changeset 2408:799ea87982cb

Games added
author boisy
date Sun, 24 Jan 2010 18:48:34 +0000
parents f658b6e825d9
children 73d1fe88ccf8
files 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/CMDS/game 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/DOCS/install.doc 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/DOCS/play.doc 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/EDITOR/creategame 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/EDITOR/edit2 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/FILES/newcmds 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/FILES/rules
diffstat 7 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
Binary file 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/CMDS/game has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/DOCS/install.doc	Sun Jan 24 18:48:34 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+                      Version 2.02
+                     Documentation
+               Released for Public Domain
+            By Melvin Gaskins and John Sebella
+     Welcome to the OS9 Version of Galactic Conflict.
+     The Original Galactic Conflict programmed by Paul
+Alger, was written under RS-Basic.  And released to the
+public thru the November '87 issue of Rainbow Magazine.
+It could be run from your keyboard or with the help of
+Remote2 it could then be operated via the modem, with BBS
+software or it would operate as a stand alone program.  One
+of the problems with the original was that it was large and
+needed all the memory your computer had.  And with two
+amateur programmers such as J. Sebella and M. Gaskins,
+enhanced the program to a point that no more pokes and
+execs could give them more memory.  Thus the only other way
+was to rewrite the game under Basic09.  This way we could
+take advantage of more memory and modularity.  Galactic
+Conflict Journey II is the result of 1 year of work.
+Although work will continue to improve the game it will
+currently only run on a Coco 3 with 512K.  
+What follows is roughly what you will need to run and
+play  ---===< Galactic Conflict >===---
+         ---===< Journey II >===---
+J. Sebella
+                     Color Computer 3 with 512k
+                     1 or 2 Disk drives
+                     or Hard Disk
+                     OS9 Level 2
+                     Modem
+                     RS-232 (optional)
+The following modules must reside in your Cmds directory.
+We can't supply these because of Copyrights.
+                     RunB
+                     tmode
+                     list
+                     shell
+                     Makdir
+                     Attr
+and our modules:     game
+                     creategame
+                     edit2
+After your sure of where you want the game to reside, (/d0,
+/d1, /h0, etc...), create a directory called FILES.
+** If your running a bbs the data files can reside 
+anywhere.  But make sure that the CHD is changed to where
+you want them to be.
+You will need to change your data
+directory to files by typing  chd /d?/FILES
+Then type    creategame    and follow the prompts.
+Next you need to copy a text file named  newcmds  to the
+files,(data), directory.  This file may be edited with a
+word processor if you wish.
+There needs to be,(for now), a dummy file called rules.
+This is just a simple text file that can be generated by
+using the build,(OS9), command or by using a wordprocessor.
+We included a one line text file that says "no rules avail-
+able".  You can copy that one or make one of your own in
+the files,(or data), directory.
+Galactic is able to handle upto 40 players.  Since this is
+the first run of the game, there are no users as yet so you
+will need to register.  You might like to use an 80 column
+window for yourself.  To execute the game you will need 
+to make sure that your data directory is set to files, by
+typing  chd /d?/FILES.  And your execution directory is in
+the commands directory where game is located by typing
+chx /d?/cmds.  Now type game and your drives will wirrrr
+for a few seconds.
+At the prompt: Are you a new user? Enter a Y or y to
+register.  Follow the prompts and answer the questions.
+NOTE:  We thought better of opening the game to new users, 
+so although your registered you will not be permitted to 
+play until your verified and a password is entered.
+For some reason, the first time the first,(registered),
+player tries to log in to play, you will get an error.
+The error is an error 211 or end of file encountered.
+This is not fatal just type game again and all will be
+fine and the error will not occur again.  We will try to
+find out why and correct it in future versions.
+Future versions of the game will let the sysop know if
+anyone has registered, but, until then you will need to
+manually check to see.  This is where the file called:
+Edit2 is used.  It can be used to look at each players file
+or to edit/verify new or old users name, game name, or
+password.  To use the editor make sure that your data
+directory, (chd), is in FILES.  And your execution
+directory, (chx), is in the cmds directory where
+Edit2 is.  Type   Edit2  and follow prompts.
+NOTE: An editor was not included on the original game.  We
+created one.  We also created one for this version.  So 
+please take heed, that the SYSOP of the game will need to
+be an honest,(hahaha), person, because of the information
+that will be displayed.
+In edit mode the only 3 fields you can edit are the players
+Real Name, Game Name, or Password.  When a player
+registers, the password field is used for his phone number.
+This is the one way you can tell new users.  Maximum Field
+Lengths are: Real Name = 15 characters
+             Game Name = 10 characters
+             Password  = 10 characters
+All passwords must be in uppercase letters!  Once a player
+has created a record by registering, that record CANNOT
+be deleted.  One option for unruly users is to give their
+record to someone else by changing the password and names.
+This mode will "display only" ALL data in the selected
+players record.
+Both Edit and View modes are logically prompted.
+In the original game there was a command for listing the 
+rules.  We didn't need them because we kept changing them
+anyway.  In this version the command RUL or rul is
+available but not printed to the screen in the newcmds
+list.  If you wish you can use a wordprocssor to create a
+file called rules.  It must reside in the FILES directory.
+Then use the wordprocessor to add the new command to the
+command list.  The command list is called newcmds, and it's
+also in the FILES directory.  A word of warning, if the
+file rules is not there and you type RUL the game will error.
+              **********************
+As an added EXTRA for BBS Sysops!  We included a module
+called newstat.  It will give a user the game status and
+the last caller without having to go into the game.  The
+module needs to be in the CMDS directory and the CHD where
+the data resides.
+If you have problems or questions you can contact me,( J.
+Sebella), via Delphi. My username is Forbin1.  Or you can
+   M. Gaskins                   J. Sebella
+ 1202 Benton st.              534 E. 37th ave
+Gary, IN.  46403             Hobart, IN. 46342
+              **********************
+                    WARNING!
+Thank Hue Fer Yer Sup-ort!
+J. Sebella and M. Gaskins
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/DOCS/play.doc	Sun Jan 24 18:48:34 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+                   Galactic Conflict
+                      Journey II
+                   Docs Version 2.02
+                Game Play Documentation
+  The following text is intended to explain the commands at
+your disposal.  What you do with them is entirely up to
+  Galactic is played on a grid-work system, setup by the
+sysop.  You might want to think of it as a large box,(clus-
+ters), with smaller boxes inside,(sectors).  You explore
+each cluster/sector by using the NAV command.  If you wish
+to change the cluster your in, you use the JMP command,
+which will take you to another cluster with new sectors.
+  This version does not have a actual winner, but should
+be ended by the sysop when one of the players has attained
+the rank of Admirial Admirial.  This will prevent each game
+from continuing to long and boring the players to death.
+  To get a list of commands during game play use the "?"
+at the command prompt.
+NAV or nav
+ Moving from sector to sector.  When nav is used you will
+be prompted first for the direction.  The directions are:
+                      8 1 2
+                      7 ^ 3    the ^ is your position
+                      6 5 4
+You will select the direction you wish to go by entering
+a number 1 thru 8 and pressing enter.  The next prompt will
+be WARP or the distance you wish to go.  This will depend
+on the number of warp units that YOU have available.  You
+will enter the number of sectors to go 1 thru MAX and press
+enter.  You will arrive at the new sector and recieve a
+short scan of that area.
+STA or sta
+ Your current status.  The sta command will print your
+total status,(credits,items in stock,bases,loan,etc...).
+TRA or tra
+ This command is only available when in an OUTPOST sector.
+When used you will find yourself in the center mall with
+a menu selection.  This is where you will sell the cargos
+that you find for credits!  Other options will be Buy,
+this is where you can spend the credits or go to the bank
+to pay on your loan, deposit or withdraw funds.  HINT:
+don't apply for a loan if you have a current one.  You
+will be disapointed.  
+WAR or war
+ War can only be used for war on enemy,(other players),
+bases.  When bases are found and you wish to take them
+over, you type war and press enter.  You will then be
+asked for the number of fighters you want to deploy.
+The number can be from 0 to the MAX you have.  War with
+other Fleets and M-Units,(see LRS), is automatic.
+LRS or lrs
+ In your travels you will want to see whats ahead, and
+where.  You will use your Long Range Scanners,(lrs),
+to look for dangers.  When you first start playing you
+will not have any and will need to buy some at the out-
+post.  Some of the items you will see are:
+ $  These are your bases, which are income and where
+    you must end your turn.
+ P  This represents planets.  Planets can contain cargo,(
+    from 0 to 6), enemy bases or..........
+ #  This is an enemy fleet. (remember auto-war)
+ S  Stargate.  Used for teleporting fleet anywhere in that
+    cluster.
+ M  M-Units can be very dangerous.  Their power is ranked
+    by class,(1-9).  The formula for an M-Unit is:
+    Class X Cluster number = fighters released.
+ ?  Your scanner is getting mixed signals and can't compute
+    what's there.
+ :  Dead space outside cluster.
+Beware the Klingons.  They will not show on any scan!
+SRS or srs
+ This command is used automatically and not used manually, 
+but is available at the command prompt
+BUI or bui
+ This command is used to BUILD the bases from the basekits
+that you have in stock.  The maximum you can build is the
+same as the cluster number if you have enough in stock. You
+cannot build where something already exists, except cargos.
+Hint: the more bases you have the more income$$$!
+JMP or jmp
+ When you wish to explore another cluster type jmp and
+enter.  You will be prompted as to where you want to go.
+You cannot change your mind after using jmp!  You MUST
+choose a cluster number even if it's the same your on.
+TLP or tlp
+ When you land on a STARGATE sector you can then teleport
+to any coordinate inside or outside that cluster.  This is
+a quick way to get to an outpost.
+GET or get
+ When you find a planet with cargos you load them into your
+cargobays with the get command.  You can only load 10 per
+each starship you have.  If there are more on the planet
+than you have space, you can still use get to top off your
+bays.  The left-over cargos will be left on the planet.
+LST or lst
+ If you want to see a list of game players type lst and 
+enter.  You can see all or part, you will be prompted.
+CAL or cal
+ To see a list of the last 9 players use cal.  You are the
+10th player so no need list that one.
+TOP or top
+ Top will give you a list of the top 5 players.  As long
+as there are some with a positive total worth!
+END or end
+ If you wish to end your turn before you run out of moves,
+then use end.  You will be given a second chance after you
+enter end,(just in case).  In order to save some credits, 
+you may wish to end on one of your base planets, otherwise
+you must build,(bui), a base.  If your not close to your 
+base or you have none in stock, don't worry the bank has
+you covered!  They will tack any additional charges to your
+Additional note:
+ Players will not be allowed to play "back to back".  There
+must be at least one player in between each login!
Binary file 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/EDITOR/creategame has changed
Binary file 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/EDITOR/edit2 has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/FILES/newcmds	Sun Jan 24 18:48:34 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+  -----------------------------------------
+  -     Galactic Conflict - Journey II    -
+  -              Command List             -
+  -----------------------------------------
+  = Command                 Description   =
+  -----------------------------------------
+ NAV or nav ............ Move within Cluster
+ STA or sta ............ Current Status
+ TRA or tra ............ Trade (go shopping)
+ WAR or war ............ Attack base(s)
+ LRS or lrs ............ Long Range Scanner(s)
+ SRS or srs ............ Short Range Scanner(s)
+ BUI or bui ............ Build Bases (income!)
+ TLP or tlp ............ Teleport your Fleet
+ GET or get ............ Take cargo(s)
+ JMP or jmp ............ Change Cluster Group
+ LST or lst ............ List Userlog
+ CAL or cal ............ Last 9 players
+ TOP or top ............ Top 5 players
+ END or end ............ End turn / logoff
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/game/FILES/rules	Sun Jan 24 18:48:34 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+No rules available!