ldd   $08,s
+         std   ,s
+         lda   $07,s
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         ldb   #$A0
+         mul   
+         std   <u00A2
+         clra  
+         ldb   $01,s
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         ldu   <u00A2
+         leau  >$6000,u
+         ldb   $02,s
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         lda   #$A0
+         mul   
+         leax  d,u
+         lda   $03,s
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         ldb   $01,s
+         subb  ,s
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         addb  #$03
+L023F    pshs  b,a
+L0241    lda   b,u
+         sta   b,x
+         decb  
+         bpl   L0241
+         puls  b,a
+         leau  >$00A0,u
+         leax  >$00A0,x
+         cmpx  #$D800
+         bcc   L025A
+         deca  
+         bne   L023F
+L025A    leas  $04,s
+         rts   
+L025D    leas  -$04,s
+         ldx   $06,s
+         ldu   ,x
+L0263    stu   ,s
+         beq   L029D
+         ldu   $04,u
+         stu   $02,s
+         pshs  u
+         lbsr  L02A0
+         leas  $02,s
+         ldu   $02,s
+         lda   $01,u
+         cmpa  ,u
+         bne   L0297
+         ldd   $03,u
+         cmpd  <$1A,u
+         bne   L028C
+         lda   <$25,u
+         ora   #$40
+         sta   <$25,u
+         bra   L0297
+L028C    std   <$1A,u
+         lda   <$25,u
+         anda  #$BF
+         sta   <$25,u
+L0297    ldu   ,s
+         ldu   ,u
+         bra   L0263
+L029D    leas  $04,s
+         rts   
+L02A0    lda   >X0100   pic_visible
+         lbeq  L0344
+         ldu   $02,s
+         ldd   $08,u
+         lbsr  L0071
+         ldx   <$10,u
+         ldd   ,x
+         std   <u00A0
+         ldd   <$14,u
+         lbsr  L0071
+         ldx   <$12,u
+         ldd   ,x
+         std   <u009E
+         ldd   <$10,u
+         std   <$12,u
+         ldd   $08,u
+         std   <$14,u
+         lda   $04,u
+         ldb   <u00A1
+         cmpa  <$1B,u
+         bcs   L02E1
+         sta   <u00A3
+         stb   <u00A4
+         lda   <$1B,u
+         ldb   <u009F
+         bra   L02EC
+L02E1    ldb   <$1B,u
+         stb   <u00A3
+         ldb   <u009F
+         stb   <u00A4
+         ldb   <u00A1
+L02EC    stb   <u00A8
+         inca  
+         suba  <u00A8
+         ldb   <u00A3
+         incb  
+         subb  <u00A4
+         stb   <u00A7
+         cmpa  <u00A7
+         bcs   L02FE
+         lda   <u00A7
+L02FE    nega  
+         adda  <u00A3
+         inca  
+         sta   <u00A4
+         lda   $03,u
+         ldb   <u00A0
+         cmpa  <$1A,u
+         bhi   L0318
+         sta   <u00A2
+         stb   <u00A9
+         lda   <$1A,u
+         ldb   <u009E
+         bra   L0323
+L0318    ldb   <$1A,u
+         stb   <u00A2
+         ldb   <u009E
+         stb   <u00A9
+         ldb   <u00A0
+L0323    stb   <u00AA
+         adda  <u00AA
+         sta   <u00A6
+         lda   <u00A2
+         adda  <u00A9
+         cmpa  <u00A6
+         bhi   L0333
+         lda   <u00A6
+L0333    suba  <u00A2
+         sta   <u00A5
+         ldd   <u00A4
+         pshs  b,a
+         ldd   <u00A2
+         pshs  b,a
+         lbsr  L015A
+         leas  $04,s
+L0344    rts   
+* This jumbled mass of bytes disassembles 
+* but looks like a data block
+* or probably a bit map ??? 
+* L0345 - L0745 is 1024 bytes of data
+L0345    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $7E,$81,$A5,$81
+         fcb   $BD,$99,$81,$7E
+         fcb   $7E,$FF,$DB,$FF
+         fcb   $C3,$E7,$FF,$7E
+         fcb   $6C,$FE,$FE,$FE
+         fcb   $7C,$38,$10,$00
+         fcb   $10,$38,$7C,$FE
+         fcb   $7C,$38,$10,$00
+         fcb   $38,$7C,$38,$FE
+         fcb   $FE,$7C,$38,$7C
+         fcb   $10,$10,$38,$7C
+         fcb   $FE,$7C,$38,$7C
+         fcb   $00,$00,$18,$3C
+         fcb   $3C,$18,$00,$00
+         fcb   $FF,$FF,$E7,$C3
+         fcb   $C3,$E7,$FF,$FF
+         fcb   $00,$3C,$66,$42
+         fcb   $42,$66,$3C,$00
+         fcb   $FF,$C3,$99,$BD
+         fcb   $BD,$99,$C3,$FF
+         fcb   $0F,$07,$0F,$7D
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$78
+         fcb   $3C,$66,$66,$66
+         fcb   $3C,$18,$7E,$18
+         fcb   $3F,$33,$3F,$30
+         fcb   $30,$70,$F0,$E0
+         fcb   $7F,$63,$7F,$63
+         fcb   $63,$67,$E6,$C0
+         fcb   $99,$5A,$3C,$E7
+         fcb   $E7,$3C,$5A,$99
+         fcb   $80,$E0,$F8,$FE
+         fcb   $F8,$E0,$80,$00
+         fcb   $02,$0E,$3E,$FE
+         fcb   $3E,$0E,$02,$00
+         fcb   $18,$3C,$7E,$18
+         fcb   $18,$7E,$3C,$18
+         fcb   $66,$66,$66,$66
+         fcb   $66,$00,$66,$00
+         fcb   $7F,$DB,$DB,$7B
+         fcb   $1B,$1B,$1B,$00
+         fcb   $3E,$63,$38,$6C
+         fcb   $6C,$38,$CC,$78
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $7E,$7E,$7E,$00
+         fcb   $18,$3C,$7E,$18
+         fcb   $7E,$3C,$18,$FF
+         fcb   $18,$3C,$7E,$18
+         fcb   $18,$18,$18,$00
+         fcb   $18,$18,$18,$18
+         fcb   $7E,$3C,$18,$00
+         fcb   $00,$18,$0C,$FE
+         fcb   $0C,$18,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$30,$60,$FE
+         fcb   $60,$30,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$C0,$C0
+         fcb   $C0,$FE,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$24,$66,$FF
+         fcb   $66,$24,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$18,$3C,$7E
+         fcb   $FF,$FF,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$FF,$FF,$7E
+         fcb   $3C,$18,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $30,$78,$78,$30
+         fcb   $30,$00,$30,$00
+         fcb   $6C,$6C,$6C,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $6C,$6C,$FE,$6C
+         fcb   $FE,$6C,$6C,$00
+         fcb   $30,$7C,$C0,$78
+         fcb   $0C,$F8,$30,$00
+         fcb   $00,$C6,$CC,$18
+         fcb   $30,$66,$C6,$00
+         fcb   $38,$6C,$38,$76
+         fcb   $DC,$CC,$76,$00
+         fcb   $60,$60,$C0,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $18,$30,$60,$60
+         fcb   $60,$30,$18,$00
+         fcb   $60,$30,$18,$18
+         fcb   $18,$30,$60,$00
+         fcb   $00,$66,$3C,$FF
+         fcb   $3C,$66,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$FC
+         fcb   $30,$30,$00,$00 
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$60
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$FC
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$00
+         fcb   $06,$0C,$18,$30
+         fcb   $60,$C0,$80,$00
+         fcb   $7C,$C6,$CE,$DE
+         fcb   $F6,$E6,$7C,$00
+         fcb   $30,$70,$30,$30
+         fcb   $30,$30,$FC,$00
+         fcb   $78,$CC,$0C,$38
+         fcb   $60,$CC,$FC,$00
+         fcb   $78,$CC,$0C,$38
+         fcb   $0C,$CC,$78,$00
+         fcb   $1C,$3C,$6C,$CC
+         fcb   $FE,$0C,$1E,$00
+         fcb   $FC,$C0,$F8,$0C
+         fcb   $0C,$CC,$78,$00
+         fcb   $38,$60,$C0,$F8
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$78,$00
+         fcb   $FC,$CC,$0C,$18
+         fcb   $30,$30,$30,$00
+         fcb   $78,$CC,$CC,$78
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$78,$00
+         fcb   $78,$CC,$CC,$7C
+         fcb   $0C,$18,$70,$00
+         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$00
+         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$00
+         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$00
+         fcb   $00,$30,$30,$60
+         fcb   $18,$30,$60,$C0
+         fcb   $60,$30,$18,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$FC,$00
+         fcb   $00,$FC,$00,$00
+         fcb   $60,$30,$18,$0C
+         fcb   $18,$30,$60,$00
+         fcb   $78,$CC,$0C,$18
+         fcb   $30,$00,$30,$00
+         fcb   $7C,$C6,$DE,$DE
+         fcb   $DE,$C0,$78,$00
+         fcb   $30,$78,$CC,$CC
+         fcb   $FC,$CC,$CC,$00
+         fcb   $FC,$66,$66,$7C
+         fcb   $66,$66,$FC,$00
+         fcb   $3C,$66,$C0,$C0
+         fcb   $C0,$66,$3C,$00
+         fcb   $F8,$6C,$66,$66
+         fcb   $66,$6C,$F8,$00
+         fcb   $FE,$62,$68,$78
+         fcb   $68,$62,$FE,$00
+         fcb   $FE,$62,$68,$78
+         fcb   $68,$60,$F0,$00
+         fcb   $3C,$66,$C0,$C0
+         fcb   $CE,$66,$3E,$00
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$FC
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$00
+         fcb   $78,$30,$30,$30
+         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
+         fcb   $1E,$0C,$0C,$0C
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$78,$00
+         fcb   $E6,$66,$6C,$78
+         fcb   $6C,$66,$E6,$00
+         fcb   $F0,$60,$60,$60
+         fcb   $62,$66,$FE,$00
+         fcb   $C6,$EE,$FE,$FE
+         fcb   $D6,$C6,$C6,$00
+         fcb   $C6,$E6,$F6,$DE
+         fcb   $CE,$C6,$C6,$00
+         fcb   $38,$6C,$C6,$C6
+         fcb   $C6,$6C,$38,$00
+         fcb   $FC,$66,$66,$7C
+         fcb   $60,$60,$F0,$00
+         fcb   $78,$CC,$CC,$CC
+         fcb   $DC,$78,$1C,$00
+         fcb   $FC,$66,$66,$7C
+         fcb   $6C,$66,$E6,$00
+         fcb   $78,$CC,$E0,$70
+         fcb   $1C,$CC,$78,$00
+         fcb   $FC,$B4,$30,$30
+         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$FC,$00
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$78,$30,$00
+         fcb   $C6,$C6,$C6,$D6
+         fcb   $FE,$EE,$C6,$00
+         fcb   $C6,$C6,$6C,$38
+         fcb   $38,$6C,$C6,$00
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$78
+         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
+         fcb   $FE,$C6,$8C,$18
+         fcb   $32,$66,$FE,$00
+         fcb   $78,$60,$60,$60
+         fcb   $60,$60,$78,$00
+         fcb   $C0,$60,$30,$18
+         fcb   $0C,$06,$02,$00
+         fcb   $78,$18,$18,$18
+         fcb   $18,$18,$78,$00
+         fcb   $10,$38,$6C,$C6
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$FF
+         fcb   $30,$30,$18,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$78,$0C
+         fcb   $7C,$CC,$76,$00
+         fcb   $E0,$60,$60,$7C
+         fcb   $66,$66,$DC,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$78,$CC
+         fcb   $C0,$CC,$78,$00
+         fcb   $1C,$0C,$0C,$7C
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$76,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$78,$CC
+         fcb   $FC,$C0,$78,$00
+         fcb   $38,$6C,$60,$F0
+         fcb   $60,$60,$F0,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$76,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$7C,$0C,$F8
+         fcb   $E0,$60,$6C,$76
+         fcb   $66,$66,$E6,$00
+         fcb   $30,$00,$70,$30
+         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
+         fcb   $0C,$00,$0C,$0C
+         fcb   $0C,$CC,$CC,$78
+         fcb   $E0,$60,$66,$6C
+         fcb   $78,$6C,$E6,$00
+         fcb   $70,$30,$30,$30
+         fcb   $30,$30,$78,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$CC,$FE
+         fcb   $FE,$D6,$C6,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$F8,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$CC,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$78,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$78,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$DC,$66
+         fcb   $66,$7C,$60,$F0
+         fcb   $00,$00,$76,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$7C,$0C,$1E
+         fcb   $00,$00,$DC,$76
+         fcb   $66,$60,$F0,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$7C,$C0
+         fcb   $78,$0C,$F8,$00
+         fcb   $10,$30,$7C,$30
+         fcb   $30,$34,$18,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$CC,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$CC,$76,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$CC,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$78,$30,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$C6,$D6
+         fcb   $FE,$FE,$6C,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$C6,$6C
+         fcb   $38,$6C,$C6,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$CC,$CC
+         fcb   $CC,$7C,$0C,$F8
+         fcb   $00,$00,$FC,$98
+         fcb   $30,$64,$FC,$00
+         fcb   $1C,$30,$30,$E0
+         fcb   $30,$30,$1C,$00
+         fcb   $18,$18,$18,$00
+         fcb   $18,$18,$18,$00
+         fcb   $E0,$30,$30,$1C
+         fcb   $30,$30,$E0,$00
+         fcb   $76,$DC,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$10,$38,$6C
+         fcb   $C6,$C6,$FE,$00
+L0745    leas  -$02,s
+         pshs  y
+         ldx   $06,s
+         ldu   #X024E
+         lda   <u0040
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         ldb   #$A0
+         mul   
+         tfr   d,y
+         clra  
+         ldb   <u0041
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         addd  #$6000
+         leay  d,y
+L0762    tst   ,x
+         lbeq  L07B0
+         ldb   ,x+
+         stx   $06,s
+         leax  >L0345,pcr
+         lslb  
+         abx   
+         abx   
+         abx   
+         abx   
+         lda   #$08
+         sta   $02,s
+L0779    ldb   ,x+
+         lda   #$04
+         sta   $03,s
+L077F    sex   
+         lda   a,u
+         anda  #$F0
+         sta   ,y
+         lslb  
+         sex   
+         lda   a,u
+         anda  #$0F
+         ora   ,y
+         ora   <u0045 flag for palettes set in sierra
+         sta   ,y+
+         lslb  
+         dec   $03,s
+         bne   L077F
+         lda   <u0045 flag for palettes set in sierra
+         beq   L079E
+         coma  
+         sta   <u0045 flag for palettes set in sierra
+L079E    leay  >$009C,y
+         dec   $02,s
+         bne   L0779
+         ldx   $06,s
+         inc   <u0041
+         leay  >-$04FC,y
+         bra   L0762
+L07B0    puls  y
+         leas  $02,s
+         rts   
+L07B5    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
+L07BD    fcc   /scrn/
+L07C1    fcb   $00                
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
--- a/3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/shdw.asm	Wed Mar 26 09:19:17 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/shdw.asm	Wed Mar 26 09:23:12 2003 +0000
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 size           equ   .
 Xffa9          equ $FFA9   task 1 block 2
-X01af          equ $01AF   pointer to state.flag
-X0551          equ $0551   pointer to a linked list of picture data
+X01af          equ $01AF   a state.flag byte
+X0551          equ $0551   given_pic_data
 * OS9 data area definitions
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
 * these look like gen purpose scratch vars
-u009e          equ $009E    pos_init_x
-u009f          equ $009F    pos_init_y
-u00a0          equ $00A0    pos_final_x
-u00a1          equ $00A1    pos_final_y 
+u009e          equ $009E    
+u009f          equ $009F    
+u00a0          equ $00A0    
+u00a1          equ $00A1     
 u00a2          equ $00A2    
 u00a3          equ $00A3    
 u00a4          equ $00A4    
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 * This module is linked to in sierra
 start equ   *
-L0012 lbra  L05fb      screen init ?
+L0012 lbra  L05fb      gfx_picbuff_update_remap
       lbra  L0713      obj_chk_control
       lbra  L0175      render_pic  (which calls pic_cmd_loop)  
       lbra  L0189      pic_cmd_loop
@@ -1296,11 +1296,14 @@
       puls  x               retrieve our x
       rts                   return
-* screen initialization ??
 * this routine effective swaps postion of
 * the two nibbles of the byte loaded 
-* and returns it to the screen 
+* and returns it to the screen
+* it is the workhorse loop in gfx_picbuff_update gfx.c ???
+* called via remap call in mnln 
 L05fb ldx   #gfx_picbuff starting low address of srceen mem
 L05fe lda   ,x           get the first byte  bit order 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
       clrb               empty b
--- a/3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/sierra.asm	Wed Mar 26 09:19:17 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/sierra.asm	Wed Mar 26 09:23:12 2003 +0000
@@ -1,1215 +1,1215 @@
-* SIERRA - Kings Quest III set up module
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   0    Disassembly of original distribution and       PWZ 03/01/31
-*        merged in comments from disasm dated 1992
-*   1    Monitor type bug now fixed                     BGP 03/03/10
-*Monitor defs
-COMP    equ   0
-RGB     equ   1
-MONO    equ   2
-* I/O path definitions
-StdIn    equ   0
-StdOut   equ   1
-StdErr   equ   2
-         nam   sierra
-         ttl   program module       
-* Disassembled 03/01/29 23:22:42 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         use   scfdefs
-         endc
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-         org   0
-u0000    rmb   2   holds size of data area
-u0002    rmb   1   MMU block # mapped into block #2 -org
-u0003    rmb   1   MMU block # mapped into block #3 -org
-u0004    rmb   2   Hi res screen start address
-u0006    rmb   2   Hi res screen end address  ?????
-u0008    rmb   1   disasm as u0008 rmb 2
-u0009    rmb   1   MMU Block # SIERRA is in  -org
-u000A    rmb   1   double byte MMU Task 1 block 1   
-u000B    rmb   1   value actually resides here
-u000C    rmb   1
-u000D    rmb   1
-u000E    rmb   1
-u000F    rmb   1
-u0010    rmb   1
-u0011    rmb   3
-u0014    rmb   2   Hi res screen start address
-u0016    rmb   2   Hi res screen end address ???
-u0017    rmb   4
-u001C    rmb   2
-u001E    rmb   4
-u0022    rmb   1
-u0023    rmb   1
-u0024    rmb   2
-u0026    rmb   2
-u0028    rmb   2
-u002A    rmb   2   saves stack pointer of caller to sub659
-u002C    rmb   2
-u002E    rmb   16
-u003E    rmb   1
-u003F    rmb   2
-u0041    rmb   1
-u0042    rmb   1   MMU Block # of SIERRA's dsc.
-u0043    rmb   2
-u0045    rmb   1   flag after color table sets
-u0046    rmb   2
-u0048    rmb   2
-u004A    rmb   5
-u004F    rmb   4
-u0053    rmb   2   
-u0055    rmb   10
-u005F    rmb   163
-*u0102   rmb   327  ---disassembly
-u0102    rmb  113
-mtf173   rmb   1    multitasking flag
-scr174   rmb   1    screen number?
-x01076   rmb   212 
-u0249    rmb   1
-u024A    rmb   1
-u024B    rmb   1
-u024C    rmb   497
-*u043D   rmb   7106 ---disassembly
-u043D    rmb   245
-u0532    rmb   16   vol_handle_table (pointer to file structures)
-u0542    rmb   15  
-u0551    rmb   2    pointer to a linked list of picture data
-u0553    rmb   1    monitor type V26_MONITORTYPE
-u0554    rmb   154
-int5EE   rmb   107  Signal Intercept routine from 452 - 4BD
-sub659   rmb   116  Slot to hold subroutine for others uses at 4DA - 54F
-u0xxx    rmb   6450
-size     equ   .
-name     equ   *
-         fcs   /sierra/
-         fcb   $01 
-start    equ   *
-L0014   lbra L007D  branch to entry process params
-L0017   lbra L00DB  branch to clean up routines
-*                   Multi-tasking flag (0=No multitask, 1=multitask) 
-L001A    fcb   $00  we store a value here
-*                   the "old self modifying code" trick
-* Text strings think this was probably an Info thing
-L001B    fcc   'AGI (c) copyright 1988 SIERRA On-Line'
-         fcc   'CoCo3 version by Chris Iden'
-         fcb   $00
-Infosz   equ   *-L001B
-* Useage text string
-L005C    fcc   'Usage: Sierra -Rgb -Multitasking'
-         fcb   C$CR
-Usgsz    equ   *-L005C
-L007D    tfr   s,d     save stack ptr / start of param ptr into d
-         subd  #$04FF     start of stack/end of data mem ptr
-         std   <u0000     store this value in user var
-         bsr   L009C      branch to input processer routine
-L0086    lbsr  L011A      relay call to L0140
-L0089    ldd   <u0000     load the data pointer
-         beq   L00DF      if it is zero we have a problem
-         ldd   >$FFA9     ??? MMU task 1 block 1 ???
-         std   <u000A     save the task 1 block one value
-         lda   #$00
-         sta   <u0011
-         ldx   <u0024
-         jsr   sub659     code at L04DA plays with mmu blocks
-         rts   
-* Process any command line args
-* See F$Fork description 8-15 for entry conditions
-L009C    lda   ,x+         get next char after name string
-         cmpa  #C$CR       is it a CR?
-         beq   L00DA       yes exit from routine
-         cmpa  #$2D        is it a dash '-
-         bne   L009C       not a dash go look again
-         lda   ,x+         was as dash get the next char
-         ora   #$20        apply mask to lower case
-         cmpa  #$72        is it a 'r ?
-         beq   L00C2       yep go set up for RGB monitor
-         cmpa  #$6D        is it an 'm ? 
-         beq   L00D2       if so go store a flag and continue
-*  We've found something other than Mm or Rr after a dash
-*  write usage message and Exit program
-         lda   #StdOut     load path std out
-         leax  >L005C,pcr  load address of message
-         ldy   #Usgsz      $0021  load the size of the message
-         os9   I$WritLn    write it
-         clrb              clear the error code (unneeded branch to L00DE) 
-         bra   L00DF       and branch to exit!
-* found a "-r"
-L00C2    pshs  x           save x-reg since set stat call uses it
-         lda   #StdOut     $01  set the path number
-         ldb   #SS.Montr   code #$92 sets the monitor type
-         ldx   #RGB        monitor type code $0001
-         os9   I$SetStt    set it up
-         puls  x           fetch our x back assumes call doesn't fail
-         bra   L009C       go process the rest of the parms
-* found an "-m"
-L00D2    lda   #$01        we have found a -m and load a flag
-         sta   >L001A,pcr  and stow it in our code area  (SELF MODIFYING)
-         bra   L009C       check for next param
-L00DA    rts               return
-*  This is just a relay call to L0336
-L00DB    lbsr  L0133
-L00DE    clrb              NOBODY USES ME ? 
-L00DF    os9   F$Exit      time to check out
-* disassembler had a little problem here
-L00E2    fdb   $000C  another prog internal var  
-* Are these all data bytes of some kind ???
-* quirky assemblage of bytes
-L00E4    fcb   $02,$2E,$06,$09,$04,$20,$10,$1B
-         fcb   $11,$3D,$17,$29,$33,$3F,$00,$08
-         fcb   $14,$18,$20,$28,$22,$38,$07,$0B
-         fcb   $16,$1F,$27,$2D,$37,$3F
-* The disassembly gets confused here with text and the nulls
-*  according to the partial disassembly I recieved these hold
-*  Original MMU block image of second and third blocks of SIERRA  
-L0102    fdb   $0000 Orig MMU block image of 2nd blk of sierra
-L0104    fdb   $0000 Orig MMU block image of 3nd blk of sierra
-* Name strings of other modules to load.
-L0106    fcc   'Shdw'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L010B    fcc   'Scrn'
-         fcb   C$CR
-L0110    fcc   'MnLn'
-         fcb   C$CR
-* Internal variables for self modifying code
-L0115    fcb   $00  Echo
-L0116    fcb   $00  EOF
-L0117    fcb   $00  INTerupt
-L0118    fcb   $00  Quit
-L0119    fcb   $00  Monitor type Coco set to when Sierra ran
-* L011A called by L0086
-L011A    lbsr  L0140  Clears data area, sets up vars and saves montype
-         lbsr  L01AF  Change our process image to dupe block 0 to 1-2
-L0120    lbsr  L01FA  copies two subs to data area so others can use them
-         lbsr  L0419  load intercept routine and open /VI and allocate Ram
-         bcs   L0139  if errors occured  close VIRQ device
-         lbsr  L0229  NMLoads the three other modules and sets up vals
-         bcs   L0136  problems then unload them
-         lbsr  L026B  go set up screens
-         bcs   L0133  problems deallocate them
-         rts   
-* clean up and shut down
-L0133    lbsr  L0336  go deallocate hi res screens 
-L0136    lbsr  L0370  unloads the three other modules
-L0139    lbsr  L04BD  Close VIRQ device
-         lbsr  L0388  restore the MMU blocks
-         rts   
-* at this point u0000 contains the value of s on entry minus $04FF
-* which should be the size of our initialized data
-* so we don't over write it but clear the rest of the data area
-L0140    ldx   #$0002 Init data area from 2-end with 0's
-         ldd   #$0000
-L0146    std   ,x++
-         cmpx  <u0000  should have the value $04FF
-         bcs   L0146   appears this zeros out memory somewhere
-* initialize some variables
-         lda   >L001A,pcr  multitasking flag from startup parms
-         sta   mtf173      >$0173       store it
-         ldd   #$06CE   why twice
-         std   <u0053
-         std   <u0055
-         lda   #$5C
-         sta   >$0101
-         lda   #$17
-         sta   >$01D8
-         lda   #$0F
-         sta   >$023F
-         ldd   #$0000
-         std   <u004F
-*  get current montype
-*  GetStat Function Code $92 
-*          Allocates and maps high res screen 
-*          into application address space
-* entry:
-*       a -> path number 
-*       b -> function code $92 (SS.Montr)
-* exit:
-*       x -> monitor type
-* error:
-*       CC -> Carry set on error
-*       b  -> error code (if any)
-         lda   #StdOut     $01 path number
-         ldb   #SS.Montr   monitor type code (not listed for getstat $92  
-         os9   I$GetStt    make the call
-         tfr   x,d         save in d appears he expects montype returned
-         stb   >L0119,pcr  trim it to a byte and save it 
-         andb  #$01        mask out mono type only RGB or COMP
-         stb   >$0553      save that value off 
-*  set current montype
-*  SetStat Function Code $92 
-*          Allocates and maps high res screen 
-*          into application address space
-* entry:
-*       a -> path number 
-*       b -> function code $92 (SS.Montr)
-*       x -> momitor type
-*            0 = color composite
-*            1 = analog RGB
-*            2 = monochrome composite
-* error:
-*       CC -> Carry set on error
-*       b  -> error code (if any)
-         ldx   #RGB        $0001 set type to RGB again as in L00C2
-         lda   #StdOut     $01 set the path
-         ldb   #SS.Montr   Monitor type code $92
-         os9   I$SetStt    make the call
-* initialize more variables
-         lda   #$32
-         sta   >$0246
-         ldd   #$6000   This is the start of high res screen memory
-         std   <u0046
-         lda   #$15
-         sta   >$0248
-         lda   #$FF   Init 15 bytes at u0532 to $FF 
-         ldb   #$0F
-         ldx   #$0532
-         bsr   L01A3
-         rts   
-* Fill routine-one byte pattern
-* Entry: A=Byte to fill with
-*        B=# bytes to fill
-*        X=Start address of fill
-L01A3    sta   ,x+
-         decb  
-         bne   L01A3
-         rts   
-* Fill routine-two byte pattern
-* Entry: U=2-Byte pattern to fill with
-*        B=# bytes to fill
-*        X=Start address of fill
-*                                     NO BODY CALLS HERE ??
-L01A9    stu   ,x++
-         decb  
-         bne   L01A9
-         rts   
-*  Raw disassembly of followin code
-*L01AF    orcc  #$50
-*         ldx   #$0002
-*         stx   <u0022
-*         lda   >$FFAF
-*         sta   <u0008
-*         clr   >$FFA9
-*         ldd   >$2050
-*         anda  #$1F
-*         addd  #$2043
-*         std   <u0043
-*         ldb   >$2050
-*         andb  #$E0
-*         lsrb  
-*         lsrb  
-*         lsrb  
-*         lsrb  
-*         lsrb  
-*         ldx   #$FFA0
-*         lda   b,x
-*         sta   <u0042
-*         sta   >$FFA9
-*         ldx   <u0043
-*         ldd   -$01,x
-*         std   >L0102,pcr
-*         ldd   $01,x
-*         std   >L0104,pcr
-*         ldd   -$03,x
-*         std   -$01,x
-*         std   $01,x
-*         tfr   b,a
-*         std   >$FFA9
-*         std   <u0002
-*         andcc #$AF
-*         rts   
-* Change our process map: 
-*         Blocks 1-2 become duplicates of block 0 (data area... 
-*         changes actual MMU regs themselves & 
-*         changes them in our process descriptor
-L01AF    orcc  #IntMasks    Shut interrupts off
-         ldx   #$0002       ???
-         stx   <u0022
-*        As per above NOTE, should postpone this until we have DAT image 
-*        available for Sierra process
-         lda   >$FFAF         Get MMU block # SIERRA is in
-         sta   <u0008         Save it
-         clr   >$FFA9         Map system block 0 into $2000-$3FFF
-         ldd   >D.Proc+$2000  Get SIERRA's process dsc. ptr
-         anda  #$1F           Keep non-MMU dependent address
-         addd  #$2000+P$DATImg+3  Set up ptr for what we want out of it
-         std   <u0043             Save it
-         ldb   >D.Proc+$2000      Get MSB of SIERRA's process dsc. ptr
-         andb  #$E0               Calculate which 8K block within 
-*                                 system task it's in
-         lsrb  
-         lsrb  
-         lsrb  
-         lsrb  
-         lsrb  
-         ldx   #$FFA0       Point to base of System task DAT register set block 0 task 0
-         lda   b,x          Get block # that has process desc. for SIERRA
-         sta   <u0042       Save it
-         sta   >$FFA9       Map in block with process dsc. to $2000-$3FFF
-         ldx   <u0043       Get offset to 2nd 8K block in DAT map for SIERRA
-         ldd   -1,x         Get MMU block # of current 2nd 8k block in SIERRA
-         std   >L0102,pc    Save it
-         ldd   1,x          Get MMU block # of current 3rd 8k block in SIERRA
-         std   >L0104,pc    Save it
-         ldd   -3,x         Get data area block 3 from sierra (1st block)
-         std   -1,x         Move 8k data area to 2nd block
-         std   1,x          And to 3rd block
-         tfr   b,a          D=Raw MMU block # for both
-         std   >$FFA9       Map data area block into both blocks 2&3
-         std   <u0002       Save both block #'s
-         andcc #^IntMasks   Turn interrupts back on
-         rts   
-* load first routine
-L01FA    leas  -2,s         Make 2 word buffer on stack
-         leax  >L054F,pc    Point to end of routine
-         stx   ,s           Save ptr
-         leax  >L04DA,pc    Point to routine
-*         ldu   #$0659      Point to place in data area to copy it
-         ldu   #sub659
-L0209    lda   ,x+          Copy routine
-         sta   ,u+
-         cmpx  ,s           Done whole routine yet?
-         blo   L0209        No, keep going
-* get next routine interrupt intecept routine
-         leax  >L04BD,pcr   point to end of routine
-         stx   ,s           save pointer
-         leax  >L0452,pcr   point to routine
-         ldu   #int5EE      point to place in data area to copy it
-L021E    lda   ,x+          copy routine
-         sta   ,u+
-         cmpx  ,s           Done whole routine yet?
-         blo   L021E        No, keep going
-         leas  $02,s        clean up stack
-         rts                return
-* Called from dispatch table at L0120
-* The last op in the subroutine before this one
-* was a puls a,b after a puhs x and a setsatt call for process+path to VIRQ
-L0229    tfr   b,a          don't see what's going on here
-         incb  
-         std   <u001C       but we save off a bunch of values
-         addd  #$0202
-         std   <u001E
-         addd  #$0202
-         sta   <u005F
-         std   <u000C
-         std   <u000E
-         ldu   #$001A
-         stu   <u0028
-         leax  >L0106,pcr   shdw
-         lbsr  L03D0        NMLoads named module
-         bcs   L026A        return on error
-         ldu   #$0012
-         stu   <u0026
-         leax  >L010B,pcr    scrn
-         lbsr  L03D0        NMLoads named module
-         bcs   L026A        return on error
-         ldu   #$000A
-         stu   <u0024
-         leax  >L0110,pcr    mnln
-         lbsr  L03D0        NMLoads named module
-         leau  >$2000,u
-         stu   <u002E
-L026A    rts   
-*  Set up screens 
-*  SetStat Function Code $8B 
-*          Allocates and maps high res screen 
-*          into application address space
-* entry:
-*       a -> path number 
-*       b -> function code $8B (SS.AScrn)
-*       x -> screen type 
-*            0 = 640 x 192 x 2 colors (16K)
-*            1 = 320 x 192 x 4 colors (16K)
-*            2 = 160 x 192 x 16 colors (16K)
-*            3 = 640 x 192 x 4 colors (32K)
-*            4 = 320 x 192 x 16 colors (32K)
-* exit:
-*       x -> application address space of screen
-*       y -> screen number (1-3)
-* error:
-*       CC -> Carry set on error
-*       b  -> error code (if any)
-*  Call use VDGINT allocates high res graphics for use with screens 
-*  updated by the process, does not clear the screens only allocates
-*  See OS-9 Technical Reference 8-142 for more details
-L026B    leas  -$04,s       mamke room om stack 2 words
-         lda   #$01         Std out
-         ldb   #SS.AScrn    Allocate & map in hi-res screen (VDGINT)
-         ldx   #$0004       320x192x16 screen
-         os9   I$SetStt     Map it in
-         bcs   L02E6        Error, Restore stack & exit
-         tfr   y,d          Move screen # returned to D
-*         stb   >$0174      Save screen #
-         stb   scr174       Save screen #
-* call with application address of screen in x
-* returns with values in u
-         lbsr  L03B6        twiddle addresses
-         stu   <u0004       stow it two places
-         stu   <u0014
-         leax  >$4000,x     end address ???
-         lbsr  L03B6        twiddle addresses
-         stu   <u0006       stow it in two places
-         stu   <u0016
-* TFM for 6309
-         ldu   #$D800       Clear hi-res screen to color 0
-         ldx   #$7800       Screen is from $6000 to $D800
-         ldd   #$0000       (U will end up pointing to beginning of screen)
-L0299    std   ,--u         writes 0000 to screen address and decrements
-         leax  -2,x         decrement x loop counter
-         bne   L0299        keep going till all of screen is cleared
-*  Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
-*  SetStat Function Code $8C
-* entry:
-*       a -> path number 
-*       b -> function code $8C (SS.DScrn)
-*       y -> screen numbe
-*            0 = text screen (32 x 16)
-*            1-3 = high resolution screen
-* error:
-*       CC -> Carry set on error
-*       b  -> error code (if any)
-         clra               Get screen # to display
-         ldb   scr174
-         tfr   d,y          Y=screen # to display
-         lda   #StdOut      $01  Std out path
-         ldb   #SS.DScrn    Display 320x192x16 screen
-         os9   I$SetStt     make the call
-         bcs   L02E6
-         leax  >L00E2,pc   values initialized to is $000C
-         ldb   >$0553      monitor type
-         lda   #$10
-         mul
-         abx               add b to x and stow at x
-* This loads up the control sequence to set the pallete 1B 31 PRN CTN
-*  PRN palette register 0 - 15, CTN color table 0 - 63
-         lda   #$1B      Escape code
-         sta   ,s        push on stack
-         lda   #$31      Palette code
-         sta   $01,s     push on stack
-         clra            make a zero palette reg value
-         sta   $02,s     push it `
-         ldy   #$0004    sets up # of bytes to write
-L02C8    ldb   ,x+       get value computed above for color table and bump it
-         stb   $03,s     push it
-         pshs  x         save it
-         lda   #StdOut   $01      Std Out path
-         leax  $02,s     start of data to write
-         os9   I$Write   write it
-         bcs   L02E6     error during write clean up stack and leave
-         puls  x         retrieve our x
-         inc   $02,s     this is our palette register value
-         lda   $02,s     we bumped it by one 
-         cmpa  #$10      we loop 15 times to set them all
-         bcs   L02C8     loop
-         clr   <u0045    clear a flag in memory
-         lbsr  L02E9     go disable keyboard interrupts
-L02E6    leas  $04,s     clean up stack
-         rts             return
-*  Raw disassembly of following section
-*L02E9    leas  <-$20,s
-*         lda   #$00
-*         ldb   #$00
-*         leax  ,s
-*         os9   I$GetStt 
-*         bcs   L0332
-*         lda   >L0115,pcr
-*         ldb   $04,x
-*         sta   $04,x
-*         stb   >L0115,pcr
-*         lda   >L0116,pcr
-*         ldb   $0C,x
-*         sta   $0C,x
-*         stb   >L0116,pcr
-*         lda   >L0117,pcr
-*         ldb   <$10,x
-*         sta   <$10,x
-*         stb   >L0117,pcr
-*         lda   >L0118,pcr
-*         ldb   <$11,x
-*         sta   <$11,x
-*         stb   >L0118,pcr
-*         lda   #$00
-*         ldb   #$00
-*         os9   I$SetStt 
-*L0332    leas  <$20,s
-*         rts   
-* Kills the echo, eof, int and quit signals
-*  get current options packet
-*  GetStat Function Code $00 
-*          Reads the options section of the path descriptor and
-*          copies it into the 32 byte area pointed to by reg X`
-* entry:
-*       a -> path number 
-*       b -> function code $00 (SS.OPT)
-*       x -> address to recieve status packet
-* error:
-*       CC -> Carry set on error
-*       b  -> error code (if any)
-L02E9    leas  <-$20,s           Make temp buffer to hold PD.OPT data
-         lda   #StdIn            $00 Get 32 byte PD.OPT from Std In
-         ldb   #SS.OPT           $00
-         leax  ,s                point to our temp buffer
-         os9   I$GetStt          make the call
-         bcs   L0332             error goto exit sub
-* NOTE: make sure following lines assemble into 5 bit, not 8 bit
-*       These appear to be loading the  echo EOF, INT and QUIT with 
-*       null values and saving the original ones back to vars
-*       since L0115 - L0118 were initialized with $00
-         lda   >L0115,pc
-         ldb   PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x   Get echo option
-         sta   PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x   change echo option no echo
-         stb   >L0115,pc         Save original echo option
-         lda   >L0116,pc
-         ldb   PD.EOF-PD.OPT,x   Change EOF char 
-         sta   PD.EOF-PD.OPT,x
-         stb   >L0116,pc
-         lda   >L0117,pc
-         ldb   <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x  Change INTerrupt char (normally CTRL-C)
-         sta   <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x
-         stb   >L0117,pc
-         lda   >L0118,pc
-         ldb   <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x  Change QUIT char (normally CTRL-E)
-         sta   <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x
-         stb   >L0118,pc
-*  set current options packet
-*  SetStat Function Code $00 
-*          Writes the options section of the path descriptor 
-*          from the 32 byte area pointed to by reg X`
-* entry:
-*       a -> path number 
-*       b -> function code $00 (SS.OPT)
-*       x -> address holding the status packet
-* error:
-*       CC -> Carry set on error
-*       b  -> error code (if any)
-*                                x is still pointing to our temp buff
-         lda   #StdIn            $00 Set VDG screen to new options
-         ldb   #SS.OPT           $00
-         os9   I$SetStt          set them to be our new values
-L0332    leas  <$20,s            Eat temp stack & return
-         rts   
-* raw disassembly
-*L0336    leas  -$02,s
-*         tst   >$0174
-*         beq   L036D
-*         lbsr  L02E9
-*         bcs   L036D
-**         lda   #$1B
-*         sta   ,s
-*         lda   #$30
-*         sta   $01,s
-*         ldy   #$0002
-*         lda   #$01
-*         leax  ,s
-*         os9   I$Write  
-*         bcs   L036D
-*         ldb   #$8C
-*         ldy   #$0000
-*         os9   I$SetStt 
-*         clra  
-*         ldb   >$0174
-*         tfr   d,y
-*         lda   #$01
-*         ldb   #$8D
-*         os9   I$SetStt 
-*L036D    leas  $02,s
-*         rts   
-*  Return the screen to default text sreen and its values
-*  deallocate and free memory of high res screen created
-L0336    leas  -2,s         Make temp buffer to hold write data
-*         tst   >$0174       Any hi-res screen # allocated?
-         tst   scr174       Any hi-res screen # allocated?
-         beq   L036D        No, restore stack & return
-         lbsr  L02E9        go change the echo,eof,int and quit settings
-         bcs   L036D        had an error restore stack and return
-         lda   #$1B         Setup DefColr sequence in temp buffer
-         sta   ,s
-         lda   #$30         Sets palettes back to default color
-         sta   1,s
-         ldy   #$0002       number of bytes to write 
-         lda   #StdOut      path to write to $01
-         leax  ,s           point x a buffer
-         os9   I$Write      write
-         bcs   L036D        we have an error clean stack and leave
-*  Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
-*  SetStat Function Code $8C
-* entry:
-*       a -> path number 
-*       b -> function code $8C (SS.DScrn)
-*       y -> screen numbe
-*            0 = text screen (32 x 16)
-*            1-3 = high resolution screen
-* error:
-*       CC -> Carry set on error
-*       b  -> error code (if any)
-*                           a is still set to stdout from above
-         ldb   #SS.DScrn   Display screen function code
-         ldy   #$0000      Display screen #0 (lo-res or 32x16 text)
-         os9   I$SetStt    make the call
-*  Frees the memory of a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
-*  SetStat Function Code $8C
-* entry:
-*       a -> path number 
-*       b -> function code $8D (SS.FScrn)
-*       y -> screen number 1-3 = high resolution screen
-* error:
-*       CC -> Carry set on error
-*       b  -> error code (if any)
-         clra               clear high byte
-         ldb   scr174       Get hi-res screen # again
-         tfr   d,y          move it to Y=screen #
-         lda   #StdOut      set the path $01
-         ldb   #SS.FSCrn    Return screen memory to system
-         os9   I$SetStt     amke the call
-L036D    leas  2,s          Eat stack & return
-         rts   
-*  Unload the other modules
-L0370    leax  >L0106,pcr    shdw name string
-         lda   #Prgrm+Objct  #$11        module type
-         lbsr  L040B         unload it
-         leax  >L010B,pcr    scrn name string
-         lbsr  L040B         unload it
-         leax  >L0110,pcr    mnln name string
-         lbsr  L040B         unload it 
-         rts   
-*L0388    orcc  #$50
-*         lda   <u0042
-*         sta   >$FFA9
-*         ldx   <u0043
-*         ldd   >L0104,pcr
-*         std   $01,x
-*         stb   >$FFAA
-*         ldd   >L0102,pcr
-*         std   -$01,x
-*         stb   >$FFA9
-*         andcc #$AF
-*         clra  
-*         ldb   >L0119,pcr
-*         andb  #$03
-*         tfr   d,x
-*         lda   #$01
-*         ldb   #$92
-*         os9   I$SetStt 
-*         rts   
-*L03B6    tfr   x,d
-*         exg   a,b
-*         lsrb  
-*         lsrb  
-*         lsrb  
-*         lsrb  
-*         lsrb  
-*         pshs  b
-*         ldu   #$FFA8
-*         lda   b,u
-*         incb  
-*         andb  #$07
-*         ldb   b,u
-*         tfr   d,u
-*         puls  a
-*         rts   
-* Restore original MMU block numbers
-L0388    orcc  #IntMasks    Shut off interrupts
-         lda   <u0042       get MMU Block #
-         sta   >$FFA9       Restore original block 0 onto MMU
-         ldx   <u0043
-         ldd   >L0104,pc    Origanl 3rd block of MMU
-         std   1,x
-         stb   >$FFAA       Restore original block 1 onto MMU
-         ldd   >L0102,pc    Original 2nd block of MMU
-         std   -1,x
-         stb   >$FFA9       Restore block 0 again
-         andcc #^IntMasks   Turn interrupts back on
-*  return monitor type to original value
-         clra  
-         ldb   >L0119,pc    Get original monitor type
-         andb  #$03         Force to only legit values
-         tfr   d,x          Move to proper register
-         lda   #StdOut      set path $01
-         ldb   #SS.Montr    Restore original monitor type
-         os9   I$SetStt     make the call
-         rts   
-* twiddles address 
-* called with value to be twiddled in X
-* returns block # in a 
-*         ?????   in u
-L03B6    tfr   x,d          Move address to D
-         exg   a,b          Swap MSB/LSB
-         lsrb               Divide MSB by 32 (calculate 8k block # in proc map)
-         lsrb  
-         lsrb  
-         lsrb  
-         lsrb  
-         pshs  b            Save block # in process map
-         ldu   #$FFA8       Point to start of user DAT image
-         lda   b,u
-         incb  
-         andb  #$07
-         ldb   b,u
-         tfr   d,u
-         puls  a
-         rts   
-*  Called from  within sub at L0229
-*  entry:
-*	x -> is loaded with the address of the name string to load
-*       u -> contains some arbitrary value
-L03D0    leas  -$08,s       Make a little scratch on the stack
-         stu   ,s           pointer to our buffer
-* Loads one or more modules from a file but does not map the module
-* into user's address space F$NMLoad
-* entry:
-*      a -> type/language byte
-*      x -> address of the path list
-*           with out path list default path is current execution dir
-* exit:
-*      a -> type/language
-*      b -> module revision
-*      x -> address of the last byte in the pathlist + 1
-*      y -> storageb requirements of the module
-* error:
-*      b  -> error code if any
-*      cc -> carry set on error
-         stx   $02,s        pointer module name
-         lda   #Prgrm+Objct $11      module type
-         os9   F$NMLoad     Load it but don't map it in
-         bcs   L0408        exit on error
-* Links to a memory module that has the specified name, language and type
-* entry:
-*      a -> type/language byte
-*      x -> address of the module name
-* exit:
-*      a -> type/language
-*      b -> attributes/module revision
-*      x -> address of the last byte in the modulename + 1
-*      y -> module entry point absolute address
-*      u -> module header abosolute address
-* error:
-*     cc -> set on error
-         ldx   $02,s        get our name string again
-         os9   F$Link       link it
-         bcs   L0408        exit on error
-         stu   $06,s        store module header address
-         tfr   u,x
-L03E8    stx   $04,s
-         lbsr  L03B6        Go twiddle with address`
-         ldx   ,s
-         leax  a,x
-         exg   d,u
-         sta   ,x
-         exg   d,u
-         cmpa  #$06
-         beq   L0403
-         ldx   $04,s
-         leax  >$2000,x
-         bra   L03E8
-L0403    ldu   $06,s
-         os9   F$UnLink 
-L0408    leas  $08,s
-         rts   
-L040B    os9   F$UnLoad  Unlink a module by name
-         bcc   L040B
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-L0412    fcc   '/VI'
-L0415    fcb   C$CR
-L0416    fdb   $0000  address of the device table entry
-L0418    fcb   $00    path number to device
-*   subroutine entry is L0419 
-*   sets up Sig Intercept 
-*   verifies /VI device is loaded links to it 
-*   and allocates ram for it
-*   called from dispatch table around L0120
-* Set signal intercept trap
-*  entry: 
-*        x -> address of intercept routine
-*        u -> starting adress of routines memory area
-*  exit:
-*       Signals sent to the process cause the intercept to be
-*       called instead of the process being killed
-L0419    ldu   #$0000     start of Sierra memory area
-         ldx   #int5EE    Intercept rourtine copied to mem area
-         os9   F$Icpt     install the trap
-* Attach to the vrt memory descriptor
-* Attaches and verifies loaded the VI descriptor
-* entry:
-*      a -> access mode
-*          0 = use any special device capabilities
-*          1 = read only
-*          2 = write only
-*          3 = update (read and write)
-*      x -> address of device name string
-* exit:
-*      x -> updated past device name
-*      u -> address of device table entry
-* error:
-*      b  -> error code (if any)
-*      cc -> carry set on error
-         lda   #$01          attach for read
-         leax  >L0412+1,pcr  skip the slash Load VI only
-         os9   I$Attach      make the call
-         bcs   L0451         didn't work exit
-         stu   >L0416,pcr    did work save address 
-* Open a path to the device /VI
-* entry:
-*       a -> access mode (D S PE PW PR E W R)
-*       x -> address of the path list
-* exit:
-*       a -> path number
-*       x -> address of the last byte if the pathlist + 1
-* error:
-*       b  -> error code(if any)
-*       cc -> carry set on error
-*                            a still contains $01 read
-         leax  >L0412,pcr    load with device name including /
-         os9   I$Open        make the call
-         bcs   L0451         didn't work exit
-         sta   >L0418,pcr    did work save path #
-* Allocate process+path RAM blocks
-         ldb   #SS.ARAM      $CA function code for VIRQ
-         ldx   #$000C
-         os9   I$SetStt      make the call
-         bcs   L0451
-         pshs  x
-* Set process+path VIRQ KQ3
-         ldb   #SS.KSet     $C8 function code for VIRQ
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         puls  b,a
-L0451    rts   
-* Signal Intercept processing gets copied to int5EE mem slot
-L0452    cmpb  #$80     b gets the signal code if not $80 ignore
-         bne   L0464    $80 is user defined
-         tfr   u,d
-         tfr   a,dp
-         dec   <u004A
-         bne   L0464
-         bsr   L0465
-         lda   #$03
-         sta   <u004A
-L0464    rti   
-L0465    inc   >u024C,u
-         bne   L047B
-         inc   >u024B,u
-         bne   L047B
-         inc   >u024A,u
-         bne   L047B
-         inc   >u0249,u
-L047B    tst   >u0102,u
-         bne   L04BC
-         inc   <u003F
-         bne   L0487
-         inc   <u003E
-L0487    ldd   <u0048
-         addd  #$0001
-         std   <u0048
-         cmpd  #$0014
-         bcs   L04BC
-         subd  #$0014
-         std   <u0048
-         ldd   #$003C
-         leax  >u043D,u
-         inc   ,x
-         cmpb  ,x
-         bhi   L04BC
-         sta   ,x+
-         inc   ,x
-         cmpb  ,x
-         bhi   L04BC
-         sta   ,x+
-         inc   ,x
-         ldb   #$18
-         cmpb  ,x
-         bhi   L04BC
-         sta   ,x+
-         inc   ,x
-L04BC    rts   
-* deallocates the VIRQ device
-L04BD    lda   >L0418,pcr  load path number to /VI device
-         beq   L04D0       no path open check for device table addr
-         ldb   #SS.KClr    $C9 Clear KQ3 VIRQ       
-         os9   I$SetStt    make the call
-         ldb   #SS.DRAM    $CB deallocate the ram    
-         os9   I$SetStt    make the call
-         os9   I$Close     close the path to /VI
-L04D0    ldu   >L0416,pcr  load device table address for VI
-         beq   L04D9       don't have one leave now
-         os9   I$Detach    else detach it
-L04D9    rts   
-*  Twiddles with MMU blocks for us
-*  This sub gets copied into $0659 and executed there from this and
-*  the other modules this one loads (sub659)
-*  s and x loaded by calling routine
-L04DA    ldd   ,s++       load d with current stack pointer and bump it
-*                         from mnln we come in with $4040
-         std   <u002A     save the calling stack pointer in u002A
-         orcc  #IntMasks  mask the interrupts
-         lda   <u0042
-         sta   ,x                                     x is loaded with value from u0028 in mnln
-         sta   >$FFA9  task 1 block 2 x2000 - x3FFF
-         ldu   <u0043
-         lda   $06,x
-         sta   u000C,u
-         sta   >$FFAF  task 1 block 8 xE000 - xFFFF
-         lda   $05,x
-         sta   u000A,u
-         sta   >$FFAE  task 1 block 7 xC000 - xDFFF
-         lda   $04,x
-         sta   u0008,u
-         sta   >$FFAD  task 1 block 6 xA000 - xBFFF
-         lda   $03,x
-         sta   u0006,u
-         sta   >$FFAC  task 1 block 5 x8000 - x9FFF
-         lda   $02,x
-         sta   u0004,u
-         sta   >$FFAB  task 1 block 4 x6000 - x7FFF
-         andcc #^IntMasks   unmask interrupts  
-         lda   $07,x
-         ldu   <u002E
-         adda  u000A,u
-         jsr   a,u
-         orcc  #IntMasks
-         lda   <u0042
-         sta   >$FFA9
-         ldu   <u0043
-         lda   <u0010
-         sta   u000C,u
-         sta   >$FFAF
-         lda   <u000F
-         sta   u000A,u
-         sta   >$FFAE
-         lda   <u000E
-         sta   u0008,u
-         sta   >$FFAD
-         lda   <u000D
-         sta   u0006,u
-         sta   >$FFAC
-         lda   <u000B
-         sta   u0002,u
-         sta   >$FFAA
-         lda   <u000A
-         sta   ,u
-         sta   >$FFA9
-         andcc #^IntMasks
-         jmp   [>$002A]
-L054F    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
-L0557    fcb   $73,$69,$65,$72,$72,$61,$00       sierra.
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
+* SIERRA - Kings Quest III set up module
+* $Id$
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+*   0    Disassembly of original distribution and       PWZ 03/01/31
+*        merged in comments from disasm dated 1992
+*   1    Monitor type bug now fixed                     BGP 03/03/10
+*Monitor defs
+COMP    equ   0
+RGB     equ   1
+MONO    equ   2
+* I/O path definitions
+StdIn    equ   0
+StdOut   equ   1
+StdErr   equ   2
+         nam   sierra
+         ttl   program module       
+* Disassembled 03/01/29 23:22:42 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         use   scfdefs
+         endc
+tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $01
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+         org   0
+u0000    rmb   2   holds size of data area
+u0002    rmb   1   MMU block # mapped into block #2 -org
+u0003    rmb   1   MMU block # mapped into block #3 -org
+u0004    rmb   2   Hi res screen start address
+u0006    rmb   2   Hi res screen end address  ?????
+u0008    rmb   1   disasm as u0008 rmb 2
+u0009    rmb   1   MMU Block # SIERRA is in  -org
+u000A    rmb   1   double byte MMU Task 1 block 1   
+u000B    rmb   1   value actually resides here
+u000C    rmb   1
+u000D    rmb   1
+u000E    rmb   1
+u000F    rmb   1
+u0010    rmb   1
+u0011    rmb   3
+u0014    rmb   2   Hi res screen start address
+u0016    rmb   2   Hi res screen end address ???
+u0017    rmb   4
+u001C    rmb   2
+u001E    rmb   4
+u0022    rmb   1
+u0023    rmb   1
+u0024    rmb   2   mnln remap value holder
+u0026    rmb   2   scrn remap value holder
+u0028    rmb   2   shdw remap value holder
+u002A    rmb   2   saves stack pointer of caller to sub659
+u002C    rmb   2
+u002E    rmb   16
+u003E    rmb   1
+u003F    rmb   2
+u0041    rmb   1
+u0042    rmb   1   MMU Block # of SIERRA's dsc.
+u0043    rmb   2
+u0045    rmb   1   flag after color table sets
+u0046    rmb   2
+u0048    rmb   2
+u004A    rmb   5
+u004F    rmb   4
+u0053    rmb   2   
+u0055    rmb   10
+u005F    rmb   163
+*u0102   rmb   327  ---disassembly
+u0102    rmb  113
+mtf173   rmb   1    multitasking flag
+scr174   rmb   1    screen number?
+x01076   rmb   212 
+u0249    rmb   1
+u024A    rmb   1
+u024B    rmb   1
+u024C    rmb   497
+*u043D   rmb   7106 ---disassembly
+u043D    rmb   245
+u0532    rmb   16   vol_handle_table (pointer to file structures)
+u0542    rmb   15  
+u0551    rmb   2    given_pic_data (pointer)
+u0553    rmb   1    monitor type V26_MONITORTYPE
+u0554    rmb   154
+int5EE   rmb   107  Signal Intercept routine from 452 - 4BD
+sub659   rmb   116  Slot to hold subroutine for others uses at 4DA - 54F
+u0xxx    rmb   6450
+size     equ   .
+name     equ   *
+         fcs   /sierra/
+         fcb   $01 
+start    equ   *
+L0014   lbra L007D  branch to entry process params
+L0017   lbra L00DB  branch to clean up routines
+*                   Multi-tasking flag (0=No multitask, 1=multitask) 
+L001A    fcb   $00  we store a value here
+*                   the "old self modifying code" trick
+* Text strings think this was probably an Info thing
+L001B    fcc   'AGI (c) copyright 1988 SIERRA On-Line'
+         fcc   'CoCo3 version by Chris Iden'
+         fcb   $00
+Infosz   equ   *-L001B
+* Useage text string
+L005C    fcc   'Usage: Sierra -Rgb -Multitasking'
+         fcb   C$CR
+Usgsz    equ   *-L005C
+L007D    tfr   s,d     save stack ptr / start of param ptr into d
+         subd  #$04FF     start of stack/end of data mem ptr
+         std   <u0000     store this value in user var
+         bsr   L009C      branch to input processer routine
+L0086    lbsr  L011A      relay call to L0140
+L0089    ldd   <u0000     load the data pointer
+         beq   L00DF      if it is zero we have a problem
+         ldd   >$FFA9     ??? MMU task 1 block 1 ???
+         std   <u000A     save the task 1 block one value
+         lda   #$00       clear a to zero 
+         sta   <u0011     save that value
+         ldx   <u0024     set up to jump to mnln and go for it
+         jsr   sub659     code at L04DA plays with mmu blocks
+         rts   
+* Process any command line args
+* See F$Fork description 8-15 for entry conditions
+L009C    lda   ,x+         get next char after name string
+         cmpa  #C$CR       is it a CR?
+         beq   L00DA       yes exit from routine
+         cmpa  #$2D        is it a dash '-
+         bne   L009C       not a dash go look again
+         lda   ,x+         was as dash get the next char
+         ora   #$20        apply mask to lower case
+         cmpa  #$72        is it a 'r ?
+         beq   L00C2       yep go set up for RGB monitor
+         cmpa  #$6D        is it an 'm ? 
+         beq   L00D2       if so go store a flag and continue
+*  We've found something other than Mm or Rr after a dash
+*  write usage message and Exit program
+         lda   #StdOut     load path std out
+         leax  >L005C,pcr  load address of message
+         ldy   #Usgsz      $0021  load the size of the message
+         os9   I$WritLn    write it
+         clrb              clear the error code (unneeded branch to L00DE) 
+         bra   L00DF       and branch to exit!
+* found a "-r"
+L00C2    pshs  x           save x-reg since set stat call uses it
+         lda   #StdOut     $01  set the path number
+         ldb   #SS.Montr   code #$92 sets the monitor type
+         ldx   #RGB        monitor type code $0001
+         os9   I$SetStt    set it up
+         puls  x           fetch our x back assumes call doesn't fail
+         bra   L009C       go process the rest of the parms
+* found an "-m"
+L00D2    lda   #$01        we have found a -m and load a flag
+         sta   >L001A,pcr  and stow it in our code area  (SELF MODIFYING)
+         bra   L009C       check for next param
+L00DA    rts               return
+*  This is just a relay call to L0336
+L00DB    lbsr  L0133
+L00DE    clrb              NOBODY USES ME ? 
+L00DF    os9   F$Exit      time to check out
+* disassembler had a little problem here
+L00E2    fdb   $000C  another prog internal var  
+* Are these all data bytes of some kind ???
+* quirky assemblage of bytes
+L00E4    fcb   $02,$2E,$06,$09,$04,$20,$10,$1B
+         fcb   $11,$3D,$17,$29,$33,$3F,$00,$08
+         fcb   $14,$18,$20,$28,$22,$38,$07,$0B
+         fcb   $16,$1F,$27,$2D,$37,$3F
+* The disassembly gets confused here with text and the nulls
+*  according to the partial disassembly I recieved these hold
+*  Original MMU block image of second and third blocks of SIERRA  
+L0102    fdb   $0000 Orig MMU block image of 2nd blk of sierra
+L0104    fdb   $0000 Orig MMU block image of 3nd blk of sierra
+* Name strings of other modules to load.
+L0106    fcc   'Shdw'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L010B    fcc   'Scrn'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L0110    fcc   'MnLn'
+         fcb   C$CR
+* Internal variables for self modifying code
+L0115    fcb   $00  Echo
+L0116    fcb   $00  EOF
+L0117    fcb   $00  INTerupt
+L0118    fcb   $00  Quit
+L0119    fcb   $00  Monitor type Coco set to when Sierra ran
+* L011A called by L0086
+L011A    lbsr  L0140  Clears data area, sets up vars and saves montype
+         lbsr  L01AF  Change our process image to dupe block 0 to 1-2
+L0120    lbsr  L01FA  copies two subs to data area so others can use them
+         lbsr  L0419  load intercept routine and open /VI and allocate Ram
+         bcs   L0139  if errors occured  close VIRQ device
+         lbsr  L0229  NMLoads the three other modules and sets up vals
+         bcs   L0136  problems then unload them
+         lbsr  L026B  go set up screens
+         bcs   L0133  problems deallocate them
+         rts   
+* clean up and shut down
+L0133    lbsr  L0336  go deallocate hi res screens 
+L0136    lbsr  L0370  unloads the three other modules
+L0139    lbsr  L04BD  Close VIRQ device
+         lbsr  L0388  restore the MMU blocks
+         rts   
+* at this point u0000 contains the value of s on entry minus $04FF
+* which should be the size of our initialized data
+* so we don't over write it but clear the rest of the data area
+L0140    ldx   #$0002 Init data area from 2-end with 0's
+         ldd   #$0000
+L0146    std   ,x++
+         cmpx  <u0000  should have the value $04FF
+         bcs   L0146   appears this zeros out memory somewhere
+* initialize some variables
+         lda   >L001A,pcr  multitasking flag from startup parms
+         sta   mtf173      >$0173       store it
+         ldd   #$06CE   why twice
+         std   <u0053
+         std   <u0055
+         lda   #$5C
+         sta   >$0101
+         lda   #$17
+         sta   >$01D8
+         lda   #$0F
+         sta   >$023F
+         ldd   #$0000
+         std   <u004F
+*  get current montype
+*  GetStat Function Code $92 
+*          Allocates and maps high res screen 
+*          into application address space
+* entry:
+*       a -> path number 
+*       b -> function code $92 (SS.Montr)
+* exit:
+*       x -> monitor type
+* error:
+*       CC -> Carry set on error
+*       b  -> error code (if any)
+         lda   #StdOut     $01 path number
+         ldb   #SS.Montr   monitor type code (not listed for getstat $92  
+         os9   I$GetStt    make the call
+         tfr   x,d         save in d appears he expects montype returned
+         stb   >L0119,pcr  trim it to a byte and save it 
+         andb  #$01        mask out mono type only RGB or COMP
+         stb   >$0553      save that value off 
+*  set current montype
+*  SetStat Function Code $92 
+*          Allocates and maps high res screen 
+*          into application address space
+* entry:
+*       a -> path number 
+*       b -> function code $92 (SS.Montr)
+*       x -> momitor type
+*            0 = color composite
+*            1 = analog RGB
+*            2 = monochrome composite
+* error:
+*       CC -> Carry set on error
+*       b  -> error code (if any)
+         ldx   #RGB        $0001 set type to RGB again as in L00C2
+         lda   #StdOut     $01 set the path
+         ldb   #SS.Montr   Monitor type code $92
+         os9   I$SetStt    make the call
+* initialize more variables
+         lda   #$32
+         sta   >$0246
+         ldd   #$6000   This is the start of high res screen memory
+         std   <u0046
+         lda   #$15
+         sta   >$0248
+         lda   #$FF   Init 15 bytes at u0532 to $FF 
+         ldb   #$0F
+         ldx   #$0532
+         bsr   L01A3
+         rts   
+* Fill routine-one byte pattern
+* Entry: A=Byte to fill with
+*        B=# bytes to fill
+*        X=Start address of fill
+L01A3    sta   ,x+
+         decb  
+         bne   L01A3
+         rts   
+* Fill routine-two byte pattern
+* Entry: U=2-Byte pattern to fill with
+*        B=# bytes to fill
+*        X=Start address of fill
+*                                     NO BODY CALLS HERE ??
+L01A9    stu   ,x++
+         decb  
+         bne   L01A9
+         rts   
+*  Raw disassembly of followin code
+*L01AF    orcc  #$50
+*         ldx   #$0002
+*         stx   <u0022
+*         lda   >$FFAF
+*         sta   <u0008
+*         clr   >$FFA9
+*         ldd   >$2050
+*         anda  #$1F
+*         addd  #$2043
+*         std   <u0043
+*         ldb   >$2050
+*         andb  #$E0
+*         lsrb  
+*         lsrb  
+*         lsrb  
+*         lsrb  
+*         lsrb  
+*         ldx   #$FFA0
+*         lda   b,x
+*         sta   <u0042
+*         sta   >$FFA9
+*         ldx   <u0043
+*         ldd   -$01,x
+*         std   >L0102,pcr
+*         ldd   $01,x
+*         std   >L0104,pcr
+*         ldd   -$03,x
+*         std   -$01,x
+*         std   $01,x
+*         tfr   b,a
+*         std   >$FFA9
+*         std   <u0002
+*         andcc #$AF
+*         rts   
+* Change our process map: 
+*         Blocks 1-2 become duplicates of block 0 (data area... 
+*         changes actual MMU regs themselves & 
+*         changes them in our process descriptor
+L01AF    orcc  #IntMasks    Shut interrupts off
+         ldx   #$0002       ???
+         stx   <u0022
+*        As per above NOTE, should postpone this until we have DAT image 
+*        available for Sierra process
+         lda   >$FFAF         Get MMU block # SIERRA is in
+         sta   <u0008         Save it
+         clr   >$FFA9         Map system block 0 into $2000-$3FFF
+         ldd   >D.Proc+$2000  Get SIERRA's process dsc. ptr
+         anda  #$1F           Keep non-MMU dependent address
+         addd  #$2000+P$DATImg+3  Set up ptr for what we want out of it
+         std   <u0043             Save it
+         ldb   >D.Proc+$2000      Get MSB of SIERRA's process dsc. ptr
+         andb  #$E0               Calculate which 8K block within 
+*                                 system task it's in
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         ldx   #$FFA0       Point to base of System task DAT register set block 0 task 0
+         lda   b,x          Get block # that has process desc. for SIERRA
+         sta   <u0042       Save it
+         sta   >$FFA9       Map in block with process dsc. to $2000-$3FFF
+         ldx   <u0043       Get offset to 2nd 8K block in DAT map for SIERRA
+         ldd   -1,x         Get MMU block # of current 2nd 8k block in SIERRA
+         std   >L0102,pc    Save it
+         ldd   1,x          Get MMU block # of current 3rd 8k block in SIERRA
+         std   >L0104,pc    Save it
+         ldd   -3,x         Get data area block 3 from sierra (1st block)
+         std   -1,x         Move 8k data area to 2nd block
+         std   1,x          And to 3rd block
+         tfr   b,a          D=Raw MMU block # for both
+         std   >$FFA9       Map data area block into both blocks 2&3
+         std   <u0002       Save both block #'s
+         andcc #^IntMasks   Turn interrupts back on
+         rts   
+* load first routine
+L01FA    leas  -2,s         Make 2 word buffer on stack
+         leax  >L054F,pc    Point to end of routine
+         stx   ,s           Save ptr
+         leax  >L04DA,pc    Point to routine
+*         ldu   #$0659      Point to place in data area to copy it
+         ldu   #sub659
+L0209    lda   ,x+          Copy routine
+         sta   ,u+
+         cmpx  ,s           Done whole routine yet?
+         blo   L0209        No, keep going
+* get next routine interrupt intecept routine
+         leax  >L04BD,pcr   point to end of routine
+         stx   ,s           save pointer
+         leax  >L0452,pcr   point to routine
+         ldu   #int5EE      point to place in data area to copy it
+L021E    lda   ,x+          copy routine
+         sta   ,u+
+         cmpx  ,s           Done whole routine yet?
+         blo   L021E        No, keep going
+         leas  $02,s        clean up stack
+         rts                return
+* Called from dispatch table at L0120
+* The last op in the subroutine before this one
+* was a puls a,b after a puhs x and a setsatt call for process+path to VIRQ
+L0229    tfr   b,a          don't see what's going on here
+         incb  
+         std   <u001C       but we save off a bunch of values
+         addd  #$0202
+         std   <u001E
+         addd  #$0202
+         sta   <u005F
+         std   <u000C
+         std   <u000E
+         ldu   #$001A
+         stu   <u0028       
+         leax  >L0106,pcr   shdw
+         lbsr  L03D0        NMLoads named module
+         bcs   L026A        return on error
+         ldu   #$0012
+         stu   <u0026
+         leax  >L010B,pcr    scrn
+         lbsr  L03D0        NMLoads named module
+         bcs   L026A        return on error
+         ldu   #$000A
+         stu   <u0024
+         leax  >L0110,pcr    mnln
+         lbsr  L03D0        NMLoads named module
+         leau  >$2000,u
+         stu   <u002E
+L026A    rts   
+*  Set up screens 
+*  SetStat Function Code $8B 
+*          Allocates and maps high res screen 
+*          into application address space
+* entry:
+*       a -> path number 
+*       b -> function code $8B (SS.AScrn)
+*       x -> screen type 
+*            0 = 640 x 192 x 2 colors (16K)
+*            1 = 320 x 192 x 4 colors (16K)
+*            2 = 160 x 192 x 16 colors (16K)
+*            3 = 640 x 192 x 4 colors (32K)
+*            4 = 320 x 192 x 16 colors (32K)
+* exit:
+*       x -> application address space of screen
+*       y -> screen number (1-3)
+* error:
+*       CC -> Carry set on error
+*       b  -> error code (if any)
+*  Call use VDGINT allocates high res graphics for use with screens 
+*  updated by the process, does not clear the screens only allocates
+*  See OS-9 Technical Reference 8-142 for more details
+L026B    leas  -$04,s       mamke room om stack 2 words
+         lda   #$01         Std out
+         ldb   #SS.AScrn    Allocate & map in hi-res screen (VDGINT)
+         ldx   #$0004       320x192x16 screen
+         os9   I$SetStt     Map it in
+         bcs   L02E6        Error, Restore stack & exit
+         tfr   y,d          Move screen # returned to D
+*         stb   >$0174      Save screen #
+         stb   scr174       Save screen #
+* call with application address of screen in x
+* returns with values in u
+         lbsr  L03B6        twiddle addresses
+         stu   <u0004       stow it two places
+         stu   <u0014
+         leax  >$4000,x     end address ???
+         lbsr  L03B6        twiddle addresses
+         stu   <u0006       stow it in two places
+         stu   <u0016
+* TFM for 6309
+         ldu   #$D800       Clear hi-res screen to color 0
+         ldx   #$7800       Screen is from $6000 to $D800
+         ldd   #$0000       (U will end up pointing to beginning of screen)
+L0299    std   ,--u         writes 0000 to screen address and decrements
+         leax  -2,x         decrement x loop counter
+         bne   L0299        keep going till all of screen is cleared
+*  Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
+*  SetStat Function Code $8C
+* entry:
+*       a -> path number 
+*       b -> function code $8C (SS.DScrn)
+*       y -> screen numbe
+*            0 = text screen (32 x 16)
+*            1-3 = high resolution screen
+* error:
+*       CC -> Carry set on error
+*       b  -> error code (if any)
+         clra               Get screen # to display
+         ldb   scr174
+         tfr   d,y          Y=screen # to display
+         lda   #StdOut      $01  Std out path
+         ldb   #SS.DScrn    Display 320x192x16 screen
+         os9   I$SetStt     make the call
+         bcs   L02E6
+         leax  >L00E2,pc   values initialized to is $000C
+         ldb   >$0553      monitor type
+         lda   #$10
+         mul
+         abx               add b to x and stow at x
+* This loads up the control sequence to set the pallete 1B 31 PRN CTN
+*  PRN palette register 0 - 15, CTN color table 0 - 63
+         lda   #$1B      Escape code
+         sta   ,s        push on stack
+         lda   #$31      Palette code
+         sta   $01,s     push on stack
+         clra            make a zero palette reg value
+         sta   $02,s     push it `
+         ldy   #$0004    sets up # of bytes to write
+L02C8    ldb   ,x+       get value computed above for color table and bump it
+         stb   $03,s     push it
+         pshs  x         save it
+         lda   #StdOut   $01      Std Out path
+         leax  $02,s     start of data to write
+         os9   I$Write   write it
+         bcs   L02E6     error during write clean up stack and leave
+         puls  x         retrieve our x
+         inc   $02,s     this is our palette register value
+         lda   $02,s     we bumped it by one 
+         cmpa  #$10      we loop 15 times to set them all
+         bcs   L02C8     loop
+         clr   <u0045    clear a flag in memory
+         lbsr  L02E9     go disable keyboard interrupts
+L02E6    leas  $04,s     clean up stack
+         rts             return
+*  Raw disassembly of following section
+*L02E9    leas  <-$20,s
+*         lda   #$00
+*         ldb   #$00
+*         leax  ,s
+*         os9   I$GetStt 
+*         bcs   L0332
+*         lda   >L0115,pcr
+*         ldb   $04,x
+*         sta   $04,x
+*         stb   >L0115,pcr
+*         lda   >L0116,pcr
+*         ldb   $0C,x
+*         sta   $0C,x
+*         stb   >L0116,pcr
+*         lda   >L0117,pcr
+*         ldb   <$10,x
+*         sta   <$10,x
+*         stb   >L0117,pcr
+*         lda   >L0118,pcr
+*         ldb   <$11,x
+*         sta   <$11,x
+*         stb   >L0118,pcr
+*         lda   #$00
+*         ldb   #$00
+*         os9   I$SetStt 
+*L0332    leas  <$20,s
+*         rts   
+* Kills the echo, eof, int and quit signals
+*  get current options packet
+*  GetStat Function Code $00 
+*          Reads the options section of the path descriptor and
+*          copies it into the 32 byte area pointed to by reg X`
+* entry:
+*       a -> path number 
+*       b -> function code $00 (SS.OPT)
+*       x -> address to recieve status packet
+* error:
+*       CC -> Carry set on error
+*       b  -> error code (if any)
+L02E9    leas  <-$20,s           Make temp buffer to hold PD.OPT data
+         lda   #StdIn            $00 Get 32 byte PD.OPT from Std In
+         ldb   #SS.OPT           $00
+         leax  ,s                point to our temp buffer
+         os9   I$GetStt          make the call
+         bcs   L0332             error goto exit sub
+* NOTE: make sure following lines assemble into 5 bit, not 8 bit
+*       These appear to be loading the  echo EOF, INT and QUIT with 
+*       null values and saving the original ones back to vars
+*       since L0115 - L0118 were initialized with $00
+         lda   >L0115,pc
+         ldb   PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x   Get echo option
+         sta   PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x   change echo option no echo
+         stb   >L0115,pc         Save original echo option
+         lda   >L0116,pc
+         ldb   PD.EOF-PD.OPT,x   Change EOF char 
+         sta   PD.EOF-PD.OPT,x
+         stb   >L0116,pc
+         lda   >L0117,pc
+         ldb   <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x  Change INTerrupt char (normally CTRL-C)
+         sta   <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x
+         stb   >L0117,pc
+         lda   >L0118,pc
+         ldb   <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x  Change QUIT char (normally CTRL-E)
+         sta   <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x
+         stb   >L0118,pc
+*  set current options packet
+*  SetStat Function Code $00 
+*          Writes the options section of the path descriptor 
+*          from the 32 byte area pointed to by reg X`
+* entry:
+*       a -> path number 
+*       b -> function code $00 (SS.OPT)
+*       x -> address holding the status packet
+* error:
+*       CC -> Carry set on error
+*       b  -> error code (if any)
+*                                x is still pointing to our temp buff
+         lda   #StdIn            $00 Set VDG screen to new options
+         ldb   #SS.OPT           $00
+         os9   I$SetStt          set them to be our new values
+L0332    leas  <$20,s            Eat temp stack & return
+         rts   
+* raw disassembly
+*L0336    leas  -$02,s
+*         tst   >$0174
+*         beq   L036D
+*         lbsr  L02E9
+*         bcs   L036D
+**         lda   #$1B
+*         sta   ,s
+*         lda   #$30
+*         sta   $01,s
+*         ldy   #$0002
+*         lda   #$01
+*         leax  ,s
+*         os9   I$Write  
+*         bcs   L036D
+*         ldb   #$8C
+*         ldy   #$0000
+*         os9   I$SetStt 
+*         clra  
+*         ldb   >$0174
+*         tfr   d,y
+*         lda   #$01
+*         ldb   #$8D
+*         os9   I$SetStt 
+*L036D    leas  $02,s
+*         rts   
+*  Return the screen to default text sreen and its values
+*  deallocate and free memory of high res screen created
+L0336    leas  -2,s         Make temp buffer to hold write data
+*         tst   >$0174       Any hi-res screen # allocated?
+         tst   scr174       Any hi-res screen # allocated?
+         beq   L036D        No, restore stack & return
+         lbsr  L02E9        go change the echo,eof,int and quit settings
+         bcs   L036D        had an error restore stack and return
+         lda   #$1B         Setup DefColr sequence in temp buffer
+         sta   ,s
+         lda   #$30         Sets palettes back to default color
+         sta   1,s
+         ldy   #$0002       number of bytes to write 
+         lda   #StdOut      path to write to $01
+         leax  ,s           point x a buffer
+         os9   I$Write      write
+         bcs   L036D        we have an error clean stack and leave
+*  Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
+*  SetStat Function Code $8C
+* entry:
+*       a -> path number 
+*       b -> function code $8C (SS.DScrn)
+*       y -> screen numbe
+*            0 = text screen (32 x 16)
+*            1-3 = high resolution screen
+* error:
+*       CC -> Carry set on error
+*       b  -> error code (if any)
+*                           a is still set to stdout from above
+         ldb   #SS.DScrn   Display screen function code
+         ldy   #$0000      Display screen #0 (lo-res or 32x16 text)
+         os9   I$SetStt    make the call
+*  Frees the memory of a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
+*  SetStat Function Code $8C
+* entry:
+*       a -> path number 
+*       b -> function code $8D (SS.FScrn)
+*       y -> screen number 1-3 = high resolution screen
+* error:
+*       CC -> Carry set on error
+*       b  -> error code (if any)
+         clra               clear high byte
+         ldb   scr174       Get hi-res screen # again
+         tfr   d,y          move it to Y=screen #
+         lda   #StdOut      set the path $01
+         ldb   #SS.FSCrn    Return screen memory to system
+         os9   I$SetStt     amke the call
+L036D    leas  2,s          Eat stack & return
+         rts   
+*  Unload the other modules
+L0370    leax  >L0106,pcr    shdw name string
+         lda   #Prgrm+Objct  #$11        module type
+         lbsr  L040B         unload it
+         leax  >L010B,pcr    scrn name string
+         lbsr  L040B         unload it
+         leax  >L0110,pcr    mnln name string
+         lbsr  L040B         unload it 
+         rts   
+*L0388    orcc  #$50
+*         lda   <u0042
+*         sta   >$FFA9
+*         ldx   <u0043
+*         ldd   >L0104,pcr
+*         std   $01,x
+*         stb   >$FFAA
+*         ldd   >L0102,pcr
+*         std   -$01,x
+*         stb   >$FFA9
+*         andcc #$AF
+*         clra  
+*         ldb   >L0119,pcr
+*         andb  #$03
+*         tfr   d,x
+*         lda   #$01
+*         ldb   #$92
+*         os9   I$SetStt 
+*         rts   
+*L03B6    tfr   x,d
+*         exg   a,b
+*         lsrb  
+*         lsrb  
+*         lsrb  
+*         lsrb  
+*         lsrb  
+*         pshs  b
+*         ldu   #$FFA8
+*         lda   b,u
+*         incb  
+*         andb  #$07
+*         ldb   b,u
+*         tfr   d,u
+*         puls  a
+*         rts   
+* Restore original MMU block numbers
+L0388    orcc  #IntMasks    Shut off interrupts
+         lda   <u0042       get MMU Block #
+         sta   >$FFA9       Restore original block 0 onto MMU
+         ldx   <u0043
+         ldd   >L0104,pc    Origanl 3rd block of MMU
+         std   1,x
+         stb   >$FFAA       Restore original block 1 onto MMU
+         ldd   >L0102,pc    Original 2nd block of MMU
+         std   -1,x
+         stb   >$FFA9       Restore block 0 again
+         andcc #^IntMasks   Turn interrupts back on
+*  return monitor type to original value
+         clra  
+         ldb   >L0119,pc    Get original monitor type
+         andb  #$03         Force to only legit values
+         tfr   d,x          Move to proper register
+         lda   #StdOut      set path $01
+         ldb   #SS.Montr    Restore original monitor type
+         os9   I$SetStt     make the call
+         rts   
+* twiddles address 
+* called with value to be twiddled in X
+* returns block # in a 
+*         ?????   in u
+L03B6    tfr   x,d          Move address to D
+         exg   a,b          Swap MSB/LSB
+         lsrb               Divide MSB by 32 (calculate 8k block # in proc map)
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         pshs  b            Save block # in process map
+         ldu   #$FFA8       Point to start of user DAT image
+         lda   b,u
+         incb  
+         andb  #$07
+         ldb   b,u
+         tfr   d,u
+         puls  a
+         rts   
+*  Called from  within sub at L0229
+*  entry:
+*	x -> is loaded with the address of the name string to load
+*       u -> contains some arbitrary value
+L03D0    leas  -$08,s       Make a little scratch on the stack
+         stu   ,s           pointer to our buffer
+* Loads one or more modules from a file but does not map the module
+* into user's address space F$NMLoad
+* entry:
+*      a -> type/language byte
+*      x -> address of the path list
+*           with out path list default path is current execution dir
+* exit:
+*      a -> type/language
+*      b -> module revision
+*      x -> address of the last byte in the pathlist + 1
+*      y -> storageb requirements of the module
+* error:
+*      b  -> error code if any
+*      cc -> carry set on error
+         stx   $02,s        pointer module name
+         lda   #Prgrm+Objct $11      module type
+         os9   F$NMLoad     Load it but don't map it in
+         bcs   L0408        exit on error
+* Links to a memory module that has the specified name, language and type
+* entry:
+*      a -> type/language byte
+*      x -> address of the module name
+* exit:
+*      a -> type/language
+*      b -> attributes/module revision
+*      x -> address of the last byte in the modulename + 1
+*      y -> module entry point absolute address
+*      u -> module header abosolute address
+* error:
+*     cc -> set on error
+         ldx   $02,s        get our name string again
+         os9   F$Link       link it
+         bcs   L0408        exit on error
+         stu   $06,s        store module header address
+         tfr   u,x
+L03E8    stx   $04,s
+         lbsr  L03B6        Go twiddle with address`
+         ldx   ,s
+         leax  a,x
+         exg   d,u
+         sta   ,x
+         exg   d,u
+         cmpa  #$06
+         beq   L0403
+         ldx   $04,s
+         leax  >$2000,x
+         bra   L03E8
+L0403    ldu   $06,s
+         os9   F$UnLink 
+L0408    leas  $08,s
+         rts   
+L040B    os9   F$UnLoad  Unlink a module by name
+         bcc   L040B
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+L0412    fcc   '/VI'
+L0415    fcb   C$CR
+L0416    fdb   $0000  address of the device table entry
+L0418    fcb   $00    path number to device
+*   subroutine entry is L0419 
+*   sets up Sig Intercept 
+*   verifies /VI device is loaded links to it 
+*   and allocates ram for it
+*   called from dispatch table around L0120
+* Set signal intercept trap
+*  entry: 
+*        x -> address of intercept routine
+*        u -> starting adress of routines memory area
+*  exit:
+*       Signals sent to the process cause the intercept to be
+*       called instead of the process being killed
+L0419    ldu   #$0000     start of Sierra memory area
+         ldx   #int5EE    Intercept rourtine copied to mem area
+         os9   F$Icpt     install the trap
+* Attach to the vrt memory descriptor
+* Attaches and verifies loaded the VI descriptor
+* entry:
+*      a -> access mode
+*          0 = use any special device capabilities
+*          1 = read only
+*          2 = write only
+*          3 = update (read and write)
+*      x -> address of device name string
+* exit:
+*      x -> updated past device name
+*      u -> address of device table entry
+* error:
+*      b  -> error code (if any)
+*      cc -> carry set on error
+         lda   #$01          attach for read
+         leax  >L0412+1,pcr  skip the slash Load VI only
+         os9   I$Attach      make the call
+         bcs   L0451         didn't work exit
+         stu   >L0416,pcr    did work save address 
+* Open a path to the device /VI
+* entry:
+*       a -> access mode (D S PE PW PR E W R)
+*       x -> address of the path list
+* exit:
+*       a -> path number
+*       x -> address of the last byte if the pathlist + 1
+* error:
+*       b  -> error code(if any)
+*       cc -> carry set on error
+*                            a still contains $01 read
+         leax  >L0412,pcr    load with device name including /
+         os9   I$Open        make the call
+         bcs   L0451         didn't work exit
+         sta   >L0418,pcr    did work save path #
+* Allocate process+path RAM blocks
+         ldb   #SS.ARAM      $CA function code for VIRQ
+         ldx   #$000C
+         os9   I$SetStt      make the call
+         bcs   L0451
+         pshs  x
+* Set process+path VIRQ KQ3
+         ldb   #SS.KSet     $C8 function code for VIRQ
+         os9   I$SetStt 
+         puls  b,a
+L0451    rts   
+* Signal Intercept processing gets copied to int5EE mem slot
+L0452    cmpb  #$80     b gets the signal code if not $80 ignore
+         bne   L0464    $80 is user defined
+         tfr   u,d
+         tfr   a,dp
+         dec   <u004A
+         bne   L0464
+         bsr   L0465
+         lda   #$03
+         sta   <u004A
+L0464    rti   
+L0465    inc   >u024C,u
+         bne   L047B
+         inc   >u024B,u
+         bne   L047B
+         inc   >u024A,u
+         bne   L047B
+         inc   >u0249,u
+L047B    tst   >u0102,u
+         bne   L04BC
+         inc   <u003F
+         bne   L0487
+         inc   <u003E
+L0487    ldd   <u0048
+         addd  #$0001
+         std   <u0048
+         cmpd  #$0014
+         bcs   L04BC
+         subd  #$0014
+         std   <u0048
+         ldd   #$003C
+         leax  >u043D,u
+         inc   ,x
+         cmpb  ,x
+         bhi   L04BC
+         sta   ,x+
+         inc   ,x
+         cmpb  ,x
+         bhi   L04BC
+         sta   ,x+
+         inc   ,x
+         ldb   #$18
+         cmpb  ,x
+         bhi   L04BC
+         sta   ,x+
+         inc   ,x
+L04BC    rts   
+* deallocates the VIRQ device
+L04BD    lda   >L0418,pcr  load path number to /VI device
+         beq   L04D0       no path open check for device table addr
+         ldb   #SS.KClr    $C9 Clear KQ3 VIRQ       
+         os9   I$SetStt    make the call
+         ldb   #SS.DRAM    $CB deallocate the ram    
+         os9   I$SetStt    make the call
+         os9   I$Close     close the path to /VI
+L04D0    ldu   >L0416,pcr  load device table address for VI
+         beq   L04D9       don't have one leave now
+         os9   I$Detach    else detach it
+L04D9    rts   
+*  Twiddles with MMU blocks for us
+*  This sub gets copied into $0659 and executed there from this and
+*  the other modules this one loads (sub659)
+*  s and x loaded by calling routine
+L04DA    ldd   ,s++       load d with current stack pointer and bump it
+*                         from mnln we come in with $4040
+         std   <u002A     save the calling stack pointer in u002A
+         orcc  #IntMasks  mask the interrupts
+         lda   <u0042
+         sta   ,x         x is loaded with value from u0028 in mnln
+         sta   >$FFA9  task 1 block 2 x2000 - x3FFF
+         ldu   <u0043
+         lda   $06,x
+         sta   u000C,u
+         sta   >$FFAF  task 1 block 8 xE000 - xFFFF
+         lda   $05,x
+         sta   u000A,u
+         sta   >$FFAE  task 1 block 7 xC000 - xDFFF
+         lda   $04,x
+         sta   u0008,u
+         sta   >$FFAD  task 1 block 6 xA000 - xBFFF
+         lda   $03,x
+         sta   u0006,u
+         sta   >$FFAC  task 1 block 5 x8000 - x9FFF
+         lda   $02,x
+         sta   u0004,u
+         sta   >$FFAB  task 1 block 4 x6000 - x7FFF
+         andcc #^IntMasks   unmask interrupts  
+         lda   $07,x
+         ldu   <u002E
+         adda  u000A,u
+         jsr   a,u
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         lda   <u0042
+         sta   >$FFA9
+         ldu   <u0043
+         lda   <u0010
+         sta   u000C,u
+         sta   >$FFAF
+         lda   <u000F
+         sta   u000A,u
+         sta   >$FFAE
+         lda   <u000E
+         sta   u0008,u
+         sta   >$FFAD
+         lda   <u000D
+         sta   u0006,u
+         sta   >$FFAC
+         lda   <u000B
+         sta   u0002,u
+         sta   >$FFAA
+         lda   <u000A
+         sta   ,u
+         sta   >$FFA9
+         andcc #^IntMasks
+         jmp   [>$002A]
+L054F    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
+L0557    fcb   $73,$69,$65,$72,$72,$61,$00       sierra.
+         emod
+eom      equ   *