changeset 506:4f81e616d397

clock.asm now has B&B and TC^3 clock code
author boisy
date Thu, 10 Oct 2002 14:50:09 +0000 (2002-10-10)
parents b40c041a8912
children 360005465b59
files level1/modules/clock.asm level1/modules/makefile
diffstat 2 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/modules/clock.asm	Thu Oct 10 14:47:31 2002 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/clock.asm	Thu Oct 10 14:50:09 2002 +0000
@@ -7,35 +7,68 @@
 * Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   5    From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00
-*   6    Modified to handle leap years properly for     BGP 99/05/03
+* 5      Tandy/Microware original version
+* 6      Modified to handle leap years properly for     BGP 99/05/03
 *        1900 and 2100 A.D.
+*        Added TC^3 SCSI/B&B RTC Clock Support          BGP 02/05/14
          nam   Clock
          ttl   OS-9 Level One V2 Clock module
-         ifp1
+         IFP1
          use   defsfile
-         endc
+         ENDC
 tylg     set   Systm+Objct
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
+rev      set   $1
 edition  set   6
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,ClkEnt,size
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,ClkEnt,RTC.Base
 size     equ   .
 name     fcs   /Clock/
          fcb   edition
+* If no RTC defines are set, then this is a software clock
+SOFT     set  1
+         ENDC
+         IFNE RTCBB
+MPIFlag  set  1
+SlotSlct set  $22
+RTC.Base equ $FF5C
+         ENDC
+         IFNE RTCTC3
+RTC.Base equ $FF7C
+         ENDC
+         IFNE SOFT
+RTC.Base equ size
+         ENDC
+RTC.Zero equ -4     Send zero bit by writing this offset
+RTC.One  equ -3     Send one bit by writing this offset
+RTC.Read equ 0      Read data from this offset
+         ENDC
 SysTbl   fcb   F$Time
          fdb   FTime-*-2
          fcb   F$VIRQ
          fdb   FVIRQ-*-2
+         IFEQ  SOFT
+         fcb   F$STime
+         fdb   FSTime-*-2
+         ENDC
          fcb   $80
+         IFNE  SOFT
 * table of days of the month
 MonthChk fcb   00
          fcb   31                      January
@@ -51,12 +84,117 @@
          fcb   30                      November
          fcb   31                      December
+         ELSE
+FSTime   ldx   R$X,u
+         ldd   ,x
+         std   <D.Year
+	 ldd   2,x
+	 std   <D.Day
+	 ldd   4,x
+	 std   <D.Min
+         andcc #^Carry
+         pshs  u,y,cc
+         ENDC
+         IFNE  RTCBB+RTCTC3
+         leay  SendBCD,pcr   Send bytes of clock
+	 lbra  TfrTime
+* Update time from B&B/TC3 RTC
+UpdTime  pshs  u,y,cc
+         leay  ReadBCD,pcr   Read bytes of clock
+TfrTime  orcc  #IntMasks  turn off interrupts
+         ldu   M$Mem,pcr  Get base address
+         IFNE  MPIFlag
+         ldb   >MPI.Slct  Select slot
+         pshs  b
+         andb  #$F0
+         orb   SlotSlct,pcr
+         stb   >MPI.Slct
+         ENDC
+         lbsr  SendMsg   Initialize clock
+         ldx   #D.Sec
+         ldb   #8        Tfr 8 bytes
+tfrloop  jsr   ,y        Tfr 1 byte
+         bitb  #$03
+         beq   skipstuf  Skip over day-of-week, etc.
+         leax  -1,x
+skipstuf decb
+         bne   tfrloop
+         IFNE  MPIFlag
+         puls  b
+         stb   >MPI.Slct     restore MPAK slot
+         ENDC
+         puls  u,y,cc,pc
+ClkMsg   fcb   $C5,$3A,$A3,$5C,$C5,$3A,$A3,$5C
+* Enable clock with message $C53AA35CC53AA35C
+SendMsg  lda   RTC.Read,u     Send Initialization message to clock
+         leax  <ClkMsg,pcr
+         ldb   #8
+msgloop  lda   ,x+
+         bsr   SendByte
+         decb
+         bne   msgloop
+         rts
+SendBCD  pshs  b          Send byte to clock, first converting to BCD
+         bitb  #$03
+         bne   BCDskip    Send zero for day-of-week, etc.
+         lda   #0
+         bra   SndBCDGo
+BCDskip  lda   ,x
+SndBCDGo tfr   a,b
+         bra   binenter
+binloop  adda  #6
+binenter subb  #10
+         bhs   binloop
+         puls  b
+SendByte coma             Send one byte to clock
+         rora
+         bcc   sendone
+sendzero tst   RTC.Zero,u
+         lsra
+         bcc   sendone
+         bne   sendzero
+         rts
+sendone  tst   RTC.One,u
+         lsra
+         bcc   sendone
+         bne   sendzero
+         rts
+ReadBCD  pshs  b
+         ldb   #$80    High bit will rotate out after we read 8 bits
+readbit  lda   RTC.Read,u  Read a bit
+         lsra
+         rorb          Shift it into B
+         bcc   readbit Stop when marker bit appears
+         tfr   b,a
+         bra   BCDEnter  Convert BCD number to Binary
+BCDLoop  subb  #6       by subtracting 6 for each $10
+BCDEnter suba  #$10
+         bhs   BCDLoop
+         stb   ,x
+         puls  b,pc
+         ENDC
 ClockIRQ clra
          tfr   a,dp                    set direct page to zero
-         lda   PIA.U4+3               get hw byte
+         lda   PIA.U4+3                get hw byte
          bmi   L0032                   branch if sync flag on
          jmp   [>D.SvcIRQ]
-L0032    lda   PIA.U4+2               clear interrupt?
+L0032    lda   PIA.U4+2                clear interrupt?
          dec   <D.Tick                 decrement tick counter
          bne   L007F                   go around if not zero
          ldd   <D.Min                  get minutes/seconds
@@ -64,11 +202,19 @@
          incb                          increment seconds
          cmpb  #60                     full minute?
          bcs   L0079                   nope...
+         IFNE  RTCBB+RTCTC3
+         lbsr   UpdTime
+	 bra    L007B
+         ELSE
 * Minutes increment
          inca                          else increment minute
          cmpa  #60                     full hour?
          bcs   L0078                   nope...
-         ldd   <D.Day                  else increment day
+	 ldd   <D.Day                  else increment day
 * Hour increment
          incb                          increment hour
          cmpb  #24                     past 23rd hour?
@@ -111,8 +257,11 @@
 L0075    std   <D.Day                  update day/hour
          clra                          0 minutes
 L0078    clrb                          0 seconds
+         ENDC
 L0079    std   <D.Min                  update min/sec
-         lda   <D.TSec
+L007B    lda   <D.TSec
          sta   <D.Tick
 L007F    clra
          pshs  a
@@ -231,6 +380,13 @@
          lda   #$3F
          sta   3,x                     PIA.U4 side B to I/O reg
          lda   2,x
+         IFEQ  SOFT
+	 lbsr  UpdTime                 Update time from RTC if one
+         ENDC
          puls  pc,dp,cc
 * F$Time system call code
--- a/level1/modules/makefile	Thu Oct 10 14:47:31 2002 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/makefile	Thu Oct 10 14:50:09 2002 +0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 KERNELS		= os9 os9p2
 ROMMODS		= rominfo sysgo_rom
 SYSMODS		= ioman init sysgo sysgo_d64
-CLOCKS		= clock.60hz clock.50hz clock_d64
+CLOCKS		= clock.60hz clock.50hz clock_d64 clock_tc3 clock_bb
 DRIVERS		= aciapak.dr cchdisk.dr ccdisk.dr modpak.dr nildrv.dr \
 		piper.dr printer.dr rs232.dr sscpak.dr ccio.dr \
@@ -29,16 +29,10 @@
 		h0_35.hp h1_15.hp h1_35.hp m1.hp m2.hp nil.hp p.hp pipe.hp \
 		ssc.hp t1.hp t2.hp t3.hp term32.hp term80.hp config.hp
-KERNEL_1773	= oscode os9 os9p2 init boot_1773
-KERNEL_D64	= oscode_d64 os9 os9p2 init boot_d64
-KERNEL_ROM	= oscode os9 os9p2 init $(TPB)/boot_rom_l1
-KERNEL_IDE	= oscode os9 os9p2 init $(TPB)/boot_ide_l1
-BOOT_TRACKS	= kernel_1773 kernel_rom kernel_ide
 		$(DESCS) $(HELP)
 all:	$(ALLOBJS) $(HELP)
 	$(CHMOD) 755 $(ALLOBJS)
@@ -93,25 +87,6 @@
 d2_80d.dd: dx.asm
 	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) $(DSDD80) -aDNum=2
-# Kernel track for OS-9 in ROM on a CoCo
-kernel_rom: $(KERNEL_ROM) $(DEPENDS)
-	$(PADROM) \$$1200 $@ -c=\$$E5
-# Kernel track for Tandy/RS controller (WD1773)
-kernel_1773: $(KERNEL_1773) $(DEPENDS)
-	$(MERGE) $(KERNEL_1773)>$@
-	$(PADROM) \$$1200 $@ -c=\$$E5
-# Kernel track for Tandy/RS controller (WD1773)
-kernel_ide: $(KERNEL_IDE) $(DEPENDS)
-	$(PADROM) \$$1200 $@ -c=\$$E5
-kernel_d64: $(KERNEL_D64) $(DEPENDS)
-	$(MERGE) $(KERNEL_D64)>$@
-	$(PADROM) \$$1000 $@ -c=\$$E5
 oscode: oscode.asm
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aDragon64=0
@@ -124,6 +99,12 @@
 sysgo_rom: sysgo.asm
 	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aDiskGo=0
+clock_tc3: clock.asm
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aRTCTC3=1 -aTPS=60
+clock_bb: clock.asm
+	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< -aRTCBB=1 -aTPS=60
 	$(RM) $(ALLOBJS)
 	$(OS92UNIX) $(HELP)