changeset 1168:3be7fce1a56b

Added Jim Hathaway's MMC booter, made other source changes
author boisy
date Mon, 19 May 2003 11:22:34 +0000
parents a3d0ac951684
children 2ebdea356297
files 3rdparty/booters/boot_ide.asm 3rdparty/booters/boot_mmc.asm 3rdparty/booters/boot_scsi.asm 3rdparty/booters/makefile
diffstat 4 files changed, 399 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/3rdparty/booters/boot_ide.asm	Mon May 19 11:10:57 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/booters/boot_ide.asm	Mon May 19 11:22:34 2003 +0000
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
          bsr   GetSect    load in LSN0, U = buffer start 
          bcs   L00B0
-         ifne  NitrOS9
+         IFNE  NitrOS9
          lda   #'0        --- loaded in LSN0 
          jsr   <D.BtBug   --- 
-         endc  
+         ENDC  
          ldd   <DD.BSZ,u  size of the bootstrap file 
          std   btsiz,s    save it on the stack (0,s is junk) 
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@
          os9   F$SRtMem   return the copy of LSN0 to free memory 
          ldd   btsiz,s    get size of boot memory to request 
-         ifeq  Level-2
+         IFEQ  Level-2
          os9   F$BtMem    ask for the boot memory 
-         else  
+         ELSE  
          os9   F$SRqMem   ask for the boot memory 
-         endc  
+         ENDC  
          bcs   L00AE      no memory: exit with error 
          std   btsiz,s
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
          bsr   GetSect    read one sector 
          bcs   L00AE      if there's an error, exit 
-         ifne  NitrOS9
+         IFNE  NitrOS9
          lda   #'.        dump out a period for boot debugging 
          jsr   <D.BtBug   do the debug stuff 
-         endc  
+         ENDC  
          leau  256,u
          leax  1,x        go to the next sector 
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@
          clrb             no errors 
          puls  d,y,pc
-         ifeq  Level-2
+         IFEQ  Level-2
 Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-3-*
-         endc
+         ENDC
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/booters/boot_mmc.asm	Mon May 19 11:22:34 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+* Boot - MMC Boot Module
+* $Id$
+* This module allows booting from MMC devices using Jim Hathaway's
+* MMC Interface for the Color Computer.
+* This booter was created on May 17th, 2003 by Jim Hathaway and Boisy Pitre
+* at the 12th Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFEST! in Elgin, Illinois at the
+* Cloud-9 booth.
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* 1      Created                                        JH  03/05/17
+         nam   Boot
+         ttl   MMC Boot Module
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc
+tylg     set   Systm+Objct
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   2
+edition  set   1
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+blockloc rmb   2                       pointer to memory requested
+blockimg rmb   2                       duplicate of the above
+bootloc  rmb   3                       sector pointer; not byte pointer
+bootsize rmb   2                       size in bytes
+size     equ   .
+name     fcs   /Boot/
+         fcb   edition
+start    clra
+         ldb   #size
+clean    pshs  a
+         decb
+         bne   clean
+         tfr   s,u                     get pointer to data area
+         pshs  u                       save pointer to data area
+         lda   #$d0                    forced interrupt; kill floppy activity
+         sta   $FF48                   command register
+         clrb
+pause    decb
+         bne   pause
+         lda   $FF48                   clear controller
+         clr   $FF40                   make sure motors are turned off
+* Init hardware
+         lbsr  INITCRD
+         bcs   error
+* Request memory for LSN0
+         ldd   #1
+         os9   F$SRqMem                request one page of RAM
+         bcs   error
+         bsr   getpntr
+* Get LSN0 into memory
+         clrb                          MSB sector
+         ldx   #0                      LSW sector
+         bsr   mread
+         bcs   error
+         ldd   bootsize,u
+         bcs   error
+         pshs  d
+* Return memory
+         ldd   #$100
+         ldu   blockloc,u
+         os9   F$SRtMem
+         puls  d
+         ifgt  Level-1
+         os9   F$BtMem
+         else
+         os9   F$SRqMem
+         endc
+         bcs   error
+         bsr   getpntr
+         std   blockimg,u
+* Get os9boot into memory
+         ldd   bootsize,u
+         leas  -2,s                    same as a PSHS D
+getboot  std   ,s
+         ldb   bootloc,u               MSB sector location
+         ldx   bootloc+1,u             LSW sector location
+         bsr   mread
+         ldd   bootloc+1,u             update sector location by one to 24bit word
+         addd  #1
+         std   bootloc+1,u
+         ldb   bootloc,u
+         adcb  #0
+         stb   bootloc,u
+         inc   blockloc,u              update memory pointer for upload
+         ldd   ,s                      update size of file left to read
+         subd  #$100                   file read one sector at a time
+         bhi   getboot
+         leas  4+size,s                reset the stack    same as PULS U,D
+         ldd   bootsize,u
+         ldx   blockimg,u              pointer to start of os9boot in memory
+         andcc #^Carry                 clear carry
+         rts                           back to os9p1
+error    leas  2+size,s
+         rts
+getpntr  tfr   u,d                     save pointer to requested memory
+         ldu   2,s                     recover pointer to data stack
+         std   blockloc,u
+         rts
+mread    tstb
+         bne   hwread
+         cmpx  #0
+         bne   hwread
+         bsr   hwread
+         bcc   readlsn0
+         rts
+readlsn0 pshs  a,x,y
+         ldy   blockloc,u
+         lda   DD.Bt,y                 os9boot pointer
+         ldx   DD.Bt+1,y               LSW of 24 bit address
+         sta   bootloc,u
+         stx   bootloc+1,u
+         ldx   DD.BSZ,y                os9boot size in bytes
+         stx   bootsize,u
+         clrb
+         puls  a,x,y,pc
+* Generic read
+hwread   pshs  x
+         lbsr   READ
+         puls  x,pc
+CMDREAD  equ   $51           Command to read a single block
+MMCCSB   equ   $80           MMC control register slow clock bit
+MMCCRO   equ   1             MMC control register offset from data port
+MMCDPR   equ   $FF7A         MMC Data port register
+* Command bytes storage area
+CMD0     fcb   $40,0,0,0
+CMD1     fcb   $41,0,0,0
+CMD171   fcb   $50,0,0,1
+* Send a command string to the MMC (6 bytes) 4 user 2 hard code
+* Entry: y= Pointer to command string to send
+*        x= MMC data register
+*        b= Not used
+*        a= Used to copy data
+SNDC     lda   ,y             Get cmd byte 1
+         sta   ,x             Send command byte
+         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
+         lda   1,y            Get cmd byte 2
+         sta   ,x             Send command byte
+         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
+         lda   2,y            Get cmd byte 3
+         sta   ,x             Send command byte
+         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
+         lda   3,y            Get cmd byte 4
+         sta   ,x             Send command byte
+         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
+         lda   #0             Get cmd byte 5
+         sta   ,x             Send command byte
+         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
+         lda   #$95           Get cmd byte 6
+         sta   ,x             Send command byte
+         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
+         rts                  Complete sending command return
+* CHKR - Check card response
+* Used to check response from a card
+* Entry: a= Expected Response byte code
+*        b= used for loop / set on exit to flag error/no error
+CHKR     pshs  b              Save reg b
+         clrb                 Use for loop counter
+CHKRL1   bsr   DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
+         cmpa  ,x             Check for response
+         beq   CHKRG          Response is good, exit without error
+         decb                 Keep looping?
+         bne   CHKRL1         Done yet?
+CHKRB    comb                 Set error state
+         puls  b,pc           Return
+CHKRG    clrb                 Set no error
+         puls  b,pc           Return
+* End CHKR routine
+* DLYSTRT: Delay routine for use as a delay for sending commands
+*          or clock pulses as the slower spi rate.
+*          Delay is hard coded at $14
+*          All registers perserved
+DLYSTRT  pshs  b              Save b register for return
+         ldb   #$14           Default delay needed
+DLYLP1   decb                 Start of delay loop
+         bne   DLYLP1         End of delay loop
+         puls  b,pc           Get value of b register back
+* End delay routine
+* INITCRD: Init a single card, no register values needed,
+*          all preserved
+*   Entry: y = Used, and not preserved
+*          x = Address to MMC data port
+INITCRD  ldx   #MMCDPR        Address to MMC
+         lda   #MMCCSB        Select no cards and slow speed
+         sta   MMCCRO,x       Store to control register
+         lda   #$0A           A= 10 clocks
+CLKPL1   tst   ,x             Pulse the clock 80 times to init all cards
+         bsr   DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
+         deca                 Loop counter
+         bne   CLKPL1         Keep looping till we send 80 clocks
+         lda   #$81           Select crd 1 @ slow speed
+         sta   MMCCRO,x       Write to MMC control register slow speed
+         leay  CMD0,pcr       Load address into y for cmd0
+         lbsr  SNDC           Go send the command (cmd0)
+         lda   #$01           Expected response
+         lbsr  CHKR           Go check for response bit
+         lbcs  INITCE1
+         ldb   #20            Number of times to send CMD1 before error
+         leay  CMD1,pcr       Load address into y for cmd1
+INCMD1L  lbsr  SNDC           Go send the command (cmd1)
+         lda   #$00           Expected response
+         lbsr  CHKR           Go check for response bit
+         bcc   INC1C          We got our response, continue
+         decb                 Loop counter
+         bne   INCMD1L        Keep trying to get a response of 0
+         lbcc  INC1C
+         lda   #81
+         lbra  INITCE1        This card is not ready exit
+INC1C    lda   #$01           Get card number, always use card 0
+         sta   MMCCRO,x       Write to MMC control register full speed
+         leay  CMD171,pcr     Get command to change sector to 256 bytes
+         lbsr  SNDC           Go send the command (cmd17-1)
+         lda   #0             Expected response
+         lbsr  CHKR           Go check for response byte
+         bcs   INITCE1
+         clrb                 No error
+         puls pc              Clean exit
+INITCE1  comb                 Error, we could not init card
+         tfr  a,b
+         puls pc
+* End of INITCRD
+* READ - Read a single 256 byte sector.  
+*        y= Location to store data to 
+*        b,x= LSN number
+*        x not preserved 
+READ     pshs  d,x          Save LSN
+         ldy   blockloc,u
+         lda   #$1            Get drive #1
+         sta   MMCCRO+MMCDPR  Select card 1
+         lda   MMCDPR         Burn a byte - bug fix
+         lda   #CMDREAD       Read cmd byte 1
+         sta   MMCDPR         Save read command
+         nop                  Delay
+         stb   MMCDPR         Save cmd byte 2
+         tfr   x,d            Move the rest of the LSN
+         sta   MMCDPR         Save cmd byte 3
+         ldx   #MMCDPR        Get MMC address and delay
+         stb   ,x             Save cmd byte 4
+         lda   #$0            Cmd byte 5
+         sta   ,x             Save cmd byte 5
+         lda   #$95           Cmd byte 6 CRC
+         sta   ,x             Save cmd byte 6
+RDN2     lda   #$FE           Expected response
+         lbsr  CHKR           Check for response
+         bcs   RDEEX1         Card should have read sector, read error!
+         clra                 Number of loops 256
+RDLP1    ldb   ,x             Get byte from MMC
+         stb   ,y+            Save byte
+         deca                 Loop counter
+         bne   RDLP1
+         ldd   ,x             Get CRC Byte 1
+         lda   ,x             Get CRC Byte 2
+RDEX1    clr   MMCCRO,x       Deselect any cards in use
+         clrb                 Set no errors
+         puls  d,x,pc       Read complete with no errors
+RDEEX1   clr   MMCCRO,x       Deselect any cards in use
+         comb                 Error reading sector
+         puls  d,x,pc       Return with error
+* End of READ
+         ifgt  Level-1
+* Fillers to get to $1D0
+Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-3-*
+         endc
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end
--- a/3rdparty/booters/boot_scsi.asm	Mon May 19 11:10:57 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/booters/boot_scsi.asm	Mon May 19 11:22:34 2003 +0000
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 * $Id$
-* This module allows booting from a hard drive that uses RGB-DOS
-* and is controlled by a TC^3 or Ken-Ton SCSI controller.
+* This module allows booting from a hard drive that uses HDB-DOS
+* and is controlled by a TC^3, Ken-Ton or Disto SCSI controller.
 * It was later modified to handle hard drives with sector sizes
 * larger than 256 bytes, and works on both 256 byte and larger drives,
@@ -23,33 +23,55 @@
          nam   Boot
          ttl   SCSI Boot Module
-         ifp1
+         IFP1
          use   defsfile
-         endc
+         ENDC
 tylg     set   Systm+Objct
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
 rev      set   2
 edition  set   1
-* The default SCSI ID is here
-scsiid   set   %00000001
+* Disto Hard Disk II Interface registers
+         IFNE  HDII
+dataport equ   $FF58
+status   equ   dataport-2
+select   equ   dataport-1
+reset    equ   dataport-2
+         ENDC
+* Disto 4-N-1 Hard Disk Interface registers
+         IFNE  D4N1
+dataport equ   $FF5B
+status   equ   dataport-2
+select   equ   dataport-1
+reset    equ   dataport-2
+         ENDC
 * Hard Disk Interface registers for the Ken-Ton and RGB HDI
-         ifne  Kenton
+         IFNE  KTLR
 dataport equ   $FF74
 status   equ   dataport+1
 select   equ   dataport+2
 reset    equ   dataport+3
-         endc
+         ENDC
-         ifne  TC3
+         IFNE  TC3
 dataport equ   $FF74
 status   equ   dataport+1
 select   equ   dataport+1
-         endc
+         ENDC
 * Status register equates
+         IFNE  DISTO
+req      equ   $80
+busy     equ   $01
+msg      equ   $04
+cmd      equ   $40
+inout    equ   $20
+ack      equ   $02
+sel      equ   $00
+         ELSE
 req      equ   $01
 busy     equ   $02
 msg      equ   $04
@@ -58,6 +80,7 @@
 ack      equ   $20
 sel      equ   $40
 rst      equ   $80
+         ENDC
 *SCSI common command set
 c$rstr   equ   1
@@ -110,9 +133,9 @@
          bne   pause
          lda   $FF48                   clear controller
          clr   $FF40                   make sure motors are turned off
-         ifgt  Level-1
+         IFGT  Level-1
          sta   $FFD9                   fast clock
-         endc
+         ENDC
 * Recalibrate hard drive
          lbsr  restore
@@ -137,11 +160,11 @@
          ldu   blockloc,u
          os9   F$SRtMem
          puls  d
-         ifgt  Level-1
+         IFGT  Level-1
          os9   F$BtMem
          os9   F$SRqMem
-         endc
+         ENDC
          bcs   error
          bsr   getpntr
          std   blockimg,u
@@ -220,7 +243,7 @@
          bne   wake
          bra   wake4
 wake1    bsr   wake3
-         lda   #scsiid
+         lda   defid,pcr
          sta   dataport
          bsr   wake3
          sta   select
@@ -305,10 +328,13 @@
          clr   v$blks,u
          bra   command
-         ifgt  Level-1
+         IFGT  Level-1
 * Fillers to get to $1D0
-Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-3-*
-         endc
+Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-4-*
+         ENDC
+* The default SCSI ID is here
+defid    fcb   scsiid
 eom      equ   *
--- a/3rdparty/booters/makefile	Mon May 19 11:10:57 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/booters/makefile	Mon May 19 11:22:34 2003 +0000
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 BOOTERS_NITROS	= boot_ide_nl2
 BOOTERS_L2	= boot_ktlr_id0 boot_ktlr_id5 boot_rampak \
 		boot_tc3_id0 boot_tc3_id5 boot_ide boot_wd1002 \
-		boot_burke boot_rom boot_vhd
+		boot_burke boot_rom boot_vhd boot_mmc_l2
 BOOTERS_L1	= boot_ktlr_id0_l1 boot_ktlr_id5_l1 boot_rampak_l1 \
 		boot_tc3_id0_l1 boot_tc3_id5_l1 boot_ide_l1 \
-		boot_burke_l1 boot_rom_l1
+		boot_burke_l1 boot_rom_l1 boot_mmc_l1
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2
 boot_ktlr_id0: boot_scsi.asm
-	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2 -aKenton=1
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2 -aKTLR=1 -ascsiid=1
 boot_ktlr_id5: boot_scsi.asm
-	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2 -aKenton=1 -ascsiid=32
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2 -aKTLR=1 -ascsiid=32
 boot_rampak: boot_rampak.asm
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2
 boot_tc3_id0: boot_scsi.asm
-	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2 -aTC3=1
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2 -aTC3=1 -ascsiid=1
 boot_tc3_id5: boot_scsi.asm
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2 -aTC3=1 -ascsiid=32
@@ -51,18 +51,21 @@
 boot_vhd: boot_vhd.asm
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2
+boot_mmc_l2: boot_mmc.asm
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=2
 # OS-9 Level One Booters
 boot_rom_l1: boot_rom_l1.asm
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1
 boot_ktlr_id0_l1: boot_scsi.asm
-	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1 -aKenton=1
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1 -aKTLR=1 -ascsiid=1
 boot_ktlr_id5_l1: boot_scsi.asm
-	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1 -aKenton=1 -ascsiid=32
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1 -aKTLR=1 -ascsiid=32
 boot_tc3_id0_l1: boot_scsi.asm
-	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1 -aTC3=1
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1 -aTC3=1 -ascsiid=1
 boot_tc3_id5_l1: boot_scsi.asm
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1 -aTC3=1 -ascsiid=32
@@ -76,3 +79,7 @@
 boot_ide_l1: boot_ide.asm
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1
+boot_mmc_l1: boot_mmc.asm
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aLevel=1