changeset 1745:3beb3d140cb5

Curtis Boyle's updated dir...
author boisy
date Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:59:39 +0000
parents 80cdc57fbaae
children 5469aad825d7
files level1/cmds/dir_cb.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 761 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/dir_cb.asm	Fri Jan 21 11:59:39 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+* DIR Edition #8 - Released Mar. 12/2000
+* Added the '-c' option, which stands for case insensitive. This means that
+*  wildcard filename matches do not care as to whether the filenames are
+* upper or lowercase, when compared to the wildcard filename search you
+* specified. There still are some quirks to using the '*' wildcard in some
+* cases... I am still tracking down why that is happening.
+* DIR Edition #7 - Released Jan. 16/2000
+* This is a new version of the DIR command, based on the version Alan Dekok
+*  did with wildcarding. It fixes the year to work with modern clock drivers,
+*  allowing from 1900-2155. It also fixes the help message, and changes the
+* edition # to 7. It should work with all version of OS9/NitrOS9/PowerBoost.
+* -Curtis-
+* Edition #7: (L. Curtis Boyle)
+* 2000/01/15: Fixed help message bug.
+* 2000/01/16: Fixed year output to handle 1900-2155
+* Edition #8 (Curtis)
+* 2000/03/11  Fixed Bad Filename error
+* 2000/03/12  Added -c option (case insensitive filematching)
+* Need to do 1 things:
+*   Fix '*' wildcards (ex. DIR *.lzh returns completely different than
+*      DIR *lzh - 1st only does files with ONE '.' char, 2nd does mix of ONE
+*      and >1, but not all the same as first example???)
+         nam   dir
+         ttl   program module       
+* Disassembled 94/11/18 12:51:39 by Alan DeKok
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc
+tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $01
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+u0000    rmb   1    Path to current Directory
+u0001    rmb   1    Path to RAW drive (current data or exec dir's drive)
+u0002    rmb   2    Pointer to directory we are DIRing
+u0004    rmb   2    Ptr to end of current sub-parm (if more than 1)
+u0006    rmb   2    Pointer to filename match string we are DIRing
+u0008    rmb   1    Case insensitive flag (0=NO)
+u0009    rmb   1    Wildcard matched flag (0=NO)
+u000A    rmb   1    0=Filename not written yet, <>0 means is written out
+u000B    rmb   1    Merge of directories/non-directories/ext. info flags
+u000C    rmb   1    Wildcards in effect flag
+u000D    rmb   1    Extended info flag (0=No)
+u000E    rmb   1    Directories ONLY (0=No)
+u000F    rmb   1    Non-directories ONLY (0=NO)
+u0010    rmb   1    One entry/line flag (0=Yes, else no)
+u0011    rmb   1    Screen width
+u0012    rmb   1    # chars left on current output line
+u0013    rmb   2    Length of current filename
+u0015    rmb   1    char from current directory entry
+u0016    rmb   1    char from wild card string
+u0017    rmb   1    Attributes for DIR open (Ex. EXEC)
+* File descriptor info - 1st 13 bytes - only used if certain options and/or
+*   extended directory listings are requested.
+u0018    rmb   1    File attributes
+u0019    rmb   2    File owner ID
+u001B    rmb   5    Date last modified
+u0020    rmb   1    DIR path # (link count on FD read, but not used)
+u0021    rmb   4    File size (in bytes)
+* Start of WritLn buffer for each directory entry starts here
+u0025    rmb   1
+* Information to be printed out goes here
+* user-number, 4 bytes of hex, space space
+u0026    rmb   6
+u002C    rmb   17
+* file attributes
+u003B    rmb   10
+* starting sector number
+u0045    rmb   8
+* file size
+u004D    rmb   8
+* a space
+u0055    rmb   1
+* file name
+u0056    rmb   25
+u006F    rmb   1
+u0070    rmb   4
+* starting sector of the file (3 bytes)
+u0074    rmb   2
+u0076    rmb   1
+u0077    rmb   1          always 0
+AllFlag  rmb   1          $2E=don't print out .foo, $00=print out .foo
+         rmb   256        leave room for the stack
+size     equ   .
+name     fcs   /dir/
+         fcb   $08
+start    ldd   #$0150    Default to multiple entries/line, 80 column width
+         std   <u0010
+         lda   #'.       default to NOT printing files with this first char
+         sta   <AllFlag
+         clra
+         clrb
+         std   <u000E     directories only/non-directories only flags
+         std   <u000C     Clear wildcard & extended info flags
+         sta   <u0008     Set case sensitivity to ON
+         leay  >L0449,pc  point to '.'
+         sty   <u0002     Default to current data directory as DIR path
+         ldb   #READ.     directory attribute=READ.
+         clr   <u0077     Always 0
+* Process parameter line
+L003F    lda   ,x         get character
+         cmpa  #$0D       End of parms?
+         beq   L0071      yup, time to dir!
+         cmpa  #$20       space?
+         beq   L006D      yup, skip it
+         pshs  x          save ptr to start of current sub-parm
+L004B    lda   ,x+        get char, bump up ptr
+         cmpa  #$20       if a space, skip it
+         beq   L0057
+         cmpa  #$0D       if not a CR, skip
+         bne   L004B
+         leax  -1,x       save address of the CR
+L0057    stx   <u0004     Save ptr to end of current sub-parm
+         puls  x          Restore start of current sub-parm
+         lda   ,x         Get 1st char of sub-parm
+         cmpa  #'-        option flag?
+         bne   L0066      no, must be dir/filename, go process
+         lbsr  L023A      Update flags based on hyphen options
+         bra   L0069      Continue from end of current sub-parm block
+L0066    lbsr  L0286      Process dir and/or filenames
+L0069    ldx   <u0004     Continue from end of current sub-parm block
+         bra   L003F      Start working on next sub-parm
+L006D    leax  1,x        skip this character
+         bra   L003F      and get another one
+* Done processing parameter line - start doing actual DIR
+* Entry: A=13 (which looks to be width if SS.ScSiz fails).
+L0071    stb   <u0017     Save directory attributes byte
+         ldb   <u000D     Get extended info flag
+         orb   <u000E     Merge setting with Directories flag
+         orb   <u000F     Merge with non-directories flag
+         stb   <u000B     Save merged flag
+         tst   <u0010     one line/entry?
+         beq   L00B3      if so, continue
+         pshs  x,a
+* Calculate dir table width
+         lda   #1
+         ldb   #SS.ScSiz  return screen size
+         os9   I$GetStt
+         bcs   L00A6      Check for unknown service error
+         tfr   x,d        Move screen width to D
+         cmpb  #80        >=80 characters/line?
+         bhs   L00AF      Yes, continue
+         lda   #60        go to 64
+         cmpb  #60        64 to 79 chars?
+         bhs   L00AD      Yes, set width to 64
+         lda   #48        48 to 63 chars?
+         cmpb  #48        Yes, set width to 48
+         bhs   L00AD
+         lda   #32        32 to 47 chars?
+         cmpb  #32        Yes, set to 32 chars
+         bhs   L00AD
+         clr   <u0010     if <32, do 1 file/line
+         bra   L00AD
+L00A6    cmpb  #E$UnkSvc  Unknown service code?
+         beq   L00AF      Yes, skip ahead
+         lbra  L0430      Check for EOF, or exit with error
+L00AD    sta   <u0011     Save screen width we will use
+L00AF    andcc #$FE       Clear error flag
+         puls  x,a        Restore regs
+L00B3    lda   <u0017     Get current attributes flag
+         ora   #$80       Add DIR attribute
+         ldx   <u0002     Get ptr to DIR directory path
+         os9   I$Open     Open directory
+         lbcs  L0430      Error, exit with it
+         sta   <u0000     Save DIR path
+         ldx   <u0002     Get ptr to DIR pathname
+         lda   <u0017     Get DIR attributes we used to OPEN
+         os9   I$ChgDir   Change directory to DIR path
+         tst   <u000B     Get dir vs. nondir, extended info flags
+         beq   L00ED      None set, skip ahead
+         lda   <u0017     Get DIR attributes
+         leax  >L044B,pc  point to '@'
+         os9   I$Open     Open current drive RAW (to get file descriptors)
+         lbcs  L0430      Error, check for EOF, or exit with it
+         sta   <u0001     Save path to raw drive
+L00ED    lda   <u0011     Get screen width
+         sta   <u0012     Save it as # chars left on current output line
+         lda   <u000D     Get extended info requested flag
+         ora   <u0010     Merge with 1 line/entry flag
+         beq   L0145      All clear, skip 'Directory of'
+         leax  >L044D,pc  Print ' Directory of ' to screen
+         ldy   #$000F
+         lda   #$01
+         os9   I$Write
+         lbcs  L0430
+         leay  <u0025,u   Point to directory entries buffer area
+         ldx   <u0002     Get pathname to directory
+L010D    lda   ,x+        Copy pathname up until CR
+         sta   ,y+
+         cmpa  #$0D
+         bne   L010D
+         tst   <u000C     Separate filename?
+         beq   L0127      No, skip ahead
+         lda   #'/        Yes, Add slash to end of buffer
+         sta   -1,y
+         ldx   <u0006     Get pointer to user filename request
+* Copy User filename to end of 'dir of' line
+L011F    lda   ,x+        Copy it over until CR
+* Force to uppercase if case insensitive flag set AND char is lowercase
+* Will make for faster compares later.
+         lbsr  ForcUppr   Do uppercase change if needed
+         sta   -1,x       Save over original char (in case changed)
+         sta   ,y+
+         cmpa  #$0D
+         bne   L011F
+L0127    leax  <u0025,u   Point to full directory path/file requested
+         ldy   #$00FF     Max of 255 chars to print
+         lda   #$01       Print directory name out (with 'directory of')
+         os9   I$WritLn
+         tst   <u000D     Extended info requested?
+         beq   L0145      No, skip extended info header
+         ldd   #$0102     std out for output, 2 lines to print
+         leax  >L045C,pc  Write out extended info header lines
+         lbsr  L0627
+         lbcs  L0430
+* Main dir entry reading loop
+L0145    lda   <u0000     get path number to current directory
+         ldy   #$001D     get the filename
+         leax  <u0056,u   where to put it
+         os9   I$Read     read it
+         lbcs  L0430
+         ldy   #$0003     and the starting sector
+         leax  <u0074,u
+         os9   I$Read
+         lbcs  L0430
+         lda   <u0056     get the first character of filename
+         beq   L0145      if zero (deleted), skip it
+         cmpa  #$80       hi bit (deleted), ignore it
+         beq   AllCont    continue
+* Now A<>0, and AllFlag may be zero (=print out all files)
+         anda  #$7F
+         cmpa  <AllFlag   do all files?
+         beq   L0145      if the first character is '.', don't print it
+* Non '.' leading char filenames go here
+AllCont  clrb             Filename size set to 0
+         leax  <u0056,u   Point to filename
+L016D    lda   ,x+        Check char
+         incb             Bump up filename size
+         cmpa  #$80       End of filename marker?
+         blo   L016D      No, keep getting size
+         anda  #$7F       make it a real character
+         sta   -1,x       save it back
+         lda   #$0D       Add carriage return to filename
+         sta   ,x
+         stb   <u0013     Save filename size
+         tst   <u000C     filename to match specified?
+         beq   L0191      No, skip ahead
+         leax  <u0056,u   Point to filename part of write buffer
+         ldy   <u0006     Get ptr to filename match string
+         lbsr  L0324      Do wildcard compare
+         tst   <u0009     Did we have a match?
+         beq   L0145      No, skip to next filename
+L0191    tst   <u000B     Any files we have to weed out?
+         beq   L01CA      No, just print
+* we only want certain types of files - check
+         ldx   <u0074     Get FD sector # - hi word
+         pshs  u          Preserve U
+         ldu   <u0076     Get FD sector # - low word
+         lda   <u0001     Get path to raw drive
+         os9   I$Seek     seek to the file descriptor
+         lbcs  L0430
+         puls  u          Restore U
+         leax  <u0018,u   Point to place to store FD info
+         ldy   #13        We only need 1st 13 bytes
+         os9   I$Read     Read it in
+         lbcs  L0430
+         lda   <u0018     Get file attributes
+         anda  #$80       Ignore all but DIR attribute
+         tst   <u000E     Directories ONLY?
+         beq   L01C1      No, skip ahead
+         tsta             This file a directory?
+         lbeq   L0145     No, skip to next filename
+         bra   L01CA      Yes, print dir name out
+L01C1    tst   <u000F     Non-directories ONLY?
+         beq   L01CA      No, print filename out
+         tsta             This file a non-directory?
+         lbne  L0145      It is a DIR, skip to next filename
+* Print current dir entry out
+L01CA    tst   <u0010     do one entry/line?
+         beq   L0221      yes, print it out
+         clr   <u000A     Flag we have NOT printed filename yet.
+         ldb   <u0013     Get filename size
+         cmpb  <u0012     enough chars left in current output line to fit?
+         bge   L0205      No, Print CR
+         inc   <u000A     Flag that we will have printed filename
+L01D8    clra             D=Current filename size
+         tfr   d,y        Y=size of filename
+         inca             Std Out
+         leax  <u0056,u   Point to filename in output buffer
+         os9   I$Write    Write out filename
+         lbcs  L0430
+         lda   <u0012     Get # chars left on current output line
+* Add spaces between filenames - they are 'tabbed' at 16 or 32 chars,
+*   depending on filename size
+L01E8    suba  #16        Subtract 16 from # chars left on output line
+         ble   L0205      Done line, print CR
+         subb  #16        Not done, subtract 16 chars from filename size
+         bge   L01E8      filename was >16 chars, bump to next 'tab' stop
+         negb             # spaces we have to print to pad to next 'tab'
+         sta   <u0012     Save # chars left on output line
+         clra             Y=# spaces to print to finish current tab field
+         tfr   d,y
+         inca             Std out
+         leax  >L04F2,pc  Write spaces out
+         os9   I$Write  
+         lbcs  L0430
+         lbra  L0145      On to next filename entry
+* Flush out current output line to screen, reset # chars left on output line
+*   to screen width.
+L0205    lda   #$01       Print CR by itself
+         ldy   #$0001
+         leax  >L044A,pc
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+         lbcs  L0430
+         lda   <u0011     Get screen width
+         sta   <u0012     Save as size available on current line
+         tst   <u000A     Did we print filename out yet?
+         beq   L01D8      No, do it now
+         lbra  L0145      Already printed, skip to next filename
+L0221    tst   <u000D
+         lbne  L036A      if not zero, print out all the information
+         lda   #$01
+         leax  <u0056,u
+         ldy   #$001E     length of the filename
+         os9   I$WritLn   dump out the filename
+         lbcs  L0430
+         lbra  L0145
+* parse the path options
+* Entry: X=ptr to current char being checked in parameter line
+L023A    leax  1,x        Point to next char
+         lda   ,x         Get it
+         cmpa  #$20       Space?
+         beq   L025E      Yes, done current parm, return
+         cmpa  #$0D       CR?
+         beq   L025E      Yes, done parm line, return
+         anda  #$DF       make it uppercase
+         cmpa  #'E        extended directory?
+         beq   L0274
+         cmpa  #'S        Single entry/line
+         beq   L0270
+         cmpa  #'D        Directories only
+         beq   L027A
+         cmpa  #'F        Non-Dirs only
+         beq   L0280
+         cmpa  #'X        Execution directory
+         beq   L026C
+* Curt's additions here
+         cmpa  #'C        Case insensitve?
+         beq   CaseIns
+*--- my additions here
+         cmpa  #'L        Extended dir
+         beq   L0274
+         cmpa  #'A        do _all_ files (includes '.' and '..')
+         beq   DoAll
+         bra   L025F
+L025E    rts   
+CaseIns  inc   <u0008     Set case insensitivity ON
+         bra   L023A
+L025F    ldd   #$010c     12 lines of text in help
+         leax  >L0505,pc  Point to help message
+         lbsr  L0627      Print it out
+         lbra  L0430
+L026C    addb  #EXEC.     add in exec attribute
+         bra   L023A      and get another character
+L0270    clr   <u0010     one line/entry
+         bra   L023A
+L0274    inc   <u000D     print out all info
+         clr   <u0010     one line/entry
+         bra   L023A
+L027A    inc   <u000E     Set directories only flag
+         clr   <u000F     Clear non-directories only flag
+         bra   L023A
+L0280    inc   <u000F     Set non-directories only flag
+         clr   <u000E     Clear directories only flag
+         bra   L023A
+DoAll    clr   <AllFlag   do all files
+         bra   L023A      and get another character
+* Process requested dir/file name from user
+* Entry: X=ptr to start of wildcard matching filename
+* Exit: u0002=ptr to start of dir name
+*       u0006=ptr to start of filename to match (if any)
+L0286    stx   <u0002     save ptr to start of file/dir name
+L0288    lda   ,x+        Get char from file/dir name
+         cmpa  #'_        underscore?
+         beq   L0288      skip it
+         cmpa  #'.        period or under?
+         blo   L02A6      special checks, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #'9        9?
+         bls   L0288      Below, skip to next char
+         cmpa  #'A        Between ':' and '@', skip ahead
+         blo   L02A6
+         cmpa  #'Z        Uppercase letter, skip to next char
+         bls   L0288
+         cmpa  #'a        Between '[' and "'", skip ahead
+         blo   L02A6
+         cmpa  #'z        lowercase, skip to next char
+         bls   L0288
+L02A6    cmpa  #$0D       cr?
+         beq   L02B2      exit if so
+         cmpa  #$20       space?
+         bne   L02B3      no, go do more checks
+         lda   #$0D       replace space with CR (only 1 file/dirname allowed)
+         sta   ,-x        save in the parameter area
+L02B2    rts
+* Special char check
+L02B3    cmpa  #'*        any sequence match wildcard?
+         beq   L02C1      yes, process it
+         cmpa  #'?        one-character wildcard?
+         beq   L02C1      yes, process it
+         ldb   #E$BNam    Exit with Bad filename error
+         orcc  #1
+         lbra  L0430
+L02C1    stx   <u0006     Save pointer to filename match string
+L02C3    lda   ,x+        grab another byte
+         cmpa  #$0D       CR?
+         beq   L02D1      yup, exit
+         cmpa  #$20       space?
+         bne   L02C3      no, skip it
+         lda   #$0D       dump a CR at the end of the filename
+         sta   ,-x
+L02D1    ldx   <u0006     Get ptr to start of filename again
+L02D3    lda   ,-x        get the previous character to filename
+         cmpx  <u0002     was dirname ptr?
+         bne   L02E3      no, check for user specified dir separator
+         stx   <u0006     save start of filename
+         leax  >L0449,pc  point to a '.' (current dir)
+         stx   <u0002     save dir pathname
+         bra   L02ED
+L02E3    cmpa  #'/        slash (wildcard is start of filename after dir)?
+         bne   L02D3      no, keep searching back until '/' or start of entry
+         lda   #$0D       Found '/', Put CR over slash
+         sta   ,x+          (separate dir name from filename)
+         stx   <u0006     Save new wildcard start
+L02ED    inc   <u000C     Set wildcards used flag
+         ldx   <u0006     Get wildcard start
+L02F1    lda   #$0D       Is current char of wildcard CR?
+         cmpa  ,x
+         beq   L0323      Yes, skip ahead
+         lda   #'*        wildcard?
+         cmpa  ,x
+         beq   L0301      yes, do it
+         leax  1,x        otherwise skip the character
+         bra   L02F1
+L0301    leay  1,x
+         cmpa  ,y
+         beq   L0311
+         lda   #'?        one-character wildcard?
+         cmpa  ,y
+         beq   L031B
+         leax  $01,x
+         bra   L02F1
+L0311    lda   ,y+
+         sta   -$02,y
+         cmpa  #$0D
+         bne   L0311
+         bra   L02F1
+L031B    sta   ,x+
+         lda   #'*        save a wildcard
+         sta   ,x
+         bra   L02F1
+L0323    rts   
+* Compare current dir entry filename to user specified match filename
+* Entry: X=ptr to current filename from dir
+*        Y=ptr to wildcard match filename
+* Exit: <u0009=0, no match
+*            <>1, match
+L0324    lda   ,x         Get char from current dir entry filename
+         bsr   ForcUppr   Change case if needed
+         ldb   ,y         Get char from user match filename
+         std   <u0015     Save both 1st chars
+         cmpb  #$0D       CR of wildcard?
+         bne   L0334      No, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #$0D       CR of current DIR entry filename?
+         beq   L0362      Yes, matched
+         bra   L0367      No match
+L0334    cmpb  #'*        any char match wildcard?
+         beq   L034A      yes, do it
+         cmpa  #$0D       End of filename from current dir entry?
+         beq   L0367      Yes, flag that filename did NOT match
+         cmpb  #'?        one-character wildcard?
+         beq   L0344      yes, simply skip over 1 char in both strings
+         cmpb  <u0015     non-wildcard char from user match dir entry?
+         bne   L0367      No, flag no match & return
+L0344    leax  1,x        next up in current dir entry
+         leay  1,y        next up in wildcard
+         bra   L0324      Continue comparing
+L034A    leay  1,y        Bump up user filename char ptr
+         ldb   ,y         Get that char from user filename string
+         cmpb  #$0D       End of wildcard match string?
+         beq   L0362      Yes, set flag & return
+L0352    cmpb  <u0015     Same as current char from current filename?
+         beq   L0344      Yes, bump both string pointers up and do next chars
+         leax  1,x        Bump up dir entry char ptr
+         lda   ,x         Get char
+         cmpa  #$0D       End of filename?
+         beq   L0367      Yes, clear flag and return
+         sta   <u0015     Save char from current dir entry
+         bra   L0352      Try next
+* Flag that wildcard compare has a match (so far)
+L0362    lda   #$01
+         sta   <u0009
+         rts
+* Flag that wildcard compare did NOT match
+L0367    clr   <u0009
+         rts
+* Change current char in A to uppercase, if <u0008 <>0
+ForcUppr tst   <u0008     Case insensitive?
+         beq   NoChange   No, check char as is
+         cmpa  #'a
+         blo   NoChange   Non-lowercase, check as is
+         cmpa  #'z        Lowercase?
+         bhi   NoChange   No, check as is
+         anda  #$DF       Force uppercase
+NoChange rts
+* Copy default output line information to output line buffer
+L036A    leax  >L04D4,pc   Point to default date/attributes string
+         leay  <u0025,u    Point to output line buffer
+L0371    lda   ,x+         Copy until we hit LF
+         cmpa  #$0A
+         beq   L037B
+         sta   ,y+
+         bra   L0371
+L037B    leay  <u0026,u   Point to start of output line buffer
+         leax  <u0019,u   Point to file creator's user #
+         ldb   #$02       print out user number, in hex (2 bytes)
+L0383    lda   ,x+
+         lbsr  L0409      dump hex ASCII number into 2 bytes @ y
+         decb             Do 2nd byte
+         bne   L0383
+         leax  <u0026,u   Point to start of user # in output buffer
+         lbsr  L0420      replace leading zeros with spaces
+         leay  <u002C,u   Where ASCII date/time info goes in write buffer
+         leax  <u001B,u   Point to date/time last modified binary data
+* Y2k - Treat century as separate #
+         ldb   ,x         Get year
+         clra             Century offset starts @ 0
+LoopCent cmpb  #100       Calculate century offset (0-2) into A
+         blo   DoCent
+         inca
+         subb  #100
+         bra   LoopCent
+DoCent   tfr   a,b        Save century offset
+         adda  #19        actual century offset
+         bsr   L03F8      Convert A to 2 digit century
+         lda   #100
+         mul              Calculate # of years already accounted for
+         pshs  b          Save it
+         lda   ,x+        Get original year back
+         suba  ,s+        Calculate years left
+         bsr   L03F8      Dump rest of year out
+         leay  1,y        Skip slash
+         ldb   #2         We are converting 3 #'s into 2 digit ASCII
+L0399    lda   ,x+        Get binary value
+         bsr   L03F8      dump it out in ASCII
+         leay  1,y        Skip over when '/'
+         decb  
+         bne   L0399
+         lda   ,x+
+         bsr   L03F8      HH
+         lda   ,x
+         bsr   L03F8      MM
+* Attributes
+         leay  <u003B,u
+         leax  <u0018,u
+         ldd   #$2D08     hyphen, 8-times
+L03B3    lsl   ,x
+         bcs   L03B9
+         sta   ,y         save hyphen if bit is not set
+L03B9    leay  $01,y      go to the next byte
+         decb
+         bne   L03B3      Do all 8 attribute bits
+         leay  <u0045,u   Point to part of output buffer for start sector #
+         leax  <u0074,u   Point to start sector # data
+         ldb   #$03       3 bytes of data to do
+L03C6    lda   ,x+        Convert to hex
+         bsr   L0409
+         decb  
+         bne   L03C6
+         leax  <u0045,u
+         bsr   L0420      replace leading 0's with spaces
+         leay  <u004D,u   Point to file size in output buffer
+         leax  <u0021,u   Point to file size data
+         ldb   #$04       4 bytes of data to do
+L03DB    lda   ,x+        Convert to hex
+         bsr   L0409
+         decb  
+         bne   L03DB
+         leax  <u004D,u
+         bsr   L0420      replace leading 0's with spaces
+         leax  <u0025,u   Point to output buffer
+         ldy   #$0050     Print line (filename done earlier)
+         lda   #$01
+         os9   I$WritLn
+         bcs   L0430
+         lbra  L0145      Onto next dir entry
+* Dump decimal ASCII out for contents of A (2 digit max)
+* ,y must contain a '0' for this to work.
+L03F8    cmpa  #10        <10?
+         blo   L0402      Yes, just do one digit
+         inc   ,y         Bump up 10's counter
+         suba  #10        Subtract 10 from byte
+         bra   L03F8      Do until 10's digit is done.
+L0402    leay  1,y        Skip to 2nd byte
+         adda  #'0        add in a zero (for bin to ASCII)
+         sta   ,y+        Save it & return
+         rts   
+* Convert binary to hex
+* Entry: A=byte to convert to 2 digit hex
+*        Y=ptr to 2 byte buffer to hold ASCII HEX chars
+L0409    pshs  a          Save byte
+         lsra             A=high nibble (shifted down)
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         bsr   L0415      Make digit
+         puls  a          Restore original
+         anda  #$0F       Mask out high nibble
+L0415    adda  #'0        Convert to ASCII char
+         cmpa  #'9
+         bls   L041D
+         adda  #$07
+L041D    sta   ,y+
+         rts   
+* replace leading zeros with spaces from ASCII sequence, stopping at non-zero
+* Entry: X=ptr to string
+L0420    ldd   #$3020     Zero & space chars
+L0423    cmpa  ,x         is the first character a zero?
+         bne   L042F      if not, return
+         cmpb  1,x        is the 2nd character a space?
+         beq   L042F      if '0 ', return without any changes
+         stb   ,x+        otherwise save space over '0', go onto next char
+         bra   L0423
+L042F    rts   
+L0430    cmpb  #E$EOF
+         bne   L0435
+         clrb             ignore EOF errors
+L0435    tst   <u0010     one file/line?
+         beq   L0446      if so, exit
+         leax  >L044A,pcr output a CR
+         lda   #$01
+         ldy   #$0001
+         os9   I$WritLn   and then exit
+L0446    os9   F$Exit   
+L0449    fcc   /./
+L044A    fcb   $0d
+L044B    fcc   /@/
+         fcb   $0d
+L044D    fcb   $0a
+         fcc   / Directory of /
+L045C    fcb   $0a
+         fcc   /User # Last Modified   Attributes Sector File Size File Name/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /------ --------------- ---------- ------ --------- ----------/
+         fcb   $0d
+L04D4    fcc   '       0000/00/00 0000  dsewrewr'
+L04F2    fcc   /                   /
+L0505    fcb   $0a
+         fcc   'dir [-opts] [path/patt] [-opts]'
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /opts: x - use current exec dir/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   '      s - one entry/line'
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   '    e/l - extended directory'
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /      a - show '.files', too/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /      d - only directory files/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /      f - only non-dir files/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /      c - case insensitive filename match (BUT NOT DIR NAME)/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /      ? - help message/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /pattern: may include wild cards/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /      * - multiple character/
+         fcb   $0d
+         fcc   /      ? - single character/
+         fcb   $0d
+* Print several lines of text up to 80 chars each
+* Entry: X=Ptr to multi-line text string (CR terminates lines)
+*        B=# of lines to write.
+L0627    decb            Dec line counter
+         ldy   #80
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+         bcs   L0642     Error writing, return with it
+         pshs  d         preserve path/line count
+         tfr   y,d       Move size actually written to D
+         leax  d,x       Bump source buffer ptr to next line
+         puls  d         Restore path/line count
+         tstb            Any lines left to print?
+         beq   L0642     No, exit
+         bra   L0627     Yes, print next line
+L0642    rts   
+         emod
+eom      equ   *