changeset 477:7a5d3fcbe2d8

Added Basic09 sources from Curtis Boyle
author boisy
date Tue, 08 Oct 2002 03:27:42 +0000
parents 1e5bbc865130
children e734c68481d1
files 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.asm 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.add.63.asm 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.add.68.asm 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.div.63.asm 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.div.68.asm 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.mul.63.asm 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.mul.68.asm 3rdparty/packages/basic09/makefile 3rdparty/packages/basic09/runb.6309.asm
diffstat 9 files changed, 19680 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.asm	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12711 @@
+* BASIC09 - Copyright (C) 1980 by Microware & Motorola
+* Basic09 & RunB programs have extended memory module headers. Layout is as
+*  follows:
+*   Offset  | Name       | Purpose
+*   --------+------------+----------
+*   $0000   |  M$ID      | Module sync bytes ($87CD)
+*   $0002   |  M$Size    | Size of module
+*   $0004   |  M$Name    | Offset to module name
+*   $0006   |  M$Type    | Type/Language ($22 for RUNB modules)
+*   $0007   |  M$Revs    | Attributes/Revision level
+*   $0008   |  M$Parity  | Header parity check
+*   $0009   |  M$Exec    | Execution offset (start of tokenized RUNB code)
+*   $000B   |  ???       | Data area size required
+*   $000D   |  ???       | ???
+*   $0017   |  ???       | Flags:
+*           |            |   x0000000 - 1=Packed, 0=Not packed
+*           |            |   0x000000 - ??? but 1 when CRC has just been made
+*           |            |   0000000x - 1=Line with compiler error
+*           |            |              0=No lines with compiler errors
+*   $0018   |  ???       | Size of module name
+* NitrOS9 V1.21 mods
+* 06/17/94 - Changed intercept routine @ L07B5: Replaced LSL <u0034/COMA/
+*            ROR <u0034/RTI with OIM #$80,<u0034/RTI/NOP/NOP 
+*          - Changed routine @ start:
+*               FROM                TO
+*          4   LEAU >$100,u    4   LDW #$100
+*          1   CLRA            2   CLR ,-s
+*          1   CLRB            3   TFM s,u+
+*          2   STD  ,--u       2   LEAS 1,s
+*          3   CMPU ,s         1   NOP
+*          2   BHI  L07C9      1   NOP
+* Bytes:  15                  15
+*          - Changed CLRA/LDB #$01 to LDD #$0001 @ end of start
+* 06/22/94 - Changed L0DBB (reset temp buffer to empty state) to use PSHS D
+*          - LDA #1 / STA <u007D / LDD <u0080 / STD <u0082 / PULS PC,D
+*            (saves 5 cycles) ALSO WORKS AS 6809 MOD
+*          - Changed BEQ L08E3 to BEQ L08E5 @ L08D3 (Std in for commands)
+*          - Changed numerous CLRA/CLRB and COMA/COMB to CLRD & COMD respectiv
+*            just to shorten source
+* 06/27/94 - Added 2nd TFM to init routine to clear out $400-$4ff
+* 06/28/94 - Changed BRA L5632 @ L5614 to PULS PC,U,A (6809 TOO)
+* 12/28/94 - Worked, changed 16 bit,pc's to 8 bit,pc's @:
+*            L0DFC  leax L0E5F,pc  *
+*            L1436  leax L1434,pc  *
+*            L15B3  leax L15AA,pc  *
+*            L1B97  leax L1B93,pc  *  (Doesn't seem to be referenced)
+*            L39E0  leax L39DA,pc  *
+*            L4751  leax L474D,pc  *
+*            L479F  leax L479A,pc  *
+*            L4812  leax L4805,pc  *
+*            L4B03  leau L4AF4,pc  *
+*            L4B0A  leau L4AF9,pc  *
+*            L5791  leax L5723,pc  *
+* 01/03/95 - Changed a ChgDir @ L397D to do it in READ mode, not UPDATE
+* 01/04/95 - Changed L0C18 - 3 CLR ,Y+ to LEAY 3,Y
+*            Changed LEAU ,Y / STD ,--U / STA ,-U to LEAU -3,y/STD ,u/
+*              STD 2,u
+*          - Changed LDA #$02 / LDB #SS.Size to LDD #$02*256+SS.Size @ L0D6B
+*              (create output file)
+*          - Replaced BEQ L2D17 @ L2D0B with BEQ L2CE1, removed L2D17 altog-
+*            ether, change LBSR L2A26 @ L2D0B with LBRA L2A26
+* 01/09/95 - Attempted to change both CLRA/CLRB (CLRD)'s @ L0F96 to CLRA for
+*            F$Load/F$Link (since neither require B)
+*          - Changed L0C83 frm LBSR L12CF to LBSR L1371
+*          - Changed L12CF from LDA #C$CR/LBRA L1373 to LBRA L1371
+* 01/12/95 - Attempted to remove LDD <U002F / ADDD $F,x @ L1A2E, move TFR
+*            D,Y to earlier in code when [u002F]+($F,x) is calculated
+* 01/17/95 - Removed useless CMPB #$00 @ L1E9B
+*          - Moved L1FF5 label to an earlier RTS, removed original (saves 1 by
+*          - Removed useless CMPA #$00 @ L2115
+* 01/19/95 - Changed STB <u00A4 / STA <u00A3 to STD <u00A3 @ L236A
+*          - Changed LDA <u00A3/CMPA <u00A3 to LDA <u00A3/ORCC #Zero @ L218E
+*             (1 cycle faster)
+*          - Changed L243F: took out LEAY -1,y, added BRA L2453 (saves 2 cycle
+*             from original method)
+* 01/20/95 - Changed L1B09 from to auto-inc Y, skip LEAY 1,Y entirely, & chang
+*            LEAY 5,Y to LEAY 4,Y (+2 cyc if [,y]=$4F, but -3 cyc on any other
+*            value)
+*          - Changed L1B6D: changed CLRA / LDB D,X to to ABX / LDB ,X (3 cyc
+*            faster on 6809/2 cyc faster on 6309)
+*          - Mod @ L233E: Changed LBSR L2430 to LBSR L2432 (just did
+*            L245D call, and 2nd call to it will return same Y anyways)
+*          - Changed CLR ,Y+ to STB ,Y+ @ L2494
+*          - Attempted to move L2368 routine to just before L239D routine to
+*            change LBRA L2415 to BRA L2415. Changed L23EC from LBRA L236A to
+*            STD <u00A3 / BRA L2415
+*          - Changed LBHS L2A0D / BRA L27CE @ L27A3 to BLO L27CE / LBRA L2A0D
+*          - Attempted Mod @ L2D2C - Changed LEAX B,X to ABX
+* 01/23/95 - Made following mods involving L2E3B routine:
+*            Changed CMPA #0 to TSTA, reversed L2EDC's LDA <u00D1 & LEAY 3,Y 
+*            so TSTA not needed, changed BRA L2E3B to BRA L2E41 @: L2E89,
+*            L2E8F, L2E95, L2E9F. Changed BRA L2E3B to BRA L2E3C @ L2EDC
+*          - Changed LDA #1 to INCA @ L2E3B (since A=0 at this point)
+*          - Took out CMPA #0, changed LDD #$0060 to LDB #$60 @ L2EE3
+*          - Changed TST <u00D0 to LDA <u00D0 (saves 2 cyc) and following 4
+*            lines @ L2F5E to version on right (+1 byte, -5 cycles):
+*            lda #5             ldd #$ffff
+*            sta <u00D1         std <u00D4
+*            ldd #$ffff         lda #5
+*            bra L2FB9          sta <u00D1
+*              (std <u00D4/     rts
+*               lda <u00D1/rts
+* 01/31/95 - Moved L308D to just before L26CE (eliminates LBRA)
+* 02/03/95 - Changed LBRA L1EC9 @ L216B to LBRA L233E (saves extra LBRA, saves
+*            5/4 cycles)
+* 02/13/95 - Moved JSR <u001B / FCB 8 from L3C29 to just after L4F77 to change
+*            LBSR to BSR
+* 02/14/95 - Moved 3 text strings that are only referred to once to their res-
+*            pective routines in the code: L07AA to near L1882, L078B to near
+*            L198A, and L0799 to L1211
+*          - Moved JSR <u001E / FCB 4 from L010A to after L090F (called twice
+*            from just before here)
+*          - Attempted to move JSR <u001E / fcb 2 from L010D to just before
+*            L0AC3 (change some LBSR's to BSR's)
+*          - Moved L0110 (JSR <u001E / fcb 0) to just before L0DF6
+*          - Moved L0113 (JSR <u0021 / fcb 0) to just before L0DF6
+* 02/15/95 - Moved L0116 (JSR <u0024 / fcb 0) to just after L082E
+*          - Moved L0119 (JSR <u0024 / fcb 0) to just after L0DFC
+*          - Moved L011C (JSR <u0024 / fcb 2) to just after L0DFC
+*          - Moved L011F (JSR <u002A / fcb 2) to just after L1394
+*          - Moved L0122 (JSR <u001E / fcb A) to just before L1606
+*          - Moved L0125 (JSR <u001E / fcb 6) to just after L19D1
+*          - Moved L0128 (JSR <u001E / fcb 6) to just after L0B51
+*          - Moved L012B (JSR <u0021 / fcb 6) to just after L110A
+*          - Moved L012E (JSR <u0021 / fcb 4) to just after L119E
+*          - Moved L0134 (JSR <u0024 / fcb C) to just after L104E
+*          - Moved L0137 (JSR <u0024 / fcb 8) to just after L119E
+*          - Moved L013A (JSR <u002A / fcb 0) to just after L175A
+*          - Moved L1CC1 (JSR <u001B / fcb 2) to just after L1E1C
+*          - Moved L1CC4 (JSR <u001B / fcb 4) to just after L1E1F
+*          - Moved L1CC7 (JSR <u001B / fcb 6) to replace LBRA L1CC7 @ L1E1C
+*            & embedded JSR <u001B/fcb 4 @ L2428 since LBRA, not LBSR
+*          - Moved L1CCA (JSR <u002A / fcb 0) to just after L239D
+*          - Moved L1CCD (JSR <u001B / fcb $12) to just after L22C7
+*          - Took out 2nd TST <u0035 / BNE L194C @ L191C
+*          - Eliminated L2572 since duplicate of L1CC1, & not speed crucial
+*          - Eliminated L2575 since duplicate of L1CC7, changed LBRA L2575 @
+*            L2A0D to LBRA L1CC7
+* 02/16/95 - Moved L2578 (JSR <u001B / fcb $14) to end of L2FDA (replacing
+*            LBRA to it)
+*          - Moved L257B (JSR <u001E / fcb 8) to end of L3069
+*          - Moved L257E (JSR <u001E / fcb 6) to end of L310B
+*          - Eliminated L3206 since duplicate of L1CC7, changed 3 LBRA calls
+*            to it to go to L1CC7 instead (saves 3 bytes)
+*          - Moved L3209 to just after table @ L323F, changed table entry from
+*            L35F0 to L3209, eliminated L35F0 LBRA entirely
+*          - Moved L320C (JSR <u001B / fcb $E) to end of L39A0
+* 02/24/95 - Eliminated L320F since dupe of L1CC1, change appropriate LBSR's @
+*            L3A1B & L3A23
+*          - Moved L3212 (JSR <u001B / fcb 0) to end of L3A89
+* 02/27/95 - Moved L3215 (JSR <u001B / fcb $A) to end of L3BF3
+*          - Moved L3218 (JSR <u001B / fcb $10) to end of L3A42
+*          - Took out L321B (JSR <u001E/fcb 6), replaced LBRA to it @ L35CA
+*            with JSR/fcb
+*          - Moved L321E (JSR <u0027/fcb 4) to end of L347E
+*          - Moved L3221 (JSR <u0027/fcb $A) to end of L348E
+*          - Moved L3224 (JSR <u0027/fcb 2) to before L3A8A, and moved 2 lines
+*            from L35BB to here too)
+*          - Moved L3227 (JSR <u0027/fcb $C) to after L381C
+*          - Moved L322A (JSR <u0027/fcb $E) to after L381C
+*          - Moved L322D (JSR <u0027/fcb 0) to after L3BFF
+*          - Moved L3230 (JSR <u002A/fcb 2), even though dupe of L011F, to
+*            after L3779
+* 02/28/95 - Embedded L3233 (JSR <u001B/fcb $18) @ L35F3 & L3A23, changed LBSR
+*            @ L3371 to point to L35F3 version
+*          - Moved L3236 (JSR <u001B/fcb $16) to after L3391
+*          - L3239 (JSR <u001B/fcb $1A) is NEVER CALLED IN BASIC09.
+*            Removed L3239 entirely
+*          - Embedded L323C (JSR <u001B/fcb $1C) @ L34DC since LBRA
+*          - Changed LDB #0 @ L388F to CLRB
+*          - Embedded L3C2C (JSR <u0024/fcb 6 (error handler)) @ L3DD5,L3E78,
+*            L3F2E,L44C2,L458C,L491C,L4FC7) Moved it to just after L40CC.
+*          - Changed LDB #0 @ L4409 to CLRB (part of Boolean routines)
+*          - Changed LDB #0 @ L5046 to CLRB
+*          - Removed L3C2F (dupe of L011F), changed LBSR's @ L471F & L4FAA to
+*            it
+*          - Moved L3C32 to after L505E (shorten LEAX)
+* 03/01/95 - Modified Integer Multiply to use MULD @ L3EE1
+* 03/10/95 - Modified Negate of REAL #'s to use EIM @ L3FA4 (saves 4 cyc)
+*          - Changed L3FBB (Real add with dest var=0) to use LDQ/STQ (saves
+*            6 cyc)
+* 03/13/95 - Changed NEGA/NEGB/SBCA #0 to NEGD @ L4512 & L4591
+*          - Changed BPL L451E to BPL L451F @ L4512 (eliminates 2nd useless
+*            TSTA)
+* 03/15/95 - Changed LDB $B,y/ANDB #$FE/STB $B,y & LDB 5,y/ANDB #$FE/STB $B,y
+*            to AIM's @ L3FE5 (Real Add & Subtract)
+*          - Changed ADCB 3,y/ADCA 2,y to ADCD 2,y @ L4039 (Real Add/Subtact)
+*          - Changed SBCB 3,y/SBCA 2,y TO SBCD 2,y @ L400B (Real Add/Subtact)
+*          - Changed LDA 5,y/ANDA #$FE/STA 5,y to AIM #$FE,5,y @ L45AE (ABS
+*            for real #'s
+*          - Changed NEGA/NEGB/SBCA #0 to NEGD @ L45B5 (ABS for Integers)
+*          - Ditched special checks for 0 or 2 in Integer Multiply (L3EC1),
+*            since overhead from checks is as slow or slower as straight MULD
+*            except in dest. var=0's case
+* 03/16/95 - Changed 2 LDD/STD's @ L3F93 to LDQ/STQ
+* 03/18/95 - Changed Integer Divide (and MOD) routines to use DIVQ
+* 03/20/95 - Changed L3F7C (copy Real # to temp var from inc'd X) to use
+*            LDQ/STQ/LDB #4/ABX
+*          - Moved Integer MOD routine (L46A2) to nearer divide (changes LBSR
+*            to BSR)
+* 04/23/95 - Changed Real Add/Subtract mantissa shift (L4082-L40C9) to use
+*            <u0014 (unused in BASIC09) to hold shift count instead of stack
+*            (saves 2 cyc for STA vs. PSHS, saves 1 cyc per DEC, & saves 5 cyc
+*            by eliminating LEAS 1,s) (6809)
+* 04/26/95 - Split real add/subtract out & made two versions: 6809 & 6309
+* 06/09/95 - Modified 6309 REAL add/subtract routine - now 13-15% faster
+* 06/20/95 - Took out useless LDB 2,s @ L412D (Real Multiply)
+* 07/18/95 - Changed sign fix in Real Add @ L4071 to use TFR w,d/lsrb/lslb/orb
+*            ,y/std $a,y
+*          - Split real multiply out & made two versions: 6809 & 6309
+* 08/11/95 - Removed useless LEAS 1,s in Init routine
+*          - Split real divide out & made two versions: 6809 & 6309
+* 08/15/95 - Removed useless: STA <u00BD in start, useless CLR <u0035 @ L07FC,
+*            Changed LDD #1 to LDB #1/STD <u002D to STB <u002E in start, and
+*            L07FC/L082E routine to use W instead of stack for base address
+*          - Changed 'bye <CR>' buffer fill @ L08E5 to use LDQ/STQ
+* 11/12/95 - Changed L3405 to use INCD instead of ADDD #1 (NEXT Integer STEP 1
+*          - Changed L341E to TFR A,E instead of PSHS A, changed TST ,S+ to
+*            TSTE (NEXT Integer STEP <>1)
+* 11/16/95 - Changed to L345E (REAL NEXT STEP 1) to do direct call to REAL add
+*            routine (changed BSR L321E/BSR L34DC to LBSR L3FB1)
+*          - As per above, changed same call @ L34A5 (REAL NEXT STEP <>1), and
+*            eliminated L321E completely
+*          - @ L347E & L34CC, eliminated L3221 calls, replaced BSR L3221's
+*            with LBSR L4449 (Real Compare) (in REAL NEXT, both cases)
+* 11/25/95 - Remove L50A1 & L509E (calls to REAL Multiply & REAL divide),
+*            changed L529B to call them directly (prints exponents?)
+* 11/30/95 - Changed L3AF9 to use SUBR (saves 1 byte/9 cyc on RUN (mlsub)
+* 12/05/95 - Changed L3A48 (called by REM) to use ABX instead of CLRA/LEAX D,X
+*            (used to jump ahead in I-Code to skip remark text)
+*          - Attempted to just move L33DF (NEXT) & L34E5 (FOR) Tables to just
+*            after L3446 for 8 bit offsets - also removed LSLB @ L33EA
+* 02/12/95 - Changed routines around L57EB to skip ORCC if not necessary (blo&
+*            bcs)
+*          - Changed LEAX to 8 bit from 16 @ L4B89
+         nam   Basic09
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc         
+         mod   eom,name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,start,size
+u0000    rmb   2       Start of data memory / DP pointer
+u0002    rmb   2       Size of Data area (including DP)
+u0004    rmb   2       Ptr to list of Modules in BASIC09 workspace ($400)
+u0006    rmb   1       ??? NEVER REFERENCED (possibly leftover from RUNB)
+u0007    rmb   1       ??? NEVER REFERENCED
+u0008    rmb   2       Ptr to start of I-code workspace
+u000A    rmb   2       # bytes used by all programs for code in user workspace
+* Data area sizes are taken from module headers Permanent storage size ($B-$C)
+u000C    rmb   2       Bytes free in BASIC09 workspace for user
+u000E    rmb   2       Ptr to jump table (L323F only) - Only used from L3D4A
+u0010    rmb   2       Inited to L3CB5 (jump table)
+u0012    rmb   2       Inited to L3D35 (jump table)
+u0014    rmb   1       ??? NEVER REFERENCED
+u0015    rmb   1       ??? NEVER REFERENCED
+u0016    rmb   1       JMP ($7e) instruction
+u0017    rmb   2       Address for above (inited to L3D41)
+u0019    rmb   2       Inited to L3C32 (JSR <u001B / FCB $1A)
+* The following vectors all contain a JMP >$xxxx set up from the module header
+u001B    rmb   3       Jump vector #1  (Inited to L00DC)
+u001E    rmb   3       Jump vector #2  (Inited to L1CA5)
+u0021    rmb   3       Jump vector #3  (Inited to L255A)
+u0024    rmb   3       Jump vector #4  (Inited to L31E8)
+u0027    rmb   3       Jump vector #5  (Inited to L3C09)
+u002A    rmb   3       Jump vector #6  (Inited to L5084)
+u002D    rmb   1       Standard Input path # (Inited to 0)
+u002E    rmb   1       Standard Output path # (inited to 1)
+u002F    rmb   2       Ptr to start of 'current' module in BASIC09 workspace
+u0031    rmb   2       Ptr to start of variable storage
+u0033    rmb   1
+u0034    rmb   1       Flag: if high bit set, signal has been receieved
+u0035    rmb   1       Last signal received
+u0036    rmb   1       Error code
+u0037    rmb   2
+u0039    rmb   1
+u003A    rmb   1
+u003B    rmb   1
+u003C    rmb   1
+u003D    rmb   1
+u003E    rmb   1
+u003F    rmb   1
+u0040    rmb   2
+u0042    rmb   1
+u0043    rmb   1
+* Next 2 are variable ptrs of some sort, temporary? Permanent?
+u0044    rmb   2       Inited to $300 (some table that is built backwards)
+u0046    rmb   2       Inited to $300
+u0048    rmb   1
+u0049    rmb   1
+u004A    rmb   2       Ptr to end of currently used I-code workspace+1
+u004C    rmb   1
+u004D    rmb   1
+u004E    rmb   2
+u0050    rmb   1       Inited to $0e
+u0051    rmb   1       Inited to $12
+u0052    rmb   1       Inited to $14
+u0053    rmb   1       Inited to $A2
+u0054    rmb   1       Inited to $BB
+u0055    rmb   1       Inited to $40
+u0056    rmb   1       Inited to $E6
+u0057    rmb   1       Inited to $2D
+u0058    rmb   1       Inited to $36
+u0059    rmb   1       Inited to $19
+u005A    rmb   2       Inited to $62E9
+u005C    rmb   2
+u005E    rmb   2       Absolute exec address of basic09 module in memory
+u0060    rmb   2       Absolute address of $F offset in basic09 mod in mem
+u0062    rmb   2       Absolute address of $D offset in basic09 mod in mem
+u0064    rmb   2       ??? Size of module-$D,x in mod hdr + 3
+u0066    rmb   1
+u0067    rmb   1
+u0068    rmb   1
+u0069    rmb   1
+u006A    rmb   1
+u006B    rmb   1
+u006C    rmb   1
+u006D    rmb   1
+u006E    rmb   1
+u006F    rmb   1
+u0070    rmb   2
+u0072    rmb   2
+u0074    rmb   1
+u0075    rmb   1
+u0076    rmb   1
+u0077    rmb   1
+u0078    rmb   1
+u0079    rmb   1
+u007A    rmb   1
+u007B    rmb   1
+u007C    rmb   1
+u007D    rmb   1       Current # chars active in temp buffer ($100-$1ff)
+u007E    rmb   1
+u007F    rmb   1
+u0080    rmb   2       Pointer to start of temp buffer ($100)
+u0082    rmb   2       Pointer to current position in temp buffer ($100-$1ff)
+u0084    rmb   1
+* For u0085, the following applies:
+* 0=Integer, 1=Hex, 2=Real, 3=Exponential, 4=String, 5=Boolean, 6=Tab,
+* 7=Spaces, 8=Quoted text
+u0085    rmb   1       Specifier # for print using
+u0086    rmb   1
+u0087    rmb   1
+u0088    rmb   1
+u0089    rmb   1
+u008A    rmb   1
+u008B    rmb   1
+u008C    rmb   2
+u008E    rmb   2
+u0090    rmb   1
+u0091    rmb   1
+u0092    rmb   2
+u0094    rmb   1
+u0095    rmb   1
+u0096    rmb   1
+u0097    rmb   1
+u0098    rmb   1
+u0099    rmb   1
+u009A    rmb   1
+u009B    rmb   1
+u009C    rmb   1
+u009D    rmb   1
+u009E    rmb   2       Ptr to current command table (normally L0140)
+u00A0    rmb   1       ??? Flag of some sort?
+u00A1    rmb   2
+u00A3    rmb   1       Token # from command table
+u00A4    rmb   1       Command type (flags?) from command table
+u00A5    rmb   1       Flag type of name string (2=Non variable)
+u00A6    rmb   1       Size of current string/variable name (includes '$' on strings)
+u00A7    rmb   2       Ptr to end of name string+1
+u00A9    rmb   2       ??? Ptr of some sort
+u00AB    rmb   2       Ptr to current line I-code end
+u00AD    rmb   2       ??? Dupe of above
+u00AF    rmb   2       ??? duped from AB @ L1F90
+u00B1    rmb   2
+u00B3    rmb   2       # steps to do (debug mode from STEP command)
+u00B5    rmb   2
+u00B7    rmb   2
+u00B9    rmb   1
+u00BA    rmb   1
+u00BB    rmb   1       ??? (inited to 0 at during load process)
+u00BC    rmb   1
+u00BD    rmb   1       (inited to 0) - Path # of newly opened path
+u00BE    rmb   1       I$Dup path # for duplicate of error path
+u00BF    rmb   2
+u00C1    rmb   2
+u00C3    rmb   2
+u00C5    rmb   1
+u00C6    rmb   1
+u00C7    rmb   1
+u00C8    rmb   2
+u00CA    rmb   1
+u00CB    rmb   1
+u00CC    rmb   1
+u00CD    rmb   1
+u00CE    rmb   1
+u00CF    rmb   1
+u00D0    rmb   1
+u00D1    rmb   1       Some sort of variable type
+u00D2    rmb   2
+u00D4    rmb   2
+u00D6    rmb   2       Size of var in bytes (from u00D1)
+u00D8    rmb   1
+u00D9    rmb   1       Inited to 1
+u00DA    rmb   1
+u00DB    rmb   1
+u00DC    rmb   1
+u00DD    rmb   1
+u00DE    rmb   1
+u00DF    rmb   1
+u00E0    rmb   1
+u00E1    rmb   1
+u00E2    rmb   2
+u00E4    rmb   1
+u00E5    rmb   1
+u00E6    rmb   2
+u00E8    rmb   2
+u00EA    rmb   1
+u00EB    rmb   4
+u00EF    rmb   3
+u00F2    rmb   1
+u00F3    rmb   6
+u00F9    rmb   1
+u00FA    rmb   4
+u00FE    rmb   1
+u00FF    rmb   1
+u0100    rmb   $100    256 byte temporary buffer for various things
+u0200    rmb   $100    ??? ($200-$2ff) built backwards 2 bytes/time
+u0300    rmb   $100    BASIC09 stack area ($300-$3ff)
+u0400    rmb   $100    List of module ptrs (modules in BASIC09 workspace)
+u0500    rmb   $100    I-Code buffer (for running)
+u0600    rmb   $2000-. Default buffer for BASIC09 programs & data
+size     equ   .
+* Jump tables installed at $1b in DP: in form of JMP to (address of BASIC09's
+* header in memory + 2 byte in table). In other words, jump to LXXXX
+L000D    fdb   L00DC     $1b jump vector
+         fdb   L1CA5     $1e jump vector
+         fdb   L255A     $21 jump vector
+         fdb   L31E8     $24 jump vector
+         fdb   L3C09     $27 jump vector
+         fdb   L5084     $2A jump vector
+         fdb   $0000     End of jump vector table marker
+name     fcs   /Basic09/
+L0022    fdb   $1607     Edition #22 ($16)
+* Intro screen
+L0024    fcb   $0C
+         fcc   '            BASIC09'
+         fcb   $0A
+         fcc   '      RS VERSION 01.00.01'
+         fcb   $0A 
+         fcc   'COPYRIGHT 1980 BY MOTOROLA INC.'
+         fcb   $0A 
+         fcc   '  AND MICROWARE SYSTEMS CORP.'
+         fcb   $0A 
+         fcc   '   REPRODUCED UNDER LICENSE'
+         fcb   $0A 
+         fcc   '       TO TANDY CORP.'
+         fcb   $0A 
+         fcc   '    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.'
+         fcb   $8A 
+* Jump vector @ $1B goes here
+L00DC    pshs  x,d          Preserve regs
+         ldb   [<$04,s]     Get function offset
+         leax  <L00EC,pc    Point to vector table
+         ldd   b,x          Get return offset
+         leax  d,x          Point to return address
+         stx   $4,s         Change RTS address to it
+         puls  d,x,pc       restore regs and return to new address
+* Vector offsets for above routine ($1B vector)
+L00EC    fdb   L0F91-L00EC  Function 0
+         fdb   L1287-L00EC  Function 2   Print error message (B=Error code)
+         fdb   L0899-L00EC  Function 4
+         fdb   L088F-L00EC  Function 6
+         fdb   L18BE-L00EC  Function 8
+         fdb   L0E73-L00EC  Function A
+         fdb   L0E6D-L00EC  Function C
+         fdb   L0E8F-L00EC  Function E
+         fdb   L1BA2-L00EC  Function 10
+         fdb   L12F9-L00EC  Function 12
+         fdb   L19B1-L00EC  Function 14
+         fdb   L110C-L00EC  Function 16
+         fdb   L1026-L00EC  Function 18
+         fdb   L10AC-L00EC  Function 1A (Pointed to by <u0019 & <u0017)
+         fdb   L10B1-L00EC  Function 1C
+*L0131    jsr   <u0024
+*         fcb   $0A 
+* token/command type & command list?
+         fdb   114            # entries in table
+         fcb   2              # bytes to start text
+L0140    fdb   $0101
+L0142    fcs   'PARAM'
+         fdb   $0201
+L0149    fcs   'TYPE'
+         fdb   $0301
+L014F    fcs   'DIM'
+         fdb   $0401
+L0154    fcs   'DATA'
+         fdb   $0501
+L015A    fcs   'STOP'
+         fdb   $0601
+L0160    fcs   'BYE'
+         fdb   $0701
+L0165    fcs   'TRON'
+         fdb   $0801
+L016B    fcs   'TROFF'
+         fdb   $0901
+L0172    fcs   'PAUSE'
+         fdb   $0A01
+L0179    fcs   'DEG'
+         fdb   $0B01
+L017E    fcs   'RAD'
+         fdb   $0C01
+L0183    fcs   'RETURN'
+         fdb   $0D01
+L018B    fcs   'LET'
+         fdb   $0F01
+L0190    fcs   'POKE'
+         fdb   $1001
+L0196    fcs   'IF'
+         fdb   $1101
+L019A    fcs   'ELSE'
+         fdb   $1201
+L01A0    fcs   'ENDIF'
+         fdb   $1301
+L01A7    fcs   'FOR'
+         fdb   $1401
+L01AC    fcs   'NEXT'
+         fdb   $1501
+L01B2    fcs   'WHILE'
+         fdb   $1601
+L01B9    fcs   'ENDWHILE'
+         fdb   $1701
+L01C3    fcs   'REPEAT'
+         fdb   $1801
+L01CB    fcs   'UNTIL'
+         fdb   $1901
+L01D2    fcs   'LOOP'
+         fdb   $1A01
+L01D8    fcs   'ENDLOOP'
+         fdb   $1B01
+L01E1    fcs   'EXITIF'
+         fdb   $1C01
+L01E9    fcs   'ENDEXIT'
+         fdb   $1D01
+L01F2    fcs   'ON'
+         fdb   $1E01
+L01F6    fcs   'ERROR'
+         fdb   $1F01
+L01FD    fcs   'GOTO'
+         fdb   $2101
+L0203    fcs   'GOSUB'
+         fdb   $2301
+L020A    fcs   'RUN'
+         fdb   $2401         
+L020F    fcs   'KILL'
+         fdb   $2501
+L0215    fcs   'INPUT'
+         fdb   $2601
+L021C    fcs   'PRINT'
+         fdb   $2701
+L0223    fcs   'CHD'
+         fdb   $2801
+L0228    fcs   'CHX'
+         fdb   $2901
+L022D    fcs   'CREATE'
+         fdb   $2A01
+L0235    fcs   'OPEN'
+         fdb   $2B01
+L023B    fcs   'SEEK'
+         fdb   $2C01
+L0241    fcs   'READ'
+         fdb   $2D01
+L0247    fcs   'WRITE'
+         fdb   $2E01
+L024E    fcs   'GET'
+         fdb   $2F01
+L0253    fcs   'PUT'
+         fdb   $3001
+L0258    fcs   'CLOSE'
+         fdb   $3101
+L025F    fcs   'RESTORE'
+         fdb   $3201
+L0268    fcs   'DELETE'
+         fdb   $3301
+L0270    fcs   'CHAIN'
+         fdb   $3401
+L0277    fcs   'SHELL'
+         fdb   $3501
+L027E    fcs   'BASE'
+         fdb   $3701
+L0284    fcs   'REM'
+         fdb   $3901
+L0289    fcs   'END'
+         fdb   $4003
+L028E    fcs   'BYTE'
+         fdb   $4103
+L0294    fcs   'INTEGER'
+         fdb   $4203
+L029D    fcs   'REAL'
+         fdb   $4303
+L02A3    fcs   'BOOLEAN'
+         fdb   $4403
+L02AC    fcs   'STRING'
+         fdb   $4503
+L02B4    fcs   'THEN'
+         fdb   $4603
+L02BA    fcs   'TO'
+         fdb   $4703
+L02BE    fcs   'STEP'
+         fdb   $4803
+L02C4    fcs   'DO'
+         fdb   $4903
+L02C8    fcs   'USING'
+         fdb   $3D03
+L02CF    fcs   'PROCEDURE'
+         fdb   $9204
+L02DA    fcs   'ADDR'
+         fdb   $9404
+L02E0    fcs   'SIZE'
+         fdb   $9604
+L02E6    fcs   'POS'
+         fdb   $9704
+L02EB    fcs   'ERR'
+         fdb   $9804
+L02F0    fcs   'MOD'
+         fdb   $9A04
+L02F5    fcs   'RND'
+         fdb   $9C04
+L02FA    fcs   'SUBSTR'
+         fdb   $9B04
+L0302    fcs   'PI'
+         fdb   $9F04
+L0306    fcs   'SIN'
+         fdb   $A004
+L030B    fcs   'COS'
+         fdb   $A104
+L0310    fcs   'TAN'
+         fdb   $A204
+L0315    fcs   'ASN'
+         fdb   $A304
+L031A    fcs   'ACS'
+         fdb   $A404
+L031F    fcs   'ATN'
+         fdb   $A504
+L0324    fcs   'EXP'
+         fdb   $A804
+L0329    fcs   'LOG'
+         fdb   $A904
+L032E    fcs   'LOG10'
+         fdb   $9D04
+L0335    fcs   'SGN'
+         fdb   $A604
+L033A    fcs   'ABS'
+         fdb   $AA04
+L033F    fcs   'SQRT'
+         fdb   $AA04
+L0345    fcs   'SQR'
+         fdb   $AC04
+L034A    fcs   'INT'
+         fdb   $AE04
+L034F    fcs   'FIX'
+         fdb   $B004
+L0354    fcs   'FLOAT'
+         fdb   $B204
+L035B    fcs   'SQ'
+         fdb   $B404
+L035F    fcs   'PEEK'
+         fdb   $B504
+L0365    fcs   'LNOT'
+         fdb   $B604
+L036B    fcs   'VAL'
+         fdb   $B704
+L0370    fcs   'LEN'
+         fdb   $B804
+L0375    fcs   'ASC'
+         fdb   $B904
+L037A    fcs   'LAND'
+         fdb   $BA04
+L0380    fcs   'LOR'
+         fdb   $BB04
+L0385    fcs   'LXOR'
+         fdb   $BC04
+L038B    fcs   'TRUE'
+         fdb   $BD04
+L0391    fcs   'FALSE'
+         fdb   $BE04
+L0398    fcs   'EOF'
+         fdb   $BF04
+L039D    fcs   'TRIM$'
+         fdb   $C004
+L03A4    fcs   'MID$'
+         fdb   $C104
+L03AA    fcs   'LEFT$'
+         fdb   $C204
+L03B1    fcs   'RIGHT$'
+         fdb   $C304
+L03B9    fcs   'CHR$'
+         fdb   $C404
+L03BF    fcs   'STR$'
+         fdb   $C604
+L03C5    fcs   'DATE$'
+         fdb   $C704
+L03CC    fcs   'TAB'
+         fdb   $CD05
+L03D1    fcs   'NOT'
+         fdb   $D005
+L03D6    fcs   'AND'
+         fdb   $D105
+L03DB    fcs   'OR'
+         fdb   $D205
+L03DF    fcs   'XOR'
+         fdb   $F703
+L03E4    fcs   'UPDATE'
+         fdb   $f803
+L03EC    fcs   'EXEC'
+         fdb   $f903
+L03F2    fcs   'DIR'
+* 3 byte packets used by <u001B calls - Function $12
+* 1st byte is used for bit tests, bytes 2-3 are offset from 2nd byte (can be
+*   jump address, others seem to be ptrs to text)
+L03F5    fcb   $40          ???
+         fdb   $0000
+* label for reference only - remove after all are verified as correct
+         fcb   $00          ???
+         fdb   L0142-*      PARAM ($fd49)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0149-*      TYPE  ($fd4d)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L014F-*      DIM   ($fd50)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0154-*      DATA  ($fd52)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L015A-*      STOP  ($fd55)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0160-*      BYE   ($fd58)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0165-*      TRON  ($fd5a)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L016B-*      TROFF ($fd5d)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0172-*      PAUSE ($fd61)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0179-*      DEG   ($fd65)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L017E-*      RAD   ($fd67)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0183-*      RETURN ($fd69)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L018B-*      LET    ($fd6e)
+         fcb   $40          ???
+         fdb   $0000
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0190-*      POKE   ($fd6d)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0196-*      IF     ($fd70)
+         fcb   $63
+         fdb   L019A-*      ELSE   ($fd71)
+         fcb   $02
+         fdb   L01A0-*      ENDIF  ($fd74)
+         fcb   $01
+         fdb   L01A7-*      FOR    ($fd78)
+         fcb   $22
+         fdb   L1419-*      (something with NEXT in it) ($0fe7)
+         fcb   $01
+         fdb   L01B2-*      WHILE ($fd7d)
+         fcb   $62
+         fdb   L01B9-*      ENDWHILE ($fd81)
+         fcb   $01
+         fdb   L01C3-*      REPEAT ($fd88)
+         fcb   $02
+         fdb   L01CB-*      UNTIL ($fd8d)
+         fcb   $01
+         fdb   L01D2-*      LOOP ($fd91)
+         fcb   $62
+         fdb   L01D8-*      ENDLOOP ($fd94)
+         fcb   $02
+         fdb   L01E1-*      EXITIF ($fd9a)
+         fcb   $63
+         fdb   L01E9-*      ENDEXIT ($fd9f)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L01F2-*      ON ($fda5)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L01F6-*      ERROR ($fda6)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L13C9-*      Point to something with GOTO ($0f76)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L13C9-*      Point to something with GOTO ($0f73)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L13C3-*      Point to something with GOSUB ($0f6a)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L13C3-*      Point to something with GOSUB ($0f67)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L140F-*      Point to something with RUN ($0fb0)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L020F-*      KILL ($fdad)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0215-*      INPUT ($fdb0)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L021C-*      PRINT ($fdb4)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0223-*      CHD ($fdb8)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0228-*      CHX ($fdba)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L022D-*      CREATE ($fdbc)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0235-*      OPEN ($fdc1)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L023B-*      SEEK ($fdc4)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0241-*      READ ($fdc7)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0247-*      WRITE ($fdca)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L024E-*      GET ($fdce)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0253-*      PUT ($fdd0)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0258-*      CLOSE ($fdd2)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L025F-*      RESTORE ($fdd6)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0268-*      DELETE ($fddc)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0270-*      CHAIN ($fde1)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0277-*      SHELL ($fde5)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L1402-*      Points to something with BASE ($0f6d)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L1402-*      Points to something with BASE ($0f6a)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L143C-*      Points to something with REM ($0fa1)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L1436-*      Points to something with (* ($0f98)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L0289-*      END ($fde8)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L13CF-*      ??? end of goto/gosub routine ($0f2b)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L13CF-*      ??? end of goto/gosub routine ($0f28)
+         fcb   $40          ???
+         fdb   $0000
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L1443-*      ??? end of REM routine ($0f96)
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   ' \'         Command statement separator literal
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L12D4-*      ??? ($0e21)
+         fcb   $10
+         fdb   L028E-*      BYTE ($fdd8)
+         fcb   $10
+         fdb   L0294-*      INTEGER ($fddb)
+         fcb   $10
+         fdb   L029D-*      REAL ($fde1)
+         fcb   $10
+         fdb   L02A3-*      BOOLEAN ($fde4)
+         fcb   $10
+         fdb   L02AC-*      STRING ($fdea)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L1424-*      ??? Something that points to 'THEN' ($0f5f)
+         fcb   $60
+         fdb   L02BA-*      TO ($fdf2)
+         fcb   $60
+         fdb   L02BE-*      STEP ($fdf3)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L02C4-*      DO ($fdf6)
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   L02C8-*      USING ($fdf7)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L145E-*      ??? Something with file access modes ($0f8a)
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   ','          comma
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   ':'          colon
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   '('          Left parenthesis
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   ')'          Right parenthesis
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   '['          Left bracket
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   ']'          Right bracket
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   '; '         semi-colon with space
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   ':='         := (pascal like equals)
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   '='          Equals sign
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $40
+         fcc   '#'          number sign
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L1AE1-*      ??? Bump Y up by 2 & return ($15ec)
+* Guess: These following have to do with printing numeric values???
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E92)
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E8F)
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E8c)
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E89)
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E86)
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E83)
+         fcb   $21
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E80)
+         fcb   $22
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E7D)
+         fcb   $23
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0E7A)
+         fcb   $20
+         fdb   L1386-*      ??? (Appends period, does 138A routine) ($0E73)
+         fcb   $21
+         fdb   L1386-*      ??? (Appends period, does 138A routine) ($0E70)
+         fcb   $22
+         fdb   L1386-*      ??? (Appends period, does 138A routine) ($0E6d)
+         fcb   $23
+         fdb   L1386-*      ??? (Appends period, does 138A routine) ($0E6a)
+         fcb   $26
+         fdb   L13BE-*      ??? (print single byte numeric?) ($0E9f)
+         fcb   $27
+         fdb   L13CF-*      ??? (print 2 byte integer numeric?) ($0Ead)
+         fcb   $24
+         fdb   L13A0-*      ??? (possibly something with reals?) ($0E7b)
+         fcb   $24
+         fdb   L13E1-*      ??? (string, puts " in) ($0Eb9)
+         fcb   $27
+         fdb   L13F6-*      ??? (string, puts $ in) ($0Ecb)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L02DA-*      ADDR ($FDac)
+         fcb   $80          ???
+         fdb   $0000
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L02E0-*      SIZE ($FDAC)
+         fcb   $80 
+         fdb   $0000        ???
+         fcb   $10 
+         fdb   L02E6-*      POS ($FDAC)
+         fcb   $10 
+         fdb   L02EB-*      ERR ($FDAE)
+         fcb   $12 
+         fdb   L02F0-*      MOD ($FDB0)
+         fcb   $12 
+         fdb   L02F0-*      MOD ($FDAD)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L02F5-*      RND ($FDAF)
+         fcb   $10 
+         fdb   L0302-*      PI ($FDB9)
+         fcb   $12 
+         fdb   L02FA-*      SUBSTR ($FDAE)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0335-*      SGN ($FDE6)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0335-*      SGN ($FDE3)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0306-*      SIN ($FDB1)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L030B-*      COS ($FDB3)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0310-*      TAN ($FDB5)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0315-*      ASN ($FDB7)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L031A-*      ACS ($FDB9)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L031F-*      ATN ($FDbb)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0324-*      EXP ($FDBD)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L033A-*      ABS ($FDD0)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L033A-*      ABS ($FDCD)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0329-*      LOG ($FDB9)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L032E-*      LOG10 ($FDBB)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L033F-*      SQRT ($FDC9)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L033F-*      SQRT ($FDC6)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L034A-*      INT ($FDCE)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L034A-*      INT ($FDCB)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L034F-*      FIX ($FDCD)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L034F-*      FIX ($FDCA)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0354-*      FLOAT ($FDCC)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0354-*      FLOAT ($FDC9)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L035B-*      SQ ($FDCD)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L035B-*      SQ ($FDCA)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L035F-*      PEEK ($FDCB)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0365-*      LNOT ($FDCE)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L036B-*      VAL ($FDD1)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0370-*      LEN ($FDD3)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0375-*      ASC ($FDD5)
+         fcb   $12 
+         fdb   L037A-*      LAND ($FDD7)
+         fcb   $12 
+         fdb   L0380-*      LOR ($FDDA)
+         fcb   $12 
+         fdb   L0385-*      LXOR ($FDDC)
+         fcb   $10 
+         fdb   L038B-*      TRUE ($FDDF)
+         fcb   $10 
+         fdb   L0391-*      FALSE ($FDE2)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L0398-*      EOF ($FDE6)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L039D-*      TRIM$ ($FDE8)
+         fcb   $13 
+         fdb   L03A4-*      MID$ ($FDEC)
+         fcb   $12 
+         fdb   L03AA-*      LEFT$ ($FDEF)
+         fcb   $12 
+         fdb   L03B1-*      RIGHT$ ($FDF3)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L03B9-*      CHR$ ($FDF8)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L03BF-*      STR$ ($FDFB)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L03BF-*      STR$ ($FDF8)
+         fcb   $10 
+         fdb   L03C5-*      DATE$ ($FDFB)
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L03CC-*      TAB ($FDFF)
+         fcb   $80 
+         fdb   $0000
+         fcb   $80 
+         fdb   $0000
+         fcb   $80 
+         fdb   $0000
+         fcb   $80 
+         fdb   $0000
+         fcb   $80 
+         fdb   $0000
+         fcb   $11 
+         fdb   L03D1-*      NOT ($FDF2)
+         fcb   $51
+         fcc   '-'          ??? (Sign as opposed to subtract?)
+         fcb   $00 
+         fcb   $51
+         fcc   '-'          ??? (Sign as opposed to subtract?)
+         fcb   $00 
+         fcb   $0A 
+         fdb   L03D6-*      AND ($FDEE)
+         fcb   $09 
+         fdb   L03DB-*      OR ($FDF0)
+         fcb   $09 
+         fdb   L03DF-*      XOR ($FDF1)
+* Would presume that the different duplicates are for different data types
+* It appears that BYTE & INTEGER use the same routines, REAL is different,
+* STRING/TYPE use a third, and BOOLEAN would be a rarely used 4th
+* Order appears to be : REAL/(INTEGER or BYTE)/STRING/BOOLEAN
+* 3 - real/integer/string
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '>'          greater than
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '>'          greater than
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '>'          greater than
+         fcb   $00
+* 3 - real/integer/string
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<'          less than
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<'          less than
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<'          less than
+         fcb   $00
+* 4 - real/integer/string/boolean
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<>'         not equal to
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<>'         not equal to
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<>'         not equal to
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<>'         not equal to
+* 4 - real/integer/string/boolean
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '='          equal to
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '='          equal to
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '='          equal to
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '='          equal to
+         fcb   $00
+* 3 - real/integer/string
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '>='         greater than or equal to
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '>='         greater than or equal to
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '>='         greater than or equal to
+* 3 - real/integer/string
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<='         less than or equal to
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<='         less than or equal to
+         fcb   $4B
+         fcc   '<='         less than or equal to
+* 3 - real/integer/string
+         fcb   $4c
+         fcc   '+'          plus
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4c
+         fcc   '+'          plus
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4c
+         fcc   '+'          plus
+         fcb   $00
+* 2 - real/integer
+         fcb   $4C
+         fcc   '-'          minus
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4C
+         fcc   '-'          minus
+         fcb   $00
+* 2 - real/integer
+         fcb   $4D
+         fcc   '*'          multiply
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4D
+         fcc   '*'          multiply
+         fcb   $00
+* 2 - real/integer
+         fcb   $4D
+         fcc   '/'          divide
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $4D
+         fcc   '/'          divide
+         fcb   $00
+* 1 - real
+         fcb   $4E
+         fcc   '^'          exponent
+         fcb   $00
+* 1 - real
+         fcb   $4E
+         fcc   '**'         exponent (2nd version)
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0D3c)
+         fcb   $21
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0D39)
+         fcb   $22
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0D36)
+         fcb   $23
+         fdb   L138A-*      ??? ($0D33)
+         fcb   $20 
+         fdb   L1386-*      ??? (Adds period, does 138A) ($0D2C)
+         fcb   $21
+         fdb   L1386-*      ??? (Adds period, does 138A) ($0D29)
+         fcb   $22
+         fdb   L1386-*      ??? (Add period, does 138A) ($0D26)
+         fcb   $23
+         fdb   L1386-*      ??? (Add period, does 138A) ($0D23)
+* System Mode commands
+         fdb   2            # commands this table
+         fcb   2            # bytes to first command string
+L0668    fdb   L09F9-L0668
+         fcs   '$'
+L066B    fdb   L094F-L066B
+         fcb   C$CR+$80     (Carriage return)
+         fdb   14           # commands this table
+         fcb   2            # bytes to first command string
+L0671    fdb   L0E6D-L0671
+         fcs   'BYE'
+L0676    fdb   L094A-L0676
+         fcs   'DIR'
+L067B    fdb   L1590-L067B
+         fcs   'EDIT'
+L0681    fdb   L1590-L0681
+         fcs   'E'
+L0684    fdb   L0D02-L0684
+         fcs   'LIST'
+L068A    fdb   L0DC7-L068A
+         fcs   'RUN'
+L068F    fdb   L0E98-L068F
+         fcs   'KILL'
+L0695    fdb   L0CF4-L0695
+         fcs   'SAVE'
+L069B    fdb   L0AC3-L069B
+         fcs   'LOAD'
+L06A1    fdb   L0A32-L06A1
+         fcs   'RENAME'
+L06A9    fdb   L0B51-L06A9
+         fcs   'PACK'
+L06AF    fdb   L0918-L06AF
+         fcs   'MEM'
+L06B4    fdb   L0A24-L06B4
+         fcs   'CHD'
+L06B9    fdb   L0A28-L06B9
+         fcs   'CHX'
+* Debug mode commands (offsets done by current base + offset)
+         fdb   2              # of entries this table (-3,x)
+         fcb   2              # of bytes to start of next entry (-1,x)
+L06C1    fdb   L09F9-L06C1    base ptr goes here (0,x)
+         fcs   '$'            base ptr+(-1,x) above points here
+L06C4    fdb   L108B-L06C4
+         fcb   C$CR+$80       (Carriage return)
+L06C7    fdb   14             # of entries this table (but 13?)
+         fcb   2              # bytes to next entry
+* Debug set #2?
+L06CA    fdb   L109A-L06CA
+         fcs   'CONT'
+L06D0    fdb   L094A-L06D0
+         fcs   'DIR'
+L06D5    fdb   L1068-L06D5
+         fcs   'Q'
+L06D8    fdb   L10E4-L06D8
+         fcs   'LIST'
+L06DE    fdb   L1195-L06DE
+         fcs   'PRINT'
+L06E5    fdb   L120A-L06E5
+         fcs   'STATE'
+L06EC    fdb   L1195-L06EC
+         fcs   'TRON'
+L06F2    fdb   L1195-L06F2
+         fcs   'TROFF'
+L06F9    fdb   L1195-L06F9
+         fcs   'DEG'
+L06FE    fdb   L1195-L06FE
+         fcs   'RAD'
+L0703    fdb   L1195-L0703
+         fcs   'LET'
+L0708    fdb   L107C-L0708
+         fcs   'STEP'
+L070E    fdb   L1226-L070E
+         fcs   'BREAK'
+* Some edit mode stuff?
+         fdb   8              # entries this table
+         fcb   2              # bytes to start entry
+L0718    fdb   L169E-L0718
+         fcs   'L'
+L071B    fdb   L169E-L071B
+         fcs   'l'
+L071E    fdb   L199A-L071E
+         fcs   'D'
+L0721    fdb   L199A-L0721
+         fcs   'd'
+L0724    fdb   L15E7-L0724
+         fcs   '+'
+L0727    fdb   L15E7-L0727
+         fcs   '-'
+L072A    fdb   L15E7-L072A
+         fcb   C$CR+$80
+L072D    fdb   L1601-L072D
+         fcb   C$SPAC+$80
+         fdb   4              # entries
+         fcb   2              # bytes to first entry
+L0733    fdb   L175B-L0733
+         fcs   'S'
+L0736    fdb   L175E-L0736
+         fcs   'C'
+L0739    fdb   L18DF-L0739
+         fcs   'R'
+L073C    fdb   L1993-L073C
+         fcs   'Q'
+L073F    fcb   $0E 
+         fcs   'Ready'
+L0745    fcs   'What?'
+L074A    fcs   ' free'
+L074F    fcs   'Program'
+L0756    fcs   'PROCEDURE'
+         fcb   C$CR
+L0760    fcb   C$LF
+         fcs   '  Name      Proc-Size  Data-Size'
+L0781    fcc   'Rewrite?: '
+L0791    fcb   $0E 
+         fcs   'BREAK: '
+L07A2    fcs   'ok'
+L07A4    fcs   'D:'
+L07A6    fcs   'E:'
+L07A8    fcs   'B:'
+* F$Icpt routine
+L07B5    lda   R$DP,s       Get DP register from stack
+         tfr   a,dp         Put into real DP
+         stb   <u0035       Save signal code
+       ifeq H6309-true
+*        oim   #$80,<u0034  Set high bit (flag signal was received)
+         fcb   $01,$80,u0034
+       else
+         lsl   <u0034       Set high bit (flag signal was received)
+         coma
+         ror   <u0034
+       endc
+         rti                Return to normal BASIC09
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         tfr   u,d          Save start of data mem into D
+         ldw   #$100        Size of DP area to clear
+         clr   ,-s          Clear byte on stack
+         tfm   s,u+         clear out DP
+       else
+         pshs  u            Save start of data mem on stack
+         leau  >$100,u      Point to end of DP
+         clra               Clear all of DP to $00
+         clrb
+L07C9    std   ,--u
+         cmpu  ,s
+         bhi   L07C9
+         puls  d            Get start of data mem into D
+       endc
+         leau  ,x           Point U to Start of parameter area
+         std   <u0000       Preserve Start of Data memory ptr
+         inca               Point to $100 in data area
+         sta   <u00D9       Preserve the 1
+         std   <u0080       Initialize ptr to start of temp buffer
+         std   <u0082       Initialize current pos. in temp buffer
+         adda  #$02         D=$300
+         std   <u0046       Save subroutine stack ptr
+         std   <u0044       Save top of string space ptr
+         inca               D=$400
+         tfr   d,s          Point stack to $400 ($300-$3ff)
+         std   <u0004       Save ptr to ptr list of modules in workspace
+         pshs  x            Preserve start of param area
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         pshs  b            Put 0 byte on stack
+         ldw   #$100        Size of area to clear ($400-$4ff)
+         tfm   s,d+         Clear out list of module ptrs (D=$500 at end)
+         leas  1,s          Eat stack byte
+       else
+         tfr   d,x          x=$400
+         clra               d=$0000
+ClrLp    sta   ,x+          Clear byte
+         incb               Inc counter
+         bne   ClrLp        Do until it wraps
+         tfr   x,d          Move $500 to D
+       endc
+         std   <u0008       Save ptr to start of I-Code workspace
+         std   <u004A       Save ptr to end of used I-Code workspace
+         tfr   u,d          Move start of param area ptr to D
+         subd  <u0000       Calculate size for entire data area
+         std   <u0002       Preserve size of Data area
+         ldb   #01          Std Out path
+         stb   <u002E       Save as std output path
+         lda   #$03         Close all paths past the standard 3
+L07FC    os9   I$Close  
+         inca  
+         cmpa  #$10         Do until 3-15 are closed
+         blo   L07FC
+         lda   #$02         Create duplicate path for error path
+         os9   I$Dup    
+         sta   <u00BE       Preserve duplicate's path #
+         leax  <L07B5,pc    Point to intercept routine and set it up with
+         os9   F$Icpt         it's memory area @ start of param area
+         leax  >L000D-$d,pc Point to beginning of module header
+         tfr   x,w          Move it to W
+         ldx   <u0000       Point X to start of data mem
+* Set up some JMP tables from the module header
+         leax  <$1B,x       Point $1b bytes into it
+         leay  >L000D,pc    Point to module header extensions
+L082E    lda   #$7E         Opcode for JMP Extended instruction
+         sta   ,x+          Store in table
+         ldd   ,y++         Get jump offset from module header extension
+         addr  w,d          Add to start of module address
+         std   ,x++         Store as destination of JMP
+         ldd   ,y           Keep installing JMP tables until 0000 found
+         bne   L082E
+         bsr   L0116        Go init <$50 vars, & some table ptrs
+         puls  y            Get parameter ptr
+         leax  >L0140,pc    Point to main command token list
+         stx   <u009E       Save it
+         ldb   ,y           Get char from params
+         cmpb  #C$CR        Carriage return?
+         beq   L08A6        Yes, go print the title screen
+* Optional filename specified when BASIC09 called
+         leax  <L0860,pc    No, point to initial entry of routine
+         pshs  y            Preserve param ptr
+         bsr   L0870        
+         lbsr  L0F91
+         bcc   L088F
+         lbsr  L0AC3        Go open path to name (Y=ptr to it)
+         bra   L088F
+L0116    jsr   <u0024      JMP to L31E8 (default from module header)
+         fcb   $00         Function code 0
+L0860    puls  y            Get original contents of <u00B7
+         bsr   L086D
+         ldx   <u0004       Get ptr to module list
+         ldd   ,x           Get ptr to 1st module (initially 0 (none))
+         std   <u002F       Save it
+         lbsr  L0DC7
+L086D    leax  <L08B2,pc    Get ptr >1st entry into routine
+L0870    puls  u            Get RTS address
+         bsr   L0899        Push 2 bytes from <B7 onto stack, RTS=L0860
+         pshs  u            Save RTS address from BSR L0870
+         clr   <u0034       Clear out signal recieved flag
+         ldd   <u0000       Get start of data mem
+         addd  <u0002       Add size of data mem
+         subd  <u0008       Subtract all BASIC09 reserved stuff ($500 bytes)
+         subd  <u000A       Subtract # bytes used by user's programs (not Data)
+         std   <u000C       Save # bytes free in workspace for user's programs
+         leau  2,s          Point U to L0860 ptr on stack
+         stu   <u0046       Save ptr to it
+         stu   <u0044       And again
+         leas  -$FE,s       Bump stack ptr back 254 bytes
+         jmp   [<-2,u]      Jump to L0860 address on stack
+L088F    lds   <u00B7
+         puls  d
+         std   <u00B7
+L0896    lbra  L0DBB          Reset temp buffer size & ptrs to defaults
+L0899    ldd   <u00B7         Get some other stack ptr?
+         pshs  d              Preserve it
+         sts   <u00B7         Save stack ptr
+         ldd   2,s            Get RTS address to L0870 or L0860
+         stx   2,s            Save ptr to L0860 or L086D on stack
+         tfr   d,pc           Return to L0870 (just after BSR L0899)
+L08A6    leax  >L0024,pc      Point to intro screen credits
+         bsr   L08D0          Copy to temp buffer/print to Std error
+         leax  name,pc        Point to 'Basic09'
+         bsr   L08D0          Copy to temp buffer/print to Std error
+L08B2    bsr   L086D
+         leax  >L073F,pc      Point to 'Ready'
+         bsr   L08D0          Copy to temp buffer/print to Std error
+         leax  >L07A8,pc      Point to 'B:' prompt
+         leay  >L0668,pc      Point to system mode command table
+         clr   <u0084
+         bsr   L08D3          Get command & execute it
+         bcc   L088F          Did it, no problem
+         bsr   L08CC          Unknown command, print 'What?'
+         bra   L088F          Resume normal operation
+L08CC    leax  >L0745,pc      Point to 'What?'
+L08D0    lbra  L125F          Copy to temp buffer/print to Std error
+* Get next command from keyboard & execute it
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to command table
+* Exit: Carry set if command doesn't exist
+L08D3    pshs  y,x            Preserve command tbl ptr & ptr to prompt (ex B:)
+         clr   <u0035         Clear out last signal received
+         lbsr  L126B          Go print a message if we have to to std err
+         bsr   L0896          S/B LBSR L0DBB (saves 3 cycles)
+         lda   <u00BD         Get current input path #
+         beq   L08E5          If Std In, skip ahead
+         os9   I$Close        Otherwise, close it
+         clr   <u00BD         Force input path # to 0 (Std In)
+L08E5    lbsr  L0B2D          ReadLn up to 256 bytes from std in
+         bcc   L08F8          No error on read, continue
+         cmpb  #E$EOF         <ESC> key?
+         bne   L0915          No, exit routine with error
+       ifeq H6309-true
+*        ldq   #$6279650d     'bye' <CR>
+         fcb   $cd,$62,$79,$65,$0d
+         stq   ,y             Stick it in the keyboard buffer
+       else
+         ldd   #'b*256+'y     Stick the word 'bye' <CR> into the keybrd buffer
+         std   ,y
+         ldd   #'e*256+C$CR   ('e' + CR)
+         std   2,y
+       endc
+* Keyboard line read, no errors from ReadLn
+L08F8    ldx   2,s            Get command tbl ptr back
+         lda   #$80           Mask to check for end of entry (high bit set)
+         bsr   L010A          Go parse line, y=ptr to offset in command found
+         bne   L090F          '$' or <CR> command found, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L010D          ???Go check for a procedure name, B=size
+         beq   L0915          None, exit with carry set
+         leax  $03,x          Point to system mode table 2
+         lda   #C$SPAC        ???
+         bsr   L010A          Go parse line, y=ptr to offset in command found
+         beq   L0915          No command found, exit with carry set
+* Command found in table
+L090F    ldd   ,x             Get offset
+         leas  4,s            Eat stack
+         jmp   d,x            Call routine
+L010A    jsr   <u001E
+         fcb   $04 
+* Command not found
+L0915    coma                 Set carry & exit
+         puls  pc,y,x
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to string of chars
+L0918    lbsr  L0A90          Go find 1st non-space/comma char
+         bne   L093C          Found one, skip ahead
+         leax  ,y             Point X to char
+         ldd   <u0008         Get ptr to start of I-Code workspace
+         addd  <u000A         Add to size of all programs in workspace
+         inca                 Bump up by 256 bytes
+         subd  <u0000         Subtract start of data mem ptr
+         pshs  d              Preserve size
+         lbsr  L1748          ??? Check something
+         bcs   L0946          Error, exit with carry set
+         cmpd  ,s++           Check with previously calculated size
+         blo   L0948          Will fit, continue
+         os9   F$Mem          Won't fit, request the required data mem size    
+         bcs   L093C          Can't get it, skip ahead
+         subd  #$0001         Bump gotten size down by 1 byte
+         std   <u0002         Save new data mem size
+L093C    lbsr  L0DBB          Reset temp buffer size & ptrs
+         ldd   <u0002         Get data mem size
+         bsr   L09BA          ???
+L0943    lbra  L1264          Print temp buff contents to std error
+L0946    leas  2,s            Eat something off stack
+L0948    coma                 Exit with carry set
+         rts   
+* Debug & System mode - DIR
+L094A    leax  ,y
+         lbsr  L0D5F
+* System mode - <CR>
+L094F    leax  >L0760,pc      Point to basic09 DIR header
+         lbsr  L125F          Print it out to Std err
+         ldy   <u0004         Get Ptr to list of modules in BASIC09 workspace
+         bra   L099B          Go print directory
+* Entry: X=Ptr to module in memory
+* Prints module names out of modules in work-space.
+* A '*' indicates the current module, a '-' indicates packed or other language
+*   module
+L095B    pshs  y,x          Preserve ? & module ptr
+         lda   #C$SPAC      Space char as default
+         tst   M$Type,x     Check type/language
+         beq   L0965        If source code in workspace, skip ahead
+         lda   #'-          '- char indicates packed or other language code
+L0965    lbsr  L1373        Add char in A to temp text buffer
+         lda   #C$SPAC      Default to space again
+         cmpx  <u002F       Is this the 'current' module?
+         bne   L0970        No, skip ahead
+         lda   #'*          '*' to indicate current module
+L0970    lbsr  L1373        Append that char to temp text buffer
+         ldd   M$Name,x     Get offset to name of module
+         leax  d,x          Point to name
+         lbsr  L135A        ??? Print it out
+         ldd   #$11*256+M$Size  A=??, B=offset from module ptr to get data
+         bsr   L09AD        Go print program size
+         ldd   #$1C*256+M$Mem   A=??, B=offset from module ptr to get data
+         bsr   L09AD        Go print data area size
+         ldd   M$Mem,x      Get data area size required by module
+         addd  #$0040       Add 64 to it
+         cmpd  <u000C       Bigger than bytes free in workspace for user?
+         blo   L0993        Legal data area size, continue
+         lda   #'?          Data area too big for current buffer space, print
+         lbsr  L1373          a '?' beside data area size
+L0993    bsr   L0943        Print line out to std error path
+         puls  y,x          Get ??? & module ptr back
+         tst   <u0035       Any signals pending?
+         bne   L099F        Yes, skip ahead
+L099B    ldx   ,y++         Get ptr to module
+         bne   L095B        There is one, go print it's entry out
+L099F    ldd   <u000C       None left, get # bytes free in BASIC09 workspace
+         bsr   L09BA        Go convert to ASCII
+         leax  >L074A,pc    Point to 'free'
+         lbsr  L1261        Print it out to Std err
+         lbra  L0D51        Close std err; Dup path @ <BE & return from there
+* Entry: A=???, b=offset from module header to get 2 byte # from
+L09AD    pshs  b              Preserve B
+         ldb   #$10           Sub function (uses table @ L50B2)
+         lbsr  L011F          Call <2A (inited to L5084), function 2
+         puls  b              Restore B
+         ldx   2,s            Get module ptr back
+         ldd   b,x            Get size to print
+* Convert # in D to ASCII version (decimal)
+L09BA    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve End of data mem ptr,?,Data mem size
+         pshs  d              Preserve data mem size again
+         leay  <L09ED,pc      Point to decimal table (for integers)
+L09C1    ldx   #$2F00
+L09C4    puls  d              Get data mem size
+L09C6    leax  >$0100,x       Bump X up to $3000
+         subd  ,y             Subtract value from table
+         bhs   L09C6          No underflow, keep subtracting current power of 10
+         addd  ,y++           Restore to before underflow state
+         pshs  d              Preserve remainder of this power
+         ldd   ,y             Get next lower power of 10
+         tfr   x,d            Promptly overwrite it with X (doesn't chg flags)
+         beq   L09E6          If finished table, skip ahead
+         cmpd  #$3000         Just went through once?
+         beq   L09C1          Yes, reset X & do again
+         lbsr  L1373          Go save A @ [<u0082]
+         ldx   #$2F01         Reset X differently
+         bra   L09C4          Go do again
+L09E6    lbsr  L1373          Go save A @ [<u0082]
+         leas  2,s            Eat stack
+         puls  pc,y,x,d       Restore regs & return
+* Table of decimal values
+L09ED    fdb   $2710       10000
+         fdb   $03E8       1000
+         fdb   $0064       100
+         fdb   $000A       10
+         fdb   $0001       1
+         fdb   $0000       0
+* Debug/System '$' goes here
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to line typed in by user?
+L09F9    lbsr  L0A90          Go check char @ Y for space or comma
+         leau  ,y             Point to start of parameter area
+         clrb                 Current size of parameter area=0
+L09FF    incb                 Bump size up by 1
+         lda   ,y+            Get char from user's line
+         cmpa  #C$CR          Hit end yet?
+         bne   L09FF          No, keep looking
+         clra                 parameter line never >255 chars
+         tfr   d,y            Move size of parameter area to Y for Fork
+         leax  >L0277,pc      Point to 'SHELL'
+         lda   #Objct         ML program
+         clrb                 Size of data area=0 pages
+         os9   F$Fork         Fork shell out
+         bcs   L0A86          Error, deal with it
+         pshs  a              Save process # of shell
+L0A17    os9   F$Wait         Wait for death signal
+         cmpa  ,s             Was it our shell process?
+         bne   L0A17          No, wait for ours
+         leas  1,s            Yes, eat process #
+         tstb                 Error status from child?
+         bne   L0A86          Yes, deal with it
+         rts                  No, return
+* System Mode - CHD (MOD 93/09/20 - CHANGED FROM UPDAT. TO READ.)
+L0A24    lda   #DIR.+READ.    Open Data directory in Update mode
+         bra   L0A2A
+* System Mode - CHX
+L0A28    lda   #DIR.+EXEC.    Open Execution Directory
+L0A2A    leax  ,y             Point to directory we are changing to
+         os9   I$ChgDir       Change dir
+         bcs   L0A86          Error, exit with it
+         rts                  No error, return
+L0A32    bsr   L0A9D
+         lbsr  L0F6E
+         bcs   L0A8C
+         pshs  x
+         ldx   ,x
+         tst   6,x
+         bne   L0A8C
+         bsr   L0A90          Go check char @ Y for space or comma
+         beq   L0A48          It is a space or comma, skip ahead
+L0A45    comb                 Set carry, restore X & return
+         puls  pc,x
+L0A48    bsr   L010D          Call <u001E, function 2
+         beq   L0A45
+         pshs  y
+         lbsr  L0F6E
+         bcs   L0A58
+         cmpx  $02,s
+         bne   L0A84
+L0A58    ldx   $02,s
+         lbsr  L1A2E
+         puls  x
+         ldy   <u004A
+L0A62    lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,y+
+         bpl   L0A62
+         sty   <u00AB
+         ldx   [,s++]
+         ldd   $04,x
+         leay  d,x
+         ldb   <$18,x
+         lda   <u00A6
+         sta   <$18,x
+         clra  
+         lbsr  L19B1
+         addd  <u005E
+         std   <u005E
+L0A81    lbra  L1995
+L0A84    ldb   #$2C           Multiply-defined procedure error
+* Error
+L0A86    lbsr  L1287
+L0A89    lbra  L088F
+L0A8C    ldb   #$2B           Unknown procedure error
+         bra   L0A86
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to string of chars?
+* Exit:  Y=Ptr to char (or up 1 char if space/comma found)
+*        B=Char found
+L0A90    ldb   ,y+            Get char
+         cmpb  #',            Is it a ','?
+         beq   L0A9C          Yes, return
+         cmpb  #C$SPAC        Is it a space?
+         beq   L0A9C          Yes, return
+         leay  -1,y           No, normal char, point Y to it
+L0A9C    rts                  Exit with B=char
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to 1st char in possible string name
+* Exit:  Y=Ptr to module name (or string name)
+L0A9D    bsr   L010D          Call <u001E function 2 (string name search again)
+         bne   L0AB0          Size possible name>0, exit
+L0AA2    ldy   <u002F         Get ptr to 'current' module
+         beq   L0AAC          None, use 'Program' as default
+         ldd   M$Name,y       Get offset to module name
+         leay  d,y            Point Y to module name & return
+         rts   
+L0AAC    leay  >L074F,pc      Point Y to 'Program'
+L0AB0    rts   
+L0AB1    ldb   #$2B           Unknown procedure error
+         bra   L0ABD
+L0AB5    ldb   #$20           Memory full error
+L0AB7    pshs  b
+         bsr   L0A81
+         puls  b
+L0ABD    cmpb  #E$EOF         End of file error?
+         beq   L0A89          Yes, special case
+         bra   L0A86          Exit with it
+L010D    jsr   <u001E
+         fcb   $02 
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to string (path name)
+* Exit: Path opened to file, path # @ <u00BD
+L0AC3    leax  ,y             Point to path name
+         lda   #1             Std out path
+         os9   I$Open         Open path
+         bcs   L0ABD          Error, check if it is EOF
+         sta   <u00BD         Save path #
+         bsr   L0B2D          Go read a line into temp input buffer
+         bsr   L0B3C          Go check if it starts with 'PROCEDURE'
+         bne   L0AB1          No, exit with Unknown Procedure Error
+L0AD4    bsr   L010D          Yes, call function
+         beq   L0AB1
+         pshs  y
+         lbsr  L0F6E
+         bcs   L0AE8
+         ldy   ,s
+         leay  -$01,y
+         lbsr  L0E98
+L0AE8    ldy   ,s
+         lbsr  L0EFD
+         lbsr  L1A2E
+         puls  x
+         lbsr  L125F
+L0AF6    ldb   <u0035       Get last received signal code
+         bne   L0AB7        Got a signal, use it as error code & abort load
+         bsr   L0B2D        Go get line of source from file
+         bcs   L0AB7        Error on read, exit with it
+         lda   <u000C       Get MSB of bytes free in workspace
+         cmpa  #$02         At least $2ff (767) bytes free?
+         blo   L0AB5        No, exit with memory full error
+         bsr   L0B3C        Check for word PROCEDURE
+         beq   L0B14        Found it, skip ahead
+         ldy   <u0080       Get temp buff ptr
+         ldd   <u0060
+         std   <u005C
+         lbsr  L1606
+         bra   L0AF6
+L0B14    ldx   <u0080       Get ptr to start of temp buffer
+         pshs  y,x          Save ??? & temp buffer start ptr
+L0B18    lda   ,x+          Get char
+         cmpa  #C$CR        Carriage return?
+         bne   L0B18        No, keep looking for CR
+         stx   <u0080       Save CR+1 position as start of temp buffer
+         stx   <u0082       And as current position in temp buffer
+* Is this function to read in a source listing (single procedure) not including
+*   PROCEDURE line itself?
+         bsr   L0128        JSR <$21, function 2
+         puls  y,x          Restore ??? & temp buffer start ptr
+         stx   <u0080       Save temp buffer start ptr again
+         stx   <u0082       And save current position in temp buffer
+         bra   L0AD4        Loop back
+* Read line from source code file
+L0B2D    lda   <u00BD       Get path # to file
+         ldx   <u0080       Get address to get data into
+         ldy   #$0100       Up to 256 bytes to be read
+         os9   I$ReadLn     Go read a line
+         ldy   <u0080       Get ptr to line read & return
+         rts   
+* Entry: Y=ptr to input buffer
+* Exit: Carry clear if word 'PROCEDURE' was found
+*       Y=Ptr to 1 byte past 'procedure' in buffer
+L0B3C    bsr   L010D        Call function
+         leax  >L0756,pc    Point to 'PROCEDURE'
+L0B43    lda   ,x+          Get byte from 'procedure'
+         eora  ,y+          Check (with case conversion) if it matches buffer
+         anda  #$DF
+         bne   L0B50        No, exit
+         tst   -1,x         Was that the last letter of 'procedure'?
+         bpl   L0B43        No, keep checking
+         clra               Yes, no error & return
+L0B50    rts   
+L0B51    lbsr  L0C83
+         ldu   <u0046
+         bra   L0B79
+L0128    jsr   <u0021
+         fcb   $02 
+* Entry: X=Ptr to possible filename
+L0B58    ldy   ,y           Get module header ptr from somewhere
+         tst   6,y          Check type of module
+         lbne  L0E68        If anything but 0, exit with Line with Compiler error
+         lda   <$17,y       Get flag byte
+         rora               Shift out Line with compiler error bit
+         lbcs  L0E68        Has error, exit with it
+         ldd   $0D,y        ???
+         leay  d,y          Point to that offset in module
+         ldd   -3,y
+         lslb               Multiply by 2
+         rola  
+         inca               Add $100
+         cmpd  <u000C       Compare with bytes free in workspace
+         lbhi  L0F69        If higher, exit with memory full error
+L0B79    ldy   ,--u
+         bne   L0B58
+         ldd   #(EXEC.+WRITE.)*256+UPDAT.+EXEC. Exec. dir & rd/wt/ex attribs
+         lbsr  L0D6B        Go create file (0 byte length)
+         ldy   <u0046
+         stu   <u0046
+         lbra  L0C7A
+L0B8C    pshs  y
+         lbsr  L1A2E
+         clr   <u00D9
+         bsr   L0128        JSR <u0021, function 2 (L255A)
+         inc   <u00D9
+         ldx   <u0062
+         leay  ,x
+         ldd   <u0000       Get start of data area ptr
+         addd  <u0002       Get ptr to end of data area
+         tfr   d,u          Move to U
+         ldd   -3,x
+         beq   L0C18
+         pshs  u            Save size of data area
+L0BA8    pshs  d
+         leax  1,x
+         ldd   ,x
+         pshu  d
+         clr   ,x+
+         clr   ,x+
+L0BB4    lda   ,x+          Find hi-bit set char
+         bpl   L0BB4
+         puls  d
+         subd  #1
+         bne   L0BA8
+         ldy   <u005E
+         bra   L0BD1
+L0BC4    ldd   ,y
+         ldx   <u0062
+         leax  d,x
+         ldd   1,x
+         sty   1,x
+         std   ,y++
+L0BD1    lbsr  L1BC2
+         bcc   L0BC4
+         puls  u
+         ldx   <u0062
+         ldd   -3,x
+         leay  ,x
+L0BDE    leau  -2,u
+         pshs  u,d
+         clra  
+         ldu   1,x
+         beq   L0C04
+         pshs  x
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u0062
+         bra   L0BF3
+L0BEF    std   ,u
+         leau  ,x
+L0BF3    ldx   ,u
+         bne   L0BEF
+         std   ,u
+         puls  x
+         lda   ,x
+         sta   ,y+
+         ldu   [<2,s]
+         stu   ,y++
+L0C04    leax  3,x
+L0C06    ldb   ,x+
+         cmpa  #$A0
+         bne   L0C0E
+         stb   ,y+
+L0C0E    tstb  
+         bpl   L0C06
+         puls  u,d
+         subd  #1
+         bne   L0BDE
+L0C18    ldx   <u002F       Get ptr to start of current module
+         ldd   M$Size,x     Get size of module
+         pshs  d            Save it
+         leay  3,y          Add size of 24 bit CRC
+         tfr   y,d          Move ptr to end of module (including CRC bytes)
+         subd  <u002F       Calculate size of module including CRC
+         std   M$Size,x     Save it
+         ldd   ,s           Get original size of module
+         subd  M$Size,x     Subtract new size
+         std   ,s           Save size difference
+         addd  <u000C       Add to bytes free in workspace
+         std   <u000C       Save new # bytes free
+         ldd   <u000A       Get # bytes used by all programs in workspace
+         subd  ,s++         Subtract size difference
+         std   <u000A       Save new # bytes used by all programs in workspace
+         addd  <u0008       Add to start ptr of I-code workspace (calculate end)
+         std   <u004A       Save ptr to 1st free byte in I-code workspace
+         ldb   #Sbrtn+ICode  Subroutine module/I-Code type byte
+         stb   M$Type,x     Save in module header
+         ldb   #%10000000   Packed flag
+         stb   <$17,x       Save flags
+         leau  -3,y         Point Y to end of module - CRC bytes
+         ldd   #$FFFF       Init CRC to $FF's
+         std   ,u           (Header parity too)
+         sta   2,u
+         ldb   #7           Bytes 0-7 used to calculate header parity
+L0C52    eora  b,x          Calculate header parity
+         decb  
+         bpl   L0C52        Do all of header
+         sta   M$Parity,x   Save header parity
+         ldy   M$Size,x     Get module size
+         leay  -3,y         Minus CRC bytes themselves
+         os9   F$CRC        Calculate module CRC
+* If u not used after this, could change to com ,u/com 1,u/com 2,u
+         com   ,u+          Last stage of CRC calc: Complement all 3 bytes
+         com   ,u+
+         com   ,u+
+         ldy   M$Size,x     Get module size again (including CRC)
+         lda   #2           Path 2 for file
+         os9   I$Write      Write out entire module
+         lda   #%11000000   Packed & CRC just made flags
+         sta   <$17,x       Save them
+         lbcs  L0DB6        If error on write, go deal with it
+         puls  y
+L0C7A    ldx   ,--y
+         lbne  L0B8C
+         lbra  L0D51        Go close file, reopen path from <BE, rts from there
+L0C83    bsr   L0C9D
+         lda   ,y           Get char
+         cmpa  #C$CR        Is it CR?
+         bne   L0C9A        No, point X to it & return
+         ldx   <u0046       Get ???
+         ldx   [<-2,x]
+         ldd   M$Name,x     Get offset to module name
+         leax  d,x          Point X to module name
+         lbsr  L135A        Go set up temp buffer with name
+         lbsr  L1371        Append CR to end of temp buffer
+L0C9A    leax  ,y
+         rts   
+L0C9D    ldu   <u0046       Get table end ptr
+         stu   <u0044       Save as current table ptr
+         lbsr  L0A90        Go get char (bump y past it if , or space)
+         beq   L0CC6        If comma or space, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #'*          Is it a '*'?
+         bne   L0CCB        No, skip ahead
+         ldx   <u0004       Get ptr to workspace module ptr list
+L0CAC    ldd   ,x           Get 1st possible entry
+         beq   L0CB4        Empty, skip ahead
+         tfr   x,d          Move ptr to D
+         leax  2,x          Bump ptr up to next entry
+L0CB4    std   ,--u         Save entry
+         bne   L0CAC
+         stu   <u0044       Save new ptr
+         lda   ,y           Get char from temp buffer
+         cmpa  #C$CR        CR?
+         beq   L0CC2        Yes, save ptr & return
+         leay  1,y          No, bump ptr up by 1        
+L0CC2    sty   <u0082       Save current pos in temp buffer & return
+         rts   
+L0CC6    lbsr  L010D        JSR <u001E, function 2
+         bne   L0CD9
+L0CCB    sty   <u0082       Save current pos in temp buffer
+         lbsr  L0AA2        Point Y to Name of current module (or 'Program')
+         lbsr  L0F6E        Go check if module exists in BASIC09 workspace
+         bcc   L0CE1        Yes, skip ahead
+L0CD6    lbra  L0A8C        No, return with Unknown Procedure error
+L0CD9    lbsr  L0F6E        Check if module exists in BASIC09 workspace
+         bcs   L0CD6        No, return Unknown Procedure error
+         sty   <u0082       Save Ptr to end of fname as current pos in tmp buf
+L0CE1    stx   ,--u         Save ptr to start of module name
+         ldy   <u0082       Get Ptr to end of filename
+         lbsr  L0A90        Point Y to next char (or past ',' or space)
+         bne   L0CF0        Not comma or space, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L010D        JSR <u001E, function 2
+         bne   L0CD9
+L0CF0    clra  
+         clrb  
+         bra   L0CB4
+L0CF4    tst   <u000C       >256 bytes free for user?
+         lbeq  L0F69        No, exit with Memory Full error
+         lda   #$80         Set hi-bit flag
+         sta   <u0084
+         bsr   L0C83
+         bra   L0D06
+L0D02    bsr   L0C9D
+         leax  ,y
+L0D06    stx   <u005C
+         bsr   L0D5F
+         ldy   <u0046
+         stu   <u0046
+         bra   L0D49
+L0D11    pshs  y
+         ldy   [,y]
+         sty   <u002F       Save as current module ptr
+         ldd   M$Exec,y     Get exec offset
+         addd  <u002F       Add to start of current module
+         std   <u005E       Save absolute exec address of current module
+         ldd   $0F,y        Get ???
+         addd  <u002F       Add to start of current module
+         std   <u0060       Save this absolute address
+         ldd   $0D,y        Get ???
+         addd  <u002F       Add to start of module
+         std   <u0062       Save this absolute address
+         tst   M$Type,y     Check type of module
+         bne   L0D47        If anything but unpacked BASIC09, skip ahead
+         leax  <L0D3B,pc    Point to routine
+         lbsr  L0899        ??? The <u00B7 stack swap
+         lbsr  L10E4        ??? DEBUG list command
+L0D38    lbra  L088F        Restore <u00B7, reset temp buff
+L0D3B    tst   <u0084       Test flags
+         bmi   L0D47
+         ldx   [,s]
+         lbsr  L1A2E
+         lbsr  L0128
+L0D47    puls  y
+L0D49    ldx   ,--y
+         bne   L0D11
+L0D4D    bsr   L0D51
+         bra   L0D38
+L0D51    pshs  b            Preserve B
+         lda   #2
+         os9   I$Close      Close path #2 (error)
+         lda   <u00BE       Get Duplicate error path #
+         os9   I$Dup        Dupe the path
+         puls  pc,b         Restore B & return
+L0D5F    lbsr  L0A90        Point Y to next char (or past ',' or space)
+         cmpb  #C$CR        Was it a CR?
+         beq   L0DB5        Yes, skip ahead
+         stx   <u0082       Save current pos in temp buffer
+         ldd   #$020B       Write access mode & pr r w attributes
+* Create output file
+* Entry: A=access mode
+*        B=file attributes
+*        X=Ptr to filename to create
+L0D6B    pshs  u,x,d        Preserve regs
+         lda   #$02         Close std error path
+         os9   I$Close  
+         ldd   ,s           Get access mode & file attributes back
+         os9   I$Create     Attempt to create the file
+         bcc   L0DB3        Did it, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #E$CEF       File already exists error?
+         bne   L0DB6        No, skip ahead
+         ldd   ,s           Get access modoe & file attributes again
+         ldx   2,s          Get ptr to filename again
+         os9   I$Open       Attempt to open the file
+         bcs   L0DB6        User not allowed to access, skip ahaead
+         leax  >L0781,pc    Point to 'Rewrite?:'
+         ldy   #10          Size of rewrite string
+         lda   <u00BE       Get error path #
+         os9   I$WritLn     Prompt user
+         clra  
+         leax  ,--s         Make 2 byte buffer on stack
+         ldy   #2           Get up to 2 chars from user
+         os9   I$ReadLn 
+         puls  d            Get chars from read buffer
+         eora  #$59         Check for Y
+         anda  #$DF         Force case
+         bne   L0D4D        User didn't hit Y or y, exit
+         ldd   #2*256+SS.Size Path #2, set file size call
+         ldx   #0           Set size to 0 bytes
+         leau  ,x
+         os9   I$SetStt     Truncate file size to 0 bytes
+         bcs   L0DB6        If error, skip ahead
+L0DB3    puls  pc,u,y,d     Restore regs & return
+L0DB5    rts   
+L0DB6    bsr   L0D51        Close & dupe error path
+         lbra  L0A86        Print error
+* Reset temp buffer to empty state
+L0DBB    pshs  d            Preserve D
+         lda   #1           # chars in buffer to 1
+         sta   <u007D       Save it
+         ldd   <u0080       Get ptr to temp buffer
+         std   <u0082       Save it as current pos in temp buffer
+         puls  pc,d         Restore D & return
+* Get program name (with hi-bit on last char set + CR), pointed to by Y
+*   Will be one of following:
+*     1) Name pointed to by Y on entry
+*     2) Name of 'current' module in BASIC09 workspace
+*     3) 'Program' if neither of the above
+L0DC7    lbsr  L010D        <1E,func. 2 (Get string size/make FCS type if var name)
+         bne   L0DDF        There is >0 chars that qualify as name, skip ahead
+         pshs  y            Save ptr to string name in question
+         lbsr  L0A9D        Get ptr & size of name, or use current (or 'Program')
+         ldx   ,s           Get ptr to string name in question again
+L0DD3    lda   ,y+          Get char from name we _will_ use
+         sta   ,x+          Save over top of string name in question
+         bpl   L0DD3        Copy whole string (including last hi-bit byte)
+         lda   #C$CR        Append CR to end
+         sta   ,x
+         puls  y            Point to beginning of new string
+L0DDF    lbsr  L0F91        Y=Ptr to end of string+1, X=Ptr to module ptr entry
+         lbcs  L0A8C        Module not in workspace, exit with Unknown Procedure
+         ldx   ,x           Get ptr to module
+         stx   <u002F       Save as 'current module'
+         lda   M$Type,x     Get type/language byte
+         beq   L0DF6        If type & language are 0, skip ahead
+         anda  #LangMask    Just want language type
+         cmpa  #ICode       BASIC09 I-Code?
+         bne   L0E68        No, Line With Compiler Error
+         bra   L0DFC        Yes, skip ahead
+L0110    jsr   <u001E
+         fcb   $00 
+L0113    jsr   <u0021
+         fcb   $00 
+* Type/Language byte of 0
+L0DF6    lda   <$17,x       Get flags from module
+         rora               Shift out Line with Compiler error flag
+         bcs   L0E68        There is an error, report it
+* Current module has no obvious errors
+L0DFC    bsr   L0110        <1E, fnc. 0 (1F9E normally) (do token?)
+         ldy   <u004A       Get ptr to end of currently used I-code workspace
+         ldb   ,y           Get last char/token in workspace
+         cmpb  #'=          Is it an = sign?
+         beq   L0E68
+         sty   <u005E
+         sty   <u005C
+         ldx   <u00AB       Get ptr to current I-code line end
+         stx   <u0060
+         stx   <u004A       Make it ptr to end of in use I-code workspace
+         ldd   <u000C       Get # bytes free in workspace for user
+         pshs  y,d
+         bsr   L0113
+         puls  y,d
+         std   <u000C       Save # bytes now free in workspace for user
+         sty   <u004A       Save updated end of I-code workspace ptr
+         ldx   <u002F       Get ptr to current module
+         lda   <$17,x       Get flag byte
+         rora               Shift out Line with Compiler error flag bit
+         bcs   L0E68        Compiled line has error, report it
+         leas  >$0102,s     Eat 258 bytes from stack ???
+         ldd   <u0000       Get start of data mem ptr
+         addd  <u0002       Add to Size of data area
+         tfr   d,y          Move end of data area ptr to Y
+         std   <u0046       Save it
+         std   <u0044
+         ldu   #$0000
+         stu   <u0031
+         stu   <u00B3       # steps per run through program (0=continuous)
+         inc   <u00B3+1     Set # steps to 1
+         clr   <u0036       Clear out last error code
+         ldd   <u004A       Get ptr to next free byte in I-code workspace
+         ldx   <u000C       Get # bytes free in workspace for user
+         pshs  x,d          Save them
+         leax  <L0E5F,pc    Point to routine
+         lbsr  L0899
+         ldx   <u004A       Get ptr to next free byte in I-code workspace
+         bsr   L0119
+         lbsr  L0DBB
+         ldx   <u002F       Get ptr to start of current module
+         bsr   L011C
+         bra   L0E65
+L0119    jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $04 
+L011C    jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $02 
+L0E5F    puls  x,d          Restore bytes free in workspace & ptr to next free
+         std   <u004A       Save old next free byte in I-code workspace
+         stx   <u000C       Save old # bytes free in workspace for user
+L0E65    lbra  L088F
+L0E68    ldb   #$33         Line with compiler error
+         lbra  L0A86        Go report it
+* System mode - BYE
+L0E6D    bsr   L0E8F
+         clrb               Exit without error
+         os9   F$Exit   
+L0E73    lbsr  L010D
+         beq   L0E8B
+         lbsr  L0F6E
+         bcs   L0E8B
+         ldu   <u0046
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         clrd
+       else
+         clra
+         clrb
+       endc
+         pshu  x,d
+         inca  
+         sta   <u0035
+         bsr   L0E9F
+         clr   <u0035
+         rts   
+L0E8B    comb                 Set carry for error
+         ldb   #$2B           Divide by 0 error
+         rts   
+L0E8F    ldy   <u0082         Get ptr to current pos in temp buffer
+         lda   #$2A           '*'
+         sta   ,y             Save in temp buffer
+         sta   <u0035         Save as last signal received
+L0E98    lbsr  L0C9D
+         clr   <u002F         Clear out ptr to start of 'current' module
+         clr   <u002F+1
+L0E9F    ldu   <u0046         Get default ??? tbl ptr
+         stu   <u0044         Save as current ??? tbl ptr
+         bra   L0EE3
+L0EA5    ldx   ,x             Get ptr to module
+         ldb   M$Type,x       Get module type
+         beq   L0EC0          If nothing (un-compiled or errors?), skip ahead
+         cmpb  #Sbrtn+ICode   Basic09 I-Code?           
+         bne   L0EB5          No, skip ahead
+         ldb   <$17,x         Get I-Code flag byte
+         lslb                 Shift out the packed bit
+         bmi   L0EC0          If (CRC just made?) flag set, skip ahead
+L0EB5    pshs  u              Preserved U
+         leau  ,x             Point U to module start
+         os9   F$UnLink       Unlink the I-Code module
+         puls  u              Restore U
+         bra   L0EDE
+L0EC0    tst   <u0035         Any signal code?
+         bne   L0EE3          Yes, skip ahead
+         ldx   ,u             No, get ptr to module
+         lbsr  L0FB6          Go remove it from workspace pointers (?)
+         ldy   ,x             Get ptr to module again
+         ldd   <u000A         Get current total size of used I-Code space
+         subd  M$Size,y       Subtract deleted module's size
+         std   <u000A         Save new size of used I-Code space
+         ldd   M$Size,y       Get size of module being removed
+         addd  <u000C         Add to bytes free in I-Code space
+         std   <u000C         Save new # bytes free in I-Code space
+         ldd   <u004A         Get ptr to end of used I-Code space+1
+         subd  M$Size,y       Bump it back to not include the deleted module
+         std   <u004A         Save new ptr to where next added I-Code goes
+L0EDE    ldd   #$FFFF         Module ptr unused marker
+         std   [,u]           Mark it
+* Compress list of modules in I-Code workspace (get rid of all deleted ones)
+L0EE3    ldx   ,--u           Get previous module ptr
+         bne   L0EA5          There is one, go remove it too
+         ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to list of modules is I-Code workspace
+         tfr   x,y            Move it to Y
+L0EEB    ldd   ,x++           Get module ptr
+         cmpd  #$FFFF         Unused one?
+         beq   L0EEB          Yes, try next
+L0EF3    std   ,y++           Save it 
+         bne   L0EEB          Until a $0000 is hit
+         cmpd  ,y             Is the next entry a 0 too?
+         bne   L0EF3          No, keep Storing until we hit a 0
+         rts                  Otherwise, return
+L0EFD    bsr   L0F6E
+         bcs   L0F02
+         rts   
+* Set up module header info?
+L0F02    pshs  u,x
+         tfr   x,d
+         cmpb  #$FE
+         beq   L0F69
+         ldx   <u000C       Get # bytes free in I-Code workspace for user
+         cmpx  #$00FF       <255 bytes left free?
+         blo   L0F69        Yes, skip ahead
+         leax  <-$1C,x      Bump # bytes free down by 28 bytes
+         ldu   <u004A       Get ptr to current I-code line start
+* Clear out entire header of packed RUNB module
+* 6809/6309 mod: should use sta (after clra) instead of clr b,u
+* Wait until L0F69 is checked-does it need A?
+         ldb   #$FF         Pre-init B for loop below
+L0F18    incb               Next position
+         clr   b,u          Clear byte
+         cmpb  #$18         Done all $18 bytes?
+         bne   L0F18        No, keep going
+* Copy module name to $19
+L0F1F    incb               Bump B to $19
+         leax  -1,x         Bump X back
+         beq   L0F69        If hit 0, exit with memory full error
+         inc   $18,u        Bump up module name size to 1
+         lda   ,y+          Get char from source (module name)
+         sta   b,u          Save it
+         bpl   L0F1F        Do until hi-bit terminated
+         incb               Bump B to 1 byte past module name (start of I-code)
+         stx   <u000C       Save # bytes left free in I-Code workspace
+         clra               MSB of D=0
+         std   $15,u        ???
+         std   M$Exec,u     Save ptr to execution offset
+         std   $F,u         ???
+         stu   [,s]
+         pshs  b
+         addd  #$0003       Add 3 to size of module so far (for CRC)
+         std   M$Size,u     Save as current size of module
+         std   $D,u         ??? (Size of I-code ???)
+         addd  <u000A       Add size to total # bytes used by I-Code
+         std   <u000A       Save new # bytes used by I-Code
+         ldd   #M$ID12      Module header code
+         std   M$ID,u       Save as module header
+         ldd   #$0019       Ptr to where module name will be
+         std   M$Name,u     Save as module name ptr
+         ldd   #$0081       Type/Lang.=0 (internal to BASIC09)/Sharbl Rev.1
+         std   M$Type,u
+         ldd   #$0016       Minimum data area size=22 bytes
+         std   M$Mem,u
+         puls  b            Get offset to just past module name back
+         leax  d,u          Point X to just after filename
+         ldb   #$03         Add $000003 to end
+         sta   ,x+
+         std   ,x++
+         stx   <u004A       ??? Save end of module ptr?
+         puls  pc,u,x       Restore regs & return
+L0F69    ldb   #$20         BASIC09 memory full error (or too many modules)
+         lbra  L0A86
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to module name
+* Exit:  D=Ptr to string/file name
+*          Carry set if adding new module to module list
+*          Carry clear if replacing existing module in module list
+*        X=Ptr to module directory entry we are adding/changing
+*        Y=Ptr to end of filename+1
+L0F6E    pshs  u,y          Preserve regs
+         ldx   <u0004       Get ptr to list of modules in BASIC09 workspace
+L0F72    ldy   ,s           Get ptr to string we are checking for
+         ldu   ,x++         Get ptr to module in workspace
+         beq   L0F8E        None left to check, exit with carry set
+         ldd   M$Name,u     Get offset to name
+         leau  d,u          Point to name of module
+L0F7D    lda   ,y+          Get char from name we are looking for
+         eora  ,u+
+         anda  #$DF         Force case
+         bne   L0F72        Doesn't match, try next module
+         clra               Clear carry (module found)
+         tst   -1,u         Was it the last char in existing module name?
+         bpl   L0F7D        No, keep checking
+L0F8A    leax  -2,x         Point X to module ptr entry change (or add from F8E)
+         puls  pc,u,d       Restore U, get string ptr into D & exit
+L0F8E    coma               Set carry (flag new module being added)
+         bra   L0F8A        Point to module ptr entry we are going to add
+* Check if module is in BASIC09 workspace, try to add if it isn't
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to module name to look for (hi-bit terminated with CR on end)
+* Exit:  Carry clear if module in workspace
+*        Carry set if module NOT in workspace
+*        X=Ptr to module ptr entry ($400-$4FF) where module was found
+*        D=Ptr to module name
+*        Y=Ptr to last char of module name+1
+L0F91    bsr   L0F6E        Go see if we should add or replace module
+         bcs   L0F96        Adding new module, skip ahead
+         rts                Replacing, exit
+* Module not found currently in BASIC09 workspace... try to F$Link or F$Load
+*   it in.
+* Entry: X=Ptr to 1st free module directory entry in BASIC09 workspace
+*        Y=Ptr to module name to add
+* Exit:  Carry set & B=error code if still can't link module into workspace
+*        Carry clear if linked in
+*        Module ptr directory updated with new module
+*        Y=Ptr to end of module name+1
+*        X=Ptr to module directory entry
+L0F96    pshs  u,y,x        Preserve regs
+         ldb   1,s          Get LSB of module directory ptr
+         cmpb  #$FE         At end of table?
+         beq   L0F69        Yes, exit with Memory full error (too many modules)
+         leax  ,y           Point X to module name
+         clra               Type/language=wildcard (don't care)
+         os9   F$Link       See if it's already in memory & map it in
+         bcc   L0FB0        Yes, mapped in so skip ahead
+         ldx   2,s          Get ptr to Module name again
+         clra               Type/language=wildcard (don't care)
+         os9   F$Load       Try loading it & linking it in
+         bcs   L0FB4        Error, exit with it
+L0FB0    stx   2,s          Save ptr to last byte of module name+1 in Y
+         stu   [,s]         Save ptr to module in module ptr entry
+L0FB4    puls  pc,u,y,x     Restore regs & return
+* Entry: X=Ptr to module copy we are putting in I-Code workspace (at end of it)
+*        Y=???
+* Exit:  X=Ptr to where module was moved to
+L0FB6    pshs  y,x          Preserve regs
+         ldd   <u0008       Get ptr to start of I-Code workspace
+         addd  <u000A       Add to total size of used I-Code workspace
+         tfr   d,y          Move ptr to end of I-Code workspace to Y
+         ldx   ,x           Get ptr to module we are adding to I-Code workspace
+         sty   [,s]         Save ptr to where it is going over old one on stck
+         ldd   M$Size,x     Get size of module we are adding
+         bsr   L0FE3
+         pshs  y,x,d
+         ldx   <u0004       Get ptr to list of modules in BASIC09 workspace
+         bra   L0FDB
+L0FCD    cmpd  2,s
+         blo   L0FDB
+         cmpd  4,s
+         bhi   L0FDB
+         subd  ,s
+         std   -2,x
+L0FDB    ldd   ,x++         Get possible module ptr
+         bne   L0FCD        Found one, process
+         leas  6,s          No more modules, eat stack
+         puls  pc,y,x       Restore & return
+* Entry: D=Size of module being added to I-Code workspace
+*        X=Ptr to source of I-code module being added into I-Code workspace
+*        Y=Ptr to destination of new I-Code module
+*        U=???
+* After PSHS below, stack is thus:
+*  0,s = Size of module being added to I-Code buffer
+*  2,s = Ptr to current location of I-Code
+*  4,s = Ptr to destination of I-Code
+*  6,s = Old U ???
+*  8,s = RTS address
+L0FE3    pshs  u,y,x,d      Preserve regs
+         ldu   #$0000       Init counter to 0
+         tfr   x,d          Move source ptr to D
+         subd  4,s          D=distance between source & destination
+         pshs  x,d          Preserve Source ptr & distance
+*  0,s = Distance between source & destination (signed)
+*  2,s = Work copy of ptr to current location of I-Code
+*  4,s = Size of module being added to I-Code buffer
+*  6,s = Ptr to current location of I-Code
+*  8,s = Ptr to destination of I-Code
+* 10,s = Old U ???
+* 12,s = RTS address
+         addd  4,s          D=distance between src & dest + size of module
+         beq   L1022        If result=0 then restore regs & return
+L0FF2    lda   ,x           Get 1st byte of source copy
+         pshs  a            Save on stack
+*  0,s = 1st byte from source copy
+*  1,s = Distance between source & destination (signed)
+*  3,s = Work copy of ptr to current location of I-Code
+*  5,s = Size of module being added to I-Code buffer
+*  7,s = Ptr to current location of I-Code
+*  9,s = Ptr to destination of I-Code
+* 11,s = Old U ???
+* 13,s = RTS address
+         bra   L1000
+L0FF8    lda   ,y           Get byte from source location
+         sta   ,x           Save in destination location
+         leau  1,u          Bump counter up
+         tfr   y,x          Move source location to dest location
+L1000    tfr   x,d          ??? Move src ptr to D
+         addd  5,s          Add to size of module
+         cmpd  9,s          Compare with dest. address
+         blo   L100B        Fits, skip ahead
+         addd  1,s          Won't, add to distance between src/dest
+L100B    tfr   d,y          Move end address (?) to Y
+         cmpd  3,s          Same as current location?
+         bne   L0FF8        No, go bck
+         puls  a
+         sta   ,x
+         leax  1,y
+         stx   2,s
+         leau  1,u
+         tfr   u,d
+         addd  ,s
+         bne   L0FF2
+L1022    leas  4,s          Eat temp vars
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,d   Restore regs & return
+* Enter Debug mode?
+L1026    pshs  u,y,x,d
+         lda   <u0036       Get last error code
+         cmpa  #$39         System stack overflow error?
+         beq   L1068        Yes, skip ahead
+         tst   <u00A0       ??? Some flag set?
+         bne   L10AA        Yes, skip ahead
+         inc   <u00A0       Set flag
+         lda   <u0035       Get last signal received
+         bne   L1064        Was a signal, skip ahead
+         ldd   <u00B3       Get # steps to do @ a time for trace
+         subd  #1           Bump down by 1
+         bhi   L1089        Was >1, skip ahead
+         bmi   L104E        Was 0 or lower, skip ahead
+L1041    lbsr  L0DBB
+         leax  >L0791,pc    Force to Alpha mode (if VDG window) & print BREAK
+         lbsr  L135A
+         lbsr  L124D
+* Debug mode command loop
+L104E    leax  >L07A4,pc    Point to 'D:'
+         leay  >L06C1,pc    Point to start of debug command table
+         lbsr  L08D3        Go process debug mode command
+         bcc   L104E        Legit cmd executed, get next debug mode cmd
+         lda   <u0035       Get last signal received
+         bne   L1064        There was one, go check for abort
+         lbsr  L08CC        None, print 'What?'
+         bra   L104E        Go process next debug mode command
+L0134    jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $0C 
+L1064    cmpa  #S$Abort     <CTRL>-<E> signal?
+         bne   L1041        No, enter debug mode
+* Debug 'Q' command (quite debug)
+L1068    bsr   L0134
+         lda   #$03         Error path #3 we will check for
+L106D    cmpa  <u00BE       Compare with I$Dup error path #
+         beq   L1074        If not path we are looking for, skip ahead
+         os9   I$Close      Same path, close it
+L1074    inca               Next path
+         cmpa  #16          Done all 16 possible?
+         blo   L106D        No, keep going
+         lbra  L088F        Done, reset temp buffers & ptrs to defaults
+* Debug STEP command
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to next char on line entered by user
+L107C    lbsr  L0A90        Go check next char in STEP command
+         bne   L108E        If anything but space or comma, STEP 1
+         leax  ,y           Otherwise, point X to ASCII of steps specified
+         lbsr  L1748        Go get # steps to do into D
+         bcc   L1091        No error, continue
+         rts                Else exit
+L1089    bsr   L1091
+* Debug mode <CR> goes here (single step)
+L108B    clrb  
+         bra   L1090
+L108E    ldb   #1           Step rate of 1
+L1090    clra  
+L1091    std   <u00B3       Save # steps to do
+         lsl   <u0034       Set high bit of signal flag
+         coma
+         ror   <u0034
+         bra   L10A6        Continue
+* Debug mode CONT command (continuous run)
+L109A    lbsr  L0DBB          Reset temp buffer stuff
+         lsl   <u0034         Clear high bit of signal flag
+         lsr   <u0034
+         ldd   #$0001         1 step till we print out
+         std   <u00B3         Save it
+L10A6    leas  2,s
+         clr   <u00A0
+L10AA    puls  pc,u,y,x,d
+L10AC    ldy   <u0019
+         jsr   ,y
+L10B1    pshs  u,y,x,d
+         cmpy  <u0046       ?? Get current pos in some table
+         beq   L10E2        If no entries, exit
+         ldb   <u007D       Get size of temp buff
+         ldx   <u0080       Get ptr to start of temp buff
+         ldu   <u0082       Get ptr to end of temp buff+1
+         pshs  u,x,b        Preserve
+         stu   <u0080       Temporarily set up temp buff to append to current
+         lbsr  L0DBB
+         lda   #'=          Append '=' to temp buff
+         lbsr  L1373
+         ldb   ,y
+         addb  #$01
+         cmpb  #$06
+         bhs   L10D7
+         leax  ,y
+         lbsr  L13AA
+L10D7    lbsr  L1264
+         puls  u,x,b        Get back temp buff stats
+         stb   <u007D       Restore temp buff to normal
+         stx   <u0080
+         stu   <u0082
+L10E2    puls  pc,u,y,x,d   Restore regs & return
+* Debug LIST command
+L10E4    lbsr  L124B        Go print PROCEDURE & name
+         tst   <$17,x       Is procedure packed?
+         bmi   L110A        Yes, exit without error
+         ldx   <u005E
+L10EE    clr   <u0074
+* List out each line loop
+L10F0    tst   <u0035       Any signals?
+         bne   L110A        Yes, exit without error (Can't list packed modules)
+         leay  ,x           Point Y to beginning of I-Code module
+         lbsr  L1BC9
+         bsr   L110C
+         exg   x,y
+         cmpx  <u0060
+         blo   L10F0
+         cmpx  <u005C
+         bne   L110A
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         blo   L10F0
+L110A    clra               No error & return
+         rts   
+L012B    jsr   <u0021
+         fcb   $06 
+L110C    pshs  u,y,x        Preserve regs
+         lbsr  L0DBB        Reset temp buffer to empty
+         ldx   <u002F       Get current module ptr
+         tst   <$17,x       Is it packed?
+         bmi   L1193        Yes,  restore regs & exit
+         ldx   ,s           Get original X back
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  ,s
+         bmi   L1190        Wrap to negative?
+         pshs  x,d
+         addd  #40          If we needed 64 bytes...
+         cmpd  <u000C        would it fit in BASIC09 workspace?
+         lbhs  L0F69        No, return with BASIC09 memory full error
+         tst   <u0084
+         bmi   L1158
+         lda   #C$SPAC
+         cmpx  <u005C
+         bhi   L113F
+         beq   L113D
+         cmpy  <u005C
+         bls   L113F
+L113D    lda   #'*          Append '*' to temp buffer
+L113F    lbsr  L1373        Go append it
+         cmpx  <u0060
+         bhs   L1158
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         ldx   <u0082       Get current pos. in temp buffer
+         bsr   L012B        JSR <u0021 / function 6
+         lda   #C$SPAC      Append space to temp buffer
+         sta   ,x+
+         stx   <u0082       Save update temp buff ptr
+         lbsr  L1270        Print message out
+L1158    puls  y,d
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         bhs   L1190
+         ldu   <u004A
+         lbsr  L19EF
+         lbsr  L11F2
+         stu   <u005C
+         leax  d,u
+         stx   <u0060
+         stx   <u004A
+         leay  ,u
+         tst   <u0084
+         bmi   L1183
+         leax  ,y
+         lbsr  L1677
+         bne   L1183
+         leax  >L02EB,pc      Point to 'ERR' in basic09 commands
+         lbsr  L126B          Print it out??
+L1183    lbsr  L0DBB
+         lbsr  L1AC6
+         lbsr  L128B
+         bsr   L11D5
+         dec   <u0082+1
+L1190    lbsr  L1264
+L1193    puls  pc,u,y,x
+* Debug mode - PRINT/TRON/TROFF/DEG/RAD/LET commands
+L1195    ldx   <u002F       Get ptr to start of 'current' module
+         tst   <$17,x       Is it packed?
+         bpl   L119E        No, skip ahead
+         coma               Yes, set carry & return
+         rts   
+L119E    ldy   <u0080       Get ptr to start of temporary buffer
+         lbsr  L0122        JSR <1E, function $A
+         bsr   L11F2
+         ldx   <u004A
+         lbsr  L1677
+         beq   L11D5
+         stx   <u005E
+         stx   <u005C
+         leay  ,x
+         ldx   <u00AB
+         stx   <u0060
+         stx   <u004A
+         bsr   L012E
+         ldx   <u002F       Get ptr to current module
+         lda   <$17,x       Get original flags
+         clr   <$17,x       Clear flags out
+         tsta               Were the flags special in any way?
+         bne   L11D5        Yes, skip ahead
+         leax  <L11D5,pc    No, point to the routine instead
+         lbsr  L0899
+         ldx   <u005E
+         bsr   L0137        JSR <$24, function 8
+         lbra  L088F        Swap stacks, reset temp buffer, return from there
+L012E    jsr   <u0021
+         fcb   $04 
+L0137    jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $08 
+L11D5    pshs  u,y,x,d      Preserve regs
+         ldu   <u0046       Get reset value ($300) table ptr
+         pulu  y,x,d        Get regs from there
+         sty   <u000A       Save # bytes used by all code in workspace
+         stx   <u000C       Save # bytes free in workspace
+         std   <u004A       Save ptr to next free byte in workspace
+         pulu  y,x,d        Get 6 more bytes
+         sty   <u0060
+         stx   <u005E
+         std   <u005C
+L11EB    stu   <u0046
+         stu   <u0044
+         clra               No error,restore regs & return
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,d
+L11F2    pshs  u,y,x,d
+         ldu   <u0046
+         ldd   <u005C
+         ldx   <u005E
+         ldy   <u0060
+         pshu  y,x,d
+         ldd   <u004A
+         ldx   <u000C
+         ldy   <u000A
+         pshu  y,x,d
+         bra   L11EB
+* Debug mode - STATE command
+L120A    ldy   <u0031
+         leax  >L0756,pc    Point to 'PROCEDURE'
+L1211    bsr   L1223
+         lbsr  L135A
+         ldx   3,y
+         bsr   L1256
+         leax  <L0799,pc    Point to 'called by'
+         ldy   7,y
+         bne   L1211
+L1223    lbra  L0DBB
+L0799    fcs   'called by'
+* Debug mode - BREAK command
+L1226    lbsr  L010D        JSR <1E, function 2
+         beq   L1249
+         lbsr  L0F6E
+         bcs   L1249
+         ldx   ,x
+         ldy   <u0031
+L1235    ldy   7,y
+         beq   L1249
+         cmpx  3,y
+         bne   L1235
+* 6309, change to OIM #1,,y
+         lsl   ,y           Set hi bit @ Y
+         coma  
+         ror   ,y
+         leax  >L07A2,pc    Point to 'ok'
+         bra   L125F
+L1249    coma  
+         rts   
+L124B    bsr   L1223
+L124D    leax  >L0756,pc    Point to 'PROCEDURE'
+         lbsr  L135A
+         ldx   <u002F       Get ptr to current module
+L1256    pshs  x            Save it
+         leax  <$19,x       Point to main code area
+         bsr   L1261
+         puls  pc,x
+* Copy string pointed to by X to temp buffer & print it to std error
+L125F    bsr   L1223        Set output txt size to 1, curr. temp buff pos=start
+L1261    lbsr  L1392        Copy text string to temp buffer @ [u0080]
+L1264    lbsr  L1371        Append a CR on the end of output buffer
+         bsr   L1270        Print out the buffer to std error
+         bra   L1223        Reset temp buffer size & ptrs to defaults & return
+L126B    bsr   L1223
+         lbsr  L1392
+* Print message in temp buffer to std error path
+L1270    pshs  y,x,d        Preserve regs
+         ldd   <u0082       Get ptr to end of temp buffer+1
+         subd  <u0080       Calculate size of temp buffer
+         bls   L1285        If 0 or >32k, restore regs & exit
+         tfr   d,y          Move size to proper reg for WritLn
+         ldx   <u0080       Point to start of text
+         lda   #$02         Std error path
+         os9   I$WritLn     Write out the temporary buffer
+         bcc   L1285        No error, restore regs & exit
+         bsr   L1287        Print the error message out
+L1285    puls  pc,y,x,d     Restore regs & exit
+L1287    os9   F$PErr       Print error message
+         rts   
+L128B    ldy   <u005C
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         bhs   L12CF
+         ldb   ,y
+         cmpb  #$3A
+         bne   L12A3
+         leay  1,y
+         lbsr  L13CF
+         lbsr  L135C
+         ldb   ,y
+L12A3    tst   <u0084
+         bmi   L12B8
+         bsr   L12F9
+         ldb   <u0074
+         pshs  b
+         bsr   L12D8
+         puls  a
+         sta   <u0074
+         tfr   b,a
+         lbsr  L134E
+L12B8    ldb   ,y+
+         bmi   L12C4
+         bsr   L12F9
+         bsr   L12D8
+         bsr   L130C
+         bra   L12C7
+L12C4    lbsr  L1489
+L12C7    cmpy  <u0060
+         blo   L12B8
+L12CC    sty   <u005C
+L12CF    lbra  L1371
+L12D4    leas  2,s
+         bra   L12CC
+L12D8    sta   ,-s
+         bmi   L12F6
+         anda  #3
+         beq   L12F6
+         cmpa  #1
+         bne   L12E8
+         inc   <u0074
+         bra   L12F6
+L12E8    decb  
+         bpl   L12EC
+         clrb  
+L12EC    cmpa  #3
+         beq   L12F6
+         dec   <u0074
+         bpl   L12F6
+         clr   <u0074
+L12F6    lda   ,s+
+         rts   
+L12F9    leax  >L03F5,pc      Point to 3 byte packets for <u001B calls - $12
+         tstb                 If positive, skip ahead
+         bpl   L1302
+         subb  #$2A           Otherwise, bump down by 42
+L1302    lda   #$03           Multiply by size of each entry
+         mul   
+         leax  d,x            Point to entry
+         lda   ,x             Get 1st byte & return
+         rts   
+L130A    bsr   L12F9
+L130C    leax  1,x
+         anda  #$60
+         beq   L1318
+         cmpa  #$60
+         bne   L132A
+         leay  2,y
+L1318    lda   -1,x
+         pshs  a
+         ldd   ,x
+         leax  d,x
+         puls  a
+         anda  #$18
+         cmpa  #$10
+         beq   L1392
+         bra   L1358
+L132A    cmpa  #$20
+         bne   L1332
+         ldd   ,x
+         jmp   d,x
+L1332    bsr   L133A
+         bsr   L1336
+L1336    lda   ,x+
+         bne   L1373
+L133A    lda   <u007D
+         cmpa  #$41
+         bcs   L1357
+         lda   #$0A
+         bsr   L1373
+         clr   <u007D
+         tst   <u0084
+         bmi   L1357
+         lda   <u0074
+         adda  #3
+L134E    lsla  
+         adda  #6
+         ldb   #$10
+         bsr   L011F
+         clra  
+L1357    rts   
+L1358    bsr   L135C
+L135A    bsr   L1392
+L135C    pshs  u,d
+         bsr   L133A
+         bcc   L136F
+         ldu   <u0082
+         lda   #C$SPAC
+         cmpa  -1,u
+         beq   L136F
+         cmpu  <u0080
+         bne   L1377
+L136F    puls  pc,u,d
+* Append byte in A to temp buffer, check for overflow
+L1371    lda   #C$CR
+* Entry: A=Char (hi-bit stripped)
+L1373    pshs  u,d          Preserve regs
+         ldu   <u0082       ??? Get ptr to temp buffer
+L1377    sta   ,u+          Save char in buffer
+         ldd   <u0082       Get current pos in temp buffer
+         subd  <u0080       Calc. current size of temp buffer
+         tsta               Past our max (255 bytes)?
+         bne   L1384        Yes, exit
+         inc   <u007D       No, bump up char count
+         stu   <u0082       Save current pos. in temp buffer+1
+L1384    puls  pc,u,d       Restore & return
+L1386    lda   #$2E
+         bsr   L1373
+L138A    ldx   ,y++
+         ldd   <u0062
+         leax  d,x
+         leax  3,x
+* Entry: X=ptr to text to output
+* Exit: text output is in temp buffer from [u0080] to [u0082]-1
+*       size of output string is in u007D
+L1392    pshs  x            Preserve ptr to text to output
+L1394    lda   ,x           Get 1st char from X
+         anda  #$7F         Strip hi bit
+         bsr   L1373        Add byte to temp buffer; check if full
+         tst   ,x+          Was the high bit set? (last char flag)
+         bpl   L1394        No, keep building output buffer
+         puls  pc,x         Done, restore original text ptr & return
+L011F    jsr   <u002A
+         fcb   $02 
+* Called from Debug mode (?) -something with REAL #'s?
+L13A0    ldb   #3
+         ldx   <u0044
+         pshs  y,b
+         leay  -1,y
+         bra   L13AC
+L13AA    pshs  y,b
+* on 6309, use LDQ/STQ, on 6809, uses std -2/-4/-6,x leay -6,x (saves 5 cycles)
+L13AC    ldd   4,y
+         std   ,--x
+         ldd   2,y
+         std   ,--x
+         ldd   ,y
+         std   ,--x
+         leay  ,x
+         puls  b
+         bra   L13DC
+L13BE    ldb   ,y
+         clra  
+         bra   L13D1
+L13C3    leax  >L0203,pc      Point to 'GOSUB'
+         bra   L13CD
+L13C9    leax  >L01FD,pc      Point to 'GOTO'
+L13CD    bsr   L1358
+L13CF    ldd   ,y++
+L13D1    pshs  y
+         ldy   <u0044
+         leay  -6,y
+         std   1,y
+         ldb   #2
+L13DC    bsr   L011F          JSR <$2A, function 2, sub-function 2
+         puls  pc,y
+L13E1    bsr   L13F1
+L13E3    lda   ,y+          Get char
+         cmpa  #$FF         EOS?
+         beq   L13F1        Yes, add " to temp buffer
+         bsr   L1373        No, add char to buffer
+         cmpa  #'"          Was it a ?
+         bne   L13E3        No, keep printing chars
+         bra   L13E1        Yes, add " & continue
+L13F1    lda   #'"          Add " to temp buffer
+L13F3    lbra  L1373
+L13F6    lda   #'$          Add $ to temp buffer
+         bsr   L13F3
+         ldb   #$14
+         bsr   L011F        JSR <$2A, function 2, sub-function $14
+         leay  2,y
+         rts   
+L1402    leax  >L027E,pc    Point to 'BASE'
+         lbsr  L135A
+         lda   -1,y
+         adda  #$FB
+         bra   L13F3
+L140F    leax  >L020A,pc    Point to 'RUN'
+L1413    lbsr  L135A
+         lbra  L138A
+L1419    leax  >L01AC,pc    Point to 'NEXT'
+         leay  1,y
+         bsr   L1413
+         leay  6,y
+         rts   
+L1424    leax  >L02B4,pc    Point to 'THEN'
+         lbsr  L1358
+         lda   ,y
+         cmpa  #$3A
+         beq   L1433
+         inc   <u0074
+L1433    rts   
+L1434    fcs   '(*'
+L1436    leax  <L1434,pc      Point to alternative REM statement
+         bra   L1440
+L143C    leax  >L0284,pc      Point to 'REM'
+L1440    lbsr  L135A
+L1443    ldb   ,y+
+L1445    decb  
+         beq   L1433
+         lda   ,y+
+         bsr   L13F3
+         bra   L1445
+* File opening mode table: 3 bytes per entry
+* Byte 1   : Actual mode bit pattern
+* Bytes 2&3: Offset (from itself) to keyword describing mode
+*   NOTE: keywords are high bit terminated
+L144E    fcb   UPDAT.
+L144F    fdb   L03E4-*      Points to 'Update' string
+L1451    fcb   READ.
+L1452    fdb   L0241-*      Points to 'Read' string
+L1454    fcb   WRITE.
+L1455    fdb   L0247-*      Points to 'Write' string
+L1457    fcb   EXEC.
+L1458    fdb   L03EC-*      Points to 'Exec' string
+L145A    fcb   DIR.
+L145B    fdb   L03F2-*      Points to 'Dir' string
+L145D    fcb   $00          End of table marker
+L145E    lda   ,y+          Get requested file access mode
+         pshs  a            Preserve on stack
+         lda   #':          Separator that starts modes
+L1464    bsr   L13F3        Parse for char?
+         leax  <L144E-2,pc  Point early for reentry point of loop
+L1469    leax  2,x          Bump to next entry
+         lda   ,s           Get requested mode
+         anda  ,x           AND with mode in table
+         cmpa  ,x+          Match so far?
+         bne   L1469        No, check next entry
+         tsta               Matched cuz we are at end of table?
+         beq   L1487        Yes, exit routine
+         eora  ,s           Mask out bits that are part of token, not mode
+         sta   ,s           Preserve raw mode
+         ldd   ,x           Get offset to text equivalent of mode
+         leax  d,x          Point to it
+         lbsr  L1392
+         lda   #'+          Now check for additional modes
+         tst   ,s
+         bne   L1464        Go check them  & update accordingly
+L1487    puls  pc,a         Restore A and exit
+L1489    pshs  u
+         ldu   <u0044
+         clr   ,-u          Clear two bytes on stack
+         clr   ,-u
+         leay  -1,y
+L1493    ldb   ,y
+         bpl   L14C4
+         lbsr  L12F9
+         tfr   a,b
+         lda   ,y+
+         bitb  #$80
+         bne   L1493
+         orb   #$80
+         pshu  d
+         bitb  #$18
+         bne   L1493
+         andb  #$7F
+         pshu  d
+         bitb  #$04
+         bne   L14B8
+         ldd   ,y++
+         std   2,u
+         bra   L1493
+L14B8    leay  -1,y
+         sty   2,u
+         ldb   ,y+
+         lbsr  L1B68
+         bra   L1493
+L14C4    sty   <u005C
+         leay  ,u
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   ,--y
+         pshs  d
+         sta   <u00BF
+         sta   <u00B1
+L14D3    ldd   ,u++
+         bitb  #$08
+         beq   L14FE
+         andb  #$07
+         cmpb  <u00BF
+         bhi   L14F2
+         bne   L14EF
+         cmpb  #$06
+         bne   L14EB
+         tst   <u00B1
+         beq   L14EF
+         bra   L14F2
+L14EB    tst   <u00B1
+         beq   L14F2
+L14EF    lbsr  L1581
+L14F2    stb   <u00BF
+         orb   #$80
+         std   ,--y
+         lda   #$01
+         sta   <u00B1
+         bra   L14D3
+L14FE    clr   <u00B1
+         bitb  #$03
+         beq   L152D
+         bitb  #$04
+         bne   L152D
+         bitb  #$10
+         bne   L1510
+         pulu  x
+         stx   ,--y
+L1510    std   ,--y
+         andb  #$03
+         bsr   L1581
+         cmpa  #$BE
+         bne   L151F
+         ldx   #$54FF
+         stx   ,--y
+L151F    ldx   #$4B80
+         bra   L1526
+L1524    stx   ,--y
+L1526    decb  
+         bne   L1524
+         stb   <u00BF
+L152B    bra   L14D3
+L152D    bitb  #$10
+         bne   L1535
+         pulu  x
+L1533    pshs  x
+L1535    pshs  d
+         cmpa  #$89
+         blo   L153F
+         cmpa  #$8C
+         bls   L14D3
+L153F    ldd   ,y++
+         tstb  
+         bmi   L154A
+         beq   L1558
+         ldx   ,y++
+         bra   L1533
+L154A    pshs  d
+         clr   $01,s
+         bitb  #$10
+         bne   L153F
+         andb  #$07
+         stb   <u00BF
+         bra   L152B
+L1558    ldx   ,u++
+         beq   L1569
+         pshu  x
+         std   ,--y
+         bra   L152B
+L1562    puls  y
+         ldb   ,y+
+         lbsr  L130A
+L1569    ldd   ,s++
+         beq   L157C
+         bitb  #$04
+         bne   L1562
+         leay  ,s
+         exg   a,b
+         lbsr  L130A
+         leas  ,y
+         bra   L1569
+L157C    ldy   <u005C
+         puls  pc,u
+L1581    ldx   ,s
+         pshs  x
+         ldx   #$4E00
+         stx   $02,s
+         ldx   #$4DFF
+         stx   ,--y
+         rts   
+L1590    lbsr  L0A9D
+         lbsr  L0EFD
+         ldy   ,x
+         tst   $06,y
+         bne   L15E5
+         pshs  x
+         lbsr  L1A2E
+         lbsr  L124B
+         ldy   <u005E
+         bsr   L15F3
+L15AA    lda   <u0035         Get last signal code received
+         cmpa  #S$Abort       <CTRL>-<E>?
+         bne   L15B3          No, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L1993          Yes, ???
+L15B3    leax  >L07A6,pc      Point to 'E:'
+         leay  >L0718,pc      Point to EDIT mode command table
+         lbsr  L08D3          Get next command from keyboard & execute it
+         bcc   L15AA          Legit command done, get next one
+         tst   <u0035         Signal received?
+         bne   L15AA          Yes, go process it
+         leax  <L15AA,pc      Point to routine (loop)
+         pshs  x              Save it (for possible rts address?)
+         ldx   <u0080         Get ptr to start of temp buffer
+         lsl   ,x             Clear out hi bit in 1st char in temp buffer
+         lsr   ,x
+         lbsr  L1748          ???
+         lbcs  L08CC          If carry set, print 'What?'
+         lbsr  L1A0D
+         lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+         beq   L15F3
+         ldy   <u0080         Get temp buffer ptr
+         bra   L1601          Skip ahead
+L15E5    coma  
+         rts   
+L15E7    leax  -1,y
+         lsl   ,x
+         asr   ,x
+         lbsr  L16F2
+         lbsr  L16BD
+L15F3    sty   <u005C
+         lbsr  L1682
+         leax  ,y
+         lbsr  L1BC9
+         lbra  L16AD
+L1601    bsr   L1606
+         bcc   L15F3
+         rts   
+L0122    jsr   <u001E
+         fcb   $0A 
+L1606    tst   <u000C
+         beq   L1670
+         clr   <u00A0
+         bsr   L0122
+         ldx   <u004A
+         lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #$3A
+         bne   L165E
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         sta   ,-s
+         ldy   <u005C
+         lbsr  L1A10
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         bcc   L162F
+         ldd   $01,x
+         cmpd  $01,y
+         bls   L162F
+         inc   ,s
+L162F    ldy   <u005E
+         ldd   1,x
+         lbsr  L1A0D
+         tst   ,s+
+         bne   L1642
+         bhs   L1642
+         cmpy  <u005C
+         bhs   L165E
+L1642    sty   <u005C
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         bhs   L165E
+         ldx   <u004A
+         ldd   1,x
+         cmpd  1,y
+         bne   L165E
+         pshs  y
+         lbsr  L1BC9
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  ,s++
+         bra   L1660
+L165E    clra  
+         clrb  
+L1660    ldy   <u005C
+         lbsr  L19B1
+         ldx   <u005C
+         bsr   L1677
+         bne   L166E
+         leay  ,x
+L166E    clra  
+         rts   
+L1670    ldb   #$20         Memory full error
+         lbsr  L1287        Print error message
+         coma               Return with carry set
+         rts   
+L1677    lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #$3A
+         bne   L167F
+         lda   3,x
+L167F    cmpa  #$3D
+         rts   
+L1682    ldx   #$0000
+         ldy   <u005E
+L1688    cmpy  <u005C
+         bhs   L1697
+         leax  1,x
+         lbsr  L1BC9
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         blo   L1688
+L1697    sty   <u005C
+         stx   <u00B5
+         clra  
+         rts   
+L169E    bsr   L16CE
+         bsr   L16BD
+         cmpx  <u005E
+         bhi   L16AD
+         pshs  y,x
+         lbsr  L124B
+         puls  y,x
+L16AD    ldd   <u0060
+         pshs  d
+         sty   <u0060
+         lbsr  L10EE
+         puls  d
+         std   <u0060
+         clra  
+         rts   
+L16BD    pshs  x,b          Preserve regs
+         ldx   <u0082       Get ptr to current pos in temp buffer
+         ldb   ,x           Get char
+         cmpb  #C$CR        Carriage return?
+         bne   L16C9        No, skip ahead
+         puls  pc,x,b       Yes, restore regs & return
+L16C9    leas  5,s          Eat stack
+         lbra  L08CC        Print 'What?' & return from there
+L16CE    lda   ,y+          Get char
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC      Space?
+         beq   L16CE        Yes, keep looking
+         cmpa  #'*          '*'?
+         bne   L16E1        No, skip ahead
+         sty   <u0082       Found star, save ptr as current pos in temp bffr
+         ldx   <u005E       Get absolute exec address of basic module
+         ldy   <u0060       Get absolute address of $F offest in basic module
+         rts   
+L16E1    leax  -1,y
+         bsr   L16F2
+         bcs   L16F1
+         ldx   <u005C
+         cmpy  <u005C
+         bhs   L16F1
+         exg   x,y
+         clra  
+L16F1    rts   
+L16F2    clr   ,-s          Clear flag?
+         ldd   ,x           Get 2 chars
+         cmpa  #'+          1st char a plus?
+         bne   L1707        No, skip ahead
+         ldy   <u0060       Get address of $F offset for basic module
+L16FD    cmpb  #'*          2nd char='*'?
+         bne   L1712        No, skip ahead
+         leax  2,x          Yes, bump ptr up 2 chars
+         stx   <u0082       Save as new current pos in temp buffer
+         puls  pc,a
+L1707    cmpa  #'-          1st char dash?
+         bne   L1714        No, skip ahead
+         inc   ,s           Yes, set flag
+         ldy   <u005E       Get address of $F offset for basic module
+         bra   L16FD        Go check for '*'
+L1712    leax  1,x          Bump ptr up
+L1714    lda   ,x           Get char from there
+         cmpa  #'0          Is it numeric?
+         blo   L171E        No, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #'9          Totally numeric?
+         bls   L1723        Yes, skip ahead
+L171E    ldd   #$0001
+         bra   L1727
+L1723    bsr   L1748
+         bcs   L1742
+L1727    stx   <u0082       Save current ptr into temp buff
+         ldy   <u005C
+         tst   ,s+          Check flag
+         beq   L173D
+         ldy   <u005E
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   <u00B5
+         subd  ,s++
+         bhs   L173D
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+L173D    lbsr  L1BCF
+         clra  
+         rts
+L1742    ldy   <u005C
+         com   ,s+          Eat stack & set carry
+         rts
+L1748    ldy   <u0046       ??? Get some sort of variable ptr
+         bsr   L013A        JSR <2A, function 0 (Some temp var thing)
+         lda   ,y+          ??? Get var type?
+         cmpa  #2           Real?
+         beq   L1759        Yes, set carry & exit
+         clra               Clear carry
+         ldd   ,y           Get integer
+         bne   L175A        <>0, return with carry clear
+L1759    coma               Set carry & return
+L175A    rts   
+L013A    jsr   <u002A
+         fcb   $00 
+L175B    clrb  
+         bra   L1760
+L175E    ldb   #1
+L1760    leas  -$F,s
+         stb   ,s
+         lda   ,y
+         clr   1,s
+         cmpa  #'*
+         bne   L1770
+         sta   1,s
+         leay  1,y
+L1770    ldb   ,y+          Find first non-space char
+         cmpb  #C$SPAC
+         beq   L1770
+         tfr   b,a          Move char to A
+         sty   <u0082       Save as next free pos in temp buffer
+         lbsr  L18AA
+         stu   2,s
+         lbmi  L1985
+         tst   ,s
+         beq   L1791
+         lbsr  L18AA
+         stu   4,s
+         lbmi  L1985
+L1791    cmpa  #C$CR
+         beq   L179D
+         lda   ,y+
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+         lbne  L1985
+L179D    ldu   <u0046
+         stu   $D,s
+* TFM (W=entry (Y-1)-<u0082)
+L17A1    lda   ,-y
+         sta   ,-u
+         cmpy  <u0082       ??? Back to beginning of temp buffer yet?
+         bhi   L17A1        No, keep copying
+         stu   <u0046
+         stu   <u0044
+         ldd   2,s
+         leau  d,u
+         leau  1,u
+         stu   6,s
+         ldy   <u005C
+         sty   $B,s
+         clr   $A,s
+         lbra  L1878
+L17C1    lbsr  L0DBB
+         sty   <u005C
+         lbsr  L128B
+         ldy   <u0080       Get ptr to start of temp buffer
+         leay  5,y
+         lsl   $A,s         Dupe most sig bit into 2nd most sig bit???
+         asr   $A,s
+L17D3    tst   <u0035       Any signals received?
+         bne   L183A        Yes, skip ahead
+         ldd   <u0082
+         subd  $02,s
+         ldx   <u0046
+         lbsr  L18BE
+         bcs   L182F
+         lda   #$81
+         sta   $A,s
+         tst   ,s
+         beq   L182F
+         ldd   <u0082
+         addd  4,s
+         subd  2,s
+         subd  <u0080
+         cmpd  #230
+         bhi   L182F
+         ldx   <u0082
+         exg   x,y
+         ldd   2,s
+         lbsr  L0FE3
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  2,s
+         tfr   d,y
+         ldu   6,s
+         pshs  x,d
+L180B    lda   ,u+          Get byte
+         sta   ,y+          Copy it
+         cmpa  #$FF         Hit EOS marker?
+         bne   L180B        No, keep copying until we do
+         leay  -1,y
+         ldd   ,s++
+         subd  ,s
+         puls  x
+         lbsr  L0FE3
+         sty   <u0082
+         ldd   4,s
+         leay  d,x
+         ldd   2,s
+         bne   L182B
+         leay  1,y
+L182B    tst   1,s
+         bne   L17D3
+L182F    tst   $A,s
+         bpl   L1872
+         ldy   8,s
+         ldd   ,s
+         bne   L1845
+L183A    ldx   $D,s
+         stx   <u0046
+         stx   <u0044
+         leas  $F,s
+         lbra  L15F3
+L1845    lbsr  L1270
+         sty   $B,s
+         tst   ,s
+         beq   L1872
+         leax  ,y
+         lbsr  L1BC9
+         lbsr  L19A5
+         sty   <u005C
+         ldy   <u0080
+         lbsr  L1606
+         sty   <u005C
+         ldy   8,s
+         lbsr  L1BC9
+         cmpy  <u005C
+         bne   L1882
+         tst   1,s
+         beq   L1882
+L1872    ldy   8,s
+         lbsr  L1BC9
+L1878    sty   8,s
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         lbcs  L17C1
+L1882    lbsr  L0DBB
+         tst   $A,s
+         bne   L1899
+         leax  <L07AA,pc    Point to "can't find"
+         lbsr  L135A
+         ldy   <u0046
+         lbsr  L13E1
+         lbsr  L1264
+L1899    ldy   $B,s
+         sty   <u005C
+         ldx   $D,s
+         stx   <u0046
+         stx   <u0044
+         leas  $F,s         Eat temp stack
+         lbra  L1682
+L07AA    fcs   /can't find:/
+L18AA    ldu   #-1          Pre-init counter to -1
+L18AD    cmpa  #C$CR        Char a CR?
+         beq   L18B9        Yes, set -1,y to a $FF, set carry & return
+         leau  1,u          Bump counter up
+         lda   ,y+          Get next char
+         cmpb  -1,y         Match char in B?
+         bne   L18AD        No, continue double checking
+L18B9    clr   -1,y         Set -1,y to $FF
+         com   -1,y           & set carry & return
+         rts   
+* CMPR Y,D for this with 18D2
+L18BE    pshs  d
+         bra   L18D2
+L18C2    pshs  y,x
+L18C4    lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #$FF
+         beq   L18DA
+         cmpa  ,y+
+         beq   L18C4
+         puls  y,x
+         leay  1,y
+L18D2    cmpy  ,s
+         bls   L18C2
+         coma  
+         puls  pc,d
+L18DA    puls  y,x
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,d
+L18DF    ldd   #100
+         ldx   #10
+         pshs  x,d
+         leax  ,y
+         ldy   <u00B5
+         lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #'*
+         bne   L18FA
+* 6309 MOD - use TFR 0,Y - same speed, 2 bytes shorter
+         ldy   #$0000
+L18F6    leax  1,x
+         lda   ,x
+L18FA    cmpa  #C$SPAC
+         beq   L18F6
+         pshs  y
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+         beq   L191C
+         lbsr  L1748
+         bcs   L1981
+         std   2,s
+         lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+         beq   L191C
+         lbsr  L1748
+         bcs   L1981
+         std   4,s
+         bmi   L1981
+         lda   ,x
+L191C    cmpa  #C$CR
+         bne   L1981
+         bsr   L1995
+         ldd   ,s++
+         ldy   <u005E
+         lbsr  L1BCF
+         sty   <u005C
+         ldd   ,s
+         lbsr  L1A0D
+         clr   ,-s
+         cmpy  <u005C
+         bcs   L198A
+         bsr   L1960
+         cmpx  #$0000
+         ble   L198A
+         tst   <u0035
+         bne   L194C
+         inc   ,s
+         bsr   L1960
+L194C    leas  5,s
+         ldx   2,s
+         lbsr  L1A2E
+         ldy   <u005E
+         ldd   <u00B5
+         lbsr  L1BCF
+         sty   <u005C
+         clra  
+         rts   
+L1960    ldy   <u005C
+         ldx   3,s
+L1965    clra  
+         clrb  
+         lbsr  L1A10
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         bhs   L1980
+         tst   2,s
+         beq   L1975
+         stx   1,y
+L1975    lbsr  L1BC9
+         tfr   x,d
+         addd  5,s
+         tfr   d,x
+         bpl   L1965
+L1980    rts   
+L1981    leas  6,s
+         bra   L1987
+L1985    leas  $F,s
+L1987    lbra  L08CC
+L198A    leax  <L078B,pc    Point to 'RANGE'
+         lbsr  L125F        Print it out to std error (From temp buffer)
+         bra   L194C
+L078B    fcc   'RANGE'
+         fcb   $87          Hit bit set- Bell
+L1993    leas  4,s
+L1995    lbsr  L0128        JSR <21, function 2 (dick around with module stuff?)
+         clra  
+         rts   
+L199A    lbsr  L16CE
+         lbsr  L16BD
+         bsr   L19A5
+         lbra  L15F3
+L19A5    ldd   <u004A
+         std   <u00AB
+         tfr   y,d
+         pshs  x
+         subd  ,s++
+         leay  ,x
+L19B1    pshs  u,y,x,d
+         leax  d,y
+         pshs  x
+         ldy   <u00AB
+         ldd   <u004A
+         subd  ,s
+         beq   L19C3
+         lbsr  L0FE3
+L19C3    ldd   <u00AB
+         ldu   ,s
+         subd  ,s++
+         bls   L19D1
+         ldy   4,s
+         bsr   L0125
+L19D1    ldd   <u00AB
+         subd  <u004A
+         ldy   4,s
+         leay  d,y
+         sty   4,s
+         subd  ,s++
+         pshs  d
+         addd  <u0060
+         std   <u0060
+         std   <u004A
+         ldd   <u000C       Get # bytes free in workspace for user
+         subd  ,s           Subtract ?
+         std   <u000C       Save new # bytes free for user
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,d   Restore regs & return
+L0125    jsr   <u001E
+         fcb   $06 
+L19EF    pshs  y,x,d
+         leay  d,y
+         leau  d,u
+         andb  #$03
+L19F7    beq   L1A06
+         lda   ,-y
+         sta   ,-u
+         decb  
+         bra   L19F7
+L1A00    ldx   ,--y
+         ldd   ,--y
+         pshu  x,d
+L1A06    cmpy  4,s
+         bne   L1A00
+         puls  pc,y,x,d
+L1A0D    ldy   <u005E
+L1A10    pshs  d
+         bra   L1A17
+L1A14    lbsr  L1BC9
+L1A17    cmpy  <u0060
+         bhs   L1A2B
+         lda   ,y
+         cmpa  #':
+         bne   L1A14
+         ldd   ,s
+         cmpd  1,y
+         bhi   L1A14
+         puls  pc,d
+L1A2B    coma  
+         puls  pc,d
+* Part of RENAME (?)
+L1A2E    pshs  u,y,x,d      Preserve regs
+         lbsr  L0FB6        ??? Go move module in workspace?
+         ldx   ,x           Get some sort of module ptr
+         stx   <u002F       Save as ptr to current procedure
+         ldd   M$Exec,x     Get exec offset
+         addd  <u002F       Calculate exec address in memory
+         std   <u005E       Save it
+         ldd   $F,x         Get ???
+         addd  <u002F       Add to current mod start
+         tfr   d,y          Move to Y
+         std   <u0060       Save ???
+         std   <u004A
+         ldd   M$Size,x     Get size of module
+         subd  $F,x         Subtract ???
+         pshs  d            Save on stack
+         ldd   <u0000       Get start of BASIC09 data mem ptr
+         addd  <u0002       Add size of data area
+         subd  ,s           Subtract calculated size
+         tfr   d,u          Copy ??? size to U
+         std   <u0066
+         puls  d            Get ??? calculated size
+         bsr   L19EF
+         ldd   $D,x
+         subd  $F,x
+         subd  #3
+         std   <u0068
+         addd  <u0066
+         addd  #3
+         std   <u0062
+         ldd   M$Size,x     Get module size
+         subd  $D,x         Subtract ???
+         addd  #3           ??? Add CRC bytes?
+         std   <u0064
+         ldy   <u005E
+         bsr   L1AC6
+         ldx   <u0062
+         ldd   -3,x
+         beq   L1A9E
+L1A83    pshs  d
+         leau  ,x
+         leax  3,x
+L1A89    ldb   ,x+
+         bpl   L1A89
+         lda   #2
+         cmpb  #$A4
+         bne   L1A95
+         lda   #4
+L1A95    sta   ,u
+         puls  d
+         subd  #1
+         bgt   L1A83
+L1A9E    ldx   <u0066
+         ldd   <u0068
+         leax  d,x
+         stx   <u00DA
+         stx   <u0066
+         addd  <u000C       Add to bytes free in workspace for user
+         std   <u000C       Save new # bytes free in workspace for user
+         clr   <u0068
+         clr   <u0069
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,d
+* L1AB2 & L1AB8 are only called within routine itself
+* L1AC6 is called from way early in the code, and just before L1A83
+L1AB2    ldb   ,y+
+         bpl   L1AB8
+         subb  #$2A
+L1AB8    clra  
+         leax  >L1BD5,pc      Point to some sort of table
+         ldb   d,x            Get entry
+         lsrb                 Divide by 16
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lbsr  L1B75
+L1AC6    cmpy  <u0060
+         blo   L1AB2
+         rts   
+* 8 bit offset jump table (base of JMP is L1ACC)
+L1ACC    fcb   L1AE5-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1AE3-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1AE1-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1B0F-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1B00-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1B12-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1AFA-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1B19-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1B09-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1AED-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1B1F-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1AEA-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1AE8-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1AE6-L1ACC
+         fcb   L1ADB-L1ACC
+* Routines called by above table follow here         
+L1ADB    lda   -1,y
+         adda  #$93
+         sta   -1,y
+L1AE1    leay  1,y
+L1AE3    leay  1,y
+L1AE5    rts   
+L1AE6    dec   -1,y
+L1AE8    dec   -1,y
+L1AEA    dec   -1,y
+         rts   
+L1AED    ldd   ,y
+         addd  <u005E
+         tfr   d,x
+         ldd   -2,x
+         std   ,y++
+         dec   -3,y
+         rts   
+L1AFA    lda   ,y+
+         cmpa  #$85
+         bne   L1B03
+L1B00    leay  9,y
+         rts   
+L1B03    clrb  
+         bsr   L1B23
+         leay  7,y
+         rts   
+L1B09    lda   ,y+
+         cmpa  #$4F
+         bne   L1B11
+         leay  4,y
+L1B11    rts   
+L1B0F    leay  5,y
+         rts   
+L1B12    lda   ,y+
+         cmpa  #$FF
+         bne   L1B12
+         rts   
+L1B19    ldb   ,y
+         clra
+         leay  d,y
+         rts   
+L1B1F    ldb   -1,y
+L1B21    andb  #$04
+L1B23    lda   #$60
+         pshs  d
+         lda   #$85
+         sta   -1,y
+         ldx   <u0062
+         ldd   -3,x
+         ldu   ,y
+         bra   L1B40
+L1B33    puls  d
+L1B35    subd  #$0001
+         beq   L1B65
+         leax  3,x
+L1B3C    tst   ,x+
+         bpl   L1B3C
+L1B40    cmpu  1,x
+         bne   L1B35
+         pshs  d
+         lda   ,x
+         anda  #$E0
+         cmpa  2,s
+         bne   L1B33
+         lda   ,x
+         anda  #$18
+         bne   L1B33
+         lda   ,x
+         anda  #$04
+         eora  3,s
+         bne   L1B33
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  <u0062
+         std   ,y++
+         leas  2,s
+L1B65    leas  2,s
+         rts   
+L1B68    tstb                High bit set?
+         bpl   L1B6D         No, skip ahead
+         subb  #$2A          Adjust it down if it was
+L1B6D    leax  <L1BD5,pc     Point to table
+         abx                 Point X to offset
+         ldb   ,x            Get single byte
+         andb  #$0F          Mask off high nibble
+L1B75    leax  >L1ACC,pc     Point to vector offset table
+         ldb   b,x           Point to routine that is close
+         jmp   b,x           Go do it
+L1B7D    pshs  u             Preserve U
+         ldb   ,y+           Get byte
+L1B81    cmpb  ,u+           If higher than byte in table, keep going
+         bhi   L1B81
+         puls  u             Get U back
+         beq   L1B91         If byte matches table entry, return
+         bsr   L1B68         If not, go somewhere else
+L1B8B    cmpy  <u0060
+         blo   L1B7D
+         coma  
+L1B91    puls  pc,u,x,d      Restore regs & return
+* 1 byte/entry table
+L1B93    fcb   $1f
+         fcb   $21
+         fcb   $3a
+         fcb   $ff           End of table marker
+L1B97    pshs  u,x,d
+         leau  <L1B93,pc     Point to table
+         bra   L1B8B
+* 1 byte/entry table
+L1B9F    fcb   $3E
+L1BA0    fcb   $3f
+L1BA1    fcb   $FF           End of table marker
+L1BA2    pshs  u,x,d
+         leau  <L1B9F,pc     Point to table
+         bra   L1B8B
+L1BA9    pshs  u,x,d
+         leau  <L1BA0,pc     Point to 2nd entry in table
+         bra   L1B8B
+* Table: 1 byte entries
+L1BB0    fcb   $23,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$8A,$8B,$8C
+         fcb   $f2,$f3,$f4,$f5,$f6,$f7,$f8,$f9,$ff
+L1BC2    pshs  u,x,d
+         leau  <L1BB0,pc     Point to table
+         bra   L1B8B
+       ifeq H6309-true
+L1BC9    clrd
+       else
+L1BC9    clra
+         clrb
+       endc
+L1BCB    bsr   L1BA9
+         bcs   L1BD4
+L1BCF    subd  #$0001
+         bhs   L1BCB
+L1BD4    rts   
+* Table - single byte entries - one routine uses it to reference another
+* table (1ACC), but divides it by 16 to determine which of that table to use
+* Table goes from 1BD5 to 1CA4
+L1BD5    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$22,$00,$00,$64,$00,$22,$00,$00,$00,$22,$00,$22,$00,$00,$22
+         fcb   $92,$22,$92,$22,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$77,$77,$00,$22,$92,$77,$77,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$80,$00,$22,$22,$00,$00,$11,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$22,$a2,$a2,$a2,$a2,$a2,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22
+         fcb   $22,$22,$22,$11,$22,$33,$55,$22,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$b0
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$b0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$b0,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$b0,$00,$b0,$00,$b0,$00,$b0,$00,$b0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$b0,$00,$00,$00,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$b0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$b0,$c0,$00,$b0,$c0,$00
+         fcb   $b0,$c0,$d0,$00,$b0,$c0,$d0,$00,$b0,$c0,$00,$b0,$c0,$00,$b0,$c0
+         fcb   $00,$b0,$00,$b0,$00,$b0,$00,$00,$e2,$e2,$e2,$e2,$e2,$e2,$e2,$e2
+L1CA5    pshs  x,d          Preserve regs
+         ldb   [<4,s]       Get function code
+L1CAA    leax  <L1CB5,pc    Point to table
+         ldd   b,x          Make offset vector
+         leax  d,x
+         stx   4,s          Modify RTS address
+         puls  pc,x,d       restore X & D and RTS to new address
+* 2 byte/entry vector table (JMP >$1E calls have there function byte after
+*  the JMP containing the offset to which of these entries to uses)
+L1CB5    fdb   L1F9E-L1CB5  $00 function
+         fdb   L2430-L1CB5  $02 function
+         fdb   L252A-L1CB5  $04 function
+         fdb   L2508-L1CB5  $06 function
+         fdb   L24BD-L1CB5  $08 function
+         fdb   L1E29-L1CB5  $0A function
+* Data of some sort: Appears to be special symbols
+L1CD0    fdb   33      (# of entries-33)
+         fcb   $03     (# bytes to skip to start of next?)
+L1CD3    fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $d9,$0a        (token & type of operator???)
+         fcs   '<>'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $d9,$0a
+         fcs   '><'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $e4,$0a
+         fcs   '<='
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $e4,$0a
+         fcs   '=<'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $e1,$0a
+         fcs   '>='
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $e1,$0a
+         fcs   '=>'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $52,$08
+         fcs   ':='
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $f1,$05
+         fcs   '**'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $38,$01
+         fcs   '(*'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $3e,$02
+         fcs   '\'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $d3,$0a
+         fcs   '>'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $d6,$0a
+         fcs   '<'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $dd,$09
+         fcs   '='
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $e7,$05
+         fcs   '+'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $ea,$05
+         fcs   '-'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $ec,$05
+         fcs   '*'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $ee,$05
+         fcs   '/'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $f0,$05
+         fcs   '^'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $4c,$0c
+         fcs   ':'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $4f,$0c
+         fcs   '['
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $50,$0c
+         fcs   ']'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $51,$0c
+         fcs   ';'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $54,$0b
+         fcs   '#'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $26,$01
+         fcs   '?'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $37,$01
+         fcs   '!'
+         fcb   L233E-L239D    Recurse to the search routine again (eat LF)
+         fcb   $00,$0c
+         fcb   $80+C$LF       Line feed
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $4b,$0c
+         fcs   ','
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $4d,$0c
+         fcs   '('
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $4e,$0c
+         fcs   ')'
+         fcb   L2371-L239D
+         fcb   $89,$0c
+         fcs   '.'
+         fcb   L23BE-L239D
+         fcb   $90,$06
+         fcs   '"'
+         fcb   L239D-L239D
+         fcb   $91,$06
+         fcs   '$'
+         fcb   L2368-L239D
+         fcb   $3f,$02
+         fcb   $80+C$CR       Carriage return
+* Jump table for type 1 commands (see L0140)
+*                           Command  Token
+L1D60    fdb   L211B-L1D60    ???      0   Illegal statement construction error
+         fdb   L1E82-L1D60    PARAM    1
+         fdb   L1E72-L1D60    TYPE     2
+         fdb   L1E82-L1D60    DIM      3
+         fdb   L1ED3-L1D60    DATA     4
+         fdb   L2029-L1D60    STOP     5
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    BYE      6
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    TRON     7 
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    TROFF    8
+         fdb   L2029-L1D60    PAUSE    9
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    DEG      A
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    RAD      B
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    RETURN   C
+         fdb   L2123-L1D60    LET      D
+         fdb   L211B-L1D60    ???      E   Illegal Statement Construction err
+         fdb   L1EE1-L1D60    POKE     F
+         fdb   L1EEA-L1D60    IF       10
+         fdb   L1EFF-L1D60    ELSE     11
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    ENDIF    12
+         fdb   L1F03-L1D60    FOR      13
+         fdb   L1F24-L1D60    NEXT     14
+         fdb   L1F2E-L1D60    WHILE    15
+         fdb   L1F3D-L1D60    ENDWHILE 16
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    REPEAT   17
+         fdb   L1F39-L1D60    UNTIL    18
+         fdb   L210B-L1D60    LOOP     19
+         fdb   L1F3D-L1D60    ENDLOOP  1A
+         fdb   L1F41-L1D60    EXITIF   1B
+         fdb   L1F3D-L1D60    ENDEXIT  1C
+         fdb   L1F4C-L1D60    ON       1D
+         fdb   L213C-L1D60    ERROR    1E
+         fdb   L1F87-L1D60    GOTO     1F
+         fdb   L211B-L1D60    ???      20  Illegal Statement Construction err
+         fdb   L1F87-L1D60    GOSUB    21
+         fdb   L211B-L1D60    ???      22  Illegal Statement Construction err
+         fdb   L1FB4-L1D60    RUN      23
+         fdb   L213C-L1D60    KILL     24
+         fdb   L1FF6-L1D60    INPUT    25
+         fdb   L2029-L1D60    PRINT    26 (Also '?')
+         fdb   L213C-L1D60    CHD      27
+         fdb   L213C-L1D60    CHX      28
+         fdb   L2093-L1D60    CREATE   29
+         fdb   L2093-L1D60    OPEN     2A
+         fdb   L2083-L1D60    SEEK     2B
+         fdb   L205A-L1D60    READ     2C
+         fdb   L2067-L1D60    WRITE    2D
+         fdb   L2071-L1D60    GET      2E
+         fdb   L2071-L1D60    PUT      2F
+         fdb   L20D2-L1D60    CLOSE    30
+         fdb   L20DC-L1D60    RESTORE  31
+         fdb   L213C-L1D60    DELETE   32
+         fdb   L213C-L1D60    CHAIN    33
+         fdb   L213C-L1D60    SHELL    34
+         fdb   L20E0-L1D60    BASE     35
+         fdb   L20E0-L1D60    ???      36
+         fdb   L20F8-L1D60    REM      37 (Also '!')
+         fdb   L20F8-L1D60    (*       38
+         fdb   L2029-L1D60    END      39
+L1DD4    lda   <u000A+1  Get LSB of # bytes used by all programs (not data)
+L1DD6    pshs  a         Save it
+         ldx   <u00A7
+         lda   #C$CR     Byte to look for
+L1DDC    lsl   ,x        Clear out high bit? (if so, use AIM instead)
+         lsr   ,x
+         cmpa  ,x+       Find byte we want?
+         bne   L1DDC     No, keep looking
+         ldx   <u00A7    Get ptr to end of string name+1
+         bsr   L1E1F     Print string out
+         ldd   <u00B9
+         subd  <u00A7
+         pshs  b
+         ldx   <u00AF
+         stx   <u00AB
+         ldy   <u00A7
+         lda   #$3D
+         lbsr  L2415
+         lbsr  L20F8
+         lbsr  L2415
+         lda   #C$SPAC      Block copy Spaces (TFM)
+         ldx   <u0080       Get start address
+L1E04    sta   ,x+          Fill with spaces
+         dec   ,s
+         bpl   L1E04
+         ldd   #$5E0D       Add ^ (CR) (part of debug?)
+         std   -$01,x
+         ldx   <u0080       Get start ptr again
+         bsr   L1E1F        Go print the debug line
+         puls  d
+         bsr   L1CC1
+         ldx   <u0046
+         stx   <u0044
+L1CC7    jsr   <u001B       ??? Reset temp buff to defaults, SP restore from B7
+         fcb   $06
+L1CC1    jsr   <u001B       Print error code to screen
+         fcb   $02
+L1E1F    ldy   #$0100       Size=256 bytes
+         lda   <u002E       Get path
+         os9   I$WritLn     Write it & return
+         rts   
+L1CC4    jsr   <u001B       ??? Save SP @ <u00B7, muck around
+         fcb   $04
+L1E29    puls  x
+         bsr   L1CC4
+         lbsr  L1F90
+         lbsr  L214C
+         sty   <u00A7
+         ldx   <u00AB
+         stx   <u00AF
+L1E3B    bsr   L1E4C           Go process command/variable/constant
+         lda   <u00A3          Get token
+         lbsr  L2415           Add to I-code line bffr & make sure no overflow
+         cmpa  #$3E            Was it a $3E?
+         beq   L1E3B           Yes, go get next one
+         cmpa  #$3F            Was it a $3F?
+         bne   L1DD4           No, do something
+         bra   L1CC7           Yes, Call <u001B, function 6
+L1E4C    lbsr  L233E           Go find command (or variable/constant name)
+         lda   <u00A4          Get command type
+         cmpa  #$01            (Is it a normal command?)
+         bne   L1E62           No, check next
+* Command type 1 goes here
+         ldb   <u00A3          Get entry # (token) into JMP offset table
+         clra                  Make 16 bit for signed jump
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         lsld                  Multiply by 2 (2 bytes/entry)
+       else
+         lslb
+         rola
+       endc
+         leax  >L1D60,pc       Point to Basic09 COMMANDS vector table
+         ldd   d,x             Get offset
+         jmp   d,x             Execute command's routine
+L1E62    cmpa  #$02            Command type 2?
+         lbne  L2126           No, go process functions, etc.
+* Command type 2 goes here
+L1E68    pshs  x
+         ldx   <u00AB
+         leax  -$01,x
+         stx   <u00AB
+         puls  pc,x
+L1E72    lbsr  L2167
+         cmpa  #$DD
+         lbne  L211F
+         bsr   L1E68
+         lda   #$53
+         lbsr  L2415
+L1E82    lbsr  L2167
+         cmpa  #$4D
+         bne   L1E9B
+         lbsr  L216E
+         bne   L1E96
+         lbsr  L216E
+         bne   L1E96
+         lbsr  L216E
+L1E96    lbsr  L22BF
+         bsr   L1EC9
+L1E9B    lbsr  L21A1
+         beq   L1E82
+         cmpa  #$4C
+         bne   L1EC3
+         bsr   L1EC9
+         ldb   <u00A4       Get token
+         beq   L1EC1        If 0, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #$03
+         bne   L1ECC
+         cmpa  #$44
+         bne   L1EC1
+         bsr   L1EC9
+         cmpa  #$4F
+         bne   L1EC3
+         lbsr  L216E
+         cmpa  #$50
+         bne   L1ECC
+L1EC1    bsr   L1EC9
+L1EC3    cmpa  #$51
+         beq   L1E82
+         bra   L1E68
+L1EC9    lbra  L233E
+L1ECC    lda   #$18
+         bra   L1F36
+L1ED0    lbsr  L2415
+L1ED3    bsr   L1F1D
+         lbsr  L21A1
+         beq   L1ED0
+L1EDA    lda   #$55
+L1EDC    lbsr  L2415
+         bra   L1F2B
+L1EE1    lbsr  L213C
+         lbsr  L21A6
+         lbra  L2139
+L1EEA    bsr   L1F39
+         cmpa  #$45
+         bne   L1EFB
+         lbsr  L2415
+         lbsr  L214C
+         bcc   L1F3F
+         lbra  L1E4C
+L1EFB    lda   #$26
+         bra   L1F36
+L1EFF    bsr   L1F2B
+         bra   L1F49
+L1F03    lbsr  L2193
+         lbsr  L212D
+         lda   <u00A3
+         cmpa  #$46
+         bne   L1F20
+         bsr   L1F1B
+         lda   <u00A3
+         cmpa  #$47
+         bne   L1EDA
+         bsr   L1F1B
+         bra   L1EDA
+L1F1B    bsr   L1EDC
+L1F1D    lbra  L213C
+L1F20    lda   #$27
+         bra   L1F36
+L1F24    lbsr  L2193
+         bsr   L1F2B
+         bsr   L1F2B
+L1F2B    lbra  L2176
+L1F2E    bsr   L1F39
+         cmpa  #$48
+         beq   L1F47
+         lda   #$1F
+L1F36    lbra  L1DD6
+L1F39    bsr   L1F1D
+         bra   L1EDA
+L1F3D    bsr   L1F2B
+L1F3F    bra   L1F8D
+L1F41    bsr   L1F39
+         cmpa  #$45
+         bne   L1EFB
+L1F47    bsr   L1FB1
+L1F49    lbra  L1E4C
+L1F4C    ldd   <u00AB
+         pshs  y,d
+         lbsr  L233E
+         cmpa  #$1E
+         bne   L1F60
+         leas  $04,s
+         bsr   L1F8D
+         cmpa  #$1F
+         beq   L1F8A
+         rts   
+L1F60    puls  y,d
+         std   <u00AB
+         bsr   L1F39
+         ldx   <u00AB
+         leax  -1,x
+         pshs  x
+         cmpa  #$1F
+         beq   L1F7C
+         cmpa  #$21
+         beq   L1F7C
+         lda   #$21
+         bra   L1F36
+L1F78    bsr   L1FB1
+         lda   #$3A
+L1F7C    inc   [,s]
+         bsr   L1F8A
+         lbsr  L21A1
+         beq   L1F78
+         puls  pc,x
+L1F87    lbsr  L210E
+L1F8A    lbsr  L2156
+L1F8D    lbra  L210B
+L1F90    sty   <u00A7       Save ptr to end of string name
+         ldx   <u004A       ??? Get ptr to start of I-code
+         stx   <u00AF       Save it
+         stx   <u00AB       And again as current I-code line end ptr
+         clr   <u00BB       Clear <u00BB & <u00BC
+         clr   <u00BC
+L1FF5    rts   
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to end of string name+1
+L1F9E    bsr   L1F90        Set up some ptrs
+         inc   <u00A0       ??? Set flag? (think it is 3-way flag)
+         lbsr  L210B        ??? Go process source line? (A returns token)
+         bsr   L1FC0        Go check for "(" command grouping start
+         clr   <u00A0       ??? Clear flag?
+         lda   <u00A3       Get 1st byte from command table (token)?
+         cmpa  #$3F         Was it a carriage return token?
+         lbne  L1DD4        No, go process token
+L1FB1    lbra  L2415        Add token to I-code buffer, check for overflow
+L1FB4    lbsr  L210E
+         pshs  x
+         lbsr  L2193
+         ldb   #$23
+         stb   [,s++]
+* Check for "(" token (start of group of operations)
+L1FC0    cmpa  #$4D         Token $4D  - "(" group start token?
+         bne   L1FF5        No, return
+* Process "( )" command grouping
+L1FC4    bsr   L1FB1        No, go call L2415 (X=Tble ptr, D=Token/type bytes?)
+         ldd   <u00AB       Get ptr to current I-code line end
+         pshs  y,d          Save with source ptr(?)
+         lbsr  L233E        Process next command/line #/variable name
+         ldd   #$0005       Token types 0 & 5
+         cmpa  <u00A4       Just processed command token type 0?
+         beq   L1FD8        Yes, skip ahead
+         stb   <u00A4       No, replace with type 5 (AND,OR,XOR,NOT)
+         bra   L1FDB        Skip ahead
+L1FD8    lbsr  L2182        Go check for Illegal Statement Construction
+L1FDB    puls  y,d          Get ptr to last char+1 & current I-code line end
+         std   <u00AB       Save original I-code line end ptr
+         ldb   <u00A4       Get token type
+         cmpb  #$05         Type 5 (AND,OR,XOR,NOT)?
+         beq   L1FE8        Yes, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L225D        No, go force token $E & check for I-code overflow
+L1FE8    lbsr  L2314        
+         lbsr  L21A1
+         beq   L1FC4
+         pshs  a
+         lbra  L22F7
+L1FF6    sty   <u00A9
+         lbsr  L2186
+         bne   L2007
+         sty   <u00A9
+         bsr   L2022
+         bsr   L1FB1
+         bsr   L1F8D
+L2007    ldy   <u00A9
+         cmpa  #$90
+         bne   L201A
+         lbsr  L233E
+         lbsr  L1F8D
+L2014    bsr   L2022
+L2016    lda   #$4B
+         bsr   L2080
+L201A    bsr   L2073
+         lbsr  L219B
+         beq   L2016
+L2021    rts   
+L2022    lbsr  L219B
+         beq   L2021
+         bra   L207D
+L2029    sty   <u00A9
+         lbsr  L2186
+         beq   L203A
+         cmpa  #$49
+         beq   L203E
+L2035    ldy   <u00A9
+         bra   L2045
+L203A    cmpa  #$49
+         bne   L2054
+L203E    lbsr  L2139
+         bra   L2054
+L2043    bsr   L2080
+L2045    lbsr  L245D
+         cmpa  #C$CR
+L204A    lbeq  L210B
+         cmpa  #'\
+         beq   L204A
+         bsr   L2085
+L2054    lbsr  L219B
+         beq   L2043
+         rts   
+L205A    sty   <u00A9
+         lbsr  L2186
+         beq   L2014
+         ldy   <u00A9
+         bra   L201A
+L2067    sty   <u00A9
+         lbsr  L2186
+         beq   L2054
+         bra   L2035
+L2071    bsr   L2078
+L2073    inc   <u00BC
+         lbra  L2180
+L2078    lbsr  L2186
+         bne   L20D7
+L207D    lbsr  L21A6
+L2080    lbra  L2415
+L2083    bsr   L2078
+L2085    lbra  L213C
+* Data table for file access modes?
+L2088    fcb   $2c,%00000001  Read mode?
+         fcb   $2d,%00000010  Write mode?
+         fcb   $f7,%00000011  Update mode?
+         fcb   $f8,%00000100  Execution dir mode?
+         fcb   $f9,%10000000  Directory mode?
+         fcb   $00            End of table marker
+L2093    lbsr  L233E
+         cmpa  #$54
+         bne   L20D7
+         bsr   L2073
+         bsr   L207D
+         bsr   L2085
+         lda   <u00A3       Get token
+         cmpa  #$4C
+         bne   L2114
+         lda   #$4A
+         bsr   L2080
+         clr   ,-s
+L20AC    bsr   L210B
+         leax  <L2088,pc    Point to table (modes?)
+L20B1    cmpa  ,x++
+         bhi   L20B1        We need higher entry #, keep looking
+         bne   L20C7        Illegal, return error
+         ldb   -1,x         Get mode (read/write/update)???
+         orb   ,s           Merge with mode on stack???
+         stb   ,s           Save new mode???
+         bsr   L210B
+         cmpa  #$E7
+         beq   L20AC
+         lda   ,s+
+         bne   L2080
+L20C7    lda   #$0F         Illegal mode error?
+         bra   L20D9
+L20CB    lbsr  L21A1
+         bne   L2114
+         bsr   L2080
+L20D2    lbsr  L2186
+         beq   L20CB
+L20D7    lda   #$1C         Missing Path Number error
+L20D9    lbra  L1DD6
+L20DC    bsr   L214C
+         bra   L210B
+L20E0    lbsr  L245D
+         leay  1,y
+         suba  #$30         Convert ASCII digit to binary
+         beq   L210B        If 0, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #1           
+         lbne  L21C9        If anything but 0 or 1, Illegal operand error
+         bsr   L210E        If 1, skip ahead
+         lda   #$36
+         lbsr  L2415
+         bra   L210B
+L20F8    ldx   <u00AB       Get ptr to current I-Code end
+         lbsr  L245D
+         clra  
+L20FE    lbsr  L2415
+         inc   ,x
+         lda   ,y+          Get char
+         cmpa  #C$CR        CR?
+         bne   L20FE        Nope, keep going
+         leay  -1,y         Bump ptr back to CR
+L210B    lbsr  L233E        Check for command/constant/variable names
+L210E    ldx   <u00AD       Get ptr to end of I-code line
+         stx   <u00AB       Make it the current end ptr
+         lda   <u00A3       Get token & return
+L2114    rts   
+L2115    lda   <u00A4       Get token type
+         beq   L2114         If 0, return
+L211B    lda   #12          Exit with Illegal Statement Construction error
+         bra   L20D9
+L211F    lda   #$1B         Missing Assignment Statement error
+L2121    bra   L20D9
+L2123    lbsr  L233E
+* Token types >2 go here
+L2126    bsr   L2115
+         inc   <u00BC
+         lbsr  L21FC
+L212D    lda   <u00A3       Get token
+         cmpa  #$52         ??? Is it ':='?
+         beq   L2139        Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #$DD         ??? Is it '='?
+         bne   L211F        No, exit with Missing Assignment statement error
+         lda   #$53         Token=$53
+L2139    lbsr  L2415        Go append to I-Code buffer
+L213C    lda   #$39
+L213E    ldx   <u0044
+         clrb  
+         lbsr  L22BA
+L2144    bsr   L21B4
+         lbsr  L2262
+         bcc   L2144
+L214B    rts   
+L214C    lbsr  L245D
+         lbsr  L246E
+         bcs   L214B
+         lda   #$3A         Go append $3A token to I-Code buffer
+L2156    bsr   L217D
+         lbsr  L23A6
+         beq   L2163
+         ldd   ,x
+         lbgt  L240C
+L2163    lda   #$10         Illegal Number error
+         bra   L2121
+L2167    bsr   L216B
+         bsr   L2115
+L216B    lbra  L233E
+L216E    lda   #$8E
+         bsr   L2156
+         bsr   L216B
+         bra   L21A1
+L2176    clra  
+         bsr   L217D
+         bsr   L217D
+         bra   L218E
+L217D    lbra  L2415
+L2180    bsr   L216B
+L2182    bsr   L2115
+         bra   L21FC
+L2186    bsr   L210B
+         cmpa  #$54
+         bne   L2192
+         bsr   L2139
+* 6809/6309 MOD: If A not required, CLRA
+L218E    lda   <u00A3
+         orcc  #Zero
+L2192    rts   
+L2193    bsr   L216B
+         lbsr  L2115
+L2198    lbra  L210B
+L219B    lda   <u00A3
+         cmpa  #$51
+         beq   L21A5
+L21A1    lda   <u00A3
+         cmpa  #$4B
+L21A5    rts   
+L21A6    bsr   L21A1
+         beq   L21A5
+         lda   #$1D
+         bra   L21CB
+L21AE    clrb  
+         bsr   L21F5
+         lbsr  L210E
+L21B4    bsr   L21EA
+         bsr   L21CE
+         cmpa  #$4D
+         beq   L21AE
+         ldb   <u00A4
+         cmpb  #$06
+         beq   L2198
+         cmpb  #$04
+         bne   L2182
+         lbra  L22CA
+L21C9    lda   #$12         Illegal operand error
+L21CB    lbra  L1DD6
+L21CE    cmpa  #$CD
+         beq   L21E3
+         cmpa  #$EA
+         bne   L21A5
+         lda   ,y
+         lbsr  L246E
+         bcc   L21ED
+         cmpa  #$2E
+         beq   L21ED
+         lda   #$CE
+L21E3    ldb   #$07
+         bsr   L21F5
+         lbsr  L210E
+L21EA    lbra  L233E
+L21ED    leay  -1,y
+         lbsr  L1E68
+         lbra  L237A
+L21F5    ldx   <u0044
+         std   ,--x
+         stx   <u0044
+         rts   
+L21FC    ldd   #$8500
+L21FF    pshs  d
+         ldd   <u00A1
+         bsr   L21F5
+         puls  d
+         bsr   L21F5
+         lbsr  L210E
+         lbsr  L210B
+         clrb  
+         cmpa  #$4D
+         beq   L2226
+L2214    cmpa  #$89
+         bne   L2247
+         bsr   L2257
+         bsr   L2247
+         bsr   L21EA
+         lbsr  L2115
+         ldd   #$8900
+         bra   L21FF
+L2226    bsr   L2257
+         incb  
+         pshs  b
+         lbsr  L2314
+         lbsr  L21A1
+         bne   L223E
+         ldb   ,s+
+         cmpb  #$03
+         blo   L2226
+         lda   #$2A
+         lbra  L1DD6
+L223E    bsr   L22BF
+         lbsr  L210B
+         puls  b
+         bra   L2214
+L2247    clr   <u00BC
+         ldx   <u0044
+         addb  ,x++
+         lbsr  L2413
+         ldd   ,x++
+         stx   <u0044
+         lbra  L240C
+L2257    tst   <u00BC
+         beq   L228A
+         clr   <u00BC
+L225D    lda   #$0E
+L225F    lbra  L2415
+L2262    ldb   <u00A3       Get token
+         clra  
+         cmpb  #$4E
+         beq   L228B
+         tstb  
+         bpl   L2273
+         bsr   L1CCD
+         bita  #$08
+         bne   L228B
+L2273    ldx   <u0044
+L2275    ldd   ,x++
+         cmpa  #$4D
+         beq   L22C5
+         bsr   L225F
+         tstb  
+         bne   L2275
+         cmpa  #$39
+         bne   L2287
+         lbsr  L1E68
+L2287    stx   <u0044
+         coma  
+L228A    rts
+L228B    anda  #$07
+         tfr   a,b
+         ldx   <u0044
+         bra   L2297
+L2293    lda   ,x++
+         bsr   L230F
+L2297    cmpb  1,x
+         blo   L2293
+         bhi   L22B8
+         cmpb  #6
+         beq   L22B8
+         tstb  
+         bne   L2293
+         lda   ,x++
+         cmpa  #$4D
+         bne   L22B0
+         stx   <u0044
+         bsr   L22FE
+         bra   L2262
+L22B0    cmpa  #$39
+         beq   L2307
+         bsr   L230F
+         bra   L2287
+L22B8    lda   <u00A3       Get token
+L22BA    std   ,--x
+         stx   <u0044
+L22BE    rts   
+L22BF    lda   <u00A3       Get token
+         cmpa  #$4E         ??? ^ or ** (power)?
+         beq   L22BE        Yes, return
+L22C5    lda   #$25
+L22C7    lbra  L1DD6
+L1CCD    jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $12
+L22CA    lbsr  L1E68
+         lda   <u00A3       Get token
+         pshs  a            Save it
+         bsr   L22FE
+         ldb   ,s
+         bsr   L1CCD
+         leax  <L22F7,pc    Point to routine
+         pshs  x
+         anda  #$03
+         beq   L230B
+         cmpa  #2
+         beq   L231B
+         bhi   L2322
+         ldb   2,s
+         cmpb  #$92
+         beq   L2331
+         cmpb  #$94
+         beq   L2331
+         cmpb  #$BE
+         beq   L2326
+         bra   L2312
+L22F7    bsr   L22BF
+         puls  a
+         lbsr  L2415
+L22FE    lbra  L210B
+L2301    lda   <u00A3
+         cmpa  #$4D
+         beq   L22BE
+L2307    lda   #$22
+         bra   L22C7
+L230B    leas  2,s
+         puls  a
+L230F    lbra  L2415
+L2312    bsr   L2301
+L2314    clra  
+         lbsr  L213E
+         lbra  L1E68
+L231B    bsr   L2312
+L231D    lbsr  L21A6
+         bra   L2314
+L2322    bsr   L231B
+         bra   L231D
+L2326    bsr   L2301
+         bsr   L22FE
+         cmpa  #$54
+         beq   L2314
+         lbra  L20D7
+L2331    bsr   L2301
+         incb  
+         lbsr  L2413
+         lbra  L2180
+L233A    lda   #$0A           Unrecognized symbol error
+         bra   L22C7
+* Search for operator's loop? (An LF is eaten and it returns here)
+L233E    ldd   <u00AB         Get current I-code line's end ptr
+         std   <u00AD         Dupe it here
+         lbsr  L245D          Find first non-space/LF char
+         sty   <u00B9         Save ptr to it
+         lbsr  L2432          Check for variable name
+         lbne  L23E1          None, check for command names
+         lda   ,y             Get first char of possible variable name
+         lbsr  L246E          Does it start with a number (0-9)?
+         bcc   L237A          Yes, skip ahead
+         leax  >L1CD0+3,pc    No, point to Operator's table
+         lda   #$80           Get high bit mask to check for end of entry
+         lbsr  L252A          Go find entry
+         beq   L233A          None, exit with Unrecognized symbol error
+         ldb   ,x             Get offset
+         leau  <L239D,pc      Point to base routine
+         jmp   b,u            Go to subroutine
+* '.' goes here
+L2371    lda   ,y           Get char from source
+         lbsr  L246E
+         bcs   L2368
+         leay  -1,y
+* Starts with numeric (0-9) value
+L237A    bsr   L23A6
+         bne   L238F
+         ldd   #$8F05       Token=$85, count=5
+L2381    sta   <u00A3
+L2383    bsr   L23D6
+         lda   ,x+
+         decb  
+         bpl   L2383
+         lda   #6
+         sta   <u00A4       Save type (?) as 6
+         rts   
+L238F    ldd   #$8E02
+         tst   ,x
+         bne   L2381
+         ldd   #$8D01
+         leax  1,x
+         bra   L2381
+* Almost all operators come here
+L2368    ldd   1,x          Get the 2 mystery bytes
+* Command found comes here with D=2 byte # in command table
+L236A    std   <u00A3       Save token & type byte
+         bra   L2415
+* '$' goes here
+L239D    leay  -1,y         Bump source ptr back by 1
+         bsr   L23A6
+         ldd   #$9102
+         bra   L2381
+L23A6    lbsr  L245D        Find 1st non-space/lf char
+         leax  ,y           Point x to the char
+         ldy   <u0044
+         bsr   L1CCA        Call vector <2A, function 00
+         exg   x,y
+         bcs   L23BA        If error from vector, illegal literal error
+         lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #2
+         rts   
+L1CCA    jsr   <u002A
+         fcb   $00
+L23BA    lda   #$16         Illegal literal error
+         bra   L23DA
+* '"' goes here
+L23BE    bsr   L2368
+         bra   L23C4
+L23C2    bsr   L2415
+L23C4    lda   ,y+          Get char from source
+         cmpa  #C$CR        End of line already?
+         beq   L23D8        Yes, no ending quote error
+         cmpa  #'"          Is it the quote?
+         bne   L23C2        No, keep looking
+         cmpa  ,y+          Double quote?
+         beq   L23C2        Yes, do something
+         leay  -1,y         No, set src ptr back to next char
+         lda   #$FF         Go save $FF at this point in I-code line
+L23D6    bra   L2415
+L23D8    lda   #$29         No Ending Quote error
+L23DA    lbra  L1DD6        Deal with error
+L23DD    lda   #$31         Undefined Variable error
+         bra   L23DA
+* Check for command names
+L23E1    ldx   <u009E       Get ptr to commmands token list
+         lbsr  L2528        Go find command
+         beq   L23EF        No command found, skip ahead
+         stx   <u00A1       Save ptr to command's 2 byte # in table
+         ldd   ,x           Get 2 byte # from command's entry in table
+L23EC    std   <u00A3       Save token & type bytes
+         bra   L2415        Go check size of I-code line
+L23EF    tst   <u00A0
+         bmi   L23DD
+         ldx   <u0062
+         lbsr  L2528
+         bne   L2401
+         tst   <u00A0
+         bne   L23DD
+         lbsr  L2494
+L2401    ldd   #$8500
+         bsr   L23EC        Go append token $85, type 0 & check for overflow
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  <u0062
+         std   <u00A1
+L240C    bsr   L2415
+         bsr   L2413
+         lda   <u00A3       Get token & return
+         rts   
+L2413    tfr   b,a
+L2415    pshs  x,d          Preserve Table ptr & 2 mystery bytes
+         ldx   <u00AB       Get ptr to end of current I-code line
+         sta   ,x+          Save token for operator
+         stx   <u00AB       Save new end of current I-code line ptr
+         ldd   <u00AB       Get it again
+         subd  <u004A       Calculate current I-code line size
+         cmpb  #255         Past maximum size?
+         bhs   L2428        Yes, generate error
+         clra               No, no error
+         puls  pc,x,d       Restore regs & return
+L2428    lda   #$0d         I-Code Overflow error
+         lbsr  L1CC1        Print error message
+         jsr   <u001B       ??? Reset temp buff to defaults, SP restore from B7
+         fcb   $06
+L2430    bsr   L245D        Search for 1st non-space/LF char
+L2432    pshs  y            Save ptr to it on stack
+         ldb   #2           ??? Flag to indicate non-variable name
+         stb   <u00A5
+         clrb               Set variable name size to 0
+         bsr   L2478        Check if it is an alphabetic char or underscore
+         bcs   L2459        Nope, skip ahead
+         leay  1,y          Yes, point to next char
+L243F    incb               Bump up variable name size
+         lda   ,y+          Get next char
+         bsr   L246A        Check if it is a letter, number or _
+         bcc   L243F        Yes, check next one
+         cmpa  #'$          Is it a string indicator?
+         bne   L2451        No, skip ahead
+         incb               Bump up variable name size to include '$'
+         lda   #4           ??? Flag to indicate variable name?
+         sta   <u00A5
+         bra   L2453        Skip ahead
+L2451    leay  -1,y         Bump source ptr back by 1
+L2453    lda   #$80         Get high bit (OIM on 6309)
+         ora   -1,y         Set high bit on last char of variable name
+         sta   -1,y         Save it back
+L2459    stb   <u00A6       Save size of variable name
+         puls  pc,y         Restore source ptr & return
+* Find first non-space / non-LF char, and point Y to it
+L245D    lda   ,y+          Get char from source
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC      Is it a space?
+         beq   L245D        Yes, get next char
+         cmpa  #C$LF        Is it a line feed?
+         beq   L245D        Yes, get next char
+         leay  -1,y         Found legitimate char, point Y to it
+         rts   
+* Check if char is letter, number or _
+L246A    bsr   L2478        Check if next char is letter or _
+         bcc   L2493        Yes, exit with carry clear
+L246E    cmpa  #'0          Is it a number?
+         blo   L2493        No, return with carry set
+         cmpa  #'9          Is it a number?
+         bls   L2491        Yes, exit with carry clear
+         bra   L248E        No, exit with carry set
+* Check if char is a letter (or underscore)
+* Entry: A=last char gotten (non-space/Lf)
+* Exit: Carry clear if A-Z, a-z or '_'
+*       Carry set if anything else
+L2478    anda  #$7F         Take out any high bit that might exist
+         cmpa  #'A          Is it lower than a 'A'
+         blo   L2493        Yes, skip ahead (carry set)
+         cmpa  #'Z          Is it an uppercase letter?
+         bls   L2491        Yes, clear carry & exit
+         cmpa  #'_          Is it an underscore?
+         beq   L2493        Yes, exit (carry is clear)
+         cmpa  #'a          Is it a [,\,],^ or inverted quote ($60)?
+         blo   L2493        Yes, skip ahead (carry set)
+         cmpa  #'z          Is it a lowercase letter?
+         bls   L2491        Yes, exit
+L248E    orcc  #$01         Error, non-alpha char
+         rts   
+L2491    andcc #$FE         No error, alphabetic char
+L2493    rts   
+L2494    ldx   <u0062
+         ldd   -3,x
+         addd  #1           INCD
+         std   -3,x
+         ldb   <u00A6       Get size of var name/ (or string?)
+         clra               D=Size
+         addd  #3           Add 3 to size
+         sty   <u00A9
+         bsr   L24EE
+         pshs  y
+         lda   <u00A5
+         clrb  
+         std   ,y++
+         stb   ,y+
+         ldx   <u00A9
+L24B3    lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,y+
+         bpl   L24B3
+         leay  ,x
+         puls  pc,x
+L24BD    pshs  u,d
+         ldd   <u000C
+         subd  ,s
+         bcc   L24CA
+         lda   #$20
+         lbra  L1DD6
+L24CA    std   <u000C
+         ldd   <u0066
+         subd  ,s
+         std   <u0066
+         ldu   <u00DA
+         ldd   <u00DA
+         subd  ,s
+         std   <u00DA
+         tfr   d,y
+         ldd   <u0066
+         subd  <u00DA
+         addd  <u0068
+         bsr   L2508
+         ldd   <u0068
+         addd  ,s++
+         std   <u0068
+         leax  ,u
+         puls  pc,u
+L24EE    pshs  u,d
+         bsr   L24BD
+         subd  ,s
+         std   <u0068
+         leau  ,x
+         leax  $03,y
+         stx   <u0062
+         ldd   <u0064
+         bsr   L2508
+         addd  ,s++
+         std   <u0064
+         leax  ,u
+         puls  pc,u
+L2508    pshs  x,d
+         leax  d,u
+         pshs  x
+L250E    bitb  #$03
+         beq   L251F
+         lda   ,u+
+         sta   ,y+
+         decb  
+         bra   L250E
+L2519    pulu  x,d
+         std   ,y++
+         stx   ,y++
+L251F    cmpu  ,s
+         blo   L2519
+         clr   ,s++
+         puls  pc,x,d
+* Entry point from L23E1
+L2528    lda   #%00100000     Bit pattern to test for end of entry
+* Entry: X=Table ptr (ex. command table)
+*        Y=Source ptr
+*        A=Mask to check for end of entry (%10000000)
+*        U=??? (just preserved)
+* Exit:  X=Ptr to 2 byte # before matching text string
+*        Y=Ptr to byte after matching entry in source
+*        Zero flag set if no matching entry found
+L252A    pshs  u,y,x,a        Save everything on stack
+         ldu   -3,x           Get # of entries in table
+         ldb   -1,x           Get # bytes to skip to next entry
+* Loop to find entry (or until table runs out)
+L2530    stx   1,s            Save new table ptr
+         cmpu  #$0000         Done all entries?
+         beq   L2558          Yes, exit
+         leau  -1,u           Bump # entries left down
+         ldy   3,s            Get source ptr
+         leax  b,x            Point to next entry
+L253F    lda   ,x+            Get byte from table
+         eora  ,y+            Match byte from source?
+         beq   L2551          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  ,s             Just high bit set (end of entry marker)?
+         beq   L2551          Yes, skip ahead
+         leax  -1,x           No, bump table ptr back by 1
+L254B    lda   ,x+            Get byte
+         bpl   L254B          Keep reading until high bit found (end of entry)
+         bra   L2530          Go loop to check this entry
+* Found a byte match (with or w/o high bit)
+L2551    tst   -1,x           Check the byte
+         bpl   L253F          If not at end of entry, keep looking
+         sty   3,s            Entry matched, save new source ptr
+L2558    puls  pc,u,y,x,a     Restore regs & return
+L255A    pshs  x,d            Preserve regs
+         ldb   [<$04,s]       Get table entry #
+         leax  <L256A,pc      Point to vector table
+         ldd   b,x            Get vector offset
+         leax  d,x            Calculate vector
+         stx   4,s            Replace original RTS address with vector
+         puls  pc,x,d         Restore regs and go to new routine
+* Jump table
+L256A    fdb   L2C50-L256A    $06e6
+         fdb   L30A0-L256A    $0b36
+         fdb   L2692-L256A    $0128
+         fdb   L26FD-L256A    $0193
+* Jump table
+L2581    fdb   L2D07-L2581    $0786
+         fdb   L277F-L2581    $01fe
+         fdb   L2728-L2581    $01a7
+         fdb   L2783-L2581    $0202
+         fdb   L292A-L2581    $03a9
+         fdb   L2C88-L2581    $0707
+         fdb   L2D20-L2581    $079f
+         fdb   L2D20-L2581    $079f
+         fdb   L2D20-L2581    $079f
+         fdb   L2C88-L2581    $0707
+         fdb   L2D20-L2581    $079f
+         fdb   L2D20-L2581    $079f
+         fdb   L2D20-L2581    $079f
+         fdb   L2954-L2581    $03D3
+         fdb   L2952-L2581    $03D1
+         fdb   L29A4-L2581    $0423
+         fdb   L2A30-L2581    $04AF
+         fdb   L2A4B-L2581    $04CA
+         fdb   L2A62-L2581    $04E1
+         fdb   L2A74-L2581    $04F3
+         fdb   L2B0C-L2581    $058B
+         fdb   L2B5B-L2581    $05DA
+         fdb   L2B69-L2581    $05E8
+         fdb   L2B81-L2581    $0600
+         fdb   L2B88-L2581    $0607
+         fdb   L2B9C-L2581    $061b
+         fdb   L2BA0-L2581    $061f
+         fdb   L2BA4-L2581    $0623
+         fdb   L2BC1-L2581    $0640
+         fdb   L29AB-L2581    $042a
+         fdb   L2A1A-L2581    $0499
+         fdb   L29CC-L2581    $044b
+         fdb   L308D-L2581    $0b0c
+         fdb   L29CC-L2581    $044b
+         fdb   L308D-L2581    $0b0c
+         fdb   L2C1F-L2581    $069e
+         fdb   L2D07-L2581    $0786
+         fdb   L2C65-L2581    $06e4
+         fdb   L2C88-L2581    $0707
+         fdb   L2D07-L2581    $0786
+         fdb   L2D07-L2581    $0786
+         fdb   L2CC6-L2581    $0745
+         fdb   L2CC6-L2581    $0745
+         fdb   L2CE2-L2581    $0761
+         fdb   L2C65-L2581    $06e4
+         fdb   L2C88-L2581    $0707
+         fdb   L2CF0-L2581    $076f
+         fdb   L2CF0-L2581    $076f
+         fdb   L2CFA-L2581    $0779
+         fdb   L2D18-L2581    $0797
+         fdb   L2D07-L2581    $0786
+         fdb   L2D07-L2581    $0786
+         fdb   L2D07-L2581    $0786
+         fdb   L2D20-L2581    $079f
+         fdb   L2D20-L2581    $079f
+         fdb   L26C8-L2581    $0147
+         fdb   L26C8-L2581    $0147
+         fdb   L2C88-L2581    $0707
+         fdb   L265D-L2581    $00dc
+         fdb   L308D-L2581    $0b0c
+         fdb   L308D-L2581    $0b0c
+         fdb   L26C1-L2581    $0140
+         fdb   L2718-L2581    $0197
+         fdb   L2718-L2581    $0197
+* Table (called from L2D2C) - If 0, does something @ L308D, otherwise, AND's
+*   with $1F, multiplies by 2, and uses result as offset to branch table @
+*   L2DA2
+L2601    fcb   $20,$20,$06,$00,$43,$40,$28,$25,$00,$43,$43,$43,$43,$43,$43,$43
+         fcb   $05,$00,$43,$43,$43,$00,$45,$00,$25,$00,$45,$00,$05,$00,$21,$21
+         fcb   $47,$27,$27,$22,$22,$22,$60,$60,$61,$87,$8a,$89,$89,$81,$85,$00
+         fcb   $80,$81,$e0,$e0,$e0,$e0,$e0,$6b,$05,$00,$6c,$6c,$6c,$6d,$00,$00
+         fcb   $6d,$00,$00,$6e,$00,$00,$00,$6e,$00,$00,$00,$6d,$00,$00,$6d,$00
+         fcb   $00,$0d,$00,$00,$06,00,$06,$00,$06,$00,$44,$44
+L265D    ldd   ,y
+         tst   <u00D9
+         bne   L2675
+         pshs  d
+         leay  -1,y
+         ldd   <u0060
+L2669    std   <u00AB
+         ldd   #3
+         lbsr  L2578
+         puls  d
+         bra   L2677
+L2675    leay  2,y
+L2677    lbsr  L29DE
+         bcc   L268E
+         std   ,x
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         leax  2,x
+L2684    ldu   ,x
+         std   ,x
+L2688    leax  ,u
+         bne   L2684
+         bra   L2692
+L268E    lda   #$4B         Multiply-defined Line Number error
+         bsr   L26CE        Go print (Y-<u005E) to std err in hex
+L2692    leax  >L2581,pc    Point to table
+         ldb   ,y+          Get byte
+         bpl   L269F        If high bit off, go get offset from table
+         ldd   #L2952-L2581 Otherwise force to use L2952 offset
+         bra   L26A9        Skip ahead
+L269F    lslb               Multiply by 2
+         clra               16 bit offset required
+         ldd   d,x          Get offset
+         cmpd  #L2952-L2581 Is it the special case one?
+         blo   L26BF        If it or any lower offset, go execute it
+L26A9    tst   <u00C7       ??? If ?? set, go execute routine
+         bne   L26BF 
+         inc   <u00C7       Set flag
+         pshs  d            Preserve offset
+         tfr   y,d          ??? Move current location to D
+         subd  <u005E       Subtract something
+         subd  #$0001       Subtract 1 more
+         ldu   <u002F       Get 'current' module ptr
+         std   $15,u        ??? Save some sort of size into module header?
+         puls  d            Get offset back
+L26BF    jmp   d,x          Jump to routine
+L26C1    ldx   <u002F       Get ptr to current module
+         lda   #$01         Flag for Line with Compiler error
+         sta   <$17,x       Save in flag header byte
+L26C8    ldb   ,y+          Get offset byte
+         clra               Make 16 bit
+         leay  d,y          Point Y to it & return
+         rts   
+L308D    ldy   <u0060
+         lda   #$30         Unimplemented Routine error
+* Prints Hex # address of where error occurs, & error message on screen
+* Entry: Y=# to convert to hex after subtracting <u005E
+* Exit: Writes out 4 digit hex # & space
+L26CE    pshs  y,x,d        Preserve regs
+         ldx   <u002F       Get Ptr to current module
+         lda   #$01         Set Line with compiler error flag in mod. header
+         sta   <$17,x
+         lda   <u0084       Get flag???
+         bmi   L26FB        If high bit set, don't print address
+         ldd   4,s          Get # to convert (current addr?)
+         subd  <u005E       ??? Subtract start?
+         leas  -5,s         Make 5 byte buffer
+         leax  ,s           Point X to it
+         bsr   L26FD        Convert D to 4 digit HEX characters
+         lda   #C$SPAC      Add Space
+         sta   ,x+
+         lda   #2           Std error path
+         leax  ,s           Point to buffer
+         ldy   #5           Write out the hex number
+         os9   I$Write 
+         leas  5,s          Eat temporary buffer
+         ldb   ,s           Get error code
+         lbsr  L1CC1        Print error message
+L26FB    puls  pc,y,x,d     Restore regs & return
+* Convert 16 bit number to ASCII Hex equivalent (Addresses in LIST?)
+* Result is stored at ,X
+L26FD    bsr   L2701        Convert A to hex
+         tfr   b,a          Convert B to hex
+L2701    pshs  a            Preserve byte
+         lsra               Do high nibble first
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         bsr   L270D        Convert to ASCII Hex equivalent
+         puls  a            Get back original byte
+         anda  #$0F         Do low nibble now
+L270D    adda  #$30         Make ASCII
+         cmpa  #'9          Past legal numeric?
+         bls   L2715        Yes, save ASCII version
+         adda  #$07         Bump >9 up to A-F for Hex
+L2715    sta   ,x+          Save Hex ASCII version & return
+         rts   
+L2718    ldb   ,y           Get char(?)
+         bsr   L2721        Check if it is $3E or $3F > or ?
+         bne   L2720        Neither, return
+L271E    leay  1,y          Yes, bump Y up & return
+L2720    rts   
+L2721    cmpb  #$3F
+         beq   L2727
+         cmpb  #$3E
+L2727    rts   
+L2728    lbsr  L2F43
+         ldb   <u00CF
+         beq   L2733
+         lda   #$4C         Multiply-defined Variable error
+         bsr   L26CE        Go print hex version of (Y-<u005E)
+L2733    leay  4,y          Bump ptr up by 4
+         lda   #$40
+         sta   <u00CE
+         ldd   <u00C1
+         pshs  d
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   <u00C1
+         bsr   L2787
+         ldd   <u00CC
+         subd  <u0060
+         beq   L277A
+         addd  #3
+         cmpd  <u000C
+         lbcc  L2A0D
+         pshs  y,x
+         lbsr  L257B
+         ldd   <u00C1
+         leau  ,y
+         std   ,y++
+         clr   ,y+
+         ldx   <u0060       Get address of $F offset in header
+L2762    ldd   ,x++         Get value there
+         subd  <u0062
+         std   ,y++
+         inc   2,u
+         cmpx  <u00CC
+         blo   L2762
+         tfr   u,d
+         puls  y,x
+         subd  <u0066
+         std   1,x
+         lda   #$25
+         sta   ,x
+L277A    puls  d
+         std   <u00C1
+         rts   
+L277F    lda   #$80
+         bra   L2785
+L2783    lda   #$60
+L2785    sta   <u00CE
+L2787    ldd   <u0060
+         pshs  x,d
+         std   <u00CC
+L278D    bsr   L27E0
+         ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L278D
+         cmpb  #$4C
+         beq   L279F
+         leay  -1,y
+         ldb   #$01
+         bra   L27A3
+L279F    lbsr  L283A
+         clrb  
+L27A3    pshs  y,b
+         ldx   3,s
+         ldd   <u00CC
+         std   3,s
+         stx   <u00CC
+         subd  <u00CC
+         lslb               D=D*2
+         rola  
+         addd  3,s
+         cmpd  <u00DA
+         blo   L27CE
+         lbra  L2A0D
+L27BC    ldu   ,x++         Get some sort of var ptr
+         tst   ,s
+         beq   L27CB
+         lda   ,u           Get var type
+         sta   <u00D1       Save it
+         lbsr  L3083        D=size of var in bytes
+         std   <u00D6       Save size
+L27CB    lbsr  L2878
+L27CE    cmpx  3,s
+         blo   L27BC
+         ldd   <u00CC
+         std   3,s
+         puls  y,b
+         ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$51
+         beq   L278D
+         puls  pc,x,d
+L27E0    lbsr  L2F43
+         ldb   <u00CF
+         beq   L27FF
+         lda   #$4C         Multiply-defined Variable error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         leay  3,y
+         ldb   ,y
+         cmpb  #$4D
+         bne   L27FE
+         leay  1,y
+L27F6    bsr   L282E
+         ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L27F6
+L27FE    rts   
+L27FF    ldd   <u00CC
+         addd  #$000A
+         cmpd  <u00DA
+         lbhs  L2A0D
+         ldx   <u00CC
+         ldd   <u00D2
+         std   ,x++
+         leau  ,x
+         clr   ,x+
+         leay  3,y
+         ldb   ,y
+         cmpb  #$4D
+         bne   L282B
+         leay  1,y
+L281F    bsr   L282E
+         std   ,x++
+         inc   ,u
+         ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L281F
+L282B    stx   <u00CC
+         rts   
+L282E    ldb   ,y+
+         clra  
+         cmpb  #$8D
+         beq   L2837
+         lda   ,y+
+L2837    ldb   ,y+
+         rts   
+L283A    lda   ,y+
+         cmpa  #$85
+         beq   L285B
+         suba  #$40
+         sta   <u00D1       Save var type
+         cmpa  #4           String type?
+         bne   L2856        No, skip ahead
+         ldb   ,y
+         cmpb  #$4F
+         bne   L2856
+         leay  1,y
+         bsr   L282E
+         leay  1,y
+         bra   L2875
+L2856    lbsr  L3083        Go get size of var
+         bra   L2875        Go save size @ u00D6
+L285B    leay  -1,y
+         lbsr  L2F43
+         leay  3,y
+         ldb   <u00CF
+         cmpb  #$20
+         beq   L286D
+         lda   #$18         Illegal Type suffix error
+         lbra  L26CE
+L286D    ldd   1,x
+         std   <u00D2
+         ldx   <u0066
+         ldd   d,x          Get size of var
+L2875    std   <u00D6       Save size of var & return
+         rts   
+L2878    ldb   ,x+
+         beq   L28D0
+         pshs  b
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         stb   <u00D0
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         leax  b,x
+         addb  #4
+         pshs  u,x
+         lda   <u00D1       Get var type
+         cmpa  #4           Numeric type?
+         blo   L2893        Yes, skip ahead
+         addb  #2           If string or complex, add 2 to type
+L2893    clra  
+         cmpd  <u000C
+         lbhi  L2A0D
+         lbsr  L257B
+         ldx   ,s
+         leau  2,y
+         ldd   #$0001
+         std   ,u++
+L28A7    ldd   ,--x
+         std   ,u++
+         bsr   L28F7
+         dec   4,s
+         bne   L28A7
+         lda   <u00D1       Get var type
+         cmpa  #4           Numeric or string?
+         bls   L28BC        Yes, skip ahead
+         ldd   <u00D2       No, (complex?)
+* NOTE: Since 28BC only referred to here, should be able to change std ,u/coma
+*   to bra L28C0 (std ,u)
+         std   ,u           Save ???
+         coma               Set carry to indicate complex?
+L28BC    ldd   <u00D6       Get size of var in bytes
+         bcs   L28C2        If complex, don't save sign again
+         std   ,u           Save size
+L28C2    bsr   L28F7        ??? Do some multiply testing based on size?
+         tfr   y,d
+         puls  u,x
+         subd  <u0066
+         std   1,u
+         leas  1,s
+         bra   L28E0
+L28D0    stb   <u00D0
+         lda   <u00D1       Get var type
+         cmpa  #4           Normal type (numeric/string)?
+         bhi   L28DC        No, skip ahead
+         ldd   <u00D6       Get size of var
+         bra   L28DE        Skip ahead
+L28DC    ldd   <u00D2       Get ??? (something with complex type?)
+L28DE    std   1,u          Save size
+L28E0    lda   <u00D1       Get var type
+         ora   <u00D0       Keep common bits with ???
+         ora   <u00CE       Keep common bits with ???
+         sta   ,u           Save ???
+         pshs  x
+         leax  ,u
+         lbsr  L2FEE
+         ldx   <u00CC
+         stu   ,x++
+         stx   <u00CC
+         puls  pc,x
+* Check if size of array will be too big
+L28F7    pshs  d
+         ldb   2,y
+         mul   
+         bne   L2923
+         lda   1,s
+         ldb   2,y
+         mul   
+         tsta  
+         bne   L2923
+         stb   2,y
+         lda   ,s
+         ldb   3,y
+         mul   
+         tsta  
+         bne   L2923
+         addb  2,y
+         bcs   L2923
+         stb   2,y
+         lda   1,s
+         ldb   3,y
+         mul   
+         adda  2,y
+         bcs   L2923
+         std   2,y
+         puls  pc,d
+L2923    lda   #$49         Array Size Overflow error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         puls  pc,d
+L292A    ldu   <u00CA
+         bne   L2936
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   <u00C8
+         bra   L293C
+L2936    tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   ,u
+L293C    lbsr  L2D65
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L293C
+         sty   <u00CA
+         ldd   <u00C8
+         std   ,y++
+         lbra  L271E
+L2952    leay  -1,y
+L2954    bsr   L2984
+         leay  1,y
+         lbsr  L2D65
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         sta   <u00D1       Save var type
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  <u00D1       Same as var type?
+         beq   L2981        Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #2           Var type from 2E52=Boolean/string/complex?
+         bhi   L297E        Yes, skip ahead (print some hex # out)
+         beq   L2971        Real #, skip ahead
+         lda   #$C8
+         bra   L2973
+L2971    lda   #$CB
+L2973    ldb   <u00D1       Get var type
+         cmpb  #2           Boolean/string/complex?
+         bhi   L297E        Yes, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L2FBE        Byte/Integer/Real, go do something
+         bra   L2981
+L297E    lbsr  L2A26
+L2981    lbra  L2718        ??? Do some checking ,y, return from there
+L2984    lda   ,y
+         cmpa  #$0E
+         lbne  L2D65
+         leay  1,y
+         lbsr  L2D65
+L2991    lda   -3,y
+         cmpa  #$85
+         bhs   L299F
+         ldd   <u00D2
+         subd  <u0062
+         std   -2,y
+         lda   #$85
+L299F    adda  #$6D
+         sta   -3,y
+         rts   
+L29A4    bsr   L29A6
+L29A6    bsr   L2A1A
+         leay  1,y
+         rts   
+L29AB    ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$1E
+         beq   L29C5
+         leay  -1,y
+         bsr   L29A6
+         ldd   ,y++
+L29B7    pshs  d
+         leay  1,y
+         bsr   L29CC
+         puls  d
+         subd  #$0001
+         bne   L29B7
+         rts   
+L29C5    ldb   ,y+
+         lbsr  L2721
+         beq   L29DD
+L29CC    ldd   ,y
+         bsr   L29DE
+         ldd   2,x
+         bcc   L29D7
+         sty   2,x
+L29D7    std   ,y
+         inc   -1,y
+         leay  3,y
+L29DD    rts   
+L29DE    ldx   <u0066
+         pshs  d
+         bra   L29ED
+L29E4    ldd   ,x
+         anda  #$7F
+         cmpd  ,s
+         beq   L2A08
+L29ED    leax  -4,x
+         cmpx  <u00DA
+         bhs   L29E4
+         ldd   <u000C       Get # bytes free in workspace for user
+         subd  #4           Subtract 4
+         blo   L2A0D        Not enough mem, exit with Memory full error
+         std   <u000C       Save new free space
+         ldd   ,s
+         ora   #$80
+         std   ,x
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   2,x
+         stx   <u00DA
+L2A08    lda   ,x
+         rola  
+         puls  pc,d
+L2A0D    lda   #32          Memory full error
+         sta   <u0036       Save error code
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         lbsr  L30EB
+         lbra  L1CC7
+L2A1A    lbsr  L2D65
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #2           Real?
+         beq   L2A2B        Yes, skip ahead
+         blo   L29DD        Byte/Integer, return
+L2A26    lda   #$47         Illegal Expression Type error
+         lbra  L26CE
+L2A2B    lda   #$C8
+         lbra  L2FBE
+L2A30    lbsr  L2BAF
+         lda   3,y
+         cmpa  #$3A
+         beq   L2A3E
+         lda   #$10
+         lbra  L2BA8
+L2A3E    pshs  y
+         leay  4,y
+         bsr   L29CC
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   [,s++]
+         rts   
+L2A4B    ldd   #$1002
+         lbsr  L2BDD
+         ldu   1,x
+         sty   1,x
+         leay  2,y
+         lbsr  L2718
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   ,u
+         rts   
+L2A62    ldd   #$1001
+         lbsr  L2BDD
+         leay  1,y
+L2A6A    tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   [<1,x]
+         lbra  L2C01
+L2A74    lbsr  L2F43
+         lbsr  L2EE3
+         cmpa  #$60
+         bne   L2A88
+         lda   <u00D1       Get var type
+         cmpa  #1           Integer?
+         beq   L2A94        Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #2           Real?
+         beq   L2A94        Yes, skip ahead
+L2A88    lda   #$46         Illegal FOR variable
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         ldd   #$FFFF
+         std   <u00D2
+         bra   L2AA0
+* FOR variable is numeric but NOT byte, continue
+L2A94    ldb   <u00D0
+         bne   L2A88
+         adda  #$80         Set hi bit on var type
+         sta   ,y           Save it
+         ldd   1,x
+         std   1,y
+L2AA0    ldx   <u0044       Get some sort of var ptr
+         leax  -7,x         Make room for 7 more bytes
+         stx   <u0044       Save new ptr
+         lda   <u00D1       Get var type
+         sta   ,x           Save it
+         ldd   <u00D2
+         subd  <u0062
+         std   1,x
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   5,x
+         leay  4,y
+         bsr   L2AF1
+         bsr   L2AD4
+         std   3,x
+         lda   ,y
+         cmpa  #$47
+         bne   L2AC6
+         bsr   L2AD4
+         std   5,x
+L2AC6    leay  1,y
+         sty   ,--x
+         lda   #$13
+         sta   ,-x
+         stx   <u0044
+         leay  3,y
+L2AD3    rts   
+L2AD4    ldd   <u00C1
+         pshs  d
+         std   1,y
+         ldx   <u0044
+         lda   ,x
+         leax  >L307E,pc      Point to 5 single bytes table
+         ldb   a,x            Get value
+         clra                 D=value
+         addd  <u00C1         Add to value & save result
+         std   <u00C1
+         leay  3,y
+         bsr   L2AF1
+         ldx   <u0044
+         puls  pc,d
+L2AF1    lbsr  L2D65
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  ,u
+         beq   L2AD3
+         cmpa  #$02
+         bcs   L2B07
+         lbne  L2A26
+         lda   #$C8
+         bra   L2B09
+L2B07    lda   #$CB         ??? Illegal mode error?
+L2B09    lbra  L2FBE
+L2B0C    leay  -1,y
+         ldd   #$130B
+         lbsr  L2BDD
+         ldd   2,y
+         cmpd  4,x
+         beq   L2B22
+         lda   #$46         Illegal FOR variable error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         bra   L2B51
+L2B22    addd  <u0062
+         exg   d,x
+         ldx   1,x
+         exg   d,x
+         std   2,y
+         lda   3,x
+         anda  #$02
+         sta   1,y
+         ldd   6,x
+         std   4,y
+         ldd   8,x
+         std   6,y
+         beq   L2B3E
+         inc   1,y
+L2B3E    ldu   1,x
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         addd  #$0001
+         std   ,u
+         leau  3,u
+         tfr   u,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   8,y
+L2B51    leay  $B,y
+         lbsr  L2C01
+         leax  7,x
+         stx   <u0044
+         rts   
+L2B5B    leau  -1,y
+         pshs  u
+         bsr   L2BAF
+         puls  d
+         std   ,y
+         lda   #$15
+         bra   L2BA8
+L2B69    ldd   #$1503
+         bsr   L2BDD
+         ldx   1,x
+         ldd   ,x
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   ,y
+         leay  3,y
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   ,x
+         lbra  L2C01
+L2B81    lda   #$17
+L2B83    lbsr  L271E
+         bra   L2BD3
+L2B88    bsr   L2BAF
+         lda   #$17
+L2B8C    leay  -1,y
+         ldb   #$03
+         bsr   L2BDD
+         ldd   1,x
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   $01,y
+         leay  $04,y
+         bra   L2C01
+L2B9C    lda   #$19
+         bra   L2B83
+L2BA0    lda   #$19
+         bra   L2B8C
+L2BA4    bsr   L2BAF
+         lda   #$1B
+L2BA8    bsr   L2BD3
+         leay  3,y
+         lbra  L2718
+L2BAF    lbsr  L2D65
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #3           ??? Boolean variable?
+         beq   L2BBE        Yes, skip ahead
+         lda   #$47         Illegal Expression Type error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+L2BBE    leay  1,y
+         rts   
+L2BC1    ldd   #$1B03
+         bsr   L2BDD
+         leau  ,y
+         leay  3,y
+         lbsr  L2A6A
+         stu   ,--x
+         lda   #$1C
+         bra   L2BD8
+L2BD3    ldx   <u0044
+         sty   ,--x
+L2BD8    sta   ,-x
+         stx   <u0044
+         rts   
+L2BDD    pshs  a
+         ldx   <u0044
+         bra   L2BE5
+L2BE3    leax  3,x
+L2BE5    cmpx  <u0046
+         bhs   L2BF3
+         lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #$1C
+         beq   L2BE3
+         cmpa  ,s
+         beq   L2BFF
+L2BF3    leas  3,s
+         lda   #$45         Unmatched Control Structure error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         leay  b,y
+         lbra  L2718
+L2BFF    puls  pc,a
+L2C01    ldx   <u0044
+         bra   L2C14
+L2C05    lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #$1C
+         bne   L2C1A
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   [<1,x]
+         leax  3,x
+L2C14    cmpx  <u0046
+         blo   L2C05
+         bra   L2C1C
+L2C1A    leax  3,x
+L2C1C    stx   <u0044
+         rts   
+L2C1F    leay  -1,y
+         lbsr  L2F43
+         lda   <u00CF
+         beq   L2C41
+         cmpa  #$A0
+         beq   L2C4E
+         cmpa  #$60
+         bcs   L2C3A
+         lda   <u00D0
+         bne   L2C3A
+         lda   <u00D1
+         cmpa  #$04
+         beq   L2C4E
+L2C3A    lda   #$4C         Multiply-defined Variable error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         bra   L2C4E
+L2C41    lda   #$A0
+         sta   ,x
+         ldd   <u00C5
+         std   1,x
+         addd  #$0002
+         std   <u00C5
+L2C4E    leay  3,y
+L2C50    ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$4D
+         bne   L2C64
+L2C56    lbsr  L2984
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L2C56
+         leay  1,y
+L2C64    rts   
+L2C65    bsr   L2CB2
+         leay  -1,y
+         cmpb  #$90
+         bne   L2C72
+         lbsr  L2D0B
+         leay  1,y
+L2C72    lbsr  L2984
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #$05
+         bcs   L2C81
+         lda   #$4D         Illegal Input Variable error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+L2C81    lda   ,y+
+         cmpa  #$4B
+         beq   L2C72
+         rts   
+L2C88    bsr   L2CB2
+         cmpb  #$49
+         bne   L2C92
+         bsr   L2D0B
+L2C90    ldb   ,y+
+L2C92    cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L2C90
+         cmpb  #$51
+         beq   L2C90
+         lbsr  L2721
+         beq   L2CC5
+         leay  -1,y
+         lbsr  L2D65
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #$05
+         blo   L2C90
+         lda   #$47         Illegal Expression Type error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         bra   L2C90
+L2CB2    ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$54
+         bne   L2CC5
+         lbsr  L2A1A
+L2CBB    ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L2CBB
+         cmpb  #$51
+         beq   L2CBB
+L2CC5    rts   
+L2CC6    leay  1,y
+         lbsr  L2984
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #$01
+         beq   L2CD5
+         lbsr  L2A26
+L2CD5    leay  1,y
+         bsr   L2D0B
+         lda   ,y+
+         cmpa  #$4A
+         bne   L2CE1
+         leay  2,y
+L2CE1    rts   
+L2CE2    bsr   L2D02
+         bsr   L2D65
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #$42
+         bls   L2D20
+         lbra  L2A26
+L2CF0    bsr   L2D02
+         lbsr  L2984
+         lbsr  L2E52
+L2CF8    bra   L2D20
+L2CFA    bsr   L2D02
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L2CFA
+         bra   L2D20
+L2D02    leay  1,y
+         lbra  L29A6
+L2D07    bsr   L2D0B
+         bra   L2D20
+L2D0B    bsr   L2D65
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #4
+         beq   L2CE1        Return
+         lbra  L2A26        Return from there
+L2D18    ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$3A
+         lbeq  L29CC
+L2D20    lbra  L2718
+L2D23    cmpb  #$96
+         bhs   L2D2C
+         lbsr  L2E5F
+         bra   L2D65
+* B>=$96 goes here
+L2D2C    cmpb  #$F2           If >=$F2, skip ahead
+         lbhs  L308D
+         subb  #$96           Drop B to $00 - $5B
+         leax  >L2601,pc      Point to data table
+         abx                  Point to entry we want
+         ldb   ,x             Get it
+         lbeq  L308D          If nothing, skip ahead
+         andb  #$1F
+         beq   L2D4A
+         leau  <L2DA2,pc      point to routine
+         lslb  
+         jsr   b,u
+L2D4A    ldb   ,x             Get byte
+         andb  #$E0           Mask out all but hi 3 bits
+         beq   L2D60          If hi 3 bits all 0's, skip ahead
+         clra                 Move hi 3 bits to lo 3 bits in A
+         rolb                 ROLD
+         rola  
+         rolb                 ROLD
+         rola  
+         rolb                 ROLD
+         rola  
+         cmpa  #$07           All 3 bits set?
+         bne   L2D60          No, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L2FD4
+         bra   L2D65
+L2D60    lbsr  L2E3B
+         leay  1,y
+L2D65    ldb   ,y
+         bmi   L2D23
+         rts   
+L2D6A    bsr   L2D6F
+         incb  
+         bra   L2D71
+L2D6F    ldb   #$C8         (200)
+L2D71    lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #$02
+         blo   L2D85
+         beq   L2D7E
+         bsr   L2DC3
+         bra   L2D83
+L2D7E    tfr   b,a
+         lbsr  L2FBE
+L2D83    lda   #$01
+L2D85    rts   
+L2D86    bsr   L2D8B
+         incb  
+         bra   L2D8D
+L2D8B    ldb   #$CB
+L2D8D    lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #$02
+         beq   L2DA1
+         blo   L2D9A
+         bsr   L2DC3
+         bra   L2D9F
+L2D9A    tfr   b,a
+         lbsr  L2FBE
+L2D9F    lda   #$02
+L2DA1    rts   
+L2DA2    bra   L2DC0        (offset 0)
+L2DA4    bra   L2D6F        (2)
+L2DA6    bra   L2D6A        (4)
+L2DA8    bra   L2D8B        (6)
+L2DAA    bra   L2D86        (8)
+L2DAC    bra   L2DDE        ($a)
+L2DAE    bra   L2DC8        ($c)
+L2DB0    bra   L2DF4        ($e)
+L2DB2    bra   L2DF2        ($10)
+L2DB4    bra   L2DFF        ($12)
+L2DB6    bra   L2E04        ($14)
+L2DB8    bra   L2E30        ($16)
+L2DBA    bra   L2E2E        ($18)
+L2DBC    bra   L2E13        ($1A)
+L2DBE    bra   L2E09        ($1C)
+L2DC0    lbra  L308D        ($1F)
+L2DC3    lda   #$43         Illegal Argument error
+         lbra  L26CE
+L2DC8    bsr   L2DE7
+         pshs  a
+         bsr   L2DE7
+         cmpa  ,s+
+         beq   L2DE0
+         lda   #$CB
+         bcc   L2DD7
+         inca  
+L2DD7    lbsr  L2FBE
+         lda   #$02
+         bra   L2DE4
+L2DDE    bsr   L2DE7
+L2DE0    cmpa  #$02
+         bne   L2DE6
+L2DE4    inc   ,y
+L2DE6    rts   
+L2DE7    bsr   L2E52
+         cmpa  #$02
+         bls   L2DF1
+         bsr   L2DC3
+         lda   #$02
+L2DF1    rts   
+L2DF2    bsr   L2DF4
+L2DF4    bsr   L2E52
+         cmpa  #4
+         beq   L2DFE
+         bsr   L2DC3
+         lda   #4
+L2DFE    rts   
+L2DFF    lbsr  L2D6F
+         bra   L2DF4
+L2E04    lbsr  L2D6A
+         bra   L2DF4
+L2E09    lda   #3
+         bsr   L2E20
+         bne   L2E13
+         ldb   #3
+         bra   L2E1B
+L2E13    lda   #4
+         bsr   L2E20
+         bne   L2DC8
+         ldb   #2
+L2E1B    addb  ,y
+         stb   ,y
+         rts   
+L2E20    ldu   <u0044
+         cmpa  ,u+
+         bne   L2E2D
+         cmpa  ,u+
+         bne   L2E2D
+         stu   <u0044
+         clrb  
+L2E2D    rts   
+L2E2E    bsr   L2E30
+L2E30    bsr   L2E52
+         cmpa  #3
+         beq   L2E3A
+         bsr   L2DC3
+         lda   #3
+L2E3A    rts   
+* Modified since all routines coming here freshly LDA
+L2E3B    tsta               A=0?
+L2E3C    bne   L2E41        No, skip ahead
+         inca               A=1
+L2E41    ldu   <u0044
+         cmpa  #5
+         bne   L2E4D
+         ldd   <u00D4
+         std   ,--u
+         lda   #5
+L2E4D    sta   ,-u
+         stu   <u0044
+         rts   
+L2E52    ldu   <u0044
+         lda   ,u+
+         cmpa  #5
+         bne   L2E5C
+         leau  2,u
+L2E5C    stu   <u0044
+         rts   
+L2E5F    cmpb  #$85
+         lblo  L308D
+         cmpb  #$89
+         blo   L2EAB
+         subb  #$8D
+         lblo  L2F07          $8a to $8c go here
+         leau  <L2E75,pc      Point to list of branches
+         lslb                 2 bytes/per branch
+         jmp   b,u            Call branch
+L2E75    bra   L2E87
+L2E77    bra   L2E89
+L2E79    bra   L2E8F
+L2E7B    bra   L2E95
+L2E7D    bra   L2E89
+L2E7F    bra   L2E9F
+L2E81    bra   L2EA8
+L2E83    bra   L2E9F
+L2E85    bra   L2EA8
+L2E87    leay  -1,y
+L2E89    leay  3,y
+         lda   #1
+         bra   L2E41
+L2E8F    leay  6,y
+         lda   #2
+         bra   L2E41
+L2E95    ldb   ,y+
+         cmpb  #$FF
+         bne   L2E95
+         lda   #4
+         bra   L2E41
+L2E9F    lbsr  L2991
+         bsr   L2E52
+         lda   #1
+         bsr   L2E41
+L2EA8    leay  1,y
+         rts   
+L2EAB    lbsr  L2F43
+         bsr   L2EE3
+         cmpa  #$60
+         beq   L2EBF
+         cmpa  #$80
+         beq   L2EBF
+         lda   #$12         Illegal Operand error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         bra   L2EDC
+L2EBF    ldb   #$85
+         lbsr  L2F5E
+         ldb   ,y
+         cmpb  #$85
+         bne   L2EDC
+         ldb   <u00CF
+         cmpb  #$60
+         bne   L2EDC
+         cmpa  #5
+         bhs   L2EDC
+         adda  #$80
+         sta   ,y
+         ldd   1,x
+         std   1,y
+L2EDC    leay  3,y
+         lda   <u00D1
+         lbra  L2E3C
+L2EE3    lda   <u00CF
+         bne   L2F06
+         ldb   #$60
+         sta   <u00D0
+         stb   <u00CF
+         lda   #$60         Take out, and change following to B's ?
+         ora   <u00D1
+         sta   ,x
+         anda  #$07
+         cmpa  #4
+         bne   L2F01
+         ldd   #$0020
+         std   1,x
+L2F01    lbsr  L2FEE
+         lda   <u00CF
+L2F06    rts   
+L2F07    bsr   L2F43
+         ldb   #$89
+         bsr   L2F5E
+         lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #5
+         beq   L2F19
+         ldu   #$FFFF
+         bra   L2F1B
+L2F19    ldu   -2,u
+L2F1B    pshs  u
+         bsr   L2EDC
+         puls  u
+         cmpu  #$FFFF
+         beq   L2F3E
+         ldb   2,u
+         stb   <u00D6
+         ldd   <u00D2
+         subd  <u0062
+         leau  3,u
+L2F31    cmpd  ,u++
+         beq   L2F5D
+         dec   <u00D6
+         bne   L2F31
+         lda   #$14
+         bra   L2F40
+L2F3E    lda   #$42         Non-Record Type Operand error
+L2F40    lbra  L26CE
+L2F43    ldd   1,y
+         addd  <u0062
+         std   <u00D2
+         ldx   <u00D2
+L2F4B    lda   ,x
+         anda  #$E0
+         sta   <u00CF
+         lda   ,x
+         anda  #$18
+         sta   <u00D0
+         lda   ,x
+         anda  #$07
+         sta   <u00D1
+L2F5D    rts   
+L2F5E    pshs  b
+         ldb   ,y
+         subb  ,s+
+         bne   L2F73
+         lda   <u00D0
+         beq   L2F9D
+         ldd   #$FFFF
+         std   <u00D4
+         lda   #5
+         sta   <u00D1
+         rts
+L2F73    lslb               B=B*8
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         cmpb  <u00D0
+         beq   L2F7F
+         lda   #$41         Wrong Number of Subscripts error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+L2F7F    lda   #$C8
+         sta   <u00D8
+L2F83    lbsr  L2E52
+         cmpa  #2           Byte or Integer?
+         blo   L2F97        Yes, skip ahead
+         beq   L2F93        If real, skip ahead
+         lda   #$47         Illegal Expression Type error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         bra   L2F97
+* Real comes here
+L2F93    lda   <u00D8
+         bsr   L2FBE
+* Byte/Integer come here
+L2F97    inc   <u00D8
+         subb  #$08
+         bne   L2F83
+L2F9D    lda   <u00D1
+         cmpa  #$05
+         bne   L2FBD
+         ldd   1,x
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,u
+         ldb   <u00D0
+         beq   L2FB5
+         lsrb               Divide by 4
+         lsrb  
+         addb  #4
+         ldd   b,u
+         bra   L2FB7
+L2FB5    ldd   2,u
+L2FB7    addd  <u0066
+L2FB9    std   <u00D4
+         lda   <u00D1
+L2FBD    rts   
+L2FBE    pshs  x,b
+         ldx   <u000C
+         cmpx  #$0010
+         lbls  L2A0D
+         ldx   <u0060
+         sta   ,x+
+         stx   <u00AB
+         clrb  
+         bsr   L2FDA
+         puls  pc,x,b
+L2FD4    ldd   <u0060
+         std   <u00AB
+         ldb   #$01
+L2FDA    clra  
+L2578    jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $14
+L2FDE    fdb   L3027-L2FDE    $0049
+         fdb   L303A-L2FDE    $005c
+         fdb   L303E-L2FDE    $0060
+         fdb   L3048-L2FDE    $006a
+L2FE6    fdb   L304C-L2FE6    $0066
+         fdb   L3058-L2FE6    $0072
+         fdb   L3058-L2FE6    $0072
+         fdb   L305C-L2FE6    $0076
+L2FEE    pshs  u,y,x
+         leay  <L2FDE,pc      Point to 1st jump table
+         ldb   ,x
+         andb  #$E0           Get rid of lowest 5 bits (b1-b5)
+         cmpb  #%01100000     bits 6 & 7 set?
+         beq   L3005          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #%01000000     Just bit 7 set?
+         beq   L3005          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #%10000000     Just bit 8 set?
+         bne   L3025          No, skip way ahead
+         leay  8,y            If just bit 8 set, use 2nd jump table
+L3005    ldb   ,x             Reload the value
+         andb  #%00011000     Just keep bits 4-5
+         beq   L300F          Neither set, skip ahead
+         ldd   6,y            If either set, use 4th entry
+         bra   L3023          Go to subroutine
+L300F    ldb   ,x             Reload the value
+         andb  #%00000111     Just keep bits 1-3
+L3013    cmpb  #%00000100     Just bits 1-2?
+         blo   L3021          Yes, skip ahead
+         bhi   L301D          Bit 3 + at least 1 more bit, skip ahead
+         ldd   2,y            If just bit 3, use 2nd entry
+         bra   L3023          Go to subroutine
+L301D    ldd   4,y            Bit 3 + (1 or 2), use 3rd entry
+         bra   L3023          Go to subroutine
+L3021    ldd   ,y             Use 1st entry
+L3023    jsr   d,y            Call subroutine
+L3025    puls  pc,u,y,x       Restore regs & return
+L3027    lda   ,x
+         anda  #$07
+         leay  1,x
+         bsr   L3083
+L302F    pshs  d              USE W
+         ldd   <u00C1
+         std   ,y
+         addd  ,s++
+         std   <u00C1
+         rts   
+L303A    bsr   L3069
+         bra   L302F
+L303E    bsr   L3069
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,x
+         ldd   ,x
+         bra   L302F
+L3048    bsr   L3060
+         bra   L302F
+L304C    leay  1,x
+L304E    ldd   <u00C3
+         std   ,y
+         addd  #$0004
+         std   <u00C3
+         rts   
+L3058    bsr   L3069
+         bra   L304E
+L305C    bsr   L3060
+         bra   L304E
+L3060    ldd   1,x
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,y
+         ldd   2,y
+         rts   
+L3069    ldd   #$0004       Requesting 4 bytes of memory from workspace
+         bsr   L257B        Go see if we can get it & allocate it
+         ldx   4,s
+         ldd   1,x
+         std   2,y
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u0066
+         std   1,x
+         ldd   2,y
+         rts   
+L257B    jsr   <u001E
+         fcb   $08
+* Table of # bytes/var type
+L307E    fcb   1            1 byte =Byte
+         fcb   2            2 bytes=Integer
+         fcb   5            5 bytes=Real
+         fcb   1            1 byte =Boolean
+         fcb   $20          ??? Flag String value? (or default size=32 bytes)
+* Entry: A=Variable type (0-4)
+* Exit : B=# bytes to represent variable
+L3083    pshs  x            Preserve X
+         leax  <L307E,pc    Point to 5 1-byte entry table
+         ldb   a,x          D=#
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,x
+* Single byte entry table
+L3095    fcb   $01,$02,$03,$07,$08,$09,$37,$38,$3e,$3f,$ff
+L30A0    ldd   #$0016
+         std   <u00C1
+         clrb  
+         std   <u00C3
+         std   <u00C5
+         sta   <u00C7
+         std   <u00C8
+         std   <u00CA
+         ldx   <u002F       Get ptr to current module
+         sta   <$17,x       Set flags to unpacked, no errors
+         std   <$15,x
+L30B8    ldy   <u005E
+         bra   L30E2
+L30BD    pshs  y
+         lbsr  L2692
+         puls  x
+         ldb   <u00D9
+         bne   L30E2
+         lda   ,x
+         leau  <L3095,pc    Point to 11 entry 1 byte table
+L30CD    cmpa  ,u+          Hunt through for range our byte is in
+         blo   L30E2        If lower then table entry, skip ahead
+         bne   L30CD        If not equal, keep looking
+         pshs  x            Equal, preserve X
+         tfr   y,d          Move ??? to d
+         subd  ,s++
+         leay  ,x
+         ldu   <u004A       Get ptr to next free byte in I-code workspace
+         stu   <u00AB       Save as ptr to current line I-code end
+         lbsr  L2578
+L30E2    ldx   <u0060
+         clr   ,x
+         cmpy  <u0060
+         blo   L30BD
+L30EB    ldx   <u0066
+         bra   L310B
+L30EF    lda   ,x
+         bpl   L310B
+         anda  #$7F
+         sta   ,x
+         ldy   2,x
+L30FA    ldu   ,y
+         ldd   ,x
+         std   ,y
+         dec   -1,y
+         lda   #$4A         Undefined Line Number error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         leay  ,u
+         bne   L30FA
+L310B    leax  -4,x
+         cmpx  <u00DA
+         bhs   L30EF
+         ldd   <u0066
+         subd  <u00DA
+         addd  <u000C       Add to bytes free to user
+         std   <u000C       Save as new # bytes free to user
+         ldx   <u0044
+         bra   L3131
+L257E    jsr   <u001E
+         fcb   $06
+L311D    ldy   1,x
+         lda   #$45         Unmatched Control Structure error
+         lbsr  L26CE
+         lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #$13
+         bne   L312D
+         leax  7,x
+L312D    leax  3,x
+         stx   <u0044
+L3131    cmpx  <u0046
+         blo   L311D
+         ldu   <u0066
+         ldy   <u0060
+         ldd   <u0064
+         addd  <u0068
+         bsr   L257E
+         ldx   <u002F       Get current module ptr
+         ldd   <u00C8
+         std   <$13,x
+         ldd   <u00C1
+         std   <$11,x
+         addd  <u00C5
+         std   <u00C5
+         std   $0B,x        Save in data area size require in module header
+         ldb   <$18,x       Get size of module name
+         clra  
+         addd  #$0019       Add 25 to it (size of BASIC09 header?)
+         std   M$Exec,x     Save as execution address
+         addd  <u0060
+         subd  <u005E
+         std   $0F,x
+         addd  <u0068
+         addd  #$0003
+         std   $0D,x
+         subd  #$0003
+         addd  <u0064
+         std   M$Size,x     Save as new module size
+         addd  <u002F       Add to current module ptr
+         std   <u004A
+         subd  <u0008
+         std   <u000A
+         ldd   <u002F       Get current module ptr
+         addd  $D,x
+         std   <u0062
+         ldd   <u002F       Get current module ptr
+         addd  $0F,x
+         std   <u0066
+         ldu   <u0062
+         bra   L31E2
+L3188    leax  ,u
+         lbsr  L2F4B
+         lda   <u00CF
+         cmpa  #$60
+         bcs   L31BD
+         cmpa  #$A0
+         bne   L319F
+         ldd   1,x
+         addd  <u00C1
+         std   1,x
+         bra   L31DC
+L319F    cmpa  #$80
+         bne   L31BD
+         ldb   <u00D0
+         bne   L31B1
+         lda   <u00D1
+         cmpa  #$04
+         bcc   L31B1
+         leax  1,u
+         bra   L31B7
+L31B1    ldd   1,u
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,x
+L31B7    ldd   ,x
+         addd  <u00C5
+         std   ,x
+L31BD    lda   <u00D1
+         cmpa  #$05
+         bne   L31DC
+         ldb   <u00D0
+         beq   L31CD        If 0, force to 2
+         lsrb               Divide by by 4
+         lsrb  
+         addb  #4
+         bra   L31CF
+L31CD    ldb   #$02
+L31CF    clra  
+         addd  1,u
+         ldx   <u0066
+         leay  d,x
+         ldd   ,y
+         ldd   d,x
+         std   ,y
+L31DC    leau  3,u
+L31DE    lda   ,u+
+         bpl   L31DE
+L31E2    cmpu  <u004A
+         blo   L3188
+         rts   
+* Called by <$24 JMP vector
+* Entry: X=byte after the last vector installed ($2D)
+*        D=Last vector offset from start of BASIC09's module header
+* Based on function code following the JMP that came here, this routine
+*  modifies the return address to 1 of 7 routines
+L31E8    pshs  x,d          Preserve ptr & offset
+         ldb   [<4,s]       Get function code-style byte
+         leax  <L31F8,pc    Point to vector table
+         ldd   b,x          Get vector offset
+         leax  d,x          Calculate address
+         stx   4,s          Modify RTS address
+         puls  pc,x,d       Restore X & D and return to new routine
+* Vector table for <$24 calls
+L31F8    fdb   L3BFF-L31F8  Function 0 call
+         fdb   L32DD-L31F8  Function 1 call
+         fdb   L3B5F-L31F8  Function 2 call
+         fdb   L39FB-L31F8  Function 3 call  (error message)
+         fdb   L33AE-L31F8  Function 4 call
+         fdb   L3A69-L31F8  Function 5 call
+         fdb   L3A73-L31F8  Function 6 call
+* Jump table (from L323F+offset)
+L323F    fdb   L3A51-L323F
+         fdb   L3A51-L323F
+         fdb   L3A51-L323F
+         fdb   L3A51-L323F
+         fdb   L3A51-L323F
+         fdb   L35DF-L323F
+         fdb   L3209-L323F  Go direct to JSR <1B / fcb $C
+         fdb   L3A69-L323F
+         fdb   L3A73-L323F
+         fdb   L35F3-L323F
+         fdb   L3A5D-L323F
+         fdb   L3A61-L323F
+         fdb   L3619-L323F
+         fdb   L33AE-L323F
+         fdb   L352D-L323F
+         fdb   L35D2-L323F
+         fdb   L33BC-L323F
+         fdb   L33CC-L323F
+         fdb   L33D3-L323F
+         fdb   L34ED-L323F
+         fdb   L33E7-L323F  NEXT routine
+         fdb   L33D6-L323F
+         fdb   L33CC-L323F
+         fdb   L33AE-L323F
+         fdb   L33D6-L323F
+         fdb   L33AE-L323F
+         fdb   L33CC-L323F
+         fdb   L33D6-L323F
+         fdb   L33CC-L323F
+         fdb   L3632-L323F
+         fdb   L39F7-L323F
+         fdb   L3A59-L323F
+         fdb   L33CC-L323F
+         fdb   L3A59-L323F
+         fdb   L35F9-L323F
+         fdb   L3A8A-L323F
+         fdb   L3BF3-L323F
+         fdb   L36EE-L323F
+         fdb   L3856-L323F
+         fdb   L397D-L323F
+         fdb   L398A-L323F
+         fdb   L3688-L323F
+         fdb   L3691-L323F
+         fdb   L36BF-L323F
+         fdb   L37CB-L323F
+         fdb   L38E2-L323F
+         fdb   L3917-L323F
+         fdb   L391E-L323F
+         fdb   L394A-L323F
+         fdb   L3957-L323F
+         fdb   L3970-L323F
+         fdb   L39A0-L323F
+         fdb   L39BC-L323F
+         fdb   L3A3D-L323F
+         fdb   L3A40-L323F
+         fdb   L3A48-L323F
+         fdb   L3A48-L323F
+         fdb   L3397-L323F
+         fdb   L33AC-L323F
+         fdb   L33AC-L323F
+         fdb   L3A4E-L323F
+         fdb   L3A59-L323F
+         fdb   L33AB-L323F
+         fdb   L33AB-L323F
+         fdb   L3551-L323F
+         fdb   L3560-L323F
+         fdb   L356F-L323F
+         fdb   L3551-L323F
+         fdb   L3588-L323F
+         fdb   L35BB-L323F
+L3209    jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $0c
+L32CB    fcc   'STOP Encountered'
+         fcb   C$LF,$FF
+* Vector #2 from table at L31F8 comes here
+L32DD    lda   $17,x       Get something
+         bita  #$01        check if 1st bit is set
+         beq   L32E8       no, skip ahead
+         ldb   #$33
+         bra   L3304
+L32E8    tfr   s,d
+         subd  #$0100
+         cmpd  <u0080
+         bhs   L32F6
+         ldb   #$39
+         bra   L3304
+L32F6    ldd   <u000C
+         subd  $0B,x
+         blo   L3302
+         cmpd  #$0100
+         bhs   L3307
+L3302    ldb   #$20         Memory full error
+L3304    lbra  L39FB
+L3307    std   <u000C
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  $0B,x
+         exg   d,u
+         sts   5,u
+         std   7,u
+         stx   3,u
+L3316    ldd   #$0001
+         std   <u0042
+         sta   1,u
+         sta   <$13,u
+         stu   <$14,u
+         bsr   L3351
+         ldd   <$13,x
+         beq   L332C
+         addd  <u005E
+L332C    std   <u0039
+         ldd   $0B,x
+         leay  d,u
+         pshs  y
+         ldd   <$11,x
+         leay  d,u
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         clrd
+       else
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+       endc
+         bra   L333F
+L333D    std   ,y++
+L333F    cmpy  ,s
+         blo   L333D
+         leas  2,s
+         ldx   <u002F
+         ldd   <u005E
+         addd  <$15,x
+         tfr   d,x
+         bra   L3391
+L3351    stx   <u002F       Save current module ptr
+         stu   <u0031
+         ldd   $0D,x
+         addd  <u002F       Add to start address of module
+         std   <u0062
+         ldd   $0F,x
+         addd  <u002F       Add to start address of module
+         std   <u0066
+         std   <u0060
+         ldd   M$Exec,x     Get exec offset
+         addd  <u002F       Add to start of module address
+         std   <u005E       Save exec offset
+         ldd   <$14,u
+         std   <u0046
+         std   <u0044
+         rts   
+L3371    stx   <u005C
+         lda   <u0034       Get signal received flag
+         beq   L338F        Nothing happened, skip ahead
+         bpl   L3382        No signal flagged, skip ahead
+         anda  #$7F         Mask off signal received bit flag
+         sta   <u0034       Save masked version
+         lbsr  L3233        JSR <1B, fcb $18
+         lda   <u0034       Shift out least sig bit
+L3382    rora  
+         bcc   L338F        Not set, skip ahead
+         leay  ,x
+         lbsr  L3218
+         clr   <u0074
+         bsr   L3236
+L338F    bsr   L33AE
+L3391    cmpx  <u0060
+         blo   L3371
+         bra   L33A1
+L3236    jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $16
+L3397    ldb   ,x
+         lbsr  L384F
+         beq   L33A1
+         lbsr  L3856
+L33A1    lbsr  L3A73
+         ldu   <u0031
+         lds   5,u
+         ldu   7,u
+L33AB    rts   
+L33AC    leax  2,x
+L33AE    ldb   ,x+
+         bpl   L33B4        Hi bit clear, skip ahead
+         addb  #$40         ??? Wrap it around
+L33B4    lslb               Multiply by 2
+         clra               Unsigned D
+         ldu   <u000E       Get ptr to L323F
+         ldd   d,u          Get offset
+         jmp   d,u          Jump to that routine
+L33BC    jsr   <u0016
+         tst   2,y
+         beq   L33CC
+         leax  3,x
+         ldb   ,x
+         cmpb  #$3B
+         bne   L33AB
+         leax  1,x
+L33CC    ldd   ,x
+         addd  <u005E
+         tfr   d,x
+         rts   
+L33D3    leax  1,x
+         rts   
+L33D6    jsr   <u0016
+         tst   2,y
+         beq   L33CC        False, go back
+         leax  3,x
+         rts   
+* NEXT routine
+L33E7    leay  <L33DF,pc      Point to table
+L33EA    ldb   ,x+            Get byte
+         ldb   b,y            Get jump offset
+         ldu   <u0031         Get Base address for variable storage
+         jmp   b,y            Jump to appropriate routine
+L33F3    ldd   ,x
+         leay  d,u
+         bra   L3410
+L33F9    ldd   ,x
+         leay  d,u
+         ldd   4,x
+         lda   d,u
+         bpl   L3410
+         bra   L3430
+* Integer STEP 1
+L3405    ldd   ,x             Get offset to current FOR/NEXT INTEGER value
+         leay  d,u            Point Y to it
+         ldd   ,y             Get current FOR/NEXT counter
+         incd                 Add 1 to it
+         std   ,y             Save it back
+L3410    ldd   2,x            Get offset to TO variable
+         leax  6,x            Eat temp var
+         ldd   d,u            Get TO variable
+         cmpd  ,y             We hit it yet?
+         bge   L33CC          Yes, do X=[,x]+[u005E] & return
+         leax  3,x            Eat 3 bytes from X & return
+         rts   
+L341E    ldd   ,x           Y=ptr to current FOR/NEXT INTEGER value
+         leay  d,u
+         ldd   4,x          Get STEP value
+         ldd   d,u          Get current FOR/NEXT counter
+         tfr   a,e          Preserve Hi byte (for sign)
+         addd  ,y           Add increment value
+         std   ,y           Save new current value
+         tste               Was STEP negative value?
+         bpl   L3410        No, go use normal compare routine
+L3430    ldd   2,x          Get offset to TO value
+         leax  6,x          Eat temp var
+         ldd   d,u          Get TO value
+         cmpd  ,y           Hit TO value yet?
+         ble   L33CC        Yes, do X=[,x]+[u005E] & return
+         leax  3,x          Eat 3 bytes from X & return
+         rts   
+L343E    ldy   <u0046
+         clrb  
+         bsr   L348E
+         bra   L347E
+L3446    ldy   <u0046
+         clrb  
+         bsr   L348E
+         ldd   4,x
+         addd  #4
+         ldu   <u0031
+         lda   d,u
+         lsra  
+         bcc   L347E
+         bra   L34CC
+* NEXT table
+* IF some of these entry points are moved before this table, 8 bit addressing
+* may be used instead of 16
+L33DF    fcb   L3405-L33DF    Integer STEP 1
+         fcb   L341E-L33DF    Integer STEP <>1
+         fcb   L345A-L33DF    Real STEP 1
+         fcb   L34A5-L33DF    Real STEP <>1
+* Jump table for FOR (relative to L34E5) (change to 8 bit if possible)
+L34E5    fcb   L33F3-L34E5    $ff0e   INT step 1
+         fcb   L33F9-L34E5    $ff14   INT step <>1
+         fcb   L343E-L34E5    $ff59   REAL step 1
+         fcb   L3446-L34E5    $ff61   REAL step <>1
+L345A    ldy   <u0046       ??? Get subroutine stack ptr
+         clrb  
+         bsr   L348E
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for REAL variable
+         ldd   #$0180       Initialize it to contain 1.
+         std   1,y
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   3,y
+         sta   5,y
+         lbsr  L3FB1        Increment counter (Do REAL add)
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         ldq   1,y          Copy REAL # from 1,y to ,u
+         stq   ,u
+       else
+         ldd   1,y          Copy REAL # from 1,y to ,u
+         std   ,u
+         ldd   3,y
+         std   2,u
+       endc
+         lda   5,y
+         sta   4,u
+* Incrementing REAL STEP value
+L347E    ldb   #2
+         bsr   L348E
+         leax  6,x
+         lbsr  L4449        Do REAL # compare
+         lble  L33CC        Loop again if still too small
+         leax  3,x
+         rts   
+L348E    ldd   b,x
+         addd  <u0031       Add to ptr to start of variable storage
+         tfr   d,u
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for variable
+         lda   #$02         Force it to REAL type
+         ldb   ,u           Copy real # from u to y
+         std   ,y
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         ldq   1,u
+         stq  2,y
+       else
+         ldd   1,u
+         std   2,y
+         ldd   3,u
+         std   4,y
+       endc
+         rts   
+L34A5    ldy   <u0046
+         clrb  
+         bsr   L348E
+         stu   <u00D2
+         ldb   #$04
+         bsr   L348E
+         lda   4,u
+         sta   <u00D1
+         lbsr  L3FB1        Inc current FOR/NEXT value by STEP (Do REAL Add)
+         ldu   <u00D2
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         ldq   1,y
+         stq   ,u
+       else
+         ldd   1,y
+         std   ,u
+         ldd   3,y
+         std   2,u
+       endc
+         lda   5,y
+         sta   4,u
+         lsr   <u00D1       Check sign
+         bcc   L347E        Positive, use that direction check
+* Decrementing REAL STEP value
+L34CC    ldb   #$02
+         bsr   L348E
+         leax  6,x
+         lbsr  L4449        Do REAL compare
+         lbge  L33CC        Still bigger, keep looping
+         leax  3,x
+L34DB    rts   
+L34DC    ldb   <u0034       Get flag byte
+         bitb  #$01         Least sig bit set?
+         beq   L34DB        No, return
+         jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $1c
+L34ED    ldb   ,x+
+         cmpb  #$82
+         beq   L3515
+         bsr   L3560
+         bsr   L3508
+         ldb   -1,x
+         cmpb  #$47
+         bne   L34FF
+         bsr   L3508
+L34FF    lbsr  L33CC
+         leay  >L34E5,pc      Point to table
+         lbra  L33EA
+L3508    ldd   ,x++
+         addd  <u0031
+         pshs  d
+         jsr   <u0016
+         ldd   1,y
+         std   [,s++]
+         rts   
+L3515    bsr   L356F
+         bsr   L3523
+         ldb   -$01,x
+         cmpb  #$47
+         bne   L34FF
+         bsr   L3523
+         bra   L34FF
+L3523    ldd   ,x++
+         addd  <u0031
+         pshs  d
+         jsr   <u0016
+         bra   L3579
+* LET
+L352D    jsr   <u0016       Get var type
+L352F    cmpa  #4           Numeric or Boolean?
+         blo   L3537        Yes, skip ahead
+         pshs  u            Preserve U
+         ldu   <u003E       ??? Get max var size for string or array
+L3537    pshs  u,a          Save Size or Ptr & var type
+         leax  1,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+L353D    puls  a
+         lsla               x2 for offset into branch table
+         leau  <L3545,pc    Point to branch table
+         jmp   a,u          Jump to routine
+L3545    bra   L355B        LET - Byte
+         bra   L356A        LET - Integer
+         bra   L3579        LET - Real
+         bra   L355B        LET - Boolean
+         bra   L359C        LET - String
+         bra   L35C1        Let - Array
+L3551    ldd   ,x
+         addd  <u0031
+         pshs  d
+         leax  3,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+* LET - Byte/Boolean
+L355B    ldb   2,y          Get byte/boolean value
+         stb   [,s++]       Save at address on stack, eat stack & return
+         rts   
+L3560    ldd   ,x
+         addd  <u0031
+         pshs  d
+         leax  3,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+* LET - Integer
+L356A    ldd   1,y          Get integer value
+         std   [,s++]       Save at address on stack, eat stack & return
+         rts   
+L356F    ldd   ,x
+         addd  <u0031
+         pshs  d
+         leax  3,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+* LET - Real
+L3579    puls  u
+         ldd   1,y          Copy 5 bytes from Y+1 to U
+         std   ,u
+         ldd   3,y
+         std   2,u
+         lda   5,y
+         sta   4,u
+         rts   
+L3588    ldd   ,x
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,u
+         ldd   ,u
+         addd  <u0031
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   2,u
+         pshs  d
+         leax  3,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+* LET - String
+L359C    puls  u,d
+         tstb  
+         bne   L35A2
+         deca  
+L35A2    sta   <u003E
+         ldy   1,y
+         sty   <u0048
+* Block copy up to $FF (string terminator)
+L35AA    lda   ,y+
+         sta   ,u+
+         cmpa  #$FF         End of string?
+         beq   L35B9        Yes, skip ahead
+         decb               Dec string size counter
+         bne   L35AA        More left, continue copying
+         dec   <u003E
+         bpl   L35AA
+L35B9    clra  
+         rts   
+* LET - Array
+L35C1    puls  u,d
+         cmpd  3,y
+         bls   L35CA
+         ldd   3,y
+L35CA    ldy   1,y
+         exg   y,u
+         jsr   <u001E       Return from routine
+         fcb   $06
+L35D2    jsr   <u0016
+         ldd   1,y
+         pshs  d
+         jsr   <u0016
+         ldb   2,y
+         stb   [,s++]
+         rts   
+L35DF    lbsr  L3856
+         lda   <u002E
+         sta   <u007F
+         leax  >L32CB,pc      Point to 'STOP encountered'
+         lbsr  L375F
+         lbra  L1CC7
+L35F3    lbsr  L3856
+L3233    jsr   <u001B       Use module header jump vector #1
+         fcb   $18 
+L35F9    ldd   ,x
+         leax  3,x
+L35FD    ldy   <u0031
+         ldu   <$14,y
+         cmpu  <u004A
+         bhi   L360D
+         ldb   #$35         Subroutine stack overflow error
+         lbra  L39FB
+L360D    stx   ,--u
+         stu   <$14,y
+         stu   <u0046
+         addd  <u005E
+         tfr   d,x
+         rts   
+L3619    ldy   <u0031
+         cmpy  <$14,y
+         bhi   L3627
+         ldb   #$36         Subroutine stack underflow error
+         lbra  L39FB
+L3627    ldu   <$14,y
+         ldx   ,u++
+         stu   <$14,y
+         stu   <u0046
+         rts   
+L3632    ldd   ,x
+         cmpa  #$1E
+         beq   L366D
+         jsr   <u0016
+         ldd   ,x
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         lsld
+         lsld  
+       else
+         lslb
+         rola
+         lslb
+         rola
+       endc
+         addd  #$0002
+         leau  d,x
+         pshs  u
+         ldd   1,y
+         ble   L366B
+         cmpd  ,x++
+         bhi   L366B
+         subd  #$0001
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         lsld
+         lsld  
+       else
+         lslb
+         rola
+         lslb
+         rola
+       endc
+         addd  #$0001
+         ldd   d,x
+* 6809 - Change to PSHS B/PULS X,B
+         pshs  d
+         ldb   ,x
+         cmpb  #$22
+         puls  x,d
+         beq   L35FD
+         addd  <u005E
+         tfr   d,x
+L366A    rts   
+L366B    puls  pc,x
+L366D    ldu   <u0031
+         cmpb  #$20
+         bne   L3682
+         ldd   2,x
+         addd  <u005E
+         std   <$11,u
+         lda   #$01
+         sta   <$13,u
+         leax  5,x
+         rts   
+L3682    clr   <$13,u
+         leax  2,x
+         rts   
+L3688    bsr   L36A6
+         ldb   #%00001011   Read/Write/Public Read
+         os9   I$Create     Create the file
+         bra   L3696
+L3691    bsr   L36A6
+         os9   I$Open   
+L3696    lbcs  L39FB
+         puls  u,b
+         cmpb  #$01
+         bne   L36A2
+         clr   ,u+
+L36A2    sta   ,u
+         puls  pc,x
+L36A6    leax  1,x
+         lbsr  L3779
+         leax  1,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+         lda   #$03
+         cmpb  #$4A
+         bne   L36B7
+         lda   ,x++
+L36B7    ldu   3,s
+         stx   3,s
+         ldx   1,y
+         jmp   ,u
+L36BF    lbsr  L37B6
+         jsr   <u0016
+         ldb   #$0E
+         lbsr  L3230
+         lbcs  L39FD
+         rts   
+* Input prompt?
+L36CE    fcc   '? '
+         fcb   $ff
+* Illegal input error message
+L36D1    fcc   '** Input error - reenter **'
+         fcb   $0d,$ff
+L36EE    lda   <u002E         
+         lbsr  L37B6
+         lda   #$2C
+         sta   <u00DD
+         pshs  x
+L36F9    ldx   ,s
+         ldb   ,x
+         cmpb  #$90
+         bne   L3709
+         jsr   <u0016
+         pshs  x
+         ldx   1,y
+         bra   L370E
+L3709    pshs  x
+         leax  <L36CE,pc    Point to '? '
+L370E    bsr   L375F
+         puls  x
+         lda   <u007F
+         cmpa  <u002E
+         bne   L371C
+         lda   <u002D
+         sta   <u007F
+L371C    ldb   #$06
+L371E    bsr   L3230
+         bcc   L3730
+         cmpb  #$03
+         lbne  L39FD
+         lbsr  L3A23
+         clr   <u0036       Clear out error code
+         bra   L36F9
+L3730    bsr   L3743
+         bcc   L373B
+         leax  <L36D1,pc    Print 'Input error re-enter'
+         bsr   L375F
+         bra   L36F9
+L373B    ldb   ,x+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L3730
+         puls  pc,d
+L3743    bsr   L3779
+         ldb   ,s
+         addb  #$07
+         ldy   <u0046
+         bsr   L3230
+         lbcc  L353D
+         lda   ,s
+L3755    cmpa  #$04
+         bcs   L375B
+         leas  2,s
+L375B    leas  3,s
+         coma  
+         rts   
+L375F    pshs  y
+         leas  -6,s
+         leay  ,s
+         stx   1,y
+         ldd   <u0080
+         std   <u0082
+         ldb   #$05
+         bsr   L3230
+         clrb
+         bsr   L3230        call L5084, function 2, sub-function 0 (B)
+         leas  6,s
+         puls  pc,y
+L3230    jsr   <u002A       Use module header jump vector #6
+         fcb   $02          Function code
+L3779    lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #$0E
+         bne   L3783
+         jsr   <u0016
+         bra   L37A8
+L3783    suba  #$80
+         cmpa  #$04
+         blo   L379E
+         beq   L3790
+         lbsr  L3224
+         bra   L37A8
+L3790    ldd   ,x++
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,u
+         ldd   2,u
+         std   <u003E
+         ldd   ,u
+         bra   L37A0
+L379E    ldd   ,x++
+L37A0    addd  <u0031
+         tfr   d,u
+         lda   -3,x
+         suba  #$80
+L37A8    puls  y
+         cmpa  #$04
+         blo   L37B2
+         pshs  u
+         ldu   <u003E
+L37B2    pshs  u,a
+         jmp   ,y
+L37B6    ldb   ,x
+         cmpb  #$54
+         bne   L37C8
+         leax  1,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L37C6
+         leax  -1,x
+L37C6    lda   2,y
+L37C8    sta   <u007F
+         rts   
+L37CB    ldb   ,x
+         cmpb  #$54
+         bne   L37F5
+         bsr   L37B6
+         clr   <u00DD
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         bne   L37DB
+         leax  -1,x
+L37DB    ldb   #$06         Call L5084, function 2, sub-function 6 (B)
+         bsr   L3230        (Do ReadLn into temp buff, max of 256 bytes)
+         bcc   L37EE        No error in ReadLn, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #E$PrcAbt    ??? Process aborted error?
+         beq   L37DB        Yes, try to do ReadLn again
+L37E6    lbra  L39FD
+L37E9    lbsr  L3743
+         bcs   L37E6
+L37EE    ldb   ,x+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L37E9
+         rts   
+L37F5    bsr   L384F
+         beq   L3832
+L37F9    bsr   L3802
+         ldb   ,x+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L37F9
+         rts   
+L3802    lbsr  L3779
+         bsr   L3834
+         lda   ,s
+         bne   L380C
+         inca  
+L380C    cmpa  ,y
+         lbeq  L353D
+         cmpa  #$02
+         blo   L381C
+         beq   L3828
+L3818    ldb   #$47         Illegal Expression Type
+         bra   L383C
+L381C    lda   ,y           Get var type
+         cmpa  #$02         Real #?
+         bne   L3818        No, exit with Illegal Expression Type erro
+         bsr   L3227        Call FIX (REAL to INT) routine
+         lbra  L353D
+L3227    jsr   <u0027
+         fcb   $0c
+L322A    jsr   <u0027
+         fcb   $0e
+L3828    cmpa  ,y
+         bcs   L3818
+         bsr   L322A
+         lbra  L353D
+L3832    leax  1,x
+L3834    pshs  x
+         ldx   <u0039
+         bne   L383F
+         ldb   #$4F         Missing Data Statement error
+L383C    lbra  L39FB
+L383F    jsr   <u0016
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L384B
+         ldd   ,x
+         addd  <u005E
+         tfr   d,x
+L384B    stx   <u0039
+         puls  pc,x
+L384F    cmpb  #$3F
+         beq   L3855
+         cmpb  #$3E
+L3855    rts   
+L3856    lda   <u002E
+         lbsr  L37B6
+         ldd   <u0080
+         std   <u0082
+         ldb   ,x+
+         cmpb  #$49
+         beq   L38A3
+L3865    bsr   L384F
+         beq   L388B
+L3869    cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L387F
+         cmpb  #$51
+         beq   L3883
+         leax  -1,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+         ldb   ,y
+         addb  #$01
+         bsr   L389B
+         ldb   -1,x
+         bra   L3865
+L387F    ldb   #$0D
+         bsr   L389B
+L3883    ldb   ,x+
+         bsr   L384F
+         bne   L3869
+         bra   L388F
+L388B    ldb   #$0C         L5084, function 2, sub-function C
+         bsr   L389B          (WritLn a Carriage return)
+L388F    clrb               L5084, function 2, sub-function 0
+         bsr   L389B          (WritLn the temp buffer)
+         lda   <u00DE
+         clr   <u00DE
+         tsta  
+         bne   L38A0
+L389A    rts   
+L389B    lbsr  L3230        Call <u002A, function 2
+         bcc   L389A        If no error, return
+L38A0    lbra  L39FD        Error from WritLn, report it
+L38A3    jsr   <u0016
+         ldd   <u004A
+         std   <u008E
+         std   <u008C
+         ldu   <u0046
+         pshs  u,d
+         clr   <u0094
+         ldd   <u0048
+         std   <u004A
+L38B5    ldb   -1,x
+         bsr   L384F
+         beq   L38D7
+         ldb   ,x+
+         bsr   L384F
+         beq   L38D2
+         leax  -1,x
+         ldb   #$11
+         lbsr  L3230
+         bcc   L38B5
+         puls  u,d
+         std   <u004A
+         stu   <u0046
+         bra   L38A0
+L38D2    leay  <L388F,pc      Point to routine
+         bra   L38DA
+L38D7    leay  <L388B,pc      Point to routine
+L38DA    puls  u,d
+         std   <u004A
+         stu   <u0046
+         jmp   ,y
+L38E2    lda   <u002E
+         lbsr  L37B6
+         ldu   <u0080
+         stu   <u0082
+         ldb   ,x+
+         lbsr  L384F
+         beq   L3914
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L3902
+         leax  -1,x
+         bra   L3902
+L38FA    clra  
+         ldb   #$12
+         lbsr  L3230
+         bcs   L38A0
+L3902    jsr   <u0016
+         ldb   ,y
+         addb  #$01
+         lbsr  L3230
+         bcs   L38A0
+         ldb   -$01,x
+         lbsr  L384F
+         bne   L38FA
+L3914    lbra  L388B
+L3917    bsr   L392A
+         os9   I$Read   
+         bra   L3923
+L391E    bsr   L392A
+         os9   I$Write  
+L3923    leax  ,u
+         bcc   L3949
+L3927    lbra  L39FB
+L392A    lbsr  L37B6
+         lbsr  L3779
+         leau  ,x
+         puls  a
+         cmpa  #$04
+         bhs   L3943
+         leax  >L3B5B,pc      Point to 4 entry, 1 byte table
+         ldb   a,x
+         clra  
+         tfr   d,y            Y=table entry
+         bra   L3945
+L3943    puls  y
+L3945    puls  x
+         lda   <u007F
+L3949    rts   
+L394A    lbsr  L37B6
+         os9   I$Close      Close path
+         bcs   L3927        Error,
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L394A
+         rts   
+L3957    ldb   ,x+
+         cmpb  #';
+         beq   L3967
+         ldu   <u002F       Get ptr to current procedure
+         ldd   $13,u
+L3962    addd  <u005E
+         std   <u0039
+         rts   
+L3967    ldd   ,x
+         addd  #$0001
+         leax  3,x
+         bra   L3962
+L3970    jsr   <u0016
+         pshs  x
+         ldx   1,y            Get ptr to full pathlist
+         os9   I$Delete       Delete file
+L3979    bcs   L3927          Error, deal with it
+         puls  pc,x           Restore X & return
+L397D    jsr   <u0016
+         lda   #READ.         Open directory in Read mode
+L3981    pshs  x              Preserve X
+         ldx   1,y            Get ptr to full path list
+         os9   I$ChgDir       Change directory
+         bra   L3979
+L398A    jsr   <u0016
+         lda   #EXEC.         Execution directory
+         bra   L3981          Go change execution directory
+L3990    lbsr  L3779
+         ldy   <u0046
+         leay  -6,y
+         ldb   <u007F
+         clra  
+         std   1,y
+         lbra  L353D
+L39A0    jsr   <u0016
+         ldy   1,y          Get what will be param area ptr
+         pshs  u,y,x
+         bsr   L320C
+         puls  u,y,x
+         bsr   L39E0        Set regs for chain to SHELL
+         sts   <u00B1       Save stack ptr
+         lds   <u0080       Get other stack ptr
+         os9   F$Chain      Chain to other program
+         lds   <u00B1       Chain obviously didn't work, get old SP back
+         bra   L39FB        Process error code
+L320C    jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $0e
+L39BC    jsr   <u0016
+         pshs  u,x
+         ldy   1,y
+         bsr   L39E0        Do stuff & point X to 'shell'
+         os9   F$Fork       Fork a shell
+         bcs   L39FB        If error, go to error routine
+         pshs  a            Save process #
+L39CC    os9   F$Wait       Wait until child process is done
+         cmpa  ,s           Got wakeup signal, was it our child?
+         bne   L39CC        No, keep waiting
+         leas  1,s          Yes, eat process # off of stack
+         tstb               Error?
+         bne   L39FB        Yes, go to error routine
+         puls  pc,u,x       No, restore regs & return
+L39DA    fcc   'SHELL'
+         fcb   C$CR
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to parameter area
+L39E0    ldx   <u0048
+         lda   #C$CR
+         sta   -1,x
+* Should be SUBR y,x / TFR y,u / TFR x,y / LEAX <L39DA,pc / clrd / RTS
+         tfr   x,d
+         leax  <L39DA,pc    Point to 'Shell'
+         leau  ,y           Point U to parameter area
+         pshs  y
+         subd  ,s++
+         tfr   d,y          Move param area size to Y
+         clra               Any language/type
+         clrb               Data area size to 0 pages
+         rts   
+L39F7    jsr   <u0016
+         ldb   2,y
+* Error routine from forking a shell?
+L39FB    stb   <u0036         Save error code
+L39FD    ldu   <u0031
+         beq   L3A1B
+         tst   <$13,u
+         beq   L3A14
+         lds   5,u
+         ldx   <$11,u
+         ldd   <$14,u
+         std   <u0046
+         lbra  L3371
+L3A14    bsr   L3A23
+         bsr   L3A73
+         lbra  L1CC7
+* Entry: B=Error code
+L3A1B    lbsr  L1CC1        Print error message
+         lbra  L1CC7
+L3A21    fcb   $0E          Display Alpha code (for VDGInt screen)
+         fcb   $ff          String terminator
+L3A23    leax  <L3A21,pc    Point to force alpha string code
+         lbsr  L375F        Go print it out to shut off any VDGInt gfx screen
+         ldx   <u005C
+         leay  ,x
+         bsr   L3218
+         clr   <u0074
+         lbsr  L3236
+         ldb   <u0036       Get error code
+         lbsr  L1CC1        Print error message
+         jsr   <u001B       Call function & return from there
+         fcb   $18 
+* BASE 0
+L3A3D    clrb               Save 0 in <42, incx, return
+         bra   L3A42
+* BASE 1
+L3A40    ldb   #1           Save 1 in <42, incx, return
+L3A42    clra  
+         std   <u0042
+         leax  1,x
+         rts   
+L3218    jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $10
+* Skip # bytes used up by REM text
+L3A48    ldb   ,x+          Get # bytes to skip ahead
+         abx                Point X to next instruction
+         rts   
+L3A4E    exg   x,pc         Jump to routine pointed to by X
+         rts                If EXG X,PC done again, return from here
+L3A51    leay  ,x
+         bsr   L3218
+         leax  ,y
+         rts   
+L3A59    ldb   #$33         Line with compiler error
+         bra   L39FB
+L3A5D    lda   #$01
+         bra   L3A62
+L3A61    clra  
+L3A62    ldu   <u0031
+         sta   1,u
+         leax  1,x
+         rts   
+L3A69    lda   <u0034         Get signal flags
+         bita  #$01           LSb set?
+         bne   L3A89          Yes, exit
+         ora   #$01           force it on
+         bra   L3A7B
+L3A73    lda   <u0034         Get signal flags
+         bita  #$01           Least sig set?
+         beq   L3A89          Yes, return
+         anda  #$FE           Clear least sig
+L3A7B    sta   <u0034         Save modified copy
+         ldd   <u0017         Swap JMP ptrs between L3C32 & L3D41
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   <u0019
+         std   <u0017
+         puls  d
+         std   <u0019
+L3A89    rts   
+L3212    jsr   <u001B       Verify/Insert module into workspace
+         fcb   $00
+* Copy DIM'd array
+L3224    jsr   <u0027
+         fcb   $02
+L35BB    bsr   L3224
+         lbra  L352F
+* Entry: U=source ptr of copy (or L3224 generates U - Look up in string pool)
+L3A8A    bsr   L3224
+         pshs  x
+         ldb   <u00CF
+         cmpb  #$A0
+         beq   L3AB6
+         ldy   <u0048       Get destination ptr for copy
+         ldx   <u003E       Get max size of copy
+L3A9A    lda   ,u+          Get byte
+         leax  -1,x         Bump counter down
+         beq   L3AA8        Finished, skip ahead
+         sta   ,y+          Save char
+         cmpa  #$FF         String terminator?
+         bne   L3A9A        No, keep copying
+         lda   ,--y         Yes, get last char before terminator
+L3AA8    ora   #$80         Set hi bit on last char
+         sta   ,y           Save it out
+         ldy   <u0048
+         bsr   L3212
+         bcs   L3AF4
+         leau  ,x
+L3AB6    ldd   ,u
+         bne   L3AC8
+         ldy   <u00D2
+         leay  3,y
+         bsr   L3212
+         bcs   L3AF4
+         ldd   ,x
+         std   ,u
+L3AC8    ldx   ,s
+         std   ,s
+         ldu   <u0031
+         lda   <u0034       Get flags
+         sta   ,u           Save them
+         ldb   <u0043
+         stb   2,u
+         ldd   <u004A       Get ptr to 1st free byte in I-code workspace
+         std   $D,u         Save it
+         ldd   <u0040       Get ptr to end of parm packets being passed
+         std   $F,u
+         ldd   <u0039
+         std   9,u
+         bsr   L3B5F
+         stx   $B,u
+         puls  x            Get ptr to module to be called
+         lda   M$Type,x     Get module type/language
+         beq   L3B23        If 0 (un-packed BASIC09), skip ahead
+         cmpa  #$22         Is it a packed RUNB subroutine module?
+         beq   L3B23        Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #$21         Is it an ML subroutine module?
+         beq   L3AF9        Yes, skip ahead
+L3AF4    ldb   #$2B         If none of the above, Unknown Procedure Error
+L3AF6    lbra  L39FB
+* ML subroutine call goes here
+* Entry: X=Ptr to ML subroutine module to be called
+L3AF9    ldd   5,u
+         pshs  d
+         sts   5,u          Save old stack ptr
+         leas  ,y           Point stack to all the ptr/size packets for parms
+         ldd   <u0040       Get ptr to end of parm packets @ Y
+* 6309: Change PSHS/SUBD to SUBR Y,D
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         subr  y,d          Calc size of all parm packets being sent
+         lsrd               /4 to get # of parms being sent
+         lsrd
+       else
+         pshs  y            Put start of parms packets ptr on stack
+         subd  ,s++         Calculate size of all parm packets being sent
+         lsra               Divide by 4 (to get # parms being sent)
+         rorb  
+         lsra  
+         rorb  
+       endc
+         pshs  d            Preserve # parms waiting on stack
+         ldd   M$Exec,x     Get execution offset
+         leay  >L32DD,pc    Point to routine
+         jsr   d,x          Call ML subroutine module
+         ldu   <u0031       Get ptr to U block of data from above
+         lds   5,u          Get old stack ptr back
+         puls  x            Get original 5,u value
+         stx   5,u          Save it back
+         bcc   L3B3C        If no error, resume program
+         bra   L3AF6        Notify user of error from ML subroutine
+* BASIC09 or RUNB module subroutine call goes here
+L3B23    lbsr  L3A73        If line with compiler err flg set, swap 17/19 vectors
+         lda   <u0034       Get flags
+         anda  #$7F         Mask out pending signal flag
+         sta   <u0034       Save flags back
+         lbsr  L32DD        Go check for line with compiler error/stack ovrflw
+         lda   ,u
+         bita  #$01
+         beq   L3B3C
+         lbsr  L3A69
+         lda   ,u
+         sta   <u0034
+L3B3C    ldd   $D,u
+         std   <u004A
+         ldd   $F,u
+         std   <u0040       Save end of parm packets ptr
+         ldd   9,u
+         std   <u0039
+         ldb   2,u
+         sex   
+         std   <u0042
+         ldx   $3,u
+         lbsr  L3351
+         ldx   $B,u
+         ldd   <u0044
+         subd  <u004A       Subtract ptr to next free byte in workspace
+         std   <u000C       Save # bytes free for user
+         rts   
+* Table of size of variables
+L3B5B    fcb   1            Byte    (type 0)
+         fcb   2            Integer (type 1)
+         fcb   5            Real    (type 2)
+         fcb   1            Boolean (type 3)
+* Vector from $31E8
+* Entry: U=
+*        X=
+L3B5F    pshs  u
+         ldb   ,x+
+         clra               Set flag on stack to 0
+         pshs  x,a
+         cmpb  #$4D
+         bne   L3BE1
+         leay  ,s           Point Y to flag byte on stack
+L3B6C    pshs  y            Save ptr to flag byte
+         ldb   ,x
+         cmpb  #$0E
+         beq   L3BA3
+         jsr   <u0016
+         leax  -1,x
+         cmpa  #2           Real variable?
+         beq   L3B86        Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #4           String/complex type variable?
+         beq   L3B93        Yes, set up string stuff
+         ldd   1,y          Byte/Integer/Boolean - Get value from var packet
+         std   4,y          Duplicate it later in var packet
+         lda   ,y           Get variable type again
+L3B86    ldb   #6           Get size of var packet
+         leau  <L3B5B,pc    Point to var size table
+         subb  a,u          Calculate ptr to beginning of actual var value
+         leau  b,y          Bump U to point to first byte of actual var value
+         stu   <u0046       ??? Save some sort of variable ptr?
+         bra   L3BA7
+* String being passed?
+L3B93    ldu   1,y          Get ptr to actual string data
+         ldd   <u0048
+         subd  <u004A       Subtract ptr to next free byte in workspace
+         std   <u003E       Save result as ptr to string/complex
+         ldd   <u0048
+         std   <u004A       Save new ptr to next free byte in workspace
+         lda   #4           Variable type=String/complex
+         bra   L3BA7
+L3BA3    leax  1,x
+         jsr   <u0016
+L3BA7    puls  y            Get ptr to flag byte
+         inc   ,y           Bump up flag
+         cmpa  #4           Variable type numeric?
+         blo   L3BB3        Yes, skip ahead
+         pshs  u            String/complex, save var data ptr
+         ldu   <u003E       Get some ptr
+L3BB3    pshs  u,a          Save variable ptr, variable type
+         ldb   ,x+
+         cmpb  #$4B
+         beq   L3B6C
+         leax  1,x
+         stx   1,y
+         leax  <L3B5B,pc    Point to 4 entry, 1 byte table
+         ldu   <u0046
+         stu   <u0040       Save ptr to end of parm packets
+L3BC6    puls  b            Get variable type
+         cmpb  #4           Is it a numeric type?
+         blo   L3BD0        Yes, go process
+         puls  d            No, get variable ptr again
+         bra   L3BD3        Go handle string/complex
+L3BD0    ldb   b,x          Get size of variable
+         clra               D=size
+L3BD3    std   ,--u         Save size of variable into parm area
+         puls  d            Get ptr to variable
+         std   ,--u         Save ptr to variable
+         dec   ,y           Any vars left to pass?
+         bne   L3BC6        ??? Yes, continue building parm area
+         leay  ,u           ??? No, point Y to parm area
+         bra   L3BE7
+L3BE1    ldy   <u0046
+         sty   <u0040
+L3BE7    tfr   y,d
+         subd  <u004A
+         lblo  L3302
+         std   <u000C
+         puls  pc,u,x,a
+L3BF3    jsr   <u0016
+         ldy   1,y
+         pshs  x
+         bsr   L3215
+         puls  pc,x
+L3215    jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $0a
+L3BFF    bsr   L322D
+         leax  >L323F,pc    Point to huge jump table
+         stx   <u000E       Save as address somewhere
+         rts   
+L322D    jsr   <u0027       Use module header jump vector #5
+         fcb   $00          Function code
+L3C09    pshs  x,d          Preserve regs
+         ldb   [<4,s]       Get function code
+         leax  <L3C19,pc    Point to function code jump table
+         ldd   b,x          Get offset
+         leax  d,x          Point X to subroutine
+         stx   4,s          Save overtop original PC
+         puls  pc,x,d       Restore regs & jump to function code routine
+L3C19    fdb   L5050-L3C19  0
+         fdb   L3D80-L3C19  2 Copy DIM'd arrary to temp var pool
+         fdb   L3FB1-L3C19  4 Real # add
+         fdb   L40D3-L3C19  6 Real # multiply
+         fdb   L4234-L3C19  8 Real # divide
+         fdb   L4449-L3C19  A Set flags for Real comparison
+         fdb   L453B-L3C19  C FIX (Round & convert REAL to INTEGER)
+         fdb   L4503-L3C19  E FLOAT (Convert INTEGER/BYTE to REAL)
+* Function routines
+* Negative offsets from base of table @ L3CB5
+         fdb   L4F1E-L3CB5  MID$
+         fdb   L4EE2-L3CB5  LEFT$
+         fdb   L4EFA-L3CB5  RIGHT$
+         fdb   L4EC7-L3CB5  CHR$
+         fdb   L4FA4-L3CB5  STR$ (for INTEGER)
+         fdb   L4FA8-L3CB5  STR$ (for REAL)
+         fdb   L4FF8-L3CB5  DATE$
+         fdb   L4FCC-L3CB5  TAB
+         fdb   L453B-L3CB5  FIX (round & convert REAL to INTEGER)
+         fdb   L45A0-L3CB5  ??? (calls fix but eats 1 var 1st)
+         fdb   L45A7-L3CB5  ??? (calls fix but eats 2 vars 1st)
+         fdb   L4503-L3CB5  FLOAT (convert INTEGER to REAL)
+         fdb   L4534-L3CB5  ??? (calls float though)
+         fdb   L4395-L3CB5  Byte - LNOT
+         fdb   L3EA8-L3CB5  Integer - Negate a number
+         fdb   L3FA4-L3CB5  Real - Negate a number
+         fdb   L4380-L3CB5  Byte - LAND
+         fdb   L4386-L3CB5  Byte - LOR
+         fdb   L438C-L3CB5  Byte - LXOR
+         fdb   L43FF-L3CB5  > : Integer/Byte relational
+         fdb   L4443-L3CB5  > : Real relational
+         fdb   L43D1-L3CB5  > : String relational
+         fdb   L43D7-L3CB5  < : Integer/Byte relational
+         fdb   L4425-L3CB5  < : Real relational
+         fdb   L43B3-L3CB5  < : String relational
+         fdb   L43E7-L3CB5  <> or >< : Integer/Byte relational
+         fdb   L4431-L3CB5  <> or >< : Real relational
+         fdb   L43C5-L3CB5  <> or >< : String relational
+         fdb   L441D-L3CB5  <> or >< : Boolean relational
+         fdb   L43EF-L3CB5  = : Integer/Byte relational
+         fdb   L4437-L3CB5  = : Real relational
+         fdb   L43BF-L3CB5  = : String relational
+         fdb   L4415-L3CB5  = : Boolean relational
+         fdb   L43F7-L3CB5  >= or => : Integer/Byte relational
+         fdb   L443D-L3CB5  >= or => : Real relational
+         fdb   L43CB-L3CB5  >= or => : String Relational
+         fdb   L43DF-L3CB5  <= or =< : Integer/Byte relational
+         fdb   L442B-L3CB5  <= or =< : Real relational
+         fdb   L43B9-L3CB5  <= or =< : String Relational
+         fdb   L3EAF-L3CB5  Integer - Add
+         fdb   L3FB1-L3CB5  Real - Add
+         fdb   L44E5-L3CB5  String add
+         fdb   L3EB8-L3CB5  Integer - Subtract
+         fdb   L3FAB-L3CB5  Real - Subtract
+         fdb   L3EC1-L3CB5  Integer - Multiply
+         fdb   L40CC-L3CB5  Real Multiply
+         fdb   L3F1C-L3CB5  Integer - Divide
+         fdb   L422D-L3CB5  Real Divide
+         fdb   L4336-L3CB5  Real Exponent\ Probably for both ^ & **
+         fdb   L4336-L3CB5  Real Exponent/ Hard coding for 0^x & x^1
+         fdb   L3D6C-L3CB5  DIM
+         fdb   L3D6C-L3CB5  DIM
+         fdb   L3D6C-L3CB5  DIM
+         fdb   L3D6C-L3CB5  DIM
+         fdb   L3D72-L3CB5  PARAM
+         fdb   L3D72-L3CB5  PARAM
+         fdb   L3D72-L3CB5  PARAM
+         fdb   L3D72-L3CB5  PARAM
+         fdb   $0000        Unused function entries (maybe use for LONGINT?)
+         fdb   $0000
+         fdb   $0000
+         fdb   $0000
+         fdb   $0000
+         fdb   $0000
+* Jump table (base is L3CB5)
+L3CB5    fdb   L3E81-L3CB5  Copy BYTE var to temp pool
+         fdb   L3E97-L3CB5  Copy INTEGER var to temp pool
+         fdb   L3F8D-L3CB5  Copy REAL var to temp pool
+         fdb   L436E-L3CB5  Copy BOOLEAN var to temp pool
+         fdb   L44C7-L3CB5  Copy STRING var to temp pool (max 256 chars)
+         fdb   L3D59-L3CB5  Copy DIM array
+         fdb   L3D59-L3CB5  Copy DIM array
+         fdb   L3D59-L3CB5  Copy DIM array
+         fdb   L3D59-L3CB5  Copy DIM array
+         fdb   L3D68-L3CB5  Copy PARAM array  
+         fdb   L3D68-L3CB5  Copy PARAM array
+         fdb   L3D68-L3CB5  Copy PARAM array
+         fdb   L3D68-L3CB5  Copy PARAM array
+         fdb   L3E7D-L3CB5  Copy BYTE constant to temp pool - CHECK IF USED
+         fdb   L3E93-L3CB5  Copy INTEGER constant to temp pool
+         fdb   L3F7C-L3CB5  Copy REAL constant to temp pool
+         fdb   L4497-L3CB5  Copy STRING constant to temp pool
+         fdb   L3E93-L3CB5  Copy INTEGER constant to temp pool
+         fdb   L473F-L3CB5  ADDR
+         fdb   L473F-L3CB5  ADDR
+         fdb   L4751-L3CB5  SIZE
+         fdb   L4751-L3CB5  SIZE
+         fdb   L45F1-L3CB5  POS
+         fdb   L45E3-L3CB5  ERR
+         fdb   L46A2-L3CB5  MOD for Integer #'s
+         fdb   L46AA-L3CB5  MOD for Real #'s
+         fdb   L4DDA-L3CB5  RND
+         fdb   L4B03-L3CB5  PI
+         fdb   L4F77-L3CB5  SUBSTR
+         fdb   L45D5-L3CB5  SGN for Integer
+         fdb   L45C7-L3CB5  SGN for Real
+         fdb   L4A82-L3CB5  Transcendental ???
+         fdb   L4AAF-L3CB5  Transcendental ???
+         fdb   L4ABD-L3CB5  Transcendental ???
+         fdb   L4927-L3CB5  Transcendental ???
+         fdb   L4968-L3CB5  Transcendental ???
+         fdb   L4A03-L3CB5  Transcendental ???
+         fdb   L4864-L3CB5  EXP
+         fdb   L45B5-L3CB5  ABS for Integer #'s
+         fdb   L45AE-L3CB5  ABS for Real #'s
+         fdb   L47AB-L3CB5  LOG
+         fdb   L479F-L3CB5  LOG10
+         fdb   L45F5-L3CB5  SQR \ Square root
+         fdb   L45F5-L3CB5  SQRT/
+         fdb   L4503-L3CB5  FLOAT
+         fdb   L46C6-L3CB5  INT (of real #)
+         fdb   L45F0-L3CB5  ??? RTS
+         fdb   L453B-L3CB5  FIX
+         fdb   L4503-L3CB5  FLOAT
+         fdb   L45F0-L3CB5  ??? RTS
+         fdb   L4705-L3CB5  SQuare of integer
+         fdb   L470E-L3CB5  SQuare of real
+         fdb   L45C0-L3CB5  PEEK
+         fdb   L477A-L3CB5  LNOT of Integer
+         fdb   L471F-L3CB5  VAL  
+         fdb   L4EAB-L3CB5  LEN
+         fdb   L4EBD-L3CB5  ASC
+         fdb   L477F-L3CB5  LAND of Integer
+         fdb   L478F-L3CB5  LOR of Integer
+         fdb   L4787-L3CB5  LXOR of Integer
+         fdb   L4769-L3CB5  Force Boolean to TRUE
+         fdb   L476E-L3CB5  Force Boolean to FALSE
+         fdb   L5035-L3CB5  EOF
+         fdb   L4F5F-L3CB5  TRIM$
+* Jump table, base is L3D35
+L3D35    fdb   L3E87-L3D35  Convert Byte to Int (into temp var)
+         fdb   L3E9D-L3D35  Copy Int var into temp var
+         fdb   L3F93-L3D35  Copy Real var into temp var
+         fdb   L4374-L3D35  ??? Copy Boolean into temp var
+         fdb   L44D7-L3D35  ??? Copy string to expression stack
+         fdb   L44F6-L3D35  ??? Copy D&U regs into temp var type 5
+L3D41    ldy   <u0046
+         ldd   <u004A
+         std   <u0048
+         bra   L3D51
+L3D4A    lslb               2 bytes per entry
+         ldu   <u0010       Get ptr to jump table (could be L3CB5)
+         ldd   b,u          Get offset
+         jsr   d,u          Call subroutine
+L3D51    ldb   ,x+          Get next byte
+         bmi   L3D4A        If high bit set, need to call another subroutine
+         clra               Otherwise, clear carry
+         lda   ,y
+         rts   
+* Copy DIM array to temp var pool
+L3D59    bsr   L3D80
+L3D5B    pshs  pc,u         Save U & PC on stack
+         ldu   <u0012       Get ptr to jump table (L3D35)
+         lsla               A=A*2 for 2 byte entries (note: 8 bit SIGNED)
+         ldd   a,u          Get offset
+         leau  d,u          Point to routine
+         stu   2,s          Save over PC on stack
+         puls  pc,u         Restore U & jump to routine
+* Copy PARAM array to temp var pool
+L3D68    bsr   L3D78
+         bra   L3D5B
+L3D6C    leas  2,s
+         lda   #$F2
+         bra   L3D82
+L3D72    leas  $02,s
+         lda   #$F6
+         bra   L3D7A
+L3D78    lda   #$89
+L3D7A    sta   <u00A3
+         clr   <u003B
+         bra   L3D86
+L3D80    lda   #$85
+L3D82    sta   <u00A3
+         sta   <u003B
+L3D86    ldd   ,x++
+         addd  <u0062
+         std   <u00D2
+         ldu   <u00D2
+         lda   ,u
+         anda  #$E0
+         sta   <u00CF
+         eora  #$80
+         sta   <u00CE
+         lda   ,u
+         anda  #$07
+         ldb   -$03,x
+         subb  <u00A3
+         pshs  d
+         lda   ,u
+         anda  #$18
+         lbeq  L3E3F
+         ldd   1,u
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,u
+         ldd   ,u
+         std   <u003C
+         lda   1,s
+         bne   L3DC4
+         lda   #$05
+         sta   ,s
+         ldd   2,u
+         std   <u003E
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         bra   L3E17
+L3DC4    leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+         clra               Force value to 0 (integer)
+         clrb  
+         std   1,y          Save it
+         leau  4,u          Bump U up
+         bra   L3DD5
+L3DCE    ldd   ,u           Get value from U
+         std   1,y          Save in var space
+         lbsr  L3EC1        Call Integer Multiply routine
+L3DD5    ldd   7,y
+         subd  <u0042
+         cmpd  ,u++
+         blo   L3DE3
+         ldb   #$37         Subscript out of range error
+         jsr   <u0024       Report it
+         fcb   $06
+* Array subscript in range, process
+L3DE3    addd  1,y
+         std   7,y
+         dec   1,s
+         bne   L3DCE
+         lda   ,s           ??? Get variable type?
+         beq   L3DFF        If Byte, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #$02         Real?
+         blo   L3E03        No, integer, skip ahead
+         beq   L3E0B        Real, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #$04         String?
+         blo   L3DFF        No, boolean - treat same as Byte
+         ldd   ,u           String - do this
+         std   <u003E
+         bra   L3E0E
+L3DFF    ldd   7,y          Get offset to entry in array we want
+         bra   L3E07
+L3E03    ldd   7,y          Get offset to entry in array we want
+         lslb               x2 since Integers are 2 bytes/entry
+         rola  
+L3E07    leay  $C,y
+         bra   L3E17
+L3E0B    ldd   #5           x5 since Real's are 5 bytes/entry
+L3E0E    std   1,y          Save for Integer multiply routine
+         lbsr  L3EC1        Go do Integer multiply
+         ldd   1,y          Get offset to entry we want
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var.
+L3E17    tst   <u00CE
+         bne   L3E33
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   <u003C
+         addd  <u0031
+         cmpd  <u0040
+         bhs   L3E78
+         tfr   d,u
+         puls  d
+         cmpd  2,u
+         bhi   L3E78
+         addd  ,u
+         bra   L3E73
+L3E33    addd  <u003C
+         tst   <u003B
+         bne   L3E71
+L3E39    addd  1,y
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var.
+         bra   L3E73
+L3E3F    lda   ,s           ??? Get var type
+         cmpa  #$04         Set CC - Is it string type?
+         ldd   1,u
+         blo   L3E51        No, either numeric or boolean, skip ahead
+* String or complex
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,u
+         ldd   2,u
+         std   <u003E
+         ldd   ,u
+L3E51    tst   <u003B
+         beq   L3E39
+         addd  <u0031
+         tfr   d,u
+         tst   <u00CE
+         bne   L3E75
+         cmpd  <u0040
+         bhs   L3E78
+         ldd   <u003E
+         cmpd  2,u
+         blo   L3E6D
+         ldd   2,u
+         std   <u003E
+L3E6D    ldu   ,u
+         bra   L3E75
+L3E71    addd  <u0031
+L3E73    tfr   d,u
+L3E75    clra  
+         puls  pc,d
+L3E78    ldb   #$38         Parameter error
+         jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $06
+* Copy Byte constant to temp pool
+L3E7D    leau  ,x+
+         bra   L3E87
+* Copy Byte variable to temp pool
+L3E81    ldd   ,x++         Get offset to variable we want
+         addd  <u0031       Add to start of string pool address
+         tfr   d,u          Move to indexable register
+L3E87    ldb   ,u           Get BYTE value
+         clra               Force to integer type
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for new variable
+         std   1,y          Save integer value
+         lda   #1           Save type as integer & return
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+* Copy Integer constant to temp pool
+L3E93    leau  ,x++
+         bra   L3E9D
+* Copy integer var into temp var
+L3E97    ldd   ,x++         Get offset to var we want
+         addd  <u0031       Add to start of variable pool
+         tfr   d,u          Point U to entry
+L3E9D    ldd   ,u           Get Integer
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for variable
+         std   1,y          Save integer
+         lda   #1           Integer Type
+         sta   ,y           Save it & return
+         rts   
+       ifeq H6309-true
+L3EA8    clrd               Number=0-Number (negate it)
+       else
+L3EA8    clra
+         clrb
+       endc
+         subd  1,y
+         std   1,y          Save & return
+         rts   
+L3EAF    ldd   7,y          Get integer
+         addd  1,y          Add to temp copy of 2nd #
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp
+         std   1,y          Save added result & return
+         rts   
+L3EB8    ldd   7,y          Get integer
+         subd  1,y          Subtract 2nd #
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp copy
+         std   1,y          Save result & return
+         rts   
+       ifeq H6309-true
+L3EC1    ldd   1,y          Get temp var integer
+         muld  7,y          Multiply by answer integer
+         stw   7,y          Save 16 bit wrapped result
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         rts
+       else         
+L3EC1    ldd   7,y          Get value that result will go into
+         beq   L3EFA        *0, leave result as 0
+         cmpd  #2           Special case: times 2?
+         bne   L3ECF        No, check other number
+         ldd   1,y          Get 2nd number
+         bra   L3EDB        Do quick x2
+L3ECF    ldd   1,y          Get 2nd number
+         beq   L3EDD        *0, go save result as 0
+         cmpd  #2           Special case: times 2?
+         bne   L3EE1        No, go do regular multiply
+         ldd   7,y          Get 1st number
+L3EDB    lslb
+         rola
+L3EDD    std   7,y          Save answer
+         bra   L3EFA        Eat temp var & return
+L3EE1    lda   8,y          Do 16x16 bit signed multiply, MOD 65536
+         mul   
+         sta   3,y
+         lda   8,y
+         stb   8,y
+         ldb   1,y
+         mul   
+         addb  3,y
+         lda   7,y
+         stb   7,y
+         ldb   2,y
+         mul   
+         addb  7,y
+         stb   7,y
+L3EFA    leay  6,y          Eat temp var & return
+         rts   
+       endc
+* Integer MOD routine
+L46A2    bsr   L3F1C        Go do integer divide
+         ldd   3,y          Get "hidden" remainder
+         std   1,y          Save as answer & return
+         rts
+       ifeq H6309-true
+L3F1C    ldd   1,y          Get # to divide by
+         bne   GoodDiv      <>0, go do divide
+         ldb   #$2D         =0, Divide by 0 error
+         jsr   <u0024       Report error
+         fcb   $06
+GoodDiv  ldw   7,y          Get 16 bit signed dividend
+         sexw               Sign-Extend W into Q
+Positive divq  1,y          Do 32/16 bit signed division
+         tstw               Answer positive?
+         ble   CheckD       If <=0, skip ahead
+MustPos  tsta               Is remainder positive?
+         bmi   NegRem       No, have to fix sign on remainder
+SaveRem  std   9,y          Save remainder for MOD
+         stw   7,y          Save answer for /
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var & return
+         rts
+* Negative answer comes here
+CheckD   beq   CheckZ       If answer is zero, need special stuff for remainder
+CheckD1  tsta               Is remainder negative?
+         bmi   SaveRem      Yes, save remainder
+NegRem   negd               Otherwise, negate remainder
+         bra   SaveRem      Now save it & return
+* Zero answer comes here - W is zero, so we can use it's parts
+CheckZ   lde   7,y          Get MSB of dividend
+         bpl   CheckZ1      Positive, don't change negative flag
+         incf               Negative, bump flag up
+CheckZ1  lde   1,y          Get MSB of divisor
+         bpl   CheckZ2      If positive, leave flag alone
+         incf               Negative, bump up flag
+CheckZ2  cmpf  #1           If 1, then remainder must be negative
+         beq   CheckZ3      It is negative, go deal with it
+         clrw               Zero out answer again
+         bra   MustPos
+CheckZ3  clrw               Clear out answer to 0 again
+         bra   CheckD1      Go deal with sign of remainder
+       else
+* Calculate sign of result of Integer Divide (,y - 0=positive, FF=negative)
+L3EFD    clr   ,y           Clear flag (positive result)
+         ldd   7,y          Get #
+         bpl   L3F0B        If positive or 0, go check other #
+         nega               Force it to positive (NEGD)
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+         std   7,y          Save positive version
+         com   ,y           Set flag for negative result
+L3F0B    ldd   1,y          Get other #
+         bpl   L3F17        If positive or 0, go check if it is a 2
+         nega               Force it to positive (NEGD)
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+         std   1,y          Save positive version
+         com   ,y           Flip negative/positive result flag
+L3F17    cmpd  #2           Check if dividing by 2
+         rts   
+L3F1C    bsr   L3EFD        Go force both numbers to positive, check for /2
+         bne   L3F2E        Normal divide, skip ahead
+         ldd   7,y          Get # to divide by 2
+         beq   L3F3B        If 0, result is 0, so skip divide
+         asra  
+         rorb  
+         std   7,y          Save result
+         ldd   #$0000       Remainder=0 (No CLRD since it fries carry)
+         rolb               Rotate possible remainder bit into D
+         bra   L3F65        Go save remainder, fix sign & return
+L3F2E    ldd   1,y          Get divisor (integer)
+         bne   L3F37        <>0, skip ahead
+         ldb   #$2D         =0, Divide by 0 error
+         jsr   <u0024       Report error
+         fcb   $06
+L3F37    ldd   7,y          Get dividend (integer)
+         bne   L3F40        Have to do divide, skip ahead
+L3F3B    leay  6,y          ??? Eat temp var? (divisor)
+         std   3,y          Save result
+         rts   
+* 7-8,y = Dividend (already checked for 0)
+* 1-2,y = Divisor (already checked for 0)
+* 3,y   = # of powers of 2 shifts to do
+L3F40    tsta               Dividend>256?
+         bne   L3F4B        Yes, skip ahead
+         exg   a,b          Swap LSB/MSB of dividend
+         std   7,y          Save it
+         ldb   #8           # of powers of 2 shifts for 8 bit dividend
+         bra   L3F4D
+L3F4B    ldb   #16          # of powers of 2 shifts for 16 bit dividend
+L3F4D    stb   3,y          Save # shifts required
+         clra
+         clrb
+* Main powers of 2 subtract loop for divide
+L3F51    lsl   8,y          Multiply dividend by 2
+         rol   7,y
+         rolb               Rotate into D
+         rola  
+         subd  1,y          Subtract that power of 2 from divisor
+         bmi   L3F5F        If wraps, add it back in
+         inc   8,y
+         bra   L3F61
+L3F5F    addd  1,y
+L3F61    dec   3,y          Dec # shift/subtracts left to do
+         bne   L3F51        Still more, continue
+L3F65    std   9,y          Save remainder
+         tst   ,y           Positive result?
+         bpl   L3F79        Yes, eat temp var & return
+         nega               NEGD
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+         std   9,y          Save negative remainder
+         ldd   7,y          Get actual divide result
+         nega               NEGD
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+         std   7,y          Save signed result
+L3F79    leay  6,y          Eat temp var & return
+         rts   
+       endc
+* Copy REAL # from X (moving X to after real number) to temp var
+L3F7C    leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+         ldb   ,x+          Get hi-byte of real value
+         lda   #2           Force var type to REAL
+         std   ,y           Save in temp var
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         ldq   ,x           Copy mantissa to temp var
+         stq   2,y
+         ldb   #4           Bump X up to past end of var
+         abx
+       else
+         ldd   ,x++         Copy rest of real # to temp var & return
+         std   2,y
+         ldd   ,x++
+         std   4,y
+       endc
+         rts   
+* Copy REAL # from variable pool (pointed to by X) into temp var
+L3F8D    ldd   ,x++         Get offset into var space for REAL var
+         addd  <u0031       ??? Add to base address for variable storage?
+         tfr   d,u          Move ptr to U
+* Copy REAL # constant from within BASIC09 (pointed to by U) into temp var
+L3F93    leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+         lda   #2           Set 1st byte to be 2
+         ldb   ,u           Get 1st byte of real #
+         std   ,y
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         ldq   1,u          Get mantissa for real #
+         stq   2,y          Save in temp var
+       else
+         ldd   1,u          Get bytes 2&3 of real #
+         std   2,y
+         ldd   3,u          Get bytes 4&5 of real #
+         std   4,y
+       endc
+         rts                Return
+* Negate for REAL #'s
+       ifeq H6309-true
+*L3FA4    eim #1,5,y        Negate sign bit of REAL #
+L3FA4    fcb   $65,1,$25
+       else
+L3FA4    lda   5,y          Get LSB of mantissa & sign bit
+         eora  #$01         Reverse the sign bit
+         sta   5,y          Save it back
+       endc
+         rts                return
+* Subtract for REAL #'s
+       ifeq H6309-true
+*L3FAB    eim #1,5,y        Negate sign bit of real #
+L3FAB    fcb   $65,1,$25
+       else
+L3FAB    ldb   5,y          Reverse sign bit on REAL #
+         eorb  #1
+         stb   5,y
+       endc
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         use basic09.real.add.63.asm
+       else
+         use basic09.real.add.68.asm
+       endc
+* REAL Multiply?
+L40CC    bsr   L40D3        Go do REAL multiply
+         bcs   L3C2C        If error, report it
+         rts                Return without error
+L3C2C    jsr   <u0024       Report error
+         fcb   $06
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         use basic09.real.mul.63.asm
+       else
+         use basic09.real.mul.68.asm
+       endc
+* Real divide entry point?
+L422D    bsr   L4234
+         bcs   LErr
+L4233    rts   
+LErr     jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $06
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         use basic09.real.div.63.asm
+       else
+         use basic09.real.div.68.asm
+       endc
+* Real exponent
+L4336    pshs  x            Preserve X
+         ldd   7,y          Is the number to be raised 0?
+         beq   L4331        Yes, eat temp & return with 0 as result
+         ldx   1,y          Is the exponent 0?
+         bne   L434F        No, go do normal exponent calculation
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+L4342    ldd   #$0180       Save 1 in Real # format (all #'s to the power of
+         std   1,y           0 result in 1, except 0 itself, which was trapped
+* Possible 6809/6309 Mod: deca/sta 3,y/sta 4,y/sta 5,y (1 byte longer/5 cyc
+* faster)
+         clr   3,y           above)
+         clr   4,y
+         clr   5,y
+         puls  pc,x
+L434F    std   1,y
+         stx   7,y
+         ldd   9,y
+         ldx   3,y
+         std   3,y
+         stx   9,y
+         lda   $B,y
+         ldb   5,y
+         sta   5,y
+         stb   $B,y
+         puls  x
+         lbsr  L47AB
+         lbsr  L40CC        Go do real multiply
+         lbra  L4864
+* Copy Boolean value into temp var
+L436E    ldd   ,x++         Get offset to var from beginning of var pool
+         addd  <u0031       Add to base address for vars
+         tfr   d,u          Move to index reg
+L4374    ldb   ,u           Get boolean value
+         clra               Make into Integer type
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+         std   1,y          Save boolean value
+         lda   #3           Type = BOOLEAN
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L4380    ldb   8,y          Single byte LAND
+         andb  2,y
+         bra   L4390
+L4386    ldb   8,y          Single byte LOR
+         orb   2,y
+         bra   L4390
+L438C    ldb   8,y          Single byte LXOR
+         eorb  2,y
+L4390    leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         std   1,y          Save result in original var & return
+         rts   
+L4395    com   2,y          Single byte LNOT
+         rts   
+* Main search loop for String comparison operators
+L4398    pshs  y,x
+         ldx   1,y          Get ptr to temp string?
+         ldy   7,y          Get ptr to var string?
+         sty   <u0048
+L43A2    lda   ,y+          Get char from temp string
+         cmpa  ,x+          Same as char from var string?
+         bne   L43AC        No, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #$FF         EOS marker?
+         bne   L43A2        No, keep comparing
+L43AC    inca               Inc last char checked
+         inc   -1,x         Inc last char in compare string
+         cmpa  -1,x         Same as last char checked with inc????
+         puls  pc,y,x
+* String compare: < (?)
+L43B3    bsr   L4398        Go do string compare
+         blo   L4405        If less than, result=TRUE
+         bra   L4409        Else, result=False
+* String compare: <= or =< (?)
+L43B9    bsr   L4398
+         bls   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* String compare: =
+L43BF    bsr   L4398
+         beq   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* String compare: <> or ><
+L43C5    bsr   L4398
+         bne   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* String compare: >= or => (?)
+L43CB    bsr   L4398
+         bhs   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* String compare: > (?)
+L43D1    bsr   L4398
+         bhi   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* For Integer/Byte compares below: Works for signed Integer as well 
+*  as unsigned Byte
+* Integer/Byte compare: <
+L43D7    ldd   7,y
+         subd  1,y          NOTE: SUBD is faster than CMPD
+         blt   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Integer/Byte compare: <= or =<
+L43DF    ldd   7,y
+         subd  1,y
+         ble   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Integer/Byte compare: <> or ><
+L43E7    ldd   7,y
+         subd  1,y
+         bne   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Integer/Byte compare: =
+L43EF    ldd   7,y
+         subd  1,y
+         beq   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Integer/Byte compare: >= or =>
+L43F7    ldd   7,y
+         subd  1,y
+         bge   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Integer/Byte compare: >
+L43FF    ldd   7,y          Get original var
+         subd  1,y          > than compare var?
+         ble   L4409        No, boolean result=FALSE
+L4405    ldb   #$FF         Boolean result=TRUE
+         bra   L440B
+L4409    clrb               Boolean result=FALSE
+L440B    clra               Clear hi byte (since result is 1 byte boolean)
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var packet
+         std   1,y          Save result in original var packet
+         lda   #3           Save var type as Boolean
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+* BOOLEAN = compare
+L4415    ldb   8,y          Get original BOOLEAN value
+         cmpb  2,y          Same as comparitive BOOLEAN value?
+         beq   L4405        Yes, result=TRUE
+         bra   L4409        No, result=FALSE
+* BOOLEAN <> or >< compare
+L441D    ldb   8,y          Get original BOOLEAN value
+         cmpb  2,y          Same as comparitive BOOLEAN value?
+         bne   L4405        No, result=TRUE
+         bra   L4409        Yes, result=FALSE
+* Real < compare
+L4425    bsr   L4449        Go compute flags between real #'s
+         blt   L4405        If < then, result=TRUE
+         bra   L4409        Otherwise, result=FALSE
+* Real <= or =< compare
+L442B    bsr   L4449
+         ble   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Real <> or >< compare
+L4431    bsr   L4449
+         bne   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Real = compare
+L4437    bsr   L4449
+         beq   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Real >= or => compare
+L443D    bsr   L4449
+         bge   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Real > compare
+L4443    bsr   L4449
+         bgt   L4405
+         bra   L4409
+* Set flags for Real comparison
+L4449    pshs  y            Preserve Y
+         andcc #$F0         Clear out Negative, Zero, Overflow & Carry bits
+         lda   8,y          Is original REAL var=0?
+         bne   L4461        No, skip ahead
+         lda   2,y          Is comparitive REAL var=0?
+         beq   L445F        Yes, they are equal so return
+L4455    lda   5,y          Get last byte of Mantissa with sign bit
+L4457    anda  #$01         Ditch everything but sign bit
+         bne   L445F        Sign bit set, negative value, return
+L445B    andcc #$F0         Clear out Negative, Zero, Overflow & carry bits
+         orcc  #%00001000   Set Negative flag
+L445F    puls  pc,y
+L4461    lda   2,y          Is comparitive REAL var=0?
+         bne   L446B        No, go deal with whole exponent/mantissa mess
+         lda   $B,y         Get sign bit of original var
+         eora  #$01         Invert sign flag
+         bra   L4457        Go set Negative bit appropriately
+* No zero values in REAL compare-deal with exponent & mantissa
+L446B    lda   $B,y         Get sign bit byte from original var
+         eora  5,y          Calculate resulting sign from it with temp var
+         anda  #$01         Only keep sign bit
+         bne   L4455        One of the #'s is neg, other pos, go deal with it
+         leau  6,y          Both same sign, point U to original var
+         lda   5,y          Get sign byte from temp var
+         anda  #$01         Just keep sign bit
+         beq   L447D        If positive, skip ahead
+         exg   u,y          If negative, swap ptrs to the 2 vars
+L447D    ldd   1,u          Get exponent & 1st mantissa bytes
+         cmpd  1,y          Compare
+         bne   L445F        Not equal, exit with appropriate flags set
+         ldd   3,u          Match so far, compare 2nd & 3rd mantissa bytes
+         cmpd  3,y
+         bne   L4491        Not equal, exit with flags
+         lda   5,u          Compare last byte of mantissa
+         cmpa  5,y
+         beq   L445F        2 #'s are equal, exit
+L4491    blo   L445B        If below, set negative flag & exit
+         andcc #$F0         Clear negative, zero, overflow & carry bits
+         puls  pc,y         Restore Y & return
+*??? Copy string var of some sort <=256 chars max
+L4497    clrb               Max size of string copy=256
+         stb   <u003E       Save it
+L449A    ldu   <u0048       Get ptr to string of some sort
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+         stu   1,y          Save ptr to it
+         sty   <u0044       Save temp var ptr
+L44A3    cmpu  <u0044       At end of string stack yet?
+         bhs   L44C2        Yes, exit with String stack overflow error
+         lda   ,x+          Get char from string
+         sta   ,u+          Save it
+         cmpa  #$FF         EOS?
+         beq   L44BB        Yes, finished copying
+         decb               Dec size left
+         bne   L44A3        Still room, keep copying
+         dec   <u003E       ???
+         bpl   L44A3        Still good, keep copying
+         lda   #$FF         Append string terminator
+         sta   ,u+
+L44BB    stu   <u0048       Save end of string stack ptr
+         lda   #4           Force var type to string
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L44C2    ldb   #$2F         String stack overflow
+         jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $06
+L44C7    ldd   ,x++
+         addd  <u0066
+         tfr   d,u
+L44CD    ldd   ,u
+         addd  <u0031
+         ldu   2,u
+         stu   <u003E
+         tfr   d,u
+L44D7    pshs  x
+         ldb   <u003F
+         bne   L44DF
+         dec   <u003E
+L44DF    leax  ,u
+         bsr   L449A
+         puls  pc,x
+L44E5    ldu   1,y          Get ptr to string contents
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+L44E9    lda   ,u+          Get char from temp var
+         sta   -2,u         Save 1 byte back from original spot
+         cmpa  #$FF         EOS?
+         bne   L44E9        No, keep copying until EOS is hit
+         leau  -1,u         Point U back to EOS
+         stu   <u0048       Save string stack ptr & return
+         rts   
+L44F6    ldd   <u003E
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+         std   3,y          ???
+         stu   1,y          ???
+         lda   #5           Var type =5???
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L4503    clra               Force least 2 sig bytes to 0 (and sign to positive)
+         clrb  
+         std   4,y
+         ldd   1,y          Get Exponent & 1st byte of mantissa
+         bne   L4512        Not 0, skip ahead
+         stb   3,y          Save 0 int 2nd byte of mantissa
+         lda   #2           Var type=Real
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L4512    ldu   #$0210       ??? (528)
+         tsta               Exponent negative?
+         bpl   L451F        No, positive (big number), skip ahead
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         negd
+       else
+         nega
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+       endc
+         inc   5,y
+         tsta               Check exponent again
+L451F    bne   L4526        Exponent <>0, skip ahead
+         ldu   #$0208       ??? If exponent=0, 522
+         exg   a,b
+L4526    tsta  
+         bmi   L452F
+L4529    leau  -1,u         Drop down U counter
+         lslb               LSLD
+         rola  
+         bpl   L4529        Do until hi bit is set
+L452F    std   2,y
+         stu   ,y
+         rts   
+L4534    leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         bsr   L4503        ??? Something with reals
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var & return
+         rts   
+L453B    ldb   1,y          Get exponent
+         bgt   L454E        If exponent >0, skip ahead
+         bmi   L454A        If exponent <0, skip ahead
+         lda   2,y          Exponent=0, get 1st byte of mantissa
+         bpl   L454A        If high bit not set, integer result=0
+         ldd   #$0001       High bit set, Integer result=1
+         bra   L4591        Go adjust sign if necessary
+L454A    clra               Integer result=0
+         clrb  
+         bra   L4599        Save integer & return
+L454E    subb  #$10         Subtract 16 from exponent
+         bhi   L458C
+         bne   L4566
+         ldd   2,y
+         ror   5,y
+         bcc   L4599
+         cmpd  #$8000
+         bne   L458C
+         tst   4,y
+         bpl   L4599
+         bra   L458C
+L4566    cmpb  #$F8
+         bhi   L4578
+         pshs  b
+         ldd   2,y
+         std   3,y
+         clr   2,y
+         puls  b
+         addb  #$08
+         beq   L4581
+L4578    lsr   2,y
+         ror   3,y
+         ror   4,y
+         incb  
+         bne   L4578
+L4581    ldd   2,y
+         tst   4,y
+         bpl   L4591
+         addd  #$0001
+         bvc   L4591
+L458C    ldb   #$34         Value out of Range for Destination error
+         jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $06
+L4591    ror   5,y          Get sign bit of converted real #
+         bcc   L4599        Positive, leave integer result alone
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         negd               Reverse sign of integer
+       else
+         nega
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+       endc
+L4599    std   1,y          Save integer result
+         lda   #1           Force type to integer & return
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L45A0    leay  6,y
+         bsr   L453B
+         leay  -6,y
+         rts   
+L45A7    leay  $C,y         Eat 2 temp vars
+         bsr   L453B
+         leay  -$C,y        Make room for 2 temp vars & return
+         rts   
+* ABS for Real #'s
+       ifeq H6309-true
+*L45AE   aim   #$fe,5,y     Force sign of real # to positive
+L45AE    fcb   $62,$fe,$25
+       else
+L45AE    lda   5,y          Get sign bit for Real #
+         anda  #$FE         Force to positive
+         sta   5,y          Save sign bit back & return
+         rts   
+       endc
+* ABS for Integer's
+L45B5    ldd   1,y          Get integer
+         bpl   L45BF        If positive already, exit
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         negd               Force to positive
+       else
+         nega               NEGD (force to positive)
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+       endc
+         std   1,y          Save positive value back
+L45BF    rts   
+L45C0    clra  
+         ldb   [<1,y]
+         std   1,y
+         rts   
+L45C7    lda   2,y
+         beq   L45DB
+         lda   5,y          Get sign byte
+         anda  #$01         Just keep sign bit
+         bne   L45DE        Negative #, skip ahead
+L45D1    ldb   #$01
+         bra   L45E0
+L45D5    ldd   $01,y
+         bmi   L45DE
+         bne   L45D1
+L45DB    clrb  
+         bra   L45E0
+L45DE    ldb   #$FF
+L45E0    sex   
+         bra   L45EA
+L45E3    ldb   <u0036
+         clr   <u0036
+L45E7    clra  
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+L45EA    std   1,y          Save value
+         lda   #1           Force type to integer & return
+         sta   ,y
+L45F0    rts   
+L45F1    ldb   <u007D
+         bra   L45E7
+L45F5    ldb   $05,y
+         asrb  
+         lbcs  L4FC7
+         ldb   #$1F
+         stb   <u006E
+         ldd   $01,y
+         beq   L45F0
+         inca  
+         asra  
+         sta   $01,y
+         ldd   $02,y
+         bcs   L4616
+         lsra  
+         rorb  
+         std   -$04,y
+         ldd   $04,y
+         rora  
+         rorb  
+         bra   L461A
+L4616    std   -$04,y
+         ldd   $04,y
+L461A    std   -$02,y
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   $02,y
+         std   $04,y
+         std   -$06,y
+         std   -$08,y
+         bra   L4638
+L4628    orcc  #$01
+         rol   $05,y
+         rol   $04,y
+         rol   $03,y
+         rol   $02,y
+         dec   <u006E
+         beq   L467A
+         bsr   L468F
+L4638    ldb   -$04,y
+         subb  #$40
+         stb   -$04,y
+         ldd   -$06,y
+         sbcb  $05,y
+         sbca  $04,y
+         std   -$06,y
+         ldd   -$08,y
+         sbcb  $03,y
+         sbca  $02,y
+         std   -$08,y
+         bpl   L4628
+L4650    andcc #$FE
+         rol   $05,y
+         rol   $04,y
+         rol   $03,y
+         rol   $02,y
+         dec   <u006E
+         beq   L467A
+         bsr   L468F
+         ldb   -$04,y
+         addb  #$C0
+         stb   -$04,y
+         ldd   -$06,y
+         adcb  $05,y
+         adca  $04,y
+         std   -$06,y
+         ldd   -$08,y
+         adcb  $03,y
+         adca  $02,y
+         std   -$08,y
+         bmi   L4650
+         bra   L4628
+L467A    ldd   $02,y
+         bra   L4684
+L467E    dec   $01,y
+         lbvs  L40DD
+L4684    lsl   $05,y
+         rol   $04,y
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         bpl   L467E
+         std   $02,y
+         rts   
+L468F    bsr   L4691
+L4691    lsl   -$01,y
+         rol   -$02,y
+         rol   -$03,y
+         rol   -$04,y
+         rol   -$05,y
+         rol   -$06,y
+         rol   -$07,y
+         rol   -$08,y
+         rts   
+* Real MOD routine (?)
+L46AA    leau  -12,y        Make room for 2 temp vars
+         pshs  y
+L46AE    ldd   ,y++
+         std   ,u++
+         cmpu  ,s
+         bne   L46AE
+         leas  2,s
+         leay  -12,u
+         lbsr  L422D
+         bsr   L46C6
+         lbsr  L40CC
+         lbra  L3FAB
+L46C6    lda   1,y
+         bgt   L46D3
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   1,y
+         std   3,y
+         stb   5,y
+L46D2    rts   
+L46D3    cmpa  #$1F
+         bcc   L46D2
+         leau  $06,y
+         ldb   -1,u
+         andb  #$01
+         pshs  u,b
+         leau  $01,y
+L46E1    leau  1,u
+         suba  #$08
+         bcc   L46E1
+         beq   L46F5
+         ldb   #$FF
+L46EB    lslb  
+         inca  
+         bne   L46EB
+         andb  ,u
+         stb   ,u+
+         bra   L46F9
+L46F5    leau  1,u
+L46F7    sta   ,u+
+L46F9    cmpu  $01,s
+         bne   L46F7
+         puls  u,b
+         orb   $05,y
+         stb   $05,y
+         rts   
+L4705    leay  -6,y
+         ldd   7,y
+         std   1,y
+         lbra  L3EC1
+L470E    leay  -6,y
+         ldd   $A,y
+         std   4,y
+         ldd   8,y
+         std   2,y
+         ldd   6,y
+         std   ,y
+         lbra  L40CC
+L471F    ldd   <u0080
+         ldu   <u0082
+         pshs  u,d
+         ldd   1,y
+         std   <u0080
+         std   <u0082
+         std   <u0048
+         leay  6,y
+         ldb   #9
+         lbsr  L011F
+         puls  u,d
+         std   <u0080
+         stu   <u0082
+         lbcs  L4FC7
+         rts   
+L473F    lbsr  L3D51
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for new variable packet
+         stu   1,y          Save size of var
+L4746    lda   #$01         ??? Integer type
+         sta   ,y           ??? Save in variable packet
+         leax  1,x
+         rts   
+* Table to numeric variable type sizes in bytes? (duplicates earlier table @
+*  L3B5B)
+* Can either leave table here, change leau below to 8 bit pc (faster/1 byte
+*   shorter), or eliminate table and point to 3B5B table (4 bytes shorter/same
+*   speed)
+L474D    fcb   $01          Byte             (type=0)
+         fcb   $02          Integer size     (type=1)
+         fcb   $05          Real size        (type=2)
+         fcb   $01          Boolean          (type=3)
+L4751    lbsr  L3D51
+         leay  -6,y         ??? Size of variable packets?
+         cmpa  #4           String/complex variable?
+         bhs   L4763        Yes, skip ahead
+         leau  <L474D,pc    Point to numeric type size table
+         ldb   a,u          Get size of var in bytes
+         clra               D=size
+         bra   L4765        Go save it
+L4763    ldd   <u003E       ??? Get integer value
+L4765    std   1,y          ??? Save integer value
+         bra   L4746
+L4769    ldd   #$00FF       $FF in boolean is True flag
+         bra   L4771
+L476E    ldd   #$0000       CLRD ($00 in boolean is False)
+L4771    leay  -6,y         Make room for variable packet
+         std   1,y          Save boolean flag value
+         lda   #3           Save type as boolean (3)
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L477A    com   1,y          Leave as LDD 1,y/COMD/STD 1,y is same speed
+         com   2,y
+         rts   
+L477F    ldd   1,y          Get value to AND with out of integer var.
+         anda  7,y          ANDD (with value in variable)
+         andb  8,y
+         bra   L4795
+L4787    ldd   1,y
+         eora  7,y          EORD
+         eorb  8,y
+         bra   L4795
+L478F    ldd   1,y
+         ora   7,y          ORD
+         orb   8,y
+L4795    std   7,y          Save result after logic applied
+         leay  6,y          Eat temporary variable packet?
+         rts   
+L479A    fcb   $ff,$de,$5b,$d8,$aa   ??? (.434294482)
+L479F    bsr   L47AB
+         leau  <L479A,pc      Point to ???
+         lbsr  L3F93
+         lbra  L40CC
+L47AB    pshs  x
+         ldb   5,y
+         asrb  
+         lbcs  L4FC7
+         ldd   1,y
+         lbeq  L4FC7
+         pshs  a
+         ldb   #1
+         stb   1,y
+         leay  <-$1A,y
+         leax  <$1B,y
+         leau  ,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CC7
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   <$14,y
+         std   <$16,y
+         sta   <$18,y
+         leax  >L4C7F,pc      Point to routine
+         stx   <$19,y
+         lbsr  L4909
+         leax  <$14,y
+         leau  <$1B,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CE1
+         leay  <$1A,y
+         ldb   #$02
+         stb   ,y
+         ldb   $05,y
+         orb   #$01
+         stb   $05,y
+         puls  b
+         bsr   L480A
+         puls  x
+         lbra  L3FB1
+L4805    fcb   $00,$b1,$72,$17,$f8    (.693147181) LOG(2) in REAL format
+L480A    sex                  Convert to 16 bit number
+         bpl   L480E          If positive, skip ahead
+         negb                 Invert sign on LSB
+L480E    anda  #$01
+         pshs  d
+L4812    leau  <L4805,pc      Point to Log(2) in REAL format
+         lbsr  L3F93
+         ldb   5,y
+         lda   1,s
+         cmpa  #1
+         beq   L485C          If multiplying by 1, don't bother
+         mul   
+         stb   5,y
+         ldb   4,y
+         sta   4,y
+         lda   1,s
+         mul   
+         addb  $04,y
+         adca  #$00
+         stb   $04,y
+         ldb   $03,y
+         sta   $03,y
+         lda   $01,s
+         mul   
+         addb  $03,y
+         adca  #$00
+         stb   $03,y
+         ldb   $02,y
+         sta   $02,y
+         lda   $01,s
+         mul   
+         addb  $02,y
+         adca  #$00
+         beq   L4858
+L484B    inc   $01,y
+         lsra  
+         rorb  
+         ror   $03,y
+         ror   $04,y
+         ror   $05,y
+         tsta  
+         bne   L484B
+L4858    stb   $02,y
+         ldb   $05,y
+L485C    andb  #$FE
+         orb   ,s
+         stb   $05,y
+         puls  pc,d
+L4864    pshs  x
+         ldb   $01,y
+         beq   L4880
+         cmpb  #$07
+         ble   L4877
+         ldb   $05,y
+         rorb  
+         rorb  
+         eorb  #$80
+         lbra  L491C
+L4877    cmpb  #$E4
+         lble  L4342
+         tstb  
+         bpl   L488A
+L4880    clr   ,-s
+         ldb   $05,y
+         andb  #$01
+         beq   L48CD
+         bra   L48BB
+L488A    lda   #$71
+         mul   
+         adda  $01,y
+         ldb   $05,y
+         andb  #$01
+         pshs  b,a
+         eorb  $05,y
+         stb   $05,y
+         ldb   ,s
+L489B    lbsr  L480A
+         lbsr  L3FAB
+         ldb   $01,y
+         ble   L48AD
+         addb  ,s
+         stb   ,s
+         ldb   $01,y
+         bra   L489B
+L48AD    puls  d
+         pshs  a
+         tstb  
+         beq   L48CD
+         nega  
+         sta   ,s
+         orb   5,y
+         stb   5,y
+L48BB    leau  >L4805,pc    Point to LOG(2) in REAL format
+         lbsr  L3F93
+         lbsr  L3FB1
+         dec   ,s
+         ldb   5,y
+         andb  #$01
+         bne   L48BB
+L48CD    leay  <-$1A,y
+         leax  <$1B,y
+         leau  <$14,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CC7
+         ldd   #$1000
+         std   ,y
+         clra  
+         std   $02,y
+         sta   $04,y
+         leax  >L4C61,pc
+         stx   <$19,y
+         bsr   L4909
+         leax  ,y
+         leau  <$1B,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CE1
+         leay  <$1A,y
+         puls  b
+         addb  $01,y
+         bvs   L491C
+         lda   #$02
+         std   ,y
+         puls  pc,x
+L4909    lda   #$01
+         sta   <u009A
+         leax  >L4D6F,pc
+         stx   <u0095
+         leax  >$005F,x
+         stx   <u0097
+         lbra  L4B97
+L491C    leay  -6,y
+         lbpl  L40DD
+         ldb   #$32         Floating Overflow error
+         jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $06
+L4927    pshs  x
+         bsr   L495D
+         ldd   $01,y
+         lbeq  L4A91
+         cmpd  #$0180
+         bgt   L4943
+         bne   L4946
+         ldd   $03,y
+         bne   L4943
+         lda   $05,y
+         lbeq  L4A0E
+L4943    lbra  L4FC7
+L4946    lbsr  L49CB
+         leay  <-$14,y
+         leax  <$15,y
+         leau  ,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CC7
+         leax  <$1B,y
+         lbra  L4A3E
+L495D    ldb   $05,y
+         andb  #$01
+         stb   <u006D
+         eorb  $05,y
+         stb   $05,y
+         rts   
+L4968    leau  <L49AB,pc
+         pshs  u,x
+         bsr   L495D
+         ldd   $01,y
+         lbeq  L4A0E
+         cmpd  #$0180
+         bgt   L4943
+         bne   L4995
+         ldd   $03,y
+         bne   L4943
+         lda   $05,y
+         bne   L4943
+         lda   <u006D
+         bne   L498E
+         clrb  
+         std   $01,y
+         puls  pc,u,x
+L498E    leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         puls  u,x
+         lbra  L4B03
+L4995    bsr   L49CB
+         leay  <-$14,y
+         leax  <$1B,y
+         leau  ,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CC7
+         leax  <$15,y
+         lbra  L4A3E
+L49AB    lda   5,y
+         bita  #$01
+         beq   L49C5
+         ldu   <u0031
+         tst   1,u
+         beq   L49BF
+         leau  <L49C6,pc    Point to 180 in FP format
+         lbsr  L3F93
+         bra   L49C2
+L49BF    lbsr  L4B03
+L49C2    lbra  L3FB1
+* See if we can move label to RTS above @ L495D, or below @ end of L49CB
+L49C5    rts   
+L49C6    fcb   $08,$b4,$00,$00,$00    180
+L49CB    lda   <u006D
+         pshs  a
+         leay  <-$12,y
+         ldd   #$0201
+         std   $0C,y
+         lda   #$80
+         clrb  
+         std   $0E,y
+         clra  
+         std   <$10,y
+         ldd   <$12,y
+         std   ,y
+         std   $06,y
+         ldd   <$14,y
+         std   $02,y
+         std   $08,y
+         ldd   <$16,y
+         std   $04,y
+         std   $0A,y
+         lbsr  L40CC
+         lbsr  L3FAB
+         lbsr  L45F5
+         puls  a
+         sta   <u006D
+         rts   
+L4A03    pshs  x
+         lbsr  L495D
+         ldb   $01,y
+         cmpb  #$18
+         blt   L4A17
+L4A0E    leay  6,y
+         lbsr  L4B03
+         dec   1,y
+         bra   L4A6A
+L4A17    leay  <-$1A,y
+         ldd   #$1000
+         std   ,y
+         clra  
+         std   $02,y
+         sta   $04,y
+         ldb   <$1B,y
+         bra   L4A34
+L4A29    asr   ,y
+         ror   1,y
+         ror   2,y
+         ror   3,y
+         ror   4,y
+         decb  
+L4A34    cmpb  #$02
+         bgt   L4A29
+         stb   <$1B,y
+         leax  <$1B,y
+L4A3E    leau  $0A,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CC7
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   <$14,y
+         std   <$16,y
+         sta   <$18,y
+         leax  >L4C2C,pc
+         stx   <$19,y
+         lbsr  L4B89
+         leax  <$14,y
+         leau  <$1B,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CE1
+         leay  <$1A,y
+L4A6A    lda   $05,y
+         ora   <u006D
+         sta   $05,y
+         ldu   <u0031
+         tst   1,u
+         beq   L4A91
+         leau  >L4AFE,pc
+         lbsr  L3F93
+         lbsr  L40CC
+         bra   L4A91
+L4A82    pshs  x
+         lbsr  L4B0A
+         leax  $0A,y
+         bsr   L4A97
+         lda   $05,y
+L4A8D    eora  <u009C
+L4A8F    sta   $05,y
+L4A91    lda   #$02
+         sta   ,y
+         puls  pc,x
+L4A97    leau  <$1B,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CE1
+         leay  <$14,y
+         leax  >L4D6A,pc    Point to a table of Real #'s
+         leau  1,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbra  L40CC
+L4AAF    pshs  x
+         bsr   L4B0A
+         leax  ,y
+         bsr   L4A97
+         lda   $05,y
+         eora  <u009B
+         bra   L4A8F
+L4ABD    pshs  x
+         bsr   L4B0A
+         leax  $0A,y
+         leau  <$1B,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CE1
+         leax  ,y
+         leay  <$14,y
+         leau  $01,y
+         lbsr  L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CE1
+         ldd   $01,y
+         bne   L4AEB
+         leay  $06,y
+         ldd   #$7FFF
+L4AE2    std   $01,y
+         lda   #$FF
+         std   $03,y
+         deca  
+         bra   L4AF0
+L4AEB    lbsr  L422D
+         lda   $05,y
+L4AF0    eora  <u009B
+         bra   L4A8D
+L4AF4    fcb   $02,$c9,$0f,$da,$a2   PI (3.14159265)
+L4AF9    fcb   $fb,$8e,$fa,$35,$12   -1.74532925 E-02  (Degrees)
+L4AFE    fcb   $06,$e5,$2e,$e0,$d4   57.2957795 (radians)
+L4B03    leau  <L4AF4,pc      Point to PI in FP format
+         lbra  L3F93
+L4B0A    ldu   <u0031
+         tst   1,u
+         beq   L4B1A
+         leau  <L4AF9,pc
+         lbsr  L3F93          Copy 5 bytes from u to 1,y (0,y=2)
+         lbsr  L40CC
+L4B1A    clr   <u009B
+         ldb   $05,y
+         andb  #$01
+         stb   <u009C
+         eorb  $05,y
+         stb   $05,y
+         bsr   L4B03
+         inc   $01,y
+         lbsr  L4449
+         blt   L4B36
+         lbsr  L46AA
+         bsr   L4B03
+         bra   L4B38
+L4B36    dec   $01,y
+L4B38    lbsr  L4449
+         blt   L4B4A
+         inc   <u009B
+         lda   <u009C
+         eora  #$01
+         sta   <u009C
+         lbsr  L3FAB
+         bsr   L4B03
+L4B4A    dec   $01,y
+         lbsr  L4449
+         ble   L4B64
+         lda   <u009B
+         eora  #$01
+         sta   <u009B
+         inc   $01,y
+         lda   $0B,y
+         ora   #$01
+         sta   $0B,y
+         lbsr  L3FB1
+         leay  -$06,y
+L4B64    leay  <-$14,y
+         leax  >L4C33,pc
+         stx   <$19,y
+         leax  <$1B,y
+         leau  <$14,y
+         bsr   L4BCC
+         lbsr  L4CC7
+         ldd   #$1000
+         std   ,y
+         clra  
+         std   $02,y
+         sta   $04,y
+         std   $0A,y
+         std   $0C,y
+         sta   $0E,y
+L4B89    leax  >L4D29,pc    Point to some real # table
+         stx   <u0095
+         leax  <L4D6A-L4D29,x  Point to further in table
+         stx   <u0097
+         clr   <u009A
+L4B97    ldb   #$25
+         stb   <u0099
+         clr   <u009D
+L4B9D    leau  <$1B,y
+         ldx   <u0095
+         cmpx  <u0097
+         bhs   L4BAE
+         bsr   L4BCC
+         leax  5,x          Point to next entry in 5-byte entry table
+         stx   <u0095       Save new ptr
+         bra   L4BB2
+L4BAE    ldb   #$01
+         bsr   L4C1E
+L4BB2    leax  ,y
+         leau  5,y
+         bsr   L4BDE
+         tst   <u009A
+         bne   L4BC2
+         leax  $0A,y
+         leau  $0F,y
+         bsr   L4BDE
+L4BC2    jsr   [<$19,y]
+         inc   <u009D
+         dec   <u0099
+         bne   L4B9D
+         rts   
+L4BCC    pshs  y,x
+         lda   ,x
+         ldy   1,x
+         ldx   3,x
+         sta   ,u
+         sty   1,u
+         stx   3,u
+         puls  pc,y,x
+L4BDE    ldb   ,x
+         sex   
+         ldb   <u009D
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         bcc   L4BE9
+         incb  
+L4BE9    pshs  b
+         beq   L4BF2
+L4BED    sta   ,u+
+         decb  
+         bne   L4BED
+L4BF2    ldb   #$05
+         subb  ,s+
+         beq   L4BFF
+L4BF8    lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,u+
+         decb  
+         bne   L4BF8
+L4BFF    leau  -5,u
+         ldb   <u009D
+         andb  #$07
+         beq   L4C2B
+         cmpb  #$04
+         bcs   L4C1E
+         subb  #$08
+         lda   ,x
+L4C0F    lsla  
+         rol   4,u
+         rol   3,u
+         rol   2,u
+         rol   1,u
+         rol   ,u
+         incb  
+         bne   L4C0F
+         rts   
+L4C1E    asr   ,u
+         ror   1,u
+         ror   2,u
+         ror   3,u
+         ror   4,u
+         decb  
+         bne   L4C1E
+L4C2B    rts   
+L4C2C    lda   $0A,y
+         eora  ,y
+         coma  
+         bra   L4C36
+L4C33    lda   <$14,y
+L4C36    tsta  
+         bpl   L4C4D
+         leax  ,y
+         leau  $0F,y
+         bsr   L4C8F
+         leax  $0A,y
+         leau  $05,y
+         bsr   L4CAB
+         leax  <$14,y
+         leau  <$1B,y
+         bra   L4C8F
+L4C4D    leax  ,y
+         leau  $0F,y
+         bsr   L4CAB
+         leax  $0A,y
+         leau  $05,y
+         bsr   L4C8F
+         leax  <$14,y
+         leau  <$1B,y
+         bra   L4CAB
+L4C61    leax  <$14,y
+         leau  <$1B,y
+         bsr   L4CAB
+         bmi   L4C8F
+         bne   L4C79
+         ldd   $01,x
+         bne   L4C79
+         ldd   $03,x
+         bne   L4C79
+         ldb   #$01
+         stb   <u0099
+L4C79    leax  ,y
+         leau  5,y
+         bra   L4C8F
+L4C7F    leax  ,y
+         leau  $05,y
+         bsr   L4C8F
+         cmpa  #$20
+         bcc   L4CAB
+         leax  <$14,y
+         leau  <$1B,y
+L4C8F    ldd   3,x
+         addd  3,u
+         std   3,x
+         ldd   1,x
+         bcc   L4CA0
+         addd  #$0001
+         bcc   L4CA0
+         inc   ,x
+L4CA0    addd  1,u
+         std   1,x
+         lda   ,x
+         adca  ,u
+         sta   ,x
+         rts   
+L4CAB    ldd   3,x
+         subd  3,u
+         std   3,x
+         ldd   1,x
+         bcc   L4CBC
+         subd  #$0001
+         bcc   L4CBC
+         dec   ,x
+L4CBC    subd  1,u
+         std   1,x
+         lda   ,x
+         sbca  ,u
+         sta   ,x
+         rts   
+L4CC7    ldb   ,u
+         clr   ,u
+         addb  #$04
+         bge   L4CDE
+         negb  
+         lbra  L4C1E
+* Multiply 5 byte number @ ,u  by 2
+* Entry: B=# times to multiply 
+L4CD3    lsl   4,u
+         rol   3,u
+         rol   2,u
+         rol   1,u
+         rol   ,u
+         decb  
+L4CDE    bne   L4CD3
+         rts   
+L4CE1    lda   ,u             Get sign of 5 byte #
+         bpl   L4CEE          If positive, skip ahead
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         clrd                 Clr 5 bytes @ u
+       else
+         clra
+         clrb
+       endc
+         std   ,u
+         std   2,u
+         sta   4,u
+         rts   
+L4CEE    ldd   #$2004
+L4CF1    decb  
+         lsl   4,u
+         rol   3,u
+         rol   2,u
+         rol   1,u
+         rol   ,u
+         bmi   L4D05
+         deca  
+         bne   L4CF1
+         clrb  
+         std   ,u
+         rts   
+L4D05    lda   ,u
+         stb   ,u
+         ldb   1,u
+         sta   1,u
+         lda   2,u
+         stb   2,u
+         ldb   3,u
+         addd  #$0001
+         andb  #$FE
+         std   3,u
+         bcc   L4D28
+         inc   2,u
+         bne   L4D28
+         inc   1,u
+         bne   L4D28
+         ror   1,u
+         inc   ,u
+L4D28    rts   
+* Data (all 5 byte entries for real #'s???)
+L4D29    fcb   $0c,$90,$fd,$aa,$22   2319.85404
+         fcb   $07,$6b,$19,$c1,$58   53.5503032
+         fcb   $03,$eb,$6e,$bf,$26   7.35726888
+         fcb   $01,$fd,$5b,$a9,$ab  -1.97935983
+         fcb   $00,$ff,$aa,$dd,$b9
+         fcb   $00,$7f,$f5,$56,$ef
+         fcb   $00,$3f,$fe,$aa,$b7
+         fcb   $00,$1f,$ff,$d5,$56
+         fcb   $00,$0f,$ff,$fa,$ab
+         fcb   $00,$07,$ff,$ff,$55
+         fcb   $00,$03,$ff,$ff,$eb
+         fcb   $00,$01,$ff,$ff,$fd
+         fcb   $00,$01,$00,$00,$00
+L4D6A    fcb   $00,$9b,$74,$ed,$a8   .607252935
+L4D6F    fcb   $0b,$17,$21,$7f,$7e   0185.04681
+         fcb   $06,$7c,$c8,$fb,$30
+         fcb   $03,$91,$fe,$f8,$f3
+         fcb   $01,$e2,$70,$76,$e3
+         fcb   $00,$f8,$51,$86,$01
+         fcb   $00,$7e,$0a,$6c,$3a
+         fcb   $00,$3f,$81,$51,$62
+         fcb   $00,$1f,$e0,$2a,$6b
+         fcb   $00,$0f,$f8,$05,$51
+         fcb   $00,$07,$fe,$00,$aa
+         fcb   $00,$03,$ff,$80,$15
+         fcb   $00,$01,$ff,$e0,$03
+         fcb   $00,$00,$ff,$f8,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$7f,$fe,$00
+         fcb   $00,$00,$3f,$ff,$80
+         fcb   $00,$00,$1f,$ff,$e0
+         fcb   $00,$00,$0f,$ff,$f8
+         fcb   $00,$00,$07,$ff,$fe
+         fcb   $00,$00,$04,$00,$00
+L4DCE    fdb   $0E12,$14A2,$BB40,$E62D,$3619,$62E9
+       ifeq H6309-true
+L4DDA    clrd
+       else
+L4DDA    clra
+         clrb
+       endc
+         std   <u004C
+         std   <u004E
+         pshs  a            ??? Save flag (0)
+         lda   2,y
+         beq   L4DFC
+         ldb   5,y          ??? Get sign/exponent byte
+         bitb  #1           ??? Negative number?
+         bne   L4DF0        ??? Yes, skip ahead
+         com   ,s           ??? No, set flag
+         bra   L4DFC
+L4DF0    addb  #$FE
+         addb  1,y
+         lda   4,y
+         std   <u0052
+         ldd   2,y
+         std   <u0050
+L4DFC    lda   <u0053
+         ldb   <u0057
+         mul   
+         std   <u004E
+         lda   <u0052
+         ldb   <u0057
+         mul   
+         addd  <u004D
+         bcc   L4E0E
+         inc   <u004C
+L4E0E    std   <u004D
+         lda   <u0053
+         ldb   <u0056
+         mul   
+         addd  <u004D
+         bcc   L4E1B
+         inc   <u004C
+L4E1B    std   <u004D
+         lda   <u0051
+         ldb   <u0057
+         mul   
+         addd  <u004C
+         std   <u004C
+         lda   <u0052
+         ldb   <u0056
+         mul   
+         addd  <u004C
+         std   <u004C
+         lda   <u0053
+         ldb   <u0055
+         mul   
+         addd  <u004C
+         std   <u004C
+         lda   <u0050
+         ldb   <u0057
+         mul   
+         addb  <u004C
+         stb   <u004C
+         lda   <u0051
+         ldb   <u0056
+         mul   
+         addb  <u004C
+         stb   <u004C
+         lda   <u0052
+         ldb   <u0055
+         mul   
+         addb  <u004C
+         stb   <u004C
+* NOTE: ON 6809, CHANGE TO LDD <u0053
+         lda   <u0053
+         ldb   <u0054
+         mul   
+         addb  <u004C
+         stb   <u004C
+         ldd   <u004E
+         addd  <u005A
+         std   <u0052
+         ldd   <u004C
+* NOTE: 6309 ADCD <u0058
+         adcb  <u0059
+         adca  <u0058
+         std   <u0050
+         tst   ,s+
+         bne   L4E98
+         ldd   <u0050
+         std   2,y
+         ldd   <u0052
+         std   4,y
+         clr   1,y
+L4E78    lda   #$1F
+         pshs  a
+         ldd   $02,y
+         bmi   L4E8E
+L4E80    dec   ,s
+         beq   L4E8E
+         dec   $01,y
+         lsl   $05,y
+         rol   $04,y
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         bpl   L4E80
+L4E8E    std   $02,y
+         ldb   $05,y
+         andb  #$FE
+         stb   $05,y
+         puls  pc,b
+L4E98    ldd   <u0052
+         andb  #$FE         ??? Kill sign bit on real #?
+         std   ,--y
+         ldd   <u0050
+         std   ,--y
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         clrd
+       else
+         clra
+         clrb
+       endc
+         std   ,--y
+         bsr   L4E78
+         lbra  L40CC
+L4EAB    ldd   <u0048
+         ldu   1,y
+         subd  1,y
+         subd  #1
+         stu   <u0048
+L4EB6    std   1,y
+         lda   #1
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L4EBD    ldd   1,y
+         std   <u0048
+         ldb   [<$01,y]
+         clra  
+         bra   L4EB6
+L4EC7    ldd   1,y
+         tsta  
+         lbne  L4FC7
+         ldu   <u0048
+         stu   1,y
+         stb   ,u+
+         lbsr  L4FEA
+         sty   <u0044
+         cmpu  <u0044
+         lbhs  L44C2
+         rts   
+L4EE2    ldd   1,y
+         ble   L4EF4
+         addd  7,y
+         tfr   d,u
+         cmpd  <u0048
+         bcc   L4EF1
+         bsr   L4F70
+L4EF1    leay  6,y
+         rts   
+L4EF4    leay  6,y
+         ldu   1,y
+         bra   L4F70
+L4EFA    ldd   1,y
+         ble   L4EF4
+         pshs  x
+         ldd   <u0048
+         subd  1,y
+         subd  #1
+         cmpd  7,y
+         bls   L4F1A
+         tfr   d,x
+         ldu   7,y
+L4F10    lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,u+
+         cmpa  #$FF
+         bne   L4F10
+         stu   <u0048
+L4F1A    leay  6,y
+         puls  pc,x
+L4F1E    ldd   $01,y
+         ble   L4F26
+         ldd   $07,y
+         bgt   L4F2E
+L4F26    ldd   $01,y
+         leay  $06,y
+         std   $01,y
+         bra   L4EE2
+L4F2E    subd  #$0001
+         beq   L4F26
+         addd  $0D,y
+         cmpd  <u0048
+         bcs   L4F3E
+         leay  $06,y
+         bra   L4EF4
+L4F3E    pshs  x
+         tfr   d,x
+         ldb   $02,y
+         ldu   $0D,y
+L4F46    lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,u+
+         cmpa  #$FF
+         beq   L4F59
+         decb  
+         bne   L4F46
+         dec   1,y
+         bpl   L4F46
+         lda   #$FF
+         sta   ,u+
+L4F59    stu   <u0048
+         leay  $0C,y
+         puls  pc,x
+L4F5F    ldu   <u0048
+         leau  -1,u
+L4F63    cmpu  $01,y
+         beq   L4F70
+         lda   ,-u
+         cmpa  #$20
+         beq   L4F63
+         leau  1,u
+L4F70    lda   #$FF
+         sta   ,u+
+         stu   <u0048
+         rts   
+L4F77    pshs  y,x
+         ldd   <u0048       ??? Get size of string
+         subd  1,y          Subtract ptr to string to search in
+         addd  7,y          Add to ptr to string to search for
+         addd  #1           +1
+         ldx   7,y          Get ptr to string to search for
+         ldy   1,y          Get ptr to string to search in
+         bsr   L3C29        Call Substr function (should change to direct LBSR
+         bcc   L4F90        If sub-string match found, skip ahead
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         clrd
+       else
+         clra
+         clrb
+       endc
+         bra   L4F99
+L3C29    jsr   <u001B       Substr string search
+         fcb   $08
+L4F90    tfr   y,d
+         ldx   2,s
+         subd  1,x
+         addd  #$0001
+L4F99    puls  y,x
+         std   7,y
+         lda   #1
+         sta   6,y
+         leay  6,y
+         rts   
+L4FA4    ldb   #$02
+         bra   L4FAA
+L4FA8    ldb   #$03
+L4FAA    lda   <u007D
+         ldu   <u0082
+         pshs  u,x,a
+         lbsr  L011F
+         bcs   L4FC7
+         ldx   <u0082
+         lda   #$FF
+         sta   ,x
+         ldx   $03,s
+         lbsr  L4497
+         puls  u,x,a
+         sta   <u007D
+         stu   <u0082
+         rts   
+L4FC7    ldb   #$43         Illegal Arguement error
+         jsr   <u0024
+         fcb   $06
+L4FCC    pshs  x
+         ldd   1,y
+         blt   L4FC7
+         sty   <u0044
+         ldu   <u0048
+         stu   $01,y
+         lda   #$20
+L4FDB    cmpb  <u007D
+         bls   L4FEC
+         sta   ,u+
+         decb  
+         cmpu  <u0044
+         blo   L4FDB
+         lbra  L44C2
+L4FEA    pshs  x
+L4FEC    lda   #$FF
+         sta   ,u+
+         stu   <u0048
+         lda   #$04
+         sta   ,y
+         puls  pc,x
+* DATE$ routine
+L4FF8    pshs  x
+         leay  -6,y
+         leax  -6,y
+         ldu   <u0048
+         stu   1,y
+         os9   F$Time         Get time packet
+         bcs   L4FEC          Error, exit
+         bsr   L5021          Start converting
+         lda   #'/            Append / 
+         bsr   L501F
+         lda   #'/
+         bsr   L501F
+         lda   #$20
+         bsr   L501F
+         lda   #':
+         bsr   L501F
+         lda   #':
+         bsr   L501F
+         bra   L4FEC
+L501F    sta   ,u+
+L5021    lda   ,x+            Get byte from time packet
+         ldb   #'/            
+L5025    incb  
+         suba  #10
+         bcc   L5025
+         stb   ,u+
+         ldb   #':
+L502E    decb  
+         inca  
+         bne   L502E
+         stb   ,u+
+         rts   
+L5035    lda   2,y            Get path #
+         ldb   #SS.EOF        Check if we are at end of file
+         os9   I$GetStt 
+         bcc   L5046          No, skip ahead
+         cmpb  #E$EOF         Was the error an EOF error?
+         bne   L5046          No, skip ahead
+         ldb   #$FF
+         bra   L5048
+L5046    clrb
+L5048    clra  
+         std   1,y
+         lda   #$03
+         sta   ,y
+         rts   
+L5050    ldb   #$06           6 2-byte entries to copy
+         pshs  y,x,b          Preserve regs
+         tfr   dp,a           Move DP to MSB of D
+         ldb   #$50           Point to [dp]50 (always u0050 in Lvl II)
+         tfr   d,y            Move to Y
+         leax  >L4DCE,pc      Point to table
+L505E    ldd   ,x++           Get 2 bytes
+         std   ,y++           Move into DP
+         dec   ,s             Do all 6
+         bne   L505E          Until done
+         leax  >L3CB5,pc      Point to jump table
+         stx   <u0010         Save ptr
+         leax  >L3D35,pc      Point to another jump table
+         stx   <u0012         Save ptr
+         lda   #$7E           Get opcode for JMP >xxxx
+         sta   <u0016         Save it
+         leax  >L3D41,pc      Point to routine
+         stx   <u0017         Save as destination for above JMP
+         leax  <L3C32,pc      Point to JSR <u001B / FCB $1A
+         stx   <u0019         Save it
+         puls  pc,y,x,b       Restore regs & return
+L3C32    jsr   <u001B
+         fcb   $1a
+* <u002A goes here
+L5084    pshs  x,d          Preserve regs
+         ldb   [<$04,s]     Get function code
+         leax  <L5094,pc    Point to table (only functions 0 & 2)
+         ldd   b,x          Get offset
+         leax  d,x          Point to routine
+         stx   4,s          Save over PC on stack
+         puls  pc,x,d       Restore X&D & go to routine
+L5094    fdb   L514E-L5094  Function 0
+         fdb   L50A4-L5094  Function 2
+L5098    jsr   <u0027
+         fcb   $0c
+L509B    jsr   <u0027
+         fcb   $0e
+* <u002A function 2
+* Entry: B=Sub-function #
+L50A4    pshs  pc,x,d         Make room for new PC, preserve X & Y
+         lslb                 2 bytes / entry
+         leax  <L50B2,pc      Point to jump offset table
+L50AA    ldd   b,x            Get offset
+L50AC    leax  d,x            Add to base of table
+         stx   4,s            Save over PC on stack
+         puls  pc,x,d         Restore X&D & JMP to subroutine
+* Sub-function jump table (L50B2 is the base)
+L50B2    fdb   L5511-L50B2    $045f  0
+         fdb   L5675-L50B2    $05c3  1
+         fdb   L5675-L50B2    $05c3  2
+         fdb   L5569-L50B2    $04b7  3
+         fdb   L5665-L50B2    $05b3  4
+         fdb   L565C-L50B2    $05aa  5
+         fdb   L54FC-L50B2    $044a  6
+         fdb   L530A-L50B2    $0258  7
+         fdb   L531D-L50B2    $026b  8
+         fdb   L52E7-L50B2    $0235  9
+         fdb   L5354-L50B2    $02a2  A
+         fdb   L5331-L50B2    $027f  B
+         fdb   L56AB-L50B2    $05f9  C
+         fdb   L569B-L50B2    $05e9  D
+         fdb   L552A-L50B2    $0478  E
+         fdb   L5AC3-L50B2    $0a11  F    Exit with Unimplemented routine err
+         fdb   L568C-L50B2    $05da  10
+         fdb   L576C-L50B2    $06ba  11
+         fdb   L5614-L50B2    $0562  12
+         fdb   L580B-L50B2    $0759  13
+L50DA    fdb   L56B4-L50B2    $0602  14
+* Table for Integer conversion
+L50DC    fdb   10000
+         fdb   1000
+         fdb   100
+         fdb   10
+* Table for REAL conversion
+L50E4    fcb   $04,$a0,$00,$00,$00     10
+         fcb   $07,$c8,$00,$00,$00     100
+         fcb   $0a,$fa,$00,$00,$00     1000
+         fcb   $0e,$9c,$40,$00,$00     10 thousand
+         fcb   $11,$c3,$50,$00,$00     100 thousand
+         fcb   $14,$f4,$24,$00,$00     1 million
+         fcb   $18,$98,$96,$80,$00     10 million
+         fcb   $1b,$be,$bc,$20,$00     100 million
+         fcb   $1e,$ee,$6b,$28,$00     1 billion
+         fcb   $22,$95,$02,$f9,$00     10 billion
+         fcb   $25,$ba,$43,$b7,$40     100 billion
+         fcb   $28,$e8,$d4,$a5,$10     1 trillion
+         fcb   $2c,$91,$84,$e7,$2a     10 trillion
+         fcb   $2f,$b5,$e6,$20,$f4     100 trillion
+         fcb   $32,$e3,$5f,$a9,$32     1 quadrillion
+         fcb   $36,$8e,$1b,$c9,$c0     10 quadrillion
+         fcb   $39,$b1,$a2,$bc,$2e     100 quadrillion
+         fcb   $3c,$de,$0b,$6b,$3a     1 quintillion
+L513E    fcb   $40,$8a,$c7,$23,$04     10 quintillion
+L5143    fcc   'True'
+         fcb   $ff
+L5148    fcc   'False'
+         fcb   $ff
+* <u0024 function 2
+L514E    pshs  u
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+* 6809/6309 MOD: Change following 4 lines to STD <u0075, STD <u0077
+         sta   <u0075       ??? Zero out real # in DP?
+         sta   <u0076
+         sta   <u0077
+         sta   <u0078
+         sta   <u0079
+         std   4,y          ??? Zero out temp real #
+         std   2,y
+         sta   1,y
+         lbsr  L5390
+         bcc   L5172
+         leax  -1,x
+         cmpa  #$2C
+         bne   L51DE
+         lbra  L51FB
+L5172    cmpa  #$24
+         lbeq  L52B2
+         cmpa  #$2B
+         beq   L5182
+         cmpa  #$2D
+         bne   L5184
+         inc   <u0078
+L5182    lda   ,x+
+L5184    cmpa  #$2E
+         bne   L5190
+         tst   <u0077
+         bne   L51DE
+         inc   <u0077
+         bra   L5182
+L5190    lbsr  L57DE
+         bcs   L51E5
+         pshs  a
+         inc   <u0076
+         ldd   4,y
+         ldu   2,y
+         bsr   L51CB
+         std   4,y
+         stu   2,y
+         bsr   L51CB
+         bsr   L51CB
+         addd  4,y
+         exg   d,u
+* 6309 mod: ADCD 2,y
+         adcb  3,y
+         adca  2,y
+         bcs   L51D8
+         exg   d,u
+         addb  ,s+
+         adca  #$00
+         bcc   L51BF
+         leau  1,u
+         stu   2,y
+         beq   L51DA
+L51BF    std   4,y
+         stu   2,y
+         tst   <u0077
+         beq   L5182
+         inc   <u0079
+         bra   L5182
+L51CB    lslb  
+         rola  
+         exg   d,u
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         exg   d,u
+         bcs   L51D6
+         rts   
+L51D6    leas  2,s
+L51D8    leas  1,s
+L51DA    ldb   #$3C         I/O conversion: Number out of range error
+         bra   L51E0
+L51DE    ldb   #$3B
+L51E0    stb   <u0036
+         coma  
+         puls  pc,u
+L51E5    eora  #$45
+         anda  #$DF
+         beq   L520E
+         leax  -1,x
+         tst   <u0076
+         bne   L51F3
+         bra   L51DE
+L51F3    tst   <u0077
+         bne   L523C
+         ldd   2,y
+         bne   L523C
+L51FB    ldd   4,y
+         bmi   L523C
+         tst   <u0078
+         beq   L5207
+         nega                 NEGD
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+L5207    std   1,y
+L5209    lda   #$01
+         lbra  L5295
+L520E    lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #$2B
+         beq   L521A
+         cmpa  #$2D
+         bne   L521C
+         inc   <u0075
+L521A    leax  1,x
+L521C    lbsr  L57DC
+         bcs   L51DE
+         tfr   a,b
+         lbsr  L57DC
+         bcc   L522C
+         leax  -1,x
+         bra   L5233
+L522C    pshs  a            Save 1's digit
+         lda   #10          Multiply by 10 (for 10's digit)
+         mul   
+         addb  ,s+
+L5233    tst   <u0075
+         bne   L5238
+         negb  
+L5238    addb  <u0079
+         stb   <u0079
+L523C    ldb   #$20
+         stb   1,y
+         ldd   2,y
+         bne   L524D
+         cmpd  4,y
+         bne   L524D
+         clr   1,y
+         bra   L5293
+L524D    tsta  
+         bmi   L525A
+L5250    dec   1,y
+         lsl   5,y
+         rol   4,y
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         bpl   L5250
+L525A    std   2,y
+         clr   <u0075
+         ldb   <u0079
+         beq   L528B
+         bpl   L5267
+         negb  
+         inc   <u0075
+L5267    cmpb  #$13
+         bls   L527B
+         subb  #$13
+         pshs  b
+         leau  >L513E,pc
+         bsr   L529B
+         puls  b
+         lbcs  L51DA
+L527B    decb  
+         lda   #5
+         mul   
+         leau  >L50E4,pc
+         leau  b,u
+         bsr   L529B
+         lbcs  L51DA
+L528B    lda   5,y
+         anda  #$FE
+         ora   <u0078
+         sta   5,y
+L5293    lda   #2           Real # type
+L5295    sta   ,y           Save it in var packet
+         andcc #$FE         Clear carry (no error)
+         puls  pc,u
+L529B    leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+       ifeq H6309-true
+         ldq   ,u           Copy real # from ,u to 1,y
+         stq   1,y
+       else
+         ldd   ,u           Get real # from ,u
+         std   1,y          Save into real portion of var packet
+         ldd   2,u
+         std   3,y
+       endc
+         ldb   4,u
+         stb   5,y
+         lda   <u0075       Get sign of exponent?
+         lbeq  L4234        Real Divide
+         lbra  L40D3        Real Multiply
+L52B2    lbsr  L57DC
+         bcc   L52C7
+         cmpa  #$61
+         blo   L52BD
+         suba  #$20
+L52BD    cmpa  #$41
+         blo   L52DC
+         cmpa  #$46
+         bhi   L52DC
+         suba  #$37
+L52C7    inc   <u0076
+         ldb   #4           Loop counter for shift
+L52CB    lsl   2,y
+         rol   1,y
+         lbcs  L51DA        If carried right out of byte, error
+         decb  
+         bne   L52CB        Do all 4 shifts
+         adda  2,y
+         sta   2,y
+         bra   L52B2
+L52DC    leax  -1,x
+         tst   <u0076
+         lbeq  L51DE
+         lbra  L5209
+L52E7    pshs  x            Preserve X
+         ldx   <u0082       Get current pos in temp buffer
+         lbsr  L514E
+         bcc   L52F2
+L52F0    puls  pc,x
+L52F2    cmpa  #2           Real #?
+         beq   L52F9        Yes, continue ahead
+         lbsr  L509B        ??? convert to real?
+L52F9    lbsr  L5384
+         bcs   L5305
+         ldb   #$3D         Illegal input format error
+         stb   <u0036       Save error code
+         coma               Set carry
+         puls  pc,x         Restore X & return
+L5305    stx   <u0082       Save new current pos in temp buffer
+         clra               No error
+         puls  pc,x         Restore X & return
+L530A    pshs  x            Preserve X
+         ldx   <u0082       Get current pos in temp buffer
+         lbsr  L514E        ??? (returns A=var type)
+         bcs   L52F0
+         cmpa  #1           Integer?
+         bne   L532A
+         tst   1,y
+         beq   L52F9
+         bra   L532A
+L531D    pshs  x
+         ldx   <u0082       Get current pos in temp buffer
+         lbsr  L514E
+         bcs   L52F0
+         cmpa  #1           Integer?
+         beq   L52F9        Yes, go back
+L532A    ldb   #$3A         I/O Type mismatch error
+         stb   <u0036
+         coma  
+         puls  pc,x
+L5331    pshs  u,x
+         leay  -6,y         Make room for temp var
+         ldu   <u004A
+         stu   1,y          ??? Save some string ptr
+         lda   #4           Type=String/complex
+         sta   ,y
+         ldx   <u0082
+L533F    lda   ,x+
+         bsr   L5396
+         bcs   L5349
+         sta   ,u+
+         bra   L533F
+L5349    stx   <u0082
+         lda   #$FF         Flag end of string?
+         sta   ,u+
+         stu   <u0048
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,u,x
+L5354    pshs  x
+         leay  -6,y
+         lda   #3
+         sta   ,y
+         clr   2,y
+         ldx   <u0082
+         bsr   L5390
+         bcs   L537F
+         cmpa  #'T
+         beq   L5379
+         cmpa  #'t
+         beq   L5379
+         eora  #$46
+         anda  #$DF
+         beq   L537B
+         ldb   #$3A
+         stb   <u0036
+         coma  
+         puls  pc,x
+L5379    com   2,y
+L537B    bsr   L5384
+         bcc   L537B
+L537F    stx   <u0082
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,x
+L5384    lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC
+         bne   L5396
+         bsr   L5390
+         bcc   L53A5
+         bra   L53A7
+L5390    lda   ,x+          Get char
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC      Space?
+         beq   L5390        Yes, ignore & get next char
+L5396    cmpa  <u00DD       Char we are looking for?
+         beq   L53A7        Yes, set carry & exit
+         cmpa  #C$CR        Carriage return?
+         beq   L53A5        Yes, point X to it, set carry & exit
+         cmpa  #$FF         End of string marker?
+         beq   L53A5        Yes, point X to it, set carry & exit
+         andcc #$FE         Clear carry & return
+         rts   
+L53A5    leax  -1,x
+L53A7    orcc  #$01
+         rts   
+L53AA    pshs  u,x
+         clra  
+         sta   3,y
+         sta   <u0076
+         sta   <u0078
+         lda   #$04
+         sta   <u007E
+         ldd   1,y
+         bpl   L53C1          If positive, skip ahead
+         nega                 NEGD
+         negb  
+         sbca  #$00
+         inc   <u0078         Set flag?
+L53C1    leau  >L50DA,pc
+L53C5    clr   <u007A
+         leau  2,u
+L53C9    subd  ,u
+         bcs   L53D1
+         inc   <u007A
+         bra   L53C9
+L53D1    addd  ,u
+         tst   <u007A
+         bne   L53DB
+         tst   $03,y
+         beq   L53E6
+L53DB    inc   $03,y
+         pshs  a
+         lda   <u007A
+         lbsr  L54EA
+         puls  a
+L53E6    dec   <u007E
+         bne   L53C5
+         tfr   b,a
+         lbsr  L54EA
+         leay  $06,y
+         puls  pc,u,x
+* NOTE: 6809/6309 mod
+L53F3    pshs  u,x
+         clr   <u0075         Replace with CLRA/CLRB/STD <u0075/STD <u0078/
+         clr   <u0078         STD <u007B (smaller & faster)
+         clr   <u007C
+         clr   <u007B
+         clr   <u0079
+         clr   <u0076
+         leau  ,x
+         ldd   #$0A30         Store 10 ASCI 0's at U
+L5406    stb   ,u+
+         deca  
+         bne   L5406
+         ldd   1,y
+         bne   L5413
+         inca  
+         lbra  L54E4
+L5413    ldb   5,y
+         bitb  #$01
+         beq   L541F
+         stb   <u0078
+         andb  #$FE
+         stb   5,y
+L541F    ldd   1,y            If this code is legit, why load D? just A?
+         bpl   L5426
+         inc   <u0075
+         nega  
+L5426    cmpa  #3
+         bls   L5457
+         ldb   #$9A           (154)
+         mul   
+         lsra  
+         nop                  WHY ARE THESE HERE?
+         nop   
+         tfr   a,b
+         tst   <u0075
+         beq   L5437
+         negb  
+L5437    stb   <u0079
+         cmpa  #$13
+         bls   L544A
+         pshs  a
+         leau  >L513E,pc
+         lbsr  L529B
+         puls  a
+         suba  #$13
+L544A    leau  >L50E4,pc
+         deca  
+         ldb   #$05
+         mul   
+         leau  d,u
+         lbsr  L529B
+L5457    ldd   2,y
+         tst   1,y
+         beq   L5483
+         bpl   L546F
+L545F    lsra  
+         rorb  
+         ror   $04,y
+         ror   $05,y
+         ror   <u007C
+         inc   $01,y
+         bne   L545F
+         std   $02,y
+         bra   L5483
+L546F    lsl   $05,y
+         rol   $04,y
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         rol   <u007B
+         dec   $01,y
+         bne   L546F
+         std   $02,y
+         inc   <u0079
+         lda   <u007B
+         bsr   L54EA
+L5483    ldd   $02,y
+         ldu   $04,y
+L5487    clr   <u007B
+         bsr   L54F1
+         std   $02,y
+         stu   $04,y
+         pshs  a
+         lda   <u007B
+         sta   <u007C
+         puls  a
+         bsr   L54F1
+         bsr   L54F1
+         exg   d,u
+         addd  $04,y
+         exg   d,u
+         adcb  $03,y
+         adca  $02,y
+         pshs  a
+         lda   <u007B
+         adca  <u007C
+         bsr   L54EA
+         lda   <u0076
+         cmpa  #$09
+         puls  a
+         beq   L54C1
+         cmpd  #$0000
+         bne   L5487
+         cmpu  #$0000
+         bne   L5487
+L54C1    sta   ,y
+         lda   <u0076
+         cmpa  #$09
+         bcs   L54E2
+         ldb   ,y
+         bpl   L54E2
+L54CD    lda   ,-x
+         inca  
+         sta   ,x
+         cmpa  #$39
+         bls   L54E2
+         lda   #$30
+         sta   ,x
+         cmpx  ,s
+         bne   L54CD
+         inc   ,x
+         inc   <u0079
+L54E2    lda   #$09
+L54E4    sta   <u0076
+         leay  6,y
+         puls  pc,u,x
+L54EA    ora   #$30
+         sta   ,x+
+         inc   <u0076
+         rts   
+L54F1    exg   d,u
+         lslb  
+         rola  
+         exg   d,u
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         rol   <u007B
+         rts   
+L54FC    pshs  y,x
+         ldx   <u0080
+         stx   <u0082
+         lda   #$01
+         sta   <u007D
+         ldy   #$0100
+         lda   <u007F
+         os9   I$ReadLn 
+         bra   L5524
+L5511    pshs  y,x
+         ldd   <u0082
+         subd  <u0080
+         beq   L5528
+         tfr   d,y
+         ldx   <u0080
+         stx   <u0082
+         lda   <u007F
+         os9   I$WritLn 
+L5524    bcc   L5528
+         stb   <u0036       Save error code
+L5528    puls  pc,y,x
+L552A    pshs  u,x
+         lda   ,y
+         cmpa  #$02
+         beq   L5536
+         ldu   $01,y
+         bra   L553D
+L5536    lda   $01,y
+         bgt   L5542
+         ldu   #$0000
+L553D    ldx   #$0000
+         bra   L555E
+L5542    ldx   $02,y
+         ldu   $04,y
+         suba  #$20
+         bcs   L554F
+         ldb   #$4E
+         coma  
+         bra   L5565
+L554F    exg   x,d
+         lsra  
+         rorb  
+         exg   d,u
+         rora  
+         rorb  
+         exg   d,x
+         exg   x,u
+         inca  
+         bne   L554F
+L555E    lda   <u007F
+         os9   I$Seek   
+         bcc   L5567
+L5565    stb   <u0036       Save error code
+L5567    puls  pc,u,x
+L5569    pshs  u,x
+         leas  -$0A,s
+         leax  ,s
+         lbsr  L53F3
+         pshs  x
+         lda   #$09
+         leax  9,x
+L5578    ldb   ,-x
+         cmpb  #$30
+         bne   L5583
+         deca  
+         cmpa  #$01
+         bne   L5578
+L5583    sta   <u0076
+         puls  x
+         ldb   <u0079
+         bgt   L55AC
+         negb  
+         tfr   b,a
+         cmpb  #$09
+         bhi   L55C6
+         addb  <u0076
+         cmpb  #$09
+         bhi   L55C6
+         pshs  a
+         lbsr  L5643
+         clra  
+         bsr   L5612
+         puls  b
+         tstb  
+         beq   L55A8
+         lbsr  L5634
+L55A8    lda   <u0076
+         bra   L55BF
+L55AC    cmpb  #$09
+         bhi   L55C6
+         lbsr  L5643
+         tfr   b,a
+         bsr   L5601
+         bsr   L5612
+         lda   <u0076
+         suba  <u0079
+         bls   L55C1
+L55BF    bsr   L5601
+L55C1    leas  $0A,s
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,u,x
+L55C6    bsr   L5643
+         lda   #$01
+         bsr   L5601
+         bsr   L5612
+         lda   <u0076
+         deca  
+         bne   L55D4
+         inca  
+L55D4    bsr   L5601
+         bsr   L55DA
+         bra   L55C1
+L55DA    lda   #$45
+         bsr   L5614
+         lda   <u0079
+         deca  
+         pshs  a
+         bpl   L55EB
+         neg   ,s
+         bsr   L5647
+         bra   L55ED
+L55EB    bsr   L564B
+L55ED    puls  b
+         clra  
+L55F0    subb  #$0A
+         bcs   L55F7
+         inca  
+         bra   L55F0
+L55F7    addb  #$0A
+         bsr   L55FD
+         tfr   b,a
+L55FD    adda  #$30
+         bra   L5614
+L5601    tfr   a,b
+         tstb  
+         beq   L560D
+L5606    lda   ,x+
+         bsr   L5614
+         decb  
+         bne   L5606
+L560D    rts   
+L560E    lda   #$20
+         bra   L5614
+L5612    lda   #$2E
+L5614    pshs  u,a          Preserve regs
+         leau  <-$40,s      Is stack within 64 bytes of curr. pos in temp buff
+         cmpu  <u0082
+         bhi   L562A        No, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #C$CR        Is char we want added a CR?
+         beq   L562A        Yes, skip ahead
+         lda   #$50         ??? Error code 80? (internal flag byte?)
+         sta   <u0036       ??? Save error code 80?
+         sta   <u00DE       Save here too
+         puls  pc,u,a       Restore regs & return
+L562A    ldu   <u0082       Get current pos in temp buffer
+         sta   ,u+          Save char there
+         stu   <u0082       Save new current pos in temp buffer
+         inc   <u007D       Inc # active chars in temp buffer
+L5632    puls  pc,u,a       Restore regs & return
+L5634    lda   #$30
+L5636    tstb               Any chars left to do?
+         beq   L563E        No, exit
+L5639    bsr   L5614        Save char (check for size within 64 of stack?)
+         decb               Done all chars?
+         bne   L5639        No, keep adding chars
+L563E    rts   
+L563F    tst   <u0078
+         beq   L560E
+L5643    tst   <u0078
+         beq   L563E
+L5647    lda   #$2D
+         bra   L5614
+L564B    lda   #$2B
+         bra   L5614
+L564F    lda   #C$SPAC      Space is fill char
+         bra   L5636        Go add B # of spaces to temp buffer
+L5653    bsr   L5614
+L5655    lda   ,x+
+         cmpa  #$FF
+         bne   L5653
+         rts   
+L565C    pshs  x
+         ldx   1,y
+L5660    bsr   L5655
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,x
+L5665    pshs  x
+         leax  >L5143,pc
+         lda   2,y
+         bne   L5660
+         leax  >L5148,pc
+         bra   L5660
+L5675    pshs  u,x
+         leas  -5,s
+         leax  ,s
+         lbsr  L53AA
+         bsr   L5643
+         lda   <u0076
+         leax  ,s
+         lbsr  L5601
+         leas  5,s
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,u,x
+* <u002A Function 2, sub-function $10 - Add B spaces to temp buffer
+* Entry: A=# spaces to append to temp buffer
+L568C    tfr   a,b          Move byte we are working with to B
+L568E    pshs  u            Preserve U
+         ldu   <u0082       Get ptr to current pos in temp buffer
+         subb  <u007D       Callers # - # chars active in temp buffer
+         bls   L5698        If 0 or wraps negative, skip ahead
+         bsr   L564F        Go add chars
+L5698    clra               No error?
+         puls  pc,u         Restore U & return
+L569B    lbsr  L560E
+L569E    lda   <u007D
+         anda  #$0F
+         cmpa  #$01
+         beq   L56B2
+         lbsr  L560E
+         bra   L569E
+L56AB    lda   #C$CR
+         clr   <u007D
+         lbsr  L5614
+L56B2    clra  
+         rts   
+L56B4    pshs  u
+         lda   #$04
+         leau  ,y
+         tst   ,u
+         bne   L56C1
+         asra  
+         leau  1,u
+L56C1    sta   <u0086
+         tfr   a,b
+         asrb  
+         lbsr  L585D
+         puls  pc,u
+L56CB    clrb  
+         stb   <u0087
+         cmpa  #$3C
+         beq   L56DE
+         cmpa  #$3E
+         bne   L56D9
+         incb  
+         bra   L56DE
+L56D9    cmpa  #$5E
+         bne   L56E2
+         decb  
+L56DE    stb   <u0087
+         lda   ,x+
+L56E2    cmpa  #$2C
+         beq   L571E
+         cmpa  #$FF
+         bne   L56FC
+         lda   <u0094
+         beq   L56F2
+         leax  -$01,x
+         bra   L5707
+L56F2    ldx   <u008E
+         tst   <u00DC
+         beq   L5700
+         clr   <u00DC
+         bra   L571E
+L56FC    cmpa  #$29
+         beq   L5703
+L5700    orcc  #$01
+         rts   
+L5703    lda   <u0094
+         beq   L5700
+L5707    dec   <u0092
+         bne   L571C
+         ldu   <u0046
+         pulu  y,a
+         sta   <u0092
+         sty   <u0090
+         stu   <u0046
+         lda   ,x+
+         dec   <u0094
+         bra   L56E2
+L571C    ldx   <u0090
+L571E    stx   <u008C
+         andcc #$FE
+         rts   
+* Print USING format specifiers
+L5723    fcc   'I'            Integer
+         fdb   L5802-L5723
+L5726    fcc   'H'            Hexidecimal
+         fdb   L5802-L5726
+L5729    fcc   'R'            Real
+         fdb   L57F8-L5729
+L572C    fcc   'E'            Exponential
+         fdb   L57F8-L572C
+L572F    fcc   'S'            String
+         fdb   L5802-L572F
+L5732    fcc   'B'            Boolean
+         fdb   L5802-L5732
+L5735    fcc   'T'            Tab
+         fdb   L573F-L5735
+L5738    fcc   'X'            Spaces
+         fdb   L574A-L5738
+L573B    fcc   "'"            Quoted text
+         fdb   L5755-L573B
+L573E    fcb   $00            End of table marker
+* 'T' (tab)
+L573F    bsr   L56E2
+         bcs   L57A7
+         ldb   <u0086
+         lbsr  L568E
+         bra   L5772
+* 'X' (spaces)
+L574A    bsr   L56E2
+         bcs   L57A7
+         ldb   <u0086
+         lbsr  L564F
+         bra   L5772
+* '' (quoted text)
+L5755    cmpa  #$FF           End of string?
+         beq   L57A7          Yes, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #$27           A single quote (')?
+         bne   L5765          No, skip ahead
+         lda   ,x+
+         bsr   L56E2
+         bcs   L57A7
+         bra   L5772
+L5765    lbsr  L5614
+         lda   ,x+
+         bra   L5755
+L576C    pshs  y,x
+         clr   <u00DC
+         inc   <u00DC
+L5772    ldx   <u008C
+         bsr   L57C2
+         bcs   L5791
+         cmpa  #'(            Repeat char?
+         bne   L57AB
+         lda   <u0092
+         stb   <u0092
+         beq   L57AB
+         inc   <u0094
+         ldu   <u0046
+         ldy   <u0090
+         pshu  y,a
+         stu   <u0046
+         stx   <u0090
+         lda   ,x+
+L5791    leay  <L5723,pc      Point to start of specifiers table
+         clrb                 Init Specifier # to 0
+L5796    pshs  a              Preserve original char
+         eora  ,y             Flip any differing bits
+         anda  #$DF           Mask out uppercase bit
+         puls  a              Restore original char
+         beq   L57B2          If char matches, skip ahead
+         leay  3,y            Point to next table entry
+         incb                 Bump up specifier #
+         tst   ,y             Are we at the end?
+         bne   L5796          Nope, keep looking
+L57A7    ldb   #$3F           I/O Format Syntax Error
+         bra   L57AD          Exit with error
+L57AB    ldb   #$3E
+L57AD    stb   <u0036         Save error code
+         coma                 Set carry
+         puls  pc,y,x         Restore regs & return
+* Found specifier match
+L57B2    stb   <u0085         Save specifier #
+         ldd   1,y            Get offset
+         leay  d,y            Add to base address
+         bsr   L57C2          Get up to 3 digit ASCII #'s, convert to binary
+         bcc   L57BE          Got it, skip ahead
+         ldb   #$01           None found, force to 1
+L57BE    stb   <u0086         Save binary version of number
+         jmp   ,y             Execute PRINT USING specifier routine
+* Convert 3 digit ASCII decimal # @ ,X to binary equivalent. Carry clear if
+* done, carry set if not ASCII decimal digits present
+L57C2    bsr   L57DC        Go try & get ASCII number 0-9
+         bcs   L57ED        None found, Set carry & exit
+         tfr   a,b          Move binary digit 0-9 to B
+         bsr   L57DC        Try & get another ASCII number 0-9
+         bcs   L57E8        Couldn't, exit with carry clear anyways
+         bsr   L57EE        Convert 2 digit # into binary version (D)
+         bsr   L57DC        Try & get another ASCII number 0-9
+         bcs   L57E8        Couldn't, exit with carry clear anyways
+         bsr   L57EE        Convert this digit & add to previous total
+         tsta               result <255? (useless, ADCA should set flags)
+         beq   L57D8        Yes, get next char & exit with carry clear
+         clrb               Force result to 256
+L57D8    lda   ,x+          Get next char
+         bra   L57E8        Exit with carry clear
+L57DC    lda   ,x+          Get char
+L57DE    cmpa  #'0          If not ASCII 0-9, exit with carry set
+         blo   L57ED        (Same as BCS)
+         cmpa  #'9
+         bhi   L57EB
+         suba  #$30         If it is 0-9, convert to binary & exit with
+L57E8    andcc #$FE         carry clear
+         rts   
+L57EB    orcc  #$01
+L57ED    rts   
+* Entry: A=LSB of ASCII 0-9 converted to binary, B=MSB
+L57EE    pshs  a              Save Low nibble?
+         lda   #10            Multiply B by 10
+         mul   
+         addb  ,s+            Add to saved nibble
+         adca  #$00           possible carry into D
+         rts   
+L57F8    cmpa  #'.
+         bne   L57A7
+         bsr   L57C2
+         bcs   L57A7
+         stb   <u0089
+L5802    lbsr  L56CB
+         bcs   L57A7
+         puls  y,x
+         inc   <u00DC
+L580B    ldb   <u0085
+         lbeq  L58B3
+         decb  
+         beq   L5826
+         decb  
+         lbeq  L5969
+         decb  
+         lbeq  L5A10
+         decb  
+         lbeq  L591E
+         lbra  L5904
+L5826    jsr   <u0016
+         cmpa  #4           Numeric?
+         blo   L583C        Yes, skip ahead
+         ldu   1,y          Get ptr to string data
+         clrb               Clear count=0
+L582F    lda   ,u+          Get char from string
+         cmpa  #$FF         EOS?
+         beq   L5838        Yes, skip ahead
+         incb               Bump up count
+         bne   L582F        Do until EOS or 256 chars
+L5838    ldu   1,y          Get string ptr again
+         bra   L585D        Skip ahead with U=ptr to string, B=size of string
+L583C    leau  1,y
+         lda   ,y           Get var type
+         cmpa  #2           Real #?
+         bne   L5848        No, skip ahead
+         ldb   #5           Yes, force size to 5 bytes
+         bra   L585D
+L5848    cmpa  #1           Integer?
+         bne   L5852        No, skip ahead
+         ldb   #2           Yes, size=2 bytes
+         cmpb  <u0086       Same or less than ???
+         blo   L5856        Yes, leave as 2
+L5852    ldb   #1           Anything else (BYTE/BOOLEAN) is 1 byte
+         leau  1,u
+L5856    tfr   b,a
+         lsla  
+         cmpa  <u0086
+         bhi   L5893
+L585D    tst   <u0087
+         beq   L5889
+         bmi   L5870
+         pshs  b
+         lslb  
+         pshs  b              SUBR
+         ldb   <u0086
+         subb  ,s+
+         blo   L5887
+         bra   L587C
+L5870    pshs  b
+         lslb  
+         pshs  b
+         ldb   <u0086
+         subb  ,s+
+         bcs   L5887
+         asrb  
+L587C    pshs  b
+         lda   <u0086
+         suba  ,s+
+         sta   <u0086
+         lbsr  L564F
+L5887    puls  b
+L5889    lda   ,u
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         bsr   L58A3
+         beq   L58A1
+L5893    lda   ,u+
+         bsr   L58A3
+         beq   L58A1
+         decb  
+         bne   L5889
+         ldb   <u0086
+         lbsr  L564F
+L58A1    clra  
+         rts   
+L58A3    anda  #$0F
+         cmpa  #$09
+         bls   L58AB
+         adda  #$07
+L58AB    lbsr  L55FD
+         dec   <u0086
+         rts   
+L58B1    coma  
+         rts   
+L58B3    jsr   <u0016
+         cmpa  #$02
+         bcs   L58BE
+         bne   L58B1
+         lbsr  L5098
+L58BE    pshs  u,x
+         leas  -5,s
+         leax  ,s
+         lbsr  L53AA
+         ldb   <u0086
+         decb  
+         subb  <u0076
+         bpl   L58D5
+         leas  5,s
+         puls  u,x
+         lbra  L5A07
+L58D5    tst   <u0087
+         beq   L58E3
+         bmi   L58F4
+         lbsr  L564F
+         lbsr  L563F
+         bra   L58FA
+L58E3    lbsr  L563F
+         pshs  b
+         lda   <u0076
+         lbsr  L5601
+         puls  b
+         lbsr  L564F
+         bra   L58FF
+L58F4    lbsr  L563F
+         lbsr  L5634
+L58FA    lda   <u0076
+         lbsr  L5601
+L58FF    leas  5,s
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,u,x
+L5904    jsr   <u0016       Go get var type
+         cmpa  #3           Boolean?
+         bne   L58B1        No, set carry & exit
+         pshs  u,x          Preserve regs
+         leax  >L5143,pc    Point to 'True'
+         ldb   #4           Size of 'True'
+         lda   2,y          Get boolean value
+         bne   L5932        $FF is true, so skip ahead
+         leax  >L5148,pc    Point to 'False'
+         ldb   #5           Size of 'False'
+         bra   L5932        Go deal with it
+L591E    jsr   <u0016       Go get var type
+         cmpa  #4           String?
+         bne   L58B1        No, exit with carry set
+         pshs  u,x          Preserve regs
+         ldx   1,y          Get ptr to string
+         ldd   <u0048
+         subd  1,y
+         subd  #1
+         tsta  
+         bne   L5936
+L5932    cmpb  <u0086
+         bls   L5938
+L5936    ldb   <u0086
+L5938    tfr   b,a
+         negb  
+         addb  <u0086
+         tst   <u0087
+         beq   L594F
+         bmi   L5953
+         pshs  a
+         lbsr  L564F
+         puls  a
+         lbsr  L5601
+         bra   L5966
+L594F    pshs  b
+         bra   L595E
+L5953    lsrb  
+         bcc   L5957
+         incb  
+L5957    pshs  d
+         lbsr  L564F
+         puls  a
+L595E    lbsr  L5601
+         puls  b
+         lbsr  L564F
+L5966    clra  
+         puls  pc,u,x
+L5969    jsr   <u0016       Go get var type
+         cmpa  #2           Real?
+         beq   L5976        Yes, skip ahead
+         lbcc  L58B1        If carry clear, set carry & exit
+         lbsr  L509B        ??? possible convert?
+L5976    pshs  u,x
+         leas  -$0A,s
+         leax  ,s
+         lbsr  L53F3
+         lda   <u0079
+         cmpa  #$09
+         bgt   L5996
+         lbsr  L5A6A
+         lda   <u0086
+         suba  #$02
+         bmi   L5996
+         suba  <u0089
+         bmi   L5996
+         suba  <u008A
+         bpl   L599C
+L5996    leas  $0A,s
+         puls  u,x
+         bra   L5A07
+L599C    sta   <u0088
+         leax  ,s
+         ldb   <u0087
+         beq   L59AC
+         bmi   L59B2
+         bsr   L59E9
+         bsr   L59BE
+         bra   L59B9
+L59AC    bsr   L59BE
+         bsr   L59E9
+         bra   L59B9
+L59B2    bsr   L59E9
+         bsr   L59C1
+         lbsr  L563F
+L59B9    leas  $0A,s
+         clra  
+         puls  pc,u,x
+L59BE    lbsr  L563F
+L59C1    lda   <u008A
+         lbsr  L5601
+         lbsr  L5612
+         ldb   <u0079
+         bpl   L59F9
+         negb  
+         cmpb  <u0089
+         bls   L59D4
+         ldb   <u0089
+L59D4    pshs  b
+         lbsr  L5634
+         ldb   <u0089
+         subb  ,s+
+         stb   <u0089
+         lda   <u008B
+         cmpa  <u0089
+* 6809/6309 MOD: SHOULD BE BLS L59FB
+         bls   L59E7
+         lda   <u0089
+L59E7    bra   L59FB
+L59E9    ldb   <u0088
+         lbra  L564F
+L59EE    lbsr  L563F
+         lda   <u008A
+         lbsr  L5601
+         lbsr  L5612
+L59F9    lda   <u008B
+L59FB    lbsr  L5601
+         ldb   <u0089
+         subb  <u008B
+         ble   L5A0F
+         lbra  L5634
+L5A07    ldb   <u0086
+         lda   #$2A         * (?)
+         lbsr  L5636
+         clra  
+L5A0F    rts   
+L5A10    jsr   <u0016       Go get variable type
+         cmpa  #2           Real?
+         beq   L5A1D        Yes, skip ahead
+         lbcc  L58B1        If carry clear, set carry & exit
+         lbsr  L509B        ??? Convert to real?
+L5A1D    pshs  u,x
+         leas  -$0A,s
+         leax  ,s
+         lbsr  L53F3
+         lda   <u0079
+         pshs  a
+         lda   #1
+         sta   <u0079
+         bsr   L5A6A
+         puls  a
+         ldb   <u0079
+         cmpb  #1
+         beq   L5A39
+         inca  
+L5A39    ldb   #1
+         stb   <u008A
+         sta   <u0079
+         lda   <u0086
+         suba  #6
+         bmi   L5A4D
+         suba  <u0089
+         bmi   L5A4D
+         suba  <u008A
+         bpl   L5A53
+L5A4D    leas  $0A,s
+         puls  u,x
+         bra   L5A07
+L5A53    sta   <u0088
+         ldb   <u0087
+         beq   L5A62
+         bsr   L59E9
+         bsr   L59EE
+         lbsr  L55DA
+         bra   L5A67
+L5A62    bsr   L59EE
+         lbsr  L55DA
+L5A67    lbra  L59B9
+L5A6A    pshs  x            Save ptr to beginning of string number
+         lda   <u0079
+         adda  <u0089
+         bne   L5A78
+         lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #$35
+         bcc   L5A8F
+L5A78    deca  
+         bmi   L5AAB
+         cmpa  #$07
+         bhi   L5AAB
+         leax  a,x
+         ldb   1,x
+         cmpb  #$35
+         blo   L5AAB
+L5A87    inc   ,x           Inc ASCII digit
+         ldb   ,x           Get digit
+         cmpb  #'9          Past 9?
+         bls   L5AAB        No, skip ahead
+L5A8F    ldb   #'0          Wrap to 0
+         stb   ,x
+         leax  -1,x         Bump ptr back
+         cmpx  ,s           Hit beginning of text string yet?
+         bhs   L5A87        No, loop back & continue
+         ldx   ,s           Get beginning of text string ptr
+         leax  8,x          Point 8 bytes past start
+L5A9D    lda   ,-x          Block move bytes from 0-6 to 1-7
+         sta   1,x
+         cmpx  ,s           Done moving?
+         bhi   L5A9D        No, keep going until done
+         lda   #'1          Force 1st digit to 1
+         sta   ,x
+         inc   <u0079
+L5AAB    puls  x            Get string ptr back
+         lda   <u0079
+         bpl   L5AB2
+         clra  
+L5AB2    sta   <u008A
+         nega  
+         adda  #$09
+         bpl   L5ABA
+         clra  
+L5ABA    cmpa  <u0089
+         bls   L5AC0
+         lda   <u0089
+L5AC0    sta   <u008B
+         rts   
+L5AC3    ldb   #48          Unimplemented routine error
+         stb   <u0036       Save error code
+         coma               Exit with error
+         rts   
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.add.63.asm	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+* Add for REAL #'s - 6309 version
+L3FB1    pshs  x            Preserve X
+         tst   2,y          1st byte of mantissa 0 (means value is 0)?
+         beq   L3FC7        Yes, eat temp var & leave other var alone
+         tst   8,y          Is original # a 0?
+         bne   L3FCB        No, go do actual add
+L3FBB    ldq   1,y          Get Exponent & 1st 3 bytes of mantissa
+         stq   7,y          Save in destination var space
+         lda   5,y          Copy last byte of mantissa (sign bit) to orig var
+         sta   $B,y
+L3FC7    leay  6,y          Eat temp var & return
+         puls  pc,x
+* Real add with non-zero values starts here
+* NOTE: Exponents are 2^n, with n being the SIGNED exponent byte
+L3FCB    lda   7,y          Get 1st exponent
+         suba  1,y          Calculate difference in exponents
+         bvc   L3FD5        Didn't exceed +127 or -128, skip ahead
+         bpl   L3FBB        Went too big on plus side, make temp var the answe
+         bra   L3FC7        Too small, eat temp var & leave answer alone
+L3FD5    bmi   L3FDD        If negative difference in exponents, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #31          Difference of exponents within 0-31?
+         ble   L3FE5        Yes, go deal with it
+         bra   L3FC7        >2^31, out of range so eat temp var & return
+L3FDD    cmpa  #-31         Difference of exponents within -1 to -31?
+         blt   L3FBB        <2^-31, out of range so copy temp to answer
+         ldb   1,y          ???Since negative difference, copy temp exponent
+         stb   7,y             overtop destination exponent?
+* As of this point, exponent in temp var no longer needed (A=difference in exp
+L3FE5    ldb   $B,y         Get sign of dest. var
+         andb  #$01         Keep sign bit only
+         stb   ,y           Save copy over var type
+         eorb  5,y          EOR with sign bit of temp var
+         andb  #$01         Keep only merged sign bit
+         stb   1,y          Save what resulting sign should be
+*        aim   #$fe,$B,y    Force sign bit off on dest var
+*        aim   #$fe,5,y     Force sign bit off on temp var
+         fcb   $62,$fe,$2b
+         fcb   $62,$fe,$25
+         tsta               Are exponents exactly the same?
+         beq   L4031        Yes, skip ahead
+         bpl   L4029        Exponent difference positive, go process
+* Exponent difference is a negative value
+         nega               Force to positive
+         leax  6,y          Point X to dest. var
+         bsr   L4082        Shift mantissa to match other value (into X:D)
+         tst   1,y          Result going to be positive?
+         beq   L4039        Yes, skip ahead
+L400B    subw  4,y          Q=Q-[2,y]
+         sbcd  2,y
+         bcc   L404D        No borrow required, skip ahead
+         comw               Do NEGQ
+         comd
+         addw  #1
+         adcd  #0
+L4025    dec   ,y           Drop exponent by 1
+         bra   L404D
+* >24 bits to shift - Just use B, then clear a, tfr d to w, clrd
+Shift24  beq   SkpSh24      Even byte, skip ahead
+         ldb   2,x          Get MSB of # to shift
+S24Lp    lsrb               Shift it down
+         deca               Until done
+         bne   S24Lp
+         tfr   d,w          Copy to LSW
+         clrb               Clear out MSW
+         rts
+* Exactly 24 bits
+SkpSh24  ldf   2,x          Get LSB
+         clre               Clear 2nd LSB
+         clrb               Clear MS 24 bits (A=0 to get here)
+         rts
+* Exponent difference is positive value
+L4029    leax  ,y           Point X to temp var
+         bsr   L4082        Shift mantissa to match other value
+         stq   2,y          Save shifted result
+* Equal exponents come here
+L4031    ldq   8,y          Get mantissa of dest var into Q
+         tst   1,y          Check exponent of temp var
+         bne   L400B        <>0, go do Subtract again
+L4039    addw  4,y          32 bit add of Q+[2,y]
+         adcd  2,y
+         bcc   L404D        No overflow carry after add, skip ahead
+         rord               Overflow, divide 32 bit mantissa by 2
+         rorw
+         inc   7,y          Bump up exponent of dest var by 1
+L404D    tsta               Check sign of MSb of Q
+         bmi   L4060        Set, skip ahead
+         andcc #^Carry      Force carry bit off (for ROLW since no LSLW)
+L4050    dec   7,y          Drop exponent of dest var by 1
+         bvc   L4054        Not underflowed, continue
+         puls  x            Pull X back before zeroing out answer
+         bra   L40DD        Underflow; answer=0
+L4054    rolw               32 bit multiply by 2
+         rold
+         bpl   L4050        Keep doing until a set bit comes out
+L4060    addw  #1           Add 1 to Q
+         adcd  #0
+         bcc   L4071        No carry, skip ahead
+         rora
+         inc   7,y
+L4071    std   8,y          Save MSW of answer
+         tfr   w,d          Move LSW to D
+         lsrb               Eat sign bit
+         lslb
+         orb   ,y           Put in sign of result
+L407C    std   $A,y         Save LSW with sign bit
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         puls  pc,x         Restore X & return
+* Tested:WORKS
+* ENTRY: A=ABS(difference between exponents) - will never be 0?
+*        Y=Ptr to var packet 1
+*        X=Ptr to var packet 2
+* During: Q=32 bit mantissa
+*        <u0014 = ABS difference of exponents
+* Exit:  Q:32 bit shifted mantissa
+L4082    suba  #24          24-31 bit shift?
+         bge   Shift24      Yes, go process
+         adda  #8           16-23 bit shift?
+         bge   Shift16      Yes, go process
+         adda  #8           8-15 bit shift?
+         bge   Shift8       Yes, go process
+         adda  #8           Restore 1-7 bit shift count
+         sta   <u0014       Save # of shifts required (1-7)
+         ldq   2,x          Get # to shift
+L40BD    lsrd               Shift 32 bit # (worst case is 180 cycles)
+         rorw
+         dec   <u0014       Dec # shifts left to do
+         bne   L40BD        Keep doing until done
+         rts
+* >15 bits to shift
+Shift16  beq   SkpSh16      Even 2 bytes, go do
+         ldw   2,x          Get MSW of # to shift
+S16Lp    lsrw               Shift it down (worst case is 90 cycles)
+         deca               Until done
+         bne   S16Lp
+         clrb               Clear MSW of Q (A=0 from dec loop)
+         rts
+* Exactly 16 bits
+SkpSh16  ldw   2,x          Get LSW of Q
+         clrb
+         rts
+* >7 bits to shift - Use B:W
+Shift8   beq   SkpSh8       Exactly 8, use faster method
+         ldb   2,x          Get LS 24 bits
+         ldw   3,x
+S8Lp     lsrb               Shift it down
+         rorw
+         deca
+         bne   S8Lp
+         rts
+* Exactly 8 bits (A=0 to get here)
+SkpSh8   ldb   2,x          Get MSW of Q
+         ldw   3,x          Get LSW of Q
+         rts         
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.add.68.asm	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+* Add for REAL #'s - 6809 version
+L3FB1    pshs  x            Preserve X
+         tst   2,y          1st byte of mantissa 0 (means value is 0)?
+         beq   L3FC7        Yes, eat temp var & leave other var alone
+         tst   8,y          Is original # a 0?
+         bne   L3FCB        No, go do actual add
+L3FBB    ldd   1,y          Copy temp var's value overtop original var (0)
+         std   7,y
+         ldd   3,y
+         std   9,y
+         lda   5,y          Copy last byte of mantissa (sign bit) to orig var
+         sta   $B,y
+L3FC7    leay  6,y          Eat temp var & return
+         puls  pc,x
+* Real add with non-zero values starts here
+* NOTE: Exponents are 2^n, with n being the SIGNED exponent byte
+L3FCB    lda   7,y          Get 1st exponent
+         suba  1,y          Calculate difference in exponents
+         bvc   L3FD5        Didn't exceed +127 or -128, skip ahead
+         bpl   L3FBB        Went too big on plus side, make temp var the answe
+         bra   L3FC7        Too small, eat temp var & leave answer alone
+L3FD5    bmi   L3FDD        If negative difference in exponents, skip ahead
+         cmpa  #31          Difference of exponents within 0-31?
+         ble   L3FE5        Yes, go deal with it
+         bra   L3FC7        >2^31, out of range so eat temp var & return
+L3FDD    cmpa  #-31         Difference of exponents within -1 to -31?
+         blt   L3FBB        <2^-31, out of range so copy temp to answer
+         ldb   1,y          ???Since negative difference, copy temp exponent
+         stb   7,y             overtop destination exponent?
+* As of this point, exponent in temp var no longer needed (A=difference in exp
+L3FE5    ldb   $B,y         Get sign of dest. var
+         andb  #$01         Keep sign bit only
+         stb   ,y           Save copy over var type
+         eorb  5,y          EOR with sign bit of temp var
+         andb  #$01         Keep only merged sign bit
+         stb   1,y          Save what resulting sign should be
+         ldb   $B,y
+         andb  #$FE
+         stb   $B,y
+         ldb   5,y
+         andb  #$FE
+         stb   5,y
+         tsta               Are exponents exactly the same?
+         beq   L4031        Yes, skip ahead
+         bpl   L4029        Exponent difference positive, go process
+* Exponent difference is a negative value
+         nega               Force to positive
+         leax  6,y          Point X to dest. var
+         bsr   L4082        Shift mantissa to match other value (into X:D)
+         tst   1,y          Result going to be positive?
+         beq   L4039        Yes, skip ahead
+L400B    subd  4,y          Essentially, X:D=X:D-(2,y)
+         exg   d,x
+* This is essentially a sign reverse on 32 bit #?
+         sbcb  3,y
+         sbca  2,y
+         bcc   L404D        No borrow required, skip ahead
+         coma               Compliment all 4 bytes
+         comb
+         exg   d,x
+         coma
+         comb
+         addd  #1           +1
+         exg   d,x
+         bcc   L4025        If no carry, skip ahead
+         addd  #1           +1 to rest of 32 bit #
+L4025    dec   ,y           Drop exponent by 1
+         bra   L404D
+* Exponent difference is positive value
+L4029    leax  ,y           Point X to temp var
+         bsr   L4082        Shift mantissa to match other value (into X:D)
+         stx   2,y
+         std   4,y
+* Equal exponents come here
+L4031    ldx   8,y          Get mantissa of dest var into X:D
+         ldd   $A,y
+         tst   1,y          Check exponent of temp var
+         bne   L400B        <>0, go process
+L4039    addd  4,y          32 bit add of X:D + [2,y]
+         exg   d,x
+         adcb  3,y
+         adca  2,y
+         bcc   L404D        No overflow carry after add, skip ahead
+         rora               Overflow, divide 32 bit mantissa by 2
+         rorb  
+         exg   d,x
+         rora  
+         rorb  
+         inc   7,y          Bump up exponent of dest var by 1
+         exg   d,x
+L404D    tsta  
+         bmi   L4060
+L4050    dec   7,y
+         lbvs  L40DD
+         exg   d,x
+         lslb  
+         rola  
+         exg   d,x
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         bpl   L4050
+L4060    exg   d,x
+         addd  #1
+         exg   d,x
+         bcc   L4071
+         addd  #1
+         bcc   L4071
+         rora  
+         inc   7,y
+L4071    std   8,y
+         tfr   x,d
+         andb  #$FE         Mask out sign bit in mantissa (force to positive)
+         tst   ,y           Result supposed to be negative?
+         beq   L407C        No, leave it alone
+         incb               Set sign bit (negative result)
+L407C    std   $A,y         Save LSW of mantissa
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         puls  pc,x         Restore X & return
+* Entry: A=ABS(difference between exponents)
+*        Y=Ptr to temp var packet\ These could be swapped depending on whether
+*        X=Ptr to dest var packet/ exponent difference is positive or negative
+* Exit:  X:D is 32 bit shifted mantissa
+L4082    suba  #16          Subtract 16 from exponent difference (2 byte shift
+         blo   L40A0        Wrapped to negative, skip ahead
+         suba  #8           Try subtracting 8 from it
+         blo   L4091        Wrapped, go add it back in
+* 3 byte minimum shift
+         sta   <u0014       Save number of rotates needed after 3 byte move
+         clra               D=High word of mantissa
+         ldb   2,x
+         bra   L4097        Go get Low word of mantissa into X & process
+* 2 byte minimum shift
+L4091    adda  #8           Bump # shifts back up
+         sta   <u0014       Save number of rotates needed
+         ldd   2,x          D=
+L4097    ldx   #0
+         tst   <u0014       Any shifts required?
+         bne   L40BD        Yes, go do them
+         rts                No, return
+L40A0    adda  #8           Add 8 back (back to 1 byte shift)
+         bhs   L40B3        Still more left, skip ahead
+         sta   <u0014
+         clra  
+         ldb   2,x
+         ldx   3,x
+         tst   <u0014       Any shifts to do?
+         bne   L40BF        Yes, go do
+         exg   d,x
+         rts
+L40B3    adda  #8           Add 8 back again (back to original difference)
+         sta   <u0014       Save # bit shifts needed
+         ldd   2,x          Get 32 bit mantissa into D:X from dest var
+         ldx   4,x
+         bra   L40BF        Go perform shift
+L40BD    exg   d,x
+L40BF    lsra  
+         rorb  
+         exg   d,x
+         rora  
+         rorb  
+         dec   <u0014
+         bne   L40BD
+L40C9    rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.div.63.asm	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+* Did mods as per Chris Dekker's RUNB
+L4234    comb               Default to divide by 0 error
+         ldb   #$2D
+         tst   2,y          Is number to divide by 0?
+         beq   L4233        Yes, return with error
+         tst   8,y          Is dividend=0?
+         lbeq  L40DD        Yes, answer=0, return from there
+         lda   7,y          Get exponent of # to dividend
+         suba  1,y          Subtract exponent of divisor
+         lbvs  L40EF
+         sta   7,y
+         lda   #$21         ??? (count for exponent shifts?)
+         ldb   5,y          Get sign byte of dividend
+         eorb  $B,y         Calculate which sign result will be
+         andb  #1           Just keep sign bit
+         std   ,y           Save ??? & resulting sign
+         ldq   2,y          Divide whole divisor mantissa by 2
+         lsrd                /
+         rorw               < these both eat sign bit and make mantissa a
+         stq   2,y           \ 31 bit number
+         ldq   8,y          Divide whole dividend by 2
+         lsrd
+         rorw
+         clr   $B,y         Clear last byte of dividend mantissa
+L426F    subw  4,y          Subtract divisor from dividend
+         sbcd  2,y
+         beq   L42AB
+         bmi   L42A7
+L427E    orcc  #1
+L4280    dec   ,y
+         beq   L42F8
+         rol   $B,y
+         rol   $A,y
+         rol   9,y
+         rol   8,y
+         andcc #$fe
+         rolw
+         rold
+         bcc   L426F
+         addw  4,y
+         adcd  2,y
+         beq   L42AB
+         bpl   L427E
+L42A7    andcc #$FE
+         bra   L4280
+L42AB    tstw
+         bne   L427E
+         ldb   ,y
+         decb  
+         subb  #$10
+         blt   L42CD
+         subb  #$08
+         blt   L42C2
+         stb   ,y
+         lda   $B,y
+         ldb   #$80
+         andcc #$fe
+         bra   L42EB
+L42C2    addb  #$08
+         stb   ,y
+         ldw   #$8000
+         ldd   $A,y
+         andcc #$fe
+         bra   L42EB
+L42CD    addb  #$08
+         blt   L42DB
+         stb   ,y
+         ldq   9,y
+         ldf   #$80
+         andcc #$fe
+         bra   L42EB
+L42DB    addb  #$07
+         stb   ,y
+         ldq   8,y
+         orcc  #$01
+L42E5    rolw
+         rold  
+L42EB    dec   ,y
+         bpl   L42E5
+         tsta  
+         bra   L42FC
+L42F8    ldq   8,y
+L42FC    bmi   L430C
+         rolw
+         rold
+         dec   7,y
+         lbvs  L40DD
+L430C    addw  #1
+         adcd  #0
+         bcc   L4321
+         rora  
+         inc   7,y
+         lbvs  L40DD
+L4321    std   8,y
+         tfr   w,d
+         lsrb               Shift out sign bit
+         lslb
+         orb   1,y          Merge in result's sign
+         std   $A,y
+         inc   7,y
+         lbvs  L40EF
+L4331    leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         rts                & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.div.68.asm	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+L4234    comb               Default to divide by 0 error
+         ldb   #$2D
+         tst   2,y          Is number to divide by 0?
+         beq   L4233        Yes, return with error
+         pshs  x            Preserve X
+         tst   8,y          Is dividend=0?
+         lbeq  L40DD        Yes, answer=0, return from there
+         lda   7,y          Get exponent of # to dividend
+         suba  1,y          Subtract exponent of divisor
+         lbvs  L40EF
+         sta   7,y
+         lda   #$21         ??? (count for exponent shifts?)
+         ldb   5,y          Get sign byte of dividend
+         eorb  $B,y         Calculate which sign result will be
+         andb  #$01         Just keep sign bit
+         std   ,y           Save ??? & resulting sign
+         lsr   2,y          Divide whole divisor mantissa by 2
+         ror   3,y
+         ror   4,y
+         ror   5,y
+         ldd   8,y          Get dividend into D:X
+         ldx   $A,y         Divide whole dividend by 2
+         lsra               
+         rorb  
+         exg   d,x
+         rora  
+         rorb  
+         clr   $B,y         Clear last byte of dividend mantissa
+         bra   L426F
+L426D    exg   d,x
+L426F    subd  4,y
+         exg   d,x
+         bcc   L4278
+         subd  #$0001
+L4278    subd  2,y
+         beq   L42AB
+         bmi   L42A7
+L427E    orcc  #$01
+L4280    dec   ,y
+         beq   L42F8
+         rol   $B,y
+         rol   $A,y
+         rol   9,y
+         rol   8,y
+         exg   d,x
+         lslb  
+         rola  
+         exg   d,x
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         bcc   L426D
+         exg   d,x
+         addd  4,y
+         exg   d,x
+         bcc   L42A1
+         addd  #$0001
+L42A1    addd  2,y
+         beq   L42AB
+         bpl   L427E
+L42A7    andcc #$FE
+         bra   L4280
+L42AB    leax  ,x
+         bne   L427E
+         ldb   ,y
+         decb  
+         subb  #$10
+         blt   L42CD
+         subb  #$08
+         blt   L42C2
+         stb   ,y
+         lda   $0B,y
+         ldb   #$80
+         bra   L42EB
+L42C2    addb  #$08
+         stb   ,y
+         ldd   #$8000
+         ldx   $0A,y
+         bra   L42ED
+L42CD    addb  #$08
+         blt   L42DB
+         stb   ,y
+         ldx   $09,y
+         lda   $0B,y
+         ldb   #$80
+         bra   L42ED
+L42DB    addb  #$07
+         stb   ,y
+         ldx   $08,y
+         ldd   $0A,y
+         orcc  #$01
+L42E5    rolb  
+         rola  
+         exg   d,x
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+L42EB    exg   d,x
+L42ED    andcc #$FE
+         dec   ,y
+         bpl   L42E5
+         exg   d,x
+         tsta  
+         bra   L42FC
+L42F8    ldx   $0A,y
+         ldd   8,y
+L42FC    bmi   L430C
+         exg   d,x
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         exg   d,x
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         dec   $07,y
+         lbvs  L40DD
+L430C    exg   d,x
+         addd  #$0001
+         exg   d,x
+         bcc   L4321
+         addd  #$0001
+         bcc   L4321
+         rora  
+         inc   7,y
+         lbvs  L40EF
+L4321    std   8,y
+         tfr   x,d
+         andb  #$FE         Mask out sign bit
+         orb   1,y
+         std   $A,y
+         inc   7,y
+         lbvs  L40EF
+L4331    leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         clrb               No error
+         puls  pc,x         Restore X & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.mul.63.asm	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+* Main routine for REAL multiply - 6309 version
+* 08/07/95 - Change L40DD to use CLRD/CLRW/STQ (Saves 1 cycle)
+*          - Changed entire routine as per Chris Dekker's RunB
+* 08/08/95 - Took out PSHS/PULS X
+L40D3    lda   2,y          Get 1st byte of mantissa
+         bpl   L40DD        If mantissa is in lower range, force result to 0
+         lda   8,y          Get 1st byte of mantissa from 2nd number
+         bmi   L40E9        If in upper range, go do multiply
+L40DD    clrd               Force REAL result to 0
+         clrw
+         stq   7,y          Save 0 as result
+         sta   $B,y
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var & return
+         rts
+* Check for possible over/underflows before doing multiply
+L40E9    lda   1,y          Get exponent from temp var
+         adda  7,y          Add to exponent from 1st var
+         bvc   L40F6        If within 8 bit range, go do multiply
+L40EF    bpl   L40DD        If resulting exponent is too small, result=0
+         comb               Resulting exponent too big, exit with
+         ldb   #$32         Floating overflow error
+         rts
+* Exponent possibly in range, process
+L40F6    sta   7,y          Save resultant exponent overtop 1st vars
+         ldb   $B,y         Get sign bit of 2nd #
+         eorb  5,y          EOR with sign bit of 1st #
+         andb  #$01         Only keep resulting sign bit
+         stb   ,y           Save what sign of result will be
+         lda   $B,y         Now, for actual multiply, force to positive
+         anda  #$FE
+         sta   $B,y
+         ldb   5,y          Force both mantissa's to positive
+         andb  #$FE
+         stb   5,y
+* Possible 32x32 bit multiply routine?
+         mul                Multiply LSB's together
+         clre
+         clr   <u0014       Clear out 3rd byte to keep track of
+         tfr   a,f          Save MSB into middle byte
+         lda   $B,y         LSB * 2nd LSB
+         ldb   4,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L4120        No carry required, skip ahead
+         inc   <u0014
+L4120    lda   $A,y         2nd LSB * LSB
+         ldb   5,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L412D
+         inc   <u0014
+L412D    tfr   e,f
+         lde   <u0014
+         clr   <u0014
+         lda   $B,y
+         ldb   3,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L4142
+         inc   <u0014
+L4142    lda   $A,y
+         ldb   4,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L414F
+         inc   <u0014
+L414F    lda   9,y
+         ldb   5,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L415C
+         inc   <u0014
+L415C    tfr   e,f
+         lde   <u0014
+         clr   <u0014
+         lda   $B,y
+         ldb   2,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L4171
+         inc   <u0014
+L4171    lda   $A,y
+         ldb   $3,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L417E
+         inc   <u0014
+L417E    lda   9,y
+         ldb   4,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L418B
+         inc   <u0014
+L418B    lda   8,y
+         ldb   5,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L4198
+         inc   <u0014
+L4198    stf   $B,y
+         tfr   e,f
+         lde   <u0014
+         clr   <u0014
+         lda   $A,y
+         ldb   2,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L41AF
+         inc   <u0014
+L41AF    lda   9,y
+         ldb   3,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L41BC
+         inc   <u0014
+L41BC    lda   8,y
+         ldb   4,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L41C9
+         inc   <u0014
+L41C9    stf   $A,y
+         tfr   e,f
+         lde   <u0014
+         clr   <u0014
+         lda   9,y
+         ldb   2,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L41E0
+         inc   <u0014
+L41E0    lda   8,y
+         ldb   3,y
+         mul   
+         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
+         bcc   L41ED
+         inc   <u0014
+L41ED    lda   8,y
+         ldb   2,y
+         mul   
+         tfr   w,u
+         tfr   e,f
+         lde   <u0014
+         exg   d,u
+         addr  u,w
+         bmi   L4202
+         asl   $B,y
+         rol   $A,y
+         rolb
+         rolw
+         dec   7,y
+         bvs   L421B
+L4202    tfr   b,a
+         ldb   $A,y
+         exg   d,w
+         addw  #1
+         adcd  #0
+         bne   L421B
+         rora
+         inc   7,y
+L421B    exg   d,w
+         lsrb               Clear sign bit
+         lslb
+         orb   ,y           Merge resultant sign bit
+         std   $A,y
+         stw   8,y
+         leay  6,y
+         clrb               No error, restore & return
+         rts
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.mul.68.asm	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+* Main routine for REAL multiply - 6809 version
+L40D3    pshs  x            Preserve X
+         lda   2,y          Get 1st byte of mantissa
+         bpl   L40DD        If mantissa is in lower range, force result to 0
+         lda   8,y          Get 1st byte of mantissa from 2nd number
+         bmi   L40E9        If in upper range, go do multiply
+L40DD    clra
+         clrb
+         std   7,y          Save 0 as result
+         std   9,y
+         sta   $B,y
+         leay  6,y          Eat temp var
+         puls  pc,x
+* Check for possible over/underflows before doing multiply
+L40E9    lda   1,y          Get exponent from temp var
+         adda  7,y          Add to exponent from 1st var
+         bvc   L40F6        If within 8 bit range, go do multiply
+L40EF    bpl   L40DD        If resulting exponent is too small, result=0
+         comb               Resulting exponent too big, exit with
+         ldb   #$32         Floating overflow error
+         puls  pc,x
+* Exponent possibly in range, process
+L40F6    sta   7,y          Save resultant exponent overtop 1st vars
+         ldb   $B,y         Get sign bit of 2nd #
+         eorb  5,y          EOR with sign bit of 1st #
+         andb  #$01         Only keep resulting sign bit
+         stb   ,y           Save what sign of result will be
+         lda   $B,y         Now, for actual multiply, force to positive
+         anda  #$FE
+         sta   $B,y
+         ldb   5,y          Force both mantissa's to positive
+         andb  #$FE
+         stb   5,y
+* Possible 32x32 bit multiply routine?
+         mul                Multiply LSB's together
+         sta   ,-s          Save MSB of result only (drop LSB)
+         clr   ,-s          And make 2 zero hi-bytes (result is 3 byte #)
+         clr   ,-s
+         lda   $B,y         LSB * 2nd LSB
+         ldb   4,y
+         mul   
+         addd  1,s          Add to previous #
+         std   1,s
+         bcc   L4120        No carry required, skip ahead
+         inc   ,s
+L4120    lda   $A,y         2nd LSB * LSB
+         ldb   5,y
+         mul   
+         addd  1,s          Add with carry to previous #
+         std   1,s
+         bcc   L412D
+         inc   ,s
+L412D    ldx   ,s           Done 16x8 multiply, now just keep MSW
+         stx   1,s
+         clr   ,s           Zero out hi-byte in 3 byte #
+         lda   $B,y
+         ldb   3,y
+         mul   
+         addd  1,s
+         std   1,s
+         bcc   L4142
+         inc   ,s
+L4142    lda   $0A,y
+         ldb   $04,y
+         mul   
+         addd  $01,s
+         std   $01,s
+         bcc   L414F
+         inc   ,s
+L414F    lda   $09,y
+         ldb   $05,y
+         mul   
+         addd  1,s
+         std   1,s
+         bcc   L415C
+         inc   ,s
+L415C    ldb   2,s
+         ldx   ,s
+         stx   1,s
+         clr   ,s
+         lda   $B,y
+         ldb   $2,y
+         mul   
+         addd  1,s
+         std   1,s
+         bhs   L4171
+         inc   ,s
+L4171    lda   $A,y
+         ldb   $3,y
+         mul   
+         addd  1,s
+         std   1,s
+         bhs   L417E
+         inc   ,s
+L417E    lda   9,y
+         ldb   4,y
+         mul   
+         addd  1,s
+         std   1,s
+         bhs   L418B
+         inc   ,s
+L418B    lda   $08,y
+         ldb   $05,y
+         mul   
+         addd  $01,s
+         std   $01,s
+         bhs   L4198
+         inc   ,s
+L4198    ldb   $02,s
+         ldx   ,s
+         stx   $01,s
+         clr   ,s
+         stb   $0B,y
+         lda   $0A,y
+         ldb   $02,y
+         mul   
+         addd  $01,s
+         std   $01,s
+         bcc   L41AF
+         inc   ,s
+L41AF    lda   $09,y
+         ldb   $03,y
+         mul   
+         addd  $01,s
+         std   $01,s
+         bcc   L41BC
+         inc   ,s
+L41BC    lda   $08,y
+         ldb   $04,y
+         mul   
+         addd  $01,s
+         std   $01,s
+         bcc   L41C9
+         inc   ,s
+L41C9    ldb   $02,s
+         ldx   ,s
+         stx   $01,s
+         clr   ,s
+         stb   $0A,y
+         lda   $09,y
+         ldb   $02,y
+         mul   
+         addd  $01,s
+         std   $01,s
+         bcc   L41E0
+         inc   ,s
+L41E0    lda   $08,y
+         ldb   $03,y
+         mul   
+         addd  $01,s
+         std   $01,s
+         bcc   L41ED
+         inc   ,s
+L41ED    lda   $08,y
+         ldb   $02,y
+         mul   
+         addd  ,s
+         bmi   L4202
+         lsl   $0B,y
+         rol   $0A,y
+         rol   $02,s
+         rolb  
+         rola  
+         dec   7,y
+         bvs   L421B
+L4202    std   8,y
+         lda   2,s
+         ldb   $A,y
+         addd  #$0001
+         bcc   L4220
+         inc   9,y
+         bne   L4222
+         inc   8,y
+         bne   L4222
+         ror   8,y
+         inc   7,y
+         bvc   L4222
+L421B    leas  3,s
+         lbra  L40EF
+L4220    andb  #$FE
+L4222    orb   ,y
+         std   $A,y
+         leay  6,y
+         leas  3,s
+         clrb               No error, restore & return
+         puls  pc,x
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/makefile	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+include ../../../Makefile.rules
+DEBUGFLAG	= -aDEBUG=1    # 1 = DEBUG Mode, 0 = Normal Mode
+# NitrOS-9
+# Non-NitrOS-9
+DEPENDS		= ./Makefile
+ALLOBJS		= basic09_6809 basic09_6309
+basic09_6309: basic09.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(NITROSFLAGS)
+basic09_6809: basic09.asm
+	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(OS9FLAGS)
+	$(RM) $(ALLOBJS)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/runb.6309.asm	Tue Oct 08 03:27:42 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5997 @@
+* RunB from BASICBOOST from Chris Dekker - 6309'ized version of RunB
+           NAM   Basic09Runtime
+           ifp1
+           use   os9defs
+           endc
+edition    equ   1
+membase    equ   $00
+memsize    equ   $02
+moddir     equ   $04
+ResTop     equ   $08            top of reserved space
+freemem    equ   $0C
+table1     equ   $0E
+table2     equ   $10
+table3     equ   $12
+table4     equ   $14
+extnum     equ   $18
+Vsys       equ   $20
+Vinkey     equ   $22
+holdnum    equ   $25
+errpath    equ   $2E
+PGMaddre   equ   $2F            starting address program
+WSbase     equ   $31            base address workspace
+errcode    equ   $36
+DATApoin   equ   $39            address DATA item
+VarAddr    equ   $3C            address of variable
+fieldsiz   equ   $3E            it's max. size
+ArrBase    equ   $42
+SStop      equ   $44            top of string space area
+userSP     equ   $46            subroutine stackpointer
+exprSP     equ   $48            current expression
+exprBase   equ   $4A            expr.stack's base
+callex     equ   $5D
+callcode   equ   $5F
+VarPtrba   equ   $62
+vectorba   equ   $66
+excoffse   equ   $6A            module exec.offset
+excEnd     equ   $6C
+expneg     equ   $75
+digits     equ   $76
+decpoint   equ   $77
+negativ    equ   $78
+decimals   equ   $79
+charcoun   equ   $7D            length output string
+IOpath     equ   $7F
+Sstack     equ   $80            start of current string
+Spointer   equ   $82            end of current string
+subrcode   equ   $85
+fieldwid   equ   $86
+justify    equ   $87
+BUPaddr    equ   $FB
+BUPsize    equ   $FD
+MODMEM     equ   $2000
+           mod   MODEND,MODNAM,Prgrm+Objct,$82,ENTRY,MODMEM
+MODNAM     fcs   /RunB/
+           fcb   edition
+* interrupt processing *
+L93        lda   5,s            native mode
+           bra   L95
+L94        LDA   3,S            emulation mode
+L95        TFR   A,DP
+           STB   <$35
+*          oim   #$80,<$34
+           fcb   1,$80,$34
+           RTI
+*  Check for processor type?
+procID     pshs  d
+           comd             Will only do COMA on 6809
+           cmpb  1,s
+           beq   L6809
+           puls  pc,d
+L6809      leax  <L6810,pc
+           lbsr  prnterr
+           clrb
+           os9   F$Exit
+L6810      fcc   /  6809 detected: can not proceed/
+           fcb   10,10,13
+*  adjust parameter format *
+chprm      tfr   x,y
+           lbsr  skpblank
+           leax  -256,x
+           ldb   #2
+L133       lda   ,y+
+           sta   ,x+            copy
+           incb
+           cmpa  #32            Space?
+           bne   L133
+           ldf   #$28           '('
+           stf   ,x+
+           ldf   #$2C           ,
+L136       clre
+           lbsr  skpblank
+           lbsr  ISnum
+           bcc   L135           number
+           lde   #$22           "
+           ste   ,x+            string
+           incb
+L135       lda   ,y+
+           cmpa  #34            " ??
+           beq   L135           skip it
+           incb
+           cmpa  #13
+           beq   L139           end of list
+           cmpa  #32            space ??
+           bne   L138
+           bsr   quote          yes!!
+           stf   ,x+
+           bra   L136           check if string
+L138       sta   ,x+
+           bra   L135
+L139       bsr   quote
+           ldf   #$29           )
+           stf   ,x+
+           sta   ,x             new string complete
+           ldw   -2,x           Get last 2 chars
+* NOTE: Was originally CMPW >$2829, changed since seemed wrong
+*           cmpw  #'(*256+')     Just ()?
+           cmpw  $2829
+           bne   L141           No, go process parameters
+           leax  -2,x
+           sta   ,x             delete empty string
+           subb  #2
+L141       clre
+           tfr   b,f            string length
+           leay  -1,y
+           tfm   x-,y-          copy -> org. position
+           leax  1,y
+           rts
+quote      tste
+           beq   L137
+           ste   ,x+
+           incb
+L137       rts
+ENTRY      lbsr  procID         check processor
+           tfr   u,d
+           ldw   #256
+           clr   ,-s
+           tfm   s,u+
+           LEAU  ,X
+           STD   membase
+           INCA
+           STA   <$D9
+           STD   Sstack
+           STD   Spointer
+           inca
+           inca
+           STD   userSP
+           STD   SStop
+           INCA
+           TFR   D,S
+           STD   moddir
+           INCA
+           STD   ResTop
+           STD   exprBase
+           tfr   x,y
+           lbsr  skpblank
+L90        lda   ,y+
+           cmpa  #32
+           beq   L89
+           cmpa  #13
+           beq   L97            no params
+           bra   L90            skip modulename
+L89        lbsr  skpblank
+           cmpa  #40            left par.??
+           beq   L97            format OK
+           lbsr  L302           check char
+           bcc   L99            = letter or number
+           cmpa  #45            = -
+           beq   L99
+           cmpa  #47            = /
+           bne   L97            do not adjust format
+L99        lbsr  chprm
+L97        TFR   X,D
+           SUBD  membase
+           STD   memsize
+           LDB   #1             default errpath
+           STB   <$2E
+           LDA   #3             Close all paths 4-16
+L92        os9   I$Close
+           INCA
+           CMPA  #$10
+           BLO   L92
+           CLR   <$35
+           PSHS  X,DP
+           pshs  x,y            Setup up a stack big enough for 6309 RTI
+           pshs  u,y,x,dp,d,cc
+           leax  <ckexit,pc     Point to routine below
+           stx   10,s           Save as return address from RTI for both 6809
+           stx   12,s             & 6309 stacks
+           stw   6,s
+           rti                  Pull all regs & return
+ckexit     leax  ,x             X pointing to where it is supposed to?
+           beq   ntive          Yes, we are in native mode
+           lda   #7             beep to signal
+           pshs  a              emulation mode
+           leax  ,s
+           ldy   #1
+           lda   #1
+           os9   I$Write
+           leas  3,s            clear stack
+           leax  L94,pc
+           bra   L96
+ntive      LEAX  L93,PC
+L96        puls  dp
+           os9   F$Icpt
+           ldx   moddir
+           ldw   ResTop
+           subr  x,w
+           clr   ,-s
+           tfm   s,x+           clear module dir
+           leas  1,s
+           TFR   DP,A
+           LDB   #$50
+           LEAX  L1382,PC
+           ldw   #17
+           tfm   x+,d+          init RND & syscall
+           LEAX  L710,PC
+           STX   table1
+           LEAX  L1386,PC
+           STX   table2
+           LEAX  L1388,PC
+           STX   table3
+           LDA   #$7E
+           STA   table4
+           LEAX  L1390,PC
+           STX   <table4+1
+           ldx   #$FFFF         init links
+           stx   Vsys
+           stx   Vinkey
+           PULS  Y
+           BSR   L102
+           LDX   moddir
+           LDD   ,X
+           STD   PGMaddre
+           BSR   L134
+L102       LEAX  <L106,PC
+           PULS  U
+           BSR   L108
+           PSHS  U
+           CLR   <$34
+           LDD   membase
+           ADDD  memsize
+           SUBD  ResTop
+           STD   freemem
+           LEAU  2,S
+           STU   userSP
+           STU   SStop
+           LEAS  >-$FE,S
+           JMP   [-2,U]
+err43      LDB   #$2B
+L118       LBSR  PRerror
+L116       LDS   <$B7
+           PULS  d
+           STD   <$B7
+ClrSstac   lde   #1
+           ste   charcoun
+           LDW   Sstack
+           STW   Spointer
+           rts
+L108       LDD   <$B7
+           PSHS  d
+           STS   <$B7
+           LDD   2,S
+           STX   2,S
+           TFR   D,PC
+L106       BSR   L102
+           BRA   BYE
+* ----------------------- *
+L134       LBSR  skpblank
+           LBSR  link
+           BCS   err43
+           LDX   ,X
+           STX   PGMaddre
+           LDA   6,X
+           BEQ   L144
+           ANDA  #$0F
+           CMPA  #2             B09 program?
+           BNE   err51
+           BRA   L148
+L144       LDA   <$17,X         BASIC09 program has no errors?
+           RORA
+           BCS   err51          Errors, report it
+L148       LBSR  L230           check prmlist
+           LDY   exprBase
+           LDB   ,Y
+           CMPB  #$3D
+           BEQ   err51
+           STY   excoffse
+           LDX   <$AB
+           STX   excEnd
+           LDX   PGMaddre
+           LDA   <$17,X
+           RORA
+           BCS   err51
+           LEAS  >$0102,S
+           LDD   membase
+           ADDD  memsize
+           TFR   D,Y
+           STD   userSP
+           STD   SStop
+           LDU   #0
+           STU   WSbase
+           STU   <$B3
+           INC   <$B4
+           CLR   errcode
+           LDD   exprBase
+           LDX   freemem
+           PSHS  X,d
+           LEAX  <L154,PCR
+           BSR   L108
+           LDX   exprBase
+           LBSR  L670           set up prm stack
+           LBSR  ClrSstac
+           LDX   PGMaddre
+           LBSR  L676           execute module
+           LBRA  L116
+L154       PULS  X,d
+           STD   exprBase
+           STX   freemem
+           LBRA  L116
+err51      LDB   #$33
+           LBRA  L118
+* ----------------------- *
+BYE        BSR   unlink
+           CLRB
+           os9   F$Exit
+KILL       JSR   table4
+           LDY   1,Y
+           PSHS  X
+           LBSR  skpblank
+           pshs  y
+           LBSR  ISlett
+           BCS   L164           invalid string
+           LEAY  1,Y
+L304       LDA   ,Y+
+           LBSR  L302           number/letter?
+           BCC   L304
+*           oim   #$80,-2,y
+           fcb   $61,$80,$3e
+           puls  y
+           BSR   L166           in moddir?
+           BCS   L164
+           ldu   ,x++           module address
+           os9   F$UnLink
+* update module directory *
+           leay  -2,x
+L176       LDD   ,X++
+L178       STD   ,Y++
+           BNE   L176
+           CMPD  ,Y
+           BNE   L178           clear old data
+           PULS  PC,X
+L164       COMB
+           LDB   #$2B           error 43
+           puls  pc,x
+unlink     LDY   Spointer
+           LDA   #$2A           = *
+           STA   ,Y
+           STA   <$35
+           CLR   PGMaddre
+           ldx   moddir
+L172       LDU   ,X++           module address
+           beq   L175
+           os9   F$Unlink
+           bra   L172           next module
+* clear module dir *
+L175       tfr   x,w
+           ldd   moddir
+           subr  d,w            w=length of moddir
+           tfm   x,d+
+           rts
+L166       PSHS  U,Y
+           LDX   moddir
+L182       LDY   ,S
+           LDU   ,X++           module address
+           BEQ   L180           end of directory
+           LDD   4,U            name offset
+           LEAU  D,U            address of name
+L184       LDA   ,U+
+           EORA  ,Y+
+           ANDA  #$DF
+           BNE   L182           next module
+           TST   -1,U
+           BPL   L184           next char
+           CLRA  found          it!
+L186       LEAX  -2,X
+           PULS  PC,U,d
+L180       COMA
+           BRA   L186
+link       BSR   L166
+           BCS   L188           not in mod.dir.
+           RTS
+L188       PSHS  U,Y,X
+           LDB   1,S
+           CMPB  #$FE
+           blo   L190
+           ldb   #32            error 32
+           lbra  L118
+L190       LEAX  ,Y
+           clrd
+           os9   F$Link
+           BCC   L192
+           LDX   2,S            module not in mem.
+           clrd
+           os9   F$Load
+           BCS   L194
+L192       STX   2,S
+           STU   [,S]           add to moddir
+L194       PULS  PC,U,Y,X
+PRerror    os9   F$PErr
+           RTS
+L650       PSHS  X,d
+L208       LEAX  <L204,PC
+           LDA   ,Y+
+L206       CMPA  ,X++
+           BLO   L206
+           LDB   ,-X
+           JMP   B,X
+*  embedded jumptable
+*  do not change until L264
+L204       fcb   242,23,146,25,145,19,144,23
+           fcb   143,13,142,13,141,13,85,9,75
+           fcb   11,62,17,0,7
+           LEAY  3,Y
+           LEAY  1,Y
+           LEAY  1,Y
+           BRA   L208
+L210       TST   ,Y+
+           BPL   L210
+           BRA   L208
+           PULS  PC,X,d
+* check param list for:
+           fcb   0,7,3
+L264       fcb   L272-L270,75,12,172 ,
+           fcb   L272-L270,77,12,168 (
+           fcb   L272-L270,78,12,169 )
+           fcb   L18-L270,137,12,174 "
+           fcb   L17-L270,144,6,162 .
+           fcb   0,145,6,164    $
+           fcb   L272-L270,63,2,141 %
+* error: print problem statement
+*   and point to error
+L236       LDA   #12
+L252       PSHS  A
+           LDX   <$A7           strip high order bits
+           LDA   #$0D
+L218       fcb   $62,$7f,$84
+*L218       aim   #$7F,,x
+           CMPA  ,X+
+           BNE   L218
+           LDX   <$A7
+           BSR   prnterr
+           LDD   <$B9
+           SUBD  <$A7
+           tfr   b,f
+           clre
+           LDX   <$AF
+           STX   <$AB
+           LDY   <$A7
+           LDA   #$3D
+           LBSR  L222
+           LDA   #$3F
+           LBSR  L222
+           LDA   #$20       Bunch of spaces
+           pshs  a
+           LDX   Sstack
+           tfm   s,x+
+           LDD   #$5E0D     ^ + CR
+           STD   -1,X
+           LDX   Sstack
+           BSR   prnterr
+           PULS  D
+           LBSR  PRerror
+           LDX   userSP
+           STX   SStop
+           LBRA  L116
+prnterr    LDY   #$0100
+           LDA   errpath
+           os9   I$WritLn
+           RTS
+**** decode parameters passed ***
+L230       STY   <$A7
+           LDX   exprBase
+           STX   <$AF
+           STX   <$AB
+           INC   <$A0
+           BSR   L232
+           BSR   L234
+           CLR   <$A0
+           LDA   <$A3
+           CMPA  #$3F           % ??
+           BNE   L236           error 12
+           LBRA  L222
+L234       CMPA  #$4D           ( ??
+           BNE   L238           no params
+L246       LBSR  L222
+           LDD   <$AB
+           BSR   L242
+           LDB   <$A4
+           CMPB  #6             . or $ ??
+           BNE   L238
+           BSR   L232
+           BSR   L244
+           BEQ   L246
+           PSHS  A
+           BRA   L248
+L238       RTS
+L232       BSR   L242
+           LDX   <$AD
+           STX   <$AB
+           LDA   <$A3
+           RTS
+L244       LDA   <$A3
+           CMPA  #$4B           , ??
+L250       RTS
+L254       LDA   <$A3
+           CMPA  #$4E           ) ??
+           BEQ   L250           end of list
+           LDA   #$25           error 37
+L256       LBRA  L252
+L248       BSR   L254
+           PULS  A
+           LBSR  L222
+           BRA   L232
+err10      LDA   #$0A
+           BRA   L256
+L242       LDD   <$AB
+           STD   <$AD
+           LBSR  skpblank
+           STY   <$B9
+           LDA   ,Y
+           LBSR  ISnum
+           BCC   L262
+           LEAX  L264,PCR
+           LDA   #$80
+           LBSR  L266           ill. chars in prmlist?
+           BEQ   err10          yes!!
+           LDB   ,X
+           LEAU  <L270,PC
+           JMP   B,U
+L272       LDD   1,X
+           STB   <$A4
+           STA   <$A3
+           LBRA  L222
+L18        LDA   ,Y
+           LBSR  ISnum
+           BCS   L272           NO!!
+           LEAY  -1,Y
+L262       BSR   L274
+           BNE   L276
+           LDD   #$8F05
+L282       STA   <$A3
+           tfr   d,w
+           clre
+           pshs  u
+           ldu   <$AB
+           addr  u,w
+           subw  exprBase
+           cmpf  #$FF
+           bcc   err13
+           tfr   d,w
+           clre
+L280       sta   ,u+
+           LDA   ,X+
+           DECF
+           BPL   L280
+           stu   <$AB
+           puls  u
+           LDA   #6
+           STA   <$A4
+           RTS
+L276       LDD   #$8E02
+           TST   ,X
+           BNE   L282
+           LDD   #$8D01
+           LEAX  1,X
+           BRA   L282
+L270       LEAY  -1,Y
+           BSR   L274
+           LDD   #$9102
+           BRA   L282
+L274       BSR   skpblank
+           LEAX  ,Y
+           LDY   SStop
+           LBSR  AtoITR         string -> number
+           EXG   X,Y
+           BCS   err22
+           LDA   ,X+
+           CMPA  #2
+           RTS
+err22      LDA   #$16
+           BRA   L288
+L17        BSR   L272
+           BRA   L290
+L294       BSR   L222
+L290       LDA   ,Y+
+           CMPA  #$0D
+           BEQ   err41
+           CMPA  #$22           " ??
+           BNE   L294
+           CMPA  ,Y+
+           BEQ   L294
+           LEAY  -1,Y
+           LDA   #$FF
+L278       BRA   L222
+err41      LDA   #$29
+L288       LBRA  L252
+           LDA   #$31           error 49 (HOW DOES IT GET HERE?)
+           BRA   L288
+L222       PSHS  X,D
+           LDX   <$AB
+           STA   ,X+
+           STX   <$AB
+           LDD   <$AB
+           SUBD  exprBase
+           CMPB  #$FF
+           BCC   err13
+           CLRA
+           PULS  PC,X,D
+err13      LDA   #$0D
+           LBSR  PRerror
+           LBRA  L116
+skpblank  LDA   ,Y+
+           CMPA  #$20
+           BEQ   skpblank      skip blanks
+           CMPA  #$0A
+           BEQ   skpblank      and LF's
+           LEAY  -1,Y
+           RTS
+L302       BSR   ISlett
+           BCC   L308
+ISnum      CMPA  #$30           0 ??
+           BCS   L308
+           CMPA  #$39           9 ??
+           BLS   L310
+           BRA   L312
+ISlett     ANDA  #$7F
+           CMPA  #$41           A ??
+           BCS   L308
+           CMPA  #$5A           Z ??
+           BLS   L310
+           CMPA  #$5F           _ ??
+           BEQ   L308
+           CMPA  #$61           a ??
+           BCS   L308
+           CMPA  #$7A           z ??
+           BLS   L310
+L312       ORCC  #1             NO
+           RTS
+L310       ANDCC #$FE           YES
+L308       RTS
+* search prm list for special chars *
+L266       PSHS  U,Y,X,A
+           LDU   -3,X
+           LDB   -1,X
+L326       STX   1,S
+           CMPU  #0             USE CMPR 0,U (SAME SPEED, 2 BYTES SHORTER)
+           BEQ   L320
+           LEAU  -1,U
+           LDY   3,S
+           LEAX  B,X
+L328       LDA   ,X+
+           EORA  ,Y+
+           BEQ   L322
+           CMPA  ,S
+           BEQ   L322
+           LEAX  -1,X
+L324       LDA   ,X+
+           BPL   L324
+           BRA   L326
+L322       TST   -1,X
+           BPL   L328
+           STY   3,S
+L320       PULS  PC,U,Y,X,A
+L710       fdb   L1900-L710     table @ L204
+           fdb   L1900-L710     PARAM
+           fdb   L1900-L710     TYPE
+           fdb   L1900-L710     DIM
+           fdb   L1900-L710     DATA
+           fdb   STOP-L710
+           fdb   BYE-L710
+           fdb   L386-L710      TRON
+           fdb   L386-L710      TROFF
+           fdb   L386-L710      PAUSE
+           fdb   DEG-L710
+           fdb   RAD-L710
+           fdb   RETURN-L710
+           fdb   L370-L710
+           fdb   LET-L710
+           fdb   POKE-L710
+           fdb   IF-L710
+           fdb   GOTO-L710      = ELSE
+           fdb   ENDIF-L710
+           fdb   FOR-L710
+           fdb   NEXT-L710      table @ L388
+           fdb   UNTIL-L710     = WHILE
+           fdb   GOTO-L710      = ENDWHILE
+           fdb   L370-L710      = REPEAT
+           fdb   UNTIL-L710
+           fdb   L370-L710      = LOOP
+           fdb   GOTO-L710      = ENDLOOP
+           fdb   UNTIL-L710     = EXITIF
+           fdb   GOTO-L710      = ENDEXIT
+           fdb   ON-L710
+           fdb   ERROR-L710
+           fdb   errs51-L710
+           fdb   GOTO-L710
+           fdb   errs51-L710
+           fdb   GOSUB-L710
+           fdb   RUN-L710
+           fdb   KILL-L710
+           fdb   INPUT-L710
+           fdb   PRINT-L710
+           fdb   CHD-L710
+           fdb   CHX-L710
+           fdb   CREATE-L710
+           fdb   OPEN-L710
+           fdb   SEEK-L710
+           fdb   READ-L710
+           fdb   WRITE-L710
+           fdb   GET-L710
+           fdb   PUT-L710
+           fdb   CLOSE-L710
+           fdb   RESTORE-L710
+           fdb   DELETE-L710
+           fdb   CHAIN-L710
+           fdb   SHELL-L710
+           fdb   BASE0-L710
+           fdb   BASE1-L710
+           fdb   386-L710       REM
+           fdb   386-L710
+           fdb   END-L710
+* From here on is added from original BASIC09 table @ L1D60
+           fdb   L1943-L710     go to next instruction
+           fdb   L1943-L710
+           fdb   L1944-L710     jump to [regs.x]
+           fdb   errs51-L710
+           fdb   L386-L710      RTS
+           fdb   L386-L710
+           fdb   CpMbyte-L710
+           fdb   CpMint-L710
+           fdb   CpMreal-L710
+           fdb   CpMbyte-L710
+           fdb   CpMstrin-L710
+           fdb   CpMarray-L710
+L448       fcc   /STOP Encountered/
+           fcb   10,255
+* setup workspace for module
+L676       LDA   $17,X
+           BITA  #1
+           BEQ   L346
+           LBRA  errs51
+L346       TFR   S,D
+           deca
+           CMPD  Sstack
+           BCC   L350
+           LDB   #$39           error 57 (system stack overflow)
+           BRA   L348
+L350       LDD   freemem
+           SUBD  $0B,X
+           BCS   err32
+           CMPD  #$0100
+           BCC   L354
+err32      LDB   #$20
+L348       LBRA  L356
+L354       STD   freemem
+           TFR   Y,D
+           SUBD  $0B,X
+           EXG   D,U
+           STS   5,U
+           STD   7,U
+           STX   3,U
+L344       LDD   #1             default:base 1
+           STD   ArrBase
+           STA   1,U            default: radians
+           STA   <$13,U
+           STU   $14,U
+           BSR   L358
+           LDD   <$13,X
+           BEQ   L360
+           ADDD  excoffse
+L360       STD   DATApoin
+           LDW   $0B,X
+           LDD   <$11,X
+           LEAY  D,U
+           subr  d,w
+           bls   L362
+           clr   ,-s
+           tfm   s,y+
+           LEAS  1,S
+L362       LDX   PGMaddre
+           LDD   excoffse
+           ADDD  <$15,X
+           TFR   D,X
+           BRA   L366           start execution
+L358       STX   PGMaddre
+           STU   WSbase
+           LDD   $0D,X
+           ADDD  PGMaddre
+           STD   VarPtrba
+           LDD   $0F,X
+           ADDD  PGMaddre
+           STD   vectorba
+           STD   excEnd
+           LDD   9,X
+           ADDD  PGMaddre
+           STD   excoffse
+           LDD   $14,U
+           STD   userSP
+           STD   SStop
+           RTS
+L372       LDA   <$34           Check if signal received
+           BPL   L368           No, execute next instruction
+           ANDA  #$7F           flag signal received
+           STA   <$34
+           LDB   <$35
+           BNE   L348           process it
+L368       BSR   L370
+L366       CMPX  excEnd
+           BCS   L372
+           BRA   L374
+END        LDB   ,X
+           LBSR  nextinst
+           BEQ   L374
+           LBSR  PRINT
+L374       LDU   WSbase
+           LDS   5,U
+           LDU   7,U
+L386       RTS
+L1943      LEAX  2,X
+L370       LDB   ,X+
+           BPL   L382
+           ADDB  #$40
+L382       ASLB
+           CLRA
+           LDU   table1         = L710
+           LDD   D,U
+           JMP   D,U            go to instruction
+IF         JSR   table4         if....
+           TST   2,Y
+           BEQ   GOTO           = FALSE
+           LEAX  3,X            THEN
+           LDB   ,X
+           CMPB  #$3B
+           BNE   L386
+           LEAX  1,X            ELSE
+GOTO       LDD   ,X
+           ADDD  excoffse
+           TFR   D,X
+           RTS
+ENDIF      LEAX  1,X
+           RTS
+UNTIL      JSR   table4
+           TST   2,Y
+           BEQ   GOTO           = FALSE
+           LEAX  3,X
+           RTS
+L388       fdb   L70-L388       int. step 1
+           fdb   L71-L388       int. step x
+           fdb   L72-L388       real step 1
+           fdb   L73-L388       real step x
+NEXT       LEAY  <L388,PC
+L414       LDB   ,X+
+           ASLB
+           LDD   B,Y
+           LDU   WSbase
+           JMP   D,Y
+L75        LDD   ,X
+           LEAY  D,U
+           BRA   L390
+L76        LDD   ,X
+           LEAY  D,U
+           LDD   4,X
+           LDA   D,U
+           BPL   L390
+           BRA   L392
+*  FOR .. NEXT  /integer  *
+L70        LDD   ,X             offset counter
+           LEAY  D,U            address counter
+           LDD   ,Y
+           incd                 increment counter
+           STD   ,Y
+L390       LDD   2,X            offset target
+           LEAX  6,X
+           LDD   D,U            target value
+           CMPD  ,Y
+           BGE   GOTO           loop again
+           LEAX  3,X
+           RTS
+*  FOR .. NEXT .. STEP  /integer *
+L71        LDD   ,X
+           LEAY  D,U
+           LDD   4,X
+           LDD   D,U
+           tfr   a,e
+           ADDD  ,Y             update counter
+           STD   ,Y
+           tste
+           BPL   L390           incrementing
+L392       LDD   2,X
+           LEAX  6,X
+           LDD   D,U
+           CMPD  ,Y
+           BLE   GOTO           loop again
+           LEAX  3,X
+           RTS
+L77        LDY   userSP
+           CLRB
+           BSR   L394
+           BRA   L396
+L78        LDY   userSP
+           CLRB
+           BSR   L394
+           LDD   4,X
+           ADDD  #4
+           LDU   WSbase
+           LDA   D,U
+           LSRA  examine        sign
+           BCC   L396
+           BRA   L398
+*  FOR .. NEXT   /real  *
+L72        LDY   userSP
+           CLRB
+           BSR   L394
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           LDD   #$0180         step 1 (save in temp var)
+           STD   1,Y
+           clrd
+           STD   3,Y
+           STA   5,Y
+           LBSR  RLADD
+           LDQ   1,Y
+           STQ   ,U
+           LDA   5,Y
+           STA   4,U
+L396       LDB   #2             incrementing
+           BSR   L394
+           LEAX  6,X
+           LBSR  RLCMP
+           LBLE  GOTO           loop again
+           LEAX  3,X
+           RTS
+L394       LDD   B,X            copy number
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           TFR   D,U
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           LDA   #2
+           LDB   ,U
+           STD   ,Y
+           LDQ   1,U
+           STQ   2,Y
+           RTS
+*  FOR .. NEXT .. STEP /real  *
+L73        LDY   userSP
+           CLRB
+           BSR   L394
+           STU   <$D2
+           LDB   #4
+           BSR   L394
+           LDA   4,U
+           STA   <$D1
+           LBSR  RLADD          incr. counter
+           LDU   <$D2
+           LDQ   1,Y
+           STQ   ,U
+           LDA   5,Y
+           STA   4,U
+           LSR   <$D1           check sign
+           BCC   L396
+L398       LDB   #2             decrementing
+           BSR   L394
+           LEAX  6,X
+           LBSR  RLCMP
+           LBGE  GOTO           loop again
+           LEAX  3,X
+           RTS
+******* table for FOR ********
+L412       fdb   L75-L412       int. step 1
+           fdb   L76-L412       int. step x
+           fdb   L77-L412       real step 1
+           fdb   L78-L412       real step x
+FOR        LDB   ,X+
+           CMPB  #$82
+           BEQ   L405
+           BSR   CpMint
+           BSR   L410
+           LDB   -1,X
+           CMPB  #$47
+           BNE   L408
+           BSR   L410
+L408       LBSR  GOTO
+           LEAY  <L412,PC
+           LBRA  L414
+L410       LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           PSHS  d
+           JSR   table4
+           LDD   1,Y
+           STD   [,S++]
+           RTS
+L405       BSR   CpMreal
+           BSR   L418
+           LDB   -1,X
+           CMPB  #$47
+           BNE   L408
+           BSR   L418
+           BRA   L408
+L418       LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           PSHS  d
+           JSR   table4
+           BRA   L420
+LET        JSR   table4         get var. type
+L422       CMPA  #4
+           BCS   L442
+           PSHS  U
+           LDU   fieldsiz
+L442       PSHS  U,A
+           LEAX  1,X
+           JSR   table4
+L516       PULS  A
+           ASLA
+           LEAU  <L424,PC
+           JMP   A,U            copy
+L424       BRA   L426           byte
+           BRA   L428           integer
+           BRA   L420           real
+           BRA   L426           boolean
+           BRA   L430           string
+           BRA   L432           array
+CpMbyte    LDD   ,X
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           PSHS  D
+           LEAX  3,X
+           JSR   table4
+L426       LDB   2,Y
+           STB   [,S++]
+           RTS
+CpMint     LDD   ,X
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           PSHS  d
+           LEAX  3,X
+           JSR   table4
+L428       LDD   1,Y
+           STD   [,S++]
+           RTS
+CpMreal    LDD   ,X
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           PSHS  d
+           LEAX  3,X
+           JSR   table4
+L420       PULS  U
+           LDQ   1,Y
+           STQ   ,U
+           LDA   5,Y
+           STA   4,U
+           RTS
+CpMstrin   LDD   ,X
+           ADDD  vectorba
+           TFR   D,U
+           LDQ   ,U
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           PSHS  D
+           PSHSW
+           LEAX  3,X
+           JSR   table4
+L430       PULS  U,D            D=Max Size of string to copy
+           ldw   3,y
+           stw   BUPsize
+           incw                 Allow for $FF terminator
+           cmpr  d,w            Other string big enough?
+           bls   L431           Yes, copy
+           tfr   d,w            No, only copy smaller size
+           stw   BUPsize
+L431       ldd   1,y            Get address of string to copy
+           STD   exprSP         Save it
+           stu   BUPaddr        Save address of destination string
+           tfm   d+,u+          Copy (ignore $FF?)
+           clra                 clear carry
+           RTS
+CpMarray   LBSR  L728
+           LBRA  L422
+L432       PULS  U,D
+           ldw   3,y
+           cmpr  d,w
+           BLS   L444
+           tfr   d,w
+L444       ldd   1,y
+           tfm   d+,u+
+           rts
+POKE       JSR   table4
+           LDD   1,Y
+           PSHS  d
+           JSR   table4
+           LDB   2,Y
+           STB   [,S++]
+           RTS
+           LDA   errpath
+           STA   IOpath
+           LEAX  L448,PC
+           LBSR  Sprint
+           LBRA  L116           exit
+GOSUB      LDD   ,X
+           LEAX  3,X
+L464       LDY   WSbase
+           LDU   $14,Y
+           CMPU  exprBase
+           BHI   L456
+           LDB   #$35           error 53
+           LBRA  L356
+L456       STX   ,--U           pshs x (pshu x?)
+           STU   $14,Y
+           STU   userSP
+           ADDD  excoffse
+           TFR   D,X            address subroutine
+           RTS
+RETURN     LDY   WSbase
+           CMPY  $14,Y
+           BHI   L458
+           LDB   #$36           error 54
+           LBRA  L356
+L458       LDU   $14,Y
+           LDX   ,U++           puls x  (pulu x)
+           STU   $14,Y
+           STU   userSP
+           RTS
+ON         LDD   ,X
+           CMPA  #$1E
+           BEQ   L460           set trap
+           JSR   table4
+           LDD   ,X
+           asld
+           asld
+           incd
+           incd
+           LEAU  D,X
+           PSHS  U
+           LDD   1,Y
+           BLE   L462
+           CMPD  ,X++
+           BHI   L462
+           decd
+           asld
+           asld
+           incd
+           LDD   D,X
+           PSHS  d
+           LDB   ,X
+           CMPB  #$22
+           PULS  X,d
+           BEQ   L464
+           ADDD  excoffse
+           TFR   D,X
+           RTS
+L462       PULS  PC,X
+L460       LDU   WSbase
+           CMPB  #$20
+           BNE   L466           clear trap
+           LDD   2,X
+           ADDD  excoffse
+           STD   <$11,U
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   <$13,U
+           LEAX  5,X
+           RTS
+L466       CLR   <$13,U
+           LEAX  2,X
+           RTS
+CREATE     BSR   L468
+           LDB   #$0B           R/W/PR
+           os9   I$Create
+           BRA   L470
+OPEN       BSR   L468
+           os9   I$Open
+L470       LBCS  L356           error
+           PULS  U,B
+           CMPB  #1
+           BNE   L472           store as byte
+           CLR   ,U+            integer
+L472       STA   ,U             path number
+           PULS  PC,X
+L468       LEAX  1,X
+           LBSR  getvar
+           LEAX  1,X
+           JSR   table4
+           LDA   #3             default: UPDATE
+           CMPB  #$4A
+           BNE   L476
+           LDA   ,X++           access mode
+L476       LDU   3,S
+           STX   3,S
+           LDX   1,Y
+           JMP   ,U             = RTS
+SEEK       LBSR  setpath
+           JSR   table4
+           LBSR  setFP          set filepointer
+           LBCS  errman
+           RTS
+L500       fcc   /? /
+           fcb   255
+L514       fcc   /** Input error - reenter **/
+           fcb   13,255
+INPUT      LDA   errpath
+           LBSR  setpath
+           LDA   #$2C
+           STA   <$DD
+           PSHS  X
+L508       LDX   ,S
+           LDB   ,X
+           CMPB  #$90
+           BNE   L498           use default
+           JSR   table4
+           PSHS  Y,X
+           LDX   1,Y            get prompt
+           ldy   3,y
+           BRA   L490
+L498       PSHS  Y,X
+           LEAX  <L500,PC      default prompt
+           ldy   #2
+L490       lda   IOpath
+           os9   I$WritLn
+           PULS  Y,X
+           LDA   IOpath
+           CMPA  errpath
+           BNE   L502
+           LDA   <$2D
+           STA   IOpath
+L502       LBSR  READLN
+           BCC   L504           NO error
+           CMPB  #3
+           LBNE  errman
+           LBSR  L506           BREAK pressed
+           CLR   errcode
+           BRA   L508
+L504       BSR   L510           check input
+           BCC   L512
+           LEAX  <L514,PC      input error
+           BSR   Sprint
+           BRA   L508           try again
+L512       LDB   ,X+
+           CMPB  #$4B
+           BEQ   L504           more items!!
+           PULS  PC,d
+L510       BSR   getvar
+           LDB   ,S
+           ADDB  #7
+           LDY   userSP
+           LBSR  L46
+           LBCC  L516
+L518       LEAS  3,S            clear stack
+           COMA  signal         an error
+           RTS
+*print a message
+Sprint     pshs  y,x
+           ldy   Sstack
+L473       lda   ,x+
+           sta   ,y+
+           cmpa  #$FF
+           bne   L473
+           leay  -1,y
+           sty   <$Spointer
+           lbsr  WRITLN
+           puls  pc,y,x
+getvar     LDA   ,X+
+           CMPA  #$0E           vectored variable?
+           BNE   L520
+           JSR   table4
+           BRA   L522
+L520       SUBA  #$80
+           CMPA  #4
+           BCS   L524           byte,int,real
+           BEQ   L526           string
+           LBSR  L728           array
+           BRA   L522
+L526       LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  vectorba
+           TFR   D,U
+           LDQ   ,U
+           stw   fieldsiz
+           BRA   L528
+L524       LDD   ,X++
+L528       ADDD  WSbase
+           TFR   D,U
+           LDA   -3,X
+           SUBA  #$80
+L522       PULS  Y
+           CMPA  #4
+           BCS   L530
+           PSHS  U
+           LDU   fieldsiz
+L530       PSHS  U,A
+           JMP   ,Y             = RTS
+* set IO path
+* called by #path statement
+setpath    LDB   ,X
+           CMPB  #$54           path number given?
+           BNE   L532
+           LEAX  1,X
+           JSR   table4
+           CMPB  #$4B           string follows?
+           BEQ   L534
+           LEAX  -1,X
+L534       LDA   2,Y
+L532       STA   IOpath
+           RTS
+READ       LDB   ,X
+           CMPB  #$54
+           BNE   L536           read from DATA statement
+           BSR   setpath
+           CLR   <$DD
+           CMPB  #$4B
+           BNE   L538
+           LEAX  -1,X
+L538       LBSR  READLN
+           BCC   L540
+           CMPB  #$E4           error 228 ?
+           BEQ   L538
+L542       LBRA  errman
+L544       LBSR  L510           check input
+           BCS   L542
+L540       LDB   ,X+
+           CMPB  #$4B
+           BEQ   L544           more items
+           RTS
+L536       BSR   nextinst
+           BEQ   L546           literal data
+* process data statements that are expressions
+L550       BSR   L548
+           LDB   ,X+
+           CMPB  #$4B
+           BEQ   L550
+           RTS
+L548       LBSR  getvar
+           BSR   L552           get data item
+           LDA   ,S
+           BNE   L554
+           INCA
+L554       CMPA  ,Y
+           LBEQ  L516
+           CMPA  #2
+           BCS   L556           byte,integer
+           BEQ   L558           real numbers
+err71      LDB   #$47
+           BRA   L560
+L556       LDA   ,Y
+           CMPA  #2
+           BNE   err71
+           LBSR  FIX
+           LBRA  L516
+L558       CMPA  ,Y
+           BCS   err71
+           LBSR  FLOAT
+           LBRA  L516
+L546       LEAX  1,X
+L552       PSHS  X
+           LDX   DATApoin
+           BNE   L568
+           LDB   #$4F           error 79
+L560       LBRA  L356
+L568       JSR   table4
+           CMPB  #$4B
+           BEQ   L570
+           LDD   ,X
+           ADDD  excoffse
+           TFR   D,X
+L570       STX   DATApoin
+           PULS  PC,X
+* instruction delimiters
+nextinst   CMPB  #$3F           = end of line
+           BEQ   L572
+           CMPB  #$3E           = "back slash"
+L572       RTS
+PRINT      LDA   errpath
+           LBSR  setpath
+           LDD   Sstack
+           STD   Spointer
+           LDB   ,X+
+           CMPB  #$49           print using
+           BEQ   L574
+L584       BSR   nextinst
+           BEQ   L576
+L586       CMPB  #$4B           comma separator?
+           BEQ   L578
+           CMPB  #$51           semi-colon?
+           BEQ   L580
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           JSR   table4         get variable address
+           LDB   ,Y
+           incb
+           LBSR  L46            copy to Sstack
+           LBCS  errman
+           LDB   -1,X
+           BRA   L584
+L578       LBSR  L2012          print spaces
+           lbcs  errman
+L580       LDB   ,X+
+           BSR   nextinst
+           BNE   L586
+           BRA   L588
+L576       lbsr  Strterm
+           lbcs  errman
+L588       lbsr  WRITLN
+           lbcs  errman
+           RTS
+L574       JSR   table4
+           LDD   exprBase
+           STD   <$8E
+           STD   <$8C
+           LDU   userSP
+           PSHS  U,d
+           LDD   exprSP
+           STD   exprBase
+L598       LDB   -1,X
+           BSR   nextinst
+           BEQ   L594
+           LDB   ,X+
+           BSR   nextinst
+           BEQ   L596
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           LBSR  PRNTUSIN
+           BCC   L598
+           PULS  U,d          error encountered
+           STD   exprBase
+           STU   userSP
+           LBRA  errman
+L596       LEAY  <L588,PC
+           BRA   L600
+L594       LEAY  <L576,PC
+L600       PULS  U,d
+           STD   exprBase
+           STU   userSP
+           JMP   ,Y
+WRITE      LDA   errpath
+           LBSR  setpath
+           LDU   Sstack
+           STU   Spointer
+           LDB   ,X+
+           LBSR  nextinst
+           BEQ   L602
+           CMPB  #$4B           comma separator?
+           BEQ   L604
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           BRA   L604
+L606       CLRA
+           LBSR  L1632
+           LBCS  errman
+L604       JSR   table4
+           LDB   ,Y
+           incb
+           LBSR  L46
+           LBCS  errman
+           LDB   -1,X
+           LBSR  nextinst
+           BNE   L606
+L602       LBRA  L576
+GET        BSR   L608
+           stx   BUPaddr
+           os9   I$Read
+           sty   BUPsize
+           BRA   L610
+PUT        BSR   L608
+           os9   I$Write
+L610       LEAX  ,U
+           BCC   L612
+L620       LBRA  L356
+L608       LBSR  setpath
+           LBSR  getvar
+           LEAU  ,X
+           PULS  A
+           CMPA  #4
+           bcs   L609
+           puls  y
+           bra   L618
+L609       LEAX  L616,PC
+           LDB   A,X
+           CLRA
+           TFR   D,Y
+L618       PULS  X
+           LDA   IOpath
+L612       RTS
+CLOSE      LBSR  setpath
+           os9   I$Close
+           BCS   L620
+           CMPB  #$4B
+           BEQ   CLOSE          multiple paths
+           RTS
+           CMPB  #$3B
+           BEQ   L624           to line ...
+           LDU   PGMaddre
+           LDD   <$13,U         rewind
+L626       ADDD  excoffse
+           STD   DATApoin
+           RTS
+L624       LDD   ,X
+           incd
+           LEAX  3,X
+           BRA   L626
+DELETE     JSR   table4
+           PSHS  X
+           LDX   1,Y
+           os9   I$Delete
+L628       BCS   L620
+           PULS  PC,X
+CHD        JSR   table4
+           LDA   #3             read & write
+L630       PSHS  X
+           LDX   1,Y
+           os9   I$ChgDir
+           BRA   L628
+CHX        JSR   table4
+           LDA   #4             execute
+           BRA   L630
+CHAIN      JSR   table4
+           LDY   1,Y
+           PSHS  U,Y,X
+           LBSR  unlink
+           PULS  U,Y,X
+           BSR   L634           set up registers
+           STS   <$B1           Save stack ptr
+           LDS   Sstack
+           os9   F$Chain
+           LDS   <$B1           If gets this far, chain failed
+           BRA   L356
+SHELL      JSR   table4
+           PSHS  U,X
+           LDY   1,Y
+           BSR   L634           set up registers
+           os9   F$Fork
+           BCS   L356
+           PSHS  A              Save child's process #
+L636       os9   F$Wait         Wait for child to die
+           CMPA  ,S             Our child?
+           BNE   L636           No, wait for next death
+           LEAS  1,S
+           TSTB
+           BNE   L356
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+L638       fcc   /SHELL/
+           fcb   13
+L634       LDX   exprSP
+           LDA   #$0D
+           STA   -1,X
+           leau  ,y
+           subr  y,x
+           TFR   X,Y
+           LEAX  <L638,PC
+           clrd
+           RTS
+ERROR      JSR   table4
+           LDB   2,Y
+L356       STB   errcode
+errman     LDU   WSbase
+           BEQ   L640           not running subroutine
+           TST   <$13,U
+           BEQ   L642           no error trap
+           LDS   5,U
+           LDX   <$11,U
+           LDD   $14,U
+           STD   userSP
+           LBRA  L372           process error
+L642       BSR   L506
+           LBRA  L116           exit
+L640       LBSR  PRerror
+           LBRA  L116           exit
+L646       fcb   14,255         Force text mode in VDGINT
+L506       LEAX  <L646,PC
+           LBSR  Sprint
+           LBSR  unlink
+           LDB   errcode
+           os9   F$Exit
+BASE0      CLRB
+           BRA   L648
+BASE1      LDB   #1
+L648       CLRA
+           STD   ArrBase
+           LEAX  1,X
+           RTS
+L1944      EXG   X,PC
+           RTS
+L1900      LEAY  ,X
+           LBSR  L650           jumptable @ L204
+           LEAX  ,Y
+           RTS
+errs51     LDB   #$33
+           BRA   L356
+DEG        LDA   #1
+           BRA   L652
+RAD        CLRA
+L652       LDU   WSbase
+           STA   1,U
+           LEAX  1,X
+           RTS
+INKEY      leax  2,x
+           ldd   ,x++
+           cmpd  #$4D0E         marker
+           lbne  err56
+           clre  default        path: 0
+           jsr   table4
+           cmpa  #4             = string
+           beq   L383           use default path
+           cmpa  #2
+           lbhs  err56          invalid type
+           ldw   ,u
+           tsta
+           beq   L383           path = byte
+           tfr   f,e
+L383       pshsw
+           bsr   L391
+           cmpa  #4             string ??
+           lbne  err56          wrong type
+           pulsw
+           pshs  x
+           leax  ,u
+           ldf   #$FF
+           stf   ,x             null string
+           ldd   fieldsiz
+           cmpd  #2
+           blo   L385
+           stf   1,x            terminate string
+L385       tfr   e,a            path number
+           ldb   #SS.Ready
+           os9   I$GetStt
+           bcs   L387           no key
+           ldy   #1
+           os9   I$Read
+           bra   L389           returns error status
+L387       cmpb  #$F6           not ready ??
+           beq   L389           carry = clear
+           coma                 signal an error
+L389       puls  pc,x
+L391       ldd   ,x++
+           cmpd  #$4B0E
+           lbne  err56          param missing
+           jsr   table4
+L393       ldb   ,x+
+           cmpb  #$4E
+           bne   L393
+           leax  1,x            -> next instruction
+           rts
+SYSCALL    ldd   2,x
+           cmpa  #$4D           marker
+           lbne  err56
+           cmpb  #$0E
+           bne   L401
+           leax  4,x            callcode = variable
+           jsr   table4
+           lda   ,u
+           sta   callcode
+           bra   L403
+L401       lda   5,x            callcode = static
+           sta   callcode
+           leax  6,x
+L403       bsr   L391
+           ldd   fieldsiz
+           cmpd  #10
+           lbne  err56          wrong data structure
+           pshs  x
+           pshs  u
+           ldd   1,u            u -> data
+           ldx   4,u
+           ldy   6,u
+           ldu   8,u
+           jsr   <callex
+           tfr   u,w
+           puls  u
+           leau  8,u
+           pshu  y,x,dp,d,cc    store returns
+           stw   8,u
+           puls  pc,x
+RUN        ldd   ,x
+           cmpd  Vsys
+           beq   syscall
+           cmpd  Vinkey
+           lbeq  inkey
+           LBSR  L728           get address of name
+           PSHS  X
+           LDB   <$CF
+           CMPB  #$A0           mod. name ?
+           BEQ   L658           name found
+           LDY   exprSP
+           LDW   fieldsiz
+L662       LDA   ,U+            copy name
+           decw
+           BEQ   L660
+           STA   ,Y+
+           CMPA  #$FF
+           BNE   L662
+           LDA   ,--Y
+L660       ORA   #$80           terminate it
+           STA   ,Y
+           LDY   exprSP
+           LBSR  link
+           BCS   errs43
+           LEAU  ,X
+L658       LDD   ,U
+           BNE   L668           mod. in
+           LDY   <$D2
+           LEAY  3,Y
+           ldd   Vsys
+           cmpd  #$FFFF
+           bne   L661
+           lbsr  ISsyscal
+L661       ldd   Vinkey
+           cmpd  #$FFFF
+           bne   L663
+           lbsr  ISinkey
+L663       LBSR  link
+           BCS   errs43
+           LDD   ,X
+           STD   ,U
+L668       LDX   ,S
+           STD   ,S
+           LDU   WSbase
+           LDA   <$34
+           STA   ,U
+           LDB   <$43
+           STB   2,U
+           LDD   exprBase
+           LDW   <$40
+           STQ   $0D,U
+           LDD   DATApoin
+           STD   9,U
+           LBSR  L670           prm stack
+           STX   $0B,U          next instruction
+           stw   BUPaddr        clear address
+           PULS  X
+           LDA   6,X            module type??
+           BEQ   B09subr
+           CMPA  #$22
+           BEQ   B09subr
+           CMPA  #$21
+           BEQ   MLsubr
+errs43     LDB   #$2B
+           LBRA  L356
+MLsubr     LDD   5,U
+           PSHS  B,A
+           STS   5,U
+           LEAS  ,Y             -> prmstack
+           LDD   <$40
+           subr  y,d            stacksize
+           lsrd
+           lsrd
+           PSHS  d            number of elements
+           LDD   9,X
+           LEAY  L676,PC
+           JSR   D,X            run ML subroutine
+           LDU   WSbase
+           LDS   5,U
+           PULS  X
+           STX   5,U
+           BCC   L678           no error on exit
+           LBRA  L356
+* run Basic09 subroutine *
+B09subr    fcb   2,$7f,$34
+*          aim   #$7F,<$34
+           ldd   #$FFFF
+           std   Vsys           clear links
+           std   Vinkey
+           LBSR  L676
+           LDA   ,U
+           BITA  #1
+           BEQ   L678           no error on exit
+           LDA   ,U
+           STA   <$34
+L678       LDQ   $0D,U          reset DP pointers
+           STD   exprBase
+           STW   <$40
+           LDD   9,U
+           STD   DATApoin
+           LDB   2,U
+           SEX
+           STD   ArrBase
+           LDX   3,U
+           LBSR  L358
+           LDX   $0B,U
+           LDD   SStop
+           SUBD  exprBase
+           STD   freemem
+           ldd   #$FFFF
+           std   Vinkey
+           std   Vsys
+           RTS
+ISinkey    leax  <L613,pc
+           bra   L677
+ISsyscal   leax  <L615,pc
+L677       pshs  y
+L679       lda   ,x+
+           eora  ,y+
+           anda  #$DF
+           bne   L681           = RTS
+           lda   -1,x
+           bpl   L679           next char
+           puls  u,y            clear stack
+           puls  x
+           leax  -2,x
+           ldw   ,x
+           cmpa  #$EC           l ??
+           bne   L683
+           stw   Vsys
+           lbra  syscall
+L683       stw   Vinkey
+           lbra  inkey
+L681       puls  pc,y           no match
+L613       fcs   /inkey/
+L615       fcs   /SysCall/
+L616       fcb   1,2,5,1
+* assemble parameter stack
+L670       PSHS  U
+           leay  <L616,pc
+           LDB   ,X+
+           CLRA
+           PSHS  Y,X,A
+           CMPB  #$4D
+           BNE   L684           no params
+           LEAY  ,S
+L696       PSHS  Y
+           LDB   ,X
+           CMPB  #$0E
+           BEQ   L686           variable: any type
+           JSR   table4         variable type ?
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           CMPA  #2
+           BEQ   L688           real
+           CMPA  #4
+           BEQ   L690           string
+           LDD   1,Y
+           STD   4,Y            others
+           LDA   ,Y
+L688       LDB   #6
+           LEAU  <L616,PC
+           SUBB  A,U
+           LEAU  B,Y
+           STU   userSP
+           BRA   L692
+L690       LDU   1,Y
+           LDD   3,y
+           STD   fieldsiz
+           LDD   exprSP
+           STD   exprBase
+           LDA   #4
+           BRA   L692
+L686       LEAX  1,X
+           JSR   table4         variables
+L692       PULS  Y
+           INC   ,Y             param count
+           CMPA  #4
+           BCS   L693
+           LDD   fieldsiz
+           bra   L694
+L693       ldw   3,y            address L616
+           tfr   a,b
+           clra
+           addr  d,w
+           ldb   ,w
+L694       PSHS  U,D            address + size
+           LDB   ,X+
+           CMPB  #$4B
+           BEQ   L696           get next item
+           LEAX  1,X            end of list
+           STX   1,Y            = PSHS X
+           LDU   userSP
+           STU   <$40
+           ldf   ,y
+           clre
+           rolw
+L700       PULS  d
+           STD   ,--U
+           DECW
+           BNE   L700
+           LEAY  ,U             -> stack
+           BRA   L704
+L684       LDY   userSP
+           STY   <$40
+L704       TFR   Y,D
+           SUBD  exprBase
+           LBCS  err32
+           STD   freemem
+           puls  x,a
+           PULS  PC,U,D
+           fdb   MID$-L1386
+           fdb   LEFT$-L1386
+           fdb   RIGHT$-L1386
+           fdb   CHR$-L1386
+           fdb   STR$int-L1386
+           fdb   STR$rl-L1386
+           fdb   DATE$-L1386
+           fdb   TAB-L1386
+           fdb   FIX-L1386
+           fdb   fixN1-L1386
+           fdb   fixN2-L1386
+           fdb   FLOAT-L1386
+           fdb   float2-L1386
+           fdb   LNOTB-L1386
+           fdb   NEGint-L1386
+           fdb   NEGrl-L1386
+           fdb   LANDB-L1386
+           fdb   LORB-L1386
+           fdb   LXORB-L1386
+           fdb   Igt-L1386
+           fdb   Rgt-L1386
+           fdb   Sgt-L1386
+           fdb   Ilo-L1386
+           fdb   Rlo-L1386
+           fdb   Slo-L1386
+           fdb   Ine-L1386
+           fdb   Rne-L1386
+           fdb   Sne-L1386
+           fdb   Bne-L1386
+           fdb   Ieq-L1386
+           fdb   Req-L1386
+           fdb   Seq-L1386
+           fdb   Beq-L1386
+           fdb   Ige-L1386
+           fdb   Rge-L1386
+           fdb   Sge-L1386
+           fdb   Ile-L1386
+           fdb   Rle-L1386
+           fdb   Sle-L1386
+           fdb   INTADD-L1386
+           fdb   RLADD-L1386
+           fdb   STRconc-L1386
+           fdb   INTSUB-L1386
+           fdb   RLSUB-L1386
+           fdb   INTMUL-L1386
+           fdb   RLMUL-L1386
+           fdb   INTDIV-L1386
+           fdb   RLDIV-L1386
+           fdb   POWERS-L1386
+           fdb   POWERS-L1386
+           fdb   DIM-L1386
+           fdb   DIM-L1386
+           fdb   DIM-L1386
+           fdb   DIM-L1386
+           fdb   PARAM-L1386
+           fdb   PARAM-L1386
+           fdb   PARAM-L1386
+           fdb   PARAM-L1386
+           fcb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+L1386      fdb   BCPVAR-L1386
+           fdb   ICPVAR-L1386
+           fdb   L2102-L1386    copy real number
+           fdb   BlCPVAR-L1386
+           fdb   SCPVAR-L1386
+           fdb   L2105-L1386    copy DIM array
+           fdb   L2105-L1386
+           fdb   L2105-L1386
+           fdb   L2105-L1386
+           fdb   L2106-L1386    copy PARAM array
+           fdb   L2106-L1386
+           fdb   L2106-L1386
+           fdb   L2106-L1386
+           fdb   BCPCNST-L1386
+           fdb   ICPCNST-L1386
+           fdb   RCPCNST-L1386
+           fdb   SCPCNST-L1386
+           fdb   ICPCNST-L1386
+           fdb   ADDR-L1386
+           fdb   ADDR-L1386
+           fdb   SIZE-L1386
+           fdb   SIZE-L1386
+           fdb   POS-L1386
+           fdb   ERR-L1386
+           fdb   MODint-L1386
+           fdb   MODrl-L1386
+           fdb   RND-L1386
+           fdb   PI-L1386
+           fdb   SUBSTR-L1386
+           fdb   SGNint-L1386
+           fdb   SGNrl-L1386
+           fdb   L2122-L1386    transc. functions
+           fdb   L2123-L1386
+           fdb   L2124-L1386
+           fdb   L2125-L1386
+           fdb   L2126-L1386
+           fdb   L2127-L1386
+           fdb   EXP-L1386
+           fdb   ABSint-L1386
+           fdb   ABSrl-L1386
+           fdb   LOG-L1386      ln
+           fdb   LOG10-L1386
+           fdb   SQRT-L1386
+           fdb   SQRT-L1386
+           fdb   FLOAT-L1386
+           fdb   INTrl-L1386
+           fdb   L1058-L1386    RTS
+           fdb   FIX-L1386
+           fdb   FLOAT-L1386
+           fdb   L1058-L1386    RTS
+           fdb   SQint-L1386
+           fdb   SQrl-L1386
+           fdb   PEEK-L1386
+           fdb   LNOTI-L1386
+           fdb   VAL-L1386
+           fdb   LEN-L1386
+           fdb   ASC-L1386
+           fdb   LANDI-L1386
+           fdb   LORI-L1386
+           fdb   LXORI-L1386
+           fdb   equTRUE-L1386
+           fdb   equFALSE-L1386
+           fdb   EOF-L1386
+           fdb   TRIM$-L1386
+L1388      fdb   BtoI-L1388
+           fdb   INTCPY-L1388
+           fdb   RCPVAR-L1388
+           fdb   L13-L1388
+           fdb   L14-L1388
+           fdb   L15-L1388
+L1390      LDY   userSP         = table4
+           LDD   exprBase
+           STD   exprSP         clear expr.stack
+           BRA   L724
+L726       ASLB
+           LDU   table2         -> L1386
+           LDD   B,U
+           JSR   D,U
+L724       LDB   ,X+
+           BMI   L726           next part
+           CLRA  clear          carry
+           LDA   ,Y
+           RTS                  instruction done
+* get size of DIM array
+L2105      BSR   L728
+L732       PSHS  PC,U
+           LDU   table3         -> L1388
+           ASLA
+           LDD   A,U
+           LEAU  D,U
+           STU   2,S
+           PULS  PC,U
+* get size of PARAM array
+L2106      BSR   L730
+           BRA   L732
+DIM        LEAS  2,S
+           LDA   #$F2
+           BRA   L734
+PARAM      LEAS  2,S
+           LDA   #$F6
+           BRA   L736
+L730       LDA   #$89
+L736       STA   <$A3
+           CLR   <$3B
+           BRA   L738
+L728       LDA   #$85
+L734       STA   <$A3
+           STA   <$3B
+L738       LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  VarPtrba
+           STD   <$D2
+           LDU   <$D2           points to var. marker
+           LDA   ,U
+           ANDA  #$E0
+           STA   <$CF
+           EORA  #$80
+           STA   <$CE
+           LDA   ,U
+           ANDA  #7
+           LDB   -3,X
+           SUBB  <$A3
+           PSHS  d
+           LDA   ,U
+           ANDA  #$18
+           LBEQ  L740
+           LDD   1,U
+           ADDD  vectorba
+           TFR   D,U
+           LDD   ,U
+           STD   VarAddr
+           LDA   1,S
+           BNE   L742           first access
+           LDA   #5
+           STA   ,S
+           LDD   2,U
+           STD   fieldsiz
+           clrd
+           BRA   L744
+L742       LEAY  -6,Y
+           clrd
+           STD   1,Y
+           LEAU  4,U
+           BRA   L746
+L754       LDD   ,U             should be able to change to raw MULD?
+           STD   1,Y
+           LBSR  INTMUL
+L746       LDD   7,Y
+           SUBD  ArrBase        adjust to base 0
+           CMPD  ,U++
+           BLO   L750
+           LDB   #$37           error 55
+           LBRA  L356
+L750       ADDD  1,Y
+           STD   7,Y
+           DEC   1,S
+           BNE   L754           next element
+           LDA   ,S
+           BEQ   L756           bytes
+           CMPA  #2
+           BCS   L758           integers
+           BEQ   L760           real numbers
+           CMPA  #4
+           BCS   L756           boolean
+           LDD   ,U             string
+           STD   fieldsiz
+           BRA   L762
+L756       LDD   7,Y            number of elements
+           BRA   L764
+L758       LDD   7,Y
+           asld  x              2
+L764       LEAY  $0C,Y
+           BRA   L744
+L760       LDD   #5
+L762       STD   1,Y
+           LBSR  INTMUL         x 5   (change to internal MULD)
+           LDD   1,Y            array size
+           LEAY  6,Y            Eat temp var
+L744       TST   <$CE
+           BNE   L766
+           LDW   VarAddr
+           ADDW  WSbase
+           CMPW  <$40
+           BCC   err56          too big!
+           TFR   W,U
+           CMPD  2,U
+           BHI   err56          too big!
+           ADDD  ,U
+           BRA   L770
+L766       ADDD  VarAddr
+           TST   <$3B
+           BNE   L772
+L776       ADDD  1,Y
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           BRA   L770
+L740       LDA   ,S
+           CMPA  #4
+           LDD   1,U
+           BCS   L774
+           ADDD  vectorba
+           TFR   D,U
+           LDQ   ,U
+           STW   fieldsiz
+L774       TST   <$3B
+           BEQ   L776           PARAM
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           TFR   D,U
+           TST   <$CE
+           BNE   L778
+           CMPD  <$40
+           BCC   err56          too big!
+           LDD   fieldsiz
+           CMPD  2,U
+           BLO   L780
+           LDD   2,U
+           STD   fieldsiz       reset fieldwidth
+L780       LDU   ,U
+           BRA   L778
+L772       ADDD  WSbase
+L770       TFR   D,U
+L778       CLRA
+           PULS  PC,d
+err56      LDB   #$38
+           LBRA  L356
+           BRA   BtoI
+BCPVAR     LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           TFR   D,U
+BtoI       LDB   ,U
+           CLRA
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+           BRA   INTCPY
+ICPVAR     LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           TFR   D,U
+INTCPY     LDD   ,U
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+NEGint     clrd
+           SUBD  1,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           RTS
+INTADD     LDD   7,Y
+           ADDD  1,Y
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           RTS
+INTSUB     LDD   7,Y
+           SUBD  1,Y
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           RTS
+INTMUL     LDD   7,Y
+           BEQ   L786
+           muld  1,y
+           stw   7,y
+L786       LEAY  6,Y
+           RTS
+INTDIV     clre
+           ldd   1,y
+           bne   L801
+           LDB   #$2D           error 45
+           LBRA  L356
+L801       cmpd  #1
+           beq   L803
+           bpl   L800
+           come
+           negd
+           std   1,y
+L800       cmpd  #2
+           bne   L810
+           LDD   7,Y            divide by 2
+           BEQ   L803
+           bpl   L802
+           negd
+           come
+L802       ste   ,y
+           clrw
+           asrd
+           rolw
+           BRA   L806
+L810       ldd   7,y
+           bne   L812
+L803       clrd                 always 0
+           STD   9,Y
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           RTS
+L812       bpl   L814
+           come
+           negd
+L814       ste   ,y
+           tfr   d,w
+           clrd
+           divq  1,y
+           exg   d,w
+L806       tst   ,y
+           bpl   L820           answer = pos.
+           negd
+           comw
+           incw
+L820       STQ   7,Y
+L822       LEAY  6,Y
+           RTS
+           LDB   ,X+
+           LDA   #2
+           STD   ,Y
+           LDQ   ,X
+           STQ   2,Y
+           leax  4,x
+           RTS
+L2102      LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           TFR   D,U
+RCPVAR     LEAY  -6,Y
+           LDA   #2
+           LDB   ,U
+           STD   ,Y
+           LDQ   1,U
+           STQ   2,Y
+           RTS
+* invert sign of real number
+NEGrl      fcb   $62,1,$25
+*          eim   #1,5,y
+           rts
+RLSUB      fcb   $62,1,$25
+*          eim   #1,5,y
+RLADD      TST   2,Y
+           BEQ   L824           = +0
+           TST   8,Y
+           BNE   L826
+L830       LDQ   1,Y            = 0+x
+           STQ   7,Y
+           LDA   5,Y
+           STA   $0B,Y
+L824       LEAY  6,Y
+           rts
+* compare exponents
+L826       LDA   7,Y
+           SUBA  1,Y
+           BVC   L828
+           BPL   L830
+           BRA   L824
+L828       BMI   L832
+           CMPA  #$1F
+           BLE   L834
+           BRA   L824           change insignif.
+L832       CMPA  #$E1
+           BLT   L830           change insignif.
+           LDB   1,Y
+           STB   7,Y
+* calc. sign of answer
+L834       LDB   $0B,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           STB   ,Y
+           EORB  5,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           STB   1,Y            sign of answer
+* clear original signs
+*          aim   #$FE,11,y
+*          aim   #$FE,5,y
+           fcb   $62,$fe,$2b
+           fcb   $62,$fe,$25
+* calc. answer
+           TSTA
+           BEQ   L836
+           tfr   y,w
+           BPL   L838
+           NEGA
+           addw  #6
+           BSR   L840
+           TST   1,Y
+           BEQ   L842
+* substract mantissas
+L848       SUBW  4,Y
+           sbcd  2,Y
+           BCC   L844
+           comd
+           comw
+           addw  #1
+           adcd  #0
+L846       DEC   ,Y
+           BRA   L844
+L838       BSR   L840
+           STQ   2,Y
+L836       LDQ   8,Y
+           TST   1,Y
+           BNE   L848
+* add mantissas
+L842       ADDW  4,Y
+           adcd  2,Y
+           BCC   L844
+           rord
+           rorw
+           INC   7,Y
+L844       TSTA
+           BMI   L850
+           andcc #$FE           clear carry
+L854       DEC   7,Y            shift to proper form
+           BVS   equ0
+           rolw
+           rold
+           BPL   L854
+L850       addw  #1
+           adcd  #0
+           BCC   L856
+           RORA
+           INC   7,Y
+L856       STD   8,Y
+           TFR   W,D
+           lsrb
+           lslb
+           orb   ,y             add sign
+L858       STD   $0A,Y
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           rts
+L840       SUBA  #$10
+           BCS   L860
+           SUBA  #8
+           BCS   L862
+           PSHS  A
+           CLRA
+           LDB   2,W
+           BRA   L864
+L862       ADDA  #8
+           PSHS  A
+           LDD   2,W
+L864       clrw
+           TST   ,S
+           BEQ   L866
+           exg   d,w
+           BRA   L872
+L860       ADDA  #8
+           BCC   L870
+           PSHS  A
+           CLRA
+           LDB   2,W
+           LDW   3,W
+           TST   ,S
+           BNE   L872
+           BRA   L866
+L870       ADDA  #8
+           PSHS  A
+           LDQ   2,W
+L872       lsrd
+           rorw
+           DEC   ,S
+           BNE   L872
+L866       LEAS  1,S
+           RTS
+RLMUL      LDA   2,Y
+           BPL   equ0
+           LDA   8,Y
+           BMI   L876
+equ0       clrd
+           clrw
+           STQ   7,Y
+           STA   $0B,Y
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           rts
+L876       LDA   1,Y
+           ADDA  7,Y
+           BVC   L878
+L916       BPL   equ0
+           LDB   #$32           error 50
+           lbra  L356
+L878       STA   7,Y
+           LDB   $0B,Y
+           EORB  5,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           STB   ,Y
+           LDA   $0B,Y
+           ANDA  #$FE
+           STA   $0B,Y
+           LDB   5,Y
+           ANDB  #$FE
+           STB   5,Y
+           MUL
+           clrw
+           clr   extnum
+           tfr   a,f
+           LDA   $0B,Y
+           LDB   4,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L880
+           inc   extnum
+L880       LDA   $0A,Y
+           LDB   5,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L882
+           inc   extnum
+L882       tfr   e,f
+           lde   extnum
+           clr   extnum
+           LDA   $0B,Y
+           LDB   3,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L884
+           inc   extnum
+L884       LDA   $0A,Y
+           LDB   4,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L886
+           inc   extnum
+L886       LDA   9,Y
+           LDB   5,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L888
+           inc   extnum
+L888       tfr   e,f
+           lde   extnum
+           clr   extnum
+           LDA   $0B,Y
+           LDB   2,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L890
+           inc   extnum
+L890       LDA   $0A,Y
+           LDB   3,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L892
+           inc   extnum
+L892       LDA   9,Y
+           LDB   4,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L894
+           inc   extnum
+L894       LDA   8,Y
+           LDB   5,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L896
+           inc   extnum
+L896       stf   11,y
+           tfr   e,f
+           lde   extnum
+           clr   extnum
+           LDA   $0A,Y
+           LDB   2,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L898
+           inc   extnum
+L898       LDA   9,Y
+           LDB   3,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L900
+           inc   extnum
+L900       LDA   8,Y
+           LDB   4,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L902
+           inc   extnum
+L902       stf   10,y
+           tfr   e,f
+           lde   extnum
+           clr   extnum
+           LDA   9,Y
+           LDB   2,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L904
+           inc   extnum
+L904       LDA   8,Y
+           LDB   3,Y
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L906
+           inc   extnum
+L906       LDA   8,Y
+           LDB   2,Y
+           MUL
+           tfr   w,u
+           tfr   e,f
+           lde   extnum
+           exg   d,u
+           addr  u,w
+           BMI   L908
+           asl   11,y
+           rol   10,y
+           rolb
+           rolw
+           DEC   7,Y
+           LBVS  L916
+L908       tfr   b,a
+           LDB   $0A,Y
+           exg   d,w
+           ADDW  #1
+           adcd  #0
+           BNE   L914
+           rora
+           INC   7,Y
+L914       exg   d,w
+           lsrb
+           lslb
+           ORB   ,Y
+           STD   $0A,Y
+           stw   8,y
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           rts
+RLDIV      TST   2,Y
+           BNE   L920
+           LDB   #$2D           error 45
+           lbra  L356
+L920       TST   8,Y
+           LBEQ  equ0
+           LDA   7,Y
+           SUBA  1,Y
+           LBVS  L916
+           STA   7,Y
+           LDA   #$21
+           LDB   5,Y
+           EORB  $0B,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           STD   ,Y
+           ldq   2,y
+           lsrd
+           rorw
+           stq   2,y
+           LDQ   8,Y
+           lsrd
+           rorw
+           CLR   $0B,Y
+L932       SUBW  4,Y
+           sbcd  2,y
+           BEQ   L926
+           BMI   L928
+L936       ORCC  #1
+L938       DEC   ,Y
+           BEQ   L930
+           ROL   $0B,Y
+           ROL   $0A,Y
+           ROL   9,Y
+           ROL   8,Y
+           andcc #$FE
+           rolw
+           rold
+           BCC   L932
+           ADDW  4,Y
+           adcd  2,y
+           BEQ   L926
+           BPL   L936
+L928       ANDCC #$FE
+           BRA   L938
+L926       tstw
+           BNE   L936
+           LDB   ,Y
+           DECB
+           SUBB  #$10
+           BLT   L940
+           SUBB  #8
+           BLT   L942
+           STB   ,Y
+           LDA   $0B,Y
+           LDB   #$80
+           andcc #$FE
+           BRA   L946
+L942       ADDB  #8
+           STB   ,Y
+           LDW   #$8000
+           LDD   $0A,Y
+           andcc #$FE
+           BRA   L946
+L940       ADDB  #8
+           BLT   L948
+           STB   ,Y
+           LDQ   9,Y
+           LDF   #$80
+           andcc #$FE
+           BRA   L946
+L948       ADDB  #7
+           STB   ,Y
+           LDQ   8,Y
+           ORCC  #1
+L950       rolw
+           rold
+L946       DEC   ,Y
+           BPL   L950
+           TSTA
+           BRA   L952
+L930       LDQ   8,Y
+L952       BMI   L954
+           rolw
+           rold
+           DEC   7,Y
+           LBVS  equ0
+L954       addw  #1
+           adcd  #0
+           BCC   L956
+           RORA
+           INC   7,Y
+           LBVS  equ0
+L956       STD   8,Y
+           TFR   W,D
+           lsrb
+           lslb
+           ORB   1,Y
+           STD   $0A,Y
+           INC   7,Y
+           LBVS  L916
+L958       LEAY  6,Y
+           rts
+POWERS     LDD   7,Y
+           BEQ   L958
+           LDW   1,Y
+           BNE   L960
+           LEAY  6,Y
+L1152      LDD   #$0180
+           clrw
+           STQ   1,Y
+           ste   5,y
+           rts
+L960       STD   1,Y
+           STW   7,Y
+           LDD   9,Y
+           LDW   3,Y
+           STD   3,Y
+           STW   9,Y
+           LDA   $0B,Y
+           LDB   5,Y
+           STA   5,Y
+           STB   $0B,Y
+           LBSR  LOG            = ln
+           LBSR  RLMUL
+           LBRA  EXP
+BlCPVAR    LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           TFR   D,U
+L13        LDB   ,U
+           CLRA
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #3
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+LANDB      LDB   8,Y
+           ANDB  2,Y
+           BRA   L968
+LORB       LDB   8,Y
+           ORB   2,Y
+           BRA   L968
+LXORB      LDB   8,Y
+           EORB  2,Y
+L968       LEAY  6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           RTS
+LNOTB      COM   2,Y
+           RTS
+StrCMP     PSHS  Y,X
+           LDX   1,Y
+           LDY   7,Y
+           STY   exprSP
+L972       LDA   ,Y+
+           CMPA  ,X+
+           BNE   L970
+           CMPA  #$FF
+           BNE   L972
+L970       INCA
+           INC   -1,X
+           CMPA  -1,X
+           PULS  PC,Y,X
+Slo        BSR   StrCMP
+           BLO   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Sle        BSR   StrCMP
+           BLS   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Seq        BSR   StrCMP
+           BEQ   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Sne        BSR   StrCMP
+           BNE   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Sge        BSR   StrCMP
+           BHS   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Sgt        BSR   StrCMP
+           BHI   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Ilo        LDD   7,Y
+           SUBD  1,Y
+           BLT   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Ile        LDD   7,Y
+           SUBD  1,Y
+           BLE   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Ine        LDD   7,Y
+           SUBD  1,Y
+           BNE   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Ieq        LDD   7,Y
+           SUBD  1,Y
+           BEQ   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Ige        LDD   7,Y
+           SUBD  1,Y
+           BGE   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Igt        LDD   7,Y
+           SUBD  1,Y
+           BLE   L978
+L976       LDB   #$FF
+           BRA   L980
+L978       clrb
+L980       CLRA
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #3
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+Beq        LDB   8,Y
+           CMPB  2,Y
+           BEQ   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Bne        LDB   8,Y
+           CMPB  2,Y
+           BNE   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Rlo        BSR   RLCMP
+           BLO   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Rle        BSR   RLCMP
+           BLS   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Rne        BSR   RLCMP
+           BNE   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Req        BSR   RLCMP
+           BEQ   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Rge        BSR   RLCMP
+           BHS   L976
+           BRA   L978
+Rgt        BSR   RLCMP
+           BHI   L976
+           BRA   L978
+           LDA   $0B,Y          Get sign of 2nd #
+           ANDA  #1
+           ldb   5,y            Get sign of 1st #
+           andb  #1
+           cmpr  a,b            Same sign?
+           bne   L996           No, skip ahead
+L988       LEAU  6,Y            signs are the same
+           tsta
+           BEQ   L994           positive numbers
+           EXG   U,Y            invert them
+L994       LDQ   1,U
+           CMPD  1,Y
+           bne   L993
+           CMPW  3,Y
+           BNE   L996
+           LDA   5,U
+           CMPA  5,Y
+L996       PULS  PC,Y
+L993       pshs  cc
+           eora  1,y
+           bpl   L992           no/both fractions
+           tstb
+           beq   L992           n1 = 0
+           tst   2,y
+           beq   L992           n2 = 0
+*          eim   #1,0,s
+           fcb   $65,1,$60
+L992       puls  pc,y,cc
+* copy string
+           LDU   exprSP
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           STU   1,Y            starting address
+           STY   SStop
+L1004      cmpr  y,u
+           BCC   err47
+           LDA   ,X+
+           STA   ,U+
+           CMPA  #$FF
+           BEQ   L1001
+           INCB
+           BNE   L1004
+           LDA   #$FF
+           STA   ,U+
+L1001      clra
+           std   3,y            size of string
+L1002      STU   exprSP
+           LDA   #4
+           STA   ,Y             type: string
+           RTS
+err47      LDB   #$2F
+           LBRA  L356
+L14        tfr   u,d
+           ldw   fieldsiz
+           bra   L1007
+* copy string to expression stack
+SCPVAR     LDD   ,X++
+           ADDD  vectorba
+           TFR   D,U            array vector
+           LDQ   ,U             address,size target
+           ADDD  WSbase
+           stw   fieldsiz
+L1007      ldu   exprSP
+           leay  -6,y
+           stu   1,y            starting address
+           sty   SStop
+           cmpd  BUPaddr
+           beq   L1009
+           addr  w,u
+           cmpr  y,u
+           bhs   err47          too big
+           ldu   1,y
+           pshs  x
+           tfr   d,x            origin
+           stx   BUPaddr
+L1003      lda   ,x+
+           sta   ,u+
+           cmpa  #$FF
+           beq   L1005
+           decw
+           bne   L1003
+           lda   #$FF
+           sta   ,u+
+L1005      comw  negate         left-over
+           incw
+           addw  fieldsiz
+           stw   3,y            size of string
+           stw   BUPsize
+           puls  x
+           bra   L1002
+L1009      ldw   BUPsize
+           stw   3,y
+           tfm   d+,u+
+           lda   #$FF
+           sta   ,u+
+           bra   L1002
+STRconc    LDU   1,Y
+           ldw   3,y
+           incw
+           tfr   u,d
+           decd
+           tfm   u+,d+
+           STD   exprSP
+           ldd   3,y
+           leay  6,y
+           addd  3,y
+           std   3,y            length new string
+           RTS
+L15        LDD   fieldsiz
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           STD   3,Y
+           STU   1,Y
+           LDA   #5
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+FLOAT      clrd
+           STD   4,Y
+           LDD   1,Y
+           BNE   L1012
+           STB   3,Y
+           LDA   #2
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+L1012      LDW   #$0210
+           TSTA
+           BPL   L1014
+           negd
+           INC   5,Y
+L1014      TSTA
+           BNE   L1016
+           LDW   #$0208
+           EXG   A,B
+L1016      TSTA
+           BMI   L1018
+L1020      decw
+           asld
+           BPL   L1020
+L1018      STD   2,Y
+           STW   ,Y
+           RTS
+float2     LEAY  6,Y
+           BSR   FLOAT
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           RTS
+FIX        ldw   1,y
+           ldd   4,y
+           tste
+           BGT   L1024
+           BMI   L1026
+           tstf
+           BPL   L1026
+           LDW   #1
+           BRA   L1028
+L1026      clrw
+           BRA   L1030
+L1024      SUBE  #$10
+           BHI   err52
+           BNE   L1034
+           LDW   2,Y
+           rorb
+           BCC   L1030
+           CMPW  #$8000
+           BNE   err52
+           tsta
+           BPL   L1030
+           BRA   err52
+L1034      pshs  b
+           tfr   e,b
+           ldw   2,y
+           cmpb  #$F8
+           BHI   L1036
+           tfr   f,a
+           tfr   e,f
+           clre
+           ADDB  #8
+           BEQ   L1038
+L1036      lsrw
+           rora
+           INCB
+           BNE   L1036
+L1038      puls  b
+           tsta
+           BPL   L1028
+           incw
+           BVC   L1028
+err52      LDB   #$34
+           LBRA  L356
+L1028      RORB
+           BCC   L1030
+           comw
+           incw
+L1030      STW   1,Y
+           std   4,y
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+fixN1      LEAY  6,Y
+           BSR   FIX
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           RTS
+fixN2      LEAY  $0C,Y
+           BSR   FIX
+           LEAY  -$0C,Y
+           RTS
+ABSrl      fcb   $62,$fe,$25
+*          AIM   #$FE,5,y
+           RTS
+ABSint     LDD   1,Y
+           BPL   L1042
+           NEGD
+           STD   1,Y
+L1042      RTS
+PEEK       CLRA
+           LDB   [1,Y]
+           STD   1,Y
+           RTS
+SGNrl      LDA   2,Y
+           BEQ   L1044
+           LDA   5,Y
+           ANDA  #1
+           BNE   L1046
+L1050      LDB   #1
+           BRA   L1048
+SGNint     LDD   1,Y
+           BMI   L1046
+           BNE   L1050
+L1044      CLRB
+           BRA   L1048
+L1046      LDB   #$FF
+L1048      SEX
+           BRA   L1052
+ERR        LDB   errcode
+           CLR   errcode
+L1054      CLRA
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+L1052      STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   ,Y
+L1058      RTS
+POS        LDB   charcoun
+           BRA   L1054
+SQRT       LDB   5,Y
+           ASRB
+           LBCS  err67
+           LDB   #$1F
+           STB   <$6E
+           LDD   1,Y
+           BEQ   L1058
+           INCA
+           ASRA
+           STA   1,Y
+           LDQ   2,Y
+           BCS   L1060
+           lsrd
+           rorw
+L1060      STQ   -4,Y
+           clrd
+           clrw
+           STQ   2,Y
+           STQ   -8,Y
+           BRA   L1064
+L1070      ORCC  #1
+           ldq   2,y
+           rolw
+           rold
+           DEC   <$6E
+           BEQ   L1066
+           stq   2,y
+           BSR   L1068
+L1064      LDB   -4,Y
+           SUBB  #$40
+           STB   -4,Y
+           LDD   -6,Y
+           sbcd  4,Y
+           STD   -6,Y
+           LDD   -8,Y
+           sbcd  2,Y
+           STD   -8,Y
+           BPL   L1070
+L1072      ANDCC #$FE
+           ldq   2,y
+           rolw
+           rold
+           DEC   <$6E
+           BEQ   L1066
+           stq   2,y
+           BSR   L1068
+           LDB   -4,Y
+           ADDB  #$C0
+           STB   -4,Y
+           LDD   -6,Y
+           adcd  4,Y
+           STD   -6,Y
+           LDD   -8,Y
+           adcd  2,Y
+           STD   -8,Y
+           BMI   L1072
+           BRA   L1070
+L1066      andcc #$FE
+           BRA   L1074
+L1076      DEC   1,Y
+           LBVS  equ0
+L1074      rolw
+           rold
+           BPL   L1076
+           STQ   2,Y
+           RTS
+L1068      ldq   -8,y
+           ASL   -1,Y
+           ROL   -2,Y
+           ROL   -3,Y
+           ROL   -4,Y
+           rolw
+           rold
+           asl   -1,y
+           rol   -2,y
+           rol   -3,y
+           rol   -4,y
+           rolw
+           rold
+           stq   -8,y
+           RTS
+           LDD   3,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           RTS
+MODrl      LEAU  -$0C,Y
+           ldw   #12
+           tfm   y+,u+
+           LEAY  -$0C,U
+           LBSR  RLDIV
+           BSR   INTrl
+           LBSR  RLMUL
+           LBRA  RLSUB
+INTrl      LDA   1,Y
+           BGT   L1090
+           clrd
+           clrw
+           STQ   1,Y
+           STB   5,Y
+L1092      RTS
+L1090      CMPA  #$1F
+           BCC   L1092
+           LEAU  6,Y
+           LDB   -1,U
+           ANDB  #1
+           PSHS  U,B
+           LEAU  1,Y
+L1094      LEAU  1,U
+           SUBA  #8
+           BCC   L1094
+           BEQ   L1096
+           LDB   #$FF
+L1098      ASLB
+           INCA
+           BNE   L1098
+           ANDB  ,U
+           STB   ,U+
+           BRA   L1100
+L1096      LEAU  1,U
+L1102      STA   ,U+
+L1100      CMPU  1,S
+           BNE   L1102
+           PULS  U,B
+           ORB   5,Y
+           STB   5,Y
+           RTS
+SQint      LEAY  -6,Y       If embedding, skip LEAY -6,y
+           LDD   7,Y        Get # to square
+           STD   1,Y        Multiply it by itself (could embed MULD)
+           LBRA  INTMUL
+SQrl       LEAY  -6,Y
+           LDQ   8,Y
+           STQ   2,Y
+           LDD   6,Y
+           STD   ,Y
+           LBRA  RLMUL
+VAL        LDD   Sstack
+           LDU   Spointer
+           PSHS  U,D
+           LDD   1,Y
+           STD   Sstack
+           STD   Spointer
+           STD   exprSP
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           LBSR  L2008
+           PULS  U,D
+           STD   Sstack
+           STU   Spointer
+           LBCS  err67
+           RTS
+ADDR       LBSR  L724
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           STU   1,Y
+L1112      LDA   #1
+           STA   ,Y
+           LEAX  1,X
+           RTS
+* Table of var type sizes
+L1108      fcb   1,2,5,1
+SIZE       LBSR  L724
+           leay  -6,y
+           CMPA  #4
+           BCC   L1106
+           LEAU  <L1108,PC
+           LDB   A,U
+           CLRA
+           BRA   L1110
+L1106      LDD   fieldsiz
+L1110      STD   1,Y
+           BRA   L1112
+equTRUE    LDD   #$FF
+           BRA   L1114
+equFALSE   clrd
+L1114      LEAY  -6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #3
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+LNOTI      COM   1,Y
+           COM   2,Y
+           RTS
+LANDI      LDD   1,Y
+           ANDD  7,Y
+           BRA   L1116
+LXORI      LDD   1,Y
+           EORD  7,Y
+           BRA   L1116
+LORI       LDD   1,Y
+           ORD   7,Y
+L1116      STD   7,Y
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           RTS
+L1118      fcb   255,222,91,216,170
+LOG10      BSR   LOG
+           LEAU  <L1118,PC
+           LBSR  RCPVAR
+           LBRA  RLMUL
+LOG        PSHS  X
+           LDB   5,Y
+           ASRB
+           LBCS  err67
+           LDD   1,Y
+           LBEQ  err67
+           PSHS  A
+           LDB   #1
+           STB   1,Y
+           LEAY  <-$1A,Y
+           LEAX  <$1B,Y
+           LEAU  ,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1124
+           clrd
+           clrw
+           STQ   <$14,Y
+           STA   <$18,Y
+           LEAX  L1126,PC
+           STX   <$19,Y
+           LBSR  L1128
+           LEAX  <$14,Y
+           LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1130
+           LEAY  <$1A,Y
+           LDB   #2
+           STB   ,Y
+*          oim   #1,5,y
+           fcb   $61,1,$25
+           PULS  B
+           BSR   L1132
+           PULS  X
+           LBRA  RLADD
+L1138      fcb   0,177,114,23,248
+L1132      SEX
+           BPL   L1136
+           NEGB
+L1136      ANDA  #1
+           PSHS  D
+           LEAU  <L1138,PC
+           LBSR  RCPVAR
+           LDB   5,Y
+           LDA   1,S
+           CMPA  #1
+           BEQ   L1140
+           MUL
+           STB   5,Y
+           LDB   4,Y
+           STA   4,Y
+           LDA   1,S
+           MUL
+           ADDB  4,Y
+           ADCA  #0
+           STB   4,Y
+           LDB   3,Y
+           STA   3,Y
+           LDA   1,S
+           MUL
+           ADDB  3,Y
+           ADCA  #0
+           STB   3,Y
+           LDB   2,Y
+           STA   2,Y
+           LDA   1,S
+           MUL
+           ADDB  2,Y
+           ADCA  #0
+           BEQ   L1142
+           ldw   3,y
+L1144      INC   1,Y
+           lsrd
+           rorw
+           ROR   5,Y
+           TSTA
+           BNE   L1144
+           stw   3,y
+L1142      STB   2,Y
+           LDB   5,Y
+L1140      ANDB  #$FE
+           ORB   ,S
+           STB   5,Y
+           PULS  PC,D
+EXP        PSHS  X
+           LDB   1,Y
+           BEQ   L1146
+           CMPB  #7
+           BLE   L1148
+           LDB   5,Y
+           RORB
+           RORB
+           EORB  #$80
+           LBRA  L1150
+L1148      CMPB  #$E4
+           LBLE  L1152
+           TSTB
+           BPL   L1154
+L1146      CLR   ,-S
+           LDB   5,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           BEQ   L1156
+           BRA   L1158
+L1154      LDA   #$71
+           MUL
+           ADDA  1,Y
+           LDB   5,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           PSHS  B,A
+           EORB  5,Y
+           STB   5,Y
+           LDB   ,S
+L1162      LBSR  L1132
+           LBSR  RLSUB
+           LDB   1,Y
+           BLE   L1160
+           ADDB  ,S
+           STB   ,S
+           LDB   1,Y
+           BRA   L1162
+L1160      PULS  D
+           PSHS  A
+           TSTB
+           BEQ   L1156
+           NEGA
+           STA   ,S
+           ORB   5,Y
+           STB   5,Y
+L1158      LEAU  L1138,PC
+           LBSR  RCPVAR
+           LBSR  RLADD
+           DEC   ,S
+           LDB   5,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           BNE   L1158
+L1156      LEAY  <-$1A,Y
+           LEAX  <$1B,Y
+           LEAU  <$14,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1124
+           LDD   #$1000
+           clrw
+           STQ   ,Y
+           STB   4,Y
+           LEAX  L1164,PC
+           STX   <$19,Y
+           BSR   L1128
+           LEAX  ,Y
+           LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1130
+           LEAY  <$1A,Y
+           PULS  B
+           ADDB  1,Y
+           BVS   L1150
+           LDA   #2
+           STD   ,Y
+           PULS  PC,X
+L1128      LDA   #1
+           STA   <$9A
+           LEAX  L1166,PC
+           STX   <$95
+           LEAX  <$5F,X
+           STX   <$97
+           LBRA  L1168
+L1150      LEAY  -6,Y
+           puls  x
+           lbra  L916           0 or ovf
+L2125      PSHS  X
+           BSR   L1170
+           LDD   1,Y
+           LBEQ  L1172
+           CMPD  #$0180
+           BGT   L1174          error 67
+           BNE   L1176
+           LDD   3,Y
+           BNE   L1174          error 67
+           LDA   5,Y
+           LBEQ  L1178
+L1174      LBRA  err67
+L1176      LBSR  L1180
+           LEAY  <-$14,Y
+           LEAX  <$15,Y
+           LEAU  ,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1124
+           LEAX  <$1B,Y
+           LBRA  L1182
+L1170      LDB   5,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           STB   <$6D
+           EORB  5,Y
+           STB   5,Y
+           RTS
+L2126      LEAU  <L1184,PC
+           PSHS  U,X
+           BSR   L1170
+           LDD   1,Y
+           LBEQ  L1178
+           CMPD  #$0180
+           BGT   L1174          error 67
+           BNE   L1186
+           LDD   3,Y
+           BNE   L1174          error 67
+           LDA   5,Y
+           BNE   L1174          error 67
+           LDA   <$6D
+           BNE   L1188
+           CLRB
+           STD   1,Y
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+L1188      LEAY  6,Y
+           PULS  U,X
+           LBRA  PI
+L1186      BSR   L1180
+           LEAY  <-$14,Y
+           LEAX  <$1B,Y
+           LEAU  ,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1124
+           LEAX  <$15,Y
+           LBRA  L1182
+L1184      LDA   5,Y
+           BITA  #1
+           BEQ   L1192
+           LDU   WSbase
+           TST   1,U
+           BEQ   L1194
+           LEAU  <L1196,PC
+           LBSR  RCPVAR
+           BRA   L1198
+L1194      LBSR  PI
+L1198      LBRA  RLADD
+L1192      RTS
+L1196      fcb   8,180,0,0,0
+L1180      LDA   <$6D
+           PSHS  A
+           LEAY  -18,Y
+           LDD   #$0201
+           STD   $0C,Y
+           LDA   #$80
+           CLRB
+           STD   $0E,Y
+           CLRA
+           STD   $10,Y
+           LDQ   <$12,Y
+           STQ   ,Y
+           STQ   6,Y
+           LDD   <$16,Y
+           STD   4,Y
+           STD   $0A,Y
+           LBSR  RLMUL
+           LBSR  RLSUB
+           LBSR  SQRT
+           PULS  A
+           STA   <$6D
+           RTS
+L2127      PSHS  X
+           LBSR  L1170
+           LDB   1,Y
+           CMPB  #$18
+           BLT   L1204
+L1178      LEAY  6,Y
+           LBSR  PI
+           DEC   1,Y
+           BRA   L1206
+L1204      LEAY  <-$1A,Y
+           LDD   #$1000
+           clrw
+           STQ   ,Y
+           STB   4,Y
+           lda   ,y
+           LDB   <$1B,Y
+           ldw   1,y
+           BRA   L1208
+L1210      ASRA
+           rorw
+           ROR   3,Y
+           ROR   4,Y
+           DECB
+L1208      CMPB  #2
+           BGT   L1210
+           sta   ,y
+           stw   1,y
+           STB   <$1B,Y
+           LEAX  <$1B,Y
+L1182      LEAU  $0A,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1124
+           clrd
+           clrw
+           STQ   <$14,Y
+           STA   <$18,Y
+           LEAX  L1212,PC
+           STX   <$19,Y
+           LBSR  L1214
+           LEAX  <$14,Y
+           LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1130
+           LEAY  <$1A,Y
+L1206      LDA   5,Y
+           ORA   <$6D
+           STA   5,Y
+           LDU   WSbase
+           TST   1,U
+           BEQ   L1172
+           LEAU  L1216,PC
+           LBSR  RCPVAR
+           LBSR  RLMUL
+           BRA   L1172
+L2122      PSHS  X
+           LBSR  L1218
+           LEAX  $0A,Y
+           BSR   L1220
+           LDA   5,Y
+L1230      EORA  <$9C
+L1224      STA   5,Y
+L1172      LDA   #2
+           STA   ,Y
+           PULS  PC,X
+L1220      LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1130
+           LEAY  <$14,Y
+           LEAX  L1222,PC
+           LEAU  1,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBRA  RLMUL
+L2123      PSHS  X
+           BSR   L1218
+           LEAX  ,Y
+           BSR   L1220
+           LDA   5,Y
+           EORA  <$9B
+           BRA   L1224
+L2124      PSHS  X
+           BSR   L1218
+           LEAX  $0A,Y
+           LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1130
+           LEAX  ,Y
+           LEAY  <$14,Y
+           LEAU  1,Y
+           LBSR  cprXU
+           LBSR  L1130
+           LDD   1,Y
+           BNE   L1226
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           LDD   #$7FFF
+L1232      STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #$FF
+           STD   3,Y
+           DECA
+           BRA   L1228
+L1226      LBSR  RLDIV
+           LDA   5,Y
+L1228      EORA  <$9B
+           BRA   L1230
+L1231      fcb   2,201,15,218,162
+L1238      fcb   251,142,250,53,18
+L1216      fcb   6,229,46,224,212
+PI         LEAU  <L1231,PC
+           LBRA  RCPVAR
+L1218      LDU   WSbase
+           TST   1,U
+           BEQ   L1236          radians
+           LEAU  <L1238,PC
+           LBSR  RCPVAR
+           LBSR  RLMUL          -> degrees
+L1236      CLR   <$9B
+           LDB   5,Y
+           ANDB  #1
+           STB   <$9C
+           EORB  5,Y
+           STB   5,Y
+           BSR   PI
+           INC   1,Y
+           LBSR  RLCMP
+           BLT   L1240
+           LBSR  MODrl
+           BSR   PI
+           BRA   L1244
+L1240      DEC   1,Y
+L1244      LBSR  RLCMP
+           BLT   L1246
+           INC   <$9B
+*           eim   #1,$9C
+           fcb    5,1,$9c
+           LBSR  RLSUB
+           BSR   PI
+L1246      DEC   1,Y
+           LBSR  RLCMP
+           BLE   L1248
+*           eim   #1,$9B
+           fcb    5,1,$9c
+           INC   1,Y
+*           oim   #1,11,y
+           fcb    $61,1,$2b
+           LBSR  RLADD
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+L1248      LEAY  -$14,Y
+           LEAX  L1250,PC
+           STX   <$19,Y
+           LEAX  <$1B,Y
+           LEAU  <$14,Y
+           BSR   cprXU
+           LBSR  L1124
+           LDD   #$1000
+           clrw
+           STQ   ,Y
+           CLRA
+           STA   4,Y
+           STQ   $0A,Y
+           STA   $0E,Y
+L1214      LEAX  L1252,PC
+           STX   <$95
+           LEAX  <$41,X
+           STX   <$97
+           CLR   <$9A
+L1168      LDB   #$25
+           STB   <$99
+           CLR   <$9D
+L1264      LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           LDX   <$95
+           CMPX  <$97
+           BCC   L1254
+           BSR   cprXU
+           LEAX  5,X
+           STX   <$95
+           BRA   L1256
+L1254      ldq   ,u
+           asrd
+           rorw
+           stq   ,u
+           ror   4,u
+L1256      LEAX  ,Y
+           LEAU  5,Y
+           BSR   L1260
+           TST   <$9A
+           BNE   L1262
+           LEAX  $0A,Y
+           LEAU  $0F,Y
+           BSR   L1260
+L1262      JSR   [$19,Y]
+           INC   <$9D
+           DEC   <$99
+           BNE   L1264
+           RTS
+cprXU      LDQ   1,X
+           STQ   1,U
+           LDA   ,X
+           STA   ,U
+           rts
+L1260      LDB   ,X
+           SEX
+           LDB   <$9D
+           LSRB
+           LSRB
+           LSRB
+           BCC   L1266
+           INCB
+L1266      PSHS  B
+           BEQ   L1268
+L1270      STA   ,U+
+           DECB
+           BNE   L1270
+L1268      LDB   #5
+           SUBB  ,S+
+           BEQ   L1272
+L1274      LDA   ,X+
+           STA   ,U+
+           DECB
+           BNE   L1274
+L1272      LEAU  -5,U
+           LDB   <$9D
+           ANDB  #7
+           BEQ   L1276
+           ldw   1,u
+           CMPB  #4
+           BCS   L1258
+           SUBB  #8
+           LDA   ,X
+L1278      ASLA
+           ROL   4,U
+           ROL   3,U
+           rolw
+           ROL   ,U
+           INCB
+           BNE   L1278
+           stw   1,u
+           RTS
+L1258      ASR   ,U
+           rorw
+           ROR   3,U
+           ROR   4,U
+           DECB
+           BNE   L1258
+           stw   1,u
+L1276      RTS
+L1212      LDA   $0A,Y
+           EORA  ,Y
+           COMA
+           BRA   L1280
+L1250      LDA   <$14,Y
+L1280      TSTA
+           BPL   L1282
+           LEAX  ,Y
+           LEAU  $0F,Y
+           BSR   L1284
+           LEAX  $0A,Y
+           LEAU  5,Y
+           BSR   L1286
+           LEAX  <$14,Y
+           LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           BRA   L1284
+L1282      LEAX  ,Y
+           LEAU  $0F,Y
+           BSR   L1286
+           LEAX  $0A,Y
+           LEAU  5,Y
+           BSR   L1284
+           LEAX  <$14,Y
+           LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           BRA   L1286
+L1164      LEAX  <$14,Y
+           LEAU  <$1B,Y
+           BSR   L1286
+           BMI   L1284
+           BNE   L1288
+           LDD   1,X
+           BNE   L1288
+           LDD   3,X
+           BNE   L1288
+           LDB   #1
+           STB   <$99
+L1288      LEAX  ,Y
+           LEAU  5,Y
+           BRA   L1284
+L1126      LEAX  ,Y
+           LEAU  5,Y
+           BSR   L1284
+           CMPA  #$20
+           BCC   L1286
+           LEAX  <$14,Y
+           LEAU  <$1B,Y
+L1284      ldq   1,x
+           addw  3,u
+           adcd  1,u
+           STQ   1,X
+           LDA   ,X
+           ADCA  ,U
+           STA   ,X
+           RTS
+L1286      ldq   1,x
+           subw  3,u
+           sbcd  1,u
+           STQ   1,X
+           LDA   ,X
+           SBCA  ,U
+           STA   ,X
+           RTS
+L1124      LDB   ,U
+           CLR   ,U
+           clra
+           ldw   1,u
+           ADDB  #4
+           BGE   L1294
+           NEGB
+           LBRA  L1258
+L1296      ASL   4,U
+           ROL   3,U
+           rolw
+           rola
+           DECB
+L1294      BNE   L1296
+           sta   ,u
+           stw   1,u
+           RTS
+L1130      LDA   ,U
+           BPL   L1298
+           clrd
+           clrw
+           STQ   ,U
+           STA   4,U
+           RTS
+L1298      ldq   ,u
+           beq   L1304
+           pshs  x
+           ldx   #4
+L1302      leax  -1,x
+           asl   4,u
+           rolw
+           rold
+           BPL   L1302
+L1300      std   1,u
+           exg   d,w
+           tfr   x,w
+           stf   ,u
+           puls  x
+           addd  #1
+           ANDB  #$FE
+           STD   3,U
+           BCC   L1304
+           INC   2,U
+           BNE   L1304
+           INC   1,U
+           BNE   L1304
+           ROR   1,U
+           INC   ,U
+L1304      RTS
+L1252      fcb   12,144,253,170,34
+           fcb   7,107,25,193,88
+           fcb   3,235,110,191,38
+           fcb   1,253,91,169,171
+           fcb   0,255,170,221,185
+           fcb   0,127,245,86,239
+           fcb   0,63,254,170,183
+           fcb   0,31,255,213,86
+           fcb   0,15,255,250,171
+           fcb   0,7,255,255,85
+           fcb   0,3,255,255,235
+           fcb   0,1,255,255,253
+           fcb   0,1,0,0,0
+L1222      fcb   0,155,116,237,168
+L1166      fcb   11,23,33,127,126
+           fcb   6,124,200,251,48
+           fcb   3,145,254,248,243
+           fcb   1,226,112,118,227
+           fcb   0,248,81,134,1
+           fcb   0,126,10,108,58
+           fcb   0,63,129,81,98
+           fcb   0,31,224,42,107
+           fcb   0,15,248,5,81
+           fcb   0,7,254,0,170
+           fcb   0,3,255,128,21
+           fcb   0,1,255,224,3
+           fcb   0,0,255,248,0
+           fcb   0,0,127,254,0
+           fcb   0,0,63,255,128
+           fcb   0,0,31,255,224
+           fcb   0,0,15,255,248
+           fcb   0,0,7,255,254
+           fcb   0,0,4,0,0
+L1382      fcb   14,18,20,162,187,64
+           fcb   230,45,54,25,98,233
+           fcb   0,16,63,0,57
+RND        clrw
+           STW   <$4C
+           clr   ,-s
+           LDA   2,Y
+           BEQ   L1312
+           LDB   5,Y
+           BITB  #1
+           BNE   L1314
+           COM   ,S
+           BRA   L1312
+L1314      ADDB  #$FE
+           ADDB  1,Y
+           LDA   4,Y
+           STD   <$52
+           LDD   2,Y
+           STD   <$50
+L1312      LDA   <$53
+           LDB   <$57
+           MUL
+           STD   <$4E
+           tfr   a,f
+           LDA   <$52
+           LDB   <$57
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L1316
+           INC   <$4C
+L1316      LDA   <$53
+           LDB   <$56
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           BCC   L1318
+           INC   <$4C
+L1318      stw   <$4D
+           ldw   <$4C
+           LDA   <$51
+           LDB   <$57
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           LDA   <$52
+           LDB   <$56
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           LDA   <$53
+           LDB   <$55
+           MUL
+           addr  d,w
+           LDA   <$50
+           LDB   <$57
+           MUL
+           addr  b,e
+           LDA   <$51
+           LDB   <$56
+           MUL
+           addr  b,e
+           LDA   <$52
+           LDB   <$55
+           MUL
+           addr  b,e
+           LDA   <$53
+           LDB   <$54
+           MUL
+           addr  b,e
+           LDD   <$4E
+           ADDD  <$5A
+           exg   d,w
+           adcd  <$58
+           STQ   <$50
+           TST   ,S+
+           BNE   L1320
+L1326      CLR   1,Y
+           sta   2,y
+           LDA   #$1F
+           PSHS  A
+           lda   2,y
+           BMI   L1322
+           andcc #$FE
+L1324      DEC   ,S
+           BEQ   L1322
+           DEC   1,Y
+           rolw
+           rold
+           BPL   L1324
+L1322      STQ   2,Y
+*          aim   #$FE,5,y
+           fcb   $62,$fe,$25
+           PULS  PC,B
+L1320      leay  -6,y
+           rorw
+           clr   ,y
+           rolw  sign           now +
+           BSR   L1326
+           LBRA  RLMUL
+LEN        LDQ   1,Y
+           STD   exprSP
+L1328      STW   1,Y
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+ASC        LDD   1,Y
+           STD   exprSP
+           LDF   [1,Y]
+           CLRE
+           BRA   L1328
+CHR$       LDD   1,Y
+           TSTA
+           LBNE  err67
+           LDU   exprSP
+           STU   1,Y
+           STB   ,U+
+           LBSR  L1366
+           ldd   #1
+           std   3,y
+           STY   SStop
+           cmpr  y,u
+           LBCC  err47
+           RTS
+LEFT$      LDD   1,Y
+           BLE   isNull
+           ADDD  7,Y
+           TFR   D,U            address new end
+           CMPD  exprSP
+           BCC   L1334
+           BSR   L1336          shorten current string
+           ldd   1,y
+           std   9,y
+L1334      LEAY  6,Y
+           RTS
+isNull     LEAY  6,Y
+           LDU   1,Y
+           clrd
+           std   3,y
+           BRA   L1336
+RIGHT$     LDW   1,Y
+           BLE   isNull
+           LDD   exprSP
+           subr  w,d
+           decd  new            starting address
+           CMPD  7,Y            current start address
+           BLS   L1338
+           stw   9,y
+           incw  terminate      also
+           LDU   7,Y
+           tfm   d+,u+
+           STU   exprSP
+L1338      LEAY  6,Y
+           rts
+MID$       LDD   1,Y            size of piece
+           BLE   L1342
+           LDD   7,Y            it's starting offset
+           BGT   L1344
+L1342      LDD   1,Y            = LEFT$
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           BRA   LEFT$
+L1344      decd
+           BEQ   L1342
+           ADDD  $0D,Y          start address piece
+           CMPD  exprSP
+           BCS   L1348          piece exists
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           BRA   isNull
+L1348      clrw
+           ldf   2,y
+           LEAY  $0C,Y
+           stw   3,y
+           ldu   1,Y
+           tfm   d+,u+
+           bra   L1337
+TRIM$      LDU   exprSP
+           ldw   3,y
+           incw                 adjust for loop struct.
+           LEAU  -1,U
+L1354      decw
+           BEQ   L1336
+           LDA   ,-U
+           CMPA  #$20
+           BEQ   L1354
+           LEAU  1,U
+L1336      stw   3,y
+L1337      LDA   #$FF
+           STA   ,U+
+           STU   exprSP
+           RTS
+           LDW   exprSP
+           SUBW  1,Y
+           ADDW  7,Y
+           incw
+           LDX   7,Y
+           LDY   1,Y
+           bra   L1356
+* compare strings *
+L202       PSHS  Y,X
+L200       LDA   ,X+
+           CMPA  #$FF
+           BEQ   L198
+           CMPA  ,Y+
+           BEQ   L200
+           PULS  Y,X
+           LEAY  1,Y
+L1356      CMPR  W,Y
+           BLS   L202
+           clrd  no             match
+           BRA   L1360
+L198       PULS  Y,X
+           TFR   Y,D
+           LDX   2,S
+           SUBD  1,X
+           incd                 starting offset
+L1360      PULS  Y,X
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+STR$int    LDB   #2
+           BRA   L1362
+STR$rl     LDB   #3
+L1362      LDA   charcoun
+           LDU   Spointer
+           PSHS  U,X,A
+           LBSR  L46
+           BCS   err67
+           LDX   3,S
+           ldu   exprSP
+           leay  -6,y
+           stu   1,y
+           sty   SStop
+           ldw   Spointer
+           subr  x,w
+           tfr   w,d            string length
+           addr  u,d
+           cmpr  y,d
+           lbcc  err47          string too long
+           stw   3,y
+           tfm   x+,u+          copy to expression stack
+           LDA   #$FF
+           STA   ,U+
+L1361      stu   exprSP
+           lda   #4
+           sta   ,y
+           PULS  U,X,A          reset pointers
+           STA   charcoun
+           STU   Spointer
+           RTS
+err67      LDB   #$43
+           LBRA  L356
+TAB        LDW   1,Y
+           BLT   err67
+           STY   SStop
+           LDU   exprSP
+           STU   1,Y
+           ldb   charcoun
+           clra
+           subr  d,w            W = number spaces
+           bhi   L1365
+           clrw
+L1365      stw   3,y
+           beq   L1366
+           tfr   u,d
+           addr  w,d
+           cmpr  y,d
+           lbcc  err47          too big
+           lda   #$20
+           pshs  a
+           tfm   s,u+           assemble string
+           leas  1,s
+L1366      LDA   #$FF
+           STA   ,U+
+           STU   exprSP
+           LDA   #4
+           STA   ,Y
+           rts
+DATE$      PSHS  X
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           LEAX  -6,Y
+           LDU   exprSP
+           STU   1,Y
+           ldd   #17
+           std   3,y
+           os9   F$Time
+           BCS   L1371
+           BSR   L1370
+           LDA   #$2F
+           BSR   L1372
+           LDA   #$2F
+           BSR   L1372
+           LDA   #$20
+           BSR   L1372
+           LDA   #$3A
+           BSR   L1372
+           LDA   #$3A
+           BSR   L1372
+L1371      puls  x
+           BRA   L1366
+L1372      STA   ,U+
+* byte to ascii
+L1370      LDA   ,X+
+           LDB   #$2F
+L1374      INCB
+           SUBA  #$0A
+           BCC   L1374
+           STB   ,U+
+           LDB   #$3A
+L1376      DECB
+           INCA
+           BNE   L1376
+           STB   ,U+
+           RTS
+EOF        LDA   2,Y
+           LDB   #6
+           os9   I$GetStt
+           BCC   L1378
+           CMPB  #$D3
+           BNE   L1378
+           LDB   #$FF
+           BRA   L1380
+L1378      LDB   #0
+L1380      CLRA
+           STD   1,Y
+           LDA   #3
+           STA   ,Y
+           RTS
+L46        PSHS  PC,X,D
+           ASLB
+           LEAX  <L1398,PC
+           LDD   B,X
+           LEAX  D,X
+           STX   4,S
+           PULS  PC,X,D
+* table
+L1398      fdb   WRITLN-L1398
+           fdb   PRintg-L1398
+           fdb   PRintg-L1398
+           fdb   PRreal-L1398
+           fdb   PRbool-L1398
+           fdb   PRstring-L1398
+           fdb   READLN-L1398
+           fdb   L2006-L1398
+           fdb   L2007-L1398
+           fdb   L2008-L1398
+           fdb   L2009-L1398
+           fdb   L2010-L1398
+           fdb   Strterm-L1398
+           fdb   L2012-L1398
+           fdb   setFP-L1398
+           fdb   err48-L1398
+           fdb   L2015-L1398
+           fdb   PRNTUSIN-L1398
+           fdb   L1632-L1398
+           fdb   L2018-L1398
+L1540      fcb   6,2,39,16,3,232,0,100,0,10
+L1490      fcb   4,160,0,0,0
+           fcb   7,200,0,0,0
+           fcb   10,250,0,0,0
+           fcb   14,156,64,0,0
+           fcb   17,195,80,0,0
+           fcb   20,244,36,0,0
+           fcb   24,152,150,128,0
+           fcb   27,190,188,32,0
+           fcb   30,238,107,40,0
+           fcb   34,149,2,249,0
+           fcb   37,186,67,183,64
+           fcb   40,232,212,165,16
+           fcb   44,145,132,231,42
+           fcb   47,181,230,32,244
+           fcb   50,227,95,169,50
+           fcb   54,142,27,201,192
+           fcb   57,177,162,188,46
+           fcb   60,222,11,107,58
+L1486      fcb   64,138,199,35,4
+L1668      fcc   /True/
+           fcb   255
+L1672      fcc   /False/
+           fcb   255
+AtoITR     PSHS  U
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+* clear negative,decpoint,digits
+           clrd
+           clrw
+           STQ   expneg
+           STA   decimals
+           STQ   2,Y
+           STA   1,Y
+           LBSR  L1418          check string
+           BCC   L1420
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           CMPA  #$2C           , ??
+           BNE   err59
+           BRA   L1424
+L1420      CMPA  #$24           hex number?
+           LBEQ  L1426
+           CMPA  #$2B           + ??
+           BEQ   L1428
+           CMPA  #$2D           - ??
+           BNE   L1430
+           INC   negativ
+L1428      LDA   ,X+
+L1430      CMPA  #$2E           . ??
+           BNE   L1432
+           TST   decpoint
+           BNE   err59          only one allowed
+           INC   decpoint
+           BRA   L1428
+L1432      LBSR  L1434
+           BCS   L1436          not a number
+           PSHS  A
+           INC   digits
+           LDQ   2,Y
+           bita  #$E0
+           bne   L1440
+           rolw
+           rold
+           STQ   2,Y
+           rolw
+           rold
+           rolw
+           rold
+           ADDW  4,Y
+           adcd  2,Y
+           BCS   L1440
+           ADDF  ,S+
+           BCC   L1442
+           adde  #1
+           BCC   L1442
+           incd
+           BEQ   err60
+L1442      STQ   2,Y
+           TST   decpoint
+           BEQ   L1428
+           INC   decimals
+           BRA   L1428
+L1440      LEAS  1,S
+err60      LDB   #$3C
+           BRA   L1448
+err59      LDB   #$3B
+L1448      STB   errcode
+           COMA
+           PULS  PC,U
+L1436      EORA  #$45           = E
+           ANDA  #$DF
+           BEQ   L1450          exp. number
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           TST   digits
+           BEQ   err59
+           TST   decpoint
+           BNE   L1454          real number
+           LDD   2,Y
+           BNE   L1454          large number
+L1424      LDD   4,Y
+           BMI   L1454          large number
+           TST   negativ
+           BEQ   L1456
+           negd
+L1456      STD   1,Y            integer number
+L1504      LDA   #1
+           LBRA  L1458
+* exponential numbers *
+L1450      LDA   ,X
+           CMPA  #$2B           + ??
+           BEQ   L1460
+           CMPA  #$2D           - ??
+           BNE   L1462
+           INC   expneg
+L1460      LEAX  1,X
+L1462      LBSR  number
+           BCS   err59
+           TFR   A,B
+           LBSR  number
+           BCC   L1466
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           BRA   L1468
+L1466      PSHS  A
+           LDA   #$0A
+           MUL   D*10
+           ADDB  ,S+
+L1468      TST   expneg
+           BNE   L1470
+           NEGB
+L1470      ADDB  decimals
+           STB   decimals
+* real numbers *
+L1454      LDB   #$20
+           STB   1,Y
+           LDQ   2,Y
+           BNE   L1472          refers to regs.d
+           tstw
+           bne   L1472
+           STA   1,Y            zero!!
+           BRA   L1474
+L1472      TSTA
+           BMI   L1476
+           andcc #$FE
+L1478      DEC   1,Y
+           rolw
+           rold
+           BPL   L1478
+           stq   2,y
+L1476      CLR   expneg
+           LDB   decimals
+           BEQ   L1480          whole number
+           BPL   L1482
+           NEGB
+           INC   expneg
+L1482      CMPB  #$13
+           BLS   L1484
+           SUBB  #$13
+           PSHS  B
+           LEAU  L1486,PCR
+           BSR   L1488
+           PULS  B
+           LBCS  err60
+L1484      DECB
+           LDA   #5
+           MUL
+           LEAU  L1490,PCR
+           LEAU  B,U
+           BSR   L1488
+           LBCS  err60
+L1480      LDA   5,Y            add sign
+           ANDA  #$FE
+           ORA   negativ
+           STA   5,Y
+L1474      LDA   #2             real number
+L1458      STA   ,Y
+           ANDCC #$FE
+           PULS  PC,U
+L1488      LEAY  -6,Y
+           LDQ   ,U
+           STQ   1,Y
+           LDB   4,U
+           STB   5,Y
+           LDA   expneg
+           LBEQ  RLDIV
+           LBRA  RLMUL
+* convert hex to decimal *
+L1426      LBSR  number
+           BCC   L1496          0-9
+           anda  #$DF
+           CMPA  #$41           A ??
+           BCS   L1500
+           CMPA  #$46           F ??
+           BHI   L1500
+           SUBA  #$37           conversion
+L1496      INC   digits
+           tfr   a,e
+           ldd   1,y
+           bita  #$F0
+           lbne  err60
+           asld
+           asld
+           asld
+           asld
+           addr  e,b
+           std   1,y
+           BRA   L1426
+L1500      LEAX  -1,X
+           TST   digits
+           LBEQ  err59
+           LBRA  L1504
+* ----------------- *
+L2008      PSHS  X
+           LDX   Spointer
+           LBSR  AtoITR
+           BCC   L1508
+L1518      PULS  PC,X
+L1508      CMPA  #2
+           BEQ   L1510
+           LBSR  FLOAT
+L1510      LBSR  L1514
+           BCS   L1516
+           LDB   #$3D           error 61
+           STB   errcode
+           COMA
+           PULS  PC,X
+L1516      STX   Spointer
+           CLRA
+           PULS  PC,X
+L2006      PSHS  X
+           LDX   Spointer
+           LBSR  AtoITR
+           BCS   L1518
+           CMPA  #1
+           BNE   err58
+           TST   1,Y
+           BEQ   L1510
+           BRA   err58
+L2007      PSHS  X
+           LDX   Spointer
+           LBSR  AtoITR
+           BCS   L1518
+           CMPA  #1
+           BEQ   L1510
+err58      LDB   #$3A
+           STB   errcode
+           COMA
+           PULS  PC,X
+*  verify string  *
+L2010      PSHS  U,X
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           LDU   exprBase
+           STU   1,Y
+           LDA   #4
+           STA   ,Y
+           clrb
+           LDX   Spointer
+L1526      LDA   ,X+
+           BSR   L1522
+           BCS   L1524
+           STA   ,U+
+           incb
+           BRA   L1526
+L1524      STX   Spointer
+           LDA   #$FF
+           STA   ,U+
+           STU   exprSP
+           CLRA
+           std   3,y
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+* Boolean -> internal repr. *
+L2009      PSHS  X
+           LEAY  -6,Y
+           LDA   #3
+           STA   ,Y
+           CLR   2,Y
+           LDX   Spointer
+           BSR   L1418
+           BCS   L1528
+           leax  3,x
+           anda  #$DF
+           CMPA  #$54           = T(rue)
+           BEQ   L1530
+           leax  1,x
+           EORA  #$46           = F(alse)
+           BEQ   L1532
+           bra   err58
+L1530      COM   2,Y
+L1532      BSR   L1418
+L1528      STX   Spointer
+           CLRA
+           PULS  PC,X
+* validate characters *
+L1514      LDA   ,X+
+           CMPA  #$20           = space?
+           BNE   L1522
+           BSR   L1418
+           BCC   L1534
+           BRA   L1536
+L1418      LDA   ,X+
+           CMPA  #$20           = space?
+           BEQ   L1418          skip them
+L1522      CMPA  <$DD
+           BEQ   L1536
+           CMPA  #$0D           = CR?
+           BEQ   L1534
+           CMPA  #$FF           = end of string?
+           BEQ   L1534
+           ANDCC #$FE
+           RTS
+L1534      LEAX  -1,X
+L1536      ORCC  #1
+           RTS
+* integer to ASCII *
+ItoA       PSHS  U,X
+           clrw
+           STE   digits
+           STE   negativ
+           LDA   #4
+           STA   <$7E
+           LDD   1,Y
+           BPL   L1538
+           negd
+           INC   negativ
+L1538      LEAU  L1540,PC
+L1552      clrf
+           LEAU  2,U
+L1544      SUBD  ,U
+           BCS   L1542
+           incf
+           BRA   L1544
+L1542      ADDD  ,U
+           tstw
+           BEQ   L1548
+L1546      ince
+           addf  #$30           convert to ASCII
+           stf   ,x+
+           inc   digits
+L1548      DEC   <$7E
+           BNE   L1552
+           orb   #$30           convert to ASCII
+           stb   ,x
+           inc   digits
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+* real to ASCII *
+RtoA       PSHS  U,X
+           clrw
+           stw   expneg         + digits
+           stw   negativ        + decimals
+           stw   <$7B
+           LEAU  ,X
+           ldb   #$30           ASCII 0
+           pshs  b
+           ldw   #10            Fill buffer with 10 of them
+           tfm   s,u+
+           leas  1,s
+           LDD   1,Y
+           BNE   L1556
+           INCA
+           LBRA  L1558
+L1556      LDB   5,Y
+           BITB  #1
+           BEQ   L1560
+           STB   negativ
+           ANDB  #$FE
+           STB   5,Y
+L1560      LDD   1,Y
+           BPL   L1562
+           INC   expneg
+           NEGA
+L1562      CMPA  #3
+           BLS   L1564
+           LDB   #$9A
+           MUL
+           LSRA
+           TFR   A,B
+           TST   expneg
+           BEQ   L1566
+           NEGB
+L1566      STB   decimals
+           CMPA  #$13
+           BLS   L1568
+           PSHS  A
+           LEAU  L1486,PC
+           LBSR  L1488
+           PULS  A
+           SUBA  #$13
+L1568      LEAU  L1490,PC
+           DECA
+           LDB   #5
+           MUL
+           LEAU  D,U
+           LBSR  L1488
+L1564      LDQ   2,Y
+           TST   1,Y
+           BEQ   L1580
+           BPL   L1572
+L1574      lsrd
+           rorw
+           ROR   <$7C
+           INC   1,Y
+           BNE   L1574
+           BRA   L1580
+L1572      andcc #$FE
+           rolw
+           rold
+           ROL   <$7B
+           DEC   1,Y
+           BNE   L1572
+           STA   2,Y
+           INC   decimals
+           LDA   <$7B
+           BSR   L1550
+           LDA   2,Y
+L1580      CLR   <$7B
+           rolw
+           rold
+           rol   <$7B
+           STQ   2,Y
+           LDA   <$7B
+           STA   <$7C
+           lda   2,y
+           rolw
+           rold
+           ROL   <$7B
+           rolw
+           rold
+           ROL   <$7B
+           ADDW  4,Y
+           adcd  2,Y
+           PSHS  A
+           LDA   <$7B
+           ADCA  <$7C
+           BSR   L1550
+           LDA   digits
+           CMPA  #9
+           PULS  A
+           BEQ   L1578
+           tstd
+           BNE   L1580
+           tstw
+           BNE   L1580
+L1578      STA   ,Y
+           LDA   digits
+           CMPA  #9
+           BCS   L1582
+           LDB   ,Y
+           BPL   L1582
+L1584      LDA   ,-X
+           INCA
+           STA   ,X
+           CMPA  #$39           = 9?
+           BLS   L1582
+           LDA   #$30           =0
+           STA   ,X
+           CMPX  ,S
+           BNE   L1584
+           INC   ,X
+           INC   decimals
+L1582      LDA   #9
+L1558      STA   digits
+           LEAY  6,Y
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+L1550      ORA   #$30           to ASCII
+           STA   ,X+
+           INC   digits
+           RTS
+           LDX   Sstack
+           STX   Spointer
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   charcoun
+           LDY   #$0100
+           LDA   IOpath
+           os9   I$ReadLn
+           BRA   L1586
+           LDX   Sstack
+           LDY   Spointer
+           subr  x,y
+           beq   L1588
+           STX   Spointer
+           LDA   IOpath
+           os9   I$WritLn
+L1586      BCC   L1588
+           STB   errcode
+L1588      PULS  PC,Y,X
+setFP      PSHS  U,X
+           LDD   ,Y             type of filepointer
+           CMPA  #2
+           BEQ   L1590          real
+           LDU   1,Y            integer
+           BRA   L1592
+L1590      tstb                 If exponent is <=0, Seek to 0
+           BGT   L1594          Positive value, go calculate longint for SEEK
+           LDU   #0             seek #0
+L1592      LDX   #0
+           BRA   L1596
+L1594      SUBB  #$20           Only up to 2^32 allowed
+           BCS   L1597          Good, continue
+           LDB   #$4E           error 78 (seek error)
+           COMA
+           BRA   L1600
+L1597      lda   #$FF           Force Value to -1 to -32
+           tfr   d,x            Move into X for counter
+           ldq   2,y            Get mantissa
+L1598      lsrd                 Calculate to power of exponent
+           rorw
+           leax  1,x            Do until done
+           BNE   L1598
+           tfr   d,x            Move 32 bit result to proper regs for SEEK
+           tfr   w,u
+L1596      LDA   IOpath         Do the seek
+           os9   I$Seek
+           BCC   L1602
+L1600      STB   errcode
+L1602      PULS  PC,U,X
+* print real numbers *
+PRreal     PSHS  U,X
+           LEAS  -10,S
+           LEAX  ,S
+           LBSR  RtoA
+           PSHS  X
+           LDA   #9
+           LEAX  9,X
+L1608      LDB   ,-X
+           CMPB  #$30
+           BNE   L1606
+           DECA
+           CMPA  #1
+           BNE   L1608          skip 0s
+L1606      STA   digits
+           PULS  X
+           LDB   decimals
+           BGT   L1610
+           NEGB
+           TFR   B,A
+           CMPB  #9
+           BHI   L1612
+           ADDB  digits
+           CMPB  #9
+           BHI   L1612
+*  0 < x < 1  *
+           PSHS  A
+           LBSR  L1614
+           CLRA
+           LBSR  L1616
+           PULS  B
+           TSTB
+           BEQ   L1618
+           LBSR  L1620
+L1618      LDA   digits
+           BRA   L1622
+*  real number  *
+L1610      CMPB  #9
+           BHI   L1612
+           LBSR  L1614
+           TFR   B,A
+           BSR   L1624
+           LBSR  L1616
+           LDA   digits
+           SUBA  decimals
+           BLS   L1626
+L1622      BSR   L1624
+L1626      LEAS  10,S
+           CLRA
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+*  exponential number  *
+L1612      LBSR  L1614
+           LDA   #1
+           BSR   L1624
+           BSR   L1616
+           LDA   digits
+           DECA
+           BNE   L1628
+           INCA
+L1628      BSR   L1624
+           BSR   L1630
+           BRA   L1626
+*  exponent  *
+L1630      LDE   #$45           = E
+           LDA   decimals
+           DECA
+           PSHS  A
+           BPL   L1634
+           NEG   ,S
+           ldf   #$2D           = -
+           BRA   L1638
+L1634      ldf   #$2B           = +
+L1638      PULS  B
+           CLRA
+L1644      SUBB  #$0A
+           BCS   L1642
+           INCA
+           BRA   L1644
+L1642      ADDB  #$0A           exp. in D
+           addd  #$3030         -> ASCII
+           pshs  d
+           pshsw                exp. on stack
+           ldb   #4
+           bsr   L1650
+           cmpw  #4             space left to print it?
+           beq   L1646
+           leas  4,s            no, clean up stack
+           rts
+L1646      tfm   s+,d+
+           std   Spointer
+           rts
+L1624      TFR   A,B
+L1625      TSTB
+           BEQ   L1648
+           bsr   L1650
+           tfm   x+,d+
+L1649      std   Spointer
+L1648      RTS
+L1650      tfr   s,w
+           subw  #64
+           subw  Spointer       w holds max. length
+           clra
+           cmpr  w,d
+           bhs   L1651          too long: truncate
+           tfr   d,w
+L1651      ldb   charcoun
+           addr  f,b            update counter
+           stb   charcoun
+           ldd   Spointer       destination
+           rts
+* ---------------- *
+L1660      LDA   #$20           = space
+           BRA   L1632
+L1616      LDA   #$2E           = .
+L1632      PSHS  U,A
+           LEAU  <-$40,S
+           CMPU  Spointer
+           BHI   L1652          space left!!
+           CMPA  #$0D           CR ??
+           BEQ   L1652
+           LDA   #47            error 47
+           STA   errcode
+           coma
+           BRA   L1654
+L1652      LDU   Spointer
+           STA   ,U+
+           STU   Spointer
+           INC   charcoun
+L1654      PULS  PC,U,A
+spacing    LDA   #$20           = space
+L1662      TSTB                 0 chars?
+           BEQ   L1656          Yes, return
+           pshs  a
+           bsr   L1650
+           tfm   s,d+
+           leas  1,s
+           std   Spointer
+L1656      RTS
+* NOTE: Should use LDA <negative, faster, and A not required
+L1800      TST   negativ
+           BEQ   L1660
+L1614      TST   negativ
+           BEQ   L1656
+L1636      LDA   #$2D           = -
+           BRA   L1632
+L1640      LDA   #$2B           = +
+           BRA   L1632
+L1620      LDA   #$30           = 0
+           BRA   L1662
+*  print string  *
+PRstring   PSHS  X
+           LDX   1,Y
+           ldd   3,y
+L1670      bsr   L1625
+           CLRA
+           PULS  PC,X
+* value of boolean variable *
+PRbool     PSHS  X
+           LEAX  L1668,PC       = TRUE
+           ldb   #4             # chars to print
+           LDA   2,Y
+           BNE   L1670
+           LEAX  L1672,PC       = FALSE
+           incb                 5 chars to print
+           BRA   L1670
+* print integers *
+PRintg     PSHS  X
+           ldx   #$26  in DP
+           LBSR  ItoA
+           tst   negativ        NOTE: USE LDB instead
+           beq   L1711
+           lda   #$2D           = -
+           sta   ,-x
+           inc   digits
+L1711      LDB   digits
+           bra   L1670
+* pad with spaces (TAB) *
+L2015      TFR   A,B
+L1712      SUBB  charcoun
+           BLS   L1676
+           BSR   spacing
+L1676      CLRA
+           RTS
+* pad field with spaces *
+L2012      LDA   charcoun
+           ANDA  #$0F
+           ldb   #17            16 chars/field
+           subr  a,b
+           BRA   spacing
+* terminate string *
+Strterm    LDA   #$0D           /CR/
+           CLR   charcoun
+           LBSR  L1632
+L1680      CLRA
+           RTS
+* justification of print using
+L1744      CLRB
+           STB   justify
+           CMPA  #$3C           = <
+           BEQ   L1688
+           CMPA  #$3E           = >
+           BNE   L1690
+           INCB
+           BRA   L1688
+L1690      CMPA  #$5E           = ^
+           BNE   ckmarker
+           DECB
+L1688      STB   justify
+           LDA   ,X+
+ckmarker   CMPA  #$2C           = ,
+           BEQ   L1694
+           CMPA  #$FF
+           BNE   L1696
+           LDA   <$94
+           BEQ   L1698
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           BRA   L1700
+L1698      LDX   <$8E
+           TST   <$DC
+           BEQ   L1702
+           CLR   <$DC
+           BRA   L1694
+L1696      CMPA  #$29           = )
+           BEQ   L1704
+L1702      ORCC  #1
+           RTS
+L1704      LDA   <$94
+           BEQ   L1702
+L1700      DEC   <$92
+           BNE   L1706
+           LDU   userSP
+           PULU  Y,A
+           STA   <$92
+           STY   <$90
+           STU   userSP
+           LDA   ,X+
+           DEC   <$94
+           BRA   ckmarker
+L1706      LDX   <$90
+L1694      STX   <$8C
+           ANDCC #$FE
+           RTS
+* chars recognized by PRINT USING
+L1726      fcb   73             Integer
+           fdb   L2050-L1726
+L2051Bas   equ   *
+           fcb   72             Hexadecimal
+           fdb   L2051
+L2052Bas   equ   *
+           fcb   82             Real
+           fdb   L2052
+L2053Bas   equ   *
+           fcb   69             Exponential
+           fdb   L2053
+L2054Bas   equ   *
+           fcb   83             String
+           fdb   L2054
+L2055Bas   equ   *
+           fcb   66             Boolean
+           fdb   L2055
+L2056Bas   equ   *
+           fcb   84             Tab
+           fdb   L2056
+L2057Bas   equ   *
+           fcb   88             X - space
+           fdb   L2057
+L2058Bas   equ   *
+           fcb   39             ' - literal string
+           fdb   L2058
+           fcb   0              end of table
+* Tab function
+L2056      equ   *-L2056Bas
+           BSR   ckmarker
+           BCS   err63
+           LDB   fieldwid
+           LBSR  L1712
+           BRA   L1714
+* print spaces (X) *
+L2057      equ   *-L2057Bas
+           BSR   ckmarker
+           BCS   err63
+           LDB   fieldwid
+           LBSR  spacing
+           BRA   L1714
+* print literal string *
+L2058      equ   *-L2058Bas
+           pshs  x
+           clrb
+L1718      CMPA  #$FF
+           BEQ   err63
+           CMPA  #$27           = '
+           beq   L1716
+           incb
+           LDA   ,X+
+           BRA   L1718
+L1716      puls  x
+           leax  -1,x
+           lbsr  L1625
+           leax  1,x
+           LDA   ,X+
+           LBSR  ckmarker
+           BCS   err63
+           BRA   L1714
+           CLR   <$DC
+           INC   <$DC
+L1714      LDX   <$8C
+           BSR   L1720
+           BCS   L1722
+           CMPA  #$28
+           BNE   err62
+           LDA   <$92
+           STB   <$92
+           BEQ   err62
+           INC   <$94
+           LDU   userSP
+           LDY   <$90
+           PSHU  Y,A
+           STU   userSP
+           STX   <$90
+           LDA   ,X+
+L1722      LEAY  <L1726,PC
+           CLRB
+L1730      PSHS  A
+           EORA  ,Y
+           ANDA  #$DF
+           PULS  A
+           BEQ   L1728
+           LEAY  3,Y
+           INCB
+           TST   ,Y
+           BNE   L1730
+err63      LDB   #$3F
+           BRA   L1732
+err62      LDB   #$3E
+L1732      STB   errcode
+           COMA
+           PULS  PC,Y,X
+L1728      STB   subrcode
+           LDD   1,Y
+           LEAY  D,Y
+           BSR   L1720
+           BCC   L1734
+           LDB   #1
+L1734      STB   fieldwid
+           JMP   ,Y
+* calculate field width
+L1720      BSR   number
+           BCS   L1736
+           TFR   A,B
+           BSR   number
+           BCS   L1738
+           BSR   L1740
+           BSR   number
+           BCS   L1738
+           BSR   L1740
+           TSTA
+           BEQ   L1742
+           CLRB
+L1742      LDA   ,X+
+           BRA   L1738
+number     LDA   ,X+
+L1434      CMPA  #$30           = 0?
+           BCS   L1736
+           CMPA  #$39           = 9?
+           BHI   L1736
+           SUBA  #$30           ASCII -> dec.
+L1738      ANDCC #$FE
+           RTS
+L1736      ORCC  #1
+           RTS
+L1740      PSHS  A
+           LDA   #10
+           MUL                  10*B+A
+           ADDB  ,S+
+           ADCA  #0
+           RTS
+L2052      equ   *-L2052Bas
+L2053      equ   *-L2053Bas
+           CMPA  #$2E           format as real or exp.
+           BNE   err63
+           BSR   L1720
+           BCS   err63
+           STB   <$89
+L2051      equ   *-L2051Bas
+L2054      equ   *-L2054Bas
+L2055      equ   *-L2055Bas
+L2050      LBSR  L1744          Int, Hex, String, Boolean
+           BCS   err63
+           PULS  Y,X
+           INC   <$DC
+L2018      LDB   subrcode
+           LBEQ  FMTint
+           DECB
+           BEQ   FMThex
+           DECB
+           LBEQ  FMTreal
+           DECB
+           LBEQ  FMTexp
+           DECB
+           LBEQ  FMTstr
+           LBRA  FMTbool
+FMThex     JSR   table4
+           pshs  y
+           CMPA  #4
+           BCS   L1758
+           LDU   1,Y            source: string
+           ldd   3,y
+           bra   L1686
+L1758      LEAU  1,Y
+           LDA   ,Y
+           CMPA  #2
+           BNE   L1764
+           LDB   #5             source: real number
+           BRA   L1686
+L1764      CMPA  #1
+           BNE   L1766
+           LDB   #2             source: integer
+           CMPB  fieldwid
+           BCS   L1768
+L1766      LDB   #1             byte, boolean
+           LEAU  1,U
+L1768      TFR   B,A
+           ASLA
+           CMPA  fieldwid
+           BLS   L1686
+           ANDA  #$0F
+           CMPA  #9
+           BLS   L1784
+           ADDA  #7
+L1784      LBSR  L1646
+           DEC   fieldwid
+           bra   L1782
+L1686      TST   justify
+           pshs  b
+           BEQ   L1776          left justify
+           BMI   L1774          center digits
+           ASLB  right          justify
+           PSHS  B
+           LDB   fieldwid
+           SUBB  ,S+
+           BCS   L1776
+           BRA   L1778
+L1774      ASLB
+           PSHS  B
+           LDB   fieldwid
+           SUBB  ,S+
+           BCS   L1776
+           ASRB
+L1778      LDA   fieldwid
+           subr  b,a
+           STA   fieldwid
+           LBSR  spacing
+L1776      ldb   fieldwid
+           lbsr  L1650
+           tfr   d,y
+           PULS  B
+L1772      LDA   ,U
+           LSRA
+           LSRA
+           LSRA
+           LSRA
+           cmpa  #9
+           bls   L1773
+           adda  #7
+L1773      adda  #$30
+           sta   ,y+
+           decw
+           BEQ   L1782
+L1770      LDA   ,U+
+           anda  #15
+           cmpa  #9
+           bls   L1771
+           adda  #7
+L1771      adda  #$30
+           sta   ,y+
+           decw
+           BEQ   L1782
+           DECB
+           BNE   L1772
+           lda   #$20       Space
+           pshs  a
+           tfm   s,y+
+           leas  1,s
+L1782      sty   Spointer
+           puls  y
+           CLRA
+           sta   fieldwid
+           RTS
+L1788      COMA
+           RTS
+FMTint     JSR   table4
+           CMPA  #2
+           BCS   L1786
+           BNE   L1788          wrong var. type
+           LBSR  FIX
+L1786      PSHS  U,X
+           LEAS  -5,S
+           LEAX  ,S
+           LBSR  ItoA
+           LDB   fieldwid
+           DECB
+           SUBB  digits
+           BPL   L1792
+           LEAS  5,S
+           PULS  U,X
+           LBRA  ovflow
+L1792      TST   justify
+           BEQ   L1796          left justify
+           BMI   L1798          leading zeroes
+           LBSR  spacing        right justify
+           LBSR  L1800
+           BRA   L1802
+L1796      LBSR  L1800
+           PSHS  B
+           LDA   digits
+           LBSR  L1624
+           PULS  B
+           LBSR  spacing
+           BRA   L1804
+L1798      LBSR  L1800
+           LBSR  L1620
+L1802      LDA   digits
+           LBSR  L1624
+L1804      LEAS  5,S
+           CLRA
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+FMTbool    JSR   table4
+           CMPA  #3
+           BNE   L1788          wrong type
+           PSHS  U,X
+           LEAX  L1668,PC
+           LDB   #4
+           LDA   2,Y
+           BNE   L1806
+           LEAX  L1672,PC
+           LDB   #5
+           BRA   L1806
+FMTstr     JSR   table4
+           CMPA  #4
+           BNE   L1788          wrong type
+           PSHS  U,X
+           LDX   1,Y
+           ldd   3,y
+           TSTA
+           BNE   L1808
+L1806      CMPB  fieldwid
+           BLS   L1810
+L1808      LDB   fieldwid
+L1810      TFR   B,A
+           NEGB
+           ADDB  fieldwid
+           TST   justify
+           BEQ   L1812          left justify
+           BMI   L1814          center text
+           PSHS  A              right justify
+           LBSR  spacing
+           PULS  A
+           LBSR  L1624
+           BRA   L1816
+L1812      PSHS  B
+           BRA   L1818
+L1814      LSRB
+           BCC   L1820
+           INCB
+L1820      PSHS  d
+           LBSR  spacing
+           PULS  A
+L1818      LBSR  L1624
+           PULS  B
+           LBSR  spacing
+L1816      CLRA
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+FMTreal    JSR   table4
+           CMPA  #2
+           BEQ   L1822
+           LBCC  L1788          wrong type
+           LBSR  FLOAT
+L1822      PSHS  U,X
+           LEAS  -$0A,S
+           LEAX  ,S
+           LBSR  RtoA
+           LDA   decimals
+           CMPA  #9
+           BGT   L1824
+           LBSR  L1826
+           LDA   fieldwid
+           SUBA  #2
+           BMI   L1824
+           SUBA  <$89
+           BMI   L1824
+           SUBA  <$8A
+           BPL   L1828
+L1824      LEAS  $0A,S
+           PULS  U,X
+           BRA   ovflow
+L1828      STA   <$88
+           LEAX  ,S
+           LDB   justify
+           BEQ   L1830          left justify
+           BMI   L1832          fin. format
+           BSR   L1834          right justify
+           BSR   L1836
+           BRA   L1838
+L1830      BSR   L1836
+           BSR   L1834
+           BRA   L1838
+L1832      BSR   L1834
+           BSR   L1840
+           LBSR  L1800
+L1838      LEAS  $0A,S
+           CLRA
+           PULS  PC,U,X
+L1836      LBSR  L1800
+L1840      LDA   <$8A
+           LBSR  L1624
+           LBSR  L1616
+           LDB   decimals
+           BPL   L1842
+           NEGB
+           CMPB  <$89
+           BLS   L1844
+           LDB   <$89
+L1844      PSHS  B
+           LBSR  L1620
+           LDB   <$89
+           SUBB  ,S+
+           STB   <$89
+           LDA   <$8B
+           CMPA  <$89
+           BLS   L1846      NOTE: SHOULD BE BLS L1848
+           LDA   <$89
+L1846      BRA   L1848
+L1834      LDB   <$88
+           LBRA  spacing
+L1862      LBSR  L1800
+           LDA   <$8A
+           LBSR  L1624
+           LBSR  L1616
+L1842      LDA   <$8B
+L1848      LBSR  L1624
+           LDB   <$89
+           SUBB  <$8B
+           BLE   L1850
+           LBRA  L1620
+ovflow     LDB   fieldwid
+           LDA   #$2A           = *
+           LBSR  L1662
+           CLRA
+L1850      RTS
+FMTexp     JSR   table4
+           CMPA  #2
+           BEQ   L1852
+           LBCC  L1788          wrong type
+           LBSR  FLOAT
+L1852      PSHS  U,X
+           LEAS  -$0A,S
+           LEAX  ,S
+           LBSR  RtoA
+           LDA   decimals
+           PSHS  A
+           LDA   #1
+           STA   decimals
+           BSR   L1826
+           PULS  A
+           LDB   decimals
+           CMPB  #1
+           BEQ   L1854
+           INCA
+L1854      LDB   #1
+           STB   <$8A
+           STA   decimals
+           LDA   fieldwid
+           SUBA  #6
+           BMI   L1856
+           SUBA  <$89
+           BMI   L1856
+           SUBA  <$8A
+           BPL   L1858
+L1856      LEAS  $0A,S
+           PULS  U,X
+           BRA   ovflow
+L1858      STA   <$88
+           LDB   justify
+           BEQ   L1860          left justify
+           BSR   L1834          right justify
+           BSR   L1862
+           LBSR  L1630
+           BRA   L1864
+L1860      BSR   L1862
+           LBSR  L1630
+L1864      LBRA  L1838
+L1826      PSHS  X
+           LDA   decimals
+           ADDA  <$89
+           BNE   L1866
+           LDA   ,X
+           CMPA  #$35
+           BCC   L1868
+L1866      DECA
+           BMI   L1870
+           CMPA  #7
+           BHI   L1870
+           LEAX  A,X
+           LDB   1,X
+           CMPB  #$35
+           BCS   L1870
+L1872      INC   ,X
+           LDB   ,X
+           CMPB  #$39
+L1310      BLS   L1870
+L1868      LDB   #$30
+           STB   ,X
+           LEAX  -1,X
+           CMPX  ,S
+           BCC   L1872
+           LDX   ,S
+           LEAX  8,X
+L1874      LDA   ,-X
+           STA   1,X
+           CMPX  ,S
+           BHI   L1874
+           LDA   #$31
+           STA   ,X
+           INC   decimals
+L1870      PULS  X
+           LDA   decimals
+           BPL   L1876
+           CLRA
+L1876      STA   <$8A
+           NEGA
+           ADDA  #9
+           BPL   L1878
+           CLRA
+L1878      CMPA  <$89
+           BLS   L1880
+           LDA   <$89
+L1880      STA   <$8B
+           RTS
+err48      LDB   #$30
+           STB   errcode
+           COMA
+           RTS
+           emod
+MODEND     equ   *