changeset 860:35aca42e87ce

Added better comments
author boisy
date Thu, 16 Jan 2003 03:06:50 +0000
parents b35fcebc8581
children c952d6b742ae
files level1/cmds/printerr.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/cmds/printerr.asm	Wed Jan 15 02:45:07 2003 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/printerr.asm	Thu Jan 16 03:06:50 2003 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,11 @@
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
          org   0
-datarea  rmb   86
+s.erpath rmb   1
+s.flpath rmb   1
+s.errcod rmb   1
+         rmb   2
+s.buffer rmb   81
 size     equ   .
 name     fcs   /Printerr/
@@ -52,86 +56,86 @@
 FPErr    ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
          lda   P$PATH+2,x	get stderr path
          beq   Exit2		branch if not open
-         leas  <-$56,s		else make room on stack
+         leas  <-size,s		else make room on stack
          ldb   R$B,u		get error code
          leau  ,s		point U to save area
-         sta   ,u		store path
-         stb   2,u		store error code
+         sta   s.erpath,u	store path
+         stb   s.errcod,u	store error code
          bsr   PErrOrg		print error as originally done
          lda   #READ.		read access mode
          leax  >ErrFile,pcr	point to error file
          os9   I$Open		open path to it
-         sta   1,u		save path to file
+         sta   s.flpath,u	save path to file
          bcs   Exit1		branch if error
          bsr   FindErr		attempt to find line that matches error code
          bcs   Close		if error, close file and return to OS-9
          bne   Close
-L0077    bsr   WriteLn		else write line
+NxtLine  bsr   WriteLn		else write line
          bsr   ReadLine		read next line
          bcs   Close		branch if error
          ldb   ,x		get first byte of line just read
          cmpb  #'0		number?
-         bcs   L0077		branch if not
-Close    lda   1,u		get path
+         bcs   NxtLine		branch if not
+Close    lda   s.flpath,u	get path
          os9   I$Close		close path to error file
-Exit1    leas  <$56,s		clean stack
+Exit1    leas  <size,s		clean stack
 Exit2    clrb			clear carry
          rts			and return to OS-9
 FindErr  bsr   ReadLine		read line
-         bcs   L009B		branch if error
-         bsr   L00DE		get error number
+         bcs   FindRts		branch if error
+         bsr   ASC2Byte		get error number
          cmpa  #'0
          bcc   FindErr
-         cmpb  2,u		same as error?
+         cmpb  s.errcod,u	same as error?
          bne   FindErr		branch if not
-L009B    rts
+FindRts  rts
 * read a line from the error file
-ReadLine lda   1,u		get path number of file
-         leax  5,u		point X to buffer
+ReadLine lda   s.flpath,u	get path number of file
+         leax  s.buffer,u	point X to buffer
          ldy   #80		max 80 chars
          os9   I$ReadLn		read line
 PErrOrg  leax  >ErrMsg,pcr	point X to error header
-         leay  5,u		point Y to buffer area
+         leay  s.buffer,u	point Y to buffer area
          lda   ,x+		get byte at X
 CopyLoop sta   ,y+		and store it at Y
          lda   ,x+		get byte...
          bpl   CopyLoop		while hi bit not set in A
-         ldb   2,u		get error number
+         ldb   s.errcod,u	get error number
          lda   #$2F		start out just below '0
-L00BA    inca			increment A
-         subb  #$64		subtract
-         bcc   L00BA		continue if carry clear
+Hundreds inca			increment A
+         subb  #100		subtract
+         bcc   Hundreds		continue if carry clear
          sta   ,y+		else store as character
          lda   #$3A		start out just beyond '9
-L00C3    deca			decrement A
+Tens     deca			decrement A
          addb  #10		add 10 to B
-         bcc   L00C3		continue if carry clear
+         bcc   Tens		continue if carry clear
          sta   ,y+		save A
          tfr   b,a		transfer
          adda  #$30		add '0
          ldb   #C$CR
          std   ,y+
-         leax  5,u		point X at buffer
+         leax  s.buffer,u	point X at buffer
 WriteLn  ldy   #80		max string len
-         lda   ,u		get stderr path
+         lda   s.erpath,u	get stderr path
          os9   I$WritLn		write it out
-L00DE    clrb			clear B
-L00DF    lda   ,x+		get byte from X
+ASC2Byte clrb			clear B
+ASC2BLp  lda   ,x+		get byte from X
          suba  #'0		make 8 bit integer
          cmpa  #$09		compare against 9
-         bhi   L00F0		branch if greater
+         bhi   ASC2BEx		branch if greater
          pshs  a		else save A
          lda   #10		multiply by 10
          mul			do it
          addb  ,s+		add on stack
-         bcc   L00DF		if carry clear, do it again
-L00F0    lda   -1,x		load byte
+         bcc   ASC2BLp		if carry clear, do it again
+ASC2BEx  lda   -1,x		load byte
          rts			return