changeset 2018:505c8d261ef6

Futher division of krn, commnents added
author boisy
date Wed, 08 Mar 2006 01:58:50 +0000
parents f273e28ea8d0
children 51a12746307c
files level1/modules/kernel/fallbit.asm level1/modules/kernel/faproc.asm level1/modules/kernel/fcrc.asm level1/modules/kernel/krn.asm
diffstat 4 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/modules/kernel/fallbit.asm	Tue Mar 07 12:20:16 2006 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/kernel/fallbit.asm	Wed Mar 08 01:58:50 2006 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
-FAllBit  ldd   R$D,u
-         leau  R$X,u
+* System Call: F$AllBit
+* Function: Sets bits in an allocation bitmap
+* Input:  X = Address of allocation bitmap
+*         D = Number of first bit to set
+*         Y = Bit count (number of bits to set)
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FAllBit  ldd   R$D,u        get bit # to start with
+         leau  R$X,u        get address of allocation bit map
          pulu  y,x
 L065A    pshs  y,x,b,a
-         bsr   L0690
+         bsr   CalcBit      calculate byte & position & get first bit mask
          pshs  a
          bmi   L0671
@@ -30,7 +43,21 @@
          leas  1,s
          puls  pc,y,x,b,a
-L0690    pshs  b
+* Calculate address of first byte we want, and which bit in that byte, from
+*   a bit allocation map given the address of the map & the bit # we want to
+*   point to
+* Entry: D=Bit #
+*        X=Ptr to bit mask table
+* Exit:  A=Mask to point to bit # within byte we are starting on
+*        X=Ptr in allocation map to first byte we are starting on
+CalcBit  pshs  b
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lsrd               divide bit # by 8 to calculate byte # to start
+         lsrd               allocating at
+         lsrd
+         addr  d,x          offset that far into the map
+         ELSE
@@ -38,20 +65,35 @@
          leax  d,x
+         ENDC
          puls  b
          lda   #$80
-         andb  #$07
+         andb  #$07           round it down to nearest bit
          beq   L06A6
 L06A2    lsra
          bne   L06A2
 L06A6    rts
-FDelBit  ldd   R$D,u
-         leau  R$X,u
+* System Call: F$DelBit
+* Function: Clears bits in an allocation bitmap
+* Input:  X = Address of allocation bitmap
+*         D = Number of first bit to clear
+*         Y = Bit count (number of bits to clear)
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FDelBit  ldd   R$D,u        get bit # to start with
+         leau  R$X,u        get addr. of bit allocation map
          pulu  y,x
 L06AD    pshs  y,x,b,a
-         bsr   L0690
+         bsr   CalcBit
          pshs  a
          bpl   L06C4
@@ -77,11 +119,27 @@
          clr   ,s+
          puls  pc,y,x,b,a
+* System Call: F$SchBit
+* Function: Search bitmap for a free area
+* Input:  X = Address of allocation bitmap
+*         D = Starting bit number
+*         Y = Bit count (free bit block size)
+*         U = Address of end of allocation bitmap
+* Output: D = Beginning bit number
+*         Y = Bit count
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
 FSchBit  pshs  u
-         ldd   R$D,u
-         ldx   R$X,u
-         ldy   R$Y,u
-         ldu   R$U,u
+         ldd   R$D,u        get start bit #
+         ldx   R$X,u        get addr. of allocation bitmap
+         ldy   R$Y,u        get bit count
+         ldu   R$U,u        get address of end of allocation bitmap
          bsr   L06F3
          puls  u
          std   R$D,u
@@ -92,7 +150,7 @@
          clr   8,s
          clr   9,s
          tfr   d,y
-         bsr   L0690
+         bsr   CalcBit
          pshs  a
          bra   L0710
 L0703    leay  $01,y
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/kernel/faproc.asm	Wed Mar 08 01:58:50 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+* System Call: F$AProc
+* Function: Insert process into active process queue
+* Input:  X = Address of process descriptor
+* Output: None (U and Y are preserved)
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+*              "An Ode to Dr. Lee"
+*             (1:27PM, Feb 23, 2006)
+*   Sitting in CMPS 455, I listen to Dr. Lee,
+*   His teaching style is as awful as any can be.
+*   Operating System Principles I have seen many times before,
+*   And as a result, this class is a major bore.
+*   As he talks about file systems, I work on NitrOS-9,
+*   even though I pay no attention, I do not fall behind.
+*                                  - Anonymous Student who returned
+*                                    to university to complete his
+*                                    computer science degree while working
+*                                    on The NitrOS-9 Project.
+FAProc   ldx   R$X,u				get ptr to process to activate
+L021A    pshs  u,y					save U/Y on stack
+         ldu   #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue)
+         bra   L0228
+L0221    ldb   P$Age,u				get process age
+         incb						update it
+         beq   L0228				branch if wrap
+         stb   P$Age,u				save it back to proc desc
+L0228    ldu   P$Queue,u			get pointer to queue this process queue
+         bne   L0221				branch if process is in active queue
+         ldu   #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue)
+         lda   P$Prior,x			get process priority
+         sta   P$Age,x				save it as age (How long its been around)
+         orcc  #IntMasks			mask interrupts
+L0235    leay  ,u					point Y to current process
+         ldu   P$Queue,u			get pointer to queue
+         beq   L023F
+         cmpa  P$Age,u				match process ages?
+         bls   L0235				no, skip update
+L023F    stu   P$Queue,x
+         stx   P$Queue,y
+         clrb
+         puls  pc,u,y				restore U/Y and return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/kernel/fcrc.asm	Wed Mar 08 01:58:50 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+* F$CRC
+FCRC     ldx   R$X,u
+         ldy   R$Y,u
+         beq   L0402
+         ldu   R$U,u
+L03FA    lda   ,x+
+         bsr   CRCAlgo
+         leay  -1,y
+         bne   L03FA
+L0402    clrb
+         rts
+CRCAlgo  eora  ,u
+         pshs  a
+         ldd   $01,u
+         std   ,u
+         clra
+         ldb   ,s
+         lslb
+         rola
+         eora  1,u
+         std   1,u
+         clrb
+         lda   ,s
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         eora  1,u
+         eorb  2,u
+         std   1,u
+         lda   ,s
+         lsla
+         eora  ,s
+         sta   ,s
+         lsla
+         lsla
+         eora  ,s
+         sta   ,s
+         lsla
+         lsla
+         lsla
+         lsla
+         eora  ,s+
+         bpl   L0442
+         ldd   #$8021
+         eora  ,u
+         sta   ,u
+         eorb  2,u
+         stb   2,u
+L0442    rts
--- a/level1/modules/kernel/krn.asm	Tue Mar 07 12:20:16 2006 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/kernel/krn.asm	Wed Mar 08 01:58:50 2006 +0000
@@ -405,57 +405,8 @@
 *         puls  cc,b,x,y,u,pc
-* System Call: F$AProc
-* Function: Insert process into active process queue
-* Input:  X = Address of process descriptor
-* Output: None (U and Y are preserved)
-* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
-*              "An Ode to Dr. Lee"
-*             (1:27PM, Feb 23, 2006)
-*   Sitting in CMPS 455, I listen to Dr. Lee,
-*   His teaching style is as awful as any can be.
-*   Operating System Principles I have seen many times before,
-*   And as a result, this class is a major bore.
-*   As he talks about file systems, I work on NitrOS-9,
-*   even though I pay no attention, I do not fall behind.
-*                                  - Anonymous Student who returned
-*                                    to university to complete his
-*                                    computer science degree while working
-*                                    on The NitrOS-9 Project.
-FAProc   ldx   R$X,u				get ptr to process to activate
-L021A    pshs  u,y					save U/Y on stack
-         ldu   #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue)
-         bra   L0228
-L0221    ldb   P$Age,u				get process age
-         incb						update it
-         beq   L0228				branch if wrap
-         stb   P$Age,u				save it back to proc desc
-L0228    ldu   P$Queue,u			get pointer to queue this process queue
-         bne   L0221				branch if process is in active queue
-         ldu   #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue)
-         lda   P$Prior,x			get process priority
-         sta   P$Age,x				save it as age (How long its been around)
-         orcc  #IntMasks			mask interrupts
-L0235    leay  ,u					point Y to current process
-         ldu   P$Queue,u			get pointer to queue
-         beq   L023F
-         cmpa  P$Age,u				match process ages?
-         bls   L0235				no, skip update
-L023F    stu   P$Queue,x
-         stx   P$Queue,y
-         clrb
-         puls  pc,u,y				restore U/Y and return
+         use    faproc.asm
 * User-State system call entry point
 UsrSvc   leay  <L024E,pcr
          orcc  #IntMasks
@@ -699,57 +650,7 @@
          ldb   #E$BMCRC
 L03EF    puls  pc,y,x
-* F$CRC
-FCRC     ldx   R$X,u
-         ldy   R$Y,u
-         beq   L0402
-         ldu   R$U,u
-L03FA    lda   ,x+
-         bsr   CRCAlgo
-         leay  -1,y
-         bne   L03FA
-L0402    clrb
-         rts
-CRCAlgo  eora  ,u
-         pshs  a
-         ldd   $01,u
-         std   ,u
-         clra
-         ldb   ,s
-         lslb
-         rola
-         eora  1,u
-         std   1,u
-         clrb
-         lda   ,s
-         lsra
-         rorb
-         lsra
-         rorb
-         eora  1,u
-         eorb  2,u
-         std   1,u
-         lda   ,s
-         lsla
-         eora  ,s
-         sta   ,s
-         lsla
-         lsla
-         eora  ,s
-         sta   ,s
-         lsla
-         lsla
-         lsla
-         lsla
-         eora  ,s+
-         bpl   L0442
-         ldd   #$8021
-         eora  ,u
-         sta   ,u
-         eorb  2,u
-         stb   2,u
-L0442    rts
+         use   fcrc.asm
 L0443    ldu   #$0000
          tfr   a,b
@@ -970,29 +871,7 @@
          use   fcmpnam.asm
-*FCmpNam  ldb   R$B,u
-*         leau  R$X,u
-*         pulu  y,x
-*L07AB    pshs  y,x,b,a
-*L07AD    lda   ,y+
-*         bmi   L07BE
-*         decb
-*         beq   L07BA
-*         eora  ,x+
-*         anda  #$DF
-*         beq   L07AD
-*L07BA    orcc  #Carry
-*         puls  pc,y,x,b,a
-*L07BE    decb
-*         bne   L07BA
-*         eora  ,x
-*         anda  #$5F
-*         bne   L07BA
-*         puls  y,x,b,a
-*L07C9    andcc #^Carry
-*         rts
-          use    fssvc.asm
+         use   fssvc.asm
 eom      equ   *